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Danielle and Mohamed: The Original Mess

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22 hours ago, realitymaven said:

This made me chuckle, kudos to your husband!

About the drinking and smoking: yeah, all the mistresses commented on it (as did Danielle's family) since they found it such a departure from what he espoused as his principles. The mistress who took him to Las Vegas did so because he loved gambling so much in Atlantic City earlier in the year. She also said he would pound down the beer first before switching to the hard stuff. All of which is fine but just makes it so odd that he would construct a persona that was so contrary to who he really was. 

Also, he does have a knack for sniffing out the women who are most vulnerable. It's a bit like child molesters can somehow detect which child is the best target. Quite creepy but quite uncanny: I've never figured out their secret but it's a talent of sorts. All of his most lucrative targets had either gone through a recent split and/or had a history of anxiety disorders. This didn't seem to apply to Luisa who seemed to figure him out once they spent time together in Miami and headed for the hills. 

I think it says that he would rule you out as a good target because you're too stable. 

I don't know why I was thinking that the New York Mistress was also the one who took him to Las Vegas? There must have been another woman somewhere in the mix that I lost track of.

Also, is it true that he took the 5K they made from Season 2 and went on a trip someplace with that money also? Dani just rolled over and let him do it.

It really is odd about him and the alcohol. That makes sense as to why he was so outraged that the others were knocking them back before the taping. He just wanted to be able to drink with them but he couldn't afford to wreck his "persona."

Luisa definitely broke the mold for him. I loved it when she offered to stop and buy him a tampon! NEVER would Dani have done that! Dude really does whine a lot.

Like sitting on the beach in Miami with two gorgeous women, he got this pitiful look on his face and went into whine mode and there was Mo, doing what he loved best.

  • Love 2
On 6/17/2017 at 7:21 PM, wings707 said:

i don't think she did.  She was not able to go there.  She has a low IQ, no role model or education to know about love, relationships or much of anything.  She is a child in a cartoon love story.  She has no clue what love is.  None.   She never loved him, she loved the idea of love.  She just doesn't know what it is all about.  No clue.  She just wanted to be taken care of and adored.  

  • Love 1

Dani has to be one of the dumbest con artists alive. 

Prime opportunity to score some cash by marrying this Tunsian love rat and scoring a good deal of cash from him and/or his family so he can get his green card (making it a purely business deal).  She could have taken care of her gurls with that money. That coupled with her TLC money could have really assisted her with the debt and giving her daughters a better life. 

But Dani is thinking with little stinking Dani who is being conned by the love rat.   She convinces herself that the dumbass loves her.  Then balls when he dumps her cray cray fat ass.

Stupid is as stupid does. 

  • Love 4
18 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Like sitting on the beach in Miami with two gorgeous women, he got this pitiful look on his face and went into whine mode and there was Mo, doing what he loved best.

What DangerousMinds said five comments up (six if counting this one).

Edited by Former Nun
  • Love 4
41 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

So, the latest on Mo's Instagram is that he's staying in town [Tampa?] for the hurricane.

He was walking down the street and telling  everyone, "It's just windy."

Will he be documenting it with his selfie stick?  Will he cry like a bitch when a gust of wind blows up his prissy ass?

Edited by Arwen Evenstar
Not enough coffee yet
  • Love 9
42 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Will he be documenting it with his selfie stick?  Will he cry like a bitch when a gust of wind blows up his prissy ass?

He's in for a rude awakening -- especially if he is without water or power for several days. 

If he thought he had stuff to whine about before wait until now.

That aspect of it might make him happy.

  • Love 4
On September 7, 2017 at 7:49 PM, sleepyjean said:

Mohamed's problem is that he's an a-hole. Perhaps not as much of an a-hole as he appears to be on tv, but enough of an a-hole that every one of us fully believes the story TLC is telling. Even knowing that it's edited to spin it a certain way.

