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Season 18 Live Feed Discussion: Their Lives are Almost as Boring as Ours!

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2 minutes ago, Umbelina said:


Nicole and Corey both realizing they should get the best players out. At least they are thinking about it.

Hold your horses there. Nicole also said that to be the best, she wants to beat the best, so that's why the best need to be F4.

Fuck you, Nicole. But at least she's thinking about the possibility. 

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1 minute ago, mooses said:

Ugh. Both Nicole/Corey say: "To be the best, you gotta beat the best."

Nicole said she's taking the better HG to Final 2, but "you also have to take the best out." 

"I'm just giving them some footage right now ... But really I'm gonna kick myself in the butt next week if I don't take out someone who puts us up."

They decide to stick with Vic/Paul - Nicole wants to save the 5K to bribe James to drop out of HOH next week and then get Natalie out.

That is some serious fuckery by production if they allow that to happen. 

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Corey says "they [Production]" had to look into if he could use the bribe in the next HOH competition. They didn't seem to know.

Corey just wants to give Nicole the 5K. Nicole said that's not what it's for.

1 minute ago, AbsoluteShower said:

That is some serious fuckery by production if they allow that to happen. 

Oh, wait. I think they want to use it to give James the HOH and promise not to put them up - then they control the votes to get Natalie out somehow? I don't know. It seemed like an off-the-cuff plan.

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4 minutes ago, mooses said:

Corey says "they [Production]" had to look into if he could use the bribe in the next HOH competition. They didn't seem to know.

Corey just wants to give Nicole the 5K. Nicole said that's not what it's for.

Oh, wait. I think they want to use it to give James the HOH and promise not to put them up - then they control the votes to get Natalie out somehow? I don't know. It seemed like an off-the-cuff plan.

But in what universe would James ever put Natalie on the block?

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1 minute ago, mooses said:

Corey says "they [Production]" had to look into if he could use the bribe in the next HOH competition. They didn't seem to know.

Corey just wants to give Nicole the 5K. Nicole said that's not what it's for.

Oh, wait. I think they want to use it to give James the HOH and promise not to put them up - then they control the votes to get Natalie out somehow? I don't know.

It clearly states on the CBS website that the bribe can be used any time "up until the next eviction". So by their own rules it cannot be used for the next HOH

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4 minutes ago, Sara2009 said:

But in what universe would James ever put Natalie on the block?

Yeah, I confused myself. I honestly don't feel like rewinding to find out...

I guess if anybody but James/Natalie win Veto and James had accepted the Bribe to keep Nicole/Corey safe, he'd have to put Natalie up next to Vic/Paul (who would be the original nominations) since the Bribe Deal is binding. Then Nicole/Corey can vote Natalie out.

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

I can't wait until Nicole tells James that Michelle is the target and then James tells Natalie. That should be fun.

They don't have to tell him until 20 minutes before the live show - like James does to everyone. Do you think they'll do it earlier and suffer through Michelle blowing up?

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4 minutes ago, mooses said:

Yeah, I confused myself. I honestly don't feel like rewinding to find out...

I guess if anybody but James/Natalie win Veto and James accepted the Bribe to keep Nicole/Corey safe, he'd have to put Natalie up next to Vic/Paul (who would be the original nominations). Then Nicole/Corey can vote Natalie out.

James is an idiot, but is he that much of an idiot? Probably. Sigh.

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Just now, Sara2009 said:

James is an idiot, but is he that much of an idiot? Probably. Sigh.

Ha! Probably.

Especially if Nicole/Corey can keep up the ruse that they want to work with Natalie/James - which hasn't been too difficult so far. He'd probably just assume that they'd vote out Paul/Victor over Natalie anyway. Because, you know, James.

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4 minutes ago, mooses said:

They don't have to tell him until 20 minutes before the live show - like James does to everyone. Do you think they'll do it earlier and suffer through Michelle blowing up?

I don't think Nicole will blindside him like that. But maybe since she hates confrontation and is surely 'scareddddddddd' of Michelle.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

I don't think Nicole will blindside him like that. But maybe since she hates confrontation and is surely 'scareddddddddd' if Michelle.

I can just see her scurrying up to the HOH room saying, "I'm literally scared for my life right now."

