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Season 7: Speculation and Spoilers Discussion

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3 hours ago, OhOkayWhat said:

I think the letter will be just the "top of the iceberg". Maybe Petyr will use it to reactivate old issues between the sisters. We also should not forget about to the whole uncertain political environment in the North with Arya and Sansa having different opinions about it. In other words: the letter will not be the main problem between them, just a part.

From the spoilers, it appears the opposite -- that they have some early disputes of an unspecified nature, and then Littlefinger uses the letter to try to set Arya against Sansa on a far more personal level.

Incidentally, one assumes that the point of this particular scheme is to have Arya try to kill Sansa or something and fail, thus committing Sansa to Littlefinger's camp.  But I'm not sure how exactly Littlefinger plans to pull that off, since Arya's a God Mode Assassin or whatever now, and it's not like he can warn Sansa about it without bringing up how exactly he knows about this threat (but then, his plans rarely make much sense, so there you are).

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33 minutes ago, SeanC said:

Incidentally, one assumes that the point of this particular scheme is to have Arya try to kill Sansa or something and fail, thus committing Sansa to Littlefinger's camp.  But I'm not sure how exactly Littlefinger plans to pull that off, since Arya's a God Mode Assassin or whatever now, and it's not like he can warn Sansa about it without bringing up how exactly he knows about this threat (but then, his plans rarely make much sense, so there you are).

Well, about his previous plan, I think it is not so hard to imagine what he was trying to do and how he was trying to manipulate the people involved. 

About the plot of season 7, he does not know that Arya trained with the Faceless Men. Also I doubt his scheme is to have Arya trying to kill Sansa. He only wants Sansa isolated from her family, to cut her ties with the Stark. Bran is isolating himself, Jon is on a mission far away, and Arya is fighting Sansa. With all those things happening he imagines an isolated Sansa will be easy to manipulate.

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I also don't think that LF wants Arya to kill Sansa. I think he wants Sansa's isolation from her family. Maybe even to have Sansa send Arya away, to marry her to someone. 

Edited by nikma
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58 minutes ago, nikma said:

Maybe even to have Sansa send Arya away, to marry her to someone. 

I never thought on that, but it is a very good speculation. I wonder how much Petyr knows about the current Arya personality.

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A fan reports spending time with Iain Glen, Kit and other cast members last night in Belfast. Not Emilia, though; it seems that Emilia left Belfast on the 26th.

Maisie Williams mentioned that she was still filming in an interview a little while ago.

With the conclusion of Iceland filming, any remaining filming will be in Northern Ireland. Filming is supposed to continue for another month.

Edited by Eyes High
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13 hours ago, Eyes High said:

Maisie Williams mentioned that she was still filming in an interview a little while ago.

I can hope for more Arya this season.

20 hours ago, OhOkayWhat said:

I never thought on that, but it is a very good speculation. I wonder how much Petyr knows about the current Arya personality.

I wonder if Arya will remember LF's dealings with Tywin at Harrenhal (I wonder if he'll place her as the cupbearer, or if she'll mention it at one point). This is really my stumbling block re: the leaked Winterfell plot. I can see how Arya could doubt Sansa, but my problem is her believing anything that could come from LF. And I can't believe that Sansa would rely on LF after claiming that only a fool would trust him. Disclaimer : of course, all this might make sense in context, which we don't have here.

I feel the same about LF trying to have Sansa marry Arya off. It seems like the most logical at first but I'm wondering if it's an option on the show. Of course, LF would want to marry Arya off before thinking of more permanent and radical ways of getting rid of her. But would he be able to formulate that thought aloud or try to implement the idea, after he threw Sansa into Ramsay's clutches?

They're selling LF as this master manipulator and his ignorance of who Ramsay was has raised brows already, to say the least. After he escaped Brienne's sword by a hair because of it, would he be stupid enough to remind Sansa of the "incident" by suggesting same for her sister? It could be, of course, what gets Sansa to turn against LF but even testing the waters would be extremely idiotic at this point; because her logical reaction should be to shoot him down at the very second she gets a whiff of where he's going. If Sansa even considered it after what she went through, it would damage her character so I hope it isn't even in the cards.

