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Season 7: Speculation and Spoilers Discussion

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2 hours ago, anamika said:

Alan Taylor's reasoning of the nonsensical timeline last episode:


Basically, we don't care about the shit writing anymore because the ratings continue to be awesome. 

I hope they step back, slow down and put a little bit more thought into the logistics and plot next season since most characters will be up North except for Cersei and Euron.

Wow. This is pretty much confirmation of my theory that they're over it and just don't really care much about the integrity of their story. And no, it did not require intense scrutiny to pick up on this episode making no sense: I heard it from casual viewers and in every single review.

6 minutes ago, SeanC said:

The season finale is titled "The Dragon and the Wolf".

All in on Jon + Daenerys. 

  • Love 3
11 hours ago, Stephanie1216 said:

The Hound knocking that ones jaw off was suppose to be funny and he called them "dumb c**** which they are apparently.

confused why a man can't outsmart these Dumb you know what's.

Turns out it was the Hound was the dumb c***.  

11 hours ago, piequinn35 said:

And a little bit of Melissandre in Volantis and Maesters in Citadel. 


4 hours ago, ElizaD said:

He isn't. To me, the Tyrion Targaryen theory is the symbol of the book fandom's worst tendencies: flat-out denying logical answers we are given because of a random line somewhere, building crackpot theories out of those random lines even when there exists no mystery or uncertainty that would require an elaborate theory to explain it, refusing to believe that narrative buildup is required for a major plot or character development because GRRM is supposedly a trope-breaker, and arguing that the buildup that does exist is effectively meaningless as an indicator of the truth because GRRM really intends to repeat the same beat in another character's story without doing the buildup so that Jon=Targ and Tyrion=Targ can be treated as equally viable theories. The books already have #1 Dany, the genuine Targaryen heir who knows her parentage (and people even have wild theories that her internal crisis will be discovering that she's not the daughter of Aerys but Rhaegar or whoever because her childhood memories are suspicious!), #2 Jon, the Targaryen heir who is going to discover that his parents are not who he thought they were, and #3 Aegon, the fake Targaryen heir who believes he knows his parentage but may or may not discover that he's actually a pretender. And people want GRRM to throw in Tyrion as #4, repeating Jon's plot as the Targaryen heir who is going to discover that his parents are not who he thought they were, only without the buildup and the mystery since not a single damn thing in the story is left unexplained by Tyrion's parents being Tywin and Joanna! That would be a total mess that would top all the teleporting, fanservice and deus ex machina complaints that season 7 has gotten.

Fandom has this whole mob mentality and is very inflexible. It's the kind of stuff I see that makes me happy I live on the fringes of the fandom.

I always thought GRRM nipped that Tyrion Targaryen stuff in AFFC in one of the Jaime POVs with his aunt Genna when she tells Jaime he smiles like Gerion, and fights like Tyrett, but that Tyrion is truly Tywin's son which is the reason Jaime decides to threaten Edmure's unborn child with the trebuchet. 

52 minutes ago, SeanC said:

The season finale is titled "The Dragon and the Wolf".

Sounds fitting and has more than one meaning.

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3 minutes ago, Edith said:

Finally! I'm so sick of hearing my unsullied friends or reading tweets saying that Robert or Ned(!) is Jon's father.

I want Bran or Sam looking directly at the camera and say Rhaegar Targaryen is Jon dad :)

I had this conversation with my friend the other day.

Me: OMG! No, Ned Stark did not bang his sister! 

I'm willing to bet that if the montage is the way the leaks say it is, that there are people who will come out of this confused.

What I am hoping happens next season is that with all the talk this season of Dany not being her father, and of wanting to get the people on her side, that her choice to defend the world against the WW with her dragons and armies is what makes her beloved. With Cersei refusing to help her own people, it's a good moment for Dany to be the hero and win westeros over to her side. It would be really satisfying if Cersei is just overthrown by the people themselves.

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19 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

I had this conversation with my friend the other day.

Me: OMG! No, Ned Stark did not bang his sister! 

