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Jeremy and Auj Poj

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Eh... You'll forgive me if I don't agree with the "Poor Matt, never able to be a real father even though he desperately wanted to" narrative.

The bastard has charmingly noted how spending time with his precious sons was a waste of his time one too many times for me to buy it. 

I actually don't disagree that Zach and Jeremy are spoiled, but I see Matt as the 50 percent responsible partner in that.


Thank goodness Matt made them lots of money with HIS ideas!


 I assume you haven't read the book Matt wrote prior to the show about how the family financially struggled due to his ideas?

But more seriously - the idea Matt had was to get his family on a reality show. We don't applaud other families for whoring out their families and I assure you, if Matt didn't have a set of twins with one dwarf and one average height. Matt wouldn't have a show if Matt didn't have a family so after a while the "It was Matt's idea so every member of that family needs to start every conversation with "I'm eternally grateful to Matt Roloff""notion gets old. Yes, its nice that he did well but I simply point out - Matt as a parent is somewhat required to actually provide for his children, it's an obligation, not a choice so I really disagree he needs to be lauded for financially providing for children he chose to have.

Amy is no saint. She let the kids be undisciplined and lazy and frankly it's a surprise to me that Molly ended up so mature in comparison to the boys (and it's very obvious that Matt's heir in intellect and in drive is Molly) but let's remember that Matt "I'm the good parent" Roloff is currently on record stating he wants his boys on the farm and is happy to create enticements on the farm so that his boys will never want to go out into the world away from the farm.

The "boys" are all adults now and Matt continues to treat them like little boys. Jeremy in theory wants to work on the farm, take over the farm, etc etc etc. Have we ever seen Matt seriously address that? Has he ever set up a plan to teach Jeremy how the business of the farm is run? Or is Jeremy sent off to play on fun projects and to do tours and to piddle around on the tv show. I mean, lets be fair here - Amy is expected to stop coddling the boys right? So why is Matt allowed to let Jeremy play? Why isn't Jeremy on the farm payroll and *expected to work*? Because *Amy* forbids it? 

I actually feel bad for Jeremy when it comes to the farm. Matt clearly has no interest in actually showing him how the farm business  works and dangles it over Jeremy's head, all while treating Jeremy like he's a fifteen year old kid who can't really be trusted with real jobs. And Matt has dangled it over Jeremy's head, that he'll one day be able to come to the farm. And Jeremy, being not terribly bright, and not being terribly ambitious because NEITHER of his parents ever encouraged him to apply himself at anything, now has no skills, no work ethic, and no credible life experience other than having been on a reality show. 

I certainly can't stop you from putting all the blame on Amy - and I absolutely think she's part of the problem - but Matt has both hands in the "shitty parenting" pot. If he lived in the home - and he did - and decided it was too fucking hard to disagree with his wife - then his kids turned out shitty because it was easier for Matt to not give a shit how the wife raised the kids he fucked into her. He chose to fuck his wife, he chooses to call himself a father, he therefore owns the responsibility for raising them and if he didn't bother, or found it too hard, or left it to Amy, he's part of the problem and not the gentle saintly dad who did everything right. 

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  On 12/10/2017 at 1:32 PM, Jeanne222 said:

Jeremy and Zack were both mothered  by Amy in that filthy home with no sheets on their beds and enough dirty dishes to start a buffet!

Zack being a soccer star was Amy's dream.

Matt knew what he had to work with but he could never get past Amy!

You reap what you sow!

So now two wives have two momma's boys.  Thank goodness Matt made them lots of money with HIS ideas!


Jeremy and Zach are not momma's boys. If anything they are their daddy's boys.  Their worst character traits were all installed in them by Matt Roloff, not Amy. She may have been a shitty housekeeper but Matt did things - or more importantly he failed to do things - that did a lot more damage to them than sleeping in a bed with no sheets ever did. 