It (the leaked plot, not the marriage speculation) could work better for me if LF tried to manipulate the sisters indirectly, but I don't see whom he could use to that end since they're in the North.

Edited by Happy Harpy
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Yes, Petyr was trying very hard to get a good look at Arya at Harrenhall, but I don't think he was ever able to place the face. To have the info of Arya's whereabouts and sit on it - at a time when the Lannisters most wanted to have Stark hostages, seems like an opportunity he wouldn't pass up.


Whether or not he recognizes Arya this time, I suppose, will depend on how well he recognizes her body language.

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1 hour ago, Happy Harpy said:

can see how Arya could doubt Sansa, but my problem is her believing anything that could come from LF. And I can't believe that Sansa would rely on LF after claiming that only a fool would trust him.


As I understand, she won't believe anything that comes from LF. She will be suspicious of him, then she will spy on him and LF will plant the "proof". And Sansa relying on LF is not the same as trusting him. Olenna relied on him for example, but that doesn't mean that she trusted him. It's the politics. 

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4 hours ago, Happy Harpy said:

I can see how Arya could doubt Sansa, but my problem is her believing anything that could come from LF. And I can't believe that Sansa would rely on LF after claiming that only a fool would trust him. Disclaimer : of course, all this might make sense in context, which we don't have here.

As Nikma said, Littlefinger will simply leave the letter in his own room or Sansa room, and a suspicious Arya will find it. Also Sansa does not trust Petyr but she trust she can use him. I think that is a mistake.


4 hours ago, Happy Harpy said:

They're selling LF as this master manipulator and his ignorance of who Ramsay was has raised brows already, to say the least.

In my opinion, Littlefinger actually never was this master manipulator, at least in the show. He is a manipulator, yes, and a gambler too. But his big blunder with Ramsay is not the first one he made. I remember two big ones before it.

Edited by OhOkayWhat
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Whether LF knew about Ramsay or not we know only from an interview with Bryan Cogman. There is nothing within the show that gives the answer. 

You could claim that he knew about Ramsay and there is nothing within the show that would contradict that statement. If you believe in "The Death of the Author" intentions of writers are not important at all. 

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Speculation time: what if the meeting between Arya and Nymeria is brief, not only because the direwolf is way more wild now or they both have been apart for so long (like some people has speculated) but also because Nymeria can "smell" the death magic on Arya too?

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6 minutes ago, OhOkayWhat said:

Speculation time: what if the meeting between Arya and Nymeria is brief, not only because the direwolf is way more wild now or they both have been apart for so long (like some people has speculated) but also because Nymeria can "smell" the death magic on Arya too?

It's a possibility, I suppose, although I don't know how they would go about conveying that message on the show.  Nymeria can't talk and explain her feelings, and if another character does it, it would either feel like exposition or like the opinion of a character, which wouldn't be a definitive thing.

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20 minutes ago, WearyTraveler said:

It's a possibility, I suppose, although I don't know how they would go about conveying that message on the show. 

You are right, kinda hard to convey it in the show. Maybe Arya reflects about it later. Of course, she (or the audience) cannot be sure if that was the reason of Nymeria behaviour.


20 minutes ago, nikma said:

I think that the meeting between Arya and Nymeria will be just a set-up for S8. 

What do you think will happen in season 8 with Nymeria?

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She will save Arya from the WW and then die. Like Summer. Or something like that. But she will rescue her in the time of need. 

My theory is that the Starks will be forced to leave the North during the invasion and that Arya will meet with her in the Riverlands again in S8. 

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2 hours ago, nikma said:

She will save Arya from the WW and then die. Like Summer. Or something like that. But she will rescue her in the time of need. 

