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All Episodes Talk: All Rise

Message added by Meredith Quill

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You know, watching the case with couple with too many kids and the slightly too-animated-by-half landlady and the tore up ass house just makes my ass itch. I'm honestly not all that political -- it seems like just when you think one side is full of shit, the other side proves they're full of shit too, and it just makes you want to ignore all of it -- but I find myself rolling my eyes more and more when people talk about the working class and the poor and the struggling middle-class and all that. I know some people are victims of circumstance, and we're all fortunate in some way, but I really wish we would make sympathy exceptions. I don't want to hear about how hard life is if you have a bunch of kids you can't take care of, you're on assistance just to have a place to stay, you kinda/sorta work or have some bullshit job for people who don't have mouths to feed, you have a live-in baby mama/baby daddy instead of a spouse, you have weird hair/tattoos all over the place, and/or you sit around smoking weed because it's not a big deal and alcohol is worse anyway. It's like, don't people realize, bullshit makes life hard! It's simple: get a job, get a place to stay, get a boo, then have a baby.

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Oh, my.  The title of this episode is "Dreadlock Discrimination".  What a pair they are, Jazmyn and Mr Moore.  I guess they figure they DESERVE to live FREE for the rest of their lives, with someone else paying the rent, utilities, dumping a child with his mother, her mother,  Good Lord!  No shame at all, either.  It really disgusts me, that kind of attitude.

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DoctorK, I do believe those are crickets you hear chirping....


They used their "tax money" to move into the new place!  And I'll eat my laptop if they are really coughing up the $1400 a month all by them-ownselves. Convenient it is exactly the same price as the horrible place they lived in for a week before calling the authorities.  The infuriating part is when yahoos like this claim "discrimination" it just diminishes the credibility of the real cases.

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DoctorK, I do believe those are crickets you hear chirping....

They used their "tax money" to move into the new place! And I'll eat my laptop if they are really coughing up the $1400 a month all by them-ownselves. Convenient it is exactly the same price as the horrible place they lived in for a week before calling the authorities.

my thought as I listened (probably all kinds of politically incorrect) was "I wonder how many generations of these people have been living off charity and or public assistance?" These two, their kids, his brother, probably their parents where the other kids live. They used their tax refund to pony up the deposit and first month rent somewhere else, but couldn't pay their own rent? Has someone ever paid their $800 utility? They say no one is paying their rent. The real question is are they supporting themselves and their kids? No public assistance, no food stamps, etc and they're paying their own bills and child support for those kids they've farmed out to parents.

The infuriating part is when yahoos like this claim "discrimination" it just diminishes the credibility of the real cases.

The really infuriating part is that these yahoos truly believe that society owes them a living, and when someone doesn't agree, that person is discriminating against them. In the hallterview dude is still protesting the judgement, so i'my sure he's convinced JJ is discriminating against him.

Countersuit was nonsense. Place was a dump when they moved in, and was re-rented almost immediately. I mean, really, the defendant wanted damages because sparks from their bonfire burned holes in the tarp covering the garage roof???

Edited by SRTouch
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What a pair they are, Jazmyn and Mr Moore.  I guess they figure they DESERVE to live FREE for the rest of their lives, with someone else paying the rent, utilities, dumping a child with his mother, her mother,  Good Lord!


Well, yes. If I were that age with a bunch of kids ( a couple of which are being cared for and paid for elsewhere - I get the feeling that Mr. Moore and Jazmyn are not exactly regular with the child support) and we were two healthy adults with strangers paying our rent - $1200/mnth - I would definitely think a great idea would be to get knocked up again. "One on the way" - how quaint and charming. Dig deeper in your wallets, people, or better yet, get a second job.


Just my opinion, but people who live on the taxpayer's dime should be monetarily penalized every time they pop out another kid or do anything else to use as an excuse not to get their lazy asses a job.


"Performance artist?" Somehow that gave me the image of him setting up on a street corner every day with his guitar case for collecting donations.

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Oh, my.  The title of this episode is "Dreadlock Discrimination".  What a pair they are, Jazmyn and Mr Moore.  I guess they figure they DESERVE to live FREE for the rest of their lives, with someone else paying the rent, utilities, dumping a child with his mother, her mother,  Good Lord!  No shame at all, either.  It really disgusts me, that kind of attitude.

Mr Moore was a proud man. I've met many Mr Moores in my work, and I feel a compassion for him. I think he handled himself with dignity and respectfully in front of the judge and Byrd.