It makes it so easy for TLC to do an a-hole spin on him because he gives them ample opportunities. The first time I set eyes on Mo-Ho, I thought, well, he's okay, but no way does he like the weird older lady who's waiting for him. But then the more he spoke, I more I realized his mouth is very much like a ferret's, and his eyes are dead - no expression, sincerity, nothing. And, I apologize for being shallow, but for a relatively thin guy, he has bigger breasts than I do (yes, I know I am small-busted), but nonetheless, I wouldn't date someone who gets uglier every time he opens his mouth. 

  • Love 7
On September 8, 2017 at 7:32 AM, greekmom said:

I always did wonder what the deal was with Luisa and what her big reveal was about Mo.  Anyone have any details?

If I were Luisa, I would not admit to that, nor would I admit to even knowing Mo-Ho, let alone admit to giving him money. How embarrassing. It's not like he's even got any game; he's always whining, and everything's about him. Most lady scammers are all about the woman, and they ensure they spend money on them in the beginning, then life gets in the 'way' and they start borrowing money.

  • Love 4
On September 5, 2017 at 5:26 AM, CoachWristletJen said:

I enjoyed watching Mohamed's fairly good English disintegrate over time as he started to begin sentences with, "I seen..."

LOL! And I appreciate that his so-called quiet demeanour gets rattled when he's challenged, and the only thing he can say is, "Calm down, calm down' all the while the others are speaking normally. The host should have told him to be quiet so someone could make their point. No one was yelling at him during the second reunion hour, yet he's saying, "stop yelling, calm down" - only to the women though. Clearly he's learned if he doesn't like what someone is sharing about him, he'll just keep repeating inane yet condescending phrases in hopes they'll stop. (Clearly he doesn't know Loren, she doesn't stop.) If that had been me he was trying to talk over, I wouldn't have kept my cool and would have launched myself on him, fists flying. (And of course be arrested and then sued by Mo-Ho.)

  • Love 4
On August 23, 2017 at 4:59 PM, Arwen Evenstar said:

I think there was a point that Mohamed's behavior toward her was justified after she simply couldn't get it through her thick head after he'd told her for the umpteenth time that he'd had it and the relationship for all intents and purposes was dunzo.

Don't forget, we also saw the edited versions where we were so exhausted and fed up with Danielle going back, justifying staying married and so on. Yet, every time she was on to something that could adversely affect him, he would take her out and obviously say something that made her feel deep down he cared for her. I seriously do think he's a sociopath. He has no conscience - he only cares about staying in America and not having to work. Danielle was so enamoured with some young guy actually marrying her... well according to all her Harlequin books, he had to love her, deep down. So she'd give him yet another out. It was pathetic and difficult to watch.

  • Love 6
On August 24, 2017 at 3:35 PM, CofCinci said:

The US needs to do a better job protecting dummies like Danielle from predators like Mo. 

Loren was right when she said people like Dani and Mo-Ho give the K1 a bad name. (As does that Mark EEEwwwww)I am still baffled that Mo was accepted after only 2 months after the application was filed. (I sort of think Dani was shocked, he was approved, as well. All the while she had been lying to him about her circumstances). Mind you, Mo-Ho is an equal opportunist and lied just as much as she did. But, the Gov't should have been alerted when they saw the age difference, the country of Mo-Ho's origin, and the lack of finances in Danielle's bank. Come on agents, let's admit they slipped through the cracks. I still do not think he should be allowed to stay in the USA. He has done nothing to show that he appreciates the country and/or its citizens, nor the value of hard work.

  • Love 3
On August 20, 2017 at 9:46 PM, sleepyjean said:

Nope. She can't walk away now. She's got so much work to do, monitoring his every move, gathering evidence to get him deported. That will keep her occupied for months, if not years.

What bothers me is her complete lack of self respect. I cringe every time she stalks him, or presents a situation that requires her to communicate with him. He told the world your nether regions stink! Come on Danielle, back away slowly... then turn and run like hell. I can't stand him! And she makes women look bad.

