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S04.E06: The Rat

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Oh.  My.  God.


I am blown away by that!  So good, so very, very , very good on every single level.  I don't even know where to start, there isn't a single quibble or criticism.  I could pick any 2 minutes of that and it would have been excellent.

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Holy crap, that scene with Phillip and Elizabeth in Gabriel's kitchen was just a master class of pointed looks, tension and just the briefest of instances where the mask falls. Keri Russell just astounds me all the time on this show. Not to shortchange Matthew Rhys, Allison Wright and Frank Langella (whose eyeroll at the Clark-Martha sex was the second-funniest moment ever on this show) who all did just a great job.

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I need a drink. I need all the drinks. Normally I would go for the red wine, but fuck it. Its a vodka night. 


Seriously. I just started breathing for the first time in an hour. How does this show manage to be the most intense show on TV, when the whole episode is just people sitting in rooms and talking for the most part? 


This show is amazing. 

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"I'll scream" = Martha's death warrant.

I hope not, but I know it's likely.


Seriously though, good for her for running, and for

calling the FBI

in the preview.  I'm still longing for my "Martha does Moscow" dream, but wow.

Edited by Umbelina
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Well Damn!  We just had one hell of a Poor Martha episode and it was AWESOME!!!!!!    I cannot say enough good things about Alison Wright in this roll.  My God the emotions Martha had from start to finish from fear to sadness to Anger,  "I will scream and then everyone will know you are KGB.:" 


On the other end I loved Stan and Aderholts investigation of Martha as well.  It made sense and was well done.  Gaads reaction was perfect from shock "Martha has been working here for over ten years.  That's crazy"  To acceptance "Nobody  could have planted that pen easier then Martha.....She had access to everything." 


I think this was the best episode in a long time.  #PoorMartha  

Edited by Chaos Theory
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The Americans is so good at giving its episodes meaningful titles, so when I saw that this episode was called "The Rat," I was sort of disappointed. I mean, I guess Martha is a "rat" in a certain sense, but it's sort of dull and obvious . . .


Then the episode reveals what "The Rat" really is: the dead body you carry a secret around in because you don't have any better choice. Chills.

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Philip should be sent back like William's wife regardless of having been compromised or not. He is doing too many things the KGB can't possibly be putting up with.


When Martha said "Jennifer is not your sister, is she?", I was absolutely expecting her to start asking if their marriage is real. Or if any of what she has with Clark is real.

Edited by shura
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Philip has crossed the KGB, lied to them, gone behind their back with the Germany thing, he's really pushing things too.  Philip's valuable, but he could be in danger himself pretty soon.


I just loved it all, too many favorite moments to catch them all.


Gaad catching on immediately, just loved it!

Philip and William's talk!

Elizabeth and Gabe when they see Philip's shown himself to Martha and not bothered to tell them!

Stan and Aderholt whipping into action.

Every single thing Martha did and said.

Just wow, they aren't kidding around this season.  Best show on TV hands down.

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Man this show delivers. Top work all hands, but  Allison Wright just nailed this. Just wow. You could just see her mentally looking for any out, any explanation, any place to feel safe. And Martha to Jennifer..."you're not his sister"...all the dominoes tumbling. This is how the goat feels when it knows it has been staked out for the lions. I was shivering along with her.
For a long minute, I thought Philip was going to shoot Martha, and put her out of her misery. Her chances of surviving in Moscow are slim to none...I was rooting for her to get out while Philip was away, but I agree...her saying out loud, on the sidewalk..."you're KGB" to Gabriel just sealed her death, if the Russians get to her first.
Previews had her calling Gaad...good for her, whatever the legal consequences, she is better off with the FBI, than with the Russians.
And Keri Russell...also amazing. She was full Jennifer, then dropped it and became Elizabeth before our eyes. And she is a chameleon. Stunning what a bad wig, bad glasses and shapeless clothes can do to make her look dumpy and ordinary. And on the docks, she looked rough...deep shadows under her eyes, ratty hair and untucked shirt...she looked every inch the junkie looking for her connect.
So the race is on...team KGB vs Team FBI. Cannot wait until next week.
Nobody does it better.

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Great episode.  Very suspenseful and featured a number of terrific performances by Rhys, Russell and Allison Wright.  Throw in Frank Langella too.


Philip really flailed around badly in this episode and has compromised everything.  I agree at this point he and Elizabeth have overstepped badly.  They are major assets but I don’t see how you can keep given them this much slack.


Dylan Baker continues to be a great addition to this show.