My theory is that the Starks will be forced to leave the North during the invasion and that Arya will meet with her in the Riverlands again in S8. 

I agree that Nymeria will save her (and maybe other people) and that Winterfell will fall but I think Ghost and Nymeria will survive.

Edited by OhOkayWhat
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9 hours ago, OhOkayWhat said:

I can imagine the baby direwolves stuffed toys merchandise!

No kidding! Why haven't they, already?

And to keep on topic: does anyone think we'll see Howland Reed in episode 7? In a new scene, not a flashback?

Edited by FemmyV
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On 1/30/2017 at 2:36 AM, OhOkayWhat said:

I agree that Nymeria will save her (and maybe other people) and that Winterfell will fall but I think Ghost and Nymeria will survive.

I don't think so. It is a pattern that every magical creature is dying. We will see this with a dragon in S7. I think by the end of the show, every magical creature will be dead. 

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6 hours ago, FemmyV said:

No kidding! Why haven't they, already?

Maybe they did! Maybe they made thousands of them but they looked so cute, that they bought every single one!

But really, if we are talking about the narrative, perhaps there are more direwolves in Westeros that we do not know about.

6 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

I'm hoping that when Meera leaves Winterfell, it's to go and get him. 

I think Meera will go to tell her family about Jojen and to spend time with them. Once all the North falls, she (and maybe her dad) will reunite with the Starks in the Riverlands. We must remember in the show, we have Bran as the character who (possibly) will tell the Starks about Jon origins.

2 hours ago, nikma said:

I don't think so. It is a pattern that every magical creature is dying. We will see this with a dragon in S7. I think by the end of the show, every magical creature will be dead. 

I am not sure about that. I am not even sure if the direwolves in the show are magical entities or maybe they are simply mysterious beings. By the way, is a Warg/Greenseer a magical being? Is Bran? A Faceless Man? Arya?

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A fan in Belfast posted a photo of a big green thing at Titanic Studios (Belfast) which appears to be a segment of a dragon for CGI; there are climbing handholds. The twist is that judging from the size of the segment, this dragon is much bigger than Drogon was in Season 6, as @yeahclarke demonstrated. That same Belfast fan also posted a photo of the parking lot and mentioned that there were horses, smoke and Dothraki weapons.

Luka Nieto at WOTW speculates that this is filming VFX dragon scenes for the ambush scene that was mostly filmed at Malpartida in Spain, i.e. Dany + Dothraki vs. Jaime + Lannister/Tarly forces. 

Maisie Williams said that Season 7 ends with a "huge cliffhanger." According to the first Awayforthelads, the season ends with the NK mounted on Viserion busting through the Wall, so I assume that's what she means.

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31 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

Maisie Williams said that Season 7 ends with a "huge cliffhanger." According to the first Awayforthelads, the season ends with the NK mounted on Viserion busting through the Wall, so I assume that's what she means.

I think some people still speculates that the "huge cliffhanger" is about Arya dying or Sansa dying. I also think it is about NK and Viseryon, but I wonder why some people insist with the Arya-or-Sansa dying thing.

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15 hours ago, OhOkayWhat said:

I think some people still speculates that the "huge cliffhanger" is about Arya dying or Sansa dying. I also think it is about NK and Viseryon, but I wonder why some people insist with the Arya-or-Sansa dying thing.

Awayforthelads (the first) was very firm about Sansa and Arya surviving the season. I think it was all the foilers who muddied the waters, along with comments made by Maisie and Sophie (Season 7 being "heartbreaking," the mysterious tattoos, etc. etc.).

Kristofer Hivju (Tormund) was spotted in Belfast by a fan.

Liam Cunningham was interviewed at the SAG Awards. He said that D&D have been "given the rundown of the rest of the story (...) they have a lot more freedom now, because they have the plot points and the relationships the various characters have, but they have a bit more artistic freedom."

ETA: Concept art for the 7x07 dragonpit scene may have been leaked. Grain of salt, as always.

