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S08.E10: Unhappy Holidays

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No one gets press like Bethenny.  That's EXACTLY why he named it that.  Had Bethenny fallen for it, it would be all over the show constantly, but she didn't.

I think it this instance there is really no question about who is in the right, for me anyway.

Where Bethenny is bugging me is at stuff like the shmear at Jules' house, and criticizing her wreck of a vacation home.  WHO asked her if the pool of the living room is a good idea?  Keep your thoughts to yourself bossy britches!  You are not the renovation queen, though I'm sure you've learned quite a bit about contractors and redoing stuff.  Rude as hell.

I get that 1) Jules was bugging her with the eating disorder that brought back mom memories, and 2) John answered the door, and even 3) she thought more people would be there, so easier to avoid John.

No excuse for rudeness though.  Actually "1" makes the most sense to me, because some things can hit you emotionally, especially childhood fears.  I think when Jules admitted to her that she has an eating disorder and it's tough, you could practically hear Bethenny exhale.  Jules wasn't pretending, she was admitting an illness, putting it in the open, and Bethenny became immediately supportive of her.  I'd guess her mom never did, and once the whole deja vu covering up stuff was over, she relaxed.  It was actually a cute scene, Bethenny fighting Bethenny because Jules couldn't get the words out. 

I do think she would have left the filming site (which happens to be Dorinda's home) without saying thanks and goodbye, and zero excuses for that.  Yeah, it was work, but thank your damn hostess.  I get being embarrassed about participating in the fight, but own it, say sorry to the hostess then and there. 

She's gloriously flawed which is why she makes the show crackle.  On Sonja and the Shyster though?  She's right, and she's handled it perfectly.

  • Love 8
29 minutes ago, Umbelina said:

Sonja didn't create anything.  A shyster came to her and asked to use her name so Bethenny would be upset and it would give their bar free press.  There is no way Bethenny would involve lawyers because that alone would also perpetuate the fight/press that Bethenny has now shut down cold by not filming with their shill, Sonja.  She handled it.  The guy is a crook, the bar will fail, over and done.

Andy says she's not a producer.  I believe him.  Her only "power" is that she is usually very good on camera and Andy has known her for years and likes her.

She's not afraid of the cheater brand/Sonja/the shyster.  That doesn't mean she wants to be used by them for press though.

The vodka brand was a photoshop.  Even if it were real, why would Bethenny care?  The Countess Line is in no way related to her business. 

I think there will never be enough money to make her feel secure, a holdover from her childhood, but maybe someday.  Nah.  She's also a workaholic by nature.

Well, I think the primary reason for that was Bethenny was the one Crazy Kelly was going after, so it was harder to sit back and realize that Kelly had lost her mind.  Sonja wasn't attacked by Kelly. Bethenny was, every single moment, and she was in scenes with the nut before as well.  I think there was part of her that did feel finally justified with an "I told you she was nuts!  It wasn't just editing!" but she pulled it together fast enough when Sonja pointed out this was more than that.  Actually, for some reason I thought Alex spotted it as well.

It's not just the name of a brand, it's the circumstances involved.  You can't own common words like skinny or cow or girl.  What makes Sonja's brand such an OBVIOUS cheater brand is not just the name, it's the circumstances and the crook that's behind it.  He doesn't give a damn about the wine, he's trying to get press for his restaurant.  Bethenny's not giving it to him, so Sonja won't get paid much, if she ever was going to get a cent from him at all.  Ramona warned her, and saw through him last year. 

So if the brand was Tipsy Gal instead of Tipsy Girl would that change things?  I think Bethenny is clear about her reasons she feels used it went to press and that it will get people talking because they view it as similar.  Sonja is on WWHL this week so we  will see where it falls.  I can see where Bethenny is coming from it is about having to address it in the press.  Okay the phone calls have stopped, she has written her blogs and it is over.  Wishing other people's businesses to fail, all the while bloviating on your brand and your life's work is just not a good business plan.  Peter and his partners would probably get the press if they had Sonja as a spokesperson because they need something for Sonja to work on for the show .  The original restaurant was suppose to open on October of 2015, instead, according to Sonja it is slated to open this month. 

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She's fed up with the Tipsy Girl ploy, and especially with Sonja trying to pull the innocent waif thing.  She spelled it out for Sonja quite well in that meeting.  Don't try to pretend you are naive with me lady, you are no innocent teenager here, you knew exactly what you were doing by getting in bed with that conman who wanted to promote his restaurant and pretend wine by upsetting me, thus insuring he got free advertising.  Guess what hon?  I'm not playing, there will be no scenes with you because that just gives that asshole what he wanted, and what you knew he wanted.

Sonja got the PR she needed having it featured on the show. It had nothing to do with Bethanny. If Bethanny was such a powerhouse she would have kept the TipsyGirl from making it to air. She obviously has no control over what is aired and what isn't. Bethanny is totally being used by Bravo, just like everyone else.

Bethanny is just like Sonja. they both need to figure out how to pull in money to afford their lifestyles. Bethanny's Skinnygirl will be defunct soon. Jim Bean will soon stop selling SkinnyGirl since it's making no money for them and they are spending money keeping it on the shelves. Bethanny is back on reality TV since she needs money to keep everything afloat. Hence horrible attitude. 

Also, who sneaks out of someone's house without saying goodbye? Leaving everyone to wonder what happened to you? Bethanny is pulling a retro Countess, there. Who feels they are so much better than others they need an escape route? So strange that Bethanny is trying HARD to be a mean girl. I think she was really hurt when Ramona told her she wasn't a "girl's girl" and now she is on a quest to show that she have female allies. Only thing is, it's just Carole.

It's a start thougn.



I do think she would have left the filming site (which happens to be Dorinda's home) without saying thanks and goodbye, and zero excuses for that.  Yeah, it was work, but thank your damn hostess.  I get being embarrassed about participating in the fight, but own it, say sorry to the hostess then and there

Unless you were raped and need to get to a hospital before the evidence dies, there is zero excuse for taking off without explanation.It needs to be more serious than just wanting to take off so you don't film with someone. Which, Luann smartly ruined anyway by asking them where they were going. 

Edited by bravofan27
  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Hmmm, I wonder if this is in conjunction with "TG" bar/restaurant/wine/Peter/Partners, as the article is dated 1-4-16, or that the deal with Peter/partners fell through despite what his TG FB page says. LOL Seriously though, Sonja likes easy money and owning/opening/running a restaurant is hard work and most fail within the first year of opening. I just don't see Sonja doing the work required, even as just the hostess. LOL

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22 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Hmmm, I wonder if this is in conjunction with "TG" bar/restaurant/wine/Peter/Partners, as the article is dated 1-4-16, or that the deal with Peter/partners fell through despite what his TG FB page says. LOL Seriously though, Sonja likes easy money and owning/opening/running a restaurant is hard work and most fail within the first year of opening. I just don't see Sonja doing the work required, even as just the hostess. LOL

I liked the part where she thought it would be more upscale than PUMP.  And then she could have her own little Vanderpump Rules show.  Delusional.

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There are certainly other occasions where one HW doesn't want to film with another, or doesn't want to issue an invite to a big cast trip. Kyle made the difficult decision to disinvite Taylor to Hawaii for reasons similar to Dorinda not inviting Sonja.  Kyle thought it would cause friction with the group, and the threat of a lawsuit was making the other gals nervous. Camille said she wouldn't come. Taylor said that she was extremely hurt to miss that trip. I have zero doubt that Beth was letting her lawyers handle the Tipsy Girl deal, and also that Jim Beam was nervous and giving Beth advice along the lines of -try to keep any mention of this competing brand off the TV. If Sonja would have been there, Sonja's brand would have gotten a lot of discussion.  I'm not saying that Kyle or Dorinda were right or wrong, or that the situations were exactly the same, just that this has happened before. Kyle didn't invite Carlton on the trip she arranged because she didn't want her there and she didn't pretend otherwise, which was fine by me. Heather didn't invite Ramona to London, and Alexis was the only HW not invited to Tamra's Bachelorette party in Mexico.