I'm willing to bet that if the montage is the way the leaks say it is, that there are people who will come out of this confused.


I know!! Is unbelievable but sadly true..

Yeah! I'm looking forward to that scene. I don't know how is going to work. Do we see first Jon coming to Dany's chambers, kissing, Tyrion noticing and then cut to Sam and Bran? Or we see first Bran and Sam convo and we cut to J/D while Bran is having his vision? 

Edited by Edith
2 hours ago, stagmania said:

Wow. This is pretty much confirmation of my theory that they're over it and just don't really care much about the integrity of their story. And no, it did not require intense scrutiny to pick up on this episode making no sense: I heard it from casual viewers and in every single review.

I agree. All they had to do was throw a bit of dialogue in there to give some indication of where we were in time. Say for example the guys are staring out at the WW's and Jorah says to Jon "We've been here three days, we can't last much longer." I think that would've given the viewers context and eliminated the plot holes. It's just pure laziness on the writers part.

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2 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I agree. All they had to do was throw a bit of dialogue in there to give some indication of where we were in time. Say for example the guys are staring out at the WW's and Jorah says to Jon "We've been here three days, we can't last much longer." I think that would've given the viewers context and eliminated the plot holes. It's just pure laziness on the writers part.

I mean, even that wouldn't account for how quickly a message got to Dragonstone and then Dany got back. But if they'd had her already at Eastwatch? Done. A few small fixes would've solved the problem, but they just don't care.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Edith said:


I know!! Is unbelievable but sadly true..

Yeah! I'm looking forward to that scene. I don't know how is going to work. Do we see first Jon coming to Dany's chambers, kissing, Tyrion noticing and then cut to Sam and Bran? Or we see first Bran and Sam convo and we cut to J/D while Bran is having his vision? 

I believe Lads said that the Jon/Dany sex scene is intercut with Bran/Sam realizing Jon's legitimacy and the Wall falling, while Frikidoctor said that the sex scene is intercut with Rhaegar and Lyanna's wedding. Given the episode title--The Dragon and the Wolf--the latter seems more likely. Two dragons hooking up with two wolves (yeah, yeah, I know, Jon's technically a dragon).

The intercutting sounds like it could give the Jon/Dany sex scene an ominous flavour, even if it is with Rhaegar and Lyanna's wedding (since we all know how that union turned out), but we'll have to see how it plays.

Frikidoctor also alluded to the fact that Tyrion is aware of boatsex. It also seems like 7x07 will be the first overt mention of Tyrion being in love with Dany (since judging from the script snippet Lads posted, Cersei essentially calls Tyrion on it and he doesn't deny it). Could be setting up conflict for next season, I guess, not because Tyrion's going to try to woo Dany or lash out at Jon out of jealousy or anything, but because his judgment will be clouded by his feelings for her.

Edited by Eyes High
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2 hours ago, ElizaD said:

Fitting title for the episode with J/D sex and R/L marriage, especially since the Purple Wedding episode was The Lion and the Rose.

So I've heard a few people speculate that the montage of the R/L marriage could be a misdirection that actually Jon and Dany will marry offscreen at Dragonstone and that boatsex will be a consummation of that marriage.  It makes sense plot-wise, since Tyrion has been encouraging Dany to consider a political marriage anyway, and Jon and Dany are now united in purpose against the NK.  It also makes sense (if they are heading to Winterfell early in season 8) that Jon might be able to smooth the ruffled feathers of the Northern lords if they know Dany made a serious commitment to the North.  Of course, they still hate Targs, but at least it won't seem so much like Jon bent the knee as much as made an alliance to save them all.  

  • Love 3
7 minutes ago, domina89 said:

So I've heard a few people speculate that the montage of the R/L marriage could be a misdirection that actually Jon and Dany will marry offscreen at Dragonstone and that boatsex will be a consummation of that marriage.  It makes sense plot-wise, since Tyrion has been encouraging Dany to consider a political marriage anyway, and Jon and Dany are now united in purpose against the NK.  It also makes sense (if they are heading to Winterfell early in season 8) that Jon might be able to smooth the ruffled feathers of the Northern lords if they know Dany made a serious commitment to the North.  Of course, they still hate Targs, but at least it won't seem so much like Jon bent the knee as much as made an alliance to save them all.  