Not sure where to put this, but maybe it would be a good idea to start a thread for discussions of the endgame, because it seems like the off-topic conversations on this thread usually tend in that direction.

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15 hours ago, Eyes High said:

Not sure where to put this, but maybe it would be a good idea to start a thread for discussions of the endgame, because it seems like the off-topic conversations on this thread usually tend in that direction.

Absolutely agree with you about this part. Specially with a show like GoT. With other shows, sometimes each season seems like an entirely different storyline start and end within it. GoT is like a 73 hours long movie, therefore we need a new thread where we can discuss all the different seasons, plots, spoilers, leaks, book references and what we think will be the endgame.

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I haven't been keeping up with all of the spoilers so I have questions about what information is out there regarding the dragons. 

How do people know that the Night's King ends up with Viserion? Is there any chance that it's just an ice dragon? 

Aren't there spoilers about Jon touching or petting Drogon? Do we know for sure that he's touching Drogon and not Rhaegal? 

Are there any spoilers about Rhaegal specifically? 

Thanks in advance!

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Here's a really detailed Reddit summary of the spoilers posted by the leaker Awayforthelads. At first it seemed crazy that someone would have a season 7 outline that included almost every big plot detail and was willing to risk sharing it. Then every piece of news and set information ended up confirming or supporting the stuff he's posted, even the things that sounded the craziest and would not have been predicted by a fan who knows the books; that's why I think he's also right about the scenes that involved indoors filming and dragon CG stuff.

Awayforthelads posted that Viserion is killed when Dany follows Team Jon as they go on a wight hunt in the North, then in the finale the Night's King attacks the Wall with a reanimated Viserion who breathes blue flame.

He posted that Jon pets Drogon, but he also seemed a bit confused about the names (IIRC, spelling mistakes and not knowing what the Riverlands are but then describing Edmure/Frey stuff that, like the rest, is looking very likely based on filming and casting information). There are set photos of Jon on a beach with a dragon head so the scene is probably happening, though whether it's Drogon or Rhaegal is still not 100% confirmed IMO since it's possible the names got mixed up. Rhaegal wasn't mentioned specifically, just the usual stuff about the dragons being with Dany, Viserion getting killed and Drogon being petted.

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After 7 seasons we will finally watch a battle between the WW and the dragons. I can only imagine how great that would look on the screen. I'm glad that Alan Taylor will direct that episode. Miguel Sapochnik is great, but it's time for a new approach with big battle scenes. 

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1 hour ago, nikma said:

After 7 seasons we will finally watch a battle between the WW and the dragons. I can only imagine how great that would look on the screen. I'm glad that Alan Taylor will direct that episode. Miguel Sapochnik is great, but it's time for a new approach with big battle scenes. 

Agree, that will be awesome! By the way, there is a new thread to talk about the endgame.

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22 hours ago, Avaleigh said:

I haven't been keeping up with all of the spoilers so I have questions about what information is out there regarding the dragons. 

How do people know that the Night's King ends up with Viserion? Is there any chance that it's just an ice dragon? 

Aren't there spoilers about Jon touching or petting Drogon? Do we know for sure that he's touching Drogon and not Rhaegal? 

Are there any spoilers about Rhaegal specifically? 

Thanks in advance!

The leaks did say Drogon but I'm hoping that it's a mistake and it is Rhaegal. It does seem like a missed opportunity not to have some small but significant interaction between the two of them in season 7 given the high likelihood he's going to ride Rhaegal in season 8. The leaks say that Rhaegal is injured in the battle between Team Dany and Team Cersei (led by Jamie), which is why he doesn't go north with Drogon and Viserion. 

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I think the dragon is thought to be Rhaegal because Kit was spotted in costume on set playing around with a dragon head that was green(ish), not black. Someone mentioned that they use this type of prop to coordinate colours for CGI. Rhaegal is green(ish), not black like Drogon, thus the speculation about the leaker, Awayforthelads, possibly getting it wrong when he said that Jon was petting Drogon and not Rhaegal.