As the matter of fact, the Alexis deal is a bit similar. Both Heather and Tamra decided to freeze her out, with Heather being very open about that fact during the season opening party that she had at her home, when she didn't invite Alexis. She said on the show and in the media she wanted nothing to do with her because of things that had happened during the hiatus, after the Season Finale filmed. Back on TWoP, this was almost all that was discussed during the first half of the season. Of course the most famous "freezing out" was Danielle on the NJ show, when no one wanted to film with her in S2. 

At the end of the day, I don't blame Beth. Those other bitches could decide to stand up for themselves or their "friends" if they wanted to. If Beth decides she doesn't want to film with Sonja, the others are welcome to do stuff with her. We are talking about one person who doesn't want to film with her. She has been shown filming with most everyone else. Far more than Beth, who has an actual reason to stay away from Sonja, I'm trying to figure out Ramona. She seems to be going after Sonja hard, and she is supposed to be her close friend. If these other gals are so weak, then shame on them. The smell of desperation is heavy in the air. Heather wasn't afraid of Beth. I don't believe for a second that Heather would be kissing Beth's ass. Maybe that is why she decided to leave, but she is someone to respect if that is the case. 

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On 6/10/2016 at 3:27 PM, ElDosEquis said:

Here is a litmus test (standardized) for EVERYTHING you THINK you may know/feel/suspect?

There was a wonderful bit of advice my best gal pal gave me - She said, "Put yourself in someone else's shoes....."

When you do, you get a perspective on things you may not otherwise....

If I was Methenny, I would have sent my resignation into BRAVO - the morning after her tirade - with the explanation that I was leaving to try to get my life together. Going to get some anger management sessions in - forget seeing a psych - She fought Admiral Amador every step of the way.

This bitch is a fucking broken human being, her quips/putdowns are all about sex, assholes and other people's bad behavior - never mentioning her fucked up life. Oh, that is right, we are supposed to know all about screwed up upbringing, marriage, divorce and homelessness and how this has affected her and how is allows her to be critical towards people with 'normal' lives.

See, NONE of us knows what poor Meth has been thru - and if WE DID GO thru her trials?


Most of us would have done a little moping and jumped back into the saddle of life - and never looked back on the shit parts of life. Some people embrace that bitterness and wear it like an award around their neck.

It just takes one look at that "First Place  Asshole Division" medal and you should know who you are dealing with?

Bethenny does mention her fucked up life...but only when it's to explain away her fucked up behaviour. She is a classic case of someone who hides behind her personal issues but there comes a point where it's no longer an excuse. She's not a lost teenager with little parental guidance and lashing out at the world. She's a grown ass woman who can manage to run a successful brand and raise a child - she has no excuses. Bethenny is an apologist - she wants to be able to say what she wants, then apologize for stepping out of line and then blame it on her parents for her being such an asshole. She is the queen of 'do as I say, not as I do'.

  • Love 16
6 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

I liked the part where she thought it would be more upscale than PUMP.  And then she could have her own little Vanderpump Rules show.  Delusional.

Sonja will never resolve her issues until she learns how to scale back on her lifestyle. She's so thirsty for a the quick buck because it's all in an effort to support an extravagant lifestyle that she became accustomed to and now believe she's entitled to. God forbid she downsize her home - guess her rich Dubai friends won't find her worthy of a private jet and staying in their private villas, right? Her priorities are so out of whack. What's worse than her desire for that kind of lifestyle is her unwillingness to put the hard work in to earn it. She wants the quickest and biggest payday with the most minimal of effort on her part. Her idea is to simply partner with people and slap her name on things and hope that the cash starts flowing. Now here's where her delusion really shows - Sonja thinks that her name is worth something. I wouldn't know who the hell this woman was if it weren't for this franchise and even then, it doesn't built any trust in me that would make me want to run out and buy any of her 'brand' items even if she had managed to actually get one on to store shelves for a change.

Hey Sonja, NYC is awesome but being a someone in NYC (if you're even that) doesn't make you someone on the international stage. It makes for better tv to talk about Sonja's drinking. I haven't see anything that would suggest that she has an issue with drinking. She drinks at social events - drunk Sonja is still far less offensive than a sober Ramona or Bethenny so what's the big deal? Sonja's real problem is an inflated and delusional opinion of reputation and recognition.

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2 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

Sonja will never resolve her issues until she learns how to scale back on her lifestyle. She's so thirsty for a the quick buck because it's all in an effort to support an extravagant lifestyle that she became accustomed to and now believe she's entitled to. God forbid she downsize her home - guess her rich Dubai friends won't find her worthy of a private jet and staying in their private villas, right? Her priorities are so out of whack. What's worse than her desire for that kind of lifestyle is her unwillingness to put the hard work in to earn it. She wants the quickest and biggest payday with the most minimal of effort on her part. Her idea is to simply partner with people and slap her name on things and hope that the cash starts flowing. Now here's where her delusion really shows - Sonja thinks that her name is worth something. I wouldn't know who the hell this woman was if it weren't for this franchise and even then, it doesn't built any trust in me that would make me want to run out and buy any of her 'brand' items even if she had managed to actually get one on to store shelves for a change.

Hey Sonja, NYC is awesome but being a someone in NYC (if you're even that) doesn't make you someone on the international stage. It makes for better tv to talk about Sonja's drinking. I haven't see anything that would suggest that she has an issue with drinking. She drinks at social events - drunk Sonja is still far less offensive than a sober Ramona or Bethenny so what's the big deal? Sonja's real problem is an inflated and delusional opinion of reputation and recognition.

Yes, this is her entire problem. She became "the straw that stirs the drink" not because of any actual hard work, but because she married someone with extreme wealth. She got a glimpse of the good life not because of any real talent or work ethic. She keeps talking about getting back to that place, which is delusional, since she didn't get to that place by doing anything of actual value or merit. If she really wants what she had before, she needs to go about it in the same manner she did before - marry it (tick tock, Sonja. In this game, beauty and youth are the real currency. Better use what you've got before it is too late). 

I actually liked what Beth said about Sonja in this instance. Being on a reality TV show is hard if that's all you've got. If you don't have any other skills or work ethic, you are going to be bogged down by that "reality". You are going to be desperate to hold on to your place on the show, and you will start to create stuff just for a storyline, eventually getting to a place where you are unconcerned about the impact it might have on another (or on another business). Sonja is always trying to create some sort of story for herself, but nothing is ever real. She doesn't actually have any financial backers or true interest and she is not willing to work hard enough to make that happen. She didn't like the original contract that Bravo presented her with. My guess is that the contract wasn't that good because there is nothing left that is interesting for Sonja to show us. So they gave her a "pay for play" contract. She is only going to get paid if she is interesting enough to make it to TV. She decided that getting into bed with this d-bag and his silly business premise would be her ticket to getting screen time. But the thing is, it's not really real. The guy hadn't even asked for or received a Trademark for the brand (just for the restaurant, which has yet to open). Once gain she wanted to pretend that she was doing something that she wasn't actually doing. The problem is that Beth isn't going to make a big deal out of it week after week and help Sonja create a storyline, like happened with the Toaster Oven and all the other silly stuff. She needs for Beth to play with her in order to make it all seem real, and Beth isn't interested. I can see no way that Beth can be around Sonja at this point and the topic of Tipsy Girl won't come up. Zero way that can happen, and Beth isn't interested in helping to make Tipsy Girl the story. 

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On 6/11/2016 at 4:03 PM, Avaleigh said:

It wasn't just about Kelly being annoying and I disagree that Kelly was some harmless, fragile butterfly that the ogre Bethenny or anyone else went out of their way to stomp on.

Kelly was rude, she was the opposite of kind to the other women, and felt that she was above everyone. She was late, inconsiderate, hypocritical, full of criticism, and impossible to follow. 

