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I'm going to have to assume that last night's episode (3/30/15) had some producer manipulation going on because who the ^*)$%* would buy a bigger house that's farther from the center of town just because they're going to have a year-long visitor?

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Wow, that's interesting bubbls b/c I do remember those sisters lived in a townhouse!  Agree, it was probably a friend's decoy house/kitchen.


You're right - they spend so much on these kitchens!  I'm sure most of them don't realize that the 70% "return" often quoted by homestore salespeople means it costs you 30% on resale, if you're lucky and it's brand new!  



I'm assuming advertisers are behind all these (unnecessary IMO) gut jobs. All this stuff will be outdated in five years anyway. But it makes for good TV. I do like the kitchen porn. 

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Yep, new and more updated homes have problems, too.  Can't remember the exact statistics but construction defects are fairly common.  In newer developments, it's a good idea to chat with neighbors prior to purchase, IMHO.



I totally agree. We bought new two years ago prior to our recent move and had problem after problem. And it was a very expensive home. But I was thinking more along the lines of mold or mice or leaks. Or bees. I need to stop watching so much Rehab Addict too, lol. 


You know, I was JUST wondering about Jillian's/Hillary's designs and wondering if they were the true designers. I'd already figured they probably hired out the florals. Naturally since I've begun recording I'm not finding a single episode with the specific florals I loved so now I think they are indeed hired out and they're now using a different company. 

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I totally agree. We bought new two years ago prior to our recent move and had problem after problem. And it was a very expensive home. But I was thinking more along the lines of mold or mice or leaks. Or bees. I need to stop watching so much Rehab Addict too, lol. 


You know, I was JUST wondering about Jillian's/Hillary's designs and wondering if they were the true designers. I'd already figured they probably hired out the florals. Naturally since I've begun recording I'm not finding a single episode with the specific florals I loved so now I think they are indeed hired out and they're now using a different company. 


Yep, that happens, too!  Always something, huh?


Maddening when you specifically notice something and that happens, e.g. the florals!  Poof, like magic!  Murphy's law, right?  Always when you're looking for something ...   They seem to work in different areas of the GVA so perhaps they use the local florists.


Kinda' funny when that happens.  I remember people commenting some time back about Jonathan from the PB's supposed staging and how it suddenly did an about-face, changing styles.  (Oops!)  Yep - they were using a new local designer as their background stager b/c they were filming in a different area of Austin or wherever, lol!

Edited by aguabella
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Seriously, if I hear one more whine about "my skate park," I'm going to throw something at my tv. And what about the neighbors? I sure as hell wouldn't want a skate park next door.

ETA: I missed the beginning - is the guy a professional skater or something? Why does he need a fucking skate park in his backyard?

Edited by cstad
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ETA: I missed the beginning - is the guy a professional skater or something? Why does he need a fucking skate park in his backyard?


I missed the beginning, too. After installing that eyesore, I would certainly *hope* they'd stay. Otherwise, they just ruined their resale value. And, man, I'd be sooooo pissed if I lived next door to them.

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OMG the most annoying HHs ever!!  "I NEED a skate park".  Hillary:  But you need electric work.  Don't you want a kitchen?  Wife:  These are things we need.  She's ignoring that we need a skate park.


Me:  facepalm.

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Seriously, if I hear one more whine about "my skate park," I'm going to throw something at my tv. And what about the neighbors? I sure as hell wouldn't want a skate park next door.


Me neither -- and what about the kid? No backyard for you, little dumpling! Daddy couldn't walk allllll the way to the end of the damn block to the skate park; he just didn't want to "leave the house to have fun" (and all for something that is to a skate park what mini-putt is to golf. Which he was already bitching about at the end as he stood there in his alt uniform  -- looking like an escapee from Hipsters R Us -- whining about how the ramps wouldn't be much fun soon. YA THINK, ABOUT TO BE MIDDLE-AGED SKATE KID? YA THINK?)

