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All Episodes Talk: All Rise

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He did seem to have a problem keeping a steady job.

Bounced from job so often he needed up from gf to keep them straight.

Landlord tried to give JJ evidence of more damage - my guess would be water damage from leak caused when he helped by ripping out sink. Unfortunately, JJ hadn't forgiven her for changing the story about finding the kitchen at the recycle plant.


You just gotta love those litter box grazing dogs! :D[/quot

Sorry for off topic, but the 4 tenants of the apocalypse -lol- reminded me. Sleeping with a catbox in the room? Aw, hell no!

I have 2 cats and 1 dog, and just got new carpeting through the house. The cat box is in the basement (tile floor), but 1 cat keeps going near the sofa in the living room..where the other litter box used to be. I had to get it outta there cuz 1 cat would ignore it anyway and go on the floor next to it. Any ideas how to stop her?

My life long dream wd be to have an indoor pool cuz I live in Colorado, so maybe I should check to see if Byrd or the good people of Co wd pay for it? Wow! Some people just have a major entitlement issue, as well as a goal of trying to get one over the Man...I came of age in the 70's, hence this cool, jive talk. "Got to gets mine" in JJ speak. Or MOOCHAH!

God, I love saying, "SQUATTAH! PLUMBAH! MOOCHAH!"

Edited by Tosia
  • Love 5


God, I love saying, "SQUATTAH! PLUMBAH! MOOCHAH!" (and HUSTLAH!!)

I just had this mental picture of Judge Judy at 106 schooching around with her walker (with the tennis balls on the legs)  at her assisted living in Carnytown, Florida  just shouting "SQUATTAH!! PLUMBAH!! MOOCHAH!! HUSTLAH!!" while she's on her way to play Mah Jong with Byrd (who will be bringing his trusty Kelly Blue Book and his barely perceptible under-the-breath groan) 


BTW if anybody is keeping track of the episodes - Patricia Bean is on Episode 5448 with an original air date of 09/08/2015. The episode is called "Suicide Attempt Turned Neighborhood Feud!"  (An elderly woman accuses a neighbor of lacking empathy after she witnesses a suicide attempt). I still have it saved and "protected" on my DVR for one of those really bad days. 

  • Love 10

Yesterday I had the lovely woman who was afraid of the poor (black) kids being near her salon and so accused the Pastor of being a drug dealer. She was a real piece of work. And now she's paying for the camp.


JJ used the word "evil" to describe that piece of inhumane sh1t.


One of the repeat episodes last night was the the guy who looked like Mr. Toad suing his ex girlfriend for destruction of property while he was in jail for domestically abusing her. Mr. Toad brought his current girlfriend. Defendant brought Mr. Toad's other girlfriend.  Memorable part of this episode was that JJ mused how it always puzzled her that a nerdy guy who doesn't look like he has much to offer anyone is able to have a bunch of women fighting over him.

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BTW if anybody is keeping track of the episodes - Patricia Bean is on Episode 5448 with an original air date of 09/08/2015. The episode is called "Suicide Attempt Turned Neighborhood Feud!"  (An elderly woman accuses a neighbor of lacking empathy after she witnesses a suicide attempt). I still have it saved and "protected" on my DVR for one of those really bad days. 

She's the gift that keeps on giving, just like the episode with the American Legion Auxiliary ladies who cornered one of their officers and called her a slut, and then put the beatdown on her.  Love that one, maybe more than others because my parents were both officers in the Legion orgs at one time or another, and while I don't know those specific ladies, I know the types who frequent those organizations.  My mother was essentially pushed out of her position because another woman wanted it, and had her State Policeman husband (now her ex-husband) write my mother a really harsh letter, questioning her dedication to the cause.  My mother was an officer of one variety or another for many years, and she was heartbroken.  She used the next meeting to out that woman for the Harpie she was, and then she walked out, and told them to find another lackey.

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I can't understand how siblings or any family members can be willing to steal from the others!

But in this case, from what we heard, the defendant may not have communicated well but he handled the money properly. The plaintiff brothers didn't think that their mother's funeral and burial costs should have been taken from equal shares from all three brothers, they thought that the defendant should have eaten the entire cost. The plaintiffs also did not impress me with the way they made up some nonsense that kept the defendant (their brother) locked up so he could not attend the funeral.  As usual. YMMV.

  • Love 7
Yesterday I had the lovely woman who was afraid of the poor (black) kids being near her salon and so accused the Pastor of being a drug dealer. She was a real piece of work. And now she's paying for the camp.


