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Danielle and Mohamed: The Original Mess

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13 hours ago, Virtually Me said:

You didn't interject this diversion, but, it makes me wonder why his feet never came up on the show, but her cooty did? It certainly isn't bc Dani doesn't want to hurt Mo or because she values their privacy lol 

Why would it necessarily?  As you've asserted, we can't use an edited reality show as a basis of fact.  

Edited by GracieK
  • Love 4
2 hours ago, funky-rat said:

I went to school with a girl who refused to wash her feet, or wear socks.  She ran around barefoot all the time, and then would directly put shoes on (sans socks).  The stench was unreal when she took her shoes off (it was there when the shoes were on, but off, it unleashed some unholy stink).   I roomed with her on several trips.  One the one, she was just piling up her dirty clothes in front of the adjoining door to the next room.  They went to the chaperone and asked them to talk to her about it because the stench was coming in to their room.  The chaperone doubted it until she went in there and smelled it.  They just got a garbage bag and bagged he clothes up.  So yes, foot stench can unleash some nastiness.  That doesn't mean Danielle doesn't have any BO either - as a heavier woman, you need to be on top of that stuff.  She also could have a medical condition, like Hidradentis, but again, that needs treatment.  IF that story really happened (the stench in the apartment), I'd put more stock on it being foot stench than anything else - that stuff permeates everything.

Considering that the supposed foot stench is something made up for snark and to create a diversion, the most probable source of the smell was the well publicized cooty stink and pee. That home was a freaking slob shack from Day 1 of the show. 

Edited by Virtually Me
  • Love 1
11 minutes ago, GracieK said:

Why would it necessarily?  As you've asserted, we can't use an edited reality show as a basis of fact.  

I said the show is not evidence in a legal proceeding. Yet, it's true, if the show is all you've got to go on, there are a lot of holes in your understanding of what went on behind the scenes.  

It's funny to read how Mo is gay, Mo stinks, but, Mo is always getting laid.

  • Love 1

If these two crazy kids could've just stuck it out for a few more years, they could've made a powerful grifting pair. With his love rat connections and her propensity for fraud and tears, they could've been a modern day Hart & Hart of scammers. Traveling the country running long cons. Even hire Lowo as chief of their southern branch. Oh what happens to a dream deferred.

  • Love 13
6 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Here's the nutshell version, Major Bigtime:

Mohamed:   Danielle stinks!

(Danielle runs off the stage weeping)

Everyone Else On Stage:   No, Mohamed, YOU STINK!

(Danielle runs back on stage grinning)

The end.

Adding a couple of details...

Danielle: Mohamed said I stink and that I peed on him!

Everyone: Gasp! (Clutches pearls)

Mohamed: I told her to go to the doctor! No one would want to have sex with her medical condition!

Everyone: How DARE you!

(Danielle runs off the stage weeping)

Everyone: You are the most dispicable person on this  planet!

(Danielle runs back on stage grinning)

Alexi: I think they both made a mockery of the K-1 process.

Everyone else: Yeah, we think they're both pretty terrible and used each other.

Mohamed: Well, you're all drunk!

(Mohamed runs off the stage angry)

(Brett does a terrible rap that he forgets the words to)

The end.

Edited by JenE4
  • LOL 1
  • Love 11
5 hours ago, Virtually Me said:

Considering that the supposed foot stench is something made up for snark and to create a diversion, the most probable source of the smell was the well publicized cooty stink and pee. That home was a freaking slob shack from Day 1 of the show. 

Yes it was. And Danielle said she had four cats and a rabbit. I'm guessing she didn't do the best job of cleaning up after them?

  • Love 3
On 10/20/2016 at 6:42 AM, realitymaven said:

If you're listening to the gospel according to Maria-- who is not terribly credible and who has always been a Mohamed stalwart-- then that might have been true. But it isn't. 

Poor dumb Danielle has always been head over heels in love with the man who never gave a shit about her. 

Let's not forget: Mohamed found her on MeetMe, not the reverse. Mohamed followed all the classic love scam moves even down to the textbook phrases: "age is just a number" "beauty is from within" "I don't care about what you call it the Green Card". Mohamed messaged her every day. Mohamed proposed marriage. 