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Soon we're going to have to start a Season 8 spoilers and speculation thread. Los Siete Reinos has the scoop:

A local newspaper in Valencia (Spain) is reporting that Pedro Araez, a location scout who works for Fresco Films (who has scouted GOT locations in Spain for the last three seasons), was seen last weekend in Valencia. He visited Sagunt with the Valencia Film Office, showing particular interest in the Monastery of Sant Jeroni of Cotalba, the Pantalan de Puerto (a huge dock in Sagunt), Sagunt Castle, Xativa Castle, the Ducal Palace of Gandia, Anna Lake, and La Nau (a university building).


However, Los Siete Reinos cautions fans. First of all, Fresco Films does location scouting for other films and shows, so there's no guarantee that this has anything to do with GOT. Also, we don't know whether GOT will even be filming in Spain for Season 8. And finally, just because a location is visited doesn't mean that it will be used (the Canary Islands were considered as a location for GOT Season 7, e.g.).

I would be surprised about location scouting happening this early, since it was my impression that in previous years the location scouting took place months after filming for the current season had wrapped. Maybe D&D are really trying to hit the ground running for Season 8.

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I'm not clear on why it matters that Jon Snow (Jaeherys Targaryen?) isn't Ned Stark's son. At this point, I should think Jon would want a truce or even submit to Sersei so he can put his troops on the wall. After Daenerys invades, he should try to negotiate air support in return for his submission to her. 

How could the news come out? It seems to me likely that Aemon Targaryen knew who Jon was, and that's why he favored him. (Being Night's Watch, he was out of the game of thrones, so why tell him about his parentage?) It seems unlikely Sam is to be benched for "training" like Bran, so to me it seems likely he will find Aemon's confidential papers with something like Rhaegar asking Aemon to be ready to give Lyanna and his child aid if things went badly in the rebellion. can see Sam revealing all to support Jon's claim to the Iron Throne. That is the sort of thing favorites of kings do. Also, now that Jon's taking the title King in the North, now Howland Reed may feel he can't let a false claim stand, whereas keeping a secret to save an infant's life was one thing which no longer even applies. The Targaryen servants of course never were interested in betraying the secret, given the show's assumption the servants are always loyal, unless they're evil. But keeping their mouth shut when actually interrogated in a torture chamber is something else entirely. Also, dusty septa records might actually be looked at once attention is drawn to the Tower of Joy. 

The thing is, what would happen if people found out? Sansa takes over and turns the war south, against Cersei? Edmure Tully has no interest in supporting Jon? The Knights of the Vale, not so keen on Jon anyhow, turn against him? Aside from providing some excuse for Cersei not to be annihilated in the first ten minutes of season seven, does this really matter, unless it sets up Jon vs. Daenerys? (Of course, since the show loves the Lannisters more than anything else, this is a major consideration!) It is possible Daenerys could resolve that threat with adoption of Jon as her heir (especially since there's something I think about a vow not to have another child?) Or by marriage, of course. Must say I can't see Daenerys finding the rather sexually inexperienced Jon Snow anywhere as near as attractive as a Daario or a Drogo. Plus Jon Snow was deeply inhibited about possible incest because he didn't know his parentage, so much so he was a virgin when he opted for a celibate life in Night's Watch. It would be amazing in a bad way if that suddenly changed just because he finds out he was Rhaegon Targaryen's son.

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52 minutes ago, SeanC said:

Official confirmation that Megan Parkinson is playing Alys Karstark.  Her CV lists the director as "various", so it's possible that she's appearing in more episodes than the premiere, but as WOTW notes that's often just a placeholder.

I believe that the casting call for the female Northern character who turned out to be Alys Karstark (and the boy who's the Umber heir if Awayforthelads is correct) implied that it was a one and done bit. 