On December 14, 2016 at 8:30 AM, realitymaven said:

Maybe Mo's taping himself while driving and showing his "look how I can drive with no hands" skills did not endear him to the company. 

OMG! Thanks for the laugh of the day.

  • Love 1
On August 7, 2017 at 8:08 AM, Former Nun said:

There are many IT whizzes who didn't graduate from high school.  Companies arrange for quick GED qualifications just to get these (mostly) guys certified for employment.   So, does he or does he not have tech skills?  Is he not employable due to his Visa status?

Seriously? "Mostly guys" in this day and age? Whenever I am by the BCIT campus, there's an almost equal amount of male/female registrants. (Or maybe 60/40 in favour of men.) I agree that formal schooling is not an indicator for future IT success,  Also, I don't agree with having them complete their GED. IT workshops, sure, but otherwise, formal education is of no help. You either have the knack for picking up IT skills (through application, no studies) or you don't. Just like art - you have it or you don't.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

He's in for a rude awakening -- especially if he is without water or power for several days. 

If he thought he had stuff to whine about before wait until now.

Watch, he'll start a GoFundMe account for ALL the items he lost in the disaster. Meanwhile, although we all know he hasn't a pot to p**s in, somebody will take pity.

  • Love 3

Mo will be spending the rest of his existence being stalked by and running from that batshit crazy, whingeing, whiny succubus.

Even though there's a lid for every pot, and there's no accounting for taste, I don't get what she sees in him that makes it worth making a fool of herself over him. If he looked like Brad Pitt or Javier Bardem, then maybe I could understand though not excuse her behavior.

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, Chalby said:

I find him to be arrogant, but also to have a flat affect. He's really doesn't have any emotions, or a conscience, etc. Probably a sociopath.

I believe you are absolutely correct. I've been thinking this for the whole season. I also think he doesn't like women and that he is either gay or asexual.

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, Chalby said:

Seriously? "Mostly guys" in this day and age?    ...   Also, I don't agree with having them complete their GED.

So you questioned my "mostly guys," and then gave an example of "60/40 in favour of men"?   For me that percentage is doubtful, but still "mostly."  The women in IT are generally those who  had the aptitude, studied and pursued that area of education.  I'd bet that most of the IT women took the "education" route.  Most U.S. corporations require at least a GED to qualify for employment. Some even assist applicants through the process.

Edited by Former Nun
GED comment
9 minutes ago, Nancypants said:

This is the portrait of a whinging succubus!

That's it! The title of the next Lifetime movie or 48 hours documentary 

Portrait of a Whining Succubus

Stalker behavior is creepy and dangerous and nobody really knows how far she's going to go to "make Mahammit pay for what he's done".  Though I dislike Mohamed as much as anyone else who watches the show, he deserves to live his life in peace.

Danielle needs to stop this behavior before she finds herself in legal trouble or in a padded cell.  He's not worth it.

  • Love 10

I lost a quoted post again (don't know how I keep doing that!!), but in response to the comments about Luisa, it turned out she had quite the con artist history herself. I can't remember the specifics, but it seems like she lost custody of her kids to their dad or a family member because of her criminal behavior. I would google it, but I'm so far behind in my PTV reading as it is, and I tend to fall down rabbit holes collecting worthless information.

She had conned quite a few men out of money playing a sympathy game, including trying to get custody back when she may not have really wanted it. There may have been substance abuse issues, too, but it seems like most of her past involved theft and fraud. She had no shame, at all, for running around with Mohamed while they were still dating, nor trashing him on social media for her fifteen minutes of fame. They deserve each other but unfortunately, she didn't have enough money to keep him in the custom he felt he deserved. One of her jobs was as an exotic dancer, and supposedly, a sex worker, and rumor had it that he wanted her to give him money and she was all, "Nope, earn your own! Look, I'm on TV!" Mo thought he had someone on the hook and would have gladly ran scams with her if she hadn't gotten sick of him being a mooch, so I guess I should applaud her for not becoming a Bonnie to his Clyde.


