formerlyfreedom June 29, 2016 Share June 29, 2016 Quote Lex and Leo clash over their next move after a failed plan threatens to unravel their entire case. When word begins to spread that there may be a way out of the cordon, Jana considers her options. Finally, an unexpected turn of events brings Jake and Katie closer than ever. Expand Link to comment
Luckylyn June 29, 2016 Share June 29, 2016 After seeing the episode title, all I want to do is yell "Let's do it for Johnny!" I associate that poem with The Outsiders so strongly. Stay Gold. I'm wondering if Katie will survive and end up being a key to the cure. There's so much that's ridiculous about this show but I'm hanging in until the end. I want to know how things will turn out. 3 Link to comment
Free July 2, 2016 Share July 2, 2016 Quote I'm wondering if Katie will survive and end up being a key to the cure. Expand I'm also expecting some sort of bs plot asspull too. 3 Link to comment
wayne67 July 3, 2016 Share July 3, 2016 I stopped watching after episode 2 because Katie was driving me up the wall with her entitlement and attitude. Has anything interesting happened since? 2 Link to comment
ottoDbusdriver July 3, 2016 Share July 3, 2016 On 7/3/2016 at 12:46 AM, wayne67 said: I stopped watching after episode 2 because Katie was driving me up the wall with her entitlement and attitude. Has anything interesting happened since? Expand I would like to say yes, but no, nothing interesting of any importance has really happened. Plenty of stupid things happened and lots of people are still dying of the virus. I suppose a couple of things did happen, Thomas (one of Katie's students) is a typhoid mary for the virus, Pregnoteen finally gave birth, and we finally got caught up to the events of Day 13 shown in the first episode. On the plus side, Katie is infected with the virus. 2 Link to comment
wayne67 July 3, 2016 Share July 3, 2016 On 7/3/2016 at 1:53 AM, ottoDbusdriver said: I would like to say yes, but no, nothing interesting of any importance has really happened. Plenty of stupid things happened and lots of people are still dying of the virus. I suppose a couple of things did happen, Thomas (one of Katie's students) is a typhoid mary for the virus, Pregnoteen finally gave birth, and we finally got caught up to the events of Day 13 shown in the first episode. On the plus side, Katie is infected with the virus. Expand Thanks for the info. I find the premise interesting but neither the characters or execution did much for me. Good to know I didn't miss much. 1 Link to comment
Free July 5, 2016 Share July 5, 2016 On 7/3/2016 at 12:46 AM, wayne67 said: I stopped watching after episode 2 because Katie was driving me up the wall with her entitlement and attitude. Has anything interesting happened since? Expand Katie has gotten worse in her self righteousness even when she got infected. Interesting? Honestly no, it's been the same thing each episode, nothing has really progressed at all. A bunch of fodders died, but nothing has really changed since the pilot. 1 Link to comment
ottoDbusdriver July 5, 2016 Share July 5, 2016 The previouslies are particularly bad because we get a flashback of the unsexy shower scene between Katie and Jake. And this week's quote is from Robert Frost -- stay classy show -- something about death. Please let it be Katie's death. And we have moved onto Day 16 -- a full 3 days since the riot -- and we get Lex sprucing himself up for the big press conference where he expects Dr. Lommers to resign. I can't believe Lex simply took her word for it. Dr. Lommers opens the press conference telling the reporters that they have been mislead for 16 days -- maybe she should have opened with a joke -- to tell everyone that the Syrian they accused of being Patient Zero was a victim of the evil Dr. Cannerts and he irresponsible experiments. Meanwhile, Lex texts Leo the reporter since he is noticeably absent at the press conference. And Lex appears to be outraged that Lommers lied, and stomps out of the press conference -- all because of Lommers' lies. Oh no, more lies and cover up. Hurray, Katie is becoming even more symptomatic -- and for some bizarre reason we get the view from inside Katie's head complete with nerve fibers and scenes of her freaking out. WTF ??? Jake pleads with Dr. Cannerts to save Katie, and Cannerts prattles on about some adaptation of the Thomas's strain of the virus -- so the virus