The gummy bear stuff is a minor example but it's easy to use because it's an example of Kelly making a production of how she's one way "I don't eat processed foods, [gross]" only to show that she does in fact eat processed foods. Her reaction when called on it is to be hostile and defensive like it's the other person who's stupid for not getting that she doesn't eat processed food unless it's a "fun" processed food. Is that really something that the average person isn't going to snark on especially when they're on a reality show? Kelly could have said, 'Haha, you're right, I can't resist the lure when it comes to candy' or something along those lines but her response is to be defensive rather than thinking, 'Okay, fair enough, I said another thing that doesn't really make sense.'

I loved when Bethenny asked her when they're supposed to know if they should take her word on something because I was wondering the same damned thing. It wasn't like it was one time where Kelly was inconsistent and Bethenny and the others kept harping on the gummy bears. It was something that Kelly would do all of the time and a person had no idea if they're supposed to take what she says seriously or not.

Kelly showed how mean and nasty she was but she isn't smart, she isn't a good listener, and she isn't articulate, so her attacks on Bethenny only served to make her look ridiculous, delusional, and silly.

One point that isn't made by the people who think that Kelly was some innocent victim of mean girl Bethenny is how Bethenny reacted when Kelly had her meltdown. Not only did she back off when she realized she was dealing with an unhinged lunatic, but she actually encouraged the others to back off too. She felt it was wrong to continue to go in on someone she suspected might in fact be mentally ill. 

This wasn't some one woman show where Bethenny was the only one commenting on Kelly's ridiculous and nonsensical behavior either. They all saw it and Ramona flat out told Kelly that she was completely "nuts".

Regarding Ramona, I agree that she has a cruel streak and it's in her to twist the knife when she has the opportunity. I personally think she's getting off on watching Sonja and Luann tapdance to keep their jobs and think she enjoys watching all of the arrows being sent their way courtesy of Bethenny and Carole. She's practically salivating. At the same time she's smart and aware enough that she'll be next on Bethenny's hit list if Sonja and Luann are cut. It's not like she's forgotten about the Ramonacoaster or the SingerStinger. I think that's why she's been (minimally) supportive of Luann in these episodes rather than throwing 100% of her weight behind Bethenny and Carole. 

I just hate living in a world where someone's annoying quirks and character flaws are enough for people to be completely nasty. Beth's nasty and people like Kelly are God send to people like Beth. Kelly may not reacted to these ladies all perfectly but no matter how you spin it. That girl was harmless and exhibited some catty moments once she realized the game she got herself into and she didn't do it all that well. Kinda like Lu's awkwardness when dealing with nasty conflicts where she overshoots. I have no problem letting people be who they are even if it's annoying to others on occassion. My point is that Kelly never stormed into any event loaded for bear. And I also don't have a problem with people thinking highly of themselves cause I think that's fabulous. Some people think that someone thinking highly of themselves automatically makes them think less of others and I disagree. She was dealing with a very agenda oriented show and she just wasn't cut out for it. All the women have put their foot in it on this show and have show nasty traits and when all is said and done the reason again is that she was annoying and loopy and somewhat kooky. I get people don't feel they should have to God forbid deal with anything that gets under their skin about a person but I would take that over Beth's personality any day.

The reason I bring up Kelly is because I feel like there is some similarity with how Beth is now going to Lu. It's like Lu's annoying. Thinks highly of herself. Has had her catty moments and here is Beth to attack her now cause Beth is the self appointed slayer of self esteem. "Don't you dare think too highly of yourself cause I'm here to chop you down to the size I feel you SHOULD be according to me". It should never be anyone's MISSION to cut someone down to size unless there is something more than bruised egos, simmering anger, and eyerolls at stake. Someone being late, or contradicting themselves, or has quirks or even more stronger offenses like suggesting that gummy bears are organic doesn't put a bounty on someone's head. Not saying that people can't have bad reactions to some of those things IN THE MOMENT (eye roll, side eye, calling them out) but this need to continuously GO AFTER someone and be that antagonizer just because? JUSTICE! Gummy bears are NOT organic dammit and that Kelly will pay!! Lu was photoshopped into that Skinny Girl taste testing moment and Lu shall pay!!! Nothing justifies this woman's tazmanian devil routine no matter how unlikable another person is. Shit John is really not likeable AT ALL and her treatment of him still flies above and beyond inappropriate. Beth has always been loaded for bear even when the situation deserves an eyeroll at most. That's just not okay!

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15 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

LMFAO she said Skinnygirl is all natural  ingredients with top shelf clear tequila. 

That shit has more artificial substances and preservatives than a Four Loko. 

Or maybe more artificial than gummy bears? Guess Kelly's not the only one to play fast and loose with what goes into a product... LOLOL!! And at least her mistake was cause wellll she's Kelly AND it wasn't a product she was selling Beth? Her product, her promoting the product, her selling the product.. Hmmmm maybe she should have been more determined to represent her own product as accurately as she was trying to describe what goes on with those gummy bears.  Ya think? Lol.

Try to prove someone you don't like wrong, for the sake of meanness= Absolute accuracy

Trying to make a buck off of people, sell you product, gain more customers= Not so much.

Integrity isn't really Beth's strong suit is it? Even though that's another part of her brand she tries to hard to shove down people's throats. At least Kelly wasn't trying to sell anyone on anything. She was doing cartwheels in Kellyworld eating cotton candy on her own terms whether the fuck you liked it or not. Didn't need anyone to buy it.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 6
8 hours ago, Umbelina said:

I think there was part of her that did feel finally justified with an "I told you she was nuts!  It wasn't just editing!" but she pulled it together fast enough when Sonja pointed out this was more than that. 

Respectively disagree.  Yes, Kelly was an ass and very messy. But Beth was giddy and high-fiving while screeching:  "I TOLD YOU SO! Girl craaazzzy. I've known it all along", after Kelly went to bed that night.  Which was after Sonja pointed it out at the dinner table. 

They all realized Kelly had some kind of break at dinner and backed off - but Beth reveled in it. Laughing about how she'd known for a long time that this person was mentally ill. She loved that she was right. Even after Kelly was taken off the island and it was leaked that it was so much worse than what we saw, Beth continued hammering her in the press.

Similar to when Luann started to cry in Dorinda's kitchen about how afraid she was for Sonja if they froze her out. And there's Beth saying, "I agree.  I'm worried about her, too."  Well you have a STRANGE way of showing it ya lying, nasty POS.  Did Sonja need to be told to back off the copy catting?  Yup.  But did Beth need to show how right she was in doing so in such a cruel way in front of her office staff and then continue her stupid behavior and disappearing act du jour at Ramona's party? Imo, no.  She really thinks she's something.

She's supposed to be all "Up here."   What a joke.

  • Love 15
2 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

At the end of the day, I don't blame Beth. Those other bitches could decide to stand up for themselves or their "friends" if they wanted to. If Beth decides she doesn't want to film with Sonja, the others are welcome to do stuff with her. We are talking about one person who doesn't want to film with her. She has been shown filming with most everyone else. Far more than Beth, who has an actual reason to stay away from Sonja, I'm trying to figure out Ramona. She seems to be going after Sonja hard, and she is supposed to be her close friend. If these other gals are so weak, then shame on them. The smell of desperation is heavy in the air. Heather wasn't afraid of Beth. I don't believe for a second that Heather would be kissing Beth's ass. Maybe that is why she decided to leave, but she is someone to respect if that is the case. 

