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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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Wow, just saw the ratings for last week.  All new low for the 18-49 female demo.


Can we now please have a new head writer?  And toss out all those minions he brought with him from OLTL. 


Sadly, I think ABC will keep RC/FV until the numbers get low enough to justify cancelling the show. As of now, it'd be a mercy killing. I doubt ABC is invested in soaps anymore since GH is the last one standing. There is also no more daytime division if I recall correctly. (But I could be wrong.) And either some new cheesy talk/service show will be developed or, barring nothing sticking (as has been the case so far, hence GH still gasping for life), perhaps the hour will be turned over to the affiliates.


IMO, however, GH is on borrowed time.

  • Love 5

Sadly, I think ABC will keep RC/FV until the numbers get low enough to justify cancelling the show. As of now, it'd be a mercy killing. I doubt ABC is invested in soaps anymore since GH is the last one standing. There is also no more daytime division if I recall correctly. (But I could be wrong.) And either some new cheesy talk/service show will be developed or, barring nothing sticking (as has been the case so far, hence GH still gasping for life), perhaps the hour will be turned over to the affiliates.


IMO, however, GH is on borrowed time.

I hear you. Record low ratings are a double-edged sword.


I don't want the GH of the 80s and 90s to be canceled.  I don't want a potentially great show for the future to be canceled.  And the bones are there for GH to be good again.


But this current show? That wants us to root for a sexual assailant and serial killer as a romantic hero?  That wants us to set aside the pain caused by and crimes perpetrated by villains against the very heroes many of us have been watching for years (I'm side eyeing Dr. O especially here), all because they "crack wise." That demonstrates ongoing palpable contempt for women. It deserves to be canceled.  It needs to be canceled.  

  • Love 6

I know. I can't believe RoHo fans are happy watching him as Franco. That goes for the Michelle Stafford fans, too. These are not pleasant characters. They're not fun to hate. They're badly written characters who were shoved onto the show because Ron has to satisfy his own ego rather than think of the good of the show.


I'm not against new characters, but Ron hasn't yet introduced one in an organic way. He puts them front and center and demands we love them immediately. It doesn't work that way, especially when he gives us no reason to like them. And then he doubles down by adding more and more characters we don't need or want.

  • Love 12

I think the only relatively successful characters were Ellie and Jordan and that was largely because they were primarily background characters who showed up in other people's stories

But I hate (to varying degrees) every single one of his starring characters - and there are so freaking many - and Nina, Franco, Dr.O and Madeline in particular really don't fit.

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 7

I'm not against new characters, but Ron hasn't yet introduced one in an organic way. He puts them front and center and demands we love them immediately. It doesn't work that way, especially when he gives us no reason to like them. And then he doubles down by adding more and more characters we don't need or want.

And then he triples down by doing horrible things to and/or ruining more established characters a large segment of the audience liked (Robin, AJ, Duke -- and Liz and Nik are now inexplicably evil, and Patrick and Anna are now written as idiots).

And then he quadruples down by making problematic issues far worse (Sonny and Jason getting away with murder has now been expanded to half the canvas being heinous people who don't pay for their crimes).

  • Love 8

I think the only relatively successful characters were Ellie and Jordan and that was largely because they were primarily background characters who showed up in other people's stories

But I hate (to varying degrees) every single one of his starring characters - and there are so freaking many - and Nina, Franco, Dr.O and Madeline in particular really don't fit.


I mean, to be fair, Ava certainly has a large number of fans. We know one of them in particular. *waves to tvgoddess

  • Love 4

Looks like Hayden may wake up from her coma soon:

By SOD • Posted: Jun 26, 2015

It would appear that Rebecca Budig's Hayden Barnes, comatose since May, may soon be waking up. On Budig’s birthday (June 26), fellow birthday celebrant Jean Passanante, a member of GH’s writing team, tweeted the actress, “It’s so fabulous to write for you again!” A GH rep had no comment.


Edited by Sake614
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Honestly, there are some people I would keep Ron over. I wouldn't want McTavish back, or Garin Wolf. Probably not Guza either. I struggle on that sometimes. No, I probably wouldn't want Guza back either. He'd probably have the whole town build a statue of Jason in revenge.


