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8 hours ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

It's nice to see how much she is enjoying it.

I have liked both of her performances so far. She has a great combination of appropriate content from her partner (I hate when they're assigned a particular dance style and they do all kinds of stuff that is not part of that dance), confidence, and dance skill.

She is making it look so easy and it's clear that she is having a great time. I also like that she looks so relaxed. It's no fun to watch celebrities do these routines when they're obviously stressed and borderline freaking out. I really hope she is a dark horse and makes it to the finale.

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I love that she's on the show.  I'd just like to see her make more eye contact with her partner.  She seems very fixated on the camera, and it doesn't feel like they are a pair of people dancing with each other . . . she's dancing with the camera.  I know there are some dances where they are supposed to hold their heads in a weird position and NOT look at each other, but she seems to always be facing right at the camera.  Maybe it's a holdover from her "mockumentary" days on "The Office" when they did a LOT of talking heads directly into the camera.

Not a criticism - just an observation and my opinion.

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Just rewatched "Christening" again.

Can I share my loathing of this episode?

* When, besides their wedding, have Jim and Pam ever indicated that they attend church on a regular basis or that religion constitutes an important part of either of their lives?   Pam reveals she's a Presbyterian in "Grief Counseling", but we've not been given any other indicator on her part that it's anything besides the religion her parents and grandparents practice.  To this end, what do they think the point of Christening CeCe is?
* If they don't want their co-workers attending their personal or family events, they need to leave that information at home.  They should already be aware that Michael will abuse his power to encourage or force his employees to attend non-work-related activities.  This Christening should not have been discussed at work.

* Female minister.  "Friends", "Smallville", wedding after wedding on tv seems to involve a female minister these days.  

* And said Minister doesn't know how to pronounce Halpert, invites the entire congregation to their reception and the teen mission group is permitted to hijack the reception for their departure event.  I'm not saying it's impossible for that to happen, but I've never been in a church where the entire congregation has been invited from the pulpit to a wedding or other personal event without the express permission of the celebrants...and I've attended churches for over 40 years.

* To teach Sunday School, I had to undergo a background check.  In this day and age, no church in its right mind would allow two grown men who are not members and have no luggage to spontaneously jump on a bus with teenagers to go on a trip with them.  

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Wordsworth said:

To this end, what do they think the point of Christening CeCe is?

Eh, I kind of figured it was an expectation of their family/ tradition. My parents aren't particularly religious, but they christened my brother (their firstborn), probably for the sake of my grandparents. Granted my brother is Jim/Pam's age, so maybe this was more common a generation ago and not now, but I didn't see it as super strange. The female minister didn't bother me, either. Big YES to all your other points, though. And I also thought it was stupid that they made random new friends they met at Lamaze class Cece's godparents. We saw plenty of siblings and cousins at the wedding... I'm sure they could have found someone that would have been more appropriate than this couple they'd only known a few months...

  • Love 5

Anybody listening to the Office Ladies podcast?

Office Ladies with Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey

There are definitely some interesting stories here and I like their chemistry, but I can't help thinking that they would be better off with another host with a background in radio or podcasting and an extensive knowledge of the show.

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On 10/20/2019 at 4:00 PM, wknt3 said:

Anybody listening to the Office Ladies podcast?

Office Ladies with Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey

There are definitely some interesting stories here and I like their chemistry, but I can't help thinking that they would be better off with another host with a background in radio or podcasting and an extensive knowledge of the show.

I listened! I thought it started out very... awkward, almost like they were reading off a script. They sounded more natural as they went along. I would assume it'll continue to get stronger. I wonder if they'll bring in guests eventually for different perspectives... I hope so!

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On 6/9/2018 at 2:30 PM, Stacey1014 said:

I always wondered if this was a local PBS show or national programming. If it was aired nationally, I wish we could have had a camera crew in the office where Michael worked post Dunder Mifflin. He was always over the top and somewhat inappropriate, but I wonder what his new coworkers thought of him after seeing his hijinks on camera (I assumed he calmed down after marrying Holly and having kids since he was happier). 

Speaking of, I always thought it was weird that they sent a camera crew to Connecticut when Jim presumably permanently relocated there and why they had a camera with Michael at his second job. It's supposed to a documentary of that particular office, right?  I understand the cameras at office get togethers like Michael and Jan's "impromptu" dinner party.  But, they weren't following all the individuals around 24/7, so why those 2 times?

