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S18.E05: Live Eviction 1, Head of Household 2

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8 hours ago, RCharter said:

I wouldn't hit him, but I would be so mad if I paid my good money for some anti-aging cream, or some expensive shampoo and some asshole put mayo in it.

Thats not cute, and you would be getting a bill to replace it.

I'm sure all the battles for the BattleBack, will be like

"who can vogue the best?"

"who can give the most inspirational speech?"

"who can do the best makeup?"

Polishing nails with your non dominant hand...

3 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

Then let me suggest all the Battle Back battles be things like:

"Human Pinball." Rolling down an incline crushing as many cupcakes as possible.

"See Saw." Keep them up till they beg to be let down.

"Sssh."  Who can keep his mouth shut the longest.

"Psychic!"  Read the HG's faces and tell us what they're thinking.

"Guess what finger I'm holding up behind my back"

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13 hours ago, Katesus7 said:

Oh, Jozea, so very wrong right up to the end. Or almost end. I hope he loses to Glenn, because that would be the perfect end for him. Losing to someone even more irrelevant than he is. I wonder if any of his brain cells started working when Day basically told him she voted his ass out. Nah, probably still blaming poor Natalie. 

AG probably wants Jozea over Glenn so we will see him win until another evictee takes top dog spot for drama. 

2 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

When Brigette called herself,"super sweet,"  I threw up in my mouth a little bit.  Why do these people brag so much?  I thought Natalie was really pretty until she said she could get any guy she wanted and I immediately started looking for flaws.

Yes on both. 

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I actually sort of felt badly for Jozea, because that level of delusion is just sad. BUT Paulie is actually getting better looking as time goes on (or I am just settling), so I am glad the Messiah and his neck tat are gone...for the moment. The whole "getting back in" kind of reminds me of the Electoral College overruling the popular vote, and I don't like it on principle. I really liked what they did with the backyard for the HOH comp! I thought that it might benefit the women more than the men, but we don't have as many steroidal types this time around, but rather guys whose body weight seems more normally distributed, so it  could be anyone's game to win.

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3 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Are the HG's instructed to congregate and stare at the wall for a certain period of time after someone is evicted?  I mean, that was some very awkward live tv with everyone still standing motionless, several minutes after Jozea's picture grayed out...like no one wanted to be the first one to move or something.  Riveting television for sure (zzzzzzzzz)

I was wondering about that too. They've never stood there that long after the picture grayed out and they are usually at least mumbling stuff to each other.

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I'm surprised to find that I'm starting to like Da'Vonne.  I vaguely recall disliking her last year, and nothing about the premiere episode made me change my mind.   But her THs about Jozea have been hilarious, and then she was smart enough to practice restraint in her goodbye message.  They don't know about Resurrection Hotel or whatever will happen to the First Five, but as I've heard Julie say once or twice or 50 times an episode expect the unexpected. 

As for the looooong goodbye to Jozea's pic last night, i figured there had to be some production screwup.  Well, what I really hoped was that Jozea had gone nuts or something and they were trying to calm him down, but he couldn't have been more relaxed when they cut back. 

Edited by Thalia
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HGs watching Jozea's pic turn black and white was the most awkward I have seen yet.  Frank bolted first.  They don't usually stand there that long.  You could feel the tension right through the TV.  

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23 minutes ago, wings707 said:

HGs watching Jozea's pic turn black and white was the most awkward I have seen yet.  Frank bolted first.  They don't usually stand there that long.  You could feel the tension right through the TV.  

My thought was - the group that thought Paulie was going home was standing frozen in shock.  The group that voted out Jozea was frozen in place, not wanting to be the first to move away, lest all eyes turn towards that person.

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I think that the camera lingered on the group at the wall because there was an issue with Jozea's microphone.  When he walked up to Julie, he was messing with it and she said something like "don't worry, we'll fix it".

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4 hours ago, sharkfan said:

Also also also - the return of the choreographed corridor moves? GAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, how were corridor moves the only thing these people got from watching past seasons of BB?

None of the newbies picked up on any other aspects of the game except doing a dance in the corridor.

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6 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I thought [Jozea's] gut was never wrong? Maybe he needs a probiotic. 



5 hours ago, ProfCrash said:

Jozea looked like a tool but there is no surprise there. I am sure that he still thinks he is a great mastermind and is still puzzled as to what went wrong.

Josea didn't do anything wrong; everybody else did.  Just ask Josea - he'll tell you.  After all, the accuracy of his alimentary canal is unparalleled.