Id take 2008 writers strike strike Garin Wolfe back in a heartbeat.  But 2011 Garin Wolfe can stay the flying fawq away.  

  • Love 3

I know. I can't believe RoHo fans are happy watching him as Franco. That goes for the Michelle Stafford fans, too. These are not pleasant characters. They're not fun to hate. They're badly written characters who were shoved onto the show because Ron has to satisfy his own ego rather than think of the good of the show.

As a RoHo fan, oh hell no I'm not enjoying Franco. At all. Roger can and has given decent performances and will. He's imo a good actor. He should have been an AJ recast (since RC/Frank hate SK so much, which ironically screwed them as ratings were up when AJ rose from the dead, plummeted with Jason rising from hia grave). They knew what SK looked like when they hired him. They could have easily teased the Jason return then during SK's exit since around the OLTL lawsuit was when they really began to decide they didn't want SK (or Duke imo). Then, there wouldn't be the low ratings of frustrated viewers who know Ron takes years to reveal a story and won't tune in till November /December to see Jason or won't at all because they won't give him a chanxe because they hate the Jake character.

  • Love 1

Honestly, this shit makes me nostalgic for Guza. For serious.

I don't feel good about myself saying that. And yet.

I am deeply nostalgic for the monkey virus because at least that killed off SWSNBN. We could use a good toxic balls event where Nina and Franco succumb quickly and Silas dies heroically saving characters that don't suck Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 4

......But I like Silas now!

Why couldn't ME play a fucking Cassadine?

So, okay. You have RoHo, ME, and KA. You have to keep them. The smartest choices are to look at ABC Daytime History and hmm.... The Mob Stuff isn't working..... but complete camp isn't. I can't have McBain, Todd, or Starr. So how do I introduce them to keep ratings up? Okay. Roger, you can be a Quartermaine. We'll probably bring Jason back, so we will begin fucking with audience now and you're actually AJ. Or some Quartermaine. Or Dr. Stephen Lars because I'm Ron in this scenario and I enjoy wacky Heather Webber shenanigans and that's the only time I use the hospital (unless people are dying or sexing in it). Micheal Easton, you're a Cassadine because you can play dark. And you're a lawyer. Make it work. Kriaten... hmmmm. Well, I guesd you'll be someone's daughter and date boys. Because you're so darn nice.

Then move the fucking stories along. Stop trying to make me feel feels for rapists, kidnappers, terrorists, killers, and overall shitty people. Stop making good people boring and everyone out of character because you can't think, Ron. FFS just spit it out and see a therapist or get real friends like everyone else. Stop making GH your own personal diary.

Soery. Needed to let that out. Marathoned a week just now.

  • Love 3

I say just sel GH, the archives, etc to Netflix. That goes for Prospect Park. Let them have the ABC soap line up since they can do tv shows correctly.


I actually agree with you. There is apparently an original show coming up on Netflix - maybe it's already on there - where they are actually going to stagger the episode delivery system weekly as opposed to a binge. It can be done for daytime on a daily basis. Deliver the soaps in blocks of 40-60 episodes at either 30 or 45 mins, meant to be watched four or five to a week, with arcs the way Linda Gottlieb and Michael Malone played with early in their tenure at OLTL. Stagger them daily or weekly, end on cliffhangers at the end of each block, then deliver another.


I believe the first soap that understands the potential of using an outlet like Netflix or Amazon, and is not owned or managed by coked out lunatics a la Prospect Park, will have a gold mine on its hands. The audience is there, almost everyone has Netflix, and the only-streaming plan is cheap. I only wish it could be done for AMC and OLTL.


As for new characters, I think Obrecht worked early on, in doses. As always with anything that potentially catches on, though, Ron and Frank have run her into the ground. She only would work for me as a recurring villain at this point. Ava had been a major success - until now.


Morgan and Julian, who are essentially new characters? They have their moments, but while I enjoy his antics Julian is an acquired taste at best at this point, and Morgan has also curdled. I also think their use of the kids like Spencer has potential in theory, but the execution is dreadful. And Nina, Franco, Silas and Kiki are all a horrible meth lab fire. Jordan is wallpaper.

I'm not very familiar with Passanante's work.  Would she be a better head writer than Ron?


No. She's dreadful.