Edited by film noire
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He was a professor of Anthropology and she was an art professor.  I believe he said he did a study of skateboarding during his education and fell in love with it. 


I couldn't get past her haircut (shaved on one side and long on the other).  Did he ever remove that watch cap from his head?

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He removed his hat at least once--when Hilary mentioned being able to plug a hair dryer in when the wiring was fixed.

That guy did mention needing a skate park for his studies. I usually FFW to Hilary and David doing the walk-through because the intro is so long and I can usually get all of the same into a few times throughout the episode, but needing skateboarding studies made me go "Huh?"

He was annoying about it--especially since there was a skate park nearby--but I guess the neighbors are OK with it. I would think/hope he would need some kind of approval first. Skateboarding is loud.

At least Eric was't annoying in this episode--the couple handled that enough. (That upstairs bathroom didn't look that bad to me and $85K only goes so far.)

The love it and list it skateboard tops were cute.

Edited by indeed
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He was annoying about it--especially since there was a skate park nearby--but I guess the neighbors are OK with it. I would think/hope he would need some kind of approval first. Skateboarding is loud.



And generally the kind of people who would put this type of thing in their backyard aren't the type to be overly concerned with showing consideration for their neighbors' piece of mind. I suspect he's out there making a big racket late into the night. 

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Probably, but don't some neighborhoods have noise ordinances? And you might need a permit to put one of those things in your backyard in the first place. Or, being a home owner, maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part.

Edited by indeed
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I think most cities have noise ordinances that start at least by 10 p.m. Some may be earlier. Of course, if he's in a big enough city, the police probably have better things to do than respond to noise complaints.

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Having dealt with noisy kids running ATVs, gokarts, and dirt bikes in my neighborhood....which was a very nice one with an expensive HOA with noise ordinances.....there's not a lot they can do. I reported and reported it to the HOA, but they have very little actual power. They finally told me to call the cops, which I did repeatedly. The cops talked to the parents who played dumb. Nothing changed. We finally just moved. Noise protection is a nice idea in theory that's very difficult to enforce in reality. Based on my experience, that skateboard jackass is driving his neighbors nuts and there's nothing they can do about it. 

Edited by bubbls
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He was a professor of Anthropology and she was an art professor.  I believe he said he did a study of skateboarding during his education and fell in love with it. 



Not a big deal but he mentioned he was in anthro plus Asian Studies.  It was my understanding his skateboarding affinity predated the study.  (More on his thesis / the study, below.)


Incidentally, he's a lecturer at Duke but she's at UNC - Chapel Hill.  I believe she exhibits regularly in NY, too, with other exhibits around the country.


They did present a joint course recently - one week at Duke, the next UNC, etc.  IIRC, they were lecturing on the use of video in anthro/art or something along those lines.

Edited by aguabella
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That guy did mention needing a skate park for his studies. I usually FFW to Hilary and David doing the walk-through because the intro is so long and I can usually get all of the same into a few times throughout the episode, but needing skateboarding studies made me go "Huh?"

He was annoying about it--especially since there was a skate park nearby--but I guess the neighbors are OK with it. I would think/hope he would need some kind of approval first. Skateboarding is loud.



Unless I missed it, big time, didn't hear him describe the skate park as a "need".  Yes, tptb kept having them request it but I think I'd remember him describing it that way.  I hope, lol!


WRT his situation, he defended his thesis last May, 2014, so his major project was completed prior to filming LIOLI.  (His anthropology thesis studied 3 types of Japanese young people and included a section on Japanese skateboarders.)  So, "need"?  Unless he starts and/or started something new, his project was complete.  And, I seriously doubt he needed to skate himself let alone have his own skate park!


WRT the noise, their neighborhood didn't look like the type to have an hoa or other specific regulations.  Yes, agree, he's probably subject, however, to some city/county general noise ordinances.  That said, yeah, good luck enforcing it, neighbors!

