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How I Want The Americans To End

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I wanted to see just how the fans are feeling about the inevitable ending of the Americans and what will happen with Philip and Elizabeth.  I've grown to root for their survival, but many want them to pay for their crimes.  Should they return to Russia or die for their cause?  Can you imagine them in prison or would the US execute them if they are caught?  

I considered doing a poll, but I think the options may be too varied for that just yet. Maybe the last season, that would work or if someone thinks that's feasible, please start one. 

What would you like to see happen to Philip and Elizabeth.  I guess we should add Stan in their too. 

I didn't see another thread about this, if there is, I hope they can be combined. And I take it this will NOT contain spoilers, just wishes for the ending.

I do want to see the fall of the Soviet Union and the impact that will have on everyone on screen.

In my heart of hearts though, in spite of it being completely unrealistic?  I'd like to see the Jennings family walk away, continue their lives as actual Americans, or perhaps relocate to another country, Canada or some place in Europe that has a more neutral political system, and finally, for the first times in their lives, simply live. 

The last thing I want is them to join the FSB and continue spying.

I'd also like to see the kids in Russia though, and the parents realizing this will never work, not for the kids, and certainly no longer for them.  So, to make my unrealistic ending even more unrealistic?  A trip there that makes them decide to bail on all of it.

  • Love 12

Honestly, I just want Philip and Elizabeth to be happy and safe. How, I don't know. I absolutely want them to get away; I don't want them in prison or executed or deported. Maybe they can move to Canada; it's colder there. More snow for the Russians. A better political balance. And it would be cool if they could go visit Russia.

I don't think I want Stan ever to find out the truth, and I hope Martha meets a studly Soviet hockey player who can Kama Sutra with her all winter. I wish I could wish something for Nina.

I'd also love to see Elizabeth's reaction to Gorbechev and glasnost. 

Edited by madam magpie
  • Love 9

I would like to see the Jennings family get to a place of peace. Yes, I know they have committed horrible crimes, but I guess, I've just grown accustomed to their characters and their plight.  They were actually brainwashed in a way.  I don't see how they had much choice in the matter when they were picked out.  Elizabeth claims that she wanted to be strong for her country, but I'm not sure she was fully informed in what she was signing up for. I can see why some have no compassion for either of them.

I can't see them continuing to live in the US either.  I can see them returning to Russia to be disillusioned in what their country turned out to be. How will they be treated if they return?  I can envision that Paige and Henry would not happy in Russia. Would P & E allow Henry and Paige to stay in the US with Stan, Pastor Tim and Alice?  Maybe, Paige would like that. 

I just know that I don't want any of them to be killed...even Stan.  I do want to see his face when he discovers the truth.  Man, that's going to be very special scene!

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Thinking about Stan finding out who they really are, is making me want to watch Breaking Bad again. 

I don't know what I want to happen. I want the kids to be okay, and don't want Elizabeth or Phillip to be executed, but I'm not sure that I want them to get away with it all. 

I like William, because he's thinking about just how far he's willing to take things. I hoped that Phillip would go along with him. 

Oh no.....I don't think I want to see Stan sit down on the toilet to read a book and realize what he's been living beside all these years...that's a visual.  lol I think I want to see something very different from BB.  I especially do not want a Walter White ending, but I do hope they provide a nice musical number at the end that makes sense and the viewers can carry with them.  Back in the USSR might be too obvious and those going back, might not be that happy about it or feel that lucky. 

  • Love 1
7 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Oh no.....I don't think I want to see Stan sit down on the toilet to read a book and realize what he's been living beside all these years...that's a visual.  lol I think I want to see something very different from BB.  I especially do not want a Walter White ending, but I do hope they provide a nice musical number at the end that makes sense and the viewers can carry with them.  Back in the USSR might be too obvious and those going back, might not be that happy about it or feel that lucky. 

LOL! I didn't mean that I wanted to see Stan on the loo. :) I haven't watched BB since it ended  - it's been almost three years, and I'm feeling the urge to watch it again. 

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Such interesting possibilities already suggested. I could sign on to any of them (ETA: Not Stan on the loo). If there's a time jump to glasnost, Paige and Henry would be over 18 by then and could decide their own fates.

