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Past Seasons Thread

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Normally, I wouldn't start a topic on all seasons, given that the chatter has been confined to season-specific threads. However, MTV will be airing a special on RW hook-ups following Thursday night's episode, and I figured now would be a good time for general discussion.


So . . . hook-ups and/or showmances. What do you think will get covered? I'd like to see the old school stuff . . . Pedro & Sean Sasser, the Miami threesome, David & Kira ("YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW!!!!!"), and Amaya & Colin. We'll probably get more recent scenes, as well as the Vegas threesome, even though Brynn (remember her?) would rather forget it. And who could forget the epic romance of Steven & Trishelle? *eyeroll*

I'd forgotten about that! That brings back some memories. And speaking of David, I just did a search and discovered that CT is his cousin? That makes so much sense, I'm surprised I never realized it before. 

"YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW, KIRA!" will never leave my memory.


Are Dave and CT real cousins or play cousins? cuz I got the impression that they were family friends, not actually family.  

Finally caught up with the "Love" episode on DVR. I had forgotten about most of the pairings, including Mike-Mike/Naomi and Knight/Jemmye. Too much "new school" stuff for my tastes, and I felt a lot of stuff was whitewashed. Another demerit: not pointing out that Sean Sasser died a few years ago. I'll give Judd & Pam this . . . they're pretty normal people. I'm still waiting for Judd to do mainstream comics again. Or maybe Barry Ween.

  • Love 1

In light of RW31 circling the drain . . .  what do you consider to be the worst season? Out of the "conventional" editions, I consider Austin to be pretty awful, and to hell with the bogus "Real World Awards." The only worthwhile cast member was Lacey, and that was mostly because she spent the second half of the season on the phone with her boyfriend. Epic ugliness all around, and the legacy for The Challenge is Wes playing Wile E. Coyote to Johnny Bananas' Roadrunner.

It was "YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW!!!!" Sorry for the nitpick.

Two questions:

1. Was Go Big Or Go Home the worst RW season ever? The premise went over like a lead balloon, we saw plenty of . .. um . ..  Autobot Medic behavior, and a sane woman got driven to beat the shit out of somebody, even though Jenna probably needed it. It's certainly the worst of the gimmick seasons, because nobody got sent home via failed mission.

2. Was the GBOGH finale the worst ever? The one I compare it to is Austin, which had a fight and the worst departures ever. I don't remember if we got the montage of the kids hugging and kissing before departing for their respective homes, and I don't care.

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I'm thinking an intern at BMP found tapes of Road Rules: Maximum Velocity Tour, saw James say "Go big or go home" a few times, and took the notion to a supervisor. I do understand the vote to keep Jenna, since she was too hurt to compete. I'm convinced she would've been replaced by Dylan, so we should consider ourselves lucky that didn't happen.

  • Love 1

Well, I guess I would choose Jenna over Dylan if I had absolutely no other choice. I'm not sure I would consider it lucky but being spared from any more exposure to Dylan, especially considering it means more exposure to vile Jenna, is probably the the better option. Damn, it's  really sad and disgusting to see what this show has become. To be honest, I'd rather see Puck sink his boogery fingers into innocent peanut butter and then stick them in his nasty-ass mouth again.

I for real gagged typing that last sentence. I never thought I'd have to recall the memory of that scene ever again. But yep, this season was comparable to that. I've never really considered not watching this show. I just keep hoping another Mike-Mike and RoyLee will appear to redeem a location and replace yucky memories of vile people again. But no. It's probably not happening, ever again. *sigh* I should probably put myself in timeout now to think about the severity of what I just said. Mtv's "The Real World" has had a negative impact on my reality show addiction in the following ways...

I would choose Dylan over Jenna all day, every day.  I would pick Puck over either of them.

Dylan may be an ass, but at least he was in the range of asshole acceptability.  He was a dudebro douche bag who wanted to get laid.  He'd maybe give a girl the clap and be done with it.  A little penicillin and a girl is left with an important life lesson about trusting douchebag dudebros.  Jenna on the other hand....to me that was another kettle of fish entirely.

  • Love 2

Bumping up because MTV Classic ran RW1 today, and they'll be doing it again next week. I figure that if one of us sees the network putting up a marathon, this would be the place to post about it.