I'm talking about raising his sons to place no value on getting an education. To have no sense of real ambition or desire to achieve. Matt stood by while Zach and Jeremy barely made it through school and just shrugged his shoulders.  He's trained them to be completely dependent on the show for survival. He never required them to develop any kind of self sufficiency or to demonstrate excellence or even competence in any aspect of their lives.

He completely failed them as a father.  

It was Matt's job to shape his sons into independent men who would be the head of their own households one day. Instead he nitpicked and criticized, micro-managed and manipulated, discouraged and belittled and generally undermined their independence at every turn. All done so that he, Matt, could always be the star and center of attention. He needed everything to revolve around him. When it didn't, he simply didn't participate. And he didn't care what happened when he wasn't around. He basically raised his sons to flounder and that is exactly what they are doing. I doubt there was anything Amy could have done to overcome Matt's influence, either. Between the old fashioned power structure of their family and Matt's petulant, selfish, narcissistic ways there was not a lot of room for her to maneuver.

I think on some level Matt is actually quite pleased with how they turned out because he still exerts considerable control of them, even though they are now married fathers approaching thirty years old. Daddy is still running the show, literally and figuratively, he is the *star* ... everyone else is just a satellite in his orbit. 

  • Love 14

Personally, I think Matt wasn’t interested in anyone  except Jeremy.  You saw this over and over in the show.  Jeremy was the one who became Matt’s driver, backhoe driver, traveling companion. Switzerland, for example while Amy managed  and played with the dwarf soccer team and wrangled Jacob and Molly at the Dwarf Games. 

Matt left vacation after vacation, leaving Amy to again deal with all the kids- even when the trip was planned for his disability/ Mississippi River.  Matt spent zillions of dollars on that farm, got 2 DUIs, and almost got Mike and Jacob killed with that goofy contraption. 

But, back to the topic. Jeremy wants to live on the farm, but he doesn’t want to work or manage it.  Neither does Audrey.  

Edited by mythoughtis
  • Love 11

It was Matt's job to shape his sons into independent men who would be the head of their own households one day. Instead he nitpicked and criticized, micro-managed and manipulated, discouraged and belittled and generally undermined their independence at every turn.


Agree completely. I've never heard Matt compliment his sons, either of them, without noting how he expected them to fail and is surprised they succeeded. One moment I found especially telling was Matt opining that Jeremy was "being allowed" to pursue photography but that it was understood that Jeremy would not succeed and would be back on the farm and Matt was willing to let it happen that way. Matt doesn't want Jeremy to take over the farm, Matt wants Jeremy to be his permanent helper. 

And Jeremy basically married his dad in Audrey - the scene where "Jeremy decides to buy a house" was completely telling. Jeremy didn't make a decision, Jeremy asked his dad and Audrey what to do and they told him. 

I do allow Amy's hand in her baby boys continue to be baby boys. Amy needed to stop the "You could have a career in professional soccer despite being a little person" nonsense when Zach was about sixteen. Jeremy needed to stop being treated like the crown prince but honestly by the time the boys would have normally been asked to step up - the show was at it's peak popularity so Zach and Jeremy got to ride out 18-23 with nothing but constant treats from the show.

I completely agree that Matt has no interest in his male children doing anything that requires them to live lives that don't revolve around Matt's wishes. The very fact that he's stated multiple times that he wants his children living on the farm and fully intends to give them as many treats as they need in order to get his way is not even a clue, it's a fact.

I do get what Jeanne is saying about the twins being mama boys because they both have basically married women who will take care of them and allow them to maintain their machismo based views. Until the show ends, it will work for both because let's all be realistic - the show provides Jeremy and Zach each with a high income, higher than Tory's teaching salary, and higher than whatever Audrey makes with her many many entrepreneurial ventures.

When the show ends, I think Tory and Zach will be ok in that I think Tory likes teaching and my gut instinct, just based on how they live, is that a lot of the show money is going into the bank. (I could easily be wrong, but these two don't seem like they're spending money hand over fist).

