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S12.E21: You're Gonna Need Someone on Your Side

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15 hours ago, North said:

The thing is Callie did that BEFORE.  She was actively trying to talk to Arizona and Arizona closed the door.

Once she knew that Arizona wasn't okay with everything she knew it wasn't a given she could just take Sofia.


I'm sorry, but announcing to Arizona what her new lame-brained plans were was NOT actively trying to discuss. Instead it was manipulative that she turned AZ's words against her in her own defense and basically dropped a bomb.. Girl is a nutjob at this point. And no part of the writing has helped us to believe otherwise. No real connection between Callie and Penny, none. We just keep being told how connected they are. Grey's has offered its share of glances across the room and chemistry. That has not happened here.There is no reason to root for this relationship at this stage, and certainly not at the expense of a AZ and her daughter. 

I like Penny, but Callie is ridiculous at this point. 

Wouldn't it be nice, if those characters that weren't dead inside (hello, Meredith) didn't also have the most horrific and rash reactions. I wish Shonda had one foot on this planet. It would help.

  • Love 5
17 hours ago, iMonrey said:

You know, Kevin McKidd was in a movie (with Patrick Dempsey) called Made of Honor, in which an issue was made of the fact that he was well-endowed, and now Grey's is making the same issue with his character here. Makes me wonder . . .

Show, don't tell, show.  Show, don't tell.  Oh wait, this isn't HBO.  I guess they won't be showing. 

  • Love 2
16 hours ago, redfish said:

This whole back and forth of what Callie wants or what Arizona wants, has no one asked what Sophia wants? Making her move all the way to New York because her mother wants to be with someone Sophia just met is a big step for her. They don't seem to have scenes of Sophia's reaction to the news. I can imagine during the court case Sophia being dragged into this. God, more drama.

I was discussing this with a friend the other day, because we were wondering how much Sofia does know. Like, did Callie talk it up as this fun thing, and is Sofia aware that Arizona isn't going with them? Now that they've hired a legitimate child actor to play her, and she will have more to do it will be interesting to see what kind of role she plays, because I think her acting out in some way may be what puts a stop to the plans. 

  • Love 2

Can I just say that I think the point of these forums is for viewers to air their opinions freely without being judged. As humans, we will have differing opinions, and that's ok. If we all thought the same, the world would be a pretty boring place. Just seems like some of the responses to certain posts are coming off a bit harsh. 

Im also pro-Arizone on this issue, which is saying something because I have NEVER been a fan of hers. Until the last 2 seasons that is. Mind you, I admit I'm not a Callie fan either, but I try to be objective and like most posters here, I'm not sold on Callie's POV. I also don't agree with them bringing their coworkers/ friends into it. It has felt like they are working a little too hard to turn us against Callie though. Im glad the custody case will be in the next episode, as I'm growing tired of it.

Also really enjoyed the patient story. I think the wife knew and the tip was a deliberate attempt to reiterate that "my husband has chosen me and now it's time for you to GO".

  • Love 1

I'm just watching it now, but is it going to turn out there's a big nitrous oxide leak somewhere around the hospital, messing up their brains?

Webber reassuring Arizona that asking people to side against Callie will be simple, Arizona's ultrasound "poker face," Edwards losing all sense of objectivity and chain of command, Bailey initiating an argument with her "older child" in the middle of another surgeon's procedure . . .

Whew.  Mid-show rant.  Better now.  Want to see how the doorman story ends.


OMG.  Meredith responds to a poignant plea for confidentiality by immediately spilling the beans to at least another dozen hospital staffers.

Edited by candall
fresh acute frustration.
  • Love 3

So Penny isn't a likable character, but she's been forced on us as a wedge to pry Callie out of Grey's?  Maybe.  I just want to know how the writers have been able to redeem Amelia and change her from horrible to one of the more reasonable voices on the show.  Maybe the histrionics of April (reminding me of "A dingo ate my baaybee" levels) and Jackson and Callie vs Arizona are just pushing Amelia to the top?  Perhaps it's merely a 'lesser of evils' situation and I'm tired, after all these seasons, of being jerked around.

On ‎4‎/‎29‎/‎2016 at 10:57 PM, Erratic said:

I can't see any way for her to stay. She has declared full commitment and love for Penny in three episodes in a row. She isn't involved in any other long term stories outside of Penny and custody of Sophia, and there is absolutely no way that this storyline is leading to a Calzona reunion.

It does look like SR might be leaving, but I got a different impression from this last episode.  When Penny refused to get involved in the back and forth between AZ and Callie, I thought it was a brilliant decision.  But then we saw Penny lying about how Arizona treated her.  I'm really getting the impression that Penny is uncomfortable with the decision to uproot Sofia, and is going to eventually gain the courage to tell Callie she doesn't want her to come. 