  • Love 7

Yeah. It's on there. (It's quite good btw and has Justin Kelly from Degrassi who would have made a better Dillion imo)

The soap archives alone would be amazing. A good writer who actually cares and can craft great stories (aw Ron, too big of a job for you) could take advantage and mine the history and the archives. That way rather than have episodes full of flashbacks, they could refrence something and viewers could go back to the episode. The WWE has a netflix of sorts with the WWE Network. They have the monthly PPVs (which used to cost about 50 bucks a month) and all the old PPVS and old archived episodes of Raw, Smackdown, etc. There's also the new programming of NXT. A lot of people subscribe to the network to get the PPVs for 10 bucks a month, which is still good. So imagine if you could subscribe to Netflix and get every OLTL, GH, AMC and get to watch it on tv and not crappy you tube quality? Hell, a GH with no to little network influence?

Not that it will solve the absolutely woeful plot points disguised as stories, but a big part of the problem is the cast is so freaking bloated. Hire after hire after damned hire but no firings to balance it out. It's impossible to write stories when they are dropped for months to accommodate the massive number of useless people...and then expect viewers to remember the scant details when said "stories" circle back around ages later.


Grow a pair and fire some of the dead weight. On my list at the top (excluding Sonny and Carly because, let's face it, they're here 'til the lights go out), it begins with Franco, Nina, Madeline, Dr. O, DenAva, Kiki, Silas, and Sabrina. Bye! See ya! Maybe Ava initially worked, but as of now, she is a mess. And the others, IMO, never worked at all. (Huh. I just noticed all of these folks were RC creations.) Once they are divested of, tighten things up. Evaluate the story. And I really do mean evaluate. Do an actual fucking outline of beginning, middle, and end. And stick with that. No more changing horses midstream. And for the love of God, stop draaaaaaaaaaaagging crap out for sweeps periods. (I'm looking at YOU, Jakeson! Reveal his ass is a hitman Borg, already.)


Start watching classic episodes - or have the current writing team do so. Learn the characters. It's clear this regime has no clue who anyone is, hence the 180s and treating them like chess pieces. I mean, when I call shenanigans at Liz's behavior of being outright mustache twirling - and I loathe her - you know something is very wrong.


Use what and who is there. There are some good actors left who have dreadful material. Tighten up characterization and the writing should come along, too.


It's maddening because the show can be improved using simple logic. But we have a 5-year-old trapped in a 40-something man's body as the head writer and an EP who won't rein in his tantrums, so campy nonsensical garbage is what we get all in the name of pop culture and an inflated ego.

  • Love 11

Why couldn't ME play a fucking Cassadine?


He'd just stand around looking bored with Nik instead of with Ava. 

Ava really only makes sense as head of the Jerome family and RC and his OLTL script writers are terrible at mob crap


I thought she was a mess then too, changing personalities by the day. If Morgan hadn't laid pipe with her I'm not sure she'd still be around. Before then she was mostly just tic-laden baggage for Silas, Julian and Kiki.

I believe the first soap that understands the potential of using an outlet like Netflix or Amazon, and is not owned or managed by coked out lunatics a la Prospect Park, will have a gold mine on its hands. The audience is there, almost everyone has Netflix, and the only-streaming plan is cheap. I only wish it could be done for AMC and OLTL.


I think the 5-day-a-week format and the negative stigma of soaps makes it very difficult. I do wish someone would try, but it seems like only weekly soaps (and often very low quality, like Tyler Perry's shows), show up now. It doesn't help that there's still this idea soap means bad '80s camp - even supposed "hits" like Revenge got that type of label.

Edited by Pete Martell
  • Love 2

In the new SOD RC was talking about howhe loved the vets.He was talking bout Holly and how he lovedher.Then he talked about how he loved to turn GH on to see Luke to see Laura to see scotty to see Lucy it gave him a warm feeling.Why do I have a hard time believing RC lol.


That's funny because I get a warm feeling watching Ron's GH; 

it's a combination of heartburn, indigestion, and rage.  

  • Love 8

Not that it will solve the absolutely woeful plot points disguised as stories, but a big part of the problem is the cast is so freaking bloated. Hire after hire after damned hire but no firings to balance it out. It's impossible to write stories when they are dropped for months to accommodate the massive number of useless people...and then expect viewers to remember the scant details when said "stories" circle back around ages later.


