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All Episodes Talk: All Rise

Message added by Meredith Quill

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Oh, you write a blog? Why didn't you say that before? Now I will bow to your expertise on the poor. Silly me, thinking having been poor for a quarter of my life would inform me about poor people. I don't write a blog, so what the hell do I know?

I'm not comfortable assuming that just because someone is poor they've made bad decisions and just haven't sacrificed enough. Maybe it's more systemic than anything else. If the minimum wage rose with inflation it'd be $15 an hour. But we expect people to live on $7.50 or whatever it is now and then shame them when they need assistance.

Regardless of why this young man has roommates, there's no reason for JJ to be so smug toward him. Not all of us had a dentist father to put us through law school. I've grown tired of JJ and her "My America" schtick. I only continue watching because I enjoy this board (most of the time), but maybe it's time for me to stop rewarding her bullshit by adding to her viewership. She really belongs on another network. There's one out there that's perfect for her head-in-the-sand obtuseness.

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Oh, you write a blog? Why didn't you say that before? Now I will bow to your expertise on the poor. Silly me, thinking having been poor for a quarter of my life would inform me about poor people. I don't write a blog, so what the hell do I know?


You know, we can disagree without this sort of back and forth.


I'm not comfortable assuming that just because someone is poor they've made bad decisions and just haven't sacrificed enough.


I'm not comfortable assuming someone is poor because of outside forces until I know what the outside source is. It's been my experience that bad decisions and a lack of financial education is usually a big part of it.


Regardless of why this young man has roommates, there's no reason for JJ to be so smug toward him. Not all of us had a dentist father to put us through law school.


In this case, it wasn't the young man's first time having problems with roommates. Like I said before, if it's happened multiple times that he's had to move due to roommate issues, maybe it's time he decided to live alone. Its certainly less costly than multiple moves.

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You know, we can disagree without this sort of back and forth.


I'm not comfortable assuming someone is poor because of outside forces until I know what the outside source is. It's been my experience that bad decisions and a lack of financial education is usually a big part of it.

You're right, and I apologize. That was a swipe at you and it wasn't nice or fair. You touched a nerve, and I should Have taken a deep breath before responding.

It's easy to blame the poor for their problems because the alternative is a conversation a lot of people don't want to have. If in your experience poor people are poor because they make bad decisions, then you're entitled to your opinion.

In my experience, poor people are poor because it's hard as hell to break the cycle of poverty. When you grow up that way and that's all you see, that's all you know. Every day Is just about surviving to the next one. I was fortunate because even though we were poor, my parents had some common sense and emphasized education as a way out. Our high school chose to emphasize abstinence over pregnancy prevention. So every third girl in my class was knocked up. We had so many kids who had kids that they finally opened a day care in my high school.

Most of my friends growing up weren't taught the same values, and most of them are still living in my hometown, which is number 1 on the poverty list, by the way. Unemployment there is over 30%. It's not because the people don't want to work; this used to be a thriving, blue-collar city. It's because there are no jobs there. And the places that do hire pay shit and treat employees like shit because they can.

JJ would scream at these people to just "a-move" as if moving is easy for someone without two dimes to rub together. Not to mention, that's asking people to leave the only place they've ever been. These are not well-traveled folks we are talking about. For them, moving takes them away from what little saftey net (family) they have. So they move and they lose the parent who babysits their kids or the friend who drives them to work when the bus isn't running.

Anyway, my point is that while it's easy to blame the poor, which JJ does so expertly, the problem is much bigger than them just making bad decisions and not being willing to sacrifice. I have no problem with her calling out litigants who make messes of their lives and then run to court for help. But her disdain for the poor is becoming too much. I watch TPC regularly, and Judge Milian manages to hear most of her cases without grilling litigants about where they work and how much they earn or why they're disabled.

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Hey everybody,


It got heated in here this afternoon.  Please remember to be nice to each other and only snark on the show.


You guys worked out the argument yourselves and I thank you for that.  Now let's move on to funnier pastures.




PS.  There were not any posts deleted or edited (with the exceptions listed below), they were only hidden for my review in order to keep the thread on track.  I deleted a post that stated the posts had been removed and I edited a post that said posts had been removed.


