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Toddlers & Tiaras - General Discussion

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This is the show that started my reality tv fascination. TLC has been showing reruns in the early morning recently. It has made me wonder if a new season is on the way.

Although I don't like the latest format I see that Camrie's boot camp seems to prepare the girls better. They seem more athletic and in control of their bodies while the Sassy Supremes appear to be a little clumsy and a lot rely on the hokey finger-in-the-dimple.  Camrie might almost be introducing some pro-am moves to her girls routines.

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On 9/11/2016 at 2:54 PM, Daisy head said:

Cadence, to me, looks like the momma in Throw Momma From the Train - I'm showing my age :(

Hahahaha! I'm, for sure, going to hell for laughing so hard at this comment. I'm sorry, but the girls on Jamie's team have to be some of the ugliest kids I've ever seen and they're put IN BEAUTY PAGENTS?! Their parents are in so much denial. The only two that didn't scare me were Lola and Kallyn and even they weren't anything special. Meh.

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On 9/11/2016 at 2:54 PM, Daisy head said:

Cadence, to me, looks like the momma in Throw Momma From the Train - I'm showing my age :(

I'm going to hell for laughing so hard at this comment! Cadence is the fuggliest kid over ever seen! Jamie has the ugliest girls on her team. Kallyn is cute..ish. but those ears!! And everyone ranted and raved over Lola. I didn't see it. Meh.

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I just watched an episode dated 2016 involving Kim and her daughter, Selyse. I immediately logged on and had to join the forum because i was so enraged at this inept mother and her cling-on snot bubble. She was blaming coach Jamie for not practising with her daughter...? WTF? I am not a pageant parent yet even I know it's a parent's responsibility to ensure their kid knows the routine and has hair, makeup etc. Mama Kim was pissed her daughter (who missed an entire segment due to no-show lateness) was pissed her daughter didn't win a bigger prize although the kid literally scowled and marched off the stage. finally, I was ready to reach through my tv to slap the 'idiocy' out of Kim for allowing that child to cling to her like a sloth, while carrying her around like na 6 month old. Phew, I am riled up. Finally, talk about rigged pageant!!! The Jungle-whatever pageant had Lily lose to the blonde who didn't know her routine and was staring at coach Jamie like a deer in headlights. That Jaqueline was great, and was robbed as well. Cambrie gets results (and Jamie's good - just needs more parents like the blonde's mom). Lastly, I get sadistic pleasure from watching spoiled little girls have a break down when they realize they didn't win the BIG prize. I just shake my head at parents who don't explain, "Sorry, Kid, you didn't work hard enough" (AHEM, Kim!!) Then again, Lily, who was wonderful (but had a 'cheap dress') shouldn't blame herself when her efforts were robbed rather than rewarded.

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I HAVE to ask this very superficial question... Why are pageant moms so damn overweight and unhealthy looking? Also, given they have little to work with initially, you would think they'd attempt to (at least) look television presentable during filming. I recognize that these moms are run ragged behind the scenes with timing, hair, makeup, practising routines etc., but when their Talking Head segments show them in stained sweatshirts, too-tight jeans, and hideous hair/lack of makeup, I am left speechless by their responses. You would think, given their expectations of the judges, these women would have made an attempt to make themselves presentable. Yeesh, what an unattractive group of slobs.

Edited by Chalby
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So I have not watched this show in ages. I clicked on the later episodes of season 9 and I can’t believe mother’s are crying as though they are the ones up there competing instead of their daughters. These pageants are expensive but stop expecting your children to win high titles just because you spent $$$. It’s not all the moms, it’s just some of them but it is still annoying. 

If my children wanted to do pageants, that’s fine. I would push them to do their best but I wouldn’t throw a fit if they didn’t place high. 

Lastly, Mahayle’s family needs prayer because obviously her grandmother is mentally ill. Also, Celyse (sp?) shouldn’t have gone to such a huge pageant. She’s so young and is so up and down behavior wise. Maybe wait until she’s like 7. The mom is just a bit much. I understand she has pregnancy hormones. 

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I want to put in a word  for Tristian.  This woman's mental illness is serious and so obvious a sea slug could notice it.  I believe her children may be in danger--the little girl's affect is disturbingly "absent"--couldn't see much of the little boy--and that whole family (I'm assuming the father isn't present; we didn't see him) needs help.  I hope they got it.  Tristian mentioned her medication, and what would happen had she been in her home state if she got into a fight.  I'd like to know what kind of treatment she's receiving and what supports are in place to help her raise her children.

