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Happily Ever After Social Media And Speculation

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Dani sucks but I hate Mo more. I think he should be deported. There is no way I will ever believe he had ANY interest whatsoever in Dani.  For me, its like if you were to look in an encyclopedia under the topic "green card marriage scam" it would have his picture and their story on there. Its so textbook that I can't even believe he is still here!

  • Love 9

^^^ No way in hell did he have any sexual interest in Dani and he admitted to the lawyer that he didn't love her. Obviously he thought he could make it work with her though for a time and if he could have, she would have gotten her own benefit out of the deal but she didnt play the game.

As soon as he got to America, he was thinking about returning home. He almost didn't go through with the wedding. So there's something about Dani and her situation that made him feel like the green card wasn't worth spending another day with her. Why he chose to make it work, I don't know. He said repeatedly, and I believe it, that he did give up a lot to come to America. Every person that has been on this show has had to leave family behind and I don't know about anyone else here but even if there was a country that I thought would be better for me, it would still be incredibly hard to leave the ones I love here. So there was some sacrifice on his part. 

He thought he could have it BETTER here though and that Dani could help him with that goal. Possibly he thought of her as a good friend. I still think he was genuinely happy to see her at the airport. But let's face it, some marriages don't make it. I was married for about a year to the father of my first child. We were both US citizens and it still sucked. People get married for different reasons but divorce is usually because of the same shit, betrayal of trust, neglect, deception, etc. There's always that core issue that gets things spiraling out of control. These two are no exception just because he is from another country. Non-US citizens have feelings too. And needs weren't being met on either side. 

To be clear, I cant stand either one of these two idiots. 

However, I don't think Mohammed was terrible looking. I say "was" because he lost his looks when he turned into a man whore. But at first everybody was thinking he was definitely using her because he was so much better looking. 

As far as living of of lonely middle aged women on fb, I have to add that the blond was a nice looking woman and she was after him. I doubt she was lonely. And yes he took full advantage of her interest. But at least be fair and say that women are chasing him now because of his fame and his handsome features. He may not be my type but if my friend brought her boyfriend to meet me and he looked like Mohammed, I'd be like, "right on. Good job girl. Not a bad looking catch." I wouldn't pull her aside and say, "what the hell are you thinking? Get rid of this fugly motherfucker." So let's be fair in that category. He's one of those people that gets less attractive as you get to know him. My point is, I don't find it hard to believe that there are some sugar mamas out there hitting him up. And I don't think it's unheard of for a young man to go with it. Cougar life has become quite popular. It's not only Mohammed who's reaping the benefits of sugar mamas. Younger men are doing it more and more. It's all part of the game. They all benefit in some way. 

Yes Mo should be deported. But not because he couldn't deal with Dani and her family. I don't think any man could, regardless of his home country.   He should go only because that's the law and maybe next time he'll choose more wisely. Dani should be taking more action to get him out but she won't because she's weak. What a winner.

  • Love 5

Nowhere i agree with most of what you are saying.. I think is okay although dani ouffff... It is very hard to leave your country with family and friends he did sacrifice in order to have a better life and maybe help his family back home but with danielle he can never do that ber financial issues they can barely make it themselves.. Its ridiculous she has 3daughters living at home with light shutting off cmon but she is looking for love online... Travelling to doha i mean she doesnt have anywhere else to spend her money maybe bills or her kids school tuition no for mo...

  • Love 3

@Nowhere I differ on one point. Mo wasn't thinking of returning home, he wanted to high tail it to Canada. That's where he wanted to be in the first place, with his younger brother and his best friend. He tried to convince Halal Potatoes Angie to drive him to Canada five days before the wedding and then told one of his "pen pals" that if he didn't get his U.S. visa, he was going to go to Montreal. Note to Mo: Should have paid more attention to those geography classes before you dropped out of high school, lol. 

angie copy.png

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So @realitymaven was he saying that he was being ignored by all of them? They wouldn't even acknowledge him? Ok I'd want to leave too. However, doesn't Canada have pretty strict immigration standards? 

