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S11.E02: The Blind Auditions Premiere

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I call maybe editing shenanigans on Chris Cron. He had like the 3rd or 4th most interesting voice of the night. Couldn't get one coach to take a flier on him?

I think I liked Gabe Broussard best of all. Adam said Marc Broussard, but I was hearing a little Kenny Wayne Shepherd too.

The Mama Knows Best girl has a voice like a porsche that she absolutely cannot drive at all.

My rankings for the night:

1. Gabe

2. Christian

3. Sundance

4. Jason (shoutout to a fellow NIU Huskie)

5. Chris (Oh well)

6. Dawn

7. Dave

8. Riley 

9. Courtnie

I missed Ali's performance, and thought Maggie's wasn't all that bad. Adam and Blake usually have two or three like her on their teams...so there must be some better versions of her coming up in future episodes...

Edited by PhD-Purgatory15
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I immediately recognized Sundance Head too.  I was looking at something else but jumped around when they said his name. I was half-expecting someone (maybe Miley?) to call out his previous chance, but I guess they really don't want to admit they are taking Idol's sloppy seconds at this point.

My biggest takeaway from the night in general is that Alicia came to play.  She can really pitch herself and connects so well.  Her charisma also seems to match Adam's, and I do think he was a bit thrown by it. I loved when she swooped in and stole Dave the wannabee Adam.  I was also impressed by how classy she was when Dana picked Blake.  She has a good mix of being serious and cool yet also fun.  Blake admitting that he was going to need some help with song selection did show that Dana picked the wrong one, IMO.

Also interesting that Miley is tactfully acknowledging her limitations and admitting she's over her head with some of the better singers.  She didn't even turn around for Christian at the end. Having said that, still scratching my head that Ali picked her.  We'll see how that works out.  

I thought that Chris Cron deserved a chance too.

Edited by vb68
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Team rosters/cheat sheets thus far:

Team Adam
Riley Elmore (2)

Team Miley
Courtnie Ramirez (2)
Ali Caldwell (4)

Team Alicia
Jason Warrior (2)
Dave Moisan (4)
Christian Cuevas (3)

Team Blake
Sundance Head (2)
Dana Harper (3)
Gabe Broussard (2)

All names in bold indicate an artist who has newly been added to a team.  The number in parentheses represents the number of chair turns.  An asterisk means that this artist was montaged.

Edited by Jabu
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Did not know there was a premier show.  

Mystified by Dave Moisan's 4-chair appeal. He was one of my least favorites of the night.

Loved Ali Caldwell. I think her choice of Miley might be very insightful, as was Miley's pitch to her. And to respond to another poster, only time will tell, but Dana Harper might do quite well with Blake--he certainly did right by Sisaundra Lewis, a powerful belter in a previous season.  

So happy the two female coaches seem to get along! I hate when you have two women celebs (e.g., Mariah Carey and Nicki Minaj) who are so insecure that they just get catty with each other. 

Also relieved that we so far don't seem to have the usual "I'm going to pick Adam or Blake because they have proven track records" line of reasoning. Well, maybe there's some of that, but it's great to see good singers picking Miley or Alicia, even though they are new judges with no track record yet. 

I too appreciated that Miley candidly stated that she did not turn for someone because she thought she was the wrong coach for them.  It's early days, but I'm kind of looking forward to this season.

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Pretty good opening night.  Here are my thoughts on the artists in performance order:

Jason Warrior: Very good voice.  I was definitely engaged in his performance.  Alicia was the right pick for him.

Dave Moisan: Phenomenal voice.  I loved his vocals and his performance.  I’d be lying if I said I thought Adam was going to get him.  I knew he’d pick Alicia due to seeing them dancing together in a trailer for this season.  I think they’ll gel really well together.

Courtnie Ramirez: Decent voice, but I hope she gets better song choices going forward.  Based on the song choice and her age, I think Miley was the right one for her.