On ‎4‎/‎29‎/‎2016 at 11:13 PM, sarkygal said:

Bailey is being such a sanctimonious, hypocritical prig that I want to root for Warren. but no, can't stand him either.

I feel the same way.  I've been mostly indifferent to Ben, but now I actively dislike him.  As an anesthesiologist, he is the only person watching the patient - actually looking at their face, their airway, their VS, their IVs and meds (unlike this show, in truth the surgeons take little notice of any of this).  And there he was, more involved in the surgery than the patient.  I was actually hoping the point would be that the patient would die while Ben was distracted.  Nope.  Instead we have brilliant Ben teaching the roomful of experienced surgeons and saving the patient.  Ugh.  I was pissed.  And now it looks like his punishment has ended.

On ‎4‎/‎29‎/‎2016 at 11:34 PM, Madding crowd said:

How many times have we seen the storyline where someone is dying, has been married a long time, yet has a secret true love that he/she can't reveal? Many times. I did like the doorman but come on come up with something new. Penny continues to be annoying for no other reason than she just is. I used to work with this guy and one time somebody said "He is the kind of guy you just want to punch in the face for no reason" and that is kind of Penny (please note I am not advocating violence towards anyone).

The whole story left me cold, which surprised me.  I'm typically really moved by this type of thing.  But I called it within thirty seconds.  It may have been more powerful if the doorman was black and the married man was white - at least it would have seemed obvious when the wife tipped him that she was being dismissive.  And maybe that's why it didn't move me - I thought it was a clumsy re-telling of a story with the races reversed.  But anyway, I'm actually surprised by how many people were rooting for the patient to publically humiliate his wife.  It would seem some were rooting for him to make a public declaration of his closeted status, tell his wife to fuck off, and then declare his love for the long suffering doorman.  I'm all for living your truth and loving who you want to love, but I didn't really care for the husband.  He was unfaithful to his wife with the emotional affair with the doorman, there was a power imbalance in his relationship with the doorman which was unfair, and after apparently stringing along the doorman all these years, he coldly dismissed him in the end.  And yet the wife is being blamed for the entire thing.  Go figure.

On ‎4‎/‎29‎/‎2016 at 9:39 AM, North said:

It's for a year and people are acting like she's trying to take Sofia away for good and bar Arizona from seeing her and that's not what's happening.

A year is not just a year when you're talking about a young child.  I can't imagine how difficult it would be to disappear from your child's daily life and just fly in to visit when you can.  I don't have a young child, but I can guarantee you that no one would take my fucking dog away from me for a year and expect me to be satisfied with the occasional visit. 

On ‎4‎/‎29‎/‎2016 at 11:01 AM, Chicken Wing said:

I have to wonder how much biological parent vs. non-biological parent factors into the viewpoints. And to be honest, I think that part is likely what factored into Callie's earlier presumptuousness.

I'm incredibly offended by the storyline, and maybe it's because I'm an adoptee.   I don't see Callie casually dropping this bomb on Mark and expecting him to go along with it.  And before I'm dismissed as a "rabid Arizona fan", I've been a frequent critic of Arizona and JC's acting on this show.  This is probably the first time I've ever taken Arizona's side, and to be honest, it seems a pretty obvious side to take, IMO.  Besides the question of biological vs. non-biological parent issue, I wonder if there's a bigger issue of the non-biological parent being gay.  And if that's the point of this storyline, it may be worth it.

  • Love 6
12 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

It does look like SR might be leaving, but I got a different impression from this last episode.  When Penny refused to get involved in the back and forth between AZ and Callie, I thought it was a brilliant decision.  But then we saw Penny lying about how Arizona treated her.  I'm really getting the impression that Penny is uncomfortable with the decision to uproot Sofia, and is going to eventually gain the courage to tell Callie she doesn't want her to come.

Tbh, I don't think Penny has ever really wanted Callie to go. I mean if you were her why the fuck would you want her to? Penny is a young woman going to a huge city full of opportunities, why would you want go there to live and take some responsibility for some 6 year old kid you barely know?!

  • Love 2
21 hours ago, ChicksDigScars said:

Exactly. That's what I'm getting out of this. When Callie and Arizona were together it was all, "we're BOTH Sofia's mommies" and biology never came into question. Now that they've broken up and she's moved on, it seems that Callie is assuming that because she is the biological parent, she gets to be the custodial parent in charge of all decisions regarding Sofia, uproot her, and why the hell should Arizona have a problem with that? Plus, telling a woman who lost her leg in a plane crash (thank you for finally acknowledging that last night, show) that Arizona can "hop on a plane and come see her anytime," is incredibly thoughtless. A plane ride across country? From Seattle to NYC? Really? Callie is acting like she's moving to San Francisco, and it's a relatively short flight, or perhaps driving distance. 