I'm intrigued by the way Paige seems to be developing an affinity for some aspects of spying and if she would continue spying - and if so - which country would it be for???

Edited by lulee
Clarification: No Stan on the loo
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, lulee said:

Such interesting possibilities already suggested. I could sign on to any of them (ETA: Not Stan on the loo). If there's a time jump to glasnost, Paige and Henry would be over 18 by then and could decide their own fates.

I'm intrigued by the way Paige seems to be developing an affinity for some aspects of spying and if she would continue spying - and if so - which country would it be for???

Yeah, I already said I didn't mean for Stan to be on the loo. I wonder how long it will take him to find out who they are, if that will be the season finale next year. 

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Just joking around, Anela.

I like Noah Emmerich as an actor, but he has a much quieter and passive demeanor, especially as Stan (IMO), than Russell and Rhys who can both really crackle. So I'm very curious what the big reveal will look like with them. I think Stan has to find out by the series end, absolutely, but I have a hard time picturing what it will look like.

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Yes, I want to see the fall of the Soviet Union - but I'd also like more discussion about the conflicts and corruption leading up to it. I don't want it to be just like - poof! I want process. And I want Philizabeth to have some recognition around the differences between the ideals they signed up for, and the real-world corruption that is rotting their Union from the inside-out. And, very importantly, I want some serious soul-searching - especially from Liz. I want her to really come to terms with what she's done for the sake of the cause - often with blind faith and obedience. I want to see them both come out of this - but there has to be some deep and gut-renching soul-searching in the process around the means they justified on the path towards their desired ends.

  • Love 6

My ideal ending is cynical as hell but I like it.  The Jennings make it to the fall of the Soviet Union and all is well then fast foward to current times and Putin giving a speech on tv being watched by A grown up Paige and her family.  She tells her kids it's time to go to school.  Her husband tells her he has to go to work.  It is all very vague but as Paige waves goodbye the phone rings and she answers it.

  • Love 8

In typing out a response in the episode thread I realized something.

Paige is basically holding up a mirror for Elizabeth and Philip.

  • She is the age they were when recruited.
  • She is asking the questions they've stopped asking themselves.
  • They must decide, and fairly soon, if what they are doing is worth it.
  • Paige's questions and future may very well be the catalyst for change and resolve in this show.
  • Love 8
36 minutes ago, Umbelina said:

Paige is basically holding up a mirror for Elizabeth and Philip.


Yeah, I think they've been dancing closer to this question all along, and really that's probably standard for most parents. With Elizabeth it's most explicit. Remember Paige even asking her flat-out if she would send her away like her mother did to her (after Elizabeth said she thought she ought to be emulating her mother's not even having to think about it) and Elizabeth only being able to say it wouldn't be necessary. This season she asked if her mother really loved her...or really said she did etc.

With Philip it's not so explicit but it's there too. I always remember how he had the flashback to his own teen sex training after having to run out of Kimmie's house. He didn't seem himself to make the connection that he was trying to spare her from fake sex while remembering his own sex training, but it seemed like the connection was there for us. He just didn't see himself as someone who needed protecting, just as he claimed that he and Elizabeth "chose" their life but Paige was just having it dumped on her...when of course it wasn't that different for them. 

Still, I don't think the show is being so clear about the answer as the two of them realizing that the way they were raised to think was simply wrong. I like how the show gives respect to people believing in things beyond themselves and having responsibility to others and not always considering their needs most important. Paige herself actually longed for that before her parents told her anything like this about themselves. The show does seem to see that as a valuable activity so it's not always just right to do what makes you happy in the moment. I like how the moments where Paige seems most swayed (not that she's ever been completely swayed) by her parents and their cause seem to be times they're not trying to sway her, they're just speaking their truth in a quiet way. That's when she can see something valuable and admirable there. 

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I think they are getting there though, but I answered it in the KGB directives thread...

ETA but I see cracks that will probably be important to the show's end.

Oleg and William both admire that Russian who did not launch missiles and end the world. Both just betrayed their country for the higher purpose of doing what's best for humanity.  Well, it looks like William caves to Gabe's handling, but still, he wanted to.

Philip would have covered for William, I know that in my bones.  He's teetering.