I like how a lot of the characters are being brought into the bigger picture.  Martha with the KGB, Stan’s investigation and him bring Gaad into it.

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If you were Martha what would you choose?  Moscow or Life in the Federal Penitentiary?  Or possible execution for treason, even though we certainly didn't do it often, it's on the table.


She's not naive about those options, she's been with the FBI for a long time, she may be gullible to a honey trap, but she knows more than most about the whole spy thing.  So, with her knowledge of those probabilities, what would you do?  She's got nothing but bad options here. 


Poor Martha.


I just realized, William's partnerless and Elizabeth may be soon.  I wonder if the KGB will push them teaming up somehow?  Obviously Philip's not leaving the show, but will the KGB make that move, and really make Elizabeth choose between KGB orders and Philip?

Edited by Umbelina
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OMG, that ep was like a blur it was so tense. At this point it would almost be kinder to give Martha a romantic dinner on a ship that's supposed to be taking them both to Cuba and then smother her in her sleep.


The sad reflection of the P&E sex last week was just so pathetic. There was some KGB sex training coming in handy there.


I had no idea Philip was sitting on that giant secret for 3 weeks. But he's also right about it being the only way to keep her working, and they've certainly liked that. No wonder Philip’s been far more worried about Martha getting caught than any of them. They thought he was just being soft-hearted about Martha but he actually knew the danger and they didn’t.


If William's partner got sent home, could that happen to Philip? Why was she sent back? Love that Martha bolted in part because yes, of course the Centre had yet another errand for Philip to run. Gabriel needs to put a poison dart gun in that cane for times like this.


Btw, I bet Martha thinks Clark got roped in like her and maybe does really think they killed him or something. No way does she get yet that he's actually Russian.

Love William congratulating Philip on getting his agent out, neither knowing it's just gone pear-shaped.


spliced together are happening together. If Martha’s on the phone and someone else is listening to the phone, she’s not necessarily talking to that person. She might be, though! That said, it does seem like she thinks the KGB has killed Clark so that she can now just turn herself into the FBI. Partly Philip’s fault for not waking her up before he left, but also of course the Centre for needing him to leave.


If you were Martha what would you choose?  Moscow or Life in the Federal Penitentiary?  Or possible execution for treason, even though we certainly didn't do it often, it's on the table.



If she’s telling herself Clark’s dead? She’s going FBI all the way and not caring if they kill her.


ETA: Oh, and forgot to mention, did you notice the little scene of Elizabeth cheerfully telling Paige about her “friend” who’s Korean? She’s just enjoying this relationship and not thinking about how she’s going to wind up feeling like Philip does here with Martha.

Edited by sistermagpie
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Intense. Martha is the deadest. I can't see how she lives more than an episode or two.

I have to say, though. All things considered she took the news that she was conned by a KGB agent and committed treason far more calmly than I would have. And does Philip really believe he can protect her? What's his deal? Martha is no longer working at the FBI. She's no longer useful to the Russians. Philip is antagonizing Elizabeth and Gabriel and for what? He's not going to run away with her. Does he think the KGB will just let her hang out in Gabriel's sad safe house forever?

And I want a spinoff with Gabriel and William as sad, grumpy roommates that hate everything.

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I have to say, though. All things considered she took the news that she was conned by a KGB agent and committed treason far more calmly than I would have. And does Philip really believe he can protect her? What's his deal? Martha is no longer working at the FBI. She's no longer useful to the Russians. Philip is antagonizing Elizabeth and Gabriel and for what? He's not going to run away with her. Does he think the KGB will just let her hang out in Gabriel's sad safe house forever?



I assume he wants her taken out of the country like they claimed (but lied) they were doing with Robert's wife in S1 and how they were going to do with Jared. And he's right--the people at the Rezidentura were working on doing exactly that. Though of course he's kidding himself--why would Martha stay put or go anywhere without him? Everything for her rests on having him and that's the one thing she could never have and he knows it. It's a bit like Gregory--Elizabeth wanted to think of him safe in Moscow even if she wasn't in love with him, but that wasn't for him.

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Agreed, William is a fabulous addition to the show. A sad sack, weary spy, with zero illusions about his life and his trade. So his wife was sent back..he doesn't bother to comment further, but left unsaid is her fate. Similar to Nina's no doubt. 

Philip has to know that Martha is dead...blown by the FBI, she is useless now to the KGB as well. 