Yeah. I still think her husband got her fucked up. Either he put her up to it, or he didn't do his job as a husband and tell her to sit her ass down somewhere. I mean, you gotta know your spouse and if they're prone to fuck shit. I think she might've had a legitimate complaint -- if you're sharing limited parking spaces, it might not be the kind of venue to have people coming and taking up parking spaces during regular business hours, and if they're going to come, it's probably a good idea to tell them to be mindful of their surroundings and act accordingly. That's having spatial awareness, and the plaintiff, while he seemed like a good man, seemed a little simple and unequipped to handle something like that. But if you have an issue, before you start calling the police and writing stank letters, why don't you try having a conversation with the man about your concerns? Her and her Kate Gosselin ass haircut were on some bullshit.

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As Judy likes to say "We haven't met, but I know you."

Yep.  That situation for my mom was a prime example of why no one likes to volunteer with organizations anymore.  My dad had given up spending his time there years before she received the letter.  He gave a TON of his free time, and his energy into making their post very nice, and then one of the paid employees who did the day-to-day running of things began putting his worthless friends on the payroll to do essentially nothing, except for screw everything up.  One of these worthless people screwed something up royally, and then tried to blame my dad for it.  He wasn't having any of it.  He called the board together and said that he thought it was a mistake to let the post manager be in charge of everything (even bookkeeping) and that there should be another person around to keep an eye on things.  They told my dad he was paranoid.  He decided to leave when the next officer election came around.  Sad thing is that he was right.  The post was almost bankrupted, and had to sell assets off to stay open.  The club manager was fired.  And all of his loser friends.  Then they got together and sued for wrongful termination.  Thankfully, that got thrown out.  They wanted dad to testify if the lawsuit got to trial.  He said he'd say what he said to them - that he felt the manager was ripping them off, and that he told the other officers that this guy was bad news, but nothing else.  The response was "We know, but weekend events were jam-packed and they're not now".  My dad said "Maybe so, but they were jam-packed with this guy's buddies, and if you check what we actually brought in vs. what was spent, you'll find that half of them didn't pay a dime to drink, eat, etc."  There's barely anyone at any Veterans orgs anymore who has served more recently than Viet-Nam.  Sadly, I think their time is limited, and it's a shame because they do good work.

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I'm one step behind here. I libelled my DVR, which did record the ep I accused it of skipping.


Yesterday I had the lovely woman who was afraid of the poor (black) kids being near her salon


She was one vile looking, nasty pig-eyed hawg. At first I rolled my eyes at plaintiff presenting a totally blank police report form, but it workd and got got her to confess what she had done. If she thinks her professionally streaked and cut hair does anything to improve her appearance, she's sadly mistaken. "It is what it is." Yessir!


Michael Ellis, of the stolen MoneyGram: He is one of the most disgusting, repulsive, low-life scumbags we've ever seen and that's saying a lot. He's like something you need to scrape off the bottom of your shoe. His freak show "witnesses" were obviously along for the free trip.

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One of today's new (?) cases:  Plaintiff (probably in his 40's) sued his stepfather (in his 60's) for wrongdoing connected with a nonprofit that the son and his mother had started. The nonprofit provided shelter and other services to veterans, homeless people, etc.  Son -- who was also a prison minister -- said stepfather was taking advantage, using mom's social security checks, making a profit off the nonprofit,  etc.  But the stepfather had also worked with the nonprofit, so it was hard to tell who was doing wrong. 


I listened for a few minutes and fast-forwarded through the rest.  It was one of those cases that maybe needed to be in a "real" court, with witnesses, bank records, discovery, depositions, etc.  JJ didn't give plaintiff anything.  Both parties seemed like reasonable people, but their stories were so different -- no way JJ could have known who was telling the truth.


It was weird.  And boring.

  • Love 10

Today's case: the 41 year old woman who got an 18-year old friend(? missed that part) to cash a money order for her, and then it bounced. You could not get a clue into this woman's head with a sledgehammer - no, you didn't bounce the check. You are not guilty of check bouncing. Nobody is claiming that. But you *spent* the money from the bounced check, and you owe your friend the money. She doesn't have to track down your deadbeat ex, you do. This is not rocket science. This is not even kindergarten science. This is toddlers playing with Playskool toys science. But no matter how JJ phrased it, it did not sink in.

  • Love 8


One of today's new (?) cases:  Plaintiff (probably in his 40's) sued his stepfather (in his 60's) for wrongdoing connected with a nonprofit that the son and his mother had started. The nonprofit provided shelter and other services to veterans, homeless people, etc.  Son -- who was also a prison minister -- said stepfather was taking advantage, using mom's social security checks, making a profit off the nonprofit,  etc.  But the stepfather had also worked with the nonprofit, so it was hard to tell who was doing wrong.


