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S03.E22: Smother's Day

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I found this episode to be very funny.  I laughed out loud several times.  I loved how Beverly pulled out her years of coupons and the horrified reactions of Erica and Barry--as well as when they had to do the things on the coupons.  I love Gramps interactions with Adam....he was funny in that costume with the martini.  I also thought it was sweet how he understands everyone's situation, such as what Adam's father went through growing up, etc.  Sweet ending to the episode as usual.

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I loved the day of compliments coupon, and the compliments themselves: "You are always going around picking stuff up". 

 The bit with Murray/Maury/Adam/Alf was good. 

I was horrified with the pedicure; you don't buff callouses out after applying polish!!!! 

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That was a good episode (though presumably one that was in the can before Patton Oswalt's wife passed away). I loved the "blink and you'll miss it" moment when Pops said he would cover Adam's trip to Space Camp - brief cut to Adam holding Maury and their mouths open with excitement at the same time. Genius, show editors...

Also, on a purely shallow note, Hayley Orrantia looked super cute with the glasses and garbage bag outfit...

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I like this show, I do.  I liked the episode.  What bugs me is that if Bev is a great cook then how come none of her kids can't even make a simple meal.  Not reality in my book.  Who has not stood on a chair at the age of 2 or 3 and cooked with mom?  Who could not make a basic breakfast or meal by the age of 5 or 6?  Just bugs!

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1 hour ago, jumper sage said:

I like this show, I do.  I liked the episode.  What bugs me is that if Bev is a great cook then how come none of her kids can't even make a simple meal.  Not reality in my book.  Who has not stood on a chair at the age of 2 or 3 and cooked with mom?  Who could not make a basic breakfast or meal by the age of 5 or 6?  Just bugs!

That does bother me. It isn't like Bev hasn't gone over recipes or even encouraged cooking to all three kids. However, I do know a 17 year old who doesn't even know how to make a grilled cheese or peanutbutter sandwich because their mom has always done it for them. She's going away to college, I hope she at least learns how to make mac and cheese.  What helicopter parenting will do to their kids, they then don't know how to do anything.

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18 minutes ago, readster said:

That does bother me. It isn't like Bev hasn't gone over recipes or even encouraged cooking to all three kids. However, I do know a 17 year old who doesn't even know how to make a grilled cheese or peanutbutter sandwich because their mom has always done it for them. She's going away to college, I hope she at least learns how to make mac and cheese.  What helicopter parenting will do to their kids, they then don't know how to do anything.

Agreed!  I know young adults who literally can't work a washing machine.  Parents are not doing their kids any favors.  The whole Barry and daughter making a mess in the kitchen was ridiculous.

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16 hours ago, jumper sage said:

Agreed!  I know young adults who literally can't work a washing machine.  Parents are not doing their kids any favors.  The whole Barry and daughter making a mess in the kitchen was ridiculous.

You want to add something too. My sister-in-law knew a former employee who after working 4 years at the company had his car in the shop and got lost to work. He used his GPS for 4 years to always get to work. He never once looked at the streets or path he took for FOUR YEARS!  I mean there is relaying on tech and there is common sense. That's the problem, these kids are lacking such common sense these days its ridiculous. That's what gets me with Adam and Barry at times. They are lacking common sense to the most basic things. Of course, look at Murry. 

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This show is starting to get too repetitive.  And I know women like Bev who do everything for their kids and then get absolutely nothing in return on Mother's Day because that way of child rearing gives you self centered kids.  Although Barry and Erica are the worst.  And how many times is Adam going to guilt Murray into getting some expensive gift because Murray's dad sucked?  The only part of this show I'm liking these days is the relationship between Pops and Adam.

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That was a good episode (though presumably one that was in the can before Patton Oswalt's wife passed away).

I had no idea Patton Oswalt did the voice of adult Adam. I foolishly thought it might be real adult Adam's voice. 

I loved the mother smothering Barry and Barry trying to set a time limit.  Made me laugh. I'm sure we made shitty coupons like that for our parents. Luckily they throw stuff away willy nilly. 

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I loved the triumphant smirk that Adam gave Barry and Erica when he was the only one that remembered Mother's Day.

I thought they would dedicate this episode to Patton's wife.  My heart goes out to him and his daughter.  Sometimes life sure does suck.

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As someone who went to Space Camp, actually Space Academy, twice I enjoyed this episode.

I know people who have never set foot into a kitchen because their mother viewed it has her realm and never allowed their kids in.

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My mother was a fantastic cook but I never learned because there were a million other chores to do while she was cooking.  And while she was in no way a helicopter parent because her generation leaned toward the "seen and not heard" method of parenting, I was also the baby and spoiled rotten and if I didn't want to cook, I didn't have to.

I'm really not feeling Judd Hirsch as the dad, I liked Paul Sorvino better.  And now Judd is going to be a dad on The Big Bang Theory also.  Are there no other actors in Hollywood?

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Really enjoyed this episode.  So funny she kept all those coupons.


My favorite part was when they were at the mall, went to Chess King to buy his pants.  I hadn't thought of that store in years, but definitely remember it at every mall back in the 80s.  It hasn't been around since 1995 (I looked it up).  I wonder why they chose that and how they managed to recreate that storefront


I felt awful for PAtton OSwalt when I read about his wife.  Though looking up the series on IMDB he has been on fewer episodes than I thought as the voiceover.  And they didn't have him on the special they did last week about the series, disappointed me a bit.  His stand up is hilarious as well.  

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14 minutes ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

I felt awful for PAtton OSwalt when I read about his wife.  Though looking up the series on IMDB he has been on fewer episodes than I thought as the voiceover.  And they didn't have him on the special they did last week about the series, disappointed me a bit.  His stand up is hilarious as well.  

IMDB is not totally reliable on stuff like this.

I suppose it's possible there were 19 whole episodes without a narration, but if so I really have to go back and rewatch and scold myself for not paying attention. Or it could just be that since he's technically uncredited anyway, whoever makes those IMDB entries bungled it. 


BTW: believe it or not, he's been on his Twitter, albeit mostly just retweeting stuff: https://twitter.com/pattonoswalt

The quote from his daughter is totally heartbreaking.

He also wrote that thing for Time, which I only just saw: http://time.com/4316653/patton-oswalt-remembers-michelle-mcnamara/?xid=time_socialflow_facebook

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4 hours ago, mojoween said:

My mother was a fantastic cook but I never learned because there were a million other chores to do while she was cooking.  And while she was in no way a helicopter parent because her generation leaned toward the "seen and not heard" method of parenting.

I never learned either, but only because I didn't want to (I still don't). One time I caught the oven on fire making a frozen pizza.  I was probably Barry's age.  

What bugged me about that scene though is Bev probably had to clean that entire kitchen mess.

I like how Murray opened up just enough to Adam for Adam to see why Murray is the way he is.  It was definitely a more serious scene than this show usually does and both actors performed it wonderfully.

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The Space Camp stuff was awesome! I used to work for the company that edited the videos. The show used the actual footage that we used when we made our videos for the teams.  And I worked there in the late 80s early 90s, so I wonder if Adam went there when I was there. 


 The kitchen stuff doesn't bother me at all. My mom was a good cook when I was growing up but she just didn't want me in the kitchen. Occasionally I would get to bake some brownies or cookies but that was about it. It wasn't till I was 16 that I got to make my own Steakumm sandwiches. 

Edited by Runningwild
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