5 hours ago, laurakaye said:

First of all, I need to know where I can buy that adorable blouse Julie was wearing.  Is there a special "Chenbot Wardrobe" website somewhere?

If you find it, please let me know if it contains a substantial amount of leather wear and boots.  I may need to file for divorce.



Bridget sounded ridiculous in her speech.  I was cringing in second-hand embarrassment.  She's an ER nurse, and that takes serious brains and stamina, yet she acts like a giggly 12-year old girl in the BB house.  Strategy, maybe?  I hope so.

I'd guess strategy, almost* certainly; Bridgette trying to minimize any perception of her as either a strategic or physical target as much as possible.  Unfortunately for Bridgette, however, both sides of the House are aware of her pseudo-spying shenanigans, and neither side trusts her a bit.  Bridgette may actually go far in this Game, though:

  • Whenever you want Bridgette gone, she's gone - an easy out with no strong allies.  Nobody will kick up a ruckus if Bridgette is sent for her Chenterview.  In an perverse sense, however, these types of HGs tend to have surprising Game longevity precisely because they're so easy to evict.  You can evict Bridgettes any time you want - but there's almost always a bigger target in the wings at any given moment, so she can wait until later....
  • If Bridgette does manage to float her way down to F6 or so, she becomes the belle of the ball; everybody's fighting over the chance to have her sitting in the F2 chair beside them, because NOBODY in the JH is going to hand HER a half-mil.


* "almost" because I've erroneously misinterpreted sheer stupidity and/or dumb luck as strategic acumen before.

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I agree. ^^^ Logical.  The problems with this very sound theory are Victor and Paul.  She is driving them nuts, they cannot stand to be around women and she is in their rifle site first, having zero to do with strategy.  

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29 minutes ago, wings707 said:

I agree. ^^^ Logical.  The problems with this very sound theory are Victor and Paul.  She is driving them nuts, they cannot stand to be around women and she is in their rifle site first, having zero to do with strategy.  

If you're a (quasi-) member of the 8-Pack and in control, that would be yet another good reason to keep Bridgette around.  ;>

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6 hours ago, llewis823 said:

I think the sparkly stuff in Paul's beard is beard oil and the lights just catch it. I don't think it is actual glitter. Then again, maybe Josea gave him an off-camera make-over!

I assumed it was glitter because when he sat down in the DR to give his vote, you could see a few loose pieces of gold glitter on the strap of his tank top and on his shoulder. Yes, I noticed. Yes, I looked. I'm ashamed now.

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5 minutes ago, Nashville said:

If you're a (quasi-) member of the 8-Pack and in control, that would be yet another good reason to keep Bridgette around.  ;>

I totally agree with that.  What I meant was, 8 pack may not get a chance to use Bridget in this way because Victor and Paul are laying for her.  I can see the 8 pack having to vote her out because the other 2 choices are their allies.

Edited by wings707
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3 minutes ago, wings707 said:

I totally agree with that.  What I meant was, 8 pack may not get a chance to use Bridget in this way because Victor and Paul are laying for her.  I can see the 8 pack having to vote her out because the other 2 choices are their allies.


ETA: By which I mean, "I understand".  :)

Edited by Nashville
Alliterative avoidance of ambiguity
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7 hours ago, llewis823 said:

Yep - this is there way of keeping someone in that TPTB want in but who was voted out...Funny they didn't mention it to Glenn (or did I miss that?) 

Good question; no good answer.  So far as the broadcast showed, poor Glenn didn't even get the courtesy of an exit Chenterview.  :[

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OK.  I missed it.  Did Julie announce the vote tally, or did she just tell Jozea he was out?  There was some speculation before the season started that in order to prevent the whole "vote with the house" bullying bull$hit that has taken over the last several seasons, Julie was just going to tell the person voted out that they were voted out, and not do the "By a vote of 11 to 2, you, you lucky hamster, are voted out."  I was so very much in favor of this idea, then I had a phone call and totally missed it...

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1 minute ago, HurricaneVal said:

OK.  I missed it.  Did Julie announce the vote tally, or did she just tell Jozea he was out?  There was some speculation before the season started that in order to prevent the whole "vote with the house" bullying bull$hit that has taken over the last several seasons, Julie was just going to tell the person voted out that they were voted out, and not do the "By a vote of 11 to 2, you, you lucky hamster, are voted out."  I was so very much in favor of this idea, then I had a phone call and totally missed it...