Edited by aguabella
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Kinda' funny when that happens.  I remember people commenting some time back about Jonathan from the PB's supposed staging and how it suddenly did an about-face, changing styles.  (Oops!)  Yep - they were using a new local designer as their background stager b/c they were filming in a different area of Austin or wherever, lol!



That's funny! I didn't see that, but I do find PB boring. "Their" designs all look the same to me so I might like the new stager, haha. 

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So the reason Desta, Fergus and Hot Eddie are gone from the show is because they are now filming in the US?  Not a fan of Eric, especially his bickering with Hilary.  We get enough of that with her and David.

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Definitely not a fan of Eric. It's like he's angling for his own show the way he inserts himself. I don't mind that they want her to play off of someone with her planning, but why does it have to be him? Can it be a designer or a design assistant more like Desta? Really think that dynamic needs to be recreated here.


Also, I was willing to go along with the whole "here's the budget" and "here's the current value after renovations" and it always being over 100% return on investment because it was in Canada and at the end of the day, I don't actually know much about their market except what I see on HGTV and it's expensive and aggressive when close to the city. But now that they are in the US and in Raleigh no less where land is plentiful, I'm scoffing at these ROI. It just does not work that way here in large part, especially outside of major cities with aggressive markets and land constraints. If you get 70-80% return on investment, then that's more believable, but this constant over 100% in neighborhoods that have ceilings for what a house can go for. It's just like give me a break. Plus, very few are even putting on additions or adding bathrooms or bedrooms that would make the return spike significantly. And you do not get 100% return when a third of the budget was spent to update to current wiring and fixing the freaking foundation!


This asshat and his skate park. I'd knock his ass into next week if I was the wife for being a selfish prick.Well, I wouldn't have married this manchild in the first place, but still, I'd do it for her now as a public service. I didn't even know there was a kid in the mix he was so concerned about his skate park and so unconcerned about his kid having a yard.

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Here's my take on Eric. He was very good as a contestant in Brother vs. Brother with Jonathan and  Drew. In fact he should have won but they inexplicably gave the win to a lesser contestant who happened to be a woman.  I'm thinking they promised him something afterward because he was miles better than the winner.


I liked him and rooted for him in that show. In fact he lives and works in Staten Island where I live.


But I cannot take him in LIOLI.  We are so used to the tried and true formula of Eddie, Desta and that other guy.  Eric and Hilary kind of grates on you.

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I haven't been able to watch this lately, so when they had a marathon this past Saturday, I was thrilled.  Only recorded 3 episodes, one of which was in NC.  I hadn't seen any of the NC episodes yet.


So it was a stay-at-home dad with 2 kids, and the wife had taken 2 years to find their current home, which was down the street from a set of parents.  When they said that, I knew they would "love it".  Anyway, there definitely were issues with the home, especially the kitchen, but I got the sense that the power dynamic of the couple was off since he stayed at home.  I think some of his frustration would go away if he weren't home all day, everyday.  Hillary did a great job and had a really nice budget to do it. I'm glad she talked them out of messing with the kids' bedrooms. And she was right that the bathrooms didn't need to be redone right away. Eric bugged though.  I miss Desta!  Did love the tree-lined streets and the other homes they looked at.  Looks like a nice area of the country.

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I can't believe I'm doing this, but I'm trying to find the name of an episode with very little to go on, and this seems like a good place to ask.


Here's what I know:


  • It aired sometime in or before January, 2013.
  • It featured a family that didn't have enough space. (I know, that's every episode.)
  • One of the kids had his bedroom in the basement in a closet that I think people had to like walk through to get anywhere.
  • That kid's name was Burn. Or Byrne. Or Bern. 
  • ETA: I think they may have had a problem with too many coats.


If anyone knows what the hell I'm talking about, or can tell me how to find it, I would be be very grateful.

Edited by Bartlet4Gallifrey
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I can't believe I'm doing this, but I'm trying to find the name of an episode with very little to go on, and this seems like a good place to ask.