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Omg. I am so behind on my JJ viewing but did any of you guys save the episode that aired last weekend? It was a rerun of a case from 2010 involving a gas station beatdown with three girls. One of the Plaintiffs, a pretty African American girl got her face caught in a glitter factory explosion prior to taping, if that jogs anyone's memory. Anyway, the Defendant was this mumblemouth girl who, I swear, during the hallterview uttered "myaw" as a response. I could NOT stop laughing. Rewound it three or four times just to confirm she uttered a word that didn't exist in any language.

I really wish I knew how to put these things on YouTube.

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I missed the gas station beat down episode, but I saw the second one with the woman who was suing her friend, a fortune teller, and the friend's disabled husband who delivered furniture-----pardon me, it wasn't furniture it was lamps---and allegedly raped her. Fortune teller had Bozo the Clown flaming red hair.

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I missed the gas station beat down episode, but I saw the second one with the woman who was suing her friend, a fortune teller, and the friend's disabled husband who delivered furniture-----pardon me, it wasn't furniture it was lamps---and allegedly raped her. Fortune teller had Bozo the Clown flaming red hair.

Those are the cases in which JJ really shines. These disability scammers take available money away from those who are legitimately disabled. The defendant's husband is collecting disability but is able to move furniture for his wife. Then he may or may not have raped the plaintiff, but the wife (in typical fashion) is pissed off at the plaintiff for having had sex with her husband while her POS husband remains by her side. 



One of the Plaintiffs, a pretty African American girl got her face caught in a glitter factory explosion prior to taping, if that jogs anyone's memory.

I didn't notice the mumbling, but that may have been because I was mesmerized by all that glitter. I was kinda surprised JJ didn't mention it, as it seems inappropriate to come to court looking like you're en route to a rave.

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Those are the cases in which JJ really shines. These disability scammers take available money away from those who are legitimately disabled. The defendant's husband is collecting disability but is able to move furniture for his wife. Then he may or may not have raped the plaintiff, but the wife (in typical fashion) is pissed off at the plaintiff for having had sex with her husband while her POS husband remains by her side. 


I didn't notice the mumbling, but that may have been because I was mesmerized by all that glitter. I was kinda surprised JJ didn't mention it, as it seems inappropriate to come to court looking like you're en route to a rave.


It wasn't 'furniture', they were lamps. Disabled, alleged rapist was very specific about that. ;-)


It's a wonder Bozo-haired fortune teller didn't foresee the verdict.......jus' sayin'!

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Wait. She was a fortune-teller? How the heck did I miss that?!

She kept saying she did "readings," but her accent was so bad, JJ couldn't understand her. She actually asked her to repeat it several times, and JJ mysteriously gave up.  Then JJ shifted focus to the consignment store and the husband's part in it.

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Ya know, I've been thinking about all he morons who drive around without insurance for WHATEVER REASON and have come to the conclusion that if caught their cars should be confiscated and given back only after paying a hefty {and I'm talking about in the area of$5,000 or so} fine which will go towards paying those who are injured or whose cars are damaged and they are left without recourse.  I am sick of the scammers and liars who act so innocent and unaware of their responsibilities entailed when one gets a car.

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JJ Trifecta today!  She was on fire!


We begin with some moron whose "insurance lapsed this morning" who rolls out of the driveway, forward, not even backwards, and sends some poor cyclist to the hospital for 5 days to the tune of $30,000.  According to the moron, this was the cyclists' fault because she didn't check where she was going.  She had the major nerve to counterclaim for damage to her car... and lost wages???  Really.  She was totally making sense if you hit yourself in the head with a hammer.


Then, stupid dogs on the loose killing chickens from their coop like they were on a conveyer belt at the slaughterhouse.  The moron owners were so well-dressed and make up, how could they show up with their underwear too tight like this?  They wanted us to believe that these two would-be organic egg farmers found the chickens magically dead and went to town dog catching to frame some poor innocent canines so they could take their owners to court?   I can't believe it didn't occur to them to counterclaim for their dogs coughing up feathers.  Morons.  Keep your four-legged nuisances under control.