Elizabeth is the tough nut to crack here about being human rather than being "American!" or "Russian!"  I honestly think Paige will be the nutcracker for Elizabeth, the only thing that can open her up and make her really see what's important to her, her daughter, or her country.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 4
9 minutes ago, Umbelina said:

Oleg and William both admire that Russian who did not launch missiles and end the world. Both just betrayed their country for the higher purpose of doing what's best for humanity.  Well, it looks like William caves to Gabe's handling, but still, he wanted to.

Philip would have covered for William, I know that in my bones.  He's teetering.

Oh, absolutely. But none of those characters were just deciding their cause was stupid. It was a much smarter and more considered decision that was hard for them to make. Even Elizabeth when she's steadfast to what the Centre wants isn't just following orders blindly. She's trying to do what she thinks is most important. Sometimes she (and even William and Philip) come down on doing what the Centre wants because they see it as benefiting more people, but sometimes they don't.

Philip's been pretty explicit about this for a while--no wonder William seemed to be inspired by him. His finding another way with Kimmie and getting Elizabeth to Germany and saving Martha were all pretty bold stances for putting people at the center of his morality.

  • Love 1
17 minutes ago, sistermagpie said:

Yeah, I think they've been dancing closer to this question all along, and really that's probably standard for most parents. With Elizabeth it's most explicit. Remember Paige even asking her flat-out if she would send her away like her mother did to her (after Elizabeth said she thought she ought to be emulating her mother's not even having to think about it) and Elizabeth only being able to say it wouldn't be necessary. This season she asked if her mother really loved her...or really said she did etc.

Elizabeth didn't just say it wouldn't be necessary for Paige to be sent away. She was emphatic that Paige would "never have to do anything like that." That seems to match her reaction to Paige reporting to her about Matthew. It looked to me like Elizabeth was disturbed by that. She and Philip don't seem to want Paige to actually spy on anyone except the Groovyhairs. And wasn't it last season when Paige asked if her parents loved her? Elizabeth said "Of course we do." That's not the first time Elizabeth told Paige that she loved her, though. I agree that Paige is a mirror for her parents, primarily her mother, in the way children often are, but the mirror is making Elizabeth face her life, her choices, what's been done to her, through the eyes of her child, who sees everything completely differently than she does. Because she's not particularly self-aware, this often confounds Elizabeth. But she also seems shaken by it, including in that scene in East Germany. When Paige says she doesn't understand how Elizabeth's mother could just say goodbye to her forever, Elizabeth seems to both ponder that from the new perspective of a parent and think Paige doesn't get it because their lives have been so different. It's that dichotomy that's bound to make an impression. Through Paige, Elizabeth is able to see the child she was through an adult lens, and "You know, yeah...how could you all do that to me?" seems a reasonable thing for her to think eventually. It would be awfully soft, though, so she may fight acknowledging it.

I think it's pretty obvious that Elizabeth will choose family over country in the end. Her entire evolution as a character has been pointed in that direction, and for her to change course now would be a bizarre storytelling misdirect. What exactly will push her over the edge is a mystery to me. I feel like it's got to be the Centre threatening to take Philip and/or the kids from her, but I have trouble coming up with a scenario...also how this show gets where it's obviously going is often hard to predict. She may also sacrifice herself to save them; she's been willing to do that before. I just hope the show doesn't kill off Elizabeth in the end.

  • Love 4

Yes, right back to that mirror.

Elizabeth is lying to herself about Paige's future in this life.  Paige demanding no more lies and specifics makes Elizabeth face up to not only the lies she's telling her daughter, but the lies she's telling herself.

I'm not as sure as you about what "steadfast" Elizabeth will do in the end though.  I can see her willingly dying for either her country, or for Paige. 

  • Love 1

I think that if she forsakes her family and dies for her country, it would be out of character at this point. She could secure the safety of her family and die for her country, though. She could also sacrifice herself to save her family in the name of her country. But I don't think she can sacrifice Paige, Henry, and/or Philip for Mother Russia. I actually don't think she'd have ever done that, even at the beginning of the show, but the character definitely isn't in the mindset to do it now. I'm reminded of that scene at the end of season one where she and Philip are arguing about who should take the more dangerous mission. She thinks she should because if she dies or is caught, the kids will be better off with Philip. He disagrees, saying they need her and "You're their mother." She kind of holds that for a moment and then teary and frustrated says, "I know that." She's never been a character who'd toss her kids to the wolves, not even for her country, though as I've said before, I'm not sure she actually knows that yet.