Here's what I know:


  • It aired sometime in or before January, 2013.
  • It featured a family that didn't have enough space. (I know, that's every episode.)
  • One of the kids had his bedroom in the basement in a closet that I think people had to like walk through to get anywhere.
  • That kid's name was Burn. Or Byrne. Or Bern. 
  • ETA: I think they may have had a problem with too many coats.


If anyone knows what the hell I'm talking about, or can tell me how to find it, I would be be very grateful.


Was Jan, 2013 the original airdate?

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Go on Wikipedia.  It lists every episode by family name, and date.

I have no idea what the family name was. Just the one kid. But you did give me an idea, and I'm checking out individual episode summaries where I can find them. IMDb has some but not many.

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I have no idea what the family name was. Just the one kid. But you did give me an idea, and I'm checking out individual episode summaries where I can find them. IMDb has some but not many.


The summaries are available at hgtv.com, on the show page.  I'd start by ruling out the 4-5 new episodes from the month you referenced.  New episodes air at 9 pm ET/CT on Monday nights.  Every other timeslot holds a rerun.

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I can't believe I'm doing this, but I'm trying to find the name of an episode with very little to go on, and this seems like a good place to ask.


Here's what I know:


  • It aired sometime in or before January, 2013.
  • It featured a family that didn't have enough space. (I know, that's every episode.)
  • One of the kids had his bedroom in the basement in a closet that I think people had to like walk through to get anywhere.
  • That kid's name was Burn. Or Byrne. Or Bern. 
  • ETA: I think they may have had a problem with too many coats.


If anyone knows what the hell I'm talking about, or can tell me how to find it, I would be be very grateful.


Unfortunately, everything on your list sounds like standard LIOLI episode info.  Most of these people have at least 1 unusual factoid that tptb exploit to create interest in the episode, IMHO.


Can you think of anything unusual about them?  Did their kid have snakes as pets, for instance?  Anything?  If  you do, someone will probably identify the episode.

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So the reason Desta, Fergus and Hot Eddie are gone from the show is because they are now filming in the US?  Not a fan of Eric, especially his bickering with Hilary.  We get enough of that with her and David.


I'm not considering them "gone" but just on hiatus while the show shoots on location in the Raleigh area.  Obviously I don't know but perhaps they'll return in a future season. 


I'm sure Eric is taking direction and playing the role tptb designated for him.  They want to give the viewers more conflict, IMHO! 

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I thought that was super dumb, too. Not for the reasons you say, but because it would take so. damn. long. "Hey, we're at war with this country! Let's release this weapon and wait like 50 years until they all die off!" What the hell?

The issue I have with Eric is that he comes off as condescending and mansplaining to Hilary.  He seem like he wants to say "don't worry your pretty little head about it" half the time. Or like he feels he should be in charge. Eddie liked to mess with Hilary sometimes but he respected her( His episode is my favourite of the whole show bar none).  It may get better but so far Eddie wins by a mile.

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Couldn't believe my ears on last night's episode featuring a mother, her daugher and son-in-law who jointly owned a home.  The daughter refused to give an inch, to respect anyone else's wishes or opinions including her mother's.  During a private conversation the mom told her to stop speaking so disrespectfully to David.  Daughter's response?  "He works for us.  He needs to know when he's not giving us what we want!"


Uh, whatever happened to simple human decency no mater what the relationship?  Was this for the show?  Was she trying to be the first homeowner of table-flipping proportions?  I guess it worked.  Because I remembered her antics.  And now, here I am on an internet message board, talking about her.  Hope she's happy with herself.  :o/

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And I made it to the first commercial break to remember why I don't watch this show - the fake bickering between Hilary and David. Not my cup of tea. But I do appreciate the info in the links. I'll come back here to see the real scoop.

