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Season 18 Live Feed Discussion: Their Lives are Almost as Boring as Ours!

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3 minutes ago, AbsoluteShower said:

James- If Vic pulls himself off, Michelle is probably going to want to put Nicole up. Natalie- She is going to do whatever I tell her

Seriously, how does the BB House not have a constant Greek Chorus of "That's what she said!"


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James to Natalie: "You're the only one who knows how strategic I am." Oh, James.

Natalie knows Nicole/Corey got to her before the Veto and Paul/Vic got to her after Veto. She's not happy with Paul and seems to kind of want him gone, especially to separate him from Victor.

Natalie should really be throwing Veto, but James is in trouble of being a replacement nomination if Victor pulls himself off if Vic/Paul/Michelle suspect something shady. 

Edited by mooses
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1 minute ago, mooses said:

Natalie should really be throwing Veto, but James is in trouble of being a replacement nomination if Victor pulls himself off if Vic/Paul/Michelle suspect something shady. 

Oh, come ON!!!

Natalie- Paul can bullshit his way out of anything. James- Do what your gut is telling you to do. Natalie- Paul in my gut, then Corey

There you go, Nat!

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3 minutes ago, mooses said:

James to Natalie: "You're the only one who knows how strategic I am." Oh, James.

Natalie knows Nicole/Corey got to her before the Veto and Paul/Vic got to her after Veto. She's not happy with Paul and seems to kind of want him gone, especially to separate him from Victor.

Natalie should really be throwing Veto, but James is in trouble of being a replacement nomination if Victor pulls himself off if Vic/Paul/Michelle suspect something shady. 

Nat  nominates replacement, she will nominate Corey. 

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3 hours ago, TimWil said:

Say what you will about Paul but he's just not a liar. He can be obnoxious as hell but he does seem to have been brought up with a moral code.

As has been said, Paul has lied about tons of stuff and he's a very good liar/deflector when he gets caught lying. I don't think lying for game reasons necessarily indicates lack of a moral code, though I do raise an eyebrow when people seem very adept, comfortable, and remorseless lying constantly to people they claim to care about.

2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Also, even though I do hope Paul goes this week, I've decided to be really irate over the fact that fucking Corey has a decent shot of winning this game. He has done absolutely nothing all season. Ugh!

Yeah, I'm more than ready for Corey to go. He's a comp win or two from stumbling into F2 or F3 and I hate it. I feel like he's the kind of useless player people vote for in F2 because he "seems like" a "winner" and people would be less embarrassed to lose to him than to Michelle (for example). And I hate that.

3 minutes ago, AbsoluteShower said:

Oh, come ON!!!

Natalie- Paul can bullshit his way out of anything. James- Do what your gut is telling you to do. Natalie- Paul in my gut, then Corey

There you go, Nat!

Yeah, Natalie is impressing me in this conversation and so is James. He's being surprisingly non-useless in giving her advice and support around not feeling bad for playing the game.

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2 minutes ago, TheRealT said:

As has been said, Paul has lied about tons of stuff and he's a very good liar/deflector when he gets caught lying. I don't think lying for game reasons necessarily indicates lack of a moral code, though I do raise an eyebrow when people seem very adept, comfortable, and remorseless lying constantly to people they claim to care about.

You're right - Paul is a great liar. Between the Da'Vonne thing, the hinky vote, pretending to be on Frank's side, the Bridgette thing - he's just really, really good. And I don't think it takes anything away from him to admit that. He's a really great Big Brother player. That's what they're supposed to be doing - playing Big Brother! One of his greatest strengths is being able to lie and not get caught - he better use it.

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This really is Natalie's best game move. It could screw her over if Paul walks back into the house, but it's really good right now. I think even if Paulie walks back into the house instead, Corey/Nicole will tell him how Natalie saved their butts this week so Paulie will target Michelle/Victor/James instead if they get into power. 

Either way, Paul played too hard since Paulie left, he made it too obvious, and now he's getting screwed over. 

If Natalie does go next week, at least she's finally stuck to her guns and made a big move. I think people will learn to appreciate that (Paul's a big favourite with the casual viewers, I bet, so they may not be as happy). Either way, Paul's either getting to F2 or he's winning AFP. I'm fairly certain it'll be between Paul and Natalie for AFP. America loves the funny or sweet players the best. 