The problem arises when Bethenny excludes her from the big trip.  I could understand if Bethenny feared Sonja wanting to talk about Tipsy Girl but that is pretty easily addressed, "Sonja, do not speak of Tipsy Girl in my presence.  We have had the discussion about your product and my feelings."  Bethenny wanted to annihilate Sonja and Ramona is tickled to death until she realized she has no one to have fun with (or put herself above) with Sonja gone.  I believe Heather would have sided with Bethenny over the business thing, Heather has little use for Sonja and her businesses.  What they think she should be doing is beyond me.  Heather had issues with her business partner and Yummie Tummie being used on the show (as in lawsuit serious).  My guess is the partner (right or wrong) did not want to be Paula Deen'd out of retail establishments over a motherfvcker teardown or an argument that made Heather less than sympathetic.  For every argument there is siding with both sides of the argument.  Maybe Heather was done being angry at Luann over Carole and Adam.     

  • Love 1
11 hours ago, Rainny said:

I see that too, but even so, Bethenny could have just let it go because they already had an idea that Kelly wasn't all there. Like Sonja said at the dinner they were arguing with a crazy person. 

Sometimes it's just better for everyone to let some stupid shit that doesn't mean anything go. 


Who. Was. She. Hurting??

It's not that Kelly isn't loopy and she kept going because I see Kelly as the person who doesn't know how to deal with the insecurities she has with regards to her loopy, Kelly world missteps in public so she just defends with no direction. That's real. That's not catty that's just messy and socially awkward. My big issue with what happened was that it set Beth off so hard. She just HAD to go in and contradict her, prove her wrong, get her to concede, to admit something. It's like stop badgering her. Roll your fucking eye, give a condescending laugh and a shake of the head (if you must) and go whatever Kelly, nevermind. Even a knowing side eye to one of the others I would give a pass (although I never understand why people allow other people quirks get them soooooo worked up that they HAVE to have a nasty and visible reaction cause shit's really not that serious) but anyway then that would be that. But not our Beth. It's her disproportionate reactions that I just can't stand and it all stems from the worse arrogance that trumps even that vapid Kelly Bensimone the kind of arrogance that makes her opinion the only one that can stand in any given moment not matter what the circumstance, or situation or details involved. It's only what Beth wants to be relevant even if it isn't.

I mean for crying out loud. A dinner turned into a crazy whirlwind of anxiety cause someone offered Beth a fucking meatball

Christmas gathering turned screaming match cause what again? Oh yeah, Beth.. BTW anyone notice that the conflict at the table was Lu defending Sonja and Beth laughing at the mentor comment then Lu pushing passed that, high fiving Beth pretty much ending that particular topic of discussing and moving on only to have Beth mumble her little quip that introduced a new argument OUT OF NOWHERE! She's the one that started that exchange and then escalated it by moving over and talking more shit in front of Lu. Beth also CREATES situation to pick at because SHE WANTS to or because the person in her presence gets on her nerves for a variety of reasons. My point about Beth is that she takes liberty's that no one should take and she's actually the personality type that makes this sort of thinking necessary. If you don't set a certain amount of boundaries of what's acceptable with regards how far you can go to express your disdain for someone else then people like Beth who have no interest in harnessing any of that nasty entitlement  will have all the excuse they need to run rampant and not practice any self control whatsoever. It's not that the people she comes across are perfect little pixies its that she doesn't ever adjust her reactions and proportion her responses to people in any acceptable manner and she doesn't feel that she has to. Basically she's putting the responsibility on those around to be self aware in her presence, to not be who they are which is annoying to HER, to be mindful of what would aggravate HER and all the while she's absolving herself of doing this.

Look, I'm all about being self aware and I get extra annoyed when I come across adults who display such rude or ridiculous behaviors without thinking about those around them. I get it but she thinks that just because something gets under her skin that its open season on whoever is the culprit and I think that's the worse form of bullying ever. And I know people think the word is overused and it is however I've been bullied. I've seen other be bullied up close. I understand bullying and Beth is one of the biggest and nastiest bullies I've ever, ever seen in my LIFE!! That's for sure. She's the most dangerous kind too cause she has people around her that applaud this behavior and it's rather sickening and scary and so very sad. When someone's initial instinct is to be confrontational and mean in the face of an awkward or challenging situation then something is wrong with THAT person not people who have unfortunate personality traits.

You don't make someone a target because you don't like them. Even if they have less than desirable traits that doesn't mean that from now on it's ON whenever you're around them. That's just ridiculous. It's like "I don't like you, so if I'm ever around you I'm gonna create a vibe and make sure that the flow is off..." That's how Beth is and to a lesser degree Carole which is why I never really warmed to her even though at first I was hoping to cause she did seem pretty cool. Her manner is different though and a bit more subtle but how she operates is similar to Beth. No, middle ground. Awkward and negative energy during interactions in order to create a mood all in the name of controlling the vibe and shifting it where she wants it to be. To hell with the bigger picture and everyone else subjected to this arrogant display of self centeredness. YOU annoy them and so THEY "justifiably" behave badly. In what world does that even fly? It's just ludicrous.

  • Love 13
27 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:


The reason I bring up Kelly is because I feel like there is some similarity with how Beth is now going to Lu. It's like Lu's annoying. Thinks highly of herself. Has had her catty moments and here is Beth to attack her now cause Beth is the self appointed slayer of self esteem. "Don't you dare think too highly of yourself cause I'm here to chop you down to the size I feel you SHOULD be according to me". It should never be anyone's MISSION to cut someone down to size unless there is something more than bruised egos, simmering anger, and eyerolls at stake. Someone being late, or contradicting themselves, or has quirks or even more stronger offenses like suggesting that gummy bears are organic doesn't put a bounty on someone's head. Not saying that people can't have bad reactions to some of those things IN THE MOMENT (eye roll, side eye, calling them out) but this need to continuously GO AFTER someone and be that antagonizer just because? JUSTICE! Gummy bears are NOT organic dammit and that Kelly will pay!! Lu was photoshopped into that Skinny Girl taste testing moment and Lu shall pay!!! Nothing justifies this woman's tazmanian devil routine no matter how unlikable another person is. Shit John is really not likeable AT ALL and her treatment of him still flies above and beyond inappropriate. Beth has always been loaded for bear even when the situation deserves an eyeroll at most. That's just not okay!

I get the feeling that beffeny ramps up her 'assholedness' when she films with the rest of the cast.

Beffeny needs to have an audience to witness her 'sense of humor' - with no one around, she'd be just like those crazy, creepy people that camp out in front of a liquor store, yelling at everyone that walks by.

When you think about it, do you really think anyone wants to work with a shrew like BF?  If you don't want to film with someone, or think you are too much of a commodity to be bothered by one of your castmates? You are probably too 'good' to be on the show?

  • Love 7
10 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Bethenny definitely did spike the ball in the end zone and do the taunting dance when it was clear Kelly had lost it.  It is like her current tirade she was trying to push and push Luann into doing something untold so she could relive her victory dance and hold hands with Ramona and Carole and howl with laughter.  Ramona interrupting when they were finally getting down to the substance and then make it about her. 

What Luann did was try and pull things back together for the sake of Dorinda and Carole could not take anymore.  Well Luann is living her reality with the etiquette stuff and being respectful to the hostess. 


1 hour ago, ryebread said:

Respectively disagree.  Yes, Kelly was an ass and very messy. But Beth was giddy and high-fiving while screeching:  "I TOLD YOU SO! Girl craaazzzy. I've known it all along", after Kelly went to bed that night.  Which was after Sonja pointed it out at the dinner table. 

They all realized Kelly had some kind of break at dinner and backed off - but Beth reveled in it. Laughing about how she'd known for a long time that this person was mentally ill. She loved that she was right. Even after Kelly was taken off the island and it was leaked that it was so much worse than what we saw, Beth continued hammering her in the press.

Similar to when Luann started to cry in Dorinda's kitchen about how afraid she was for Sonja if they froze her out. And there's Beth saying, "I agree.  I'm worried about her, too."  Well you have a STRANGE way of showing it ya lying, nasty POS.  Did Sonja need to be told to back off the copy catting?  Yup.  But did Beth need to show how right she was in doing so in such a cruel way in front of her office staff and then continue her stupid behavior and disappearing act du jour at Ramona's party? Imo, no.  She really thinks she's something.