Hey guys, I know it has become popular to have tattoos in weird places, as if a 3 year old found his mother's scrap booking rubber stamps and decided to stamp someone randomly while they were passed out.  But this is the first time I see a tattoo gracing a single side of a double chin pumped to 45 psi.  Very attractive indeed!  Swoon.  On account of his  behavioral standards, this defendant stole $300 from a desperate woman from craigslist  that had nowhere to go because gasp!  she is a junkie.  How he must have clutched his pearls. We're all familiar with "friends with benefits" - now we have this loser looking for "spouses without benefits."

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JJ Trifecta today!  She was on fire!


Yes, yes! A trifecta of utter stupidity that makes me weep.


"But this is the first time I see a tattoo gracing a single side of a double chin pumped to 45 psi."



Bwhaha! Bartering chubbo landlord: I can understand why he can't clean his own pigsty. The combination of those freakishly short, tatted arms and massive belly would make it way too hard to reach anything in front of him.


Snooty, stupid fools whose dogs killed all the chickens reinforced my belief that most people are way too dumb to own dogs, especially since most dogs are smarter than these jerkoffs who seemed to find the whole incident amusing and/or the plaintiff's fault.


The commune people? Holy shit, they took the term "dumb as a brick" to a whole new level. I love how it took the combined powers of JJ and Byrd to make plaintiff understand that yes, she needs to go and get her registration. Now. Right now. Go. Outside. BUT, the darling Immogene made plaintiff look like a MENSA member. Good god...


QuoteQuoteWe begin with some moron whose "insurance lapsed this morning"



Is this a new JJ World Record for expired insurance? Usually, it's last week or a few days ago, but a few hours? Dumb bitch even lied about it at first. "Yes, I had insurance." "Actually , I didn't but I thought it was a good to lie about something that is easily verified".


Forget her name, but the attractive, seemingly intelligent woman with the British accent who showered money on the oily, slick but very dumb wannabe "like attracts like" Lothario? Why, oh, why?? I was really glad she got nothing. The kind of ridiculous and pathetic behavior really deserved some punishment so she won't be tempted to try and buy the love of a total POS loser greaseball again. Why do so many women have not a shred of self esteem these days?

Edited by AngelaHunter
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Jesus, Judy.  "When an accident involves a car and bicycle, it is almost always the motorist's fault."   So glad she didn't preside in my jurisdiction in the 10 plus years I litigated motor vehicle claims (happily now doing medical negligence cases, much juicier.)  Where I live, cyclists are bound to follow all laws as if they were driving a motor vehicle (except for the requirement to have insurance, dammit).  And I must say that the vast majority of car/bicycle accidents I saw were due in large part to inattentive, careless and cocky cyclists who thought they were immune from the law, and from injury.  

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We begin with some moron whose "insurance lapsed this morning" who rolls out of the driveway, forward, not even backwards, and sends some poor cyclist to the hospital for 5 days to the tune of $30,000.  According to the moron, this was the cyclists' fault because she didn't check where she was going.  She had the major nerve to counterclaim for damage to her car... and lost wages???  Really.  She was totally making sense if you hit yourself in the head with a hammer


and I rest my case!

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During the case that featured the self-tatted, CeeLo Green-shaped Craigslist landlord, JJ looked straight into the camera and promised to explain something to us later.  I admit that I may have zoned out for a minute (sometimes, I mentally check out of the storyline because I'm stuck thinking about how gross the litigants are/staring at their hair, outfits, witnesses/staring at Byrd/etc.), but I don't think JJ got around to explaining the part of the story that she forbade the woman to speak about at the beginning of the case.  I inferred that the other info had to do with the woman getting to live in the house in exchange for sexing that troll and cleaning up after him.  Maybe I'm wrong?  Did she ever get around to telling "the other part of the story," like she said she would?

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Insurance moron babbled something about the payment taking 24 hours to go through.


In other words, she had a accident, went online to buy "retroactive insurance," but the insurance only became valid the next day because insurance companies are on to that particular scam big time.

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Insurance moron babbled something about the payment taking 24 hours to go through.


In other words, she had a accident, went online to buy "retroactive insurance," but the insurance only became valid the next day because insurance companies are on to that particular scam big time.