I dislike what's happening, plus it's completely contradictory to Callie waiting to introduce Penny to Sofia, and being upset that Penny treated Sofia.  I think I would be much more accepting of the whole thing if Mark were still alive.  Then the legal parents would be Callie and Mark, and Arizona would be the step-mom.  That would leave AZ in the gray area of step-parents, who get no respect and all the blame.   And even after AZ cheated, she continued having her time with Sofia, which seemed indicative of AZ now being an adoptive parent.  Regardless, after Callie/AZ divorced, child custody issues would have been dealt with - including the typical stipulation that one parent can't move out of state with child without the other parent's permission.  But the show is about medicine, and has shown it's not good at dealing with legal issues.

One of the many things that bothers me about Bailey, is that she leaves almost all care of "Little Tuck" (who has to be half grown by now) to Ben, and yet publically slams Ben's parenting abilities and his perceived negative influences over her son.  She wants it both ways.  She's also completely dismissive of her ex-husband and any care he takes of the child, and also constantly questioned his care of their child, even though he was the primary care giver.   Why even call him Little Tuck when she seems to forget there was ever a "Big" Tuck.

I've never cared for Stephanie, but really disliked her this episode.  She hovered like she was this guy's mother, then dismisses him publically as just a guy she slept with a few times.  She seemed more pissed that she was left out of the medical decision making and surgery, than how this would impact her boyfriend.  And I didn't buy dragging in her back sob story of being a child experimented on.  Nothing in the story telling says that Amelia is experimenting or being reckless in any decision making regarding this man's care.

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Just while Grey's is on the subject I just want to say I have always hated the ridiculous "modern family" storyline - which they would never had done if one of Calzona had been a dude, Shonda and co can bullshit all they want but that is true. I'll never understand why the could not have had Calzona going through the process of getting a baby, it's a story many people can relate to and one that is not done very often and done well even less. There was no need to bring Mark into it other than the old age trope of unnecessarily bringing a guy into a lesbian relationship.

Sorry for the rant. :)

Edited by GreysFan89
  • Love 2
26 minutes ago, GreysFan89 said:

Tbh, I don't think Penny has ever really wanted Callie to go. I mean if you were her why the fuck would you want her to? Penny is a young woman going to a huge city full of opportunities, why would you want go there to live and take some responsibility for some 6 year old kid you barely know?!

I've doubted it was the best thing for Penny, since the beginning.  You get a much-vaunted one-year ritzy-titzy grant, I bet you're expected to spend 23 hours a day buckled down and focused.  Who needs the additional pressures of smoothing out new relationship hiccups, a new semi-parent learning curve, new living together discoveries, etc.


I mean, it's unlikely Callie would ever put Penny first and smooth her path for five seconds, right?

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, RedheadZombie said:

The whole story left me cold, which surprised me.  I'm typically really moved by this type of thing.  But I called it within thirty seconds.  It may have been more powerful if the doorman was black and the married man was white - at least it would have seemed obvious when the wife tipped him that she was being dismissive.  And maybe that's why it didn't move me - I thought it was a clumsy re-telling of a story with the races reversed.  But anyway, I'm actually surprised by how many people were rooting for the patient to publically humiliate his wife.  It would seem some were rooting for him to make a public declaration of his closeted status, tell his wife to fuck off, and then declare his love for the long suffering doorman.  I'm all for living your truth and loving who you want to love, but I didn't really care for the husband.  He was unfaithful to his wife with the emotional affair with the doorman, there was a power imbalance in his relationship with the doorman which was unfair, and after apparently stringing along the doorman all these years, he coldly dismissed him in the end.  And yet the wife is being blamed for the entire thing.  Go figure.

I agree so much with this. I couldn't stand the story, because it felt so manipulative. In a show where "over-the-top" is its default setting, I felt this was the emotional equivalent of crashing a plane into the hospital during an earthquake, all while a gunman roams the hallways. I get it, show -- it's a sad story. You might as well play sad violin music (or a sad trombone) every time Vincent was onscreen. Good night, nurse! I didn't need to be hit over the head so often. I also had very little sympathy for the husband -- as he was essentially stringing along Vincent and his wife.

I respected what the husband did in the end (even though I was supposed to boo and hiss, I guess) because it meant keeping his family together. He acted like a parent and a grandparent, not a teenager in love. Sometimes (and especially when one is dying, I'd imagine) family should be the most important thing of all.