Just because he's a Muslim from a third world country doesn't mean he's pure of heart.  It's interesting: the people who are most offended watching Mohamed's antics aren't North American women, they're other MENA men who say "that scammer doesn't represent me and certainly isn't a good Muslim". 

YEARS ago, I was divorced and joined a dating site for shits and giggles.  I started receiving messages from men claiming I was the most beautiful woman in the world.  Sending me email after email.  These emails?  It was obvious they got on Hallmark.com and copied and pasted stupid romantic card verbiage.  I saw it for what it was and told them so.  I then blocked them.  THAT'S how you deal with scammers boys and girls!

Edited by Trace
  • Love 9
8 hours ago, funky-rat said:

I went to school with a girl who refused to wash her feet, or wear socks.  She ran around barefoot all the time, and then would directly put shoes on (sans socks).  The stench was unreal when she took her shoes off (it was there when the shoes were on, but off, it unleashed some unholy stink).   I roomed with her on several trips.  One the one, she was just piling up her dirty clothes in front of the adjoining door to the next room.  They went to the chaperone and asked them to talk to her about it because the stench was coming in to their room.  The chaperone doubted it until she went in there and smelled it.  They just got a garbage bag and bagged he clothes up.  So yes, foot stench can unleash some nastiness.  That doesn't mean Danielle doesn't have any BO either - as a heavier woman, you need to be on top of that stuff.  She also could have a medical condition, like Hidradentis, but again, that needs treatment.  IF that story really happened (the stench in the apartment), I'd put more stock on it being foot stench than anything else - that stuff permeates everything.

I used to go barefoot all the time in college but I never had any problems like that with my feet. Like, NEVER!  Of course, I took a bath every single day, and made ample use of products like soap and baby powder.  As for that girl, it was probably more to do with the lack of bathing and socks than anything else. But, bringing it back to Mo, I don't think that issue in and of itself would be enough to keep her off of him! 

Also, he seems like a fastidious sort. When he posts those photos of his room, it's always neat as a pin. SHE'S the one with the closet stacked with crap and the door hanging open. Also, Mo  seems to spend a fair amount of time grooming himself, shaping decorative beards, etc.  Meanwhile she's sweaty and disheveled. (And possibly a tad intoxicated during the finale? Either that or it was just really hot underneath those lights for her and for no one else.)

Anyway, if his feet smell that seems like an entirely correctable issue. Throw out your old sneakers. Wash all your socks in bleach. Take regular showers. Put something special into your shoes.  I'm guessing Mo would correct his problem, minor by comparison, when he was around women he was actually attracted to instead of grandma.

In fairness (sorta), I will say that last night Danielle looked better than I've ever seen her look. She had a cute haircut, makeup was done, nice clothes, etc. Keep up the good work and find an age appropriate relationship!

  • Love 8
On 11/15/2016 at 2:06 PM, Celia Rubenstein said:

Wait .... who says the particular smell in question necessarily came from Danielle? 

Mohamed himself apparently stinks like a bag of assholes left in an outhouse all summer.  It could have been HIM that made the apartment smell like death rot.  Hmm, I wonder if he is just trying to point his stinky foot at Danielle to distract from his own odor issues.  He's devious like that .... 

That is hilarious and rings true! It also explains soooo much!

  • Love 3

How can I explain the wierd Feelin' I get when Danielle is on camera, I'm so busy Tryin'to find a redeemable quality in her, and then ..against my will ..throw up in my mouth, and feel cleansed, yet I can't look away, she might make Somethin' HALA, Meat-wise.

Would give 10 zillion $ to see these 2 on Dr. Phil

Edited by Nanu160
Disobedient Thumbs
  • Love 3
On 11/16/2016 at 10:31 AM, GracieK said:

Why would it necessarily?  As you've asserted, we can't use an edited reality show as a basis of fact.  


On 11/16/2016 at 10:45 AM, Virtually Me said:

I said the show is not evidence in a legal proceeding. Yet, it's true, if the show is all you've got to go on, there are a lot of holes in your understanding of what went on behind the scenes.  