And she said she had General insurance, so I think your suggestion is correct...

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"Right now?" "Yes, right now!" "You mean, now?"  We need to hook her up with Mr. Basically. And Darling Imogen. Came to a "sudden aboreal stop" [/West Wing] but it was not her fault? Damn that tree!! She has a better head tilt than my dog.  I'm not one to normally DVR or keep JJ episodes, but hit the record button on my way out for this one once I saw how the commune driving was shaping up. Mr. Morales in the first case - just eeew, eeeww, eeewww!  Slimy. And we've had some slimy people on this show.

Felt so badly for the cyclist and the chicken farmers. Wish the cyclist could have gotten more, but at least he's got something. Driver so full of BS. Yeah, the check hadn't cleared because you only sent it in AFTER the accident.


Nice mix today - enough stuff to laugh at, and some appealing plaintiffs.


So very disappointed to miss the Sparkle Glitter Fairy episode. Would love if someone found a link or clip!

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Did anyone catch where this Commune was located?  I did a search, and found a Flickr account for Louise Chen, but couldn't find anything on Mateo Kates or the Brainless Imogen Eddington.  I was laughing so loud when JJ said "It (the accident) was your fault!  And Ms Doofus said "No....".  I did find a VERY short clip of Sparkle Glitter Fairy, I'm sorry I missed that one, Sandy Toes.

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I was laughing so loud when JJ said "It (the accident) was your fault!  And Ms Doofus said "No....".


But it wasn't her fault! She's only 25 years old and shouldn't be driving and didn't realize she's too stupid to drive a car and....and...reedy, nerdy Matthew "Mateo" obviously forced her to drive it and...the tree shouldn't have been there! Why is everyone picking on her?

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Jesus, Judy.  "When an accident involves a car and bicycle, it is almost always the motorist's fault."   So glad she didn't preside in my jurisdiction in the 10 plus years I litigated motor vehicle claims (happily now doing medical negligence cases, much juicier.)  Where I live, cyclists are bound to follow all laws as if they were driving a motor vehicle (except for the requirement to have insurance, dammit).  And I must say that the vast majority of car/bicycle accidents I saw were due in large part to inattentive, careless and cocky cyclists who thought they were immune from the law, and from injury.  

My experience is totally at variance with yours; responsibility is split about equally between cyclists who ignore the law and motorists who act as if cyclists are not physically on the road even though they can plainly see them; they can even attempt to drive over where a cyclist is, including in reserved biking lanes. Not to mention those who fling open their car doors in blatant disregard of the possibility there might be an incoming cyclist. Of course, it is possible that they are engaged in a complex and secret collective experiment in human ballistics.


Even though the burden of responsibility should probably fall on the shoulders of those who drive the heavier and deadlier vehicles, cyclists should consider any car or truck as a mobile weapon intent on doing them harm adn act accordingly.


I once went though a similar incident as the one on JJ, except it was an 18-wheeler coming out of a commercial facility. He stopped half-way out and I barely had time to slide on the pavement and nearly underneath his truck. His excuse was that he thought I would stop once I saw him. As I told his supervisor who showed up on the scene, the company should have scheduled remedial workshops on traffic rules, especially on who exactly has the right-of-way in which circumstances (my seventeen year old's self-assurance admittedly fueled by adrenaline by this point).


I am profoundly ashamed to realise that I belong to the same biological species as that blubby tatt-ridden landlord and those two clueless female idiots from the commune.


Some dog owners are as bad as some parents when it comes to how their precious little creatures can do no wrong and the other person is always lying about alleged misdeeds.

Edited by Florinaldo
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Oh GOD the dog owners!  Yeah, they drove through the neighborhood and kidnapped your dog to extort you for their dead chickens.  Jeez.


On another topic: my commute used to include a notorious, very narrow, winding mountain road (about 45 min drive).  The drop-off on this road was approx 400 ft, mostly without guardrails or any barrier.  I cannot tell you how many bicycle-riders (or suicide-seekers) were on the cliff side of this road, and to tell the truth, if it ever came down to me getting into a head-on with another car, or bumping into a melon-head, well, no choice.  Do they not realize the danger?  They have no protection!