As for the tip from the wife...whatever she knew or didn't know, she treated Vincent as was his role in their lives: as the doorman. It bothered me that we were supposed to feel sorry for Vincent in that instance, but seriously, man, Carrie Fisher's character from "When Harry Met Sally" needed to shake him by the shoulders, while shouting "HE'S NEVER GOING TO LEAVE HER" over and over until he got it. That particular scene was the emotional equivalent of three doctors simultaneously going into labor, during an earthquake and a plane crash, with an active gunman in the hospital.

Show, you used to be better at this. Now the Love that Dare Not Speak its Name appears to be subtlety.

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11 minutes ago, Eolivet said:

That particular scene was the emotional equivalent of three doctors simultaneously going into labor, during an earthquake and a plane crash, with an active gunman in the hospital.

Show, you used to be better at this. Now the Love that Dare Not Speak its Name appears to be subtlety.

Huh? I'm not sure what you are talking about.

Edited by GreysFan89
On 4/29/2016 at 4:03 AM, WhosThatGirl said:

That is true. PP did ruin Addison, they kind of changed her personality. I will however always remember her very first scene with Mer, "and you must be the woman who's sleeping with my husband"

I never watched PP, but I assume based on that one introductory crossover episode that they pretty much turned her into a neurotic nutjob? Definitely upsetting, because she was beyond awesome while she was on Grey's, and I would beyond love for that character to come back.

On 4/29/2016 at 8:51 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Normally I dislike Amelia and tolerate Stephanie but this week they swapped places for me (while they were at work, that is). I loved that Amelia kicked Stephanie off of Fez's case. Even though we do see things like Arizona having April as a patient, Amelia was totally right to take Stephanie off this particular case and I loved that she listed the exact reasons why. I thought that sitting in the waiting room would give Stephanie more empathy for her patients' families in the future but instead her reaction was "Must break up with Fez! Must cut people open so I can tell myself I'm helping people and fixing people! Can't ever be one of the common folk in the waiting room again!" I just rolled my eyes when she said, "I choose me." No, Jo was right when she said that you chose surgery. Waaaah, you had to miss ONE WHOLE SURGERY and that's enough to make you dump Fez (and I'm saying this as someone who finds Wilmer Valderrama creepy and would like for him to never be seen on this show again).

Yeah, I thought that too. Are you just going to immediately ditch any family member or friend who ever gets sick, too? I'm not saying you have to stay with Fez forever; if you're not that into him, then fine. But it just seemed over the top and contradictory and kind of stupid. You like him enough to sit in the waiting room until his surgery was over, but not enough that you're willing to give up treating one patient of all the zillions of patients there will be in your life as a doctor. It's not even like this one case was some super cool, crazy-ass, once-in-a-lifetime tumour from hell, either. It seemed pretty run of the mill, as far as brain stuff goes, which just made it all the more inexplicable. Whatever.

2 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

It does look like SR might be leaving, but I got a different impression from this last episode.  When Penny refused to get involved in the back and forth between AZ and Callie, I thought it was a brilliant decision.  But then we saw Penny lying about how Arizona treated her.  I'm really getting the impression that Penny is uncomfortable with the decision to uproot Sofia, and is going to eventually gain the courage to tell Callie she doesn't want her to come. 

I kinda get that sense too. Penny is acting far more rationally than Callie is. I feel like, when Callie first suggested that Penny should ask her to come, she did, because the idea of having Callie come with her sounded nice. And why wouldn't it? But then, the reality that this would involve Callie giving up her job and (in Callie's vision of the situation, at least) bringing along her young daughter started to sink in, and perhaps Penny started to register that this wouldn't be just a fun little lark. This would be a decision that would have serious repercussions on Callie's personal and professional life. And while Callie seems to have absolutely no regard for that fact, Penny is starting to seem very uncomfortable with it, and, considering how new their relationship still is, is probably also at least considering how she's going to feel if all of this goes down and then the relationship doesn't work out. I doubt she wants either the guilt or the resentment she'd likely get from Callie if that happened. Her telling Callie not to come would definitely be the best possible outcome here, I think.

  • Love 6
11 minutes ago, kingshearte said:

I kinda get that sense too. Penny is acting far more rationally than Callie is. I feel like, when Callie first suggested that Penny should ask her to come, she did, because the idea of having Callie come with her sounded nice. And why wouldn't it? But then, the reality that this would involve Callie giving up her job and (in Callie's vision of the situation, at least) bringing along her young daughter started to sink in, and perhaps Penny started to register that this wouldn't be just a fun little lark. This would be a decision that would have serious repercussions on Callie's personal and professional life. And while Callie seems to have absolutely no regard for that fact, Penny is starting to seem very uncomfortable with it, and, considering how new their relationship still is, is probably also at least considering how she's going to feel if all of this goes down and then the relationship doesn't work out. I doubt she wants either the guilt or the resentment she'd likely get from Callie if that happened. Her telling Callie not to come would definitely be the best possible outcome here, I think.