And he has not even faced Elizabeth yet...an encounter that should be epic. Her jealousy of his attachment to Martha just got jacked up again, as he reveals that he showed his real face to her...the shock on Elizabeth's face picked up by Gabriel, busy calibrating the damage to his fave pair of spies. The illegal family may not be a functioning unit much longer.

Philip, though he had his reasons, has indeed gone off the reservation, and not just once. The Centre will have to rope him back...but at what cost to him. I suspect it will not go unpunished. Discipline must be maintained. As they say, it's not personal, it's just the spy business.

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Another scene that really struck me--I loved when Gabriel convinced Philip to go get the rat. It really showed him being, perhaps, like William, someone whose heart actually is still in it. Philip was openly annoyed at having to get yet another thing, but when Gabriel put it in human terms, he went right out. He even put his hand on Gabriel's shoulder as he left, so the two shared a little affection there. I remember back when Philip was complaining about computers, risking lives for "ones and zeros" he didn't understand--this he can understand.


Because the thing is, it's not like Philip's gone crazy here. All the shocking things he did actually did do what he wanted them to do. Martha was going to run to her parents and blow the operation until he unmasked. That made it all the more dangerous for her to get caught. He's really not going rogue. Him saying "you weren't there" about unmasking for Martha was correct and it's the way he's always been. He always believed spies on the ground knew more than people back in Moscow--that's why he "went rogue" in keeping quiet about Haig having the nuclear codes. William and Philip both suspect their bosses often don't know what they're doing but they both do what they have to do in these eps. William gets the rat, Philip takes the rat.

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I still so desperately want that "Martha in Moscow" spin off, but now it looks like Martha is probably already as good as dead. It sucks, but I just do not see this ending well for her. 


William is a great character, and I loved his scenes with Philip. They seem to get each other, in a very world weary "I know that this is all basically crap but its my whole life so what can I do?" kind of way. I wonder what the story with his wife was?


Oleg is still having a series of bad days (not a Martha bad day, but not great) with his mom not being able to get out of bed. I literally go back and fourth by minute trying to figure out where he is going to end up in the long term. 


I literally gasped when Philip told Martha he worked for the KGB. Then Martha said it out in the street! Oh Martha. What will happen next? 

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Especially the ending.  How did I miss that Gabe was shocked that Martha also now knows that they are all KGB?



I don't know if he was shocked at that, exactly, since the conclusion was obvious whether or not Philip said it. But her willingness to say it loud as a threat and make it clear he's the enemy was worse, I think.

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I actually thought Gabriel might be sending Phillip away so that he could kill Martha himself.

I thought about this, too. I kept juggling back and forth between that and Martha killing herself. When Philip couldn't wake her, I thought for a moment that I may have been right about that.

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I don't know if he was shocked at that, exactly, since the conclusion was obvious whether or not Philip said it. But her willingness to say it loud as a threat and make it clear he's the enemy was worse, I think.

I don't think so.


None of them have accents, they could be anyone.  Gabe has to know that Philip, once again, went rogue and told her that.  Yes, there is a chance she simply guessed, but I'm pretty sure Gabe  thinks Philip told her, more evidence that he is a loose canon, that needs to be disappeared, just like William's partner.  That HAS to be why William told that story.


Philip can disappear in some convincing way, eventually Elizabeth will begin to date again, and eventually "marry" the other agent in need of a partner, William.  At least I'm fairly certain that will be Gabe's plan, or Center's.


I think Elizabeth is going to have to choose between Philip and her duty/patriotism much sooner than any of us could have predicted.

Edited by Umbelina
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Some how I missed a key piece of info. How did Stan and Aderholt find the address of Clark's place?


Aderholt followed Martha there last week. Hans realized she was being tailed, which is what made Philip think the FBI was onto her.

Edited by Dev F
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Aderholt followed Martha there last week. Hans realized she was being tailed, which is what made Philip think the FBI was onto her.

Yeah, and after that, it would be pretty simple for two FBI agents to figure out which apartment in the building had a tenant that was never/rarely there, from the super.

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Some how I missed a key piece of info. How did Stan and Aderholt find the address of Clark's place?

They followed her there. That was the phone call the kid made to Clark last week. Clark was at the apartment to meet Martha, the kid saw the surveillance on her, and tipped him off.

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When Martha was stepped away from Gabriel, I was expecting her to back into the street and be hit by a car going at an unusually high speed for a residential street, but I guess her real fate will be much messier.

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I thought Phillip was going to shoot Martha with her gun.

He must know there is no way this can end well.

Who was the guy on the ship observing Phillip and William?