I'm just proud of Natalie for all that she's done and she's a shoo-in for All Stars....or at least she'll be a contender for All Stars. Well, she's the only one from this season that I want on All Stars. 

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9 minutes ago, TheRealT said:

Yeah, Natalie is impressing me in this conversation and so is James. He's being surprisingly non-useless in giving her advice and support around not feeling bad for playing the game.

He may be playing a shitty game himself but he's really helping Nat play the best game she can right now. He's encouraging her to play her own HOH but at the same time letting her know that whatever she decides, he's right there with her and she's not on her own. Way to go James!

Edited by AbsoluteShower
Fuck You Nicole!
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1 minute ago, kellog010 said:

If Corey stays and Paulie wins his way back in, Nat/James/Michelle are going to need Victor. Paul would flip on them much faster than Vic would, IMO.

Yeah, James mentioned trying to smooth things over with Victor after he votes Paul out. He thinks his dislike for Nicole/Corey is so strong he might be able to keep him from revenging on Natalie/James next week. Since Natalie already spoke to him about her reservations about working with Paul, it won't come as a surprise that they don't trust him. James even said he'd offer himself as a nomination to Victor afterwards.

I'm not sure if they're right or wrong about being able to stay under Nicole/Corey as targets, but they think it's worth it to take the risk - they just really want to separate Paul/Victor from each other.

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6 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I'm just proud of Natalie for all that she's done and she's a shoo-in for All Stars....or at least she'll be a contender for All Stars. Well, she's the only one from this season that I want on All Stars. 

For her own sake I wouldn't want to see her back in the BB house again. Nat/James for TAR, I say!

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Paul blew up his own game much the same way Paulie did, in just a shorter time frame.  His ranting last night did him in.  He was caught in lies, that he denied with way too much fervor.   He exhausted them to they point that they are done.  

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I don't think the veto comp will be straight question and answer.  I expect to see a game and time element involved.  Oh how I wish they would give us the treat of watching it.  Come on Skippy, leave one camera on by mistake.  It doesn't even have to be a good one as long as we have audio.  Anything requiring speed and a quick mind favors Victor. 

Edited by wings707
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They want to keep the nominations the same, but then Vic will probably be going home. Have Nicole/Corey changed their minds to sending Paul out after last night? I thought they were planning on voting Victor out.

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If Victor is still on the block Thursday, as much as I like him, they would be crazy to keep him in the game. He's not only a strong physical player, he has the mental game as well, IMO.

Edited by kellog010
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1 minute ago, kellog010 said:

If Victor is still on the block Thursday, as much as I like him, they would be crazy to keep him in the game. He's not only a strong physical player, he has the mental game as well, IMO.

Yes but I hope their hate for Nicory overrides the saner mind on this one.  

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Natalie just asked James to not win the veto. It makes sense, but at the same time, I hope James fights for it if him and Paul are the last standing.

I guess this will be a quicker veto. The feeds should theoretically come back before the two hour mark. 

Anyone but Paul for me. But if Paul wins, Corey goes and that's not a devastating loss. 

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18 hours ago, mooses said:

ETA: "Swearing to God" is just a turn of phrase, so I don't think it's a big deal either way. He is a great liar, but that's not a talking point I would focus on.

Yep, still used in court rooms.  I wanted to argue that I would gladly swear on the Constitution.  After having second thought, you know, about starting shit in a court room.  I swore on that books of fairy tales.

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It seems that Paul's only hope of staying this week is either winning veto or staying on the block with Victor.  If he is on the block with Victor, Nicole & Corey have the deciding power and there is a possibility that they may be more threaten by Victor's comp wins.  But if Paul is up there with Corey, then James becomes the deciding vote and that doesn't look so good for Paul.  Either way, if Paul remains on the block, he will have to seriously tone down his behavior.

One would think that Natalie & James would prefer the scenario where James is the deciding vote that way they have more control of the house & vote.  But knowing that these people are afraid of having "blood of their hands", it may be best to let Nicole and Corey make that decision.

I like that Natalie is playing to win.  She should seriously consider taking Nicole to the F2.  With this sexist group, she would reduce her likelihood of winning sitting next to a man and with Nicole, there is the added bonus that she is a vet (which may be viewed unfavorably by the jury).  I could only see Paulie and Corey voting for Nicole.