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I was so thrilled to see last night's episode.  I know the homeowners and I think they came off quite well on the show.They are super nice and caring guys and I think that came out.   The show was filmed in my town, Raleigh, NC, so it was a real treat.  Eric found the couple a wonderful house and I was thrilled they picked it.  What a find.  HIlary seemed to understand that the basement makeover just didn't cut it.   Even though they started out with a great house, they still decided to LIst It.


No one in the community knew if Rodolfo and Greg had decided to love it or list it, because they said they were required to stay in their home until their episode aired with their lips sealed.


  I can't wait for more episodes in the Raleigh/Durham area.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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I was very surprised that they decided to list it.  It was a beautiful house and Hilary did a wonderful job on the basement.  I didn't think the house that David showed them was all that.  I didn't like the bathrooms.


They ended up coming off as nice but Rodolfo was pretty rude at the beginning, especially to Hilary.

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Apparently, Hilary was supposed to add closets and fireplaces without taking up any space or ruining the existing looks. Yeah, he came off as just a tad unreasonable.

The other place had a pool and a driveway and it was under budget, so not surprised they listed. They had a nice house, though. (Was parking really that much of an issue in that neighborhood?)

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Wow - I can't believe I've somehow missed the episodes taped in Raleigh and surrounding area.  Where in Raleigh were some of the houses looked at/loved?  Are they still showing reruns of these shows?  I've watched recently and the houses still looked like they were in Canada.  I lived in North Raleigh for quite a few years so I'm going to keep an eye out and hope these shows are still being aired.

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Man, I must be biased, since I didn't think Rodolfo seemed any more oppositional than any previous homeowners.  I do think the part about him not understanding how she could make a closet without encroaching on room space was staged.  He's a smart guy.


I have read that they film the ending with both ways.  One version is with them listing and the other loving it.  I'm not sure if that is true.  I do look forward to speaking with my friends and seeing if they really are going to move into the new home.  I think they make a great decision.  But, maybe that's because I know the area of their existing house.


It's in the Mordecai neighborhood.  It's very old and dates back the 1700's!  Here's a link about it.  





I think that getting a driveway at the their existing house requires a lot.  If you break the curb, you have to apply for approval and pay a lot of fees.  Plus, I read that some houses on Mordecai Drive, which is what they are on, SHARE a driveway due to the deed!  I would find it difficult to handle.  


Plus, because this is an historic district, every little thing has to be approved. Even things like plants and shrubs.  


I have seen one other show that was filmed in Raleigh, but I couldn't decipher the street.  One was filmed in Durham.  I suspect we will be seeing a lot of them in the upcoming months.  If I recognize any of the streets or neighborhoods, I'll post here.

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The show is now filmed in R/D area (announced mid? 2014), so you should be seeing a lot of shows there. I don't remember if this is still part of the first season in NC or if they're into the second season. I think they're planning at least two more seasons there.

No, I don't think Rodolfo was anywhere close to being worse than most of the contrary homeowners depicted on this show, nor do I think he actually believed he could expect Hilary to work miracles just because she's a professional. You gotta work with what you have. They were silly comments to up the drama, as per usual.

Plus, I read that some houses on Mordecai Drive, which is what they are on, SHARE a driveway due to the deed! I would find it difficult to handle.

That seemed to be the situation ("easement") since they had to ask the neighbors to move vs. complaining about lack of street parking. Didn't know if on-street parking was an issue, though. It is nice to be able to park on your property without doing a car shuffle! Edited by indeed
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I didn't recognize anything (haven't lived in Raleigh since '98).  I was sure they were going to "love it".  What a crazy layout in that house - no wonder it was so difficult to live there.  I get a kick out of Hilary and David...they both have a dry sense of humor.

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For those from Raleigh: Rodolfo and Greg's house was in the Mordecai neighborhood.  It's just north of the Governor's mansion, legislative building, Peace College.  I haven't been able to locate where the house they chose to buy is located.  I haven't had a chance to go by the restaurants that Rodolfo owns yet.  I bet he's sick of answering questions about it.  lol  

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