I was only going off of what was shown on the tv show. I don't follow the rest of the stuff.  I'm sure there's a ton. But when it started, he didn't seem to be welcoming of that hooker's advances in the bar and she was all over him, so that made me happy. And then the talks with the lawyer from last season about Danielle's debt, he kept saying he would go back to his country. Maybe if Canada didn't work out he was willing to go back to wherever he's from. Does he have family in Canada or something? I thought I heard that, and if that's the case, I think I'd want to see my family too if I was that close. Was he planning on trying to live in Canada? because they have some pretty strict standards from what I've heard. I wouldn't blame him for wanting to visit though. 

I just can't stand the two of them and yet I continue to watch and analyze :))

@Verojama that's the part that makes me hate Dani. She brought a strange man into her house and she has children. I've been with my bf for two years now but when it's my week with the kids, it's for them, not him. Period. He may as well not ask to hang out. So I can't imagine putting kids in this situation. One of her children is only 5 years younger than Mo or something like that. She should know better. She is almost cougar age and as the older woman I expect her wisdom to be apparent but it's nowhere to be found. She just makes me sick. 

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, Nowhere said:

So @realitymaven was he saying that he was being ignored by all of them?

Mo was pretty much crying the blues to all the online women he met. Rather doubtful how much of it was true. He was quite clever about it most of the time. He would never actually ask various women for money but he would whine loudly about not having food to eat, clothes to wear, things to do etc. until they buckled. One time he got caught but the way he slithered out of trouble was telling. He told Mistress #1 from New York that the electricity had been cut off so he was messaging her from the local library. She phoned Dani and Dani told her that the power had been out for five minutes and was back on, no big deal. Mistress then confronted Mo. Rather than hearing a "yeah sorry I lied from him" she was verbally abused for half an hour over the phone: "How dare you question me? You doubt my word? I will not speak to you again until you apologize to me". Then he wouldn't take her calls for a week and, sure enough, she apologized. That's a master conman at work!

Watching the first season of the show way back when, I was like you. I thought maybe Mo had misunderstood the whole arrangement and thought he was coming over on a student exchange program only to find out the the house mother lusted for him. Or maybe his parents had paid Dani to marry him and it was all a business transaction that Dani failed to honor. But no, it turned out that it was all Mo all the time, lol.

  • Love 8

A few things about the electricity story @realitymaven

Mistress calls Dani. Wtf?? Why is Dani allowing this? Why is she taking calls from the mistress and why is she explaining herself to the mistress?

Mistress is verbally abused. That's what you get for being a home wrecker, bitch. No sympathy. 

"I will not speak to you again until you apologize to me." Idk. I think a master conman would claim Dani is lying, continue to play on mistress's sympathy, and kiss her ass until she feels so sorry for him she'll do anything to make him comfortable. 

After the verbal abuse the mistress actually called him?? And then apologized?? What is wrong with these women?  I'm thinking he must have something they want because they keep coming back to him. He's sitting back and they flock to him and he's doing nothing to make this happen and actually pushing them away. But they keep coming back for more? What the hell?

  • Love 5

@Nowhere All the women who fell hard for this pond scum seem to have had a history of anxiety disorders and depression. Maybe that's just coincidence or maybe that's something he can sniff out. Really good con artists seem to have this dubious talent just like child abusers can spot the most vulnerable child in the group. Mo, like many con artists, offers massive praise contrasted with emotional abuse and threats of abandonment. So the prey is always off balance: I have to do what he says or he'll leave me. If it was just Danielle he did this too, I'd think it was just her particular weaknesses. But when he wasn't pulling in vast sums from New York mistress, he was hauling in money from other women who fell for the same lines even knowing what he'd done to other women. I don't profess to understand it but there does seem to be a common emotional deficit with the women he chooses. (South Carolina/Meet me in Miami mistress is the exception but arguably she used Mohamed more than he used her.) It was Mrs. Walmart shopper (not her husband Tom) who welcomed Mo into their home. Since those scenes were shot, they have heard nothing from him since. But Mrs. Walmart shopper still regards him as "like a son" as does Canadian disabled pensioner lady who still begs him to contact her. Mo's NY mistress-- after recognizing what he was and the extent of his deceit-- was still beseeching him in public forums to move to New York. She would pay for his lawyer, pay for his room and board (even if he got his own place) etc. And she posted these pathetic pleas to him on a public forum so he would be sure to find out. (She's also the woman who faked a pregnancy and then her own suicide in an effort to get his attention). So there's definitely something about these particular women that responds to Mo's emotional abuse alternated with scraps of affection. So bizarre!