The case was ridiculous, and I had genuine problems with it from A to Z, especially with the many little ones involved, who were outsourced hither and yon. Children as collateral damage in the games people play will be the death of me. The plaintiffs AND defendant WERE experienced gamers of the system. No question.

I think, in his halterview, Mr Moore expressed a genuine delight to meet JJ. Maybe he thought appearing on the show could open a door for him? I don't know, but he made me sad. He truly thought he had been wronged, and he NEEDED to present his case.

I know my opinion will be in the minority here, but I needed to add it.

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I think he handled himself with dignity and respectfully in front of the judge and Byrd.


I can't help thinking someone with dignity wouldn't have strangers paying for the kids he bred and the roof over his head and still think he's entitled to yet MORE money.

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I lived in low-income housing in the 60's, and when I see plaintiffs like we saw today, it helps to remember the people I met back then. 


There were a few who were gaming the system, breeding without thought, making money under the table and not reporting it, etc.  But most were college students, hard-working people with crap jobs, the elderly, people with disabilities and challenges that prevented them from making their own way. 


For my own peace of mind, I choose to think that most people on the receiving end are like the people I knew back then.


Jazmyn and Mr. Moore -- they might have learned something from being shamed on national TV.  Or they might just learn something from getting older, maturing.  I find I'm a lot smarter at 70 than I was at 30, 40, 50.  Definitely smarter than I was at 20.  "Yeah mom, I guess I'm pregnant." 

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He truly thought he had been wronged, and he NEEDED to present his case.


I would agree with you here, but this statement may also be part of the bigger problem addressed by others above. Is Mr. Moore one of the multi-generational "I'm entitled to it" folk,  or someone really in need who, in fact, had a legitimate beef?  Hard to say with any certainty.  But if you need help paying for basic rent and utilities, perhaps a local charity could shell out a couple of bucks for a box of condoms.  My take on this duo was that (a) they saw, approved of, and moved into the house, (b) called the authorities within DAYS of moving in, and then © quit paying for "the steak."  Gov't- or charity-subsidized housing may be difficult to find, but their argument loses steam once they are in the house.   I did like how he appreciated having his ass chewed by Judge Judy on TV! Ha!


I would hope that the majority of those receiving assistance need it, value it, and consider it temporary. And that's why we don't see them on the show.  Plus, the nice, normal people are boring.  Bring on the loons! Speaking of whom, where the hell is she?!?!

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I lived in low-income housing in the 60's, and when I see plaintiffs like we saw today, it helps to remember the people I met back then. 


There were a few who were gaming the system, breeding without thought, making money under the table and not reporting it, etc.  But most were college students, hard-working people with crap jobs, the elderly, people with disabilities and challenges that prevented them from making their own way. 

I knew a guy who worked three jobs, 60-70 hours a week, in the fast food industry. Why, you might ask. Because his various employers knew if they hired him full time they would have to begin paying benefits. Eventually he worked up to manager at one of his jobs. He now has 1 full time job, works fewer hours, gets paid more, and has benefits. I would have no problem helping him, or anyone else who is trying to support themselves and their family.
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Following up on this most excellent idea - do we know if Curious Parker actually watches the show?  Or just us? Because as wacky as each market's schedules are (I get four eps a day, but only two descriptions), and the eps vary, we could write our own recaps with what we SHOULD be seeing.  Who would be the wiser? Maybe my wackadoodle show was only in my market?  Too bad everyone else missed it...  Just a thought.


I don't know if CP watches the show, but our stuff here is definitely read.

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Alright, everybody who believed Mr. Dreadlocks when he said that as a musician/artist/pizza joint employee he really made $36,000 last year, raise your hands.

Dear Mr. Dreadlocks:


I appreciate that you feel you are "living your dream" as a musician/ artist/ photographer/ performing artist. However if you can't pay your bills and I'm working over 40 hours a week to help YOU pay for YOUR dream, then get off your lazy butt and get a regular job like the rest of us until you get good enough to pay your own rent and utilities with your "dream money". 


And don't you bet that Mr. Dreadlocks owns a really nice Macbook that he bought with his tax moolah so he can "mix" his own music and edit his own photographs? (as I type away on my $300 Walmart special lap top)

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I hadn't realized that new cases were airing. Both of the previews for tomorrow showed reruns, though....so who knows.