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1 minute ago, wings707 said:

Nicole will stick with her noms because she will meet the  wrath of Victor and Paul and be eliminated next Thursday if she switches.  

Well....not if she gets one of them out this week. She'd only feel the wrath of one, and she has Corey to protect her, but also James/Natalie, at the very least. And Michelle. 

So technically, if somehow she changed her mind, whether through Paul's big mouth, Michelle's sucking up, James' clarity from his fogged up brain, or DR, I think she could be fine. 

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19 minutes ago, mooses said:

Ugh. Both Nicole/Corey say: "To be the best, you gotta beat the best."

Sure. Is there a specific ORDER you need to beat them in though? I mean, I would think beating Paul for HoH and Veto and getting his ass sent to jury pretty much counts as beating him, Nicole.

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9 minutes ago, AbsoluteShower said:

I know a lot of you think James is a venal idiot, but he really wouldn't screw Nat over like that.

I don't think he'd do it on purpose - but I could see him not thinking about having to nominate Natalie if Veto is used. And it all depends on if he thinks that Nicole/Corey are all for splitting up Paul/Vic.

The also all depends on if James even gets far enough in the HOH to be able to take a deal.

ETA: They can also give Vic/Paul a deal to keep themselves safe, then one of James/Natalie get sent home. It'd be easier to keep the F4 deal Nicole/Corey made with Vic/Paul on the down low, and James/Natalie wouldn't know they were backstabbed. I see it keeping Nicole/Corey safe next week, unfortunately.

Edited by mooses
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Who would James or Natalie put up on the block if they win HOH next week? Will they be mad at Nicole & Corey and put them up? Would they try to get Paul or Victor out who are the challenge threats? Wait! Who am I kidding? They ain't winning HOH next week. I lost my mind for a minute. LOL!!

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2 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Who would James or Natalie put up on the block if they win HOH next week? Will they be mad at Nicole & Corey and put them up? Would they try to get Paul or Victor out who are the challenge threats? Wait! Who am I kidding? They ain't winning HOH next week. I lost my mind for a minute. LOL!!

They might win. If they do, I know James talked about putting one of each showmance up and see what happens, which isn't bad. They'd probably put Nicole/Paul up. Even if Corey or Victor win veto, they take down their partner and the following showmance member is put up. 

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They would probably put up Paul/Victor. Maybe Paul/Corey. I don't see James ever putting Nicole up and Natalie will do what James thinks is best.

Paul sure never stops talking about things he 'never cared' about.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Freaking finally. James/Natalie convinced Michelle to go up to talk to Nicole to tell her that her target is Victor/Paul and not Nicole. I pray that Michelle can be convincing. There's not much hope there, if at all, but at least they're going to do SOMETHING instead of assume that they're all good.

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3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Freaking finally. James/Natalie convinced Michelle to go up to talk to Nicole to tell her that her target is Victor/Paul and not Nicole. I pray that Michelle can be convincing. There's not much hope there, if at all, but at least they're going to do SOMETHING instead of assume that they're all good.

I don't see Nicole being swayed by Michelle. Michelle's a girl!

Corey/Nicole/Victor/Paul now thinking that Corey should use the bribe on the live show to bribe Nicole to vote Michelle out.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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40 minutes ago, AbsoluteShower said:

Corey is wrong. He has to abide by the deal he makes by bribing somebody.

No, Nicole is wrong. Corey is only obligated to give the bribee the $5K, not for any additional promises he makes. The bribee is obligated to do whatever s/he promises in exchange for the bribe. The "contract" expires at the end of the HOH comp, so no one is required to do anything after that.

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Just now, TheRealT said:

No, Nicole is wrong. Corey is only obligated to give the bribee the $5K, not for any additional promises he makes. The bribee is obligated to do whatever s/he promises in exchange for the bribe. The "contract" expires at the end of the HOH comp, so no one is required to do anything after that.

Ah, so long as the bribe is offered before eviction it's still good then. OK, well that clears that one up (finally!)

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1 hour ago, wings707 said:

I would find this more effective if it were something like a "Let's look at this group of strangers and see what we can find out about how there's still work to be done WRT to feminism and ethically dealing with sexual harassment."

But to try these young women in absentia and hold them, personally, responsible for  hurting women is OTT.  (Also, maybe it's becoming more common, but the author including her own tweets is off-putting.)