Shame on the producers of this show for parading illness as entertainment.

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Actually, the way it works (at least according to a former co-worker that did glitz pageants with her kids for a while) is you pay the initial entry fee.   That means you compete in the regular fancy dress category, and whatever extras (costume, or talent) are included.   Those kids all compete with all of the others by age category for titles.    Then for every additional category they pay for and enter (most photogenic, best smile, charisma, or whatever else there is), you pay an additional fee, and only the kids are entered in the specific extra  portions get separate crowns or ribbons, or titles.    So for some of the more obscure ones, there may only be a few kids in the extra categories.     That's a reason why so many kids get a crown, and a title.   

My co-worker stopped when she added up what the multiple costumes, lessons for talent, modeling, etc., plus costumes for that category, travel costs, hotel, and entry fees.   Plus, hair and makeup, flippers, hair extensions, and highlight or dye jobs.   There is almost no kid that wins enough at one pageant to make the money back on entry fees.    ANd my friend said the cutthroat behavior of the other parents, and coaches made her realize how toxic all of this pageant scene is.    

I worry about the kids with the obviously ill parents.  Tristian scared me, and I am also worried about her kids.     

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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On 9/15/2016 at 4:56 AM, CoolMom said:

It warmed me to her just a tad.  Because as much as she kind of annoys me she clearly cares about that child. 


My oldest child lost her baby teeth and got her "adult" teeth very early.  I think they choose to question her age because they had a beef with the sister "always" winning that pageant.  They couldn't attack the sister so they went after her because yes she is big for her age and they could justify it.

I think Cadence's moms are going to regret spoiling that child when she hits her preteen/teen years.

I think the pageant coordinator enjoyed the drama stemming from the birth certificate and the coaching.

Four years later, I have to agree with the other poster that nothing about the child other than the birth certificate (real or fake?) seemed to align with her being a six-year-old.

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I watch a strange and wonderful performance art show called The Eric Andre Show (and it is not for the faint-hearted) on Adult Swim.  Imagine my delight when his final guest one night was.....   EDEN WOOD!!!!



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Am I the only person here who saw the Where are they Now that was tacked on to some other show (forgot which) to advertise Discovery +?

Am I the only person in the world to rejoice in the fact that Eden Wood suffers from hyperhydrosis?

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I'm watching the marathon.   David and daughter Ava certainly were intense.    And the family where the mother was in the pageant director's face, because one twin did better than the other was disgusting.   The mother actually said the one twin should have won, but she understood why the other twin didn't because she wasn't cute enough.  

The one on right now shows the family that uses a private jet to take the kids, and moms, plus the coach Cambrie, to the pageant.   This is from 2016, and has Eden Wood judging.  

The family, and parents are the worst behaving bunch.   

They're showing all three episodes of the Where are they now, in a row.    That should be interesting. 


Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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I'm not going to lie this show was my crack years back, the insanity of it all was just gold to watch, and what came out of the kids mouths was excellent, (what can I say I am easily entertained).  I was delighted to catch the where are they now segments last night, I do remember some of the kids, some I didn't know.  There was one that was a millionaire at 13, she made some type of jewelry line and was working on a clothing line? (I forget her name now).  I think for the most part the girls took their old clips well and even admitted that it was a little crazy everything they did.  Glad to see most of the moms are still as crazy as ever.

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1 hour ago, all4mom2 said:

Loved the old reruns, hated the new episodes from last year (they've ruined that show), loved the updates.  Was hoping to see my favorite, Kenzie, though.  What a character!

Kenzie!  Couldn’t remember her name, but I’d love to see her now. 

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It was fun to watch the "where are they now" episodes, but seems like most of them are still fairly bratty.

I tried googling, but couldn't find criteria for showing at New York Fashion Week. I am finding it hard to believe both Isabella and Alysesaundra showed there multiple times, unless there is some junior designer tent somewhere. 

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My guess is to show at NY Fashion Week, you sign up for a venue/tent, and pay to use it for a certain time, and that's probably it.    I'm sure the better location are kept for the big name designers, but the smaller ones probably are just anyone who rents them. 