Neither friki or Lads/lads2 mentioned anything about a secret marriage between J/D and Lads actually read the scripts and lads2 published some of the script pages. 

1 hour ago, stagmania said:

I mean, even that wouldn't account for how quickly a message got to Dragonstone and then Dany got back. But if they'd had her already at Eastwatch? Done. A few small fixes would've solved the problem, but they just don't care.

I thought about that too, Dany being at Eastwatch, just in case.

The only thing that doesn't work is having 3 dragons with her.  Why?    Drogon, sure.  But then the NK wouldn't have his ice ice baby.

1 hour ago, Eyes High said:

It also seems like 7x07 will be the first overt mention of Tyrion being in love with Dany (since judging from the script snippet Lads posted, Cersei essentially calls Tyrion on it and he doesn't deny it). Could be setting up conflict for next season, I guess, not because Tyrion's going to try to woo Dany or lash out at Jon out of jealousy or anything, but because his judgment will be clouded by his feelings for her.

I continue to be puzzled by this. I really haven't seen anything in the acting that makes me think Tyrion is in love with her. If anything , he seems more paternalistic toward her and afraid of what she's capable of. Every dude doesn't have to be in love with Daenerys, show.

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32 minutes ago, domina89 said:

So I've heard a few people speculate that the montage of the R/L marriage could be a misdirection that actually Jon and Dany will marry offscreen at Dragonstone and that boatsex will be a consummation of that marriage.  It makes sense plot-wise, since Tyrion has been encouraging Dany to consider a political marriage anyway, and Jon and Dany are now united in purpose against the NK.  It also makes sense (if they are heading to Winterfell early in season 8) that Jon might be able to smooth the ruffled feathers of the Northern lords if they know Dany made a serious commitment to the North.  Of course, they still hate Targs, but at least it won't seem so much like Jon bent the knee as much as made an alliance to save them all.  

But a secret marriage totally ignores the reason for political  marriages which are that all parties with a vested interest know what they are getting from the marriage and witness it to makes sure that it is valid. Also, there is no way this show is missing out the drama and conflict that would come from the Targaryens,  Dothraki, Unsullied, the northern lords and other interested folks attending Dany and Jon's marriage. 

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11 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

But a secret marriage totally ignores the reason for political  marriages which are that all parties with a vested interest know what they are getting from the marriage and witness it to makes sure that it is valid. Also, there is no way this show is missing out the drama and conflict that would come from the Targaryens,  Dothraki, Unsullied, the northern lords and other interested folks attending Dany and Jon's marriage. 

I'm not really suggesting it is a secret marriage- just one that we, the viewers, won't find out about until season 8.  We may get to see it later in the form of flashbacks.  I just think it seems like something D & D would do for the shock value.  Can you imagine the juicy drama if they marry and THEN Jon finds out about his parentage?  It is more romantic if they marry after the fact because it will mean they care more for each other than the possible stigma of incest, but I'm not sure D & D will want to go that route.  Besides, with the way weddings turn out in this series, I personally hope we DON'T see one for Jon & Dany.

Edited by domina89
Because I use "besides" way too much
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1 hour ago, Eyes High said:

Frikidoctor also alluded to the fact that Tyrion is aware of boatsex. It also seems like 7x07 will be the first overt mention of Tyrion being in love with Dany (since judging from the script snippet Lads posted, Cersei essentially calls Tyrion on it and he doesn't deny it). Could be setting up conflict for next season, I guess, not because Tyrion's going to try to woo Dany or lash out at Jon out of jealousy or anything, but because his judgment will be clouded by his feelings for her.