It's funny to read how Mo is gay, Mo stinks, but, Mo is always getting laid.

If what we see on the show can't be trusted because it's edited, I am not sure why tales told on the internet by random people is a better source of information about what went on behind the scenes.  Especially when it comes to people claiming to have had sex with a reality show loser like Mohamed.  It sounds like just the kind of thing that one would make up for attention, spite, or to just see who would fall for it so they could have fun laughing at them for believing it. 

I wouldn't put a lot of stock in it. 

  • Love 10
53 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:


If what we see on the show can't be trusted because it's edited, I am not sure why tales told on the internet by random people is a better source of information about what went on behind the scenes.  Especially when it comes to people claiming to have had sex with a reality show loser like Mohamed.  It sounds like just the kind of thing that one would make up for attention, spite, or to just see who would fall for it so they could have fun laughing at them for believing it. 

I wouldn't put a lot of stock in it. 

I've made it a practice never to speculate about Mo's sexual habits, except to say that he's not gay. I don't know who he has or has not slept with. It's amusing when others comment on it bc they probably don't know either. 

  • Love 1

We really do not know anything for sure.   I have worked with a noted historian/collector and he always reminded me, "we were not there".  

We do see what they choose to show us on tv.  We can comment, snark and laugh our asses off.   These idiots put themselves out there so its fair game.

I also take TLC into consideration which has a long reputation for being anything but reputable.

Good luck Mo !    You are the newest Hyman Roth. No person or country wants you.

  • Love 5
4 minutes ago, Cherrio said:

We really do not know anything for sure.   I have worked with a noted historian/collector and he always reminded me, "we were not there".  

Someone who was there and would know something about Mohamed's sex life is Luisa.  Didn't she say Mohamed was only interested in oral sex - receiving it, that is - but he would never give it?  He seemed to have no interest in her body or having sexual intercourse with her ...

Something about that coupled with the fact that he seems so skeeved out by womanly aromas .... I dunno.  His answer to being asked if he was gay was kind of strange and rambling.  "It's not even an option" or something.  It was at once protesting a bit too much without actually denying it.  

It's really of no real consequence to me either way, but if I had to make a guess I would say Mohamed prefers men.  

  • Love 10

Danielle just did a recent podcast interview where she stated that she is following through with the annulment. Right now they are trying to serve Mo so they can schedule a court date, which, she said, will be the next time she gets to see and talk to him. (Note: Dani, it's a court date, not a date!)

Anyway, the problem is they can't serve Mo because the can't find him!

This has me wondering, where is Mo hiding? According to "Faux Mo" Mohamed is shacked up with another man. Obviously Faux Mo is NOT a reliable source of information although sometimes he really does seem to have an inside track.  On the other hand Faux Mo really takes things to the wildest extreme.Now he's posting photos of rainbow cakes, Skittles, etc., all acted out with Trolls. It's not what I would call reliable.

Most likely, the real Mo is shacked up with another woman, someone he met on Facebook. I have to wonder, did he have to move out of his apartment? Did he break his lease? How else would he manage to hide? 

Also, WHY didn't Mo do what his attorney suggested and beat Dani to the punch by filing for divorce? Her abusive behavior is certainly grounds for it! And, it's not like he can't afford an attorney.  After all, TLC just PAID him!

Instead, Mo chooses to be a sitting duck, hiding, and probably losing money breaking his lease. Why, Mo? Why? You've come too far to drop the ball now.

I think if he did have an attorney, he would have already filed for divorce.

Don't be a dummy, Mo. Lawyer up! 

It would be a shame for you if you got sent back because you were too cheap to get a lawyer.

Edited by CoachWristletJen
  • Love 2

TLC rented his apartment so there was no lease to break.

Mo can be easily found by the court. TLC knows exactly where he is.  If he evens owns a car, which I doubt, the car is leased by TLC.

He attracts sleazebags and people who are dimwits like that guy from Walmart.

It is also not Danielle's job to serve him.