I only watched some of the where are they now episodes, but the one twin that's a runway model?  Probably in her sister's fashion shows, because the twins aren't tall enough, and would never make it as professional models.   

It's sad that not one of the kids that is now upper teens mentioned college, or wanting to go to college.   

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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On 11/14/2021 at 12:58 PM, GrannySmith said:

Kenzie!  Couldn’t remember her name, but I’d love to see her now. 

She’s one of my favorites! I know a lot of people thought she was a brat, but I think she’s a very smart girl. 

I want an update on Kailia (I’m not sure about the spelling, but I think this is close). She’s a contortionist, and her training looked brutal. In spite of that, she seemed like a very sweet girl. 

David’s update was good. Ava is no longer doing pageants, and his creative outlet is now making costumes for drag queens. He seems much happier now.

I don’t mind Eden, but I can’t stand her mother! 

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On 9/15/2016 at 9:18 AM, 3girlsforus said:

I agree that yelling during the kid's performance was inexcusable. It doesn't matter what was going on, you don't do that. 

That said, I am pretty suspicious of this sudden 'she is so special needs that the rules can't apply to her' stuff.  Social anxiety is a problem and potentially doing pageants could be good for her (or they could be horrible) but it isn't something that requires a disregard of the rule book. We know from watching on the show and from the comments of the moms before this pageant that it is uncommon or even a first to have a pageant that prohibits coaching from the sidelines. And these teams have been competing against each other a lot. I think it's quite likely that the girl, whose name I can't remember, has always just looked like a 'eh' pageant contestant with her mom directing her from the sidelines without her mother running up and down the halls yelling that she's 'special needs'. Now with this pageant being run by Jaimie's mom, they created this rule about no coaching knowing that they would do it anyway for this child as a setup so they could both rile up the other mom and cry 'but she's the SN kid' at the same time. I think it was a big crock and a setup. It could even have been set up by TLC. 

In the other episodes the girl's mom has spoken derogatorily about the daughter but not referred to her as having true SN problems. What I took from her comments was that she viewed her daughter as inferior to her other daughter because she wasn't good at pageants. I can see that woman defining special needs as 'unable to do pageants the way I like it'. 

I do want to reiterate, none of this excuses the horrific behavior of yelling during the girl's performance. That poor little girl, whether she has special needs or not, should not have to endure that nor should she have to endure the obvious distain from her own mother or watch a bunch of harpies scream at each other about a little girl's problems. 

The episode before this showed Hallie BEGGING her parents not to force her to do a pageant. As for her mother's claim that making Hallie do pageants improves her "self-esteem & confidence" : I call bs on that. If that delusional mother wants to improve Hallie's self-esteem she can start by not repeatedly YELLING in front everyone and her child "HALLIE IS SPECIAL NEEDS!"

As for Piper: that chubby girl needs to go on a diet. Not only does she have a huge belly and fat rolls on her back, she has a double chin! Before anyone criticizes my comment think about what these parents do to their children in the quest for a crown.  And the EGO on Piper is nauseating, I laughed so hard when she got a crappy title...at Gemstone and then I.F.F. = time for a diet girlfriend!

Becky was horrible for shouting out while Hallie was slouching across the stage. No excuse for that at all.  

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On 11/17/2021 at 7:07 PM, MagicEyes said:

She’s one of my favorites! I know a lot of people thought she was a brat, but I think she’s a very smart girl. 

I want an update on Kailia (I’m not sure about the spelling, but I think this is close). She’s a contortionist, and her training looked brutal. In spite of that, she seemed like a very sweet girl. 

David’s update was good. Ava is no longer doing pageants, and his creative outlet is now making costumes for drag queens. He seems much happier now.

I don’t mind Eden, but I can’t stand her mother! 

Was sad to see in today’s news alerts that Kailia passed away.  Only 16 years old, and still stunning!  She last competed in WA Teen USA, and got 2nd runner up.  Makes me sad.  Have we lost any other T&T girls?

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5 hours ago, Blue hues said:

Was sad to see in today’s news alerts that Kailia passed away.  Only 16 years old, and still stunning!  She last competed in WA Teen USA, and got 2nd runner up.  Makes me sad.  Have we lost any other T&T girls?

It’s very sad. Several friends are reporting she’s taken her own life. Everything looks great on the outside but you never know what someone is going through. I can’t imagine her mothers pain.  