First Case-- This case involves the most bedraggled bunch of humans I've seen in a while. I don't know if the litigants are pregnant...they may just be carrying Beer's babies. Lisa Dillon and Misty Taylor were friends until Lisa got busy with Misty's boyfriend. Later that night, Misty made like Def Leppard and poured some sugar on it (Lisa's gas tank, that is). After the initial police report was typed up, Lisa got a witness's account and some nasty text messages from Misty...and JJ was suspicious because Lisa never contacted the police to update the report with the new information. I liked the PT car mechanic in this case. He made an effort to dress nicely, and his statements made sense. In the hallterview, Lisa denied doing anything with Misty's boyfriend (yeahright).


Second Case -- Plaintiff Matthew Dogwillow (kind of a fun name) had a witness who also has a fun name but way too long to spell out. Matthew's truck was hit by Defendant Dontray Niemeier. The plaintiff showed photos of his damaged truck, and I hadn't expected to see the douchy paint job. Dontray's mother Locinda thought to wear a black bandana in an attempt to cover her neck tat. Aw shucks, she forgot a bra. Dontray should never play poker --- he has way too many tells. JJ ruled against his lying, surly, uninsured butt and awarded the plaintiff the max of $5k.

Edited by CoolWhipLite
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I hadn't realized that new cases were airing. Both of the previews for tomorrow showed reruns, though....so who knows.


First Case-- This case involves the most bedraggled bunch of humans I've seen in a while. I don't know if the litigants are pregnant Lisa Dillon and Misty Taylor were friends until Lisa got busy with Misty's boyfriend. Later that night, Misty made like Def Leppard and poured some sugar on it (Lisa's gas tank, that is). After the initial police report was typed up, Lisa got a witness's account and some nasty text messages from Misty...and JJ was suspicious because Lisa never contacted the police to update the report with the new information. I liked the PT car mechanic in this case. He made an effort to dress nicely, and his statements made sense. In the hallterview, Lisa denied doing anything with Misty's boyfriend (yeahright).

Ah yes, this is the defendant who insisted that while the plaintiff deserved to have sugar in her tank, there was no proof that she, the defendant, did it. Then in the hallterview defendant explains how easy it is to make a paper funnel and pour sugar in the tank.

Second Case -- Plaintiff Matthew Dogwillow (kind of a fun name) had a witness who also has a fun name but way too long to spell out. Matthew's truck was hit by Defendant Dontray Niemeier. The plaintiff showed photos of his damaged truck, and I hadn't expected to see the douchy paint job. Dontray's mother Locinda thought to wear a black bandana in an attempt to cover her neck tat. Aw shucks, she forgot a bra. Dontray should never play poker --- he has way too many tells. JJ ruled against his lying, surly, uninsured butt and awarded the plaintiff the max of $5k.

"Your Honor, the plaintiff, the witness in the courtroom, and both witnesses who stuck around and were interviewed by the police - they're all liars" insists the defendant as he smirks and bebop out of the courtroom
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I need Judge Judy to explain to me why she was so down on the young guy with the long hair whom the plaintiff accused of kicking his car, and his stepfather as well.  Because there was absolutely no reason for him to have done what he was accused of doing, if the plaintiff was the innocent guy that he claimed to be.

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I'm noticing a trend: woman accepts gifts from a man, even though she really doesn't want them (though they're exactly what she does want), because he's "controlling". So he sent you off to buy clothes and, oh gosh, you just had no choice but to go? He bought you a washing machine and installed it in his house that you just happened to be living in? I guess "controlling" is the new term for "expects that when you said you'd be his girlfriend, you really meant you'd be his girlfriend".

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I felt my brain sort of frost over and congeal during the Minnesotan-Fighting-Siblings case. Jeeeeeez!! Slow motion torture.

The plaintiff does kind of prove the old thought though that when a man, ANY man, wants to marry, he can usually find a willing woman. I mean, his new wife was fairly attractive, as is the guy's new stepdaughter. How did he ever attract the woman? His witty banter? His buff bod? His house? Which leads me to the only truly interesting aspect of Snoozefest in Minnesota:

I think the overly-sad defendant was acting much more like a spurned and jilted girlfriend than a put-upon sibling. She and bro went on hockey dates together, up to at least seven years after Mother's passing. Then the wanton interloper shows up and steals Sissy's boyfriend, not to mention Ma's house!

On top of it all, I bet sis is convinced that new wife with red lipstick is waltzing around Mom's house wearing the mink stole and the strand of pearls that are rightfully hers.