has already mutated, that's not good -- and while it could extend Katie's life she would die even more horribly. Sounds like a plan. Quentin is all pissed at Thomas for making his mom sick, only it really wasn't Thomas' fault, more like Katie grabbing that injured infected girl at the riot -- because we aren't really sure where she got the virus from. Meanwhile back at the site of the riot, Bert is holed up in a car with his badly injured legg -- he has been there for 3 days !!! And the box of meds in the MRE box is still conveniently located outside the car, but I thought someone stole it from him. That makes no sense. Bertie tries to get out of the car and puts weight on his leg and he falls to the ground in pain. Lex finally connects with Leo to find out that all the evidence against Lommers has been used by Lommers to point the finger against Cannerts, and the Police Chief got a promotion, so there goes there witness. Leo bails because pursuing the story further would hurt his reputation and he pulls out. Cannerts discusses the coverup with his mentor, but gets cutoff hid call and Viktor is a tad frustrated that he's being made the fall guy. Meanwhile, Bert's wife's leg is still not looking good since she hasn't had any anitbiotics for 3 days. I still can't believe that pregnoteen hasn't checked in on her grandma since all this began -- she knows that she lives inside the cordon. And as she looks longing at a photo she hopes that Bertie will be ok -- cut to Bert picking up pills off the ground, pills that have been sitting on the ground for 3 days. Bert MacGivers up a splint for his leg. Jana goes to Pregnoteen's mother's store -- still in the blue bunny suit -- to get baby supplies for Pregnoteen's baby. And spots Meese, the former copy, who tells her that for $5K he can get her out of the cordon. They still haven't shown what happened to those soldiers -- it's been more than 48 hours since exposure. Lex gets a peptalk from his dad. Whatever. And then they go to meet a city official (a friend of Lex's dad), but the Police Chief killed the meeting. And Lex decides he's not giving up and going back to Leo the reporter. Dr. Cannerts tends to Katie, and Katie determines that she is going to bear through the pain since she's a former addict and wants to stay clean. And she tries to guilt him again. FFS !! Jake has a chat with Quentin on the roof of the hospital -- and completely ignore the 4-6 foot rule. Jana runs into Bert on the street, after mulling knocking over an ATM to get the cash for Meese to spring her, and gives him a bottle of water. Katie has a nightmare where her skin starts peeling off, and then she gets to watch Quentin wipe out due to a wet hallway floor and tip over a mop bucket of contaminated blood -- if only this was for real. Katie wakes up to see Thomas outside her quarantine cell, and Katie goes on about Thomas' super powers and other bullshit. Jake has date night with Katie, and Katie starts up with the "I luv you"s -- which I'm pretty sure she's only saying because she's dying. And we get more scenes of her brain misfiring some more. And she wants her pain meds because she wants to see Quentin because it's time to say good bye. And Jake is all weepy because the love of his life is going to bite it -- hey, on the plus side she's not going to turn into a zombie. Back at Bitscan, Jana tells Sam that she doesn't have enough money to buy her way out of the cordon, but Sam has a stash of cash that will get 2 people out. Lex visits Leo's apartment -- and the place has been cleaned out and Leo's phone has been disconnected. So much for Lex exposing the conspiracy. Katie pops a pain killer, tries to guilt Dr. Cannerts for the umpteenth time and says goddbye to Quentin. It's all so sappy, why won't Katie just go ahead and die already. As Lex mopes at his dad's house about Leo going on the lam, a prepaid pizza arrives at the door for Lex. No, that's not suspicious at all -- and it's a message from Leo with an address and a key. Katie's taking a turn for the worse -- Yes !!!! -- and Jake makes some comment about being in the last place or something. Meanwhile, Bert keeps on trucking with his shopping cart of meds, and finally makes it home. Katie starts hemorrhaging blood from her mouth and eyes and kneels down by the window of her room and collapses on the floor, as Jake rushes in a biohazmat suit and holds Katie in his arms as she spits up blood. And we get a highlight of Katie and Jake with more creepy shower curtain sex, only to find out that they eventually pulled the shower curtain away -- I think this was all wishful thinking. Watch it all be a fakeout and another one of Katie's nightmares. 5 Link to comment