Jer and Auj when the show ends? I don't think it will be pretty. They are clearly pretty dependent on the show income. That house they bought was pretty pricey and seems to be a money pit . I don't get the impression that the various businesses Audrey is running are making a livable wage - by livable, I mean, pay the mortgage without show money. On the other hand, I've heard Jeremy is a saver and a mooch so he could be putting a sizable amount in the bank. I just have a feeling they're house poor. 

I also  wonder how keen the Botti parents are for their son in law who is constantly moving into their house but I am sure we'll never know.

  • Love 6
  On 12/10/2017 at 9:11 PM, Rap541 said:

Jer and Auj when the show ends? I don't think it will be pretty. They are clearly pretty dependent on the show income. That house they bought was pretty pricey and seems to be a money pit . I don't get the impression that the various businesses Audrey is running are making a livable wage - by livable, I mean, pay the mortgage without show money. On the other hand, I've heard Jeremy is a saver and a mooch so he could be putting a sizable amount in the bank. I just have a feeling they're house poor. 

I also  wonder how keen the Botti parents are for their son in law who is constantly moving into their house but I am sure we'll never know.


Her parents seem to be well-off and would probably bail them out of financial issues, if need be, but probably not long-term. These two will have to figure out real jobs one day. The show can't last forever, especially since neither one is a little person. And all those Instagram kickbacks and ALWAYS MORE everything will die out eventually. But, I don't see their spending dying out, unless the saving/mooching thing is true.

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Oh man, you guys! The first 50 people to send them a Xmas card get an awesome Jerk, Oddj, & little Briquette card sent back to them!! Hop on it, everyone! The teaser photo and pic about Germy’s AMAZING hair she put up in her story make me want to gag. If they weren’t assholes, I’d think the family photos were sweet. But, not with these two. 

  • Love 4

Do these two have any friends anymore? 

I don't mean that in a mean way, by the way. They just never mention seeing friends or having friends, or doing anything that isn't the two of them staging photos of each other in pajamas. I also recall the big to-do over their first post baby date and no mention of any other dates... and no mention of the "OMG WE MUST HAVE DATE NIGHT" philosophy they were spouting. In fact, they haven't posted to their website in over a month. In fact they haven't posted an article that they wrote themselves since June. And nothing but new items to buy update on Auj's personal blog since October....

On a complete aside  as amusing as Audrey's "How dare anyone question my parenting!" instagram acknowledgement that she doesn't want to hear anything but praise for her parenting choices was.... I find it very very noticable indeed that Baby Ember hasn't been seen hatless since. Funny that. 

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Please forgive me, but Baby Charcoal looks JUST like Audrey.... poor thing. All babies are precious but not everyone's DNA blends together well. 

Baby Jackson however is adorable! I wonder if people that are ugly on the inside produce unattractive spawn? Zach and Tory seem beautiful on the inside and their baby is a reflection of that. 

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  On 12/13/2017 at 11:55 AM, ginger90 said:

They just started moving stuff from the garage to the house......

Their Christmas card


NOW Ember has a hat on...........


I know those pajamas! It's from the Hannah Andersson family pajama catalogue. depending on any sales that is anywhere between 250 to 150.00 in pajamas. 

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And while I’m thinking about it...where does Oddj get those pacis she gives Ember? The nude/bandage-ish color bothers me to no end. Where are the normal pacifiers?!

  On 12/14/2017 at 4:06 AM, Punkadoo said:

I know those pajamas! It's from the Hannah Andersson family pajama catalogue. depending on any sales that is anywhere between 250 to 150.00 in pajamas. 


Yeah, she linked them in a story. Granted, she probably got them on sale, but she’s always spendy. She was probably raised that way and plopping down money on pajamas that’ll get worn once is nothing to her. 

Edited by Shmoopaloop

Honestly, I try not to pick at times because sometimes it's too easy but....

