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All Episodes Talk: All Rise

Message added by Meredith Quill

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"Snookered with benefits."  Yowza. The things people are willing to air on TV. 


Clearing out the DVR - must be the late night weekend shows.  A wacky case with two professionals arguing over a Disney trip?  7 kids between them, job, no job, house, no house, money, no money, but a couple of legal settlements, and a cleared out 401K for said Disney trip. Toss in a  protective order and an anonymous assault. Holey moley. Pretty much everything but the kitchen sink (and a pit bull). Both were complete idiots and the baby daddy (a lawyer, no less) one of them smarmiest I've seen. Just all kinds of "what the heck."  Even JJ's patient, considered, generous mind was blown.

Edited by SandyToes
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Giant Misfit - it has been years since I heard the name Eddie Savitz. I remember when that news aired, and it was so gross. I just clicked on the Wikipedia link, and I'm grossed out even further by the Jerry Sandusky connection. Grays Ferry is nowhere near Harrisburg (hours away), and there are charitable organizations in Philly. This vile scumbag drove all the way to Harrisburg to attend "charity" events that were obviously meat markets for pedos (along with the morons who ignored the community's whispers and made charitable donations). I can't even. There are so many sickening facets to both stories.


Anyway, today's first case -- I could hardly keep up with the ex-husbands and ex-wives being bandied about. It didn't hold my interest, TBH. 


In the second case, the self-proclaimed brokenhearted defendant Rycharde was coiffed and dressed for a substitute teaching gig on Welcome Back, Kotter. And while the plaintiff gave her testimony, several members of the gallery/audience gave her stankface. Sorry, but I think this is another case of a desperate woman trying to spend money to get/keep a loser man. JJ thought these two were morons and the gallery did too (and I did too).

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Omg I wish I'd skipped the wiki page.

My rerun was the landlord who was all indignant that her tenants wouldn't let strangers in when they weren't home and the in the halter view compared the proceedings to a gynecological exam,

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JJ: "So you carry a bat?

P: "Yes"

JJ: "...and your dog has never been in a fight?"

Had I been plaintiff, my answer would have been," ...because I carry a bat, Your Honor. I will see myself out now."

Hotel room disturbance - So, Shamadi? If you go back to the room to put on "day clothes", does that mean that you and plaintiff were having your lovely breakfast in the hotel dining area IN YOUR 'JAMAS?

Oh Yeah, I recently took a trip and was staying in a very nice motel and each morning at breakfast an entire family came down to enjoy the free buffet dressed in their pajamas, barefoot, bedhead and all.

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In the second case, the self-proclaimed brokenhearted defendant Rycharde was coiffed and dressed for a substitute teaching gig on Welcome Back, Kotter. And while the plaintiff gave her testimony, several members of the gallery/audience gave her stankface. Sorry, but I think this is another case of a desperate woman trying to spend money to get/keep a loser man. JJ thought these two were morons and the gallery did too (and I did too).

I could hardly pay attention to this case because I was so captivated by napping audience member over Rycharde's shoulder. Did anyone else notice this chick? She sometimes had on brown rimmed glasses and the top part of the frame was totally level with her eyes and it looked like she was napping. A few times her head slightly bobbed as if she caught herself in time. Then sometimes she'd have the glasses off when they'd go back to Rycharde. A few times her mouth would make a movement as if she was listening and was reacting to what was being said. For me, this was as entertaining as googly eyes.

But I did hear Rycharde "he of the broken heart" say in the hallterview when talking about the Plaintiff "I loved her hard!"

Edited because Google eyes are not googly eyes.

Edited by Spunkygal
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"Snookered with benefits."  Yowza. The things people are willing to air on TV.


She seemed very proud of the fact that she'd spread for Uncle Fester in exchange for a rental car. She's a hooker, and she has kids. 10K for her ass? Does it whistle "Dixie?" Uncle Fester, you could get a lifetime supply of honest prostitutes for that money. I can't remember the last time I saw JJ lost for words, stunned and gape-jawed by the smiling admissions of the brazen slut.

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So "I loved her hard" Rycharde talked about whisking Cindy the plaintiff off to Italy (with HER credit card) on 12/31/14? He was planning a wedding with yet someone else on the Halloween prior...


I wonder if someone on JJ's staff Googles this stuff before taping? We all know that JJ herself doesn't do it!