I felt sorry for sister, she was SO unhappy. She needs a new hairstyle, light-reflecting wrinkle cream, a touch of makeup and her own set of season hockey tix. Then she can join a dating site to find a fellow fan to share a game with. The Bro-BF is gone for good, stop feeling so low about it. I know he's prime Minnesotan-Hunk, but he's in love with somebody else now.

Thanks for the laughs! Wow. Love the idea of the new wife waltzing around the house! And the Bro-BF!

I got the feeling that the sister defendant was a little sister that everyone took care of, or maybe a little slow as well.

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I need Judge Judy to explain to me why she was so down on the young guy with the long hair whom the plaintiff accused of kicking his car, and his stepfather as well.  Because there was absolutely no reason for him to have done what he was accused of doing, if the plaintiff was the innocent guy that he claimed to be.[/

I believe she read the police report when the step dad said it was a case of mistaken identity and he would pay for the damages. So everything the defendant (idiot #2) said was a made up lie.

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Dat episode I was *dis* close to turnin off. But dere was a dunderstorm outside dat I listened to instead dat was was more interesting den dis ding.

GiantMisfit! You made me spit out my Bud Light!

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I believe she read the police report when the step dad said it was a case of mistaken identity and he would pay for the damages. So everything the defendant (idiot #2) said was a made up lie.

One of them said something about just saying that to get the cops to go away, if I heard correctly. 

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And to keep his step son from being arrested. Plantiff didn't press charges because he agreed to pay for damages. Any time a defendant agrees to or admits guilt and then says it was to get someone off their back they lose. Sane people don't admit to property damage/crimes/owing money unless they do. People won't go away without the pay. Step dad was delaying the inevitable. They probably never watched JJ and didn't know what he was in for. Step dad looked shell shocked. Step son was the definition of an idiot.

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GiantMisfit! You made me spit out my Bud Light!

At least it wasn't beer. (JK; I actually like BL but couldn't resist.)


I'm so confused about the schedule. Some nights I seem to get new episodes and some nights there are repeats. I've got a DVR clearing party scheduled for Saturday, but based on all of your comments, I may just hit "delete" and be done with it!

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Thanks for the laughs! Wow. Love the idea of the new wife waltzing around the house! And the Bro-BF!

I got the feeling that the sister defendant was a little sister that everyone took care of, or maybe a little slow as well.

That is a funny thought. It's even funnier if you imagine her singing to her furniture and their dog like Sleeping Beauty did with those birds.

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I know, I know, Bud Light is not the gourmand s choice, but I like it, and the low calories.

Rick Kitchen, the long- haired, Kenny G defendant, I think seemed arrogant to JJ, plus maybe JJ didn't like that he was mean to an elderly guy, and those are her peeps. (BTW, I grew up in the 60-70's and I love long hair on guys. His was very nice.

Edited by Tosia
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AngelaHunter! I saw you on JJ today. I know it's messed up that your brother and his wife sued you, but girl you could've run a kit through your hair and popped a Xanax. Because you started crying the second you walked in there, shaking your head feverishly when your brother said him and his wife were laying down, crying in the middle of your statements, then laughing as JJ dismissed your case, waving at her that you watch her everyday, then crying again in the hallway. You were doing a lot. I know probably thought I wouldn't recognize you oh but I did! Can't fool me.


But for real, the first couple had a now-defunct "transportation business", and the second fragile femme (with a business jacket that all at once looked too small and too big) had ideas for a "transportation business". The first case was crazy because all four of them seemed more simple than a little bit. The dude's wife kept answering for him, and he kept saying "yes, ma'am" like a robot and it was just...ugh. They had a business they closed down and they had to keep receipts so they could write-off their living expenses at the end of the year (echoes of a scam). The second case...that woman was heartbreaking. She said she has to still take care of her kids, and I get it, but how about you get a real job and save for a small business, instead of begging your ex-con baby daddy for money. 

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The second case...that woman was heartbreaking. She said she has to still take care of her kids, and I get it, but how about you get a real job and save for a small business, instead of begging your ex-con baby daddy for money.

I don't know how much "taking care" you have to do of a couple of teenage girls - in terms of washing their clothes, cooking meals, burping them and changing their diapers, etc, etc. I've had teenage girls and while you gotta keep your eye on them and stay up their butts to make sure they don't turn into JJ plaintiffs or entitled little turds, they can cook, clean, wash clothes and get themselves up for school (or in the case of my younger, it only takes 15-30 seconds to flip the mattress and roll them out of bed for school) Mine were both working part time through high school and helping with housework. 