"Always More" is just so damn ridiculous. Don't get me wrong, the actual sentiment related to Ephesians is lovely, but Audrey is just.... cheapening it.

She's actually custom ordered a neon sign to hang over her bed with "Always More".

Does she not realize what that looks like? A red neon sign over her bed saying "Always More". 

Plus lets not forget that her deep Christian thought has since been subverted into "Always More Milk!" for babies and "Always More Coffee!" because thats what you do with your deep Christian thoughts, you monetize them.

I honestly think she'd sell swatches from her baby's christening clothes if she thought it would make money.

  • Love 10

Did they kidnap one of US magazine's photographers?  Who is snapping all of these <<spontaneous>> shots?  Can't be the cat...he's in too many of the pics.  Can't be Ember. Her little hands & fingers are too cold to hold a camera since Mommy & Daddy spent the clothing budget on various indoor hats and infinity scarfs.  Or maybe Jeremy is finally putting his camera equipment to use & he setup cameras/tripods/timers in rooms all over their house?   

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  On 12/18/2017 at 9:41 PM, Shmoopaloop said:

Does anyone else remember a few months back when Auj posted a story about doing a major closet clear-out and wanted to know if people would be interested in buying her clothes? I wonder what happened with that? I figured all her adoring “fans” would clamor to own an article of AujPoj’s own clothing. 


What is worse than an Always More shirt?

A second-hand Always More shirt.

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  On 12/20/2017 at 6:02 PM, Willowsmom said:

It's okay. God will tell Tawdry it's Always More to have multiple husbands...


SHHHHHHH! TLC might hear you! They already have “Seeking Sister Wives”. If I see “Seeking Brother Husbands” it’ll be your fault. 

Edited by thebigboot
iPhone autocorrect sucks
  • Love 1
  On 12/19/2017 at 6:17 PM, ginger90 said:

Just GAG at that photo of these two grifters in their matching Hannah Andersson printed jammies, once again posing for yet *another* session in an endless series of photo shoots. Pretty try-hard to convince us they're just so in wuvvvv.  Does she have his balls in her purse or what? Here I thought that shirt with the pink flowers was an eye roller.

  On 12/21/2017 at 7:00 PM, ginger90 said:

Jer posted some stories on Instagram yesterday about the Dave Ramsey book, Total Money Makeover, that he received from a friend and is currently reading. He is looking forward to going into the new year with "a little more money knowledge". 

I haven't read any Dave Ramsey books but from what I know about him I can't imagine he'd approve of a $240 dress for an infant.

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Ok, like, I can't mock the idea of reading Total Money Makeover. Dave Ramsey is religious, which is why Jeremy is willing to read the book, but... there's good sense in Dave Ramsey's financial views. One of my mentors in finance was a kind Christian man who when the market crashed in 2008, took it upon himself to lecture those of us at my workplace who were willing to listen how to manage our finances the Dave Ramsey way. I live debt free now. 

That said, while I think a lot of the crap they brag about is free shit, yes, Dave Ramsey would not approve of a 240 dollar dress for an infant, nor would he approve of matching pajamas for three for a holiday wearing only. I mean, seriously, if Jer wants to embrace frugality, yay for him, but I suspect this is a similar "Jeremy talks the talk but sure as hell isn't interested in walking the walk" moment.

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On an aside, there's been an update in the endless house issues.

Remember how they moved back in after having to move out because the kitchen remodel was infested with mold? And remember how the stove was never working?

So, Auj has been instagramming how yesterday they FINALLY got a gas line installed for their gas stove...

So if the house never HAD a gas line, for a gas stove, then the prior owner must have been using an electric stove. Now, I have used both, and gas stoves are nicer, I don't deny that at all but... honestly, electric stoves do cook your food. All this drama coming from these two (Auj, mostly) about the kitchen not having a stove/oven working etc etc etc for months... has been because they want a gas stove, not an electric stove. To where they had to install a gas line to get it.

Audrey is a drama llama. 

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