"She broke my heart!" Indeed!!!

If I ever need to hire a private investigator, I think instead I will just ask my fellow boardies here to get on the case. Good sleuth-work!

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"She broke my heart!" Indeed!!!


Just saw this and couldn't stop laughing. Cindy?  If it were me (which it never would be) I would gladly eat the 1K rather than show the world what a pathetic, desperate fool I am. Yeah, I know she was looking for a lottery win, and she's never going to Italy, but that's her tough luck, the idiot. I'm sorry she got anything back. She's way past being old enough to have at least some sense.


What about Mr. Garcia, disabled/unemployed wizened muppet, who must have something special about him and who thinks it's a peachy idea to open a joint bank account with someone he met yesterday and who he doesn't even live with but he merely diddles around with in hotel rooms?


Are people getting dumber or are we just seeing more of it here?

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I think today was the first time I ever saw Byrd take a look at someone's piece of evidence.  He usually looks away, letting his body language say that he just wants to get back to his crossword puzzle.  But today, he took a peek at the photos of Garage Band Jessica's broken windows. 


I want to know if Jessica wrote "Jessica was here" on the window or if the plaintiff wrote it on the paper. "Don't throw rocks."

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I feel bad for the chick who winds up with Angry Ginger Blake Howe who didn't pay his mom back. I...don't know. Mother-son relationships are difficult. She was raising him on her own, and he was acting out, so she left him in jail, then he went to foster care, then one of his friend's parents took him in. It's tough because she probably feels bad for bailing out on him for half his life, and he's angry and resentful and feels like her loaning him money is payback, then she sues him for it. And at the end he said he never wants to hear her name again. Damn.


I...kind of think she should've not sued him. He owed her the money, and she didn't seem like she had the means loan him the money in the first place, but she did, and he kiiiind of stiffed her on it. But for the sake of her relationship, maybe she should've let it go. Not loaned him any more money, but let that money go. And see, he might come to want to try to have a relationship with her, but it's probably difficult because everybody he's ever spoken to about his estranged relationship with his mother probably says something like, "yeah but still...that's your mother..." and that will drive a motherfucker crazy. I know. It's like no matter what she does, you're still always and forever the asshole because people don't have enough of an imagination to consider the possibility that your mother wasn't shit. It's like racing the sun. And what you want to say is, dude, I didn't pick this bitch to be my mother! Why is it my responsibility to make sure she never has to feel like a bad mother, especially when she turned her ass up to me when I needed her? The only reason she's a mother is because I exist, and she threw me away, so what the fuck does that make her?




He's going to need to resist teasing her with the possibility of being his mother if he doesn't forgive her. He needs to forgive her for his own sake, because unfortunately it will seep into the rest of his life. His bad relationship with his mom will become every female boss he has is a bitch, every chick who doesn't want to date him is a bitch, every chick who does date him winds up being a bitch, he likes animals more than people, etc. It will consume you. So he has to forgive her. But he doesn't need to give her a false sense of hope that they can have a relationship as adults if he still actively resents her. It's tempting to make her pay, but she never will be able to repay the years lost.

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I got a noon time rerun today of the father suing his deceased son's friend for personal effects. Apparently, the young man who passed away was 30 and died of brain seizures. The year or two (maybe more) before he died, he saw his family about every 6 months and his father admitted his son did not tell the family of his illness until the end was near. However, the defendant, and 2 other friends who accompanied the defendant, all lived with the young man at various times over the years as friends, traveled with him and were emotional supports to him. In fact, the young man called the defendant when he needed to go into hospice. And one of the friends stated that she had the man's banking info and wired a great deal of money ($45,000) from the man's account to the family because the friends assumed the family would pay the man's medical bills, which the family never attempted to do....that is another matter for another day. The personal effects that the family wanted were his computer, cell phone (so they could hear his voice), eyeglasses and college coffee mug. There were a lot of details in this case and I've probably not done a good job of summarizing.

But all this to say that there was a lot more under the surface that wasn't discussed and probably didn't need to be discussed. I don't know why the man didn't tell his family about his illness earlier or why the father couldn't just be thankful that his son had 3 great friends who were there for him. But when I deleted the episode when it was over, my head hurt, my heart ached and my spirit was crushed at the sadness we often see and hear about on this show.