But of course, none of these people know about the jury buyback.  So all of this may be a moot point...

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1 hour ago, mooses said:

He's a really great Big Brother player. That's what they're supposed to be doing - playing Big Brother! One of his greatest strengths is being able to lie and not get caught - he better use it.

I learned at a young age that the only bad thing about lying was getting caught, so be very careful when you do it.

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12 minutes ago, zenithwit said:

I like that Natalie is playing to win.  She should seriously consider taking Nicole to the F2.

I actually think she could beat James. There would be five women on the jury, and I think she would at least have a shot to get Paul and Victor's votes. 

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15 minutes ago, zenithwit said:


It seems that Paul's only hope of staying this week is either winning veto or staying on the block with Victor.  If he is on the block with Victor, Nicole & Corey have the deciding power and there is a possibility that they may be more threaten by Victor's comp wins.


Nicole and Corey feel betrayed by Victor but after Paul lit into Nicole they may prefer him out.  Hard to guess. 

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39 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

Yep, still used in court rooms.  I wanted to argue that I would gladly swear on the Constitution.  After having second thought, you know, about starting shit in a court room.  I swore on that books of fairy tales.

As a Quaker who does not swear oaths, I'm fortunate to live in Quaker-founded Pennsylvania where it's written into the script in court (recent jury duty:  "Do you swear, or those of you who affirm, do you affirm...") because I would insist on affirming. (AKA "start shit in a courtroom," heh).  

Topic?  I don't have feeds, and am grateful to all of you for reporting and discussing all the ramifications.  It enriches my viewing immensely.

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3 minutes ago, wait.what said:

Are they playing veto comp yet? If not, does anyone know when it will be played?

Yes, they have been out for awhile now. 

ETA.  About an hour. 

Edited by wings707
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Nat's main reason to get rid of Paul seems to be because he talked about her fake boobs. Good lord, the only ones playing Big Brother are Victor, Paul and Michelle. Nic and Corey spend all their time in bed playing with each other, amd Nat keeps going on and on about the FT and anything else that has hurt her little feelings. James is so busy reassuring her all the time and trying to convince America that his actions are actually game play that he is useless.

Supposedly, the people in the jury house aren't allowed to talk about the game, but you know they do. That's why I hate any player coming back; they've seen their goodbyes and also compared notes with the others. Doesn't seem fair to me. Another thing that pisses me off is having nine jurors deciding the winner. Some of these people have been out of the game for 6-7 weeks, so they have no idea of what game play has been going on (except for other jurors' opinions). TPTB should make a five person jury, or seven at the most. Of course this is just my opinion.

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1 minute ago, parisprincess said:


Nat's main reason to get rid of Paul seems to be because he talked about her fake boobs.


That was not the reason at all.  I posted about this not long ago so it is a page back maybe.  In a nutshell she suspected he was up to something because she caught him in a lie and in a wink she got his number and wanted him out.  It was longer than that but it all happened within an hour.  

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The guy who builds the challenges (name escapes me) said on twitter that he really liked the HOH and veto comps he did this week.  That told me it would long.  Earlier today I guessed it could be a game rather than straight Q&A.  It is memory, and there are a lot of ways to go with that.  It could be timed.  

Edited by wings707
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1 minute ago, wings707 said:

The guy who builds the challenges (name escapes me) said on twitter that he really liked the HOH and veto comps he did this week.  That told me it would be a long comp.  Earlier today I guessed it could be a game rather than straight Q&A.  It is memory, and there are a lot of ways to go with that. 

Well, I'm looking forward to it. I do give props to the department in charge in creating/building the comps. They all put such hard work into it.

I guess while we're waiting, we might as well watch Corey interrupt Nicole/Paul's fight. I didn't see this part of the fight, so this made me unfortunately laugh. 

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Thank you!  I had, had enough of Paul so didn't try to find this.  I love seeing this snippet.  Lawwwd he sounds so much like Paulie.

This erases any doubt that they will vote Paul out if there is a choice!  Loved Corey breaking in.   

Edited by wings707
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Corey really is as dumb as a block of wood. He has no clue what is going on and he's hooting & hollering. That said, he will make the Final 2 and win. <banging my head on the table>

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7 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Well, I'm looking forward to it. I do give props to the department in charge in creating/building the comps. They all put such hard work into it.