Sundance Head: I liked his voice a lot, but I’m surprised that of the two coaches who know a thing or two about country, only Blake turned around, but not Miley.  Blake was the right choice for him.

Maggie Renfroe: I think her voice was good, but she didn’t pick the right song to showcase it.  She was invited back for a second chance, so maybe we’ll see her in the spring, in season twelve.

Ali Caldwell: I loved her voice.  I did not love how behind the music she was.  Still, I really thought Alicia was more of a match for her and was stunned that she picked Miley.  I think Miley will do right by her.

Riley Elmore: Pretty good crooner for his age.  I actually did like the performance.  But honestly, Adam’s the only one who’d know what to do with a crooner, if Pharrell’s poor job with Lowell Oakley from three seasons ago was any indication.  So it made sense that Riley chose him.

Dana Harper: I enjoyed her deeper, richer voice.  She’ll definitely stand out as one of the lower-voiced singers.  But she picks Blake?  Really?  I don’t think she’ll have a long stay on his team at all.

Gabe Broussard: I’m actually a bit surprised by this voice.  The voice was great, but he picks Blake?  Miley does country, as well, and she’s closer to his age.  Why not choose her?  Blake will do right by him, but Miley could’ve done the same.

Chris Cron: His voice was another great one.  I think his audition must’ve come late in the rotation, because I think he’d have gotten a turn or two then.

Christian Cuevas: Awesome performance and voice.  I really thought he’d have gone with Adam and was floored when he picked Alicia.

Excellent first night!  All of the talent has great potential!  I hope tomorrow night is just as good!

Edited by Michel
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I started watching The Voice toward the end of last season - around Top 10 I believe. I tried to watch it occasionally throughout the years but could never get into it - didn't care for the format, there was always a judge (coach?) or two that I just could not stand, etc. I've always been a huge Idol fan and I was really sad when that show ended, which is why I watched the last few episodes of last season's Voice, and I really enjoyed it. So this season I decided to watch from the beginning, try to get into how the whole team thing works, and give it a fair chance.  I actually missed the first Olympics-night episode so last night was my first, and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. I am not a fan of Miley Cyrus but I actually found her cute and funny last night (flowers and all) and she seems knowledgeable about music and I think she will make a good judge/coach. Alicia Keys- what can I say. An amazing talent and she certainly doesn't need makeup to look beautiful! And she seems like a very warm person. I've always loved Adam. I find Blake annoying but I can deal with him.  It seems like he was really picking on Adam but I'm guessing there is just some ongoing rivalry between them? It's interesting how the girls beat the guys in getting singers on their teams. I laughed out loud when Adam was bragging that he won three seasons and Miley responded with "Out of TEN??!!" Too funny! As for the contestants, I was really impressed with the overall talent. I'm looking forward to the rest of the auditions and then learning how this whole coach/team thing works. 

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Probably an unpopular opinion, but I am over the judge's banter. I'm tired of Blake and Adam being snarky to each other, and of how they all talk back and forth while the poor contestant stands up there waiting to be spoken to.  After so many seasons, I'm ready for the judges to act differently during the blinds.  I do feel that Alicia is the most grownup-acting one of the bunch; Miley wasn't too crazy tonight and I liked that she didn't turn for artists she didn't think she could help, and admitted that.  

  • Love 4

One thing that just popped into my head, was how nice it was (at least for one night) not to have the crushing inevitability of a Sawyer/Alisan show closing audition, where you pretty much knew the ultimate winner of the whole season from the end of the first night. Christian is excellent and very well may be in it for a while......but he's not (and the reactions weren't OTT) at Sawyer/Alisan's level...

I wonder if were going to get a lot of two chair turns. W/ Adam and Blake going head to head a ton, and then Miley and Alicia going head to head. It feels like we could be heading that way.