14 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Mo will be spending the rest of his existence being stalked by and running from that batshit crazy, whingeing, whiny succubus.

Even though there's a lid for every pot, and there's no accounting for taste, I don't get what she sees in him that makes it worth making a fool of herself over him. If he looked like Brad Pitt or Javier Bardem, then maybe I could understand though not excuse her behavior.

It is probably bitter jealously for the breakup, along with the fact she is still getting attention because of him. She is so juvenile when it comes to relationships and many of us believe he shouldn't get to stay in the US since it is clear that he was just using her to get here. Most of us that feel he should be deported also think she is a scammer herself and have no sympathy for her, but she seems to just internalize her behavior as "acceptable" because of the few who offer her sympathy for him breaking her heart. He is cold but she dimwitted and, in my opinion, unable to realize she is making a fool of herself. 


7 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

I have been intrigued by the oft mentioned Halal Potatoes Angie. Was she a part of MO's harem or was she more like a mom figure who cooked for him?

She was Danielle's friend who also had a Muslim husband from somewhere overseas. She appeared briefly in the first season to teach Danielle how to make halal food, which is how she got her nickname. She befriended Mohamed after Danielle burned a bridge with her, but like the Louisa backstory, I can't remember the specifics.

The friend who was seen this season also befriended him after a fight with Danielle, and I think that she was the one who had a father that was an immigration attorney in another state and schooled Mohamed on claiming abuse for immigration purposes, resulting in him immediately calling the cops every time some little thing happened. It was one or the other and I can't keep them separated because they both married Muslim men from other countries but this friend hasn't managed to get her husband approved to come over, yet. Unless she did; I had to quit trying to keep up with their social media because I bored of the Danielle/Mohamed a long time ago, but is was a blast when it was going on for quite awhile.

Also, I know I posted this somewhere recently, so I may be repeating myself, but Mohamed was not the first foreign man she tried to bring over on a K1. The theft and fraud charges for stealing her mother's identity and cash were for another man. Fortunately, she got caught and that man moved on to another target. She was with the father of her children for a long time, didn't get any hunky men to bite her broke ass, and turned online after a friend told her she could purchase someone out of her league if she went international. Screencaps of her siblings' social media pages telling her that Mo was just like the previous one were posted back during the first season, along with Danielle's replies that the first one was just a manipulator. The Twitter account for the person who calls herself(? it's the internet, who actually knows?) Sandusky Socialite had almost all of them at one point. She(?) knew Danielle and her friends and was telling all.

ETA: I should point out that Danielle hadn't managed to make the trip to meet the first(?) paramour so it didn't reach the paperwork stage. She was stealing the money and using the credit card to send him gifts and he was supposedly going to pay to fly her to see him, but it was your classic catfish scenario and he was juggling suckers. Her sister and son showed her the proof and she ignored them. It may have been her sister who turned her in for "frauding" their mother, but I think she denied it when she was asked back in season one. The credit card company required a police report to cancel the debt, and at least some of the charges were after their mother's death. Again, it was a basket of crazy I can't research again without falling into that abyss.

Edited by Christina
Added paragraph
  • Love 4
15 minutes ago, Nancypants said:

Aren't all potatoes"Hala"?

I'm far from knowledgeable about requirements for Halal cooking, but my guess is she was showing her how to cook without using animal products like lard and bacon fact. I would guess to use vegetable or olive oils, but I have a few more brain cells than Danielle, and therefore can see the obvious substitutes.