I was thinking he could shack up with Casey Anthony.

  • Love 8

I truly want to be on Dani's side but she so reminds me of a co-worker I used to have.  All of us regretted seeing him walk into our office area.  He appeared clean, but when he left? He left a stench that permeated every inch of the office space.  Our windows did not open, so we were spraying Febreeze all over the place.  He reminded me of Pigpen from the Peanuts cartoon. 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Anyway, the problem is they can't serve Mo because the can't find him!

Really?  I heard Danielle had some kind of GPS device implanted in Mohamed's backside so she could keep track of him.

I guess Blister Boy had his new roomie dig it out with an iced tea spoon and they flushed it or something. 

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
  • Love 6
5 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Wait when did they get married? I thought someone said it was over two years ago which would mean it was too late for an annulment.

That's not necessarily accurate info ... just having a legal opinion doesn't make one a lawyer, and even real lawyers can look at the same set of facts and see it differently.  Nothing is necessarily cut-and-dried.  At least not until a judge cuts and dries it. 

That being said, Danielle apparently does have a real lawyer handling her case who either thinks it's valid or is just after her money (possibly both, lol).  So there's that, for what it's worth.  And as CoachWristletJen posted above, they are trying to get Mohamed served.  Seems like someone thinks it's not too late for an annulment.  

The thing I don't get is why Mohamed is hiding.  I don't know if that will necessarily halt the case.  I hope not because it would be  hysterically funny if Mohamed's choice to hide like a little bitch actually made it easier for Danielle to obtain an annulment in absentia and all he accomplished was contributing to his own deportation by being so chicken shit. 

It would serve him right. 

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Trace said:

I truly want to be on Dani's side but she so reminds me of a co-worker I used to have.  All of us regretted seeing him walk into our office area.  He appeared clean, but when he left? He left a stench that permeated every inch of the office space.  Our windows did not open, so we were spraying Febreeze all over the place.  He reminded me of Pigpen from the Peanuts cartoon. 

OMG, I used to work with someone like that; he smelled like bad cheese! Poor guy had a medical condition, which we all felt bad about being grossed out by him.

  • Love 2
8 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

That's not necessarily accurate ... just having a legal opinion doesn't make one a lawyer, and even real lawyers can look at the same set of facts and see it differently.  Nothing is necessarily cut-and-dried.  At least not until a judge cuts and dries it. 

That being said, Danielle apparently does have a real lawyer handling her case who either thinks it's valid or is just after her money (possibly both, lol).  So there's that, for what it's worth.  And as CoachWristletJen posted above, they are trying to get Mohamed served.  Seems like someone thinks it's not too late for an annulment.  

The thing I don't get is why Mohamed is hiding.  I don't know if that will necessarily halt the case.  I hope not because it would be  hysterically funny if Mohamed's choice to hide like a little bitch actually made it easier for Danielle to obtain an annulment in absentia and all he accomplished was contributing to his own deportation by being so chicken shit. 

It would serve him right. 

Call me cynical but if it's over two plus years I am going to assume the lawyer is blowing smoke up her ass and taking her for $.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Cherrio said:

TLC rented his apartment so there was no lease to break.

Mo can be easily found by the court. TLC knows exactly where he is.  If he evens owns a car, which I doubt, the car is leased by TLC.

He attracts sleazebags and people who are dimwits like that guy from Walmart.

It is also not Danielle's job to serve him.

I was thinking he could shack up with Casey Anthony.

He had his own apartment apart from the one TLC rented for him. So many people know where that one is which makes me think that possibly he broke his lease and ran away from it.

IF he did, it's rather foolish because the money he lost on the deposit, etc., would have paid the retainer for an attorney.

I'm guessing he's hiding out at a new paramour's place.

Good thing it's not Danielle's job to serve him because it might never get done.

My guess is that if he's hiding it means he's too stupid to use his TLC money to hire himself an attorney.

It's ironic because between the two of them, Mo was actually the brains of the operation ~ not that that's saying much.