Edited by PhD-Purgatory15
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13 hours ago, Michel said:

Sundance Head: I liked his voice a lot, but I’m surprised that of the two coaches who know a thing or two about country, only Blake turned around, but not Miley.  Blake was the right choice for him.

And because it's what he does 50% of the time, Blake compares a male country singer to Travis Tritt. So... show the parameters of your box much, Blake?

10 hours ago, Jeffurry said:

I don't watch The Voice but I'll never forget Sundance Head destroying...or being destroyed by "Nights in White Satin."

Apparently, Blake says that's what Travis Tritt would sound like doing it!

  • Love 2
15 hours ago, Michel said:

Gabe Broussard: I’m actually a bit surprised by this voice.  The voice was great, but he picks Blake?  Miley does country, as well, and she’s closer to his age.  Why not choose her?  Blake will do right by him, but Miley could’ve done the same.

I seem to be a minority (maybe of one) in thinking that Gabe was not that great. I mean I think he had a nice even consistent voice, but it also felt like the kind of performance where someone bland and (pardon the phrase) whitebread is just emulating soulfullness and all that talk about someone being "an old soul" is just blathering based on hearing certain riffs. 

  • Love 2
15 hours ago, Michel said:

Riley Elmore: Pretty good crooner for his age.  I actually did like the performance.  But honestly, Adam’s the only one who’d know what to do with a crooner, if Pharrell’s poor job with Lowell Oakley from three seasons ago was any indication.  So it made sense that Riley chose him.

He was okay.  But essentially no different from any other modern crooner trying to emulate Frank. My bar for modern crooners is someone actually finding an original tone/style, and Riley didn't find a route to that.  Adam, for all that his voice doesn't fit the crooning style as well, actually had some original/unique notes and riffs in his version.

I guess what I am saying is that Adam probably WAS the right coach, but really the kid shouldn't have been picked at all IMO.

  • Love 3

Kromm! I was just coming to post that for the 10th season, we have yet another Travis Tritt!!!

When is Blake going to realize if there are that many Travis Tritts around, it's not a very complimentary compliment. And by the way, I've yet to hear Travis Tritt (because, yes, I am a fan) in any of the voices he extols as new Travis Tritts.

Blake and Adam need to take a break.

  • Love 1

I thought that both of the no-picks were deservedly so. As soon as Maggie started singing, I was ready to mute. I really hate her style of singing, and we get at least one each season. Ugh. And Chris was just not good enough, imo--I thought his voice was too weak. Gabe was another I thought should have been a no-pick. 

  • Love 2

Adam's musical knowledge is broader than Blake's (all jokes aside, he really doesn't know much outside of country, does he?) I liked that while Blake was comparing Sundance with Travis Tritt, Adam keyed on Otis Redding. (Okay, Blake got him and was the better coach for him, but I think Adam gets the nuances and mashups of musical taste/styles more).

Also, (and yes I'm actually a big Blake fan), someone should tell Blake that not every Sinatra fan likes Buble (Martin, maybe. Or maybe not. Either way, they're not the same.) I thought I saw Riley cringe when Blake was confidently going on about Buble. It's another reason I could never be on these shows (other than, you know, the singing thing). I would just blurt it out, "Michael Buble is just so inferior to Sinatra in every way. I really really don't want to sound like Michael Buble!"  I hope Adam will do well by him. It was nice to see him get up and sing too--I didn't think he was trying to upstage the kid, just trying to create "a nice moment" and he did.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, PepperMonkey said:

Kromm! I was just coming to post that for the 10th season, we have yet another Travis Tritt!!!

When is Blake going to realize if there are that many Travis Tritts around, it's not a very complimentary compliment. And by the way, I've yet to hear Travis Tritt (because, yes, I am a fan) in any of the voices he extols as new Travis Tritts.


3 hours ago, Padma said:

Adam's musical knowledge is broader than Blake's (all jokes aside, he really doesn't know much outside of country, does he?) I liked that while Blake was comparing Sundance with Travis Tritt, Adam keyed on Otis Redding.