ottoDbusdriver July 5, 2016 Share July 5, 2016 One part that surprised me -- after last week's very special episode when Pregnoteen gave birth, she was completely missing from this episode. The only reference to her was that Jana was out shopping for baby supplies. 2 Link to comment
Free July 5, 2016 Share July 5, 2016 Quote Katie starts hemorrhaging blood from her mouth and eyes and kneels down by the window of her room and collapses on the floor, as Jake rushes in a biohazmat suit and holds Katie in his arms as she spits up blood. And we get a highlight of Katie and Jake with more creepy shower curtain sex, only to find out that they eventually pulled the shower curtain away -- I think this was all wishful thinking. Watch it all be a fakeout and another one of Katie's nightmares. Expand I'm still expecting some sort of asspull at the very end, otherwise I don't see any point in dragging it out near the end of the show. On 7/5/2016 at 11:13 AM, ottoDbusdriver said: One part that surprised me -- after last week's very special episode when Pregnoteen gave birth, she was completely missing from this episode. The only reference to her was that Jana was out shopping for baby supplies. Expand Once she was no longer needed after the pregnancy special last episode, she was cast aside. 1 Link to comment
NorthstarATL July 5, 2016 Share July 5, 2016 I totally see Katie's Very Horrible Day as being the cure taking her body through all the stages of the disease before depositing her whole on the other side. There will be tears. And showers. I was bored by the rest, except for the part where old guy was offered the shopping cart as a makeshift walker. My knee went out at a store last year, and that little trick saved my life. Still holding out hope that Katie's previous drug history and current medical situation will play some part in the cure as the story progresses. Happy to see no Suzy this week! Link to comment
weightyghost July 6, 2016 Share July 6, 2016 I'm hoping they actually kill Katie because then it would be interesting but most likely ~love will cure all. I am far more invested in the old couple than I probably should be. I've been terrified for him for episodes. At this point, is there anyone else in quarantine? I would have been all WTF if Jake turned the lights off on me just to watch a movie with his girlfriend. 1 Link to comment
Texasmom1970 July 6, 2016 Share July 6, 2016 On 7/6/2016 at 2:00 AM, weightyghost said: I'm hoping they actually kill Katie because then it would be interesting but most likely ~love will cure all. I am far more invested in the old couple than I probably should be. I've been terrified for him for episodes. At this point, is there anyone else in quarantine? I would have been all WTF if Jake turned the lights off on me just to watch a movie with his girlfriend. Expand My daughter and I must be sadistic because we were actually rooting for the virus when it came to Katie. She has just rubbed us the wrong way with her superior, self righteous attitude. That coupled with all the cringeworthy lurve scenes with her and Jake are just killing this show for us. But I am still dubious about her actually being dead. After dumpster gate on "The Walking Dead" I have trust issues ? You are not the only ones who were worried about the elderly couple. So happy to see them reunited. 1 Link to comment
xaxat July 6, 2016 Share July 6, 2016 What the hell is up with those blood cell flashbacks Katie was having? Someone here wrote about adding aliens to the mix, I think we might get ghosts instead. The older couple are the only people I care about on this show. Everything else on the show I view as an unintentional comedy. Like laughing when Quentin wiped out in the hallway and was rolling around in the "blood". Who are those poor anonymous drones wearing the yellow hazmat suits? Link to comment
Muffyn July 6, 2016 Share July 6, 2016 Why is Katie's nose red? Does she have a special clown form of the virus? Do other people have blood oozing from their nostrils but since she's the specialist snowflake hers oozes through her pores? When the doctor told Katie I wanted her to live, I thought that makes four - Katie, Jake, Quentin and the doctor. Okay, maybe five. Thomas might want her to live. The audience is pretty damn tired of her. I could handle an emotional send off if it meant we really got to say goodbye. 2 Link to comment