Since I'm hoping that Davos survives, I wonder if this could be something that leads Tyrion to choose to focus on Casterly Rock so that Davos ends up as the Hand. Tyrion's plans have resulted in quite a few failures this season, though he serves Dany he still hopes to save at least something for his house, and now it's being implied that he loves her (though I haven't seen any of that in Dinklage's performance, only rather paternal friendliness). This might make him choose a graceful retreat from the public stage: after the inevitable deaths of Jaime and Cersei, he might prefer to rebuild his own house's lands and spend some time away from Jon and/or Dany and their likely miracle baby.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, stagmania said:

I continue to be puzzled by this. I really haven't seen anything in the acting that makes me think Tyrion is in love with her. If anything , he seems more paternalistic toward her and afraid of what she's capable of. Every dude doesn't have to be in love with Daenerys, show.

I don't get those vibes either. Jorah? Hell, yes. But Tyrion? His affection for Dany definitely seems familial, not sexual. (Ignoring that this show has no problem mixing the two).

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, stagmania said:

I continue to be puzzled by this. I really haven't seen anything in the acting that makes me think Tyrion is in love with her. If anything , he seems more paternalistic toward her and afraid of what she's capable of. Every dude doesn't have to be in love with Daenerys, show.

If I were going strictly off the aired episodes of Season 7, I wouldn't see it, either, but it's quite clear from the leaked outlines, and one of the 7x07 leaked script pages alludes to it strongly in dialogue, not to mention Peter Dinklage mentioning that Tyrion is "smitten" with Dany (and Dinklage from what I've seen in his interviews isn't inclined towards gushy, fanciful hyperbole). I wonder what the point of having Tyrion fall in love with Dany this late in the game is when he clearly has even less of a shot with her than Jorah and Dany is embarking on this epic romance with someone else, but I guess that's a question for Season 8.



I don't get those vibes either. Jorah? Hell, yes. But Tyrion? His affection for Dany definitely seems familial, not sexual. (Ignoring that this show has no problem mixing the two).

TV Tyrion is hardly the type to drool with lust, though, so if Dinklage is trying to play Tyrion as in love with Dany, it's not going to come off as overtly sexual. 


19 minutes ago, ElizaD said:

Since I'm hoping that Davos survives, I wonder if this could be something that leads Tyrion to choose to focus on Casterly Rock so that Davos ends up as the Hand. Tyrion's plans have resulted in quite a few failures this season, though he serves Dany he still hopes to save at least something for his house, and now it's being implied that he loves her (though I haven't seen any of that in Dinklage's performance, only rather paternal friendliness). This might make him choose a graceful retreat from the public stage: after the inevitable deaths of Jaime and Cersei, he might prefer to rebuild his own house's lands and spend some time away from Jon and/or Dany and their likely miracle baby.

If Dany and Jon are the endgame monarchs and both Davos and Tyrion survive, one of them's going to be out of a job. Despite his failures as a wartime strategist (too bad Barristan isn't around), Tyrion would be excellent as a peacetime Hand, especially with Jon around to moderate Dany's more ruthless tendencies. The best Hand in ASOIAF history was a lowborn nobody like Davos, though, so I'm sure Davos would work out as well if the show goes that route.

Edited by Eyes High
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5 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

TV Tyrion is hardly the type to drool with lust, though, so if Dinklage is trying to play Tyrion as in love with Dany, it's not going to come off as overtly sexual. 

There was a marked difference in his demeanor with Shae, and even with Sansa (who he was clearly attracted to, though unwilling to push anything with). It's just not there, so if it's supposed to be, I'm calling this one an acting fail. But I also think it's just a dumb direction for the show to go in, and as you point out, seems destined to lead to nowhere.

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At the end of last season, you could see it, this season, not so much. I guess we'll get the reveal next week.

Davos and Tyrion don't have to die at all. They can both serve jon ( I still assume that Dany's going to die) both don't need to be hand. As a matter of fact if Davo is hand , they're in trouble because Davos doesn't have the political savvy to be hand.  

  • Love 1
17 minutes ago, Oscirus said:

At the end of last season, you could see it, this season, not so much. I guess we'll get the reveal next week.