At their little showdown in the Sandusky restaurant it was painful to watch him run mental rings around her.  With English being his second or third language, his emphasis often fell on the odd word when he got upset.  Like when he said, “You made me give up EVERY thing to be with YEW!” He was still part Vulcan. What he really meant is that he dreamed night and day of coming to America and when the opportunity finally reared its head, he couldn’t get over here quickly enough. 

Seriously, I hope he has an attorney! What I'm wondering is could he be foolish enough or arrogant enough to think that he could get by without one?

If so, he really will have wasted almost three years of his life because it will be Goodbye Miami, Hello Tunis!

Edited by CoachWristletJen
24 minutes ago, Cherrio said:

Just an FYI

      One of those precious Kennedy kids served his wife who he was married to for many years, with children an annulment.

      He needed it so he could iirc marry the babysitter in a Catholic church.

That's a religious annulment not a civil annulment which is what she is attempting. It has no statute of limitations because it's not legally binding and does not involve the courts.

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Call me cynical but if it's over two plus years I am going to assume the lawyer is blowing smoke up her ass and taking her for $.

I can't imagine how broke and desperate a lawyer would have to be to select Danielle as a target to milk, lol. That's not to say there isn't one out there, of course. 

Not only is there no real money to take, but depending on how far the case goes, you run the risk of the judge not letting you just withdraw from the case when she can't pay you and you have to continue to represent her, hoping to collect from her later.  Good luck with that! 

I would bet that any lawyer who bothered to look into her background demanded a large retainer up front before taking her on as a client.  

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
  • Love 4

The time limit for filing a lawsuit on the basis of fraud does not start running until the fraud is discovered. For Dani, it should have started about three years before he arrived in the US. Fraud is a legal defense in contract law that renders the contract void, like it never happened. If the judge denies the annulment for any reason, she can convert it to a divorce. The most extra it will really cost her is time, because the facts the judge rules on can be rolled over into a divorce action. Dani could get a no contest divorce for a few hundred dollars, but she wants her pound of flesh. I have to say that I don't blame her. However, I don't think she is of sound mind and emotionally stable enough for the fight she is picking. 

TLC rented the apartment for the argument, not the one he was actually living in, which I think was a different city. I haven't read that police report in a while. There is no reason to believe that TLC or Sharp Entertainment would rent him a car. Since Dani found his address on their bank account statements and showed up to harass/talk to him, I'm sure he used that to get a new paramour/Walmart friend to rent an apartment in his or her name to make it harder to find him. If he is not working, that makes it even harder to find him. He may be living with a man that he befriended with tales of his crazy wife; like the man who appeared on the show, or a new mark. 

All I know is that I have no desire to watch them for another season, although I'm sure that is the plan. I bored of their story before this season aired because I had already read about it. They are both childish and immature and deserve each other. Too bad others keep getting sucked into their mess. Some of those others throw themselves into the fray for their two minutes of reality TV fame and get no sympathy, but others seem to be taken by both of them because they feel sympathetic to their tales of woe before realizing they are both crazy frauds.

  • Love 5
7 hours ago, Virtually Me said:

I've made it a practice never to speculate about Mo's sexual habits, except to say that he's not gay. I don't know who he has or has not slept with. It's amusing when others comment on it bc they probably don't know either. 

He certainly pings to me.  Plus, when asked directly, he answered in a way that suggested he may be gay.  He didn't deny it.  He stated it is not allowed in his country.

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Wait when did they get married? I thought someone said it was over two years ago which would mean it was too late for an annulment.

Her applicable ground for the annulment is fraud, which,  in Ohio,  can be brought within 2 years of discovery.  The problem for her is establishing the date of discovery and, proving that she didn't willfully continue in the marriage after discovering fraud, which would make her complicit in the fraud.

Edited by Virtually Me
  • Love 1

Has Danielle ever actually said she is seeking an annulment based on fraud?  

Because I could see her making a pretty convincing argument that she was mentally unfit to enter into marriage.  All she has to do is have herself declared incompetent, which I don't think would be too hard to do!  

I would certainly be willing to be a witness. 

  • Love 7

She'd have a better shot if she claimed idiocy.  Just sayin' ... all she would have to do is play a few episodes of this show ...