You know...I honestly have no idea what Elizabeth thinks Paige's future in this life is. That's totally unclear to me. I'm not sure Elizabeth knows herself or has even really taken the time to think about it because thinking about it requires a hard look at what the life really is. I think she's mostly just scared at this point. She wants everyone to be safe and she has less and less control over that.

Edited by madam magpie
  • Love 3
6 minutes ago, madam magpie said:

It looked to me like Elizabeth was disturbed by that. She and Philip don't seem to want Paige to actually spy on anyone except the Groovyhairs.

And they don't even really want her to spy on them. They just need her to keep them happy and not wanting to turn them in for Paige's sake. 


8 minutes ago, madam magpie said:

Through Paige, Elizabeth is able to see the child she was through an adult lens, and "You know, yeah...how could you all do that to me?" seems a reasonable thing for her to think eventually. It would be awfully soft, though, so she may fight acknowledging it.

Yes, that particular angle has I think always been the elephant in the room. Elizabeth's dream, especially, really laid that out where she realized that killing Pastor Tim would throw Paige into the world and feel something like handing over Elizabeth to be raped. I'm sure she's never allowed herself to think of it that way before, but underneath she's always been hiding from that connection, that she was sent away by the person who was supposed to protect her and then raped by someone who was supposed to protect her while those who were supposed to protect her looked on. That's probably why Philip's actions in the pilot are so important. It's the first time somebody without thinking said what was done to Elizabeth mattered as much as anything else in the world, or more. 

But still, at the same time I do think that there will always be a difference there, that Elizabeth can see her own sacrifice as necessary where Paige's is not. She once asked Philip sarcastically if he wanted life to be easy and he without hesitation said for Paige, yes. But I think Elizabeth can want something different for her daughter while still seeing reasons they couldn't be that way for her. Like I don't think she's ever going to see her mother as a failed American parent--but she can also stop seeing American parents as failed Russian ones like she seemed determined to do from the start.

All this, btw, as usual makes me wonder about Philip's parents. If his father died when he was 6 and was "tired" at home, what about his mother? We know she got his wages for him, we know he grew up thinking life was about hard work and protecting your family, but how did he feel valued by his mother? The two of them really did grow up under different circumstances where different parenting was necessary. They were surviving in a very different world than Paige lives in.

9 minutes ago, Umbelina said:

I'm not as sure as you about what "steadfast" Elizabeth will do in the end though.  I can see her willingly dying for either her country, or for Paige. 

Also remember she's got a husband who seems to be just as steadfast in his devotion to her. That means her decisions are going to affect him in ways she'll have to live with as well. She seems to feel that her not being in the family would be okay, but that might be too easy.

2 minutes ago, madam magpie said:

She's never been a character who'd toss her kids to the wolves, not even for her country, though as I've said before, I'm not sure she actually knows that yet.

Yeah, that always seemed to be something she felt she should be able to do without ever being able to do it. That was part of Gregory, too, that he was there to remind her that the family was fake, that her "real self" was with him and that both of them would sacrifice anything for the cause. By the time we meet Elizabeth even she doesn't believe that's who she is. When Gregory says to Philip that he and Elizabeth would sacrifice their family for the cause he just says, "You don't have a family, do you?"

  • Love 3

I do want P & E to face the consequences of their actions, just as an American spy who is caught in Russia would face his/her Russian consequences. A "happy" ending would merely pander to audience in the way the first "Independence Day" movie panders to the audience desperate for a happy ending. The family unit should be decimated. Maybe one of P/E dead in a shootout with the FBI and one in solitary confinement forever - the kids should have to change their last name (as the Rosenberg kids did) and make a life forever hiding and denying their heritage. Maybe that's too much reality for the audience to handle, but it would be more believable than any other ending.