It may have be how to make a specific dish, like something that is commonly eaten during Ramadan, as opposed to my smartass comment above, but I can't remember for sure and see no reason to rewatch the episode. Mo was the one being shown cooking, for himself, during the airing of the show. Once, he even shared with Danielle and she smiled like it was a common occurrence and she was the most pampered wife, ever, when we knew he only offered because of the cameras. I don't think she cooked much at all. This did remind me that one of his 911 calls was to report Danielle for stealing his last $40, where he got it we never did learn, because he needed it to buy food since he had a special diet. The cops told him, "Too bad, so sad, you're married; it's just as much hers." 

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Christina said:

I lost a quoted post again (don't know how I keep doing that!!), but in response to the comments about Luisa, it turned out she had quite the con artist history herself. I can't remember the specifics, but it seems like she lost custody of her kids to their dad or a family member because of her criminal behavior. I would google it, but I'm so far behind in my PTV reading as it is, and I tend to fall down rabbit holes collecting worthless information.

She had conned quite a few men out of money playing a sympathy game, including trying to get custody back when she may not have really wanted it. There may have been substance abuse issues, too, but it seems like most of her past involved theft and fraud. She had no shame, at all, for running around with Mohamed while they were still dating, nor trashing him on social media for her fifteen minutes of fame. They deserve each other but unfortunately, she didn't have enough money to keep him in the custom he felt he deserved. One of her jobs was as an exotic dancer, and supposedly, a sex worker, and rumor had it that he wanted her to give him money and she was all, "Nope, earn your own! Look, I'm on TV!" Mo thought he had someone on the hook and would have gladly ran scams with her if she hadn't gotten sick of him being a mooch, so I guess I should applaud her for not becoming a Bonnie to his Clyde.


It is probably bitter jealously for the breakup, along with the fact she is still getting attention because of him. She is so juvenile when it comes to relationships and many of us believe he shouldn't get to stay in the US since it is clear that he was just using her to get here. Most of us that feel he should be deported also think she is a scammer herself and have no sympathy for her, but she seems to just internalize her behavior as "acceptable" because of the few who offer her sympathy for him breaking her heart. He is cold but she dimwitted and, in my opinion, unable to realize she is making a fool of herself. 


She was Danielle's friend who also had a Muslim husband from somewhere overseas. She appeared briefly in the first season to teach Danielle how to make halal food, which is how she got her nickname. She befriended Mohamed after Danielle burned a bridge with her, but like the Louisa backstory, I can't remember the specifics.

The friend who was seen this season also befriended him after a fight with Danielle, and I think that she was the one who had a father that was an immigration attorney in another state and schooled Mohamed on claiming abuse for immigration purposes, resulting in him immediately calling the cops every time some little thing happened. It was one or the other and I can't keep them separated because they both married Muslim men from other countries but this friend hasn't managed to get her husband approved to come over, yet. Unless she did; I had to quit trying to keep up with their social media because I bored of the Danielle/Mohamed a long time ago, but is was a blast when it was going on for quite awhile.

Also, I know I posted this somewhere recently, so I may be repeating myself, but Mohamed was not the first foreign man she tried to bring over on a K1. The theft and fraud charges for stealing her mother's identity and cash were for another man. Fortunately, she got caught and that man moved on to another target. She was with the father of her children for a long time, didn't get any hunky men to bite her broke ass, and turned online after a friend told her she could purchase someone out of her league if she went international. Screencaps of her siblings' social media pages telling her that Mo was just like the previous one were posted back during the first season, along with Danielle's replies that the first one was just a manipulator. The Twitter account for the person who calls herself(? it's the internet, who actually knows?) Sandusky Socialite had almost all of them at one point. She(?) knew Danielle and her friends and was telling all.

ETA: I should point out that Danielle hadn't managed to make the trip to meet the first(?) paramour so it didn't reach the paperwork stage. She was stealing the money and using the credit card to send him gifts and he was supposedly going to pay to fly her to see him, but it was your classic catfish scenario and he was juggling suckers. Her sister and son showed her the proof and she ignored them. It may have been her sister who turned her in for "frauding" their mother, but I think she denied it when she was asked back in season one. The credit card company required a police report to cancel the debt, and at least some of the charges were after their mother's death. Again, it was a basket of crazy I can't research again without falling into that abyss.