I wouldn't be hellbent on seeing RW3, for fear of seeing You-Know-Who. I think the safe bet would be Pedro and Sean's wedding. And Judd putting together the This Is Your Life birthday surprise for Pam, complete with shoving the boyfriend in a closet. That came after the departure, right?

ETA: Looked at the RW2 thread. There's gonna be a Los Angeles marathon on August 20. It isn't not funny!!! Also, can you name all nine roommates without looking them up?


Tami, Dominic, Jon, Beth S., Irene, David, Aaron, Glenn and Beth A.

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Also, can you name all nine roommates without looking them up?

OK, I'll bite ... I'm just gonna go from memory until I get a brain block:

Eric, Julie, Kevin, Heather B., Norm, Becky, Andre
Dom, Tami, Jon, Aaron, Beth, David (Glen), Irene (Beth A.)
Rachel, Judd, Cory, Pedro, Pam, Mohammad, Puck (Jo)
Mike, Jay, Kat, Jacinda, Sharon, Lars, Neil
Sarah, Cynthia, Mike, Flora, Melissa, Mike, Dan
Sean, Cyrus, Montana, Elka, Kameelah, Genesis, Jason
David, Nate, Lindsey, Janet, Rebecca, Steven, Irene
Teck, Ruthie, Matt, Kaia, Justin, Amaya, Colin
Melissa, Danny, David, Jamie, Matt, Julie, Kelley
Malik, Kevin, Mike, Coral, Lori, Nicole, Rachel
Keri, Cara, Aneesa, Theo, Kyle, Chris, Tonya
Frank, Steven, Alton, Irulan, Trishelle, Brynn, Arissa
Adam, Ace, CT, Simon, Christina, Leah, Mallory
Brad, Randy, Jacquese, Robin, Cameran, Jamie, Frankie (Charlie)
Landon, MJ, Karamo, Willie, Sarah, Shavonda, Melanie
Wes, Danny, Nehemiah, Rachel, Melinda, Johanna, ((alt-rock hairdresser with disabled boyfriend))
Zach, Johnny Bananas, Tyler, Jose, Svetlana, Paula, ((black chick that got shocked in the chair on the Challenge))
Colie, Jenn, Brooke, Tyrie, Steven, Davis, Alex
Isaac, Cohutta, Dunbar, Kellyanne, Parisa, Shauvon, Trisha (Ashli)
Joey, Will, Dave, Greg, Brianna, Kim, Sarah, ..., ((young black guy)), (Brittni)
Ryan, Chet, Scott, ((gay guy that smashed the table, name is initials)), Sarah, Katelynn, Baya, Devon
Bronne, CJ, Derek, Ayiiia, Emilee, Jasmine, Jonnae, Joey
Andrew, Josh, Mike, Ty, Emily, Callie, Erika, Ashley
Knight, Ryan, Preston, Eric, Ashlee, Jemmye, McKenzie, Sahar
Leroy, Dustin, Mike Mike, Nany, Naomi, Heather, Adam (Cooke)
Frank, Zach, Nate, Ashley, Sam, Priscilla, ((smart black girl that never did the Challenge ... Alex?))
Robb, Swift, Brandon, Trey, Marie, Laura, ((super cute black girl with lots of attitude))
Johnny, Jordan, Marlon, ..., Averey, Jessica, Joi (Nia)

OK, I'm stopping here. This is where the gimmick seasons start and it's too hard to think of all the exes and skeletons right now. And I couldn't remember where the eight-member seasons both started and ended.

Still have the first 13 seasons locked in my brain. No problem. Took me a while to remember Melanie's name (the little blonde that had scabies or whatever).
The last girl from Austin ... I can see her goddamn face. It's driving me fucking nuts.
Ugh, the Key West girl ... made the great faces when she was gettting shocked in the electric chair on the Challenge, turned up again on Hollywood and dated one of the cast member when he was on the show. Ugh.
Started tripping up regularly around Hollywood ... still can't remember one of the original girls and the replacement guy. Trainwreck season ... that and D.C. had no real Challenge presence, so outta sight outta mind.
The gay dude from Brooklyn, hooked up with Tyler on the Challenge  ... I can see his goddamn face too. Goddammit!
The San Diego chick ... I remember she rejected Frank. That's about it. I think it's Alex.
The St. Thomas girl was besties with Marie. All I got. I can see her face clear as a bell.
And I'm missing an original from Portland, don't know if it's a guy or a girl. That's when it's time to tap out ...

