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Here Comes Honey Boo Boo - General Discussion

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There’s less than a week left until the New Year and the family scrambles to complete last year’s New Year’s Revolutions. Committing to a resolution is one thing, but Anna’s boyfriend Michael has a plan to get the whole family involved in a proposal.



Last night viewership:  1.910 M viewers and a .8 rating.

Edited by Chip
fixed episode number and description

I found them to be just the right mix of "in on it" and  "genuinely bizarre" -- they used to give me laughs -- but the crew goading them on to grosser and grosser depths needs to stop.  Also, wasting food is a pet peeve of mine; it's clear June never had to actually work to buy any.  Pigzilla and the car key incident might's been the last time they were genuinely funny.  Oh, and Anna's boyfriend is so Kaitlyn's father...  I'm actually very happy for the three of them!

Edited by all4mom

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Happy trails beyond Small Talk!

I never watched the show "Toddlers and Tiaras", but a rerun this evening caught my eye because Alana was on it.  She was sassy and a little bit rude back then, but oh my goodness, she was so pretty!  Mama June was the same as she is now.  I never understood how Alana was in pageants, but when she was 6, she was really cute.


It's a shame, that now she is as loud, rude, crass, fat and as obnoxious as the rest of them. 


I can't understand these people when they talk, even Anna who used to strike me as somewhat literate.  Are they really that dumb, or is it all an act?

Did anybody see "Jimmy Fallon" last night?  Alana and Mama June were on there and I was honestly surprised at how awful Alana behaved.  I know she's acted up in the past during other interviews, but I'd thought surely (hopefully) she'd matured some since we last saw her and would sit still and not act ridiculous.


Not a chance.


But I loved how Jimmy responded to her.  While he had to do it under the guise of being funny, he yelled at her up one side and down the other.  She was shocked!  I think Mama June was a little taken aback too.  I wouldn't tolerate that child.


That said, I'm anxious for the premiere next week.

It's baaaack! Help! Why do I get sucked into this nightmare???


Okay, last night actually gave me some non-scornful chuckles, I will admit. June having a framed picture of AC Slater, and the girls getting her a giant cardboard cutout was pretty damn funny. But then she had to ruin it when the first words out of her mouth were, "why did you have to let them destroy my house again???" - instead of just appreciating the effort. She's like that with everything. It is so infuriating. 


Also, June shops in only her socks? Ew. 


I may be overreacting, but June seems a bit obsessed with Kaitlyn. Anna previously lived with her Grandma, so it's not like HER moving out is really a big deal to June. But damn, she could not let that baby go - to the point where she gets upset seeing a highchair when they go out to eat. I bet Alana was happy to see that baby go, despite acting like she was sad about it. 


The whole June-going-back-to-work storyline was so eye-roll worthy. She is a lazy slob. Aint no way in hell she would ever hold down an actual job. I did like seeing SB in his little apron, cleaning house, and watching his "stories". I also liked him having "girl talk" with Pumpkin. They were cracking me up. If we could get rid of June, and then detox loud-ass, obnoxious Alana from the sugar - this show might actually be enjoyable in a good way. 

  • Love 1

Alana IS seriously loud. That child grates. It's a combination of many issues, IMO. For one, she is clearly jacked up on all the junk food they eat. Two, she has no outlet for a child's natural energy - no hobbies, sports, she doesn't even have a swingset for the backyard. And lastly, giving her this platform has led her to the erroneous belief that everything she says/does is cute and sassy - so it's like she constantly has to put on a show. She is NOT cute. 

  • Love 1

You guys beat me to some of the things I wanted to say ... Alana SCREAMING and YELLING everything that comes out of her mouth especially.


I wouldn't eat from that bakery if they gave the food away if I knew June worked there.  Nasty woman.


I, too, enjoyed Sugar Bear as Mr. Mom.  My favorite comment of his was wanting to watch his "stories" while he folded the laundry and having a girl-to-girl talk with Pumpkin, who continues to be my favorite child.  Did I really see him doing yoga in next week's episode?


Glad we got a glimpse of Poodle as the gay gazelle on the trampoline.  I seriously question June knowing what a gazelle is, to be honest, but whatever.


That said, I was somewhat disappointed with this episode.  It just didn't have the punch of previous seasons.  Next week is Anna's wedding, so I'll be there.  I thought it was sweet that Jessica was teary when Anna, Michael and Kaitlyn pulled away.


Still, while I like to see 'em, I wouldn't wanna BE 'em!



  • Love 1

I didn't watch the whole episode but it caught my eye that they went to Sky Zone. It is the cool place for kids here so it was funny to see that clan go there. If they didn't have to do interesting things for the cameras I doubt they would even wander into one.


If they didn't have the cameras they wouldn't be able to afford to go to Sky Zone. With 8 people and $15/person for an hour of jumping, going to SkyZone for a poor family is like a middle-class family going to Six Flags. That's the problem of poverty and why Anna (the one raised in a middle-class home with her grandmother) is the only thin one - even after having a baby. Poverty leaves you unable to do much.

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