  • Love 6

I would like to see Elizabeth redeem herself by allowing herself to be arrested in order to save her family.  Phillip and the children assume new identities and continue life as free Americans or Canadians.  Stan will figure it all out finally and perhaps even help most of the Jennings family to escape.  He may die in my finale of choice, but at least he would know before he does, that what he was looking for was right under his nose all the time.  Elizabeth will rot in  prison and Phillip will use his mastery in disguises to visit her at some point, to update her on how the kids are doing.  That would be a very tense scene as obviously her visitors would be carefully monitored.  Not sure about other characters.  

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, BetyBee said:

I would like to see Elizabeth redeem herself by allowing herself to be arrested in order to save her family.  Phillip and the children assume new identities and continue life as free Americans or Canadians.  Stan will figure it all out finally and perhaps even help most of the Jennings family to escape.  He may die in my finale of choice, but at least he would know before he does, that what he was looking for was right under his nose all the time.  Elizabeth will rot in  prison and Phillip will use his mastery in disguises to visit her at some point, to update her on how the kids are doing.  That would be a very tense scene as obviously her visitors would be carefully monitored.  Not sure about other characters.  

Wy does Philip get to escape and not have to redeem himself? He's just as complicit as Elizabeth is. Plus, according to what I've read, he's killed more people.

  • Love 3
12 hours ago, Wanderlust said:

I do want P & E to face the consequences of their actions, just as an American spy who is caught in Russia would face his/her Russian consequences. A "happy" ending would merely pander to audience in the way the first "Independence Day" movie panders to the audience desperate for a happy ending. The family unit should be decimated. Maybe one of P/E dead in a shootout with the FBI and one in solitary confinement forever - the kids should have to change their last name (as the Rosenberg kids did) and make a life forever hiding and denying their heritage. Maybe that's too much reality for the audience to handle, but it would be more believable than any other ending.

Is that reality? Because when the Cohens were arrested and jailed they were traded after a few years and lived the rest of their lives together in Russia where they lived relatively comfortable lives. The Heathfield/Foley SVR agents who inspired this show were caught and back in Russia 2 weeks later. They now live comfortable lives in Russia, while their children suffer the loss of the Canadian citizenship and American schooling but still live comfortable, educated lives and have a relationship with their parents. As for the Rosenbergs, the boys didn't have to change their name, they were adopted and that meant taking their adoptive parents' name. They have never disassociated from their origins and have campaigned hard for their mother to be exonerated, (as she was almost certainly innocent) while running a charity to help children in similar situations. Even some of their own children, Ethel and Julius' grandchildren, have either joined their cause or used their background to further their own career in the case of Ivy Meerpool.

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, madam magpie said:

Wy does Philip get to escape and not have to redeem himself? He's just as complicit as Elizabeth is. Plus, according to what I've read, he's killed more people.

Because this is how I want the Americans to end, lol.  You can choose your own ending too.  However, I do agree that Philip has at least as much to redeem himself for.  I think if only one can be with the kids, Elizabeth would choose for it to be Philip.  It seems like she may have even said this in the past.  Hopefully, he would suffer from guilt in my scenario and would not be very happy.  It's okay with me if they both go to prison.  They both deserve it.  The main thing to me is that the kids are safe and free.  

  • Love 1

Yeah, How I WANT the show to end is quite different from How I THINK the show will end.  ;)


More and more I'm thinking that either Elizabeth or Philip sacrifice themselves and are killed so the other can escape with the kids.  One dead, one alive, and since Elizabeth is the logical one to die?  It will be Philip dying. 

Unless we do get to flash forward all the way to the fall of the USSR, which would be very cool, both parents alive or not.  Actually it could still work with one parent dying, and one continuing on with the kids, either in Russia or here or somewhere else.  I do hope that we get our Stan moment of realization though, and possible even that he does catch them, and maybe even that a deal is cut. 

The last thing I want is Elizabeth or Philip continuing to spy for Russia with the FSB or something, but it could happen, more and more the Paige situation is making Liz look more clearly at her life though.

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If it comes down to it and Stan discovers the truth, the only option may be for P or E to kill Stan.  I don't think they would do that.  I would hope that they stun or secure him and make a run for it.  Of course, that is likely to get them killed or captured.  I'm not giving up on the idea that the P & E leave the kids to live with Pastor Tim and Alice. 