I have nothing to add to this post just thought I'd say I agree 100%.

If Penny ends up breaking up with Callie or telling her not to come to New York after all of this mess, it would be annoyingly in line with her Mary Sue edit this season. I, personally, will be annoyed if Penny ends up being the voice of reason because she has had multiple opportunities to speak up before it got to court and she hasn't. And let us not forget that she told Callie that she wasn't even going to apply for the grant and a few hours later she decided to, which is her right to do what she needs to do for her career but she's not exactly innocent in this stupid decision either. She knows Callie is a devoted mother, as is Arizona. How she can be so cool about Callie packing up her life and taking a demotion, while struggling to be able to bring her daughter along, does not exactly paint her as Girlfriend of the Year no matter how blinded by love Callie stupidly is. She's not allowed to be the hero of this story, as boring and passive of a character as she is she's still been shown to have a voice. 

  • Love 2
On 4/29/2016 at 1:59 PM, statsgirl said:

I've never liked Arizona because she's seem too self-involved to me but I'm 100% percent on her side at this point.

Why would Owen support Callie over Arizona?  He's got the military and work abroad in common with Arizona and nothing in common with Callie that I can see.

Stephanie's storyline was STUPID.  What does she think that people who are doctors do in their relationship? They practice medicine, just not on their spouse. Is she going to avoid relationships forever because I can promise her, everyone gets sick eventually.

On the good side, it took 21 episodes but the sisters things is finally jelling.

It's for a year right now but what happens when Penny's fellowship is finished and she wants to go somewhere else for her next one?  What if the relationship with Penny doesn't work out and she's not only uprooted Sofia but tanked a good co-parenting relation with Arizona for it?

Thats one of my issues with Callie's dimwitted idea to move across country with Sofia.  Wtf are they going to do when Penny finishes this program? There's no guarantee Penny will want to move back to Seattle or even stay in NY. So that would mean yet another move. Plus...who's to say their relationship will even last the entire year?  Callie loves the idea or being in love. I cant see her standing on the sidelines while Penny is busy with her work all day and night.   If "its just for a year" as some are saying, then why uproot Sofia.  Leave her in her home with Arizona while Callie goes off to chase tail and derail her career. Idiot.


I dont know whats happening with the case or what Shonda is trying to prove with this ridiculous storyline but Im upset that this stupidity all but guarantees there wont be a realistic reconciliation (or any for that matter) for Callie and Arizona. :(

  • Love 3

I don't give April a pass for her treatment of Arizona. It's understandable she was upset, but I also remember how she acted like it was somehow Stephanie's fault that her baby was sick and harangued her about not telling her about its condition even though she didn't ask anything herself and left the check-up before it was finished and Stephanie wanted her to stay. I don't have time for people who are always unabashedly nasty to others in times of a personal crisis, no matter how great. We all have problems. 

  • Love 2
20 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

But then we saw Penny lying about how Arizona treated her.  I'm really getting the impression that Penny is uncomfortable with the decision to uproot Sofia, and is going to eventually gain the courage to tell Callie she doesn't want her to come. 

Which will be alarmingly like what Arizona did to Callie right before going to Africa. Another recycle...


17 hours ago, kingshearte said:

I never watched PP, but I assume based on that one introductory crossover episode that they pretty much turned her into a neurotic nutjob?

More like a raging narcisist =)  Private Practice pretty much brought out the worst in every character that crossed over.


This is neither here nor there, but I'm surprised April and Amelia have never really had a conversation. Amelia delivered a child who was born without a brain (totally ridiculous), and she would be one to relate to April's history. If Shonda is going to make up such an insane plot for Amelia on PP, why not utilize it. I've always thought it was odd that it never got mentioned on Grey's.

Edited by Chewy101
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Chewy101 said:

This is neither here nor there, but I'm surprised April and Amelia have never really had a conversation. Amelia delivered a child who was born without a brain (totally ridiculous), and she would be one to relate to April's history. If Shonda is going to make up such an insane plot for Amelia on PP, why not utilize it. I've always thought it was odd that it never got mentioned on Grey's.