  • Love 2

The Erin - Pete - Andy triangle has done the opposite of its intentions and I now despise Erin. Pete, I just roll my eyes everytime he appears because I know it’s just to moon over Erin. Erin has gone from being hilarious to a whiny dud. I didn’t even want Erin and Andy to stay together but the execution of this plot just failed in so many levels. Pam and Jim they are not.

  • Love 3
19 minutes ago, Avabelle said:

The Erin - Pete - Andy triangle has done the opposite of its intentions and I now despise Erin. Pete, I just roll my eyes everytime he appears because I know it’s just to moon over Erin. Erin has gone from being hilarious to a whiny dud. I didn’t even want Erin and Andy to stay together but the execution of this plot just failed in so many levels. Pam and Jim they are not.

Unlike Holly and Michael who were made for each other.

Andy likes Erin; Erin likes Andy.
Andy and Erin get together.
Erin finds out Andy dated Angela, hides in her hair and throws cake at him.
Erin begins dating Gabe because she thinks she has to.
Erin starts to like Andy again and breaks up with Gabe in public.
Erin wants Andy to take her out; Andy turns her down.
Andy starts dating Jessica; Erin tells the camera how hard it is to keep working with someone you used to date because you have to see them every day.
Erin runs off to Florida because she can't have Andy; Andy loses his job after abandoning it to go after her (By this time, I'd stopped caring about them as a couple) and breaks up with Jessica publicly at a bridal shower.
Erin tells Dwight that Andy can't perform and is surprised that this now becomes a conference room meeting in which literally no adult in that room, including the normally reasonable Jim and Pam, has the ability to stop.
Less than 10 episodes later, Erin admits she's losing respect for Andy because of his stupid feud with Broccoli Rob.
The next episode, Andy ditches her to go on a boat trip with his brother, stays away for many months so that Ed Helms can film movies and Erin falls out of love with him, starts dating Pete and makes plans to break up with Andy when he returns - which she does when it's clear he's a selfish jerk who only thinks of his needs.
Andy doesn't take it well, tries to fire Pete who assures Andy that there was "no overlap" (despite Erin telling the camera at the beginning of the episode that "I saw Pete's butt") and both of them telling Andy to get over it (even though Erin has had three months to get used to this idea and knows exactly what it's like to have to work with an ex-lover).
Andy retaliates by hiring both of their former lovers so they can feel as awkward as he does.

That entire Andy-Erin-Pete storyline makes me tired and angry just thinking about it.  It only slightly inches out Dwight and Angela's relationship for the Most Colossal Waste of Viewers' Time award by degrees.  At least, Dwight and Angela got married at the end after she lied to Dwight for almost a year regarding the paternity of their child and being, overall, a very unpleasant person.








Edited by Wordsworth
  • LOL 1

Oh, and can we talk about Darryl and Val which appears to have come about as a way to give Craig Robinson more to do on the show?

So the warehouse employees win the lottery in “Lotto” and Darryl, bummed out because he stopped playing when he moved upstairs and because his ex-wife, Justine, is a gold-digger who isn’t interested in him anymore,  costs his employer a client while failing to hire a replacement crew.

In that episode, we are introduced to Val who is ultimately hired as a replacement foreman.

In “Doomsday”, Gabe tries to court Val who turns him down because she has a (wise) policy of not dating co-workers.  Darryl is clearly interested in her at this time, but decides not to pursue her.

Until Valentine’s Day.  In “Special Project”, Darryl gets a knitted beanie from Val and can’t decide if it’s a romantic gesture or not…then he sees that she’s knitted beanies for everyone…then he gets a phone call from a man wanting to send his “girlfriend” flowers…

Then something weird happens.  He sees the flowers, sees they’re from someone named Brandon and Val, who doesn’t date co-workers, tells him that deep-voiced Brandon is her mother.


Darryl is now getting mixed signals.  He knows Brandon is her boyfriend.  She knows he knows that Brandon is her boyfriend.  What game is she playing?

Two episodes later in “After Hours”, Brandon confronts Darryl in the conference room over texts that he’s convinced means that Darryl and Val are having an affair.  Both Val and Darryl deny it, but the other employees are generally in agreement that Darryl’s texts do cross a boundary. 

“Free Family Portrait Studio” is the last episode of the season.  When some of the previous employees return to the warehouse after squandering their lottery winnings, Darryl overdoes it praising Val to them, unaware that Brandon is in her office.  Brandon once again confronts Darryl who finally admits that he is trying to steal Val away.