I was wondering if plaintiff was a Muslim, since JJ let him wear his skullcap in the courtroom.

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I heard "flustrating" too.  It's a good combo word -- frustrating and flustered.  :-) 


Couldn't believe that woman -- suing over old appliances -- ones that she didn't even pay for!  Her husband looked embarrassed to be there.  I do believe that the defendant husband with the awful teeth kicked the dog.  That's my bias showing against small men -- some of them take their flustrations out on animals. 


Rick, yeah, Muslim. 

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I do believe that the defendant husband with the awful teeth kicked the dog.


When I see huge women with itty-bitty satellites (nasty rotten grills or not) I always think of spiders mating with the miniscule males trying to escape with their lives.

Really disliked all these people, especially plantiff with her irritating smirk. Yuck all around.

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I "watched" both episodes today with the mute button on most of the time.  Family fighting over family is my personal "pit bull", and the others just seemed icky and boring.  I did catch the judge's admonition to the young woman about being independent. Yeah, that's going to happen. (Snorted at her scoffing when the gal said she had been wrongfully terminated by Kohl's.)

  • Love 2

I "watched" both episodes today with the mute button on most of the time.  Family fighting over family is my personal "pit bull", and the others just seemed icky and boring.  I did catch the judge's admonition to the young woman about being independent. Yeah, that's going to happen. (Snorted at her scoffing when the gal said she had been wrongfully terminated by Kohl's.)


Oh, she has a job now.  Guess where.  An assisted living facility. 

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I just found out that a relative's drug addicted daughter is now a nurse for a doctor in his private practice office. She has abused her parents, blackmailed them by telling them that they wouldn't see her son (their grandson) unless they give her money and buy her a car. Now the mother who has been used and abused tells me that her daughter has a good job. I can't believe it! That girl has been cruel and hateful her whole life and is now taking care of patients. I wouldn't trust her taking my blood pressure or anything else for that matter. Her life reminds me of a JJ episode. Makes one question everyone and everything when going into the doctor's office, hospital, or a nursing home.

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I used to have 6 cats. (Some cat "experts" say you should have 1 more litter box than the number of cats, but I've never had more than 2.) One of mine would make the circuit, inspecting each box. If they didn't pass her inspection, she would squat on the carpet in the middle of the doorway into the room. Didn't take her long to train me to keep the boxes clean.

This made me laugh.  My one cat had me trained to give her 4 pans and clean them every day. 

1. Foil pan like a turkey roaster was demanded to pee in. 2. Foil pan to pee in back up. 3. Plastic litter pan to poo in. 4. Plastic litter pan #2 to walk around in and think about things. And if any one of them not cleaned every day it is deposited beside the pan. 


When I think of people in some circumstances with animals - it is just bad for everyone. 

I met a lady where my guy and I needed to take a shower at her place. Her geriatric cat used her shower as a litter box.

Someone says here use my shower - you realize it is a cat box and are too polite to say you changed your mind.  

The whole house reeked. Ugh!

  • Love 4


1. Foil pan like a turkey roaster was demanded to pee in. 2. Foil pan to pee in back up. 3. Plastic litter pan to poo in. 4. Plastic litter pan #2 to walk around in and think about things. And if any one of them not cleaned every day it is deposited beside the pan.

That is hilarious. I have spent most of my life around cats and each one is an individual and most are quirky.

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Also great for soaking up spilled oil.


And for getting your car unstuck on the ice. I've done it.


When cats avoid the litterbox, there is always a reason , either physical or mental. If a cat has a bladder infection. i.e., it hurts to pee. The cat feels the litterbox itself it hurting it, so tries to find a place to pee where it won't hurt - hence the peeing all over the place.


If there are multiple cats and too few litterboxes, one cat may be the easily stressed kind or being bullied by another (signs of that can be so subtle we don't see them, like a look) and won't go in the litterbox where it may feel vulnerable to being attacked or harrassed.


Those are just two of the most common problems.

  • Love 3

And for getting your car unstuck on the ice. I've done it.


When cats avoid the litterbox, there is always a reason , either physical or mental. If a cat has a bladder infection. i.e., it hurts to pee. The cat feels the litterbox itself it hurting it, so tries to find a place to pee where it won't hurt - hence the peeing all over the place.