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I had seen that case before, and I had thought at the time that the son was probably gay and the family didn't approve, but although there was something online at the time, nothing I could find indicated that he was gay.  I think the father was just a controlling jackass.  You could tell how stiff and stern he was from his testimony.


I felt really bad for the son and his friends.

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I would've hated THAT ONE, too.


Me three!  Something not right with that woman. She had the wherewithal to get friggin' BREAST implants but got rid of her kid because he was too much trouble. I wonder if she paid anything for his support while strangers raised him for her. If he was a troubled teen, I think she was the reason for it. Her other son doesn't see her either.


"Heidi" calls herself a real estate agent but does not know that real estate contracts must be in writing(!!) and that she should pay rent with a check or at least get a real receipt.  She said the written rental agreement should be disregarded because she and the defendant had an oral agreement. Yessir, one hell of a great agent there! I believe she and Mom were homeless.


"She owes me 14K, " shrieked, yet she and Mom lived in def's house rent-free for six months. Was Mom doing construction work too?

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"She owes me 14K, " shrieked, yet she and Mom lived in def's house rent-free for six months. Was Mom doing construction work too?



Heidi was full of crap ....  Not sure what the agreement was but I don't believe it was months of FREE rent AND reimbursement for ALL work done on the home.  That would have been a really one sided deal.

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Heidi was full of crap ....  Not sure what the agreement was but I don't believe it was months of FREE rent AND reimbursement for ALL work done on the home.  That would have been a really one sided deal.

That's why she was so pissed off when she lost. She thought she'd pulled one over on a naive person who didn't know anything about real estate, but JJ saw right through her. JJ has a lot of contempt for people who don't pay rent, regardless of the reason. So the plaintiff was already behind the eight ball when the case started.


Even if the agreement were for her to be repaid for work on the house and live rent-free, only an idiot wouldn't get that in writing. And then the same idiot, who is a real estate agent and should know better, signed a lease in which she agreed to pay $1,800 a month. That's just pants-on-the-head stupid. I mean, what if she'd spent a million dollars renovating the house? Wouldn't a contract require something much more specific than, she's just going to pay me for what I spend to fix the house?


I loved her cross-talk to the defendant after the ruling. It went something like:

Plaintiff: I hope you're happy.

Defendant: I am very happy.

Me: I love it!

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Plaintiff: I hope you're happy.

Defendant: I am very happy.

Me: I love it!


That made ME very happy too! Heidi was so utterly ridiculous. I don't know what the arrangement was between her and the defendant, but if I were the def. I might be worried. Heidi seems to have a bit of a temper problem in addition to her attitude problem - "Hands off your hips, bitch!" Okay, I added the "bitch" but that's probably what JJ was thinking.


She thought she'd pulled one over on a naive person who didn't know anything about real estate


Heidi doesn't know anything about it either, so it seems. If I were looking for an agent, I doubt I'd hire one who is homeless. I mean, if a real estate agent is homeless, it might be evidence that she's not so good at her job.

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I had seen that case before, and I had thought at the time that the son was probably gay and the family didn't approve, but although there was something online at the time, nothing I could find indicated that he was gay.  I think the father was just a controlling jackass.  You could tell how stiff and stern he was from his testimony.


I felt really bad for the son and his friends.



I initially thought that too, but the woman who spoke on the defendent's side had "Deceased's Girlfriend" or something like that under her name.  I could be wrong, but that's what I thought it said.


My husband said he thinks the family disapproved of his lifestyle in general.  I know people like that - their parents wanted them to be and act a certain way, and stay near by, and they instead took off and did whatever they wanted.  They seemed awfully eager to get their hands on his money that they didn't use to pay his expenses.  And their pettiness toward the things they wanted made me think that they disapproved of his friends. 


I think there was more to why they wanted his pc and his phone.  I think they think there is more money somewhere.  And his sister...... "We wanted his phone so we could hear his voicemai.....his voice."

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Loved JJ going apeshit on the asshole with the vicious pitbull. And she doesn't want pit-lovers' letters -- she already got enough of them. I know it's an unpopular opinion, but I share it with her. The def clearly enjoyed that his dog had the power to kill --- I can't imagine making such statements about my pet. He needed to shut up about 1) his theory that his dog Diesel didn't bite the little Cav mix and 2) Diesel was a therapy or service dog. People bullshitting about their pets being working dogs enrages me. My only wish is that Judge Judy would have screamed at him for his repetition of the word "basically."