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31 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

I believe that the casting call for the female Northern character who turned out to be Alys Karstark (and the boy who's the Umber heir if Awayforthelads is correct) implied that it was a one and done bit. 

That's the read I got from the notice as well, but since there's supposed to be some Northern political disagreement amongst the Stark sisters, I've wondered if there isn't more to it.

Partly I wonder that because otherwise this particular setpiece seems kind of detached from everything else, honestly.  Granted that we're only working off a very loose description, but beginning the Northern story this season with this particular Jon v. Sansa political debate seems like some aspect of it should be a sort of thematic starting point for the season.  Obviously it can't be about Jon and Sansa's personal disagreements, since Jon leaves almost immediately afterward.  If it's about Sansa's belief in being strict with defeated enemies, though, I don't see anything much in the subsequent arc that plays with this either.  Indeed, if the season begins with Sansa saying they should be tough on the Karstarks and the Umbers, the season ends (according to the leaks) with her ordering Littlefinger executed -- an action I don't think anybody in the audience would disagree with.  Is this just a restatement of what she already believes? 

It just feels to me like, if the season commences with this debate over whether being super-generous to the Umbers and the Karstarks is a good thing, there should be some follow-up to this.

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12 minutes ago, SeanC said:

That's the read I got from the notice as well, but since there's supposed to be some Northern political disagreement amongst the Stark sisters, I've wondered if there isn't more to it.

Partly I wonder that because otherwise this particular setpiece seems kind of detached from everything else, honestly.  Granted that we're only working off a very loose description, but beginning the Northern story this season with this particular Jon v. Sansa political debate seems like some aspect of it should be a sort of thematic starting point for the season.  Obviously it can't be about Jon and Sansa's personal disagreements, since Jon leaves almost immediately afterward.  If it's about Sansa's belief in being strict with defeated enemies, though, I don't see anything much in the subsequent arc that plays with this either.  Indeed, if the season begins with Sansa saying they should be tough on the Karstarks and the Umbers, the season ends (according to the leaks) with her ordering Littlefinger executed -- an action I don't think anybody in the audience would disagree with.  Is this just a restatement of what she already believes? 

It just feels to me like, if the season commences with this debate over whether being super-generous to the Umbers and the Karstarks is a good thing, there should be some follow-up to this.

The WOTW description of Sansa and Arya clashing over political differences made it sound as if Sansa was being the pragmatic one, which would be at odds with Sansa (spitefully, according to Awayforthelads) calling for the hammer to be brought down on the Karstark and Umber heirs in 7x01. I do agree that from the sounds of it, the Karstark/Umber scene sounds detached from everything else that happens in the North in Season 7 according to leaks.

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2 hours ago, SeanC said:

It just feels to me like, if the season commences with this debate over whether being super-generous to the Umbers and the Karstarks is a good thing, there should be some follow-up to this


1 hour ago, Eyes High said:

I do agree that from the sounds of it, the Karstark/Umber scene sounds detached from everything else that happens in the North in Season 7 according to leaks.

I think the it goes beyond the Karstark and Umber kids. Or even Littlefinger. We must remember they are secondary characters.

We are at the start of the third and final arc. And it is  "a Time for Wolves". The theme of season 7 in the North is the new phase of the orphanhood of the Stark: not running or hidding anymore, now they are still orphans but they are ruling too. In the North.

It is a very interesting emotional place to see. They have "power" but they struggle because they lack a guide about how to use that power. Their "authority figures" gone and the only one near of them is Littlefinger.

From the beginning (the other orphans kids: Karstark and Umber) to the end (Petyr) it is about the Starks and their struggle in this new phase of their lives.

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WOTW:  Maisie Williams is apparently in Calgary for GOT work, at the same time as there's apparently some stuff being done with the wolves.

Speculatively, going by Lads the Arya/Nymeria scene is just them in the woods, so maybe they decided to do the whole thing in Canada?  Previous direwolf scenes have mostly involved pre-existing sets or other countries' location shooting (e.g, Iceland).