My prediction is Elizabeth and/or Phillip will probably turn themselves in or something in exchange for political asylum. This is FOX...so I wouldn't be surprised. I think this would be lame if this were to occur, just another example of America being "superior" (good guys) to the "inferior" USSR/Russia (bad guys). The whole stupid "us" and "other" effects which is so prevalent in Western film and media. Hopefully we get something interesting instead. Something more neutral and interesting. Not another "FBI is 100-0 against big bad evil KGB" and we've finally caught them/ brought them to justice kind of ending.


I need Stan to figure out the truth.  I need Paige, Henry, and the Pastor's family to be safe and happy.  I need Paige and Henry to stay in America and live as Americans.

The rest of the characters can die, or get caught, or go back to Russia, or go into hiding.  I trust the writers to make it satisfying.  However, I wouldn't mind if Philip and Elizabeth grew old together somewhere safe.  It's also OK with me if they are punished or die.  I don't need them to be punished, but I don't need them to be safe either.

I kind of like the thought of Martha remaining a mystery as to the exact details of her new life.  I don't have any opinion regarding Misha Jr. yet since we just met him.  I hope Agent Aderholt gets promoted for his thorough work.  I have a feeling Gabriel is going to die.  He coughed and sat down that time and coughing is basically a death sentence on TV, right?  That would be all right with me, too.

Edited by DoubleUTeeEff
too many words
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I don't mind it if P & E were to make some deal with the US, but, what would they have to offer?  Maybe, someone who knows more about those kind of things can chime in.  They know a few people, but once that was given, they would not be able to provide anything to the US about the Soviet's secrets.  They don't get secrets from the Soviets, they get them from the US, so I don't know. if they really have value. I suppose there is value in them not being spies for the KGB anymore, but certainly there are others and others will be sent.  OR maybe they could be traded for Americans held in Russia.  What if they traded Philip for MARTHA!  Do you think that the CENTER would make that exchange?

  • Love 2

I want them to somehow manage to settle in Sweden as it's the nearest place to perfect for them as it's the best combination of both their worlds. Cold War neutral, all the personal freedoms and modern conveniences that they are used to, but highly socialised health care, education, etc. And winter weather that would make them feel truly at home. The language would be easier for Paige and Henry to learn than Russian and if all four of the Jennings were starting a new life together it would breed less resentment with the kids than if Philip and Elizabeth were at 'home.' And it's always struck me that if Philip really were Scott then he wouldn't feel like shit all the time.

Edited by AllyB
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I want to see them find out the USSR fell and that for several years it was a place going well BUT I don't want them to see the rise of Putin and taking the country backwards again which would be about 20+ years into the future. Added later:  Because it is looking more like the way the country was when they were fighting for it.  I want them to realize that Communism is a scourge. 

Edited by crgirl412
  • Love 2

Have they addressed the fact they own a petite bourgeois business? It's a real travel agency, right? I'd like Philip and Elizabeth to use the chaotic period when the USSR falls apart to focus on their business and end up owning a travel agency empire, and retire to Bad Homburg or Switzerland or something. They have been working so damn hard their whole lives. 

  • Love 6

I want poor Stan to figure things out at last and for the Jenningses' only option to save their kids' American citizenship be turning double agent. On the surface, they would be living the same sorts of lives, with the same dangers, yet miserable to be betraying their country. I love them dearly as characters but they have done very bad things and don't deserve any "get off scot free" ending. I also want the death of the old lady at the repair shop to be what does them in. Lois Smith for the posthumous win!

  • Love 2

I think Stan should get the sack for being incompetent, lose his house, move in with Jennings (because Philip is his best and only friend). He'd be disillusioned with Murica, and the Jennings would turn him to their cause.

I don't need to see the Jennings punished. What they have done is insignificant to the people killed by Cold War foreign policies. 

On 6/4/2016 at 0:58 PM, BetyBee said:

Because this is how I want the Americans to end, lol.  You can choose your own ending too.  However, I do agree that Philip has at least as much to redeem himself for.  I think if only one can be with the kids, Elizabeth would choose for it to be Philip.  It seems like she may have even said this in the past.  Hopefully, he would suffer from guilt in my scenario and would not be very happy.  It's okay with me if they both go to prison.  They both deserve it.  The main thing to me is that the kids are safe and free.  