While April and Amelia have never had a conversation about it, I'm fairly certain it was brought up on occasion. I've never really watched Private Practice so I wasn't familiar with the story but I vaguely remember Amelia mentioning it when Jackson and April were dealing with Samuel's birth.

Also, why do you think a child being delivered without a brain is ridiculous? Whilst anencephaly may be rare, it isn't impossible. Or were you referring to that storyline on PP being ridiculous? 

  • Love 1

Vincent story was very sad.  BUT....old guy was a straight guy with a wife and family for the past 50ish years.  You all expect him to leave the woman who gave him children, who obviously LOVES him, and piss off his kids right before he dies?  Over what....a bisexual awakening that may or may not be anything more than forbidden fantasy?  I don't know, I think I'd want to be surrounded by my loving family who I've devoted my whole life to, rather than another person who I've not so much as seen puke (I believe that you can't really know someone until you've seen them puke...sorry, it's a thing with me).  It's easy to get carried away with butterflies for a person you don't REALLY know, but his wife devoted her whole life to loving JUST HIM.  To abandon her at the end of his life would be so selfish and wouldn't serve his memory well.  

It's not fair to judge the wife on the tip either, she was very sweet & gracious about it.  

On 4/29/2016 at 3:55 AM, Chewy101 said:

Sorry, but, what? Calling people who realize how selfish and impulsive Callie is being "Rabid Arizona lovers" is not conducive to discussion. I don't need to love AZ to see that Callie is off the rails. 

I HATED Arizona when she cheated on Callie.  HATED her.  

I've never been a big Callie shipper. I thought she was over the top annoying with George, I never saw the chemistry with Hahn, and while she had chemistry with Az...it dwarfed compared to her chemistry with Mark.  There is literally ZERO compatibility with Penny.  Zilch.  It's just NOT there.  

I have been a Callie fan on and off.  I'm not a fan of people who fall in love at the drop of a hat, and emote incessantly, but her medical stories (few & far between) have been fun to watch, and I want her to be happy.  I don't think Callie will ever be happy though, because it really seems like Callie has no idea WHAT she wants.  She just wants that butterfly happy lusty feeling which always wears off eventually.  

Regarding her current storyline, I am angry.  An adoptive mother IS A MOTHER.  Not just a 2nd mother, or an after thought...she is a CO-PARENT with Callie.  I would bet that if this story line included Mark instead of AZ, we would be seeing mass support for Mark.  That is just pure BS.  When Az adopted Sophia she became EQUAL with Callie, biology be damned.  If Callie didn't want that, she should've thought of that BEFORE she gave half of her parenting rights up.  

  • Love 3

The whole storyline and talk devoted to Owen´s penis -  what a waste of time and downright disgusting.

This is what the writers are paid for??!! 

And Amelia is back to her lunatic shrieky image. And both of them sleeping naked on that couch, having sex in the morning where anybody could see them knowing that the kids might be around somewhere there getting ready to daycare. Isn´t the kitchen next to the place where they slept and the wall is not there anymore? Where did Meredith and Maggie and kids have breakfast then? Doesn´t Amelia have her own room in the house? These two are so disgusting. Yuck!

The Vincent/Leo plot did not move me at all. Also Leo told Meredith to keep all his stuff private and the next thing she does she blabs about it to all the staff in the OR. ???!!!!

The way Bailey and Ben behaved in the OR was so unprofessional. Riggs and Maggie seem to be the only professional surgeons on this show (at least to a certain extent compared to the others or until Maggie starts her vagina monologues). 

Also Callie asking such a personal  question  amidst the surgery until Jo had to point out to Callie what was actually happening inside the patient´s body.

I am honestly surprised any of the patients they operate on are alive after the surgery, seeing how unprofessional and unfocused most surgeons are.

Hard to care about anything connected with Stephanie and Kyle.

There are certain plotlines I find totally idiotic but Owen´s penis extravaganza beats everything.

Edited by NathanRiggsfan
  • Love 2
17 minutes ago, Meow25 said:

Vincent story was very sad.  BUT....old guy was a straight guy with a wife and family for the past 50ish years.  You all expect him to leave the woman who gave him children, who obviously LOVES him, and piss off his kids right before he dies?  Over what....a bisexual awakening that may or may not be anything more than forbidden fantasy?  I don't know, I think I'd want to be surrounded by my loving family who I've devoted my whole life to, rather than another person who I've not so much as seen puke (I believe that you can't really know someone until you've seen them puke...sorry, it's a thing with me).  It's easy to get carried away with butterflies for a person you don't REALLY know, but his wife devoted her whole life to loving JUST HIM.  To abandon her at the end of his life would be so selfish and wouldn't serve his memory well.  

It's not fair to judge the wife on the tip either, she was very sweet & gracious about it.  