If they ever change up the format and have a groups/bands season, Blake would probably spin for a band called "Army of Tritts".

  • Love 1
15 hours ago, backformore said:

I've only watched a little of the show, but I'm already sick of three judges steering contestants away from picking Adam  Not because I'm the biggest Adam fan, just that the whole "don't pick Adam, he sucks!"  is boring.  And it might serve to sway some contestants in that direction.

But he does suck.  He's rarely, if ever, been out to truly help the contestants that choose him.  He's just looking for what they'll do to help him win.  Blake's known about his phony pitches for several seasons now, and I think Alicia and Miley have already caught on to him, and this is only their first season!

  • Love 2
18 hours ago, backformore said:

I've only watched a little of the show, but I'm already sick of three judges steering contestants away from picking Adam  Not because I'm the biggest Adam fan, just that the whole "don't pick Adam, he sucks!"  is boring.  And it might serve to sway some contestants in that direction.

Eh, the judges often do the same thing to Blake when it's a country artist. We just haven't seen much of it yet. 

Edited by Court
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On Wednesday, September 21, 2016 at 10:45 PM, ArmoPrincess said:

Miley and Alicia are tiresome. I love both of them as artists, but their yelling over everyone/thing is kind of boring.

Because Adam and Blake having done the same to each other for ten straight seasons is so much more preferable.

Seriously.  Miley and Alicia doing it doesn't bother me at all.  It's refreshing, actually, to see them put the guys in their place after season after season of Ceelo, Christina, Usher, Shakira, Pharrell, and Gwen all letting Adam and Blake run roughshod over them.

Edited by Michel
  • Love 10

Adam and Blake roughshod over Christina? Never. She always puts them in their places. After all these seasons, I don't mind Adam and Blake and their bickering. Sometimes it's tiresome but there are a few times each season that they do deliver on their comedy routine. I thought the driver joke by Blake was witty and unexpected. Blake repeats his jokes a lot but once in a while he comes up with good fresh material which I appreciate. And he is a great icebreaker whenever they have new coaches because he keeps his ego in check and makes fun of everyone including himself. Yes, his knowledge of general music is terrible, though.

Miley and Alicia are better than Cee Lo, Pharrell, Christina and Gwen. So they are already a win.

Edited by waving feather
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On ‎9‎/‎26‎/‎2016 at 7:46 AM, waving feather said:

Adam and Blake roughshod over Christina? Never. She always puts them in their places. . . .

Miley and Alicia are better than Cee Lo, Pharrell, Christina and Gwen. So they are already a win.

When pitching to contestants, yes, Christina could put Adam and Blake in their places.  But she almost never shut their "comedy routine" down when they were overshadowing her and either Ceelo or Pharrell, whoever the black judge was at the time.

And where does Shakira fall in this, @waving feather?

9 hours ago, Michel said:

When pitching to contestants, yes, Christina could put Adam and Blake in their places.  But she almost never shut their "comedy routine" down when they were overshadowing her and either Ceelo or Pharrell, whoever the black judge was at the time.

And where does Shakira fall in this, @waving feather?

Oops, I left out Shakira. I would say Shakira is one of the most entertaining coaches during the blind auditions. Superior to Miley and Alicia. She's funny and good natured. But I'm not a fan of her coaching after blinds.

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On 9/20/2016 at 10:21 AM, Jeffurry said:

I don't watch The Voice but I'll never forget Sundance Head destroying...or being destroyed by "Nights in White Satin."

I don't watch The Voice that much, but I caught an episode last week where I immediately recognized Sundance Head.  I was trying to remember the song he sang on American Idol, thank you for reminding me.  I think at the time people thought he was a shoo-in for top 10--that is, until he effed up that song.  

ETA:  Well, I just found it on youtube and it really wasn't that bad and certainly not as bad as Simon said it was; it was just boring as hell.

Edited by Ohwell

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