Davos and Tyrion don't have to die at all. They can both serve jon ( I still assume that Dany's going to die) both don't need to be hand. As a matter of fact if Davo is hand , they're in trouble because Davos doesn't have the political savvy to be hand.  

Why do you think Dany is going to die? I'm genuinely curious. :(

6 minutes ago, Wouter said:

Do any of the leaks explain who send the invitation (for KL) to Sansa, and why?

Since the king of the north will be there, it seems really superfluous to also invite Sansa. Who wants her to come south?

Is it possible there was no invitation and Sansa just created a scroll as an excuse to get Brienne out of town?

  • Love 2
14 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Is it possible there was no invitation and Sansa just created a scroll as an excuse to get Brienne out of town?

That would have required her to fake a message and then steal a raven from Maester Wolkan without him noticing, travel outside Winterfell a ways without anybody noticing and release the raven, and then act surprised when the raven turned up.

19 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Is it possible there was no invitation and Sansa just created a scroll as an excuse to get Brienne out of town?

Wouldn't make much sense. How would she know there's this big summit in KL since she hasn't had news from Jon in weeks?

I don't know why she would be invited since Jon is going to be there, it just seems like some contrived plot to get rid of Brienne.

1 hour ago, GraceK said:

That's interesting. It's been a long time since I've seen that , I'm gonna have to go back and re watch . 

I believe the main spec is because Dany stops just short of touching the iron throne, and instead chooses to go to Drogo and the baby (who are, of course, dead). But then she voluntarily leaves them to go to her dragons, so who knows. It's worth noting too that the scene in the book is much more complex, though I'm guessing that Dany's fate on the show will match the books. Also, how Dany felt about Drogo in season 2 (the only love of her life) may not be the same now, which might mean that she would not make the same choice.

Edited by Moxie Cat
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6 minutes ago, SeanC said:

That would have required her to fake a message and then steal a raven from Maester Wolkan without him noticing, travel outside Winterfell a ways without anybody noticing and release the raven, and then act surprised when the raven turned up.

Or to enlist the help of another lord/lady and have them send the message. All very unlikely.

Did Robert Arryn also get an invitation, I didn't see him in the previews and there were no leaks about him AFAIK? At least the Greyjoys (on both sides) will be there.

Would the invitation have been sent by Dany's or Cersei's camp? Brienne says "they want you there" which may imply Dany's side (presumably Cersei wanting her there wouldn't hold much weight, then again if Jaime sent the invitation...), while Sansa's reaction seemed to imply it was from Cersei's side.

Edited by Wouter
1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

Well, it beats the hell out of me then. The only other thing I can think of is the invite was meant for Jon. I don't know if Jaime and Cersei are aware that Jon is at Dragonstone since their only direct contact thus far has been with Dany's other forces. 

Sansa did say she was invited, it seemed a personal invitation rather than a general one for the King in the north (or his representative).

Edited by Wouter
18 minutes ago, Moxie Cat said:

I believe the main spec is because Dany stops just short of touching the iron throne, and instead chooses to go to Drogo and the baby (who are, of course, dead). But then she voluntarily leaves them to go to her dragons, so who knows. It's worth noting too that the scene in the book is much more complex, though I'm guessing that Dany's fate on the show will match the books. Also, how Dany felt about Drogo in season 2 (the only love of her life) may not be the same now, which might mean that she would not make the same choice.

Now if GRRM wants to break some fantasy tropes, that's the way to do it - have every principality and power point to Dany's fated and ordained demise by her own choice as per the usual rules, only to get to the moment of truth to have Dany all "Nope, I'm good" and peace right out of there, thwarting her fate.

38 minutes ago, Wouter said:

Did Robert Arryn also get an invitation, I didn't see him in the previews and there were no leaks about him AFAIK? At least the Greyjoys (on both sides) will be there.

Would the invitation have been sent by Dany's or Cersei's camp? Brienne says "they want you there" which may imply Dany's side (presumably Cersei wanting her there wouldn't hold much weight, then again if Jaime sent the invitation...), while Sansa's reaction seemed to imply it was from Cersei's side.