Rhys is such a great actor that it is hard not to like Phillip, despite him doing horrible things.  However, him continuing this course "for the love of Eilizabeth" is more annoying to me, then her continuing for her ideology.  She truly believes in her cause, but he just wants to be around her.  This is dangerous for their family.  I think the center will have no problem killing the whole family, when they are no longer valuable assets.  Even, if they retire, there is no way those kids are going to be happy living in the Soviet Union.

He should have defected a long time ago.

  • Love 4

I still like my ending best.  Cynical as hell but Honestly I don't need P & E to get caught.  If they do then they run and get away kind of thing.  Paige grows up and still ends up working for Russia.  Life goes on.  Nothing ever changes.  This is the kind of show that might just be just as cynical as me.  

Crosses fingers.

  • Love 1
On 6/3/2016 at 10:39 PM, Wanderlust said:

I do want P & E to face the consequences of their actions, just as an American spy who is caught in Russia would face his/her Russian consequences. A "happy" ending would merely pander to audience in the way the first "Independence Day" movie panders to the audience desperate for a happy ending. The family unit should be decimated. 

Since we are offering opinions on how we want this show to end, this quote is pretty much how I feel.

I, too, want them to suffer consequences for what they have done and for the the choices that they have made. Innocents have died because of them. (And yes, I understand that many people died because of the Cold War.) Having said that, I'm not sure what "consequences" I want them to face. Death? Imprisonment? This show is rarely - if ever - melodramatic and hopefully will not make that mistake when delivering P&E their fate.

I also believe that the family unit will be destroyed since "family" has been central to this show. I want Paige and Henry to be safe and free.

As far as Stan, he has been so pathetic of late that I hope for a decent end for him. Not a heroic one, however. I don't want him to "catch" P&E. Maybe he should retire from the FBI and open an electronics store in North Carolina.

Edited by Ellaria Sand
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I want Stan to figure out who Philip and Elizabeth really are, but not capture them. He is just a few steps behind them, and they escape. Based on the fact that there are only two more seasons, I do not think the show will go as far as the end of the Cold War. I want the last scene to be a flash forward. It will be a series of intercuts of the characters watching the fall of the Berlin Wall (sort of like the way they showed many of the characters watching The Day After). We will see where each character ended up and get some idea of what they are doing.

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Jennings are the bad guy in the show, so they must get caught!  The soviet union went down and so must they!  Commie goverment killed at least 100 million people in the last 100 years.  


A good bit before the Velvet Revolution starts.  The Jennings are making a break for Canada.  As they walked across the bridge into Canada.  In broad daylight.  Hand in hand.  Smiling knowing they have made it!  Suddenly, a whole army of Canadians police pour out of both side of the bridges and form a skirmish line.  Without saying a word.

Without a word the Jennings turn around and start walking back to the USA.  They all stop suddenly as soon as they turn around and look across the bridge.    There is a huge army of Feds spread out across the bridge on the American side with Stan in front of them!  A couple of helicopters start circling the bridge.  And Stan motion them over to them and says something really simple along the lines of.  Welcome back, or its over!     I got this idea from Canadian bridge scene in in the Untouchables. 

Edited by gwhh
15 minutes ago, gwhh said:

Jennings are the bad guy in the show, so they must get caught!

I don't think they are the bad guys on the show. The showrunners have even bristled at them being referred to as anti-heroes as opposed to heroes. (At least I think that was their exception--can't remember where the clip was from to check it.)

Edited by sistermagpie
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I suspect the show's ending will leave at least some of the character's future in doubt. Imagine if it ended toward the end of 1991, when the Communist party relinquishes control and Soviet republics withdraw from the USSR-- essentially signaling the end of the country.

So, P&E are watching the news, as George Bush (the first) declares the U.S. won the Cold War-- and suddenly their entire life's work is up in smoke.

Maybe Paige has become a mole working (or interning given the time frame) in the State Department or the White House (that was the point of recruiting a second generation-- someone born in the states that would pass a security clearance test). I think Paige suffering the consequences of her parent's actions would be pretty heavy. Maybe  P&E arrange to leave the country and somehow authorities get wind and grab Paige. The show ends with her being taken into custody

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