Are there really leashes that extend 10 feet?


The plaintiff seemed like a decent guy; I might consider forgiving his use of "irregardless."


In the second case -- I think the makeup artist didn't understand the meaning of the word vividly. She was saying she didn't remember anything....then she was saying that she remembered vividly.

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The def clearly enjoyed that his dog had the power to kill


All dogs have the power to kill something. They are predators after all (no, they are NOT children) but only pathetic assholes with inferiority complexes/small dicks enjoy that power. It's always the same type of person.


My pit bull never killed anything and was totally sweet with my kitties, unlike the Lab I dogsat, who would have cheerful attacked them had I allowed it. But I'm not some POS who needs an animal to boost my ego.


Bottom line: Dogs are animals and behave accordingly. Humans are supposed to have more sense.

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When "Thick as Cement" was recounting his "therapy dog's" ability to kill so decisively and so coldy, JJ noticed that he was literally jizzing in his pants.  I think that's why he got a talking-to.  It was more about the jizzing than the dog breed.

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When "Thick as Cement" was recounting his "therapy dog's" ability to kill so decisively and so coldy, JJ noticed that he was literally jizzing in his pants.  I think that's why he got a talking-to.  It was more about the jizzing than the dog breed.


Okay, I didn't see the dog episode:  IS THIS TRUE??  The jizzing part, I mean.

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I wondered what exactly the defendant's mom's needs were that she needed a dog that he admitted would kill as an emotional support animal. My thought that you'd want a soft, cushy, cuddler for "emotional support." But, maybe Norman Bates' mom would go another direction.  We have an extendable leash, but when we approach another dog, we reel her in and lock it. 


Loved the repeat of the dad/daughter repossessed car.  "No, I didn't have a loan."  "No, it wasn't financed."  "No, I didn't pay for the whole thing. I was making payments."  Sigh.  Byrd: "Patience, patience."  And then the capper: JJ:  "Who's name was the loan in?" And you could SEE the wheels turning and her trying to not say, "But I didn't have a loan!"  Good times. Sad and crazy case, but that part cracks me up.

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Loved the repeat of the dad/daughter repossessed car.


Oh. my. gawd. I don't think I ever saw that one. I was so blown away by Kardeshia, a 19 year old "student" who simply could not grasp that if you're making payments, you MUST have borrowed money/taken a loan/gotten financing I didn't know if I should laugh or cry. It didn't matter how many ways JJ tried to explain it. She drew a total blank every time. A ten year old would get it! I bet she still hasn't figured it out.

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I wondered what exactly the defendant's mom's needs were that she needed a dog that he admitted would kill as an emotional support animal.

I'm thinking the defendant probably "bought" an emotional support animal vest and papers after the fact. He's creepy and stupid enough to do that. However if that dog was truly an emotional support animal with the correct papers and credentials and registered with the apartment complex, I'm guessing they would not be able to remove it without a big legal battle. There's been a lot of interest in Florida for seniors that live in condos that want to outlaw dogs to get "emotional support" status  so they don't have to get rid of their dogs. Some people just buy the orange vests on the internet with a patch on them so they can take their dogs everywhere. 


The makeup artist was truly a "make-up" artist - she was making it up as she went along. Either she was sleepy or the airbag knocked her out or she was drunk (possibly from the night before) or the dog ate her homework - I was waiting for her to latch onto something and say "that's the ticket!!!!"

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That made ME very happy too! Heidi was so utterly ridiculous. I don't know what the arrangement was between her and the defendant, but if I were the def.


I got the impression the broker for the defendant was that set this stupid arrangement up.  Why?  Who knows but it was totally Looney Tunes the "agent" agreed to it without ever talking to the owner of the home or getting it in writing.  She was all freaked out yelling the defendant  owned her 14K.  Well, JJ figured out the plaintiff owned the defendant 10K for living there rent free the first several months.  Something was sure fishy about that one.

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When "Thick as Cement" was recounting his "therapy dog's" ability to kill so decisively and so coldy, JJ noticed that he was literally jizzing in his pants.  I think that's why he got a talking-to.  It was more about the jizzing than the dog breed.



Okay, I didn't see the dog episode:  IS THIS TRUE??  The jizzing part, I mean.

My tolerance for stuff is pretty high, but I do not want to see any episode of JJ in which this actually happens!