Julie cited the vote count in her eviction statement - and disappointed many people in the process.  Including me.

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3 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said:

OK.  I missed it.  Did Julie announce the vote tally, or did she just tell Jozea he was out?  There was some speculation before the season started that in order to prevent the whole "vote with the house" bullying bull$hit that has taken over the last several seasons, Julie was just going to tell the person voted out that they were voted out, and not do the "By a vote of 11 to 2, you, you lucky hamster, are voted out."  I was so very much in favor of this idea, then I had a phone call and totally missed it...

Bah. Here come the unanimous eviction votes, because no-one wants to "put a target on [their] back blah blah blah..."

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20 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Julie cited the vote count in her eviction statement - and disappointed many people in the process.  Including me.

What disappointed me (besides that) was that it was the perfect opportunity for a bait and switch. "With zero votes to evict, Bridgette, you are safe. With seven votes to evict... Paulie... you are safe. Jozea, you are evicted from the Big Brother House." But no, just a straight forward vote announcement. So disappointed in you, Julie.

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15 hours ago, K-9 said:

Watching some of the HG's goodbye messages.  Pretty soon no one is going to offend anyone evicted by recording a juicy/rude goodbye message.  Fakeness will continue.

I doubt the current hamsters will know about this twist until 5 weeks later when some evicted hamster returns.  I could be wrong.

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22 minutes ago, slasherboy said:

I doubt the current hamsters will know about this twist until 5 weeks later when some evicted hamster returns.  I could be wrong.

In terms of the details of THIS particular twist...?  You're probably right.

Any HG who's watched more than one season (HI PAUL AND JOSEA!!!), however, knows there's generally a twist involving a Welcome Back Kotter for some (un-) lucky previously-evicted HG.

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9 hours ago, sharkfan said:

So James was lying in bed RIGHT NEXT to Vanessa Tiffany and there still doesn't seem to be a flicker of recognition at all. He's either the world's greatest poker player or he's completely oblivious.

Also, I was not keen on Mummy's Boy Victor to begin with, but the lecturing, followed by the cherry on top of the douche sundae that was last night's manbun has firmly cemented my dislike. I diskard him.

Also also, the Fatal Five is a stupid team name as it implies they're all doomed. Which they probably are anyway, so...

Also also also - the return of the choreographed corridor moves? GAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not sure if this counts as a spoiler, but


James knows she's Vanessa's sister. By the time the feeds came on last week, she had already told the vets, Michelle and Zakiyah. Not sure why the broadcast show hasn't show it yet. On the feeds, Tiffany uses "Reed" as her last name and James says "Sarah" to refer to Vanessa.

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Bless his heart, Jozea stayed 100% clueless until the very end. I thought Julie was amazingly gentle with him trying to give him an idea of where he went wrong. There's none so blind as those who will not see. Or who have the audacity of nope to call themselves the Obama of the BB house.

Zakiyah looks so much like Angela Bassett. She is gorgeous.

Interesting how there aren't any obvious showmances developing yet, or at least there aren't any being shown on the broadcast show. Wonder if CBS would be willing to show an actual gaymance because I'm thinking that's more likely to happen this season.

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I saw a flicker of hurt and sadness from Jozea.  Which he immediately covered up with attitude and sass.  I get a feeling that's typical for him.  I found myself feeling a little bit sorry for him

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1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Bless his heart, Jozea stayed 100% clueless until the very end. I thought Julie was amazingly gentle with him trying to give him an idea of where he went wrong. There's none so blind as those who will not see. Or who have the audacity of nope to call themselves the Obama of the BB house.

Zakiyah looks so much like Angela Bassett. She is gorgeous.

Interesting how there aren't any obvious showmances developing yet, or at least there aren't any being shown on the broadcast show. Wonder if CBS would be willing to show an actual gaymance because I'm thinking that's more likely to happen this season.

I think they would and in theory I would love to see that.

But honestly, I don't like to see anyone having heterosexual or homosexual sex -- it just makes me feel oogy.  But the other parts of a gaymance would be interesting.

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10 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Zakiyah looks so much like Angela Bassett. She is gorgeous.

Strange - last night I was commenting on how much Z looked like a cross between Angela Bassett and a young Faye Dunaway.

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3 hours ago, Nashville said:

Strange - last night I was commenting on how much Z looked like a cross between Angela Bassett and a young Faye Dunaway.

Faye Dunaway, yes. I have been thinking there is something familiar in that face an couldn't place it.  Yes, I see that, circa Bonnie and Clyde. 

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