  • Love 9

I really dont see mo as scum .. If the women flock they flock.. These women are desperate and crazy its like gold diggers women towards men if they can some some they will... Maybe hes really good in bed or he has some kind of charm idk but its something.. I havent the new york or canada women but if they're like danielle well thats pretty much easy but the blonde is kinda hot so he has something!!

I have fo admit maybe if i was single and he came up to me i might possibly not turn him down but if he started asking for money then i would say bye..

  • Love 1

TLC producers must have been salivating at the obvious trainwreck to come when they watched that audition tape. 

Just hearing Danielle say the word "sex" made me shudder.

Also, if she's 41 in that video I will eat my shoe. Wasn't it discovered during her season that she was actually 46? And when confronted on Facebook (I think) she said the show got her age wrong. Or is she really that bad at math that she doesn't know her own age?

  • Love 2
14 hours ago, fuzzylollipop said:

TLC producers must have been salivating at the obvious trainwreck to come when they watched that audition tape. 

Just hearing Danielle say the word "sex" made me shudder.

Also, if she's 41 in that video I will eat my shoe. Wasn't it discovered during her season that she was actually 46? And when confronted on Facebook (I think) she said the show got her age wrong. Or is she really that bad at math that she doesn't know her own age?

Public record indicates Danielle's birthday to be 02-24-1973, which makes her 43.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, WhoAmIReally said:

Those don't look anything like herpes sores to me.  They're symmetrical.  I wonder if they are due to friction from her flipper (upper fake tooth insert), which it's been rumored she has.

Yeah, that's HPV, it tends to affect the edges of the tongue in that exact pattern.  HPV is NOT herpes, herpes is HSV. HPV is the one that gives cervical cancer when you get it on your cervix.

Edited by Toaster Strudel
  • Love 3
6 hours ago, Verojama said:

That means she got it from going down him... Yuk....

Or from someone else. She's what my late mother would have called "a party girl". 

But ya never know-- there's a hilarious convo between the two mistresses in which Mistress 1 semi-apologizes to Mistress 2 saying "I always told him to make sure he was clean but he's a pig"....Ah love, ain't it grand?

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TLC should've given them their own show rather than letting the cringeworthy, yet stale Duggars back on with Counting On. I have no doubt that a Jbali-based show would get very good ratings, better than watching the 3rd Duggar girl courtship or the boys performing masculinity for the like 10th year in a row.

Plus I would rather Danielle's daughters get money to truly escape their mother's craziness and better themselves than to continually watch the brainwashed Duggars living with or very near J'chelle and JimBoob in the compound of chaos at 26, 27. 

  • Love 6

There's a woman who restarted the FB page ridiculing Mo and she suggests that Mo is using an anti-domestic violence statute against Danielle as that will offer a defense to deportation. Rewatching his meeting with the lawyer, the lawyer says there is information they can use to go on the offensive. With the police reports Mo filed in Ohio and even Miami that might actually be the plan. Remember he took out a restraining order against Danielle's son also, very early on.  Do we think this is possible and if so is it what he's up to? 

Edited by escapetoreality
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He is bragging on his public figure page that he's not worried he has a good lawyer. And on the page asserting his plan to use this act, it says the American is not even informed when this claim is made. Emotional abuse will suffice and this is a path to permanent residency. Thanks Danielle! 

  • Love 3

Mo knows what he's doing. He's already traveled all over the U.S. To meet other woman. I don't believe he and Luisa are just 'friends'. And poor, dumb Dani was upset because now that the marriage is over, honey, it never really started. It was all a scam. She must have dried those tears real fast because she's already got her next boyfriend...victim.. . Pick out. 

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