Besides, it would be awesome to hear Mohamed try to convince a judge she was not a complete moron. I want to hear him defend her! 

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
  • Love 7
8 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Danielle just did a recent podcast interview where she stated that she is following through with the annulment. Right now they are trying to serve Mo so they can schedule a court date, which, she said, will be the next time she gets to see and talk to him. (Note: Dani, it's a court date, not a date!)

Anyway, the problem is they can't serve Mo because the can't find him!

This has me wondering, where is Mo hiding? According to "Faux Mo" Mohamed is shacked up with another man. Obviously Faux Mo is NOT a reliable source of information although sometimes he really does seem to have an inside track.  On the other hand Faux Mo really takes things to the wildest extreme.Now he's posting photos of rainbow cakes, Skittles, etc., all acted out with Trolls. It's not what I would call reliable.

Most likely, the real Mo is shacked up with another woman, someone he met on Facebook. I have to wonder, did he have to move out of his apartment? Did he break his lease? How else would he manage to hide? 

Also, WHY didn't Mo do what his attorney suggested and beat Dani to the punch by filing for divorce? Her abusive behavior is certainly grounds for it! And, it's not like he can't afford an attorney.  After all, TLC just PAID him!

Instead, Mo chooses to be a sitting duck, hiding, and probably losing money breaking his lease. Why, Mo? Why? You've come too far to drop the ball now.

I think if he did have an attorney, he would have already filed for divorce.

Don't be a dummy, Mo. Lawyer up! 

It would be a shame for you if you got sent back because you were too cheap to get a lawyer.

According to the court record, Dani supplied an address that doesn't exist.

11/16/2016Unsuccessful Service Method : Certified Mail Issued : 10/28/2016 Service : Domestic Summons Served : Return : 11/16/2016 On : Jbali, Mohamed Signed By : Reason : No Such Street Comment : No Such Street Tracking # : Z000069428

11/16/2016Notice of Failure of Service sent to Attorney: McGuire, Thomas J (0073782)

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

She'd have a better shot if she claimed idiocy.  Just sayin' ... all she would have to do is play a few episodes of this show ...

Besides, it would be awesome to hear Mohamed try to convince a judge she was not a complete moron. I want to hear him defend her! 

LOL. That would be a hard sell for Mo!

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, Virtually Me said:

According to the court record, Dani supplied an address that doesn't exist.

11/16/2016Unsuccessful Service Method : Certified Mail Issued : 10/28/2016 Service : Domestic Summons Served : Return : 11/16/2016 On : Jbali, Mohamed Signed By : Reason : No Such Street Comment : No Such Street Tracking # : Z000069428

11/16/2016Notice of Failure of Service sent to Attorney: McGuire, Thomas J (0073782)

OMG now that's funny! Not only to have an incorrect address, but an address that doesn't even EXIST?

Apparently nobody in the lawyer's office checked it out before sending it off.

  • Love 1
24 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

OMG now that's funny! Not only to have an incorrect address, but an address that doesn't even EXIST?

Apparently nobody in the lawyer's office checked it out before sending it off.

Maybe Tom from Wal-Mart is playing the part of Danielle's lawyer? If so, then you have to wonder: Did he intentionally get the address wrong? Thinking about that twists my mind up into hilarious knots. I crack myself up!

  • Love 2
18 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Danielle just did a recent podcast interview where she stated that she is following through with the annulment. Right now they are trying to serve Mo so they can schedule a court date, which, she said, will be the next time she gets to see and talk to him. (Note: Dani, it's a court date, not a date!)

Anyway, the problem is they can't serve Mo because the can't find him!



Actually, it came out (from the Ohio court notes) that the address Dani gave the lawyer....does not exist. NOT that Mo is not there or hiding...but that it seems Dani never wrote down a correct address. (You can 'google-earth' the "address" and see that it does not exist). 

Mo is constantly posting where he is living and it should not be all that difficult for someone to actually find and serve him. In my opinion, she just really doesn't want this to happen. It is more 'woe is me' fodder for her 'fansies' 

  • Love 4

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