And it was certainly the plaintiff's choice to "support" your ex-con baby daddy while he was in jail (support? as in putting money in his canteen account? Gurrrrrrl, let him buy his own honey buns). Or going to visit him? Guess it takes time to get that file baked in just the right place in the cake so it can fool the metal detector. 

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I know, I know, Bud Light is not the gourmand s choice, but I like it, and the low calories.

Have a barstool right next to me, Tosia! I drink Bud Lite, Miller Lite, MGD64, and even Bud Select 55s! I don't know what an IPA is and I don't care. Bring on the domestic lite beer and I'll get just as drunk and stay skinny!

I haven't been able to watch any JJ this week -- contractors in the house and cleaning up all the dust at night. I told the GC that he needs to do something wrong so I can sue him and live out my dream of being on JJ. He wasn't biting. Come on! At least blow up my barbecue! So rude.

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I don't know how much "taking care" you have to do of a couple of teenage girls - in terms of washing their clothes, cooking meals, burping them and changing their diapers, etc, etc. I've had teenage girls and while you gotta keep your eye on them and stay up their butts to make sure they don't turn into JJ plaintiffs or entitled little turds, they can cook, clean, wash clothes and get themselves up for school (or in the case of my younger, it only takes 15-30 seconds to flip the mattress and roll them out of bed for school) Mine were both working part time through high school and helping with housework.


And it was certainly the plaintiff's choice to "support" your ex-con baby daddy while he was in jail (support? as in putting money in his canteen account? Gurrrrrrl, let him buy his own honey buns). Or going to visit him? Guess it takes time to get that file baked in just the right place in the cake so it can fool the metal detector


Oh check out Ms. I'm a good and responsible parent over here! Thinking she better'n the average JJ litigant.




Off-topic: Patti, were you the one who said last year on the American Idol finale that Joey Cook looked more interested in the way her dress spun around and it echoed a child at a birthday party? I have to be honest, at least 1-2 times a month I randomly chuckle at that thought. As far as analogies go, that was a little too on-the-nose.

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"When I was incarcerated... " says the daddy of two near-adult women who need their mommy to stay home and "take care of them."

 I'll never stop being impressed at how litigants talk about being put in jail for their crimes as though it's just an everyday thing. Sometimes they have to all but take off their shoes and count on fingers and toes how many times they been arrested. I remember one family on here who says they have a system for who to call each time one of them gets arrested, like it's just an unavoidable fact of life. It's a whole other world.

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AngelaHunter! I saw you on JJ today. I know it's messed up that your brother and his wife sued you, but girl you could've run a kit through your hair and popped a Xanax. Because you started crying the second you walked in there, shaking your head feverishly when your brother said him and his wife were laying down, crying in the middle of your statements, then laughing as JJ dismissed your case, waving at her that you watch her everyday, then crying again in the hallway. You were doing a lot.


Oh shit. Busted!!


Actually, I just now watched this case. I fell asleep when I tried earlier, but anyway... I waited, tensed up, for JJ to scream, "STOP SHAKING YOUR HEAD!" I swear I could hear her brain rattling around. Something wrong with the plaintiffs and I don't mean just the "esilesy."

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Have a barstool right next to me, Tosia! I drink Bud Lite, Miller Lite, MGD64, and even Bud Select 55s! I don't know what an IPA is and I don't care. Bring on the domestic lite beer and I'll get just as drunk and stay skinny!

I haven't been able to watch any JJ this week -- contractors in the house and cleaning up all the dust at night. I told the GC that he needs to do something wrong so I can sue him and live out my dream of being on JJ. He wasn't biting. Come on! At least blow up my barbecue! So rude.

I prefer Bud Lite Lime and Mich Ultra with Lime, but that's because I'm fancy like that. (Or it may be because I'm too lazy to cut up my own damn limes.)


I hardly ever get to watch JJ anymore now that I'm teaching high school at night. By the time I get home I'm so fed up with my students' bullshit I don't have the stomach for JJ's litigants' bullshit. Sadly, I'm pretty sure I'll be seeing some of my students on JJ in the near future since most of them have the backgrounds and decision-making skills we see so much on the show. 


I try to binge JJ on Saturdays, but so far I haven't read much here that makes me think I've missed anything. I have about 40 episodes on my DVR. The People's Court, my other favorite court show, has been in reruns forever, so I'm really suffering!