I refuse to look these up.
I bet I can do the full run of Road Rules, too.

Edited by Bob Sambob
  • Love 3

I watched a few episodes of The Real World NY yesterday and found it quite boring.  But when this originally aired I was 13 and glued to my television.  I was pretty obsessed with most of the Real World series and watched most seasons up until Las Vegas.  I even wanted to be on the show.  Around 19-21 I remember dragging my best friend at the time to one of the open castings to attempt to try out.  We got there and saw the line and I said forget it. LOL

  • Love 1

Looking at MTV Classic's schedule . . . there is no RW slated for September 10. We'll be getting London on 9/3. Was Miami syndicated? If not, could MTV go into the archives to rerun the season? I want to see the threesome . . . or at least Dan, Flora and Sarah trying to sneak a peek.

Also . . . would MTV Classic run the casting specials? All I remember about the one leading into RW6 was that a Road Rules exec wanted Sean, and there was as Asian vampire dude in the running. And the RW/RR special from 2000 has to be run, especially with Judd wanting to see a show with Melissa and her parents, David's nose ring, and Rachna's dead-on impression of Kaia.

  • Love 1

Ew. No. Aside from Arissa and Brynn, was there anybody worth cheering on that season? And aside from Frank telling Steven that he and Trishelle were "dumb as rocks," was there a "must-watch" moment that season? I'm also convinced that the episode with "Awesome Anne" might be the worst in the show's history . . . at least where physical fighting wasn't involved. At least they're not airing the "reunion" season . . . right?

Anybody watching RW4 now? I got it on, but I'm not invested.

ETA: Jay's in the spotlight with his girlfriend. Didn't he wind up coming out eventually? And I hope nobody mixes up "Jay From London" with Jay London from Last Comic Standing.

Was Chicago syndicated? I'd hate to think about Cara hooking up with Kyle's friend and "Come On Be My Baby Tonight" not playing. That was an awesome moment. "See, this girl is such a slut, we had to bring out a song from the biggest he-slut we know to score her score!!"

Anybody else thinking of Keri's little chipmunk teeth? Kinda sucks she never did a Challenge. She did hook up with Blair from The Quest.

THANK GOD I CAN COME BITCH WITH YOU GUYS! Oh, when I saw the cable listings for Vegas  I was fit to be tied, friends. 

I call SHENANIGANS that we are still unable to view the seasons between London and Vegas and feel pretty duped. While I've appreciated some of the extra footage in the NYC, LA, San Fran, and London seasons aired during these marathons (in the end credits, mostly), ALL of these seasons can be accessed on Hulu or Amazon, and MTV Classic isn't really offering us anything that we couldn't already stream.  

Regardless of whether or not these lost seasons were ever syndicated, all this time has passed and nobody at MTV has ever said, "you know, it's a bit strange to omit a decade's worth of some of the most beloved seasons of an iconic show--maybe if we're gonna do this whole nostalgia thing right we can spare a couple bucks for an editor to scrub and replace the music for these too."  Fans are constantly referencing favorite moments from many of them, and there is clearly demand there. I have had fleeting luck finding episodes from these seasons on Youtube, but not in their entirety, and it's certainly not the same.

Get it together, network dudes!

/end rant. I'm going to go lie down now. 

  • Love 3
43 minutes ago, Zizzlezazzle said:

THANK GOD I CAN COME BITCH WITH YOU GUYS! Oh, when I saw the cable listings for Vegas  I was fit to be tied, friends. 

I call SHENANIGANS that we are still unable to view the seasons between London and Vegas and feel pretty duped. While I've appreciated some of the extra footage in the NYC, LA, San Fran, and London seasons aired during these marathons (in the end credits, mostly), ALL of these seasons can be accessed on Hulu or Amazon, and MTV Classic isn't really offering us anything that we couldn't already stream.  

Regardless of whether or not these lost seasons were ever syndicated, all this time has passed and nobody at MTV has ever said, "you know, it's a bit strange to omit a decade's worth of some of the most beloved seasons of an iconic show--maybe if we're gonna do this whole nostalgia thing right we can spare a couple bucks for an editor to scrub and replace the music for these too."  Fans are constantly referencing favorite moments from many of them, and there is clearly demand there. I have had fleeting luck finding episodes from these seasons on Youtube, but not in their entirety, and it's certainly not the same.