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That was was Hans, the South African agent.

I wonder what will happen when they try to exfiltrate Martha. Because if they separate her from Clark, she will completely snap. More than she already has. I'm kind of loving where they're going with her. She's sit as meek or stupid as she originally seemed, even though she's still behaving like a normal person would.

Also, Gabriel has got to be thinking about killing Philip as well.

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When Martha was asking Philip who he works for, I couldn't help but shout at the TV, "Don't tell her the truth, you idiot!" But with Martha it's like he's reached a point where now that she knows a few secrets, he thinks he might as well tell her all of them. I can see how Philip's reached this point emotionally, and I can see why he would think it's better to tell her the secrets she can reasonably guess for herself (I'm a spy for an enemy nation) in order to protect the ones she can't (no we can't run away together, I already have a wife and kids). But even so, I wish he'd made up something else. If he'd told her he's with British intelligence or some other European nation, she might have bought that (for a while); telling an FBI secretary that he works for Enemy Number One, that everyone in the house does, was bound to set her off.


Of course Martha threatened to expose Gabriel as KGB. This is The Scorpion and the Frog. Martha, bless her, tried to play the scorpion for a minute there. But she's still the frog, trying to remind the scorpions that if they sting her, they'll all drown. And Philip, for all his attempts to play the frog, is still a scorpion. The scorpions are going to sting the frog. That's their nature.


Martha, I will miss you when this season is over. You've been awesome to watch.

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ни хуя́ себе!


That was a tense one! I almost screamed at the screen as it went dark. I also found myself breathing audibly with Philip throughout the episode. Man is he in a bind. On the one hand he's absolutely right -- the FBI has all but completely figured Martha out. On the other hand, he's been...unorthodox in his handling of her. Although I actually saw his informing her of the KGB's involvement as a way to start getting her used to the idea of Moscow. Considering Gabriel's let Martha scamper away, perhaps Philip might be able to call it a wash on who screwed up the most.


I'm very surprised that there's no one constantly watching that safe house. Martha's a flight risk to begin with, plus how can a safe house be safe with no one keeping an eye out for surveillance? I kept expecting one of those random people that set up the car crash last season (that got Elizabeth out of that slow speed chase) to appear out of the foliage and grab her.  And then just execute her immediately.

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Watching for the third time tonight, ha.


Martha, who once had an abortion, just told Philip to "Come inside me" which could have easily been "Cum inside me."  Anyone remember what birth control she was using?  Maybe if there is a little baby Ruskie on the way, she might survive this after all?


The episode thread for next week has an extended preview.


ни хуя́ себе!

Google translate says that means:

No dick yourself.


Is there a more fun translation?  Ha>

Edited by Umbelina
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I actually thought Gabriel might be sending Phillip away so that he could kill Martha himself.

I might have, but then we saw the Residentura folks scrambling to get her out of the country.

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ни хуя́ себе!


That was a tense one! I almost screamed at the screen as it went dark. I also found myself breathing audibly with Philip throughout the episode. Man is he in a bind. On the one hand he's absolutely right -- the FBI has all but completely figured Martha out. On the other hand, he's been...unorthodox in his handling of her. Although I actually saw his informing her of the KGB's involvement as a way to start getting her used to the idea of Moscow. Considering Gabriel's let Martha scamper away, perhaps Philip might be able to call it a wash on who screwed up the most.

The fact that she thinks she's going to be near "Clark" is the only thing holding her to sanity. As soon as someone brings up that the plan is for her to be on the literal other side of the world, I don't see how she handles it. She already screamed in a public street that Gabriel is KGB. She's popping Valium like candy. Unless someone knocks her out and stuffs her on a plane, she's not just going to agree to go to Russia the way Nina did. I mean, Gabriel kind of hates Philip to begin with, and with this now (on top of all the other times he's defied them recently), you have to think he wants to send Philip back to Russia. There's no show if that happens, though.  



Watching for the third time tonight, ha.


Martha, who once had an abortion, just told Philip to "Come inside me" which could have easily been "Cum inside me."  Anyone remember what birth control she was using?  Maybe if there is a little baby Ruskie on the way, she might survive this after all?

I don't think a baby would be a factor. It would be nearly 20 years before he's valuable, and meanwhile he's being raised by a mentally-unstable woman with no spy training, desire to do any of this, or ideological leanings towards Russia or communism. The abortion was just Martha's tragic backstory. We learn why an attractive, normal woman would have no relationships or ability to trust men, and would be vulnerable to being honeytrapped. 