I had no delusions that Leo was actually going to "seize the day" and tell his wife he was leaving her and go off into the sunset with Vincent. That would have been all passionate and romantic and all, but real life doesn't work like that. He did what made sense. It was just the very cold and matter-of-fact way he did it -- which I understand -- that made it sad for poor lovestruck Vincent, and for Leo, too.

On 29. 4. 2016 at 5:13 AM, sarkygal said:

I've decided to root for a Pierce/Riggs pairing. They seem to be the last sensible people left in this hospital.

True indeed. I am in. 


On 29. 4. 2016 at 2:51 PM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I was shocked when I saw the big staircase outside. What the hell, show? You really want me to believe that everyone was just going out the other door for the first eleven seasons?

Haha, true.

I wonder whether the Veteran health care centre they always shot at quit the contract or what one earth made the producers find this location. The set makes no sense, but nothing does on this show more or less..

Edited by NathanRiggsfan
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16 hours ago, NathanRiggsfan said:

And Amelia is back to her lunatic shrieky image. And both of them sleeping naked on that couch, having sex in the morning where anybody could see them knowing that the kids might be around somewhere there getting ready to daycare. 

Perhaps they figured the kids were left in daycare overnight again. Like they are in every other episode. =D

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19 hours ago, NathanRiggsfan said:

I wonder whether the Veteran health care centre they always shot at quit the contract or what one earth made the producers find this location. The set makes no sense, but nothing does on this show more or less..

One of the crew mentioned a few weeks ago on twitter that most of the hospital is CGI now. The staircase, the walkway, etc. All CGI.

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1 hour ago, CED9 said:

One of the crew mentioned a few weeks ago on twitter that most of the hospital is CGI now. The staircase, the walkway, etc. All CGI.

Yes,that´s right. I also saw that tweet, I think it was mentioned regarding episodes 18, 19 or something like that. I wonder what made them do it - whether it is the lack of finances or what exactly the reason might be.  Or maybe the Sepulveda Ambulatory Care Center no longer wanted Greys to shoot there.  What a pity, such iconic setting. Not a fan of this new set.

Edited by NathanRiggsfan
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I thought this episode was really boring. I cared about very little stuff here. Bailey and Ben zzzzzzzzz. Amelia and Owen, OMG.  Stephanie and Kyle - they barely know each other, stop acting like it's some dramatic love story for the ages. 

Ditto to all of the above, plus add yet another round of April and Jackson baby baiting and….yeah.  I was bored. 


She is forever 17.

They’re ALL forever 17 (or 16 or 15 or 14, 13, or 12).  That’s my biggest gripe about the show.  Look, I’m probably unusual in that this is the first year I’ve watched regularly and that’s only because there’s so little on TV that I find entertaining that I’m just trying find something (anything) to keep me awake until  9pm.  This show irritates me for the same reason I hated Ally McBeal back in the day.  The adults are all written as perpetual junior high schoolers. The only operation I’d trust any of these people to perform is the board game. 

Still, it’s better than most of what’s on TV right now (and that’s just sad).  For the second week in a row, I liked the guest storyline best.  It was poignant and very well acted.  And, I LOVED Jerrika Hinton’s hair.  She looked absolutely gorgeous.  Otherwise, meh.

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On 5/1/2016 at 11:02 PM, Joana said:

I don't give April a pass for her treatment of Arizona. It's understandable she was upset, but I also remember how she acted like it was somehow Stephanie's fault that her baby was sick and harangued her about not telling her about its condition even though she didn't ask anything herself and left the check-up before it was finished and Stephanie wanted her to stay. I don't have time for people who are always unabashedly nasty to others in times of a personal crisis, no matter how great. We all have problems. 

April never blamed Stephanie for her baby being sick, she was upset that Stephanie told Jackson before her, which I'm pretty sure is technically a breach of doctor patient confidentiality. April left the appointment but she was in the same building as her all day and ran into Stephanie in the ER later that day and talked to her about the appointment, but Stephanie didn't say anything and then April later found out Stephanie told Jackson. Not blaming Stephanie, it was a very difficult messy situation, but April being upset was justified, lets not twist facts.

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, Marni said:

April never blamed Stephanie for her baby being sick, she was upset that Stephanie told Jackson before her, which I'm pretty sure is technically a breach of doctor patient confidentiality. April left the appointment but she was in the same building as her all day and ran into Stephanie in the ER later that day and talked to her about the appointment, but Stephanie didn't say anything and then April later found out Stephanie told Jackson. Not blaming Stephanie, it was a very difficult messy situation, but April being upset was justified, lets not twist facts.