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I rewatched her episodes last night. And part of this girls appeal was that she seemed to genuinely enjoy pageants and she was such a talented poised little girl. I hope she is at peace now. Its so sad to see these people who seemingly appear to be so happy and full of life and in their head they are hiding their sadness away from everyone. 

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4 hours ago, ellenr33 said:

I rewatched her episodes last night. And part of this girls appeal was that she seemed to genuinely enjoy pageants and she was such a talented poised little girl. I hope she is at peace now. Its so sad to see these people who seemingly appear to be so happy and full of life and in their head they are hiding their sadness away from everyone. 

How many episodes was she on?  I thought was only on one.  What were the other episodes?  

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10 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

I believe the teenager with cystic fibrosis died a few years after she appeared on T&T.

Yes, and the mother started pushing another kid to pageants too after the older sister died.   Jenny was the older girl, she died of CF at 15.   Her sister is Cassidy.  But Jenny was on Baby Beauty Queens, and Cassidy was on T & T.  

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Tubi TV (which is totally free) has the first nine seasons available.  Ava and pageant Dad David were in one of the first episodes of season one - when she was a baby. David carried her on stage and she was sleeping through the whole thing.

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David (of David and Ava) fame, was one of my favourite delusional parents. He wasn't mean and nasty to everyone else, but he was so into it and everyone else, including Ava and his wife, were so not into it. 

I mean, the whole child beauty pageant thing is inherently awful, but at least David was ridiculous and delusional, not horrible.

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On 9/22/2016 at 6:31 AM, operalover said:

I guess the mamma with the short hair was the bio mom as Cadence looks EXACTLY like her. It was cute the way she was crying when Cadence was up there, but she didn't smile ones - had a stank face on-- so only a mini pizza for her.


On 9/22/2016 at 2:28 PM, doodlebug said:

It is a thing. It's also possible that the sperm donor was a male relative of the other mom and that's why Cadence resembles her. I'm an OB/GYN and have had a couple patients who were inseminated with sperm from a partner's brother so the baby would be genetically related to both.  Another possibility is that they used sperm from a donor bank and specifically looked for a donor who resembled the other.  Weirdly enough, I've seen that, too. I know a couple who purchased multiple vials of the same guy's sperm from a bank so they could have several kids all with the same genetic father.  They chose him based on race and his level of education and personal interests. Never saw a photo or asked about eye or hair color.  They ultimately had 3 kids.  Every single kid was a dead ringer for the one mom: same hair and eye color, facial shape. They even had curly hair like hers.  Yet, she only gave birth to one of them, the other two were not genetically related to her.  They used to joke about it, anyone who met them automatically assumed one had given birth to all 3.

I also agree about the 'hard work'. Not so much. There are many, many kids putting far more effort into gymnastics,  team sports, piano lessons, dance class, spelling bees, chess clubs and dozens of other worthwhile activities that are far more likely to benefit them in later life. for that matter, most kids put far more work into their play than these poor kids. Forcing a preschooler to sit through hours and hours of tanning, makeup application and hairstyling is torture, not work, IMO.

Here's the truth. The longer haired one is Cadence's mother. The short haired one was hired by the show. The "father" in question, is the long time boyfriend of Cadence's mother. The show wanted to feed off her medical story by adding a "new twist" to the show. She doesn't have two moms, never did. The mom got greedy and when the show offered money, jumped at the offer. Refuses to marry the boyfriend, to uphold their "reputation for pageants". Cadence looks 110% like her father. The medical part is unfortunately all true though. 

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On 9/16/2016 at 1:52 AM, Tasya said:

Becky yelling offstage at the child was unacceptable but I don't think that child is SN for one minute. I think that she likely is socially awkward but that she doesn't want to do pageants. Last week when the mother was getting out the dresses she yelled "I'm not doing this pageant" and the mother says "Oh yes you are". Cambrie said that they had competed against the little girl in the past and not once had anyone mentioned that she was SN. Social anxiety is not a special need. Unless they are saying the child is autistic (I worked with children who have autism for years and I didn't see it in the brief moments she was on screen). I think some parents these days like to assert that kids have special needs for every single little thing. I'm not a social person and I do not do well in groups. I get really anxious and find myself a corner or wall to hold up. However that does not make me SN. 

Actually anxiety is classed as a "special need", not a disability, but SN is different, a SN is just something that means you require some adjustments, which people with anxiety do 

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