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It's my lucky day! One of my favorite repeat cases that I fondly call Alethea Lamb and the Human Sponge. The Sponge (aka Benny Morales) evidently found JJ "spongeworthy" as he tried (in vain) to woo her with his red shirt and odd facial expressions.


And it was followed by the hipster commune car crash case, featuring surprise witness Imogen Eddington, who was sporting the glasses my mother lost in 1982. Mom would have been thrilled, may she rest in peace.

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It's my lucky day! One of my favorite repeat cases that I fondly call Alethea Lamb and the Human Sponge. The Sponge (aka Benny Morales) evidently found JJ "spongeworthy" as he tried (in vain) to woo her with his red shirt and odd facial expressions.


And it was followed by the hipster commune car crash case, featuring surprise witness Imogen Eddington, who was sporting the glasses my mother lost in 1982. Mom would have been thrilled, may she rest in peace.


I already gave this post a thumbs up, but had to repeat it so I can give it another THUMBS UP! and a major guffaw!


Yeah, ol' Benny was just irresistable, wasn't he? Alethea certainly thought so.  Speaking of Imogen(e) (or however she spelled it) wasn't Matthew "Mateo" pronouncing it as "Im MO gin"? I couldn't figure out what her name was until I heard someone else say it.

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Thanks for posting the clip, Brattinella! Sparkle Glitter Fairy and her co-plaintiffs looked like graduates of the Kardashian Skool of Beauty and Charm. I remember the days when JJ used to routinely give grammar lessons during her cases! Now she doesn't seem to bother with that. Pity....

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Aww, shucks, AngelaHunter! <blush>


Alethea certainly thought The Sponge was irresistible. I don't get it...she's a very pretty girl with a lovely accent. Ms. Lamb could surely do better for herself.


I got the impression that Imogen and Matteo were using their "stage" names and auditioning for some sort of MTV reality series. Louise Chen was ditzy, but strangely believable.

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Louise Chen had the word "CRANK" carved into her hair.  I can think of no other meaning to that word or it's significance.


Imogen and Mateo were cracking me up!  I REALLY want to know what their commune was in California.

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I remember the days when JJ used to routinely give grammar lessons during her cases! Now she doesn't seem to bother with that.


She still does, but just not with litigants like the Glitter Girls or the infamous "LOOOSERDS" idiots. To do so would take the whole half hour and she'd be like Lucy in the chocolate factory, falling further and further behind as the butchered words hop, toad-like, from the flapping pieholes of morons.

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I remember the days when JJ used to routinely give grammar lessons during her cases! Now she doesn't seem to bother with that.


She still does, but just not with litigants like the Glitter Girls or the infamous "LOOOSERDS" idiots


I wish she would correct EVERY illiterate, mush-mouthed cretin.

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About grammar lessons, I remember the day she turned to Byrd and said how she used to correct "I axed" and got tons of emails that it was acceptable.  If there was one mistake I could eliminate, that would be it.


My experience is totally at variance with yours; responsibility is split about equally between cyclists who ignore the law and motorists who act as if cyclists are not physically on the road even though they can plainly see them; they can even attempt to drive over where a cyclist is, including in reserved biking lanes.

When I was handling auto injury claims, more responsibility was placed on the driver to look out for hazards since bicyclists are extremely vulnerable to injury, just like pedestrians.  I had one case where a 300 pound kid crossed the middle of the street in the dark, our insured didn't see him.  He had to have his knee fixed and we paid a freaking $100,000 out on it despite having a great witness.

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Hey, Bratinella, thanks! I wonder if this was an episode of "Night" court? (wink, wink.)


Still can't quit thinking about the Bicycle man and the chicken farmer. For all the nitwits that show up in her court, sometimes I ache for those for whom this really  is the only way they will get something. Although, you'd think at least the bicycle guy may have had a good case in real court; but that would have taken attorney's fees, and even if he won, wouldn't ever collect. At least he got something from JJ.  I loved her compassion toward him.

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And she said she had General insurance, so I think your suggestion is correct...