izabella July 6, 2016 Share July 6, 2016 Wait, you mean Katie isn't fully dead now? She might still survive after all that? OMG, I ff'd through her scenes with Quentin and most of the lovey-dovey stuff with Jake. Please, please, I need Katie to be DEAD. On 7/6/2016 at 5:00 AM, xaxat said: The older couple are the only people I care about on this show. Expand I love those two, and they are the only reason I care if they ever find a cure or vaccine or whatever for this virus. 1 Link to comment
mybabyaidan July 6, 2016 Share July 6, 2016 Maybe I missed something, but I thought Katie definitely died. That shower scene at the end was the last thing she saw or some shit like didn't actually happen but in her "happy" place she got to actually kiss Jake. 5 Link to comment
raven July 7, 2016 Share July 7, 2016 On 7/6/2016 at 2:00 AM, weightyghost said: I am far more invested in the old couple than I probably should be. I've been terrified for him for episodes Expand ITA, I was so relieved when he stumbled home! OK, I'm not a Katie fan but the two actors worked that death scene and it got to me, just a little. Not the dream shower sex but the agonizing, bloody death. Aw, poor Jake and poor Katie's son. oops! and poor Katie, nasty way to go. I did snicker a bit when the doc said kind of coldly "She's hemorrhaging, won't be long now". I guess he's over it at this point too. So I was wondering, we saw Katie try to wash the blood off when she first got infected and I think she washed off again (so these little individual units have bathrooms? I always wondered) - doesn't the virus go down the drain into the city sewers? Or is is not transmitted that way? Don't really care what the conspiracy, under the bus throwing, etc etc is all about. I'm sure it's the usual evilness for military and/or monetary purposes. Link to comment
Adira July 7, 2016 Share July 7, 2016 (edited) I'm with you @mybabyaidan - I was under the impression Katie was definitely dead at the end of the episode. If it turns out she isn't, I'll be very surprised! I know I'm in the minority, but I still like this show... Edited July 7, 2016 by Adira Removing duplication 2 Link to comment
slf July 7, 2016 Share July 7, 2016 Katie was practically seizing when she was having that hallucination at the end but it didn't look like she actually died to me. The only ending they could come up with that I'd like at this point is basically there's no cure and the CDC will never bring anyone out of the quarantine zone so it's only a matter of time before everyone dies. But I doubt the CW would choose such a downer of an ending for one of their shows. Link to comment
jewel21 July 7, 2016 Share July 7, 2016 The way the scene faded to white indicated to me that Katie died and went on to heaven. 1 Link to comment
Netfoot July 8, 2016 Share July 8, 2016 She can't be dead, because she is a Special Snowflake! And it's going to turn out that just as Jake is about to chuck her corpse into the furnace, she will surge back to life. The doc will conclude that the virus was affected by another virus Katie recently contracted, probably from shower-curtain scum or something like that. So, Katie will save them all, and she and Jake can go off home and experiment with garbage-bin liners and so forth. 3 Link to comment
Jordan27 July 8, 2016 Share July 8, 2016 More silliness from the "cordon". Where did that word come from? I had to laugh at Jana wearing the blue bunny suit yet again, but mostly not. I guess she can tell when the virus would be more catchy. Link to comment
Free July 8, 2016 Share July 8, 2016 On 7/8/2016 at 4:24 PM, Jordan27 said: More silliness from the "cordon". Where did that word come from? I had to laugh at Jana wearing the blue bunny suit yet again, but mostly not. I guess she can tell when the virus would be more catchy. Expand I think that was based on the previous show since this series is a remake of that and it was called Cordon. 1 Link to comment
millahnna July 9, 2016 Share July 9, 2016 It's a medical term. 2 Link to comment