She's supposed to be all "Up here."   What a joke.

Girlllllll it's Beth's manic wide eyed, look of amazed amusement with that serious glint of satisfaction partnered with her all teeth showing laugh that is absolutely sinister.  Her reactions and retelling of her confrontations may just be more disturbing than the actual altercation. Even when she comes off bad cause she did it with Carole the next morning laughing about how she wouldn't talk to anyone that called her a whore...That girl is seriously off her rocker. It's like the end goal for her is that victory dance and boy or boy is that dance completely terrifying to watch. No joke! Despicable!

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

I just hate living in a world where someone's annoying quirks and character flaws are enough for people to be completely nasty. Beth's nasty and people like Kelly are God send to people like Beth. Kelly may not reacted to these ladies all perfectly but no matter how you spin it. That girl was harmless and exhibited some catty moments once she realized the game she got herself into and she didn't do it all that well. Kinda like Lu's awkwardness when dealing with nasty conflicts where she overshoots. I have no problem letting people be who they are even if it's annoying to others on occassion. My point is that Kelly never stormed into any event loaded for bear. And I also don't have a problem with people thinking highly of themselves cause I think that's fabulous. Some people think that someone thinking highly of themselves automatically makes them think less of others and I disagree. She was dealing with a very agenda oriented show and she just wasn't cut out for it. All the women have put their foot in it on this show and have show nasty traits and when all is said and done the reason again is that she was annoying and loopy and somewhat kooky. I get people don't feel they should have to God forbid deal with anything that gets under their skin about a person but I would take that over Beth's personality any day.


I'm not sure about the part about Kelly being harmless. Alex said later that we only saw a small percentage of what actually went down and that it was incredible. Remember how we found out later that they posted guards outside of Beth's bedroom door because Kelly kept strangely talking out how horrible it would be if Beth suffered a miscarriage (in addition to some other troubling stuff she was saying). Production had to take her away from the island because folks were freaked out by her. Something very bad was happening to Kelly on that trip, and as troubling as it was to watch, I cannot imagine what it must have felt like in the moment. I don't think that Bravo (or anyone else) believed she was truly a danger all by herself - or they wouldn't have asked her back and the others wouldn't have filmed with her - but I think the thought process was that Kelly was on something that was making her behave very erratically. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 7
1 hour ago, motorcitymom65 said:

I'm not sure about the part about Kelly being harmless. Alex said later that we only saw a small percentage of what actually went down and that it was incredible. Remember how we found out later that they posted guards outside of Beth's bedroom door because Kelly kept strangely talking out how horrible it would be if Beth suffered a miscarriage (in addition to some other troubling stuff she was saying). Production had to take her away from the island because folks were freaked out by her. Something very bad was happening to Kelly on that trip, and as troubling as it was to watch, I cannot imagine what it must have felt like in the moment. I don't think that Bravo (or anyone else) believed she was truly a danger all by herself - or they wouldn't have asked her back and the others wouldn't have filmed with her - but I think the thought process was that Kelly was on something that was making her behave very erratically. 

Harmless as in her referencing Kelly world or living in a world with rainbows and unicorns or claiming gummy bears are not processed foods or showing up late to an event or saying she doesn't just add her name to any and all charities or challenging Beth's use of the word chef (which I actually agreed with Kelly about a little, partly cause I was really into Top Chef at the time and saw what really goes into attaining that title OFFICIALLY, but it was basically a semantics issue which I usually don't like) or any of the other vapid personality traits that caused Beth's head to spin around on more than one occasion with that girl. There's no excuse for how Beth behaved and the extent Beth took it. That season, this season, last season and for most of her interactions with people. She doesn't have conversations with anyone. She presents grievances, derails intent, muddys the issue, gives spankings and keeps it moving and never finds common ground. EVER!

Just because Kelly exhibited not nice moments doesn't make her stance on Beth completely irrelevant. There was substance there and it can't be denied just because during the course of the show Kelly started unraveling and hit an unfortunate path. I really believe the whole dynamic of the show and her interactions with the cast is what caused what we saw. I don't see it as someone ongoing, underlying medical issue. I believe it was illness of circumstance as a lot of emotional episodes people experience are stemmed from. Those particular variable were not good for the kind of person Kelly is and in my mind that's all there is to it. Beth's disregard to all of that and just being focused on "That girl crazy and she get's on my nerves AND I was RIGHT" in the face of something so much bigger than her and her grievances or anyone else's grievances.... Like I said I hate living in this kind of world. 

I guess that's why I did take a liking to Kelly and her world full of unicorns, rainbows and gummy bears. Why the fuck not? She had the right idea, cause living in today's world is so exhausting and sad. Especially with the Beth's of the world slowly but surely overriding it. SMH.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 3
45 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

Girlllllll it's Beth's manic wide eyed, look of amazed amusement with that serious glint of satisfaction partnered with her all teeth showing laugh that is absolutely sinister.  Her reactions and retelling of her confrontations may just be more disturbing than the actual altercation. Even when she comes off bad cause she did it with Carole the next morning laughing about how she wouldn't talk to anyone that called her a whore...That girl is seriously off her rocker. It's like the end goal for her is that victory dance and boy or boy is that dance completely terrifying to watch. No joke! Despicable!

She did seem to get off on it. I remember thinking that with Kelly too.

  • Love 4
On 6/9/2016 at 6:20 PM, WireWrap said:

I disagree, Wolves do a better job raising their pups and have close family ties......something Bethenny knows nothing about. LOL She is more a pit viper! LOL

Sidebar: I watched that video. Omarosa is savvy and has had some lucky breaks but I thought Bethenney was right.  Omorosa is a smart and beautiful woman who's  cobbled together a career that's just filler for a lot of people:  occasional media presence and adjunct faculty.  Me too, although the media is local and I usually turn it down and I'm not teaching right now because I have my own little business (brand!) .  Also have been adjunct faculty which pays slightly less than an experienced worker at McDonalds. Get over yourself Omarosa.

Edited by Grey Goose
missed a word
On 6/10/2016 at 7:15 PM, Yours Truly said:

But but why is the organicness of gummy bears so important?? It's the extreme need to challenge, counter, prove wrong that creates the ugly energy that Beth ALWAYS creates. You know sometimes u can just have an inner laugh at someone's ridiculousness. Beth just HAS TO put someone on blast for whatever reason even if it's a minuscule reason. We will agree to disagree but that confrontation at the bar was Kelly addressing Beth's unnecessarily rude behavior at the charity meeting. Bereting Kelly and being a bitch. That much is clear. I mean are we not acknowledging that Beth pretty much went after Kelly at That meeting or is it supposed to be glossed over as it never happened..? I notice that no one ever addresses that particular interaction. That one where she decided that Kelly was an enemy oh and don't forget the charming conversation she had in the pool with the countess before Kelly was even introduced to the group as part of the cast where she was already talking uber smack about Kelly for no real reason. Shit I saw the writing in the wall with that wxchange allow and that was like episode 4 or 5. Nope Beth wasn't innocent then the same way she isn't innocent now...

And real Kelly's silly sayings and understanding of things and malapropriations  is such a crime against nature? Really??? 

Girl I don't think it is important.   Like most conversations, I do think it's contextual.   And contextually, this compilation is how I'll always remember Kelly.   My apologies for subjecting you to the background music, it's pretty terrible.


On 6/11/2016 at 0:14 AM, breezy424 said:

I don't think Beth's current behavior is any vindication for Kelly B.  Kelly was wacko weirdo.  Period.  She is (was) a self centered snob.  I think it was in the first scene that we saw her, she literally skipped away while leaving a party. 

Scary Island was ridiculous.  How many times did she correct Beth and say that she was a cook, not a chef.  That's not someone who feels intimidated by someone.  Kelly was always quite adamant about her 'opinions'.  She just wasn't used to people not placating her because Kelly lives in her own little fantasy world of being 'special'. 