Thanks for sharing this! Things like this make me think Danielle was just waiting in line to get swindled. Seriously, how on earth could somebody be that dense?

I agree with what's been said about her self-esteem being too high. People have this image of a narcissist being someone who has white teeth or visits the tanning bed a little too often, but this one bought herself a FitBit and went on a shopping spree at Walmart. 

I can totally commiserate about getting lost in the minutiae of this multilayered and sordid tale!

Kinda sad what Danielle did to her own family in the wake of their tragic loss, but then again her needs do come first.

Luisa was indeed a completely different type for Mo. She might have actually succeeded in seducing him somewhat. She is very pretty and when you stack her up against the other ones... well, Mo was out of his league for once.

I remember reading somewhere that he took money from the NYC mistress to finance that trip to Biltmore Estate with Luisa but I am not sure on that so consider that info very sketchy. For all I know that meant he paid for the tickets.



1 hour ago, Christina said:

I'm far from knowledgeable about requirements for Halal cooking, but my guess is she was showing her how to cook without using animal products like lard and bacon fact. I would guess to use vegetable or olive oils, but I have a few more brain cells than Danielle, and therefore can see the obvious substitutes.

It may have be how to make a specific dish, like something that is commonly eaten during Ramadan, as opposed to my smartass comment above, but I can't remember for sure and see no reason to rewatch the episode. Mo was the one being shown cooking, for himself, during the airing of the show. Once, he even shared with Danielle and she smiled like it was a common occurrence and she was the most pampered wife, ever, when we knew he only offered because of the cameras. I don't think she cooked much at all. This did remind me that one of his 911 calls was to report Danielle for stealing his last $40, where he got it we never did learn, because he needed it to buy food since he had a special diet. The cops told him, "Too bad, so sad, you're married; it's just as much hers." 

For all we know, Angie might have chosen the powdered potatoes because she figured things would go a little easier with a production team there filming her every step.

I picture this woman spending all of her time cleaning her house within an inch of its life because that's what I would do and the place did look clean (as I recall from a couple of years ago, anyway).

It would be funny if she was watching it all thinking, "The one time I use powdered potatoes and this is what I'm remembered for!"

Apparently Mo had to have his halal meat so he would have something to wash down with his beer.

Edited by CoachWristletJen
  • Love 4
12 hours ago, SoshulMeedya said:

Go to earlier pages of this thread, starting page 3 or 4. You'll find a wealth of info on his scams and indiscretions.

I guess semantics has come to play.  I wasn't discussing or questioning his "indiscretions."  It was the use of the word "mistresses."  I wouldn't use the word for women who are giving money or "gifts" to a man.  A mistress usually receives the benefits; she doesn't finance them. 

  • Love 2

I know you are all on the edge of your seats waiting for this one. Mo has marked himself "safe" in Miami from Hurricane Irma although I suspect it's a bit premature. He really doesn't understand what the immediate aftermath of these things are like.

If he had died, no doubt there would have been a Very Special 90DF with Remembering Mohamed etched out in cursive with swirls and flowers and slow-mo of Danielle yelling and screaming and bouncing around as TV's latest super-villain for persecuting poor Mo during the final years of his life.

Whatever footage they could confiscate from his phone would be featured and played in the promo about 1000 times before any of us ever viewed the very special Mo episode.

  • LOL 1
  • Love 3
7 minutes ago, Former Nun said:

I guess semantics has come to play.  I wasn't discussing or questioning his "indiscretions."  It was the use of the word "mistresses."  I wouldn't use the word for women who are giving money or "gifts" to a man.  A mistress usually receives the benefits; she doesn't finance them. 

I always have fun using "mistresses" because Danielle always throws it around with emphasis and always makes the whole thing sound even more like a bad Lifetime movie. 

Not the first time she's misused a word.

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