The defendant did seem overly-proud of his dog's destructive abilities.

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In the first case, the defendant accused the plaintiff of being a scam artist, and then Judge Judy revealed that HE is the actual scam artist. In my opinion, the plaintiff was a moron --- she was homeless and then accepted money from Mormons to move into an apartment/house with five or six strangers....but sunk a shitload of money into a "gaming computer."


Second case -- Those two were married??!  I'm sorry, but what an odd couple. She has a Sophia Loren vibe. He looked geared up for Monday Night Football, a bucket of hot wings, and a fridge full o brewskies.


The second episode - the exes fighting over a car. Judge Judy, once again, was letting her privilege show....she hollered at the defendant that a person with a checking account would NEVER go and get a money order for something they could write a check for. Well, JJ has never had to juggle a rent payment that was due dangerously close to other bills' auto-deductions from the checking account.  When I was a renter, there were many months that I'd take my cash to Publix and get a money order for the rent...the last thing I needed was a bounced rent check and penalty fees.


The fishtank canopy cover case -- WTH was all the smalltalk about???  I think JJ knew something about the litigants that we didn't.

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Why did JJ give the Mormon charity case $3,000?  No receipts, no photos, no proof of the value.  Did she just want to stick it to that shady landlord? 


In the second case, the sultry wife said something about a relative from Poland.  So there's your answer about that odd couple.  They met on-line. 

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Pre-empted by a speech by some unimportant obama dude!


How long did that go on? I got the end of TPC cut off for that. What is it now that nothing can wait just one hour until the news? I didn't watch it, but was Obama's news that earth-shaking? We need to know every little thing right now? If the stations are looking for ratings, cutting out the only new eps of JJ is not the way to do it.

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The fishtank canopy cover case -- WTH was all the smalltalk about???  I think JJ knew something about the litigants that we didn't.


I think she smelled something fishy (sorry) in that they both came with an entourage and a relatively bogus case. Free trip to LA anyone? Cool! Nice dinner, too!


The homeless woman case was odd, too. Can't afford rent, but has a pricey gaming computer, and a houseful of stuff? I think they were both a little off.

Edited by SandyToes
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Why did JJ give the Mormon charity case $3,000?  No receipts, no photos, no proof of the value.  Did she just want to stick it to that shady landlord? 


If this were Peoples Court, MM would be calling this Rough Justice.  I think JJ was so appalled by the landlord getting rid of all the renter’s stuff, she wanted to penalize him.  I don’t think the renter ever had a $2,500 gaming computer; she wanted to put something expensive on the list to get more money.  I am surprised, though, that JJ didn’t comment on it more. She did ask the landlord a lot of questions about his house and whether or not he could legally rent there.  Sounds like he couldn’t and in a lot of jurisdictions the renter can get the rent back, so that probably was part of her thought process too.

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`Mr. Songbird doesn't watch JJ (says she's too mean...I tell him she just doesn't suffer fools gladly) but I had to show him the daughter/Dad repo car case.  I said "I'm not going to say anything...just watch".  He laughed his ass off.  Even her Dad kind of gave her a side-eye like "girl, please".


Sadly some of the cases y'all mention I haven't seen yet here.

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The second episode - the exes fighting over a car. Judge Judy, once again, was letting her privilege show....she hollered at the defendant that a person with a checking account would NEVER go and get a money order for something they could write a check for. 


Not to mention that there are many leery folks who won't accept a personal check and insist upon a money order or cash. (How many "bad check" cases has JJ presided over, for heaven's sake? Is her memory that short?)

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Am I the only person who has never in my life used a money order or Western Union to pay for something? I always use debit/credit card/checks to pay for stuff. Of course, I've never given money for 15 year old cars to strangers from Craigslist, so maybe that's why. Okay, forget it. I guess I live in a different world than JJ litigants - a world where nobody really owns anything, where no one can have bank accounts, no one lives anywhere, but just "stays" in various places and where people put everything "underneath" someone else's name.

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We rent from a fairly large rental agency. They do not even accept checks. Our options are ACH via our checking account, debit or credit card, cash in their office or some sort of certified funds. It is nice for us because I can pay it online, but I think if I were still a landlord, I would not accept checks. I work in a bank and see so many bounce.

I am thinking JJ is one of those people who writes checks at the grocery store...

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