I wondered about other houses and whether they would be invited. That would presumably include Peter Baelish as Lord Protector of the Eyrie and the Vale or Robin Arryn who is a ward of Lord Royce. It seems to be any major house that has an army? There was no mention of this by Littlefinger so I'm guessing he's not an invitee.

In any case, I think Sansa is worried about the proximity to Cersei who put a price on her head in the past for a crime she didn't commit. As far as Sansa knows, the bounty is still there. Whether the invitation was from Daenerys or Cersei, I can understand her not wanting to take the risk. 

  • Love 1
8 hours ago, Haleth said:

I know!  It never moves when she's flying.  It bugs me that her hair and clothes should be whipping around her.

Also on the boat trip across the sea. Her hair didn't move at all. Like you spent a billion bucks on the CGI dragons, just buy a $25 fan and turn it on at her hair!

Regarding Danys hair

 I don't like the braids at all but she wears them WAY too much. All of the hair on the show has looked bad anyway.

Sansa it's ok better than when she was in the capital season one and two. She's wearing it plain like her mom and it's prettier that way.

Aryas hair looks thin and stringy and greasy in the little bit she leaves down in the back, in particular you can see through it before her and Briennes stupid fight. And they way it's pulled back makes her look like a melon head. She looked cuter in the silly pigtail bun/braids in Bravos

Cersais hair hasn't grown back in two years? And her handmaiden had her hair cut off so I guess they aren't changing it. It looks terrible and the handmaidens actually was cut better.

Jon is totally wearing a wig in the scene when Thoros died and they burn him (that's when I noticed it) his real hairline has a widows peak that is off center and his hairline is crooked, when you watch that scene you will see a perfectly centered widowspeak and hairline plus his hair is poofy on top with the snow. Even in the boat/Dany scene I think he has on the wig.

but the worst wig is Danys Dothraki Hottie that speaks English. His hair and makeup look terrible. I don't even know if that goatee is real or fake anymore.

Edited by Stephanie1216
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I think Arya's hair makes the most sense, because if she's not bathing frequently and isn't concerning herself about "girly" things, it probably would look lank and greasy. I was worried Sansa's wig was going to look super fake, but it's not too bad. Cersei's is just ridiculous. It looks like a cap sitting on top of her head. I'm going to have rewatch Jon's scenes. I never knew they used a wig on him. Interesting. 

  • Love 2

Great interview in Variety with Alan Taylor about "Beyond the Wall". It's good to know the creative team is not afraid of the nitpicking (it's nitpicking in my opinion, maybe I'm wrong) and focuses on one of the important things (if we are talking about how functional is the narrative) : 

"In terms of the emotional experience, ...."


Edited by OhOkayWhat

Can someone help me out- I'm looking for the link that led to the spoilers all combined for all episodes - included lads, friki, and one other. I know it was posted here, but can't find it anywhere. It was a site where you could click each link and it led to all spoilers for each episode?


Thanks for any help!

3 hours ago, stagmania said:

There was a marked difference in his demeanor with Shae, and even with Sansa (who he was clearly attracted to, though unwilling to push anything with). It's just not there, so if it's supposed to be, I'm calling this one an acting fail. But I also think it's just a dumb direction for the show to go in, and as you point out, seems destined to lead to nowhere.

When Dany left to go save Jon and Jorah in 7x06, there possibly may have been a hint of Tyrion having feelings for Dany. He was a bit panicky, maybe not merely because his monarch was taking a great risk.

But I don't think anything will come from it.

  • Love 1
29 minutes ago, nightowl1989 said:

Can someone help me out- I'm looking for the link that led to the spoilers all combined for all episodes - included lads, friki, and one other. I know it was posted here, but can't find it anywhere. It was a site where you could click each link and it led to all spoilers for each episode?


Thanks for any help!

Friki spoilers 


And Lads/Lads2 


Edited by Edith
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