If there are multiple cats and too few litterboxes, one cat may be the easily stressed kind or being bullied by another (signs of that can be so subtle we don't see them, like a look) and won't go in the litterbox where it may feel vulnerable to being attacked or harrassed.


Those are just two of the most common problems.

Also a fairly common side effect of declawing.

Years ago I adopted a stray cat - which became my first first pet after 20 years in the Army. When I took her to the vet to be checked out, I asked about declawing. He presented me with some pamphlets about declawing, told me to read them and we could talk about it during the next visit. Without really saying anything, he turned me into an avid declawing advocate.

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Also a fairly common side effect of declawing.


Yes, it is. I wish all vets were like yours. "Declawing" sounds so simple, like a manicure. Actually it's amputation of the ends of the toes, through muscle and tendon and bone. People need to imagine having the tips of their toes cut off, then having to walk on them right away. If someone's furniture is that important or if they're too lazy to train cats to a scratch post, don't get a cat, or adopt one already declawed.

The cruel practice of declawing needs to be outlawed. It's much worse than cropping and docking for dogs, which is outlawed in many countries. 

  • Love 10

Yes, it is. I wish all vets were like yours. "Declawing" sounds so simple, like a manicure. Actually it's amputation of the ends of the toes, through muscle and tendon and bone. People need to imagine having the tips of their toes cut off, then having to walk on them right away. If someone's furniture is that important or if they're too lazy to train cats to a scratch post, don't get a cat, or adopt one already declawed.

The cruel practice of declawing needs to be outlawed. It's much worse than cropping and docking for dogs, which is outlawed in many countries.

Declawing has been banned in most of Europe, New Zealand, Australia, Brazil, Israel but not in the US. I don't think that speaks well of Americans. And what reason is most often cited for declawing? Over 90% of cat owners who declaw their cats do it to protect their furniture. While most cats can easily be convinced to use a scratch post, if your furniture is that near and dear to you maybe a cat isn't for you. In fact, you should stop and think before you get any pet - the only animal that you may be suited for may be stuffed.
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I am opposed to declawing, but we HAD to have my cat declawed.  He is not a very sociable cat, and in fact, bites and claws us all the time.  My 84 year old father, who was on coumadin, meaning his blood would not clot, was a particular target.  The only option to having Jack declawed was to have to send him to a shelter.

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Awaiting the extended off-topic smackdown in 3...2...1...


Maybe we get special dispensation on weekends?


I bet JJ would never declaw a cat!


He is not a very sociable cat, and in fact, bites and claws us all the time


I'm not criticizing, but just stating a fact when I say that a cat's mouth is teeming with bacteria and cat bites - without medical intervention -  can be fatal to humans. Scratches are not.


I used to work with a girl who was a vegetarian for "humane" reasons -- but had her cat declawed because she didn't want it ruining her sweaters


I was with a cat rescue for years. One of our biggest supporters showed up at an adoption event one day, wearing a fur coat. It seems that only the animals we arbitrarily choose as our pets can suffer from human cruelty, not wild animals. Who cares about them?

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Awaiting the extended off-topic smackdown in 3...2...1...


Maybe we get special dispensation on weekends?


You know, if the SHOW were worth discussing, I'm sure we would be! Producers, are y'all listening?!  (And thanks, CuriousParker (and other mods) for allowing us to veer off-topic every once in a while. We are trying, really, we are!


And all you cat people? Get off my lawn!  Sheesh.....    ;-)

Here, pup! <whistles>

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Speaking of dogs, does anyone remember the case JJ tried while holding a small fluffy white dog on her lap? I don't think the dog even had anything to do with the case. Does someone with a better memory recall this?


And all you cat people? Get off my lawn!  Sheesh.....



The funny part is I'm not even a "cat person". I actually wanted my dogs - actually went and got them. The cats just... kind of appeared. My husband said I must have a flashing "Welcome Cats" sign on my forehead, visible only to feline eyes.

  • Love 4

Speaking of dogs, does anyone remember the case JJ tried while holding a small fluffy white dog on her lap? I don't think the dog even had anything to do with the case. Does someone with a better memory recall this?



The funny part is I'm not even a "cat person". I actually wanted my dogs - actually went and got them. The cats just... kind of appeared. My husband said I must have a flashing "Welcome Cats" sign on my forehead, visible only to feline eyes.



I remember that she brought in one of her new pups because I think JJ wanted to show it off or JJ has some major separation anxiety problem! Either way it was cute.


I don't choose cats: they choose me. All of the cats in my life were strays who thought I would make a good human pet. Mr. Milz is the same way with cats choosing him. 

Edited by Milz
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