I guess while we're waiting, we might as well watch Corey interrupt Nicole/Paul's fight. I didn't see this part of the fight, so this made me unfortunately laugh. 

Corey providing the dictionary definition of "oblivious" right there!

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Just now, wings707 said:

Thank you!  I had, had enough of Paul so didn't try to find this.  I love seeing this snippet.  Lawwwd he sounds so much like Paulie.  

Yeah, I tuned out of the Paul/Nicole conversation at some point so finding this kind of eased that tension. I know Corey's an asshole and all that, but he's still the best looking guy in the house for me, and when he's not an asshole and he's smiling and laughing, I think "Damn, if you weren't such an asshole, I'd probably be more attracted to you". Because I hate that I really enjoy his smile and laugh. It seems truly genuine every damn time. Well, I guess Corey has to have some positive traits about him. 

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11 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Well, I'm looking forward to it. I do give props to the department in charge in creating/building the comps. They all put such hard work into it.

I guess while we're waiting, we might as well watch Corey interrupt Nicole/Paul's fight. I didn't see this part of the fight, so this made me unfortunately laugh. 

I thought that was the funniest thing. Later, he was talking about how Production was like, "We have the cameras set up!" and everything, and how embarrassed he was afterwards. 

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1 minute ago, mooses said:

I thought that was the funniest thing. Later, he was talking about how Production was like, "We have the cameras set up!" and everything, and how embarrassed he was afterwards. 

Meaning he was embarrassed he took his costume off down to his underpants?  There is no place you can to that in private other than the toilet room.  

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4 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Meaning he was embarrassed he took his costume off down to his underpants?  There is no place you can to that in private other than the toilet room.  

I think that he did the striptease (plus, the environment he walked out to do it in). From what I got out of it, Production encouraged him to come out of the DR, make a big thing out of it and do the striptease.

ETA: There were fish on and off when he was talking about it, so it's what it seemed like he was saying but I didn't hear the whole thing.

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Just now, mooses said:

I think that he did the striptease (plus, the environment he walked out to do it in). From what I got out of it, Production encouraged him to come out of the DR, make a big thing out of it and do the striptease.

Well, at least that'll provide entertainment on Wednesday's episode. 

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1 minute ago, PaperTree said:

33 more days.  We're going to have to pace ourselves.

Waiting for veto results... (tap tap tap)

It's Corey! The reason it's taking so long is because he fainted dead away on being told he was the winner and they're having trouble reviving him. Every time he wakes up, he sees the POV round his neck and away he goes again...

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10 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

33 more days.  We're going to have to pace ourselves.

Waiting for veto results... (tap tap tap)

I am miffed moving toward agitated.  

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4 hours ago, AbsoluteShower said:


Seriously, how does the BB House not have a constant Greek Chorus of "That's what she said!"

This gave me so much pleasure today as I read twitter.  And it will continue!  So good.  Thank you. 

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Four hours into this veto. I'm just very impatient. I'd just like to know if Paul or Corey will be evicted. 

I guess, seeing as I've memorized the Jeffish Highlights, I want to make a comment on how fake Jeff as a host is. I know he's heavily scripted and all that, but it FEELS heavily scripted. It doesn't feel natural and he's a pretty bad actor in that case. I know the dialogue is pretty bad, but he has no charisma to help make it better to listen to him. Even his interviews are uncomfortable for me. His Austin interview, for example, was just really bad. Austin looked just as uncomfortable (I don't sit through Jeff interviews much at all). I know he's Grodner's pet or whatever, but they may want to find a second host. 

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3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I guess, seeing as I've memorized the Jeffish Highlights, I want to make a comment on how fake Jeff as a host is. I know he's heavily scripted and all that, but it FEELS heavily scripted. It doesn't feel natural and he's a pretty bad actor in that case. I know the dialogue is pretty bad, but he has no charisma to help make it better to listen to him. Even his interviews are uncomfortable for me. His Austin interview, for example, was just really bad. Austin looked just as uncomfortable (I don't sit through Jeff interviews much at all). I know he's Grodner's pet or whatever, but they may want to find a second host. 

Why not Jordan? She seems the more spontaneous of the two. (And probably doesn't care that Dumbledore is gay.) 

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