Beth also lives in that same fantasy world of being 'special'  but the only thing Beth did to Kelly was give her some reality.  Too bad no one is giving that to Beth.  Heather tried but she ended up with a season of getting one package and a minute spot for her son achieving his tenth birthday after having a liver transplant while an infant.  A remarkable achievement and that's what TPTB gave her.

The ratings may be up four years later but Beth thinks it's because she's so special.  She's so hung up on herself that she doesn't get it's because she has become the housewife that viewers love to hate.  Is that going to help her 'brand'.  I don't know.  I kind of doubt it but I think Beth is desperate.  Does Andy care?  Nope.  It's about ratings.  Not people. 

Oh, and I do wish that someone would tweet or say to Beth that her Skinnygirl stuff is crap.  I would have LOVED it if Lu tweeted back, "Have your tasted your Skinnygirl Margarita?".  Compared to Heather's Yummy, Beth's shape ware is also crap. 

This.  Special snowflake + delusions + insistence is why shrugging her off wasn't effective.   She'd keep it going after her castmates were already disengaging.

On 6/11/2016 at 4:03 PM, Avaleigh said:

It wasn't just about Kelly being annoying and I disagree that Kelly was some harmless, fragile butterfly that the ogre Bethenny or anyone else went out of their way to stomp on.

Kelly was rude, she was the opposite of kind to the other women, and felt that she was above everyone. She was late, inconsiderate, hypocritical, full of criticism, and impossible to follow

The gummy bear stuff is a minor example but it's easy to use because it's an example of Kelly making a production of how she's one way "I don't eat processed foods, [gross]" only to show that she does in fact eat processed foods. Her reaction when called on it is to be hostile and defensive like it's the other person who's stupid for not getting that she doesn't eat processed food unless it's a "fun" processed food. Is that really something that the average person isn't going to snark on especially when they're on a reality show? Kelly could have said, 'Haha, you're right, I can't resist the lure when it comes to candy' or something along those lines but her response is to be defensive rather than thinking, 'Okay, fair enough, I said another thing that doesn't really make sense.'

I loved when Bethenny asked her when they're supposed to know if they should take her word on something because I was wondering the same damned thing. It wasn't like it was one time where Kelly was inconsistent and Bethenny and the others kept harping on the gummy bears. It was something that Kelly would do all of the time and a person had no idea if they're supposed to take what she says seriously or not.

Kelly showed how mean and nasty she was but she isn't smart, she isn't a good listener, and she isn't articulate, so her attacks on Bethenny only served to make her look ridiculous, delusional, and silly.

One point that isn't made by the people who think that Kelly was some innocent victim of mean girl Bethenny is how Bethenny reacted when Kelly had her meltdown. Not only did she back off when she realized she was dealing with an unhinged lunatic, but she actually encouraged the others to back off too. She felt it was wrong to continue to go in on someone she suspected might in fact be mentally ill. 

This wasn't some one woman show where Bethenny was the only one commenting on Kelly's ridiculous and nonsensical behavior either. They all saw it and Ramona flat out told Kelly that she was completely "nuts".

Regarding Ramona, I agree that she has a cruel streak and it's in her to twist the knife when she has the opportunity. I personally think she's getting off on watching Sonja and Luann tapdance to keep their jobs and think she enjoys watching all of the arrows being sent their way courtesy of Bethenny and Carole. She's practically salivating. At the same time she's smart and aware enough that she'll be next on Bethenny's hit list if Sonja and Luann are cut. It's not like she's forgotten about the Ramonacoaster or the SingerStinger. I think that's why she's been (minimally) supportive of Luann in these episodes rather than throwing 100% of her weight behind Bethenny and Carole. 

All of this.  The italicized piece is why I think she was so frustrating to more than just Bethenny.   It was as though she was fluent in speaking English but didn't understand it.  When you're learning a new language, it's typically the other way around.  

1 minute ago, bosawks said:

Are we sure that Beth didn't use her production advantage and force Lu to wear that jumpsuit as a way to sabotage yet another HoWife business venture?

LMAO!!!!!!  Sad to report it's on par with her other designs. Sawks don'tcha remember the Reynolds Wrap shiny forest green thing from the reunion? 

  • Love 6
21 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

I'm not sure about the part about Kelly being harmless. Alex said later that we only saw a small percentage of what actually went down and that it was incredible. Remember how we found out later that they posted guards outside of Beth's bedroom door because Kelly kept strangely talking out how horrible it would be if Beth suffered a miscarriage (in addition to some other troubling stuff she was saying). Production had to take her away from the island because folks were freaked out by her. Something very bad was happening to Kelly on that trip, and as troubling as it was to watch, I cannot imagine what it must have felt like in the moment. I don't think that Bravo (or anyone else) believed she was truly a danger all by herself - or they wouldn't have asked her back and the others wouldn't have filmed with her - but I think the thought process was that Kelly was on something that was making her behave very erratically. 

When you think someone is 'kookoo' or not firing on all cylinders, the best thing to do is leave them alone?

You remain polite and respectful and most importantly, you try to remain a grown up.

Methenny feels the need to be the person who points out every foible, weakness and screw up around her - she has to comment on, dissect and laugh about every mistake - all while walking on water herself.

Her bitterness is gathering speed and is eventually going to take her off the tracks.....in flaming fashion?

  • Love 11

All that is worthy of the barrage? And the brand of vicious that has now truly revealed itself this season to be Beth's true demeanor in a more ANVILED way so its more simpler to see?

The negative liberties taken over the most innocuous of things. That's Beth's brand actually.


Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, ElDosEquis said:

When you think someone is 'kookoo' or not firing on all cylinders, the best thing to do is leave them alone?

You remain polite and respectful and most importantly, you try to remain a grown up.

Methenny feels the need to be the person who points out every foible, weakness and screw up around her - she has to comment on, dissect and laugh about every mistake - all while walking on water herself.

Her bitterness is gathering speed and is eventually going to take her off the tracks.....in flaming fashion?

When they found out she wasn't well for real, they did leave her alone.

Bethenny has legitimately become a more bitter and resentful person, I just don't know if Kelly is the best example to use of that development because...predatory gift bags.  Lol.

  • Love 14
11 minutes ago, ElDosEquis said:

When you think someone is 'kookoo' or not firing on all cylinders, the best thing to do is leave them alone?

You remain polite and respectful and most importantly, you try to remain a grown up.

Methenny feels the need to be the person who points out every foible, weakness and screw up around her - she has to comment on, dissect and laugh about every mistake - all while walking on water herself.

Her bitterness is gathering speed and is eventually going to take her off the tracks.....in flaming fashion?

Love this!!!

Anyone else hold themselves in such high regard and they get Beth's guns pointed directly at them.

That's some bullshit right there.

  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

When they found out she wasn't well for real, they did leave her alone.

Bethenny has legitimately become a more bitter and resentful person, I just don't know if Kelly is the best example to use of that development because...predatory gift bags.  Lol.

Exactly. They left her alone when they realized something was seriously wrong. When you are in the middle of something like that, you don't always see it clearly. Kelly was always nuts, saying strange and inappropriate things. I think that in the beginning they just thought it was "Kelly being Kelly". Then they realized it was far bigger than that. One thing for sure, Bravo loves drama and they had it on that trip. They don't remove someone from the drama when they are getting stuff that good for no reason. I cannot ever blame any of them for the way they handled that whole deal. Lisa Rinna was still going on and on about a limo ride with Kim a year later. Talking about how scary it was and acting like it had all but ruined her life. By contrast, what she went through with Kim was nothing compared to what those gals went through with Kelly. And yes, Beth was hard on Kelly at the reunion because she refused to own up to anything, just continuing to blame everyone else. 

  • Love 7
11 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

When they found out she wasn't well for real, they did leave her alone.

Bethenny has legitimately become a more bitter and resentful person, I just don't know if Kelly is the best example to use of that development because...predatory gift bags.  Lol.