Get it together, network dudes!

/end rant. I'm going to go lie down now. 

Are 2-4 now available on Hulu? My husband and I were slowly making our way through season 1 on Hulu, but last time we were on there, it went straight from 1 to like, Cancun or something.

Are they replacing the music? I obviously haven't watched this in 20+ years, and I have noticed many occurrences of suspiciously soundalike instrumental versions of early 90s jams. The most recent example I can think of is the "Sober" soundalike that was playing when Pedro and Sean got into the car accident.

MTV Classic is really turning out to be a bust.

3 hours ago, carrier76 said:

Are 2-4 now available on Hulu? My husband and I were slowly making our way through season 1 on Hulu, but last time we were on there, it went straight from 1 to like, Cancun or something.

Are they replacing the music? I obviously haven't watched this in 20+ years, and I have noticed many occurrences of suspiciously soundalike instrumental versions of early 90s jams. The most recent example I can think of is the "Sober" soundalike that was playing when Pedro and Sean got into the car accident.

MTV Classic is really turning out to be a bust.

If not Hulu, they are available on Amazon (but you might need Amazon Prime to watch some for free?); on Hulu their availability does seem to change. 

Yes, I think the reason a lot of these shows can't be released as they were is because the original  licensing agreements didn't factor in re-use for the music beyond a certain number of years. The network doesn't want to fork over a ton of money to re-license all of those great 90's songs, which is sad but totally understandable. But we've seen with the first 4 seasons that the music can be scrubbed and replaced with generic tunes--it's just getting somebody to take the time and spend the money to do so for the remaining seasons, I guess. Perhaps a lot easier said than done, but it's a bummer. 

That sucks. No 3some in the shower hook-up in Miami, no Stephen slapping Irene & "IT'S KILLING ME KIRA!" in Seattle, no Vaj screaming at Montana on the phone for cheating on him in Boston, no Melissa "I'm in bed with a gay man on one side and a Mormon on the other!" or "C'mon Be My Baby Tonight" in New Orleans, no Justin playing Colin and Amaya like puppets in Hawaii...dang.

Edited by AndySmith
  • Love 6

Or hearing "Come On Be My Baby Tonight" when Cara was hooking up with Kyle's buddy. Yeah, David hailed from Chicago, but that was not only an unexpected bonus, but also an indictment as to how "easy" Cara was. BTW, if Cara was Cliff Notes, David would be Cliff Notes for Cliff Notes. I'm saying he's a slut, and "playas" deserve to be shamed as women are.

Also: the 9/11 episode. BMP got so lucky to break away from their usual schedule, and they wound up with a moving episode. And nobody can forget Aneesa's birthday anymore.

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Personally, I'm not for shaming anyone, male or female. If you can handle things emotionally, and take the necessary precautions and protections, have as much or as little fun as you want. But, to each their own.

It is sad though, that the women on this show do get called out for stuff many other male cast members have done just as much, if not more, especially bed hopping. Well, on this show and irl too.

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I don't see anything on the Classic schedule two weeks from now. Maybe we'll get alternating weeks of BMP repeats. Here's hoping we get something better than Vegas . . . or any Vegas season, for that matter.

Let's say that MTV Classic was to do a block of single episodes under a "best of" banner. What would you want to see there? I'm thinking the RW1 debut and ender, Pedro & Sean's wedding (even if Puck is in there), the Miami threesome, the trio of Seattle episodes spotlighting David, the Mardi Gras episode, 9/11 . . . what else?


The Mardi Gras episode was awesome

Melissa's confessional is everything.  Back when a roommate getting it on in a shared room was something scandalous that required the other occupants to find alternate lodgings rather than a weekly occurrence for one which simply made popcorn and watched.

“Danny doesn’t know where to sleep.  He’s trying to jump in Kelly’s bed, there’s already a man up in there; he doesn’t know what to do.  He tries to get in his own bed, butt naked, with Jamie – that ain’t gonna work.  Try to go up in Matt’s room, Matt’s still over there praying.  David’s still servicing some hoes.  So he jumps in my bed, not even knowing Julie’s in the bed.  So, let me tell you what the sex life is like: Melissa is in the bed with a Mormon on the left, a naked gay man on the right.  What am I supposed to do with that?"

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