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6 minutes ago, SeanC said:

WOTW:  Maisie Williams is apparently in Calgary for GOT work, at the same time as there's apparently some stuff being done with the wolves.

Speculatively, going by Lads the Arya/Nymeria scene is just them in the woods, so maybe they decided to do the whole thing in Canada?  Previous direwolf scenes have mostly involved pre-existing sets or other countries' location shooting (e.g, Iceland).

Interesting that Maisie went all the way to Calgary. Usually the actors don't go to Calgary to film the direwolf scenes.

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6 hours ago, SeanC said:

WOTW:  Maisie Williams is apparently in Calgary for GOT work, at the same time as there's apparently some stuff being done with the wolves.

Speculatively, going by Lads the Arya/Nymeria scene is just them in the woods, so maybe they decided to do the whole thing in Canada?  Previous direwolf scenes have mostly involved pre-existing sets or other countries' location shooting (e.g, Iceland).

Nymeria is now the leader of a huge pack of wolves. Canada has a lot of them, I hear. Perhaps it's not all CGI.

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Page Six reports that the GOT Iceland filming was a rough time:



Stars were said to include Kit Harington (Jon Snow), Liam Cunningham (Davos Seaworth), Joe Dempsie (Gendry), Rory McCann (Sandor “the Hound”) and Kristofer Hivju (Tormund Giantsbane). They have been shooting amid 100-mph winds and a minus 25 Centigrade (minus 13 Fahrenheit) wind chill.

A source on the set said, “Daylight is scarce here [five to six hours a day]. Super jeeps are needed to bring in equipment, and much is then transported by hand . . . The actors are made up and dressed in hotels and driven to location 90 percent ready to shoot . . . Shelter is provided by ‘Russian tents’ that are anchored down, and able to be heated, and [can] withstand 100 mph winds.”

And the winds made it hard to record the dialogue between characters. The insider continued, “High winds caused words to be ‘whipped away’ — shouting became the norm. And despite the cold, there was an issue with a lack of snow in the lowland locations.



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Weren't there claims that they had a tough time in seasons 2 and 3 because of the weather? That they had to film fast instead of being able to do several takes? I remember there was supposedly trouble with dialogue too. That's why I was surprised when it was reported they would return to Iceland instead of finding another location for winter scenes. They can rerecord the dialogue but the lack of time must be a bigger problem - at least some of that infamous Dorne fight scene was blamed on only having a limited amount of time to shoot at that location.

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50 minutes ago, ElizaD said:

Weren't there claims that they had a tough time in seasons 2 and 3 because of the weather? That they had to film fast instead of being able to do several takes? I remember there was supposedly trouble with dialogue too. That's why I was surprised when it was reported they would return to Iceland instead of finding another location for winter scenes. They can rerecord the dialogue but the lack of time must be a bigger problem - at least some of that infamous Dorne fight scene was blamed on only having a limited amount of time to shoot at that location.


Yeah, they only had a limited time of daylight and I remember that Kit was injured on set too. l I think using Iceland makes the atmosphere more realistic, especially since winter has already come, but yeah having the actors be cold and miserable might not translate well to the screen. It does add that chilling and eerie aspect of Beyond the Wall though. And they also filmed part of this action sequence in NI so I'm also surprised they didn't just do all of the filming there and then maybe even some at Magheramorne Quarry where they did Hardhome.

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On 2/18/2017 at 5:11 PM, SeanC said:

WOTW:  Maisie Williams is apparently in Calgary for GOT work, at the same time as there's apparently some stuff being done with the wolves.

Speculatively, going by Lads the Arya/Nymeria scene is just them in the woods, so maybe they decided to do the whole thing in Canada?  Previous direwolf scenes have mostly involved pre-existing sets or other countries' location shooting (e.g, Iceland).

Makes sense to bring the actor to the animals with the strict quarantine laws in some countries. 

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