thuganomics85 July 10, 2016 Share July 10, 2016 I think (OK, hope too) Katie died, because I'm assuming the whole "fade to white" part is her dying and going to the afterlife/heaven. That's usually what that means. But I guess since she was still hemorrhaging and we actually didn't see her die, they could always pull out the lamest fake-out of all time. I did side-eye next week's previews for not showing anything about Jake and him mourning. Makes me wonder if they are hiding something. Poor Lex really is just getting outmatched by Lommers, left and right. He really should have been more prepared for her to try something else. But it looks like he and Leo are going to try their luck again. Old dude is kind of badass, by making himself a makeshift crutch like that. I'm actually happy he finally made it back to his wife and both are still alive. It might still end tragically, but at least they'll hopefully be together. For what it is worth, I did think the actress playing Katie did a good enough job here. I doubt she ever really was the problem. It was mainly just the writing that made me find the character extremely unlikable for the majority of this show. Any time I see Lommers' husband, I continue to be bummed that they didn't get Ben Browder to play him. 1 Link to comment
ottoDbusdriver July 11, 2016 Share July 11, 2016 On 7/10/2016 at 10:30 PM, thuganomics85 said: Poor Lex really is just getting outmatched by Lommers, left and right. He really should have been more prepared for her to try something else. But it looks like he and Leo are going to try their luck again. Old dude is kind of badass, by making himself a makeshift crutch like that. I'm actually happy he finally made it back to his wife and both are still alive. It might still end tragically, but at least they'll hopefully be together. Any time I see Lommers' husband, I continue to be bummed that they didn't get Ben Browder to play him. Expand Lex is playing checkers while Lommers is playing Fizzbin from Star Trek. If wonder if Pregnoteen/Theresa is going to drop by with her newborn to visit Bertie the rat wrangler/old dude and his wife in the wheelchair -- since Bertie's wife is Theresa's grandma. A little fact that hasn't really been mentioned since Episode 1. Getting Ben Browder would have been awesome as Lommers' husband -- but I think Lommers' husband is the the real bad guy behind the virus, and I wouldn't wand Ben Browder's character to be evil. 1 Link to comment
Jordan27 July 11, 2016 Share July 11, 2016 On 7/8/2016 at 9:01 PM, Free said: I think that was based on the previous show since this series is a remake of that and it was called Cordon. Expand What previous show are you talking about? I don't recall a show called Cordon. Link to comment
ottoDbusdriver July 11, 2016 Share July 11, 2016 On 7/11/2016 at 4:16 AM, Jordan27 said: What previous show are you talking about? I don't recall a show called Cordon. Expand This show is based on a Belgian TV series called 'Cordon'. 3 Link to comment
Free July 12, 2016 Share July 12, 2016 On 7/11/2016 at 4:16 AM, Jordan27 said: What previous show are you talking about? I don't recall a show called Cordon. Expand Like OttoDbusdriver said, it's a remake of a Belgian tv series called the Cordon, which is where the name comes from. Link to comment
AudienceofOne November 15, 2016 Share November 15, 2016 On 7/7/2016 at 1:48 AM, raven said: OK, I'm not a Katie fan but the two actors worked that death scene and it got to me, just a little. Not the dream shower sex but the agonizing, bloody death. Expand I cried. I'm not ashamed. Whether you bought their Insta!Romance or not, her death was well done. Most major characters have so far had ludicrous plot armour so to have one actually die a long, slow horrible death was emotionally cathartic. It was one of the better ones in the show. My bigger problem with the show is its still acting as though the 'conspiracy' has anything to do with the existence of the cordon. It doesn't. So much time is devoted to exposing the conspiracy that has nothing to do with the existence of the cordon. Exposing it won't change the circumstances on the ground. The virus is still there, the cordon was still warranted. The way the outbreak was handled was fine. Maybe if the exposure of the conspiracy had any bearing on the existence of the cordon, I'd be invested but I'm not. I don't care if Lex finds out the 'truth' or if Leo rediscovers journalism or if Lommers is exposed. It won't change the show. At all. Link to comment
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