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1 minute ago, AbsoluteShower said:

Ah, so long as the bribe is offered before eviction it's still good then. OK, well that clears that one up (finally!)

[Contrary to the original instructions], the bribe is valid until the end of the next HOH comp, so it can be used after eviction before/during the HOH comp.

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1 minute ago, TheRealT said:

No, Nicole is wrong. Corey is only obligated to give the bribee the $5K, not for any additional promises he makes. The bribee is obligated to do whatever s/he promises in exchange for the bribe. The "contract" expires at the end of the HOH comp, so no one is required to do anything after that.

This was such stupid ACP. There isn't any real hard rule to just say it's a bribe and yet nothing really has to be done afterwards. Nicole and Corey are joking about Corey "bribing" her and they basically will spend the money on themselves. They should have made a hard rule on this (don't ask me what the hard rule should be....LOL) or done in secret for the briber and the bribe-y. Now, it's a big joke and everyone knows about it. And, why in the heck did Corey get it? I'm still confused by that to begin with. Seriously? He won it over Paul & Victor?

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Just now, ByaNose said:

And, why in the heck did Corey get it? I'm still confused by that to begin with. Seriously? He won it over Paul & Victor?

Because America loves him! Looooooooooooooooves hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmm-uuuuuuuuhhhhh!

3 minutes ago, TheRealT said:

[Contrary to the original instructions], the bribe is valid until the end of the next HOH comp, so it can be used after eviction before/during the HOH comp.

And so we're back to Production fuckery...

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1 minute ago, ByaNose said:

 And, why in the heck did Corey get it? I'm still confused by that to begin with. Seriously? He won it over Paul & Victor?

No way in hell do I believe Corey won that ACP fair and square. The voting didn't open until 3am PST so I very much doubt casual viewers cared enough to vote. I vote in everything and even I missed out due to the time issue. So it would seem it was mostly die hard fans that voted and most of them hate both Corey and Nicole. The fact that TPTB changed the terms of the ACP convinces me some fishy stuff is going on.

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9 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

This was such stupid ACP. There isn't any real hard rule to just say it's a bribe and yet nothing really has to be done afterwards. Nicole and Corey are joking about Corey "bribing" her and they basically will spend the money on themselves. They should have made a hard rule on this (don't ask me what the hard rule should be....LOL) or done in secret for the briber and the bribe-y. Now, it's a big joke and everyone knows about it. And, why in the heck did Corey get it? I'm still confused by that to begin with. Seriously? He won it over Paul & Victor?

The bribe could have been a "game changer" in a different situation/if a different person got it. If, for example, Michelle had the bribe she could offer Nicole the $5K to take her off the block or offer one of the voters the money to vote to keep her. Since Corey is essentially in power this week, the bribe ended up being superfluous. I think if they do ACP again they should make it so that HGs can win it more than once. I think "America" was confused by the rules and kind of voted backwards in terms of who's liked, so it's just turned out to be stupid.

1 minute ago, Marie80 said:

The fact that TPTB changed the terms of the ACP convinces me some fishy stuff is going on.

I think that maybe they changed it because, otherwise, it's useless in this particular situation. If Corey can use the bribe before/during the HOH comp, at least there's some suspense around him using it and what using it could mean. Otherwise, it's 100% "How can I just give the money to Nicole for our trip to Hawaii?," which is boring/anti-climactic.

Edited by TheRealT
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I thought that if the rest of the HGs had to choose who to evict between Nicole/Corey, they'd evict Corey - but I wonder if this changed anything. Nicole looks like much more of a threat down the stretch in competitions that aren't physical. Screen Shot 2016-08-27 at 6.02.17 PM.png

Not sketchy at all, James, that Nicole barely wants to talk to you.

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James said Nicole told him she's locking up the nominations and she made her targets clear. Natalie said Victor must be her backup target, but she doesn't want to make him angry.

Natalie: "See? You're so right about everything."

James: "I think Corey is going to use the bribe to get Victor to drop out of the HOH. My gut's telling me."

Natalie: "Okay, I trust Nicole now."

James: "Me too."

Natalie says that Nicole came up and wanted to work with them, but she knows she likes to work with people in secret. James says they don't have to go up there and kiss their butt. Just be cordial.