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Off-topic: Patti, were you the one who said last year on the American Idol finale that Joey Cook looked more interested in the way her dress spun around and it echoed a child at a birthday party? I have to be honest, at least 1-2 times a month I randomly chuckle at that thought. As far as analogies go, that was a little too on-the-nose.

27 bored, I think I'm busted. I have a 2 year old granddaughter (yes, I'm an old fart, get off my lawn) and that's what she used to do - now she likes to pull the bottom of the dress over her face exposing her entire belly. Good thing Joey doesn't do that (or maybe she does)

Teebax, I'm a PC binge watcher. Since it's an hour I usually don't get enough time to watch it in real time so those weekends when I'm just chillin' I'll immerse myself in the world of hoopty cars, cell phones in other's names and supposedly roach infested domiciles where people live for years until they decide to leave and don't get their deposits back (cos you know those roaches are punching human size heads in the wall and leaving piles of plastic bags and beer cans and old clothes scattered around). 

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Okay, the case with the UNINSURED LEXUS vs the INSURED RENTAL CAR.  No witnesses except the two involved, and they both said they had the green light.  Judy made a VERY wrong judgment!  $5,000 for an uninsured car??  You are out of your mind, Judge Judy.  So the defendant didn't EXPLAIN to your satisfaction what Prayer For Judgment means in NC.  "I'm just gonna penalize them A LITTLE BIT".  NOOOOO you didn't penalize them AT ALL!

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Jesus, the Pit Bull vs. Bull Mastiff case. I wanted to crawl into the tv to throat punch the plaintiff, hopefully to dislodge whatever was making that croaking noise when she opened her mouth. She made Kourtney Kardashian sound like Meryl Streep. 

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Her voice smoothed out a little bit.  Maybe she cleared her throat off-camera.


The defendant -- he looks like an actor I've seen in a bunch of things, always playing an ass.  This guy wasn't too bad, as defendant dog owners go.


Some of these cases are like Rashomon -- the descriptions of what happened are SO far apart.  I suspect neither of them were telling the whole truth.

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Hi guys, haven't be posting much, but now I am home from work ONE MONTH recovering from surgery.  And that equates to 60 episodes of Judge Judy, and no, Angela Hunter, I am not receiving one cent of SSI for this, thank you very much.  Byrd doesn't even have to cover an x-ray.


So what was yesterday, Non-Existing Transportation Company Wednesday?  Sheesh.  The sister in the SQUATTAH case, I was hoping Byrd would walk over to her and calmly place both palms on either side of her head to stop the back and forth motions. Will Smith needs to examine her for that NFL brain-shaking injury syndrome. Why didn't JJ put a stop to that shit?


 Anyway, I think that the former Mrs Spivey, Lakisha Johnson, was completely motionless and expressionless the entire time. It must be a bitch getting an associates in Business Administration with a minor in Non-Existant Transportation Management while on Haldol. Her ex, dodged an enormous financial bullet, when asked how old the 2 teens were, stated, "One's about to graduate and one's on the verge of graduating."  Hee

Edited by WhineandCheez
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I believe that dog plaintiff was turning the town against that msn. She was a nut.

Also I realized during NC car case that that happened in a town not far from me when they named the street.

Edited by califred
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In this drought of JJ the new episode is another dog case? Come on!


Keeping hope alive that sweeps brings out the Crazy.

Thanks for the warning; I can't wait to miss it.

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In this drought of JJ the new episode is another dog case? Come on!


Keeping hope alive that sweeps brings out the Crazy.

How right you are!?! After going back to back reruns, when we get a new episode it's a solid half hour about a dog park dog attack. And then today we get a Hot Bench dog attack rerun followed by a JJ rerun with two dog attack cases. I wonder if it wasn't about this time in the cycle, back when this was a new episode, that I decided to skip any case with a dog. When I read today's episode info, I deleted the recording without viewing it.
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Keeping hope alive that sweeps brings out the Crazy.


We can only pray to the JJ gods that another Patricia Bean is waiting in the wings, or even a Leontine. I wish JJ would veto dog/animal cases, the way she did cell phone cases.


Two words - Shawn Combs. Overstuffed, dumb, stupid, pork-headed, utter idiot. My god, that thing has a kid? How do people like Shawn function in the world? How do they find women who not only want to be with them, but want to breed with them? How? Dear god - WHY?

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