Wasn't well for real?

So all of her other odd behavior was considered what? Cause right off the bat I could tell that Kelly lived in her own particular brand of reality and Beth mocked that detail before scary island while other wives made light reference of it during the season. Oh it's when someone becomes unhinged and ACTS OUT negatively that people stop and reflect on the level of abrasiveness necessary for any particular contrast they are having with someone else? Push until it's obvious you shouldn't push anymore? <sigh>

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 1
7 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Exactly. They left her alone when they realized something was seriously wrong. When you are in the middle of something like that, you don't always see it clearly. Kelly was always nuts, saying strange and inappropriate things. I think that in the beginning they just thought it was "Kelly being Kelly". Then they realized it was far bigger than that. One thing for sure, Bravo loves drama and they had it on that trip. They don't remove someone from the drama when they are getting stuff that good for no reason. I cannot ever blame any of them for the way they handled that whole deal. Lisa Rinna was still going on and on about a limo ride with Kim a year later. Talking about how scary it was and acting like it had all but ruined her life. By contrast, what she went through with Kim was nothing compared to what those gals went through with Kelly. And yes, Beth was hard on Kelly at the reunion because she refused to own up to anything, just continuing to blame everyone else. 

I think there was a post above that outlined what Beth ACTUALLY did after Kelly went to her room. So there's that. Plus I really don't give much credit to people who only back off at the very last minute and only AFTER the damage has been done but as usual mileage varies.

Edited by Yours Truly
15 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

When you go too far trying to be right and you were always so very wrong. 

Yes, Ramona posted a picture of her dog pooing to prove he or she goes outdoors.  Probably one of her more tasteful posts.  (Why is it I can hear the chorus of "Money Can't Buy  You Class" as the background music.)

Why is that harness around the dog's leg??!  WTF, Ramona?

  • Love 2
7 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Exactly. They left her alone when they realized something was seriously wrong. When you are in the middle of something like that, you don't always see it clearly. Kelly was always nuts, saying strange and inappropriate things. I think that in the beginning they just thought it was "Kelly being Kelly". Then they realized it was far bigger than that. One thing for sure, Bravo loves drama and they had it on that trip. They don't remove someone from the drama when they are getting stuff that good for no reason. I cannot ever blame any of them for the way they handled that whole deal. Lisa Rinna was still going on and on about a limo ride with Kim a year later. Talking about how scary it was and acting like it had all but ruined her life. By contrast, what she went through with Kim was nothing compared to what those gals went through with Kelly. And yes, Beth was hard on Kelly at the reunion because she refused to own up to anything, just continuing to blame everyone else. 

Not to try to start a fight, but your last sentence made me think......

If, at one point people realized that Kelly was indeed a little cracked, Why did Methenny feel the need to keep hammering away on someone who they had already deemed to be off their rocker? What was that going to accomplish?

BF would be screaming bloody murder if she was treated the way she has trolled the people on the show.

I can hardly wait for her to get some religion.

  • Love 8
2 minutes ago, ElDosEquis said:

Not to try to start a fight, but your last sentence made me think......

If, at one point people realized that Kelly was indeed a little cracked, Why did Methenny feel the need to keep hammering away on someone who they had already deemed to be off their rocker? What was that going to accomplish?

BF would be screaming bloody murder if she was treated the way she has trolled the people on the show.

I can hardly wait for her to get some religion.

Kelly vs. Bethenny is very much what we are seeing in the Carole vs. Aviva, Carole vs. Luann.  Both Carole and Kelly feel (felt) that they should be able, as they would in the real lives, shut out somebody who has offended them.  Kelly had zero use for Bethenny from the time the first met on screen.  She told her they would not be friends and Bethenny brought up a bunch of ancient history off camera stuff, that meant zip to Kelly.  Bethenny never wanted to film with Kelly she tried to get the other not to film with her because she was the hot mom/former model with true social connections.  Kelly wasn't their chef, she was their peer. 

  • Love 2
42 minutes ago, izabella said:

Why is that harness around the dog's leg??!  WTF, Ramona?

I have that same kind of harness for my dog. First, it isn't adjusted correctly - the two "D" rings should go directly above the dog's spine and the leash should be clipped thru both rings. That's just the sign of an idiot pet owner.

The back story behind the photo is probably worth more than the photo itself.  Imagine the Ramonster following the dog around, waiting for it to take a shit, then, framing up the shot and taking several - to make sure it was the RIGHT photo.

  • Love 4
58 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

Wasn't well for real?

So all of her other odd behavior was considered what? Cause right off the bat I could tell that Kelly lived in her own particular brand of reality and Beth mocked that detail before scary island while other wives made light reference of it during the season. Oh it's when someone becomes unhinged and ACTS OUT negatively that people stop and reflect on the level of abrasiveness necessary for any particular contrast they are having with someone else? Push until it's obvious you shouldn't push anymore? <sigh>

Mmhm, for real.  Meaning she was likely always not well but there's way no any of them could have known it, nor any reason to assume it, in someone they hadn't known for long.    I do think it's unfair to spar with someone who clearly isn't equipped to do so.  I just happen to disagree that in her case that was clear or even that it should've been because Kelly had some non-delusional moments as well.   Excluding professionals, I don't think everybody can pick something like that up unless they've spent a concentrated amount of time with the other person.   I believe Beth in particular was vocal about Kelly because Kelly herself couldn't take an L.  She insisted upon addressing Beth with:  delusions she was accustomed to other people indulging + wild inaccuracies that really gained steam in her imagination + conflicting sentiments in the same breath + inability to focus on conversations she initiated.    Watch the clip, it's the only time Beth ever approached Kelly and that was in an attempt to smooth out their tension.   She would not be ignored (Dan) lol.

  • Love 5
10 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

Mmhm, for real.  Meaning she was likely always not well but there's way no any of them could have known it, nor any reason to assume it, in someone they hadn't known for long.    I do think it's unfair to spar with someone who clearly isn't equipped to do so.  I just happen to disagree that in her case that was clear or even that it should've been because Kelly had some non-delusional moments as well.   Excluding professionals, I don't think everybody can pick something like that up unless they've spent a concentrated amount of time with the other person.   I believe Beth in particular was vocal about Kelly because Kelly herself couldn't take an L.  She insisted upon addressing Beth with:  delusions she was accustomed to other people indulging + wild inaccuracies that really gained steam in her imagination + conflicting sentiments in the same breath + inability to focus on conversations she initiated.    Watch the clip, it's the only time Beth ever approached Kelly and that was in an attempt to smooth out their tension.   She would not be ignored (Dan) lol.

I always felt that Bethenny finally lost it on Kelly because of her pregnancy (hormones/fear/stress) but I now realize that that sort of vicious verbal attack is normal with Bethenny no matter if the person she goes after deserves it or not. Yes, Kelly was OTT with her own verbal aggressions with/towards Bethenny on the SI trip but as we saw during the last 2 episodes, that nasty OTT, aggressive verbal assault, even when no one is doing anything aggressive towards her, is a go to/natural with Bethenny. And that Bethenny likes to gloat to others after she does her verbal beat downs.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

Girl I don't think it is important.   Like most conversations, I do think it's contextual.   And contextually, this compilation is how I'll always remember Kelly.   My apologies for subjecting you to the background music, it's pretty terrible.



Thank you for posting the link to this video!!!!  This is how I remember Kelly as well. 

  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

I always felt that Bethenny finally lost it on Kelly because of her pregnancy (hormones/fear/stress) but I now realize that that sort of vicious verbal attack is normal with Bethenny no matter if the person she goes after deserves it or not. Yes, Kelly was OTT with her own verbal aggressions with/towards Bethenny on the SI trip but as we saw during the last 2 episodes, that nasty OTT, aggressive verbal assault, even when no one is doing anything aggressive towards her, is a go to/natural with Bethenny. And that Bethenny likes to gloat to others after she does her verbal beat downs.