Edited by mooses
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Ok, good to know that nothing will change. I guess it's a perfect time to take a break of Big Brother.

See you guys on Thursday!

(Except I'll probably still be on here, reading up on the live feeds and bitching about it).

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(Except I'll probably still be on here, reading up on the live feeds and bitching about it).

Sad to say...... you and me both!

Given that most of these people do not take responsibility for their own actions, I wonder if Natalie will turn on James for "ruining her game" with his actions. 

Edited by Skycatcher
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2 minutes ago, mooses said:

James said Nicole told him she's locking up the nominations and she made her targets clear. Natalie said Victor must be her backup target, but she doesn't want to make him angry.

Natalie: "See? You're so right about everything."

James: "I think Corey is going to use the bribe to get Victor to drop out of the HOH. My gut's telling me."

Natalie: "Okay, I trust Nicole now."

James: "Me too."

Natalie says that Nicole came up and wanted to work with them, but she knows she likes to work with people in secret. James says they don't have to go up there and kiss their butt. Just be cordial.

I give up. Paul FTW. I was rooting for him to get evicted because he's done some assholic things and, to me, he's still tainted by his former association with Paulie, but watching his convo with Nicole in which she explains how she's so stupid that she wants to go to F4 with him, Vic, and Corey (3 people who will almost surely beat her, even twice-evicted Vic) and he eggs her on, I just can't anymore. I guess Natalie is downstairs listening to James' brilliant advice and Nat/Michelle/James are leaving Nicole alone because they trust her so much? Morons. I just can't. I think Paul would beat everyone left in F2, so he rightly doesn't give a fuck who goes to the end with him and he will do/say anything to survive another week. Everyone else is a fucking moron.

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2 hours ago, wings707 said:

I don't think Bridget knows either (video cli[p says it all) The gif at the bottom.  Oh good god. 

The gif abt her favorite colors? I don't see anything wrong with someone loving pink and glitter. I understand people have a problem with Natalie's game, but I don't think her girliness in anyway undermines feminism. Women of all likes, dislikes, interests, and passions can be feminists.

James is killing me. What a moron.

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Paul is so easy to read. When he feels like he's in a good spot (like tonight), he walks around like a maniac and repeats himself over and over. When he's in danger, he gets butthurt and lashes out.

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Vic and Corey chilling in the HOH bed talking about what a harlot Natalie is (she is manipulating everyone, including/especially James) and how they'd spend the $500K if they won. Vic would buy some investment properties and give his parents $50K to pay down their mortgage. The sad thing is, even though he's been evicted TWICE, he's not delusional in thinking that he still could win (just not against his preferred F2 partner, Paul, but Vic is a dumbass). As useless as Corey has been in the game, he's not delusional either in thinking that he has a real chance at the big money. Sigh.

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Natalie: You were the only vet I knew.
Nicole: Corey said he was a little starstruck by me.


ETA: Nicole is happier than a pig in shit having all these guys around her kissing her ass. I hate it. Please let her be evicted soon. Or, barring that, let her lose to a woman in F2. Please BB Gods just give me this one thing!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Seriously, how are James/Nat/Meech so fucking stupid that they are downstairs talking about bullshit while Paul/Vic are in HOH spending EVEN MORE TIME with the power couple? WHAT DO THEY THINK THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT?!?! They're not even concerned or suspicious or anything, just, blah, blah, blah, stupid story about my phone... I. Just. Can't.

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13 minutes ago, TheRealT said:

Seriously, how are James/Nat/Meech so fucking stupid that they are downstairs talking about bullshit while Paul/Vic are in HOH spending EVEN MORE TIME with the power couple? WHAT DO THEY THINK THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT?!?! They're not even concerned or suspicious or anything, just, blah, blah, blah, stupid story about my phone... I. Just. Can't.

Michelle and Natalie know deep down imo, they've brought it up multiple times, but James is SO convinced that he's running things and they just go "OK you're right James you're so smart!" LOL.

Michelle and Natalie talking about clothes and makeup is the most I've enjoyed the feeds this entire week. Meanwhile, Victor/Corey/Paul/Nicole are talking about all the places they're going to go together and get drunk after the show, which is like a circle of hell imo.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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