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The fact that she thinks she's going to be near "Clark" is the only thing holding her to sanity. As soon as someone brings up that the plan is for her to be on the literal other side of the world, I don't see how she handles it. She already screamed in a public street that Gabriel is KGB. She's popping Valium like candy. Unless someone knocks her out and stuffs her on a plane, she's not just going to agree to go to Russia the way Nina did. I mean, Gabriel kind of hates Philip to begin with, and with this now (on top of all the other times he's defied them recently), you have to think he wants to send Philip back to Russia. There's no show if that happens, though.  



I don't think a baby would be a factor. It would be nearly 20 years before he's valuable, and meanwhile he's being raised by a mentally-unstable woman with no spy training, desire to do any of this, or ideological leanings towards Russia or communism. The abortion was just Martha's tragic backstory. We learn why an attractive, normal woman would have no relationships or ability to trust men, and would be vulnerable to being honeytrapped. 

No, I don't mean to any of the characters on the show, I just mean for story purposes.  I do think the Russians are trying to get her out though, of course, at this point, they will have to kill her if they can't capture her.  Next week looks tense too!

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Damn, the scene where Martha is talking to "Clark" about running away was like watching a slow motion car wreck.


Also, poor, poor Gabriel in the other room.


When she started asking him about Elizabeth who she now knows is not his sister and whether they were involved, I was like "Oh god Phillip don't tell her anything!"


I legit thought for a second Martha would be hit by a car standing in the middle of the street at the end!


Felt bad for Gaad kicking himself over this.


Keri was in her Felicity hair during the meet.


Batman v Superman made the name "Martha" funny to me, but it only added to the surrealness of the


Edited by VCRTracking
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ни хуя́ себе!

Google translate says that means:

No dick yourself.


Is there a more fun translation?  Ha>


Well, it's what practically everyone said when that meteor was passing over Russia, so I've taken it to sort of equal "holy shit" or "fuck me sideways"! I wish I could ask for a more literal translation but my mother will have The Horrors if she finds out I've been saying (typing) it in front of God and the internet.

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Maybe I just can't relate because I've never found out that my husband was a KGB spy, but I imagine that my reaction wouldn't be "let's have unprotected sex while the old guy in the room next to us listens."


When Philip, Elizabeth, and Gabriel were in the kitchen talking about what was going on, I was really hoping that Martha would pull the classic "I CAN HEAR YOU!" from That 70s Show.

And I want a spinoff with Gabriel and William as sad, grumpy roommates that hate everything.

Ha, I would totally watch that show! Just imagine William nagging Gabriel to clean the outside germs off the bottom of his cane before bringing it into the house and Gabriel rolling his eyes as William covered all the furniture with plastic.

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The slow build-up over several seasons is really paying off now - in terms of dramatic effect. It was so intense when Philip finally said it - "the KGB".

The fact that he didn't tell Martha the full truth about he and Liz, or that he and Martha won't be able to be together, tells me Philip is still keeping his options open. There is deceit, even in the truth-telling.

I think the Centre legitimately wants to extricate Martha. But I don't think they'll be able to. This is going to end before they get the chance. And if Martha still had her gun - it just may be via suicide.


I think once Martha realizes that everything she's traded away was for a relationship that wasn't ultimately real, and that has no future, she will HIT THE WALL. And who KNOWS what she'll do then!

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By the way, I loved the complicated expression on Gabriel's face when Martha told him "I know who you are - you're KGB". He normally plays everything so laid-back, but in the moment there was a combination of quiet rage (probably towards Philip) and a deep understanding of the growing and imminent threat that Martha has become. Hats off to Frank's acting and also to the character of Gabriel. Great stuff!

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At the end, it was not just that Martha said, "I'll tell them you're KGB," it was the look on Gabriel's face that was so remarkable -- he hardly moved a muscle, but his look said, "You're done." 


It's like someone saying "Voldemort" in the street in a Harry Potter book -- you just don't say it out loud, and you REALLY don't say it in public! 


Oh, my gosh, the circles of revelation!  First, Gabriel's shock at learning Martha had "seen" Philip.  Then, watching Gabriel watch Elizabeth implode (mostly on the inside) when she saw "Clark" with his Philip hair, was like watching pictures within pictures. 


The only reason I did not think Philip would kill her with the gun, was that we had seen the scene of Martha outside the house, shouting at Gabriel on the steps, in a season preview a few weeks ago.  But back then, I could not figure out what house it was. 

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