Fun fact (at least for an insurance nerd like me): The General is owned by American Family Insurance. A lot of the non-standard carriers are owned by perfectly respectable, standard carriers. Titan is owned by Nationwide. Farmers owns 21st Century, and the list goes on.

Insurance companies wanted a piece of that sweet, lucrative non-standard insurance business but weren't going to sully their good names to get in on it. So they write drivers with bad credit, DUIs, and bad driving records under these alternative names. Since, as JJ has shown us, often these drivers go into cancellation before they have an accident, it's a win-win for them!

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It's my lucky day! One of my favorite repeat cases that I fondly call Alethea Lamb and the Human Sponge. The Sponge (aka Benny Morales) evidently found JJ "spongeworthy" as he tried (in vain) to woo her with his red shirt and odd facial expressions.


And it was followed by the hipster commune car crash case, featuring surprise witness Imogen Eddington, who was sporting the glasses my mother lost in 1982. Mom would have been thrilled, may she rest in peace.


Oh man, I could practically see the thoughts running through The Sponge's head as he was trying to fix JJ in his best sensitive romantic gaze. Did he actually think it was going to work? (Answer: Yes, he probably did, since it worked on Ms. Lamb.)


The hipster commune car crash was just as magical as it was the first time around. From the ditzy plaintiff who didn't know what year car she owned having to have it drilled into her head that "now means now" to the 1970s Keira Knightley who can't avoid a giant stationary object such as a tree, I was highly entertained.

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Yeah, ol' Benny was just irresistable, wasn't he?

OMG that guy spends way too much time in front of the mirror and watching old Lifetime movies perfecting his shtick. He even has the mesmerizing semi-hypnotizing staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrre down. 


Bwhaha! Bartering chubbo landlord: I can understand why he can't clean his own pigsty. The combination of those freakishly short, tatted arms and massive belly would make it way too hard to reach anything in front of him.

You missed that he lacked a few teeth on one side - looked like he was sleeping on one side and his teeth all crowded to one side of his mouth due to loose gums. 


The people with the Huskies that ate all the guy's chickens were well-dressed morons. Really? He was holding your dog against its will? How do you know what its will really is? Maybe aliens came and ate the chickens so he wanted to blame somebody and drove around until he was able to kidnap your loose boy? Perhaps you can file a civil suit and have ACLU represent the dog since your dog's rights were violated. 

Edited by ItsHelloPattiagain
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OMG that guy spends way too much time in front of the mirror and watching old Lifetime movies perfecting his shtick. He even has the mesmerizing semi-hypnotizing staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrre down. 

You missed that he lacked a few teeth on one side - looked like he was sleeping on one side and his teeth all crowded to one side of his mouth due to loose gums. 


The people with the Huskies that ate all the guy's chickens were well-dressed morons. Really? He was holding your dog against its will? How do you know what its will really is? Maybe aliens came and ate the chickens so he wanted to blame somebody and drove around until he was able to kidnap your loose boy? Perhaps you can file a civil suit and have ACLU represent the dog since your dog's rights were violated. 

The owners were lucky the chicken guy didn't shoot the dog/s.

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watching old Lifetime movies perfecting his shtick. He even has the mesmerizing semi-hypnotizing staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrre down


I was wondering who he was trying to channel here, Antonio Banderas maybe? Yeah, SpongeBoy, when pigs fly.

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I was mesmerized by Mateo's filthy jacket. It was all I could focus on whenever the camera was on him. Who the hell shows up to court like that? And the sponge reminded me of the Nick Kroll character Bobby Bottleservice.

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The owners were lucky the chicken guy didn't shoot the dog/s.



Then we would have seen the defendants as plaintiffs and plaintiffs s defendants.


You missed that he lacked a few teeth on one side - looked like he was sleeping on one side and his teeth all crowded to one side of his mouth due to loose gums.


And it's beautifully worded sentiment like this that makes this board must read for me while I am having my breakfast.  Nary a day goes by without a hot beverage squirting thru my nasal passages.  Bravo!!!!!

Edited by One More Time
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The owners were lucky the chicken guy didn't shoot the dog/s.