After the gloating comes  blame the recipient for making her go there.  In Carole and Bethenny's world that is apparent suffice for an apology. 

  • Love 7
27 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

Mmhm, for real.  Meaning she was likely always not well but there's way no any of them could have known it, nor any reason to assume it, in someone they hadn't known for long.    I do think it's unfair to spar with someone who clearly isn't equipped to do so.  I just happen to disagree that in her case that was clear or even that it should've been because Kelly had some non-delusional moments as well.   Excluding professionals, I don't think everybody can pick something like that up unless they've spent a concentrated amount of time with the other person.   I believe Beth in particular was vocal about Kelly because Kelly herself couldn't take an L.  She insisted upon addressing Beth with:  delusions she was accustomed to other people indulging + wild inaccuracies that really gained steam in her imagination + conflicting sentiments in the same breath + inability to focus on conversations she initiated.    Watch the clip, it's the only time Beth ever approached Kelly and that was in an attempt to smooth out their tension.   She would not be ignored (Dan) lol.

Funny kinda sounds like how Beth operates...

  • Love 2
29 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

Thank you for posting the link to this video!!!!  This is how I remember Kelly as well. 

This link shows a collage of the other wives pretty much interrupting Kelly and smirking and laughing at her attempts at explaining anything. Look, I get it. She doesn't have the best social skills but what that link showed me was her gaining frustrations with no only being inarticulate but not being able to get out any points before getting interrupted and corrected for every error she made while talking to the others. It's when she sees the mocking beginning that she gets rolling on that completely messy train of words. During the scene with Romana on Beth's? lap Kelly asks if they are going to make out. A desperate attempt to lighten the mood and have everyone just take her out of their sights cause see "Kelly's going with the flow, making a joke and trying to slip back into the group conversation by saying something random. That turned it back on her. Someone mentioned chemical imbalance, and then it goes from there instead of just rolling with it.  That first scene at the table on the boat she was trying to express her discomfort with something and made the mistake about Lemons, Lemonade and BAM, "hold that thought Kelly, Lemons Lemonade...?" Let's go into that instead. Really? I mean I hate it when I'm trying to say something and make a point and then I get interrupted so someone can call me out on my misuse of a word or sentiment. That's neither here nor there. Kinda like when Terry and Heather were discussing a real problem that Heather was having with Terry and he stopped her to say that she listed something twice. It's the same thing.

It's rude and it's condescending and it shows that you're not paying attention to the point trying to be made if your that easily distracted by some throw away comment in the midst of everything else being said. There's also a scene where she's trying to explain to Lu and Lu is giggling and inserting some sort of comment, laughing with someone else while Kelly's trying to express whatever. I get that Kelly sucks at it, but to me thats why it makes it that much more shitty when the other women derail her so often and so deliberately.  It happened throughout the season and well, I saw a whole different perspective cause I've been the Kelly of the group for no other reason than my verbal expressions of things weren't as articulate as my written word. Get tongue tied, lost train of thought and lost my point all the while being interrupted, "ribbed" and laughed at by "friends" who were then too busy having a laugh that my point was old news and nobody was interested even though it was an important point for me to make. Well, that used to be the case. Now I would be able to go toe to with the ugly likes of Beth and people like her and I recognized all the little barbs and tid bits of shit that occurred not only with Beth but by the others and even the ones that were closer to her that season. I also saw when Kelly went on guard and although it was unfortunate I saw what lead up to it.

Mind you that doesn't take away from Kelly's snark worthy moments but I think there was a totally different work up involved when it came to a lot of her interactions with the ladies.

Edited by Yours Truly
38 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

 Watch the clip, it's the only time Beth ever approached Kelly and that was in an attempt to smooth out their tension.  

I tried to watch it but damn, that was painful.  It was like if someone video'd a bunch of my autistic adult nephew's meltdowns, put them to music, added nasty captions and then opened the comment section so every vile thing possible could be said about him.  Kelly could totally be on the spectrum. Or high.  But something was/is wrong with her.  Bethenny should have been the bigger person. Bravo was right to remove her from this cluster.

And the...'lady'...who put that compilation together?  This was her introduction to this lil masterpiece:


From start to end every clip I could find showing Kelly loosing her mind.

Beth's star pupil.

  • Love 3
18 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

When you go too far trying to be right and you were always so very wrong. 

Yes, Ramona posted a picture of her dog pooing to prove he or she goes outdoors.  Probably one of her more tasteful posts.  (Why is it I can hear the chorus of "Money Can't Buy  You Class" as the background music.)

Ramona's dog Coco taking a crap outside on grass is not impressive at all. What WOULD be impressive is for Ramona to be seen with her hand inside a plastic supermarket bag picking up after her dog, like I do and like the regulations of most cities enforce. Something tells me she just left it there.

  • Love 3
10 minutes ago, ryebread said:

I tried to watch it but damn, that was painful.  It was like if someone video'd a bunch of my autistic adult nephew's meltdowns, put them to music, added nasty captions and then opened the comment section so every vile thing possible could be said about him.  Kelly could totally be on the spectrum. Or high.  But something was/is wrong with her.  Bethenny should have been the bigger person. Bravo was right to remove her from this cluster.

And the...'lady'...who put that compilation together?  This was her introduction to this lil masterpiece:

Beth's star pupil.

Tell me about it I had to stop and move it around and watch only what I needed to watch in order to jar my memory somewhat but damn that was rough to even skim through. Yikes!

  • Love 2
33 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

This link shows a collage of the other wives pretty much interrupting Kelly and smirking and laughing at her attempts at explaining anything. Look, I get it. She doesn't have the best social skills but what that link showed me was her gaining frustrations with no only being inarticulate but not being able to get out any points before getting interrupted and corrected for every error she made while talking to the others. It's when she sees the mocking beginning that she gets rolling on that completely messy train of words. During the scene with Romana on Beth's? lap Kelly asks if they are going to make out. A desperate attempt to lighten the mood and have everyone just take her out of their sights cause see "Kelly's going with the flow, making a joke and trying to slip back into the group conversation by saying something random. That turned it back on her. Someone mentioned chemical imbalance, and then it goes from there instead of just rolling with it.  That first scene at the table on the boat she was trying to express her discomfort with something and made the mistake about Lemons, Lemonade and BAM, "hold that thought Kelly, Lemons Lemonade...?" Let's go into that instead. Really? I mean I hate it when I'm trying to say something and make a point and then I get interrupted so someone can call me out on my misuse of a word or sentiment. That's neither here nor there. Kinda like when Terry and Heather were discussing a real problem that Heather was having with Terry and he stopped her to say that she listed something twice. It's the same thing.

It's rude and it's condescending and it shows that you're not paying attention to the point trying to be made if your that easily distracted by some throw away comment in the midst of everything else being said. There's also a scene where she's trying to explain to Lu and Lu is giggling and inserting some sort of comment, laughing with someone else while Kelly's trying to express whatever. I get that Kelly sucks at it, but to me thats why it makes it that much more shitty when the other women derail her so often and so deliberately.  It happened throughout the season and well, I saw a whole different perspective cause I've been the Kelly of the group for no other reason than my verbal expressions of things weren't as articulate as my written word. Get tongue tied, lost train of thought and lost my point all the while being interrupted, "ribbed" and laughed at by "friends" who were then too busy having a laugh that my point was old news and nobody was interested even though it was an important point for me to make. Well, that used to be the case. Now I would be able to go toe to with the ugly likes of Beth and people like her and I recognized all the little barbs and tid bits of shit that occurred not only with Beth but by the others and even the ones that were closer to her that season. I also saw when Kelly went on guard and although it was unfortunate I saw what lead up to it.

Mind you that doesn't take away from Kelly's snark worthy moments but I think there was a totally different work up involved when it came to a lot of her interactions with the ladies.

I didn't see it that way then and I don't see it that way now.  Nor did I see that she was systematically bullied. Agree to disagree.

  • Love 11

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