Stephanie didn't tell Jackson, Jackson overheard Stephanie talking to someone else about the case and because of the little budda comment, he figured out it was his and April's baby the discussion was about.  

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I just re-watched this episode (because I didn't hate it as much as most people seemed to... I actually like the new set!) and two things stood out to me. 1) I am even more certain that the patient's wife KNEW about his relationship with the doorman her tipping him was her way of telling him that it is now over and 2) they've never said Arizona was now an OB/GYN. People are complaining that they don't understand how Arizona was the Queen of Paediatric and now she's April's gynaecologist but the impression I get is that she's just doing the routine work that any doctor can do for April as they are using the Hospital's equipment free of charge. They all have training in all the specialities and it's not rocket science; even an intern could've been doing those tests. I think Robbins was just trying to help out her friend thinking it would make the process easier for April after having dealt with the Samuel situation. She then decides that she's too close to them a removes herself from the case. 


I'm really getting the impression that Penny is uncomfortable with the decision to uproot Sofia, and is going to eventually gain the courage to tell Callie she doesn't want her to come. 

I totally got this impression as well, and honestly, I think it would be for the best if she went on her merry way. I don't have super strong feelings either way about the character, or the actress playing her for that matter, but she's basically been a plot device with an inordinate amount of screen time from day one. I feel like the "Perfect Penny" syndrome is partly a result of Shonda and Co trying to cram what would normally be at least a full season or two of main character development into half a season and hope something interesting and likable sticks. It's too much too soon with no rhyme or reason and as it has been said before...Penny and Callie have no chemistry. At all.


"I have to wonder how much biological parent vs. non-biological parent factors into the viewpoints. And to be honest, I think that part is likely what factored into Callie's earlier presumptuousness."

I certainly did. And I actually think it's a valid issue that should have been explored much earlier and not played out in such a sudden and contrived manner.

I agree with Joana- the biological vs. adopted parent viewpoint might indeed be part Callie's presumptuousness, but I'm disappointed that we have to guess at that. That kind of conflict could have made for a really interesting, valid story that might have given this whole plot more honesty and depth. Instead,  it's just underwritten and exasperating.

Other random thoughts:

Owen and Amelia- somewhat enjoying if not momentarily relieved by the "Owen/Amelia character rehabilitation project 2015/2016", but still not anywhere near enjoying them as a couple. Nope. 

April Pregnancy- I am done with the baby health scares- put it to rest, Shonda. I also just can't with April's screeching...yes, she was scared and had good reason to be, I know, but still....

14 hours ago, lamadeleine said:

I agree with Joana- the biological vs. adopted parent viewpoint might indeed be part Callie's presumptuousness, but I'm disappointed that we have to guess at that. That kind of conflict could have made for a really interesting, valid story that might have given this whole plot more honesty and depth. Instead,  it's just underwritten and exasperating.

Except that it's not likely a conscious part of Callie's behaviour. If you asked her, she'd probably say that yes, absolutely, Arizona is also Sofia's mother, and that the lack of biology is irrelevant. And I think she would mean it. It's just that, when push comes to shove, somewhere deep down, there's an unacknowledged, unconscious part of her that does believe that she has greater status on this issue because she's the one who actually birthed the child. I'll be surprised if that never gets blurted out in a moment of high emotion, and I think even Callie will be shocked to hear it from herself. But it's going to take a really uncensored moment for Callie to allow that to come to the surface.

I keep finding myself thinking along "what if" lines about Arizona's miscarried baby. What if they'd had that one too? Would the discussions be along the lines of "You keep yours and I'll keep mine," or would the fact that there would then be two siblings with different biological mothers add some really interesting nuances to this discussion?

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@kingshearte, that is an incredibly good point. Would Callie expect to take both children to NY or just Sofia? Which acknowledges that there is a difference, even though it's not politically correct to say so. Courts tend to give more weight to the bio-parent and in most cases I can't disagree but I really don't know enough about the parent-child relationships among these three. After all these years, I should know or at least have an opinion on which of the women takes more of the Mom role but I don't because it was never shown. It just wasn't an issue, until it was. Lol

4 hours ago, Shellie said:

Oh, OK.  I wonder why they couldn't make it look more similar to the old set.  Like why wouldn't they continue to have the docs exit directly from the building instead of down a stairway.  That new walkway is startlingly different, I thought.

The new walkway looks to be outdoors. In the last episode you can see the wind blowing Baileys hair as she was talking to Webber on the walkway.  If a potential disaster is going to happen in the final it may be the outside walkway crashing during the storm and I'm thinking that C/A will be trapped hence the reason they are not at the wedding. 

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