Yes, they were. I know laws vary from state to state but, where we live, you have the right to shoot a dog if it's on your property. And, the animal control agency here asks that you catch the dog if you can do so without putting yourself in danger and hold it until they can get there.  I didn't catch where the chicken guy lived but it sounds like he did exactly what he was supposed to do. The owners of those chicken killing huskies are the neighbors everyone in the country hates. They think that because they live in a rural area, it's perfectly fine to let the dogs run loose. I've live on a small farm and have had livestock for most of my life. Dogs at large are the most common predator you have to worry about and the only animal I've  lost to predation was a sheep killed by, you guessed it, a husky. Huskies are great dogs but are notorious livestock killers if left to run amok. I wish we would have heard what the dog owners were made to do by local law enforcement. Around here, if you choose to keep a dog that's harassed or killed something, you have to have $1 million in liability insurance, keep the dog muzzled if it's off your property on a leash and construct a county approved kennel with a concrete floor and a secure lid on it. Sadly, most of the irresponsible idiots have the dog euthanized then run out and get another one to roam the neighborhood. Assholes.

Edited by lovesnark
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And it's beautifully worded sentiment like this that makes this board must read for me while I am having my breakfast.  Nary a day goes by without a hot beverage squirting thru my nasal passages.  Bravo!!!!!

***takes bow***thank you, thank you!!!


Actually I sit at my desk every morning when I have a break and read this thread and I try very hard not to bust out laughing so in turn, tears pop out of my eyes. People passing my office must think I need some pharmaceutical help. 

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Huskies are great dogs but are notorious livestock killers if left to run amok.


Huskies are wonderful dogs and very sweet with people, but they are a primitive breed with a very high prey drive, which is why they can't be left to run loose by grinning fools who should own no dog at all.

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Fun fact (at least for an insurance nerd like me): The General is owned by American Family Insurance. A lot of the non-standard carriers are owned by perfectly respectable, standard carriers. Titan is owned by Nationwide. Farmers owns 21st Century, and the list goes on.

Insurance companies wanted a piece of that sweet, lucrative non-standard insurance business but weren't going to sully their good names to get in on it. So they write drivers with bad credit, DUIs, and bad driving records under these alternative names. Since, as JJ has shown us, often these drivers go into cancellation before they have an accident, it's a win-win for them!

I've learned a bunch about insurance from you, Teebax! :)


I work in the dental biz, and patients (otherwise intelligent people) often ask me where they can buy insurance after they've broken a tooth. Like the insurance carriers wouldn't wise up to that one! Most individual dental plans aren't worth the money, and have long waiting periods for major services. They wouldn't stay in business if they paid out before collecting a substantial amount first. Kind of like buying car insurance after the crash.

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The owners were lucky the chicken guy didn't shoot the dog/s.

The owners were lucky that chicken guy didn't shoot them. Sheesh!


These dog owners were classic. Kind of like the parents who staunchly defend their little snowflakes who can do no wrong. They believe that if they stand there and deny, deny, deny until the cows come home, they won't have to pay restitution. 


Whenever I hear a litigant say, "(S)he can't PROVE it!" I know they are guilty.

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The owners were lucky that chicken guy didn't shoot them. Sheesh!


These dog owners were classic. Kind of like the parents who staunchly defend their little snowflakes who can do no wrong. They believe that if they stand there and deny, deny, deny until the cows come home, they won't have to pay restitution. 


Whenever I hear a litigant say, "(S)he can't PROVE it!" I know they are guilty.

I was cracking up at the guy saying the owner of the chickens held their dog illegally and against it's will. I honestly expected him to say the plaintiff owed them money for damaging the dog's psyche. People really are that stupid and here's an example.


Years ago, my idiot neighbor's dog had a habit of chasing our horses. We repeatedly told them to keep their dog home and also informed them that they would be liable for any vet bills if the dog's chasing the horses resulted in any injuries and that we could shoot the dog if we so desired. They called the cops because we threatened to shoot their dog and were told we were within our rights to do so and got themselves a fine for having a dog at large. A couple weeks later, my daughter's horse kicked their dog in the head and almost killed it. They had the balls to march over here with the vet bill and demand that we pay it.  Of course, we didn't and they got themselves another dog at large fine. I still smile when I think about it!

Edited by lovesnark
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