Later in the episode, Darryl and his daughter, Jada, pose for what is intended to be a family photo and Darryl invites Val, still in her warehouse uniform, to be in the photo with them. Is that creepy or what? Isn’t that a little quick?  Has Val even broken up with Brandon yet? What is poor Jada thinking?   If you were a little girl, what would you think of some stranger jumping into a photo of you and your Daddy?

At this point, my sympathies are with Brandon.   We have no evidence that he has done anything to deserve his girlfriend and her boss making eyes at each other.  As for Darryl’s assertion that he would praise Val all the time if she were his girlfriend…

Ten episodes later…yep, about the same amount of time Erin and Andy’s final relationship arc lasted….Darryl is tired of Val.  So much for all that praise.  Since he’s interested in working for Jim’s new company in Philadelphia, he uses the complications of being separated to orchestrate a break up.   Unfortunately, Darryl’s co-workers misinterpret his crocodile tears and harass Val to get back together with him.  Darryl is quite clearly not enthused about this.

So Val broke up with her boyfriend who, by all outward appearances, seemed to treat her well (sending her flowers on Valentine’s Day, etc) and who had a stable job running his own business (Sure, he appeared a little hot-headed, but one could argue that we only saw that side of him when he was provoked by Darryl’s attempts to break them up) in order to date a guy who pretty quickly gets tired of her and uses a potential job in Philadelphia for which he has not even interviewed yet as an excuse to end the relationship (to say nothing of the fact that this business is still getting off the ground and there’s no guarantee it will go anywhere) only to get back with him because three of his co-workers that she barely knows or even interact with nag her about it.

We next see Val briefly in “Vandalism” when she blatantly ignores Pam’s yelling through the bullhorn about the damage to her mural by walking into her office rather than defusing a situation that eventually escalates.  Clearly not the best foreman Dunder-Mifflin has ever had. I can’t imagine Darryl letting an office worker yell through a bullhorn at his workers.

Finally, Val appears, again briefly, in the finale when she’s seen holding Darryl's hand as they attend Dwight and Angela’s wedding.  Evidently, they stayed together.  Did she move to Philly?  Is she going to move to Austin?  Did Darryl just bite the bullet and lie in the bed he made?  What a waste of time and what a bad relationship.


Edited by Wordsworth
edited to correct Dwight to Darryl as peacheslatour pointed out.
  • Love 3

Finally, Val appears, again briefly, in the finale when she’s seen holding Dwight’s hand as they attend Dwight and Angela’s wedding.  Evidently, they stayed together.  Did she move to Philly?  Is she going to move to Austin?  Did Darryl just bite the bullet and lie in the bed he made?  What a waste of time and what a bad relationship.

Do you mean Darryl? Because I'm confused.

5 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

I'm not ashamed to admit that I cried like an idiot during the finale. When Michael showed up... Oh, here I go again >sob<

I always hate it when a series has a bad final episode.  I'll never forgive the folks who gave us "St. Elsewhere."  I did, though, enjoy the entire Seinfeld gang ending up in jail.  They should have been there long before on charges of being a public annoyance.

But I, too, cried through the end of "The Office."

  • Love 1

I just thought the finale was too busy.

I was annoyed by the Q&A panel spending so much time on Jim & Pam and then pretending that Erin's search for her real mother was a significant storyline.  It would have been nice to have Meredith or Kevin talk about the pitfalls of letting cameras follow you around.  While David Wallace had a brief bit, I think him talking about the good and bad publicity a business gets from a show like that would have been interesting.  It didn't have to be long, but the Q&A was just unbalanced.  

Otherwise, I suppose the wedding was okay and tied up the loose ends of Dwight and Angela's interminable saga.  It had just about the right amount of Michael not to go overboard.

Who gets in the most legal trouble:  Ryan for child abandonment or Nellie for international kidnapping?

And Jim & Pam still haven't resolved their communication problems.  Pam's solution is to put the house up for sale without telling Jim?  Really?  They're still not using their words!



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The Office’ Originally Planned to Split Jim and Pam Up in Season 9 

The problem is Jim has always hated being a paper salesman so his ambition alone would have been a believable cause for a split. Adding the sound guy just felt contrived. The last minute changes they did to keep him and Pam together just made the latter look selfish. 

Edited by VCRTracking
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41 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

Why were Pam and Jim so adamant about no one saying anything about Pam being preggers around Mee Maw? All you had you had to do was look at her. It was obvious.

Willful ignorance? She would believe what she wanted until it was pointed out to her. MeeMaw seems like that kind of person.

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