Grow a pair and fire some of the dead weight. On my list at the top (excluding Sonny and Carly because, let's face it, they're here 'til the lights go out), it begins with Franco, Nina, Madeline, Dr. O, DenAva, Kiki, Silas, and Sabrina. Bye! See ya! Maybe Ava initially worked, but as of now, she is a mess. And the others, IMO, never worked at all. (Huh. I just noticed all of these folks were RC creations.) Once they are divested of, tighten things up. Evaluate the story. And I really do mean evaluate. Do an actual fucking outline of beginning, middle, and end. And stick with that. No more changing horses midstream. And for the love of God, stop draaaaaaaaaaaagging crap out for sweeps periods. (I'm looking at YOU, Jakeson! Reveal his ass is a hitman Borg, already.)


Start watching classic episodes - or have the current writing team do so. Learn the characters. It's clear this regime has no clue who anyone is, hence the 180s and treating them like chess pieces. I mean, when I call shenanigans at Liz's behavior of being outright mustache twirling - and I loathe her - you know something is very wrong.


Use what and who is there. There are some good actors left who have dreadful material. Tighten up characterization and the writing should come along, too.


It's maddening because the show can be improved using simple logic. But we have a 5-year-old trapped in a 40-something man's body as the head writer and an EP who won't rein in his tantrums, so campy nonsensical garbage is what we get all in the name of pop culture and an inflated ego.

Is it just me, or are you suggesting we go back to Guza land. keeping all the mob. Sonny and carley are done stick a fork in them.They have done all the evil there is. Now Michael is returning to them, this Michael was the one thing Ron did right make him a Quartermain. Now TJ actually choosing the mob over his cop mother ??? Sure they have some good actors not, that they have shown any of it under Re-Ron. They need to trim the show and get rid of Re-Ron and his enabler. I am beginning to think there is no hope for GH.Newbies who can't act, stories that go no here and TIIC who go to you tube see what's been done before, and can't even copy that. All Re-Ron is good for is coping others work.

Edited by testardo

Honestly, this shit makes me nostalgic for Guza. For serious.

I don't feel good about myself saying that. And yet.


This might be more appropriate in the history thread, but I'm genuinely curious: as far as the 2000s go, which HW tenure was worse? Guza and Pratt together, or Guza alone (as in after Pratt left, not when Guza was there in the 90s before McTavish)? I know it's basically picking the lesser of two evils, but I swear I've heard defenders and detractors for both stints. 


This might be more appropriate in the history thread, but I'm genuinely curious: as far as the 2000s go, which HW tenure was worse? Guza and Pratt together, or Guza alone (as in after Pratt left, not when Guza was there in the 90s before McTavish)? I know it's basically picking the lesser of two evils, but I swear I've heard defenders and detractors for both stints. 


Moved my response to this to the history thread, UYI ...

Edited by SlovakPrincess

I thought she was a mess then too, changing personalities by the day. If Morgan hadn't laid pipe with her I'm not sure she'd still be around. Before then she was mostly just tic-laden baggage for Silas, Julian and Kiki.


I thought she was pretty solid til Morgan. She didn't stop being a cold serpent til then. Then they defanged her for months and made her a sap, had her whining to Julian about his terrible mob, until it was revealed that she killed Connie. I always knew she had, I just wondered if they'd have the balls to play it after neutering her for some college dick.

  • Love 1

One last thought about TG: I think it's silly to compare the credits either he or GF has, and say she was a bigger success after GH. First off, because of the age difference, he had been working for years before ever coming to GH.

Let's just be blunt: neither of them would be anything without Luke and Laura, and really....neither of them had great success outside of GH.

TG didn't do much of anything after Luke, but he had quite a few credits for guest spots on TV shows and bit parts on movies BEFORE Luke. And I think that's the thing that ate at him. I think he feels he might have had a better chance at mainstream success if he had never been Luke Spencer.  And he wouldn't be the only actor to ever feel one infamous part typecasted/pigeonholed them to the point where no one would ever see them as anything but that.

Even Leonard Nimoy, just as an example, had stated in the past he sometimes wished he'd never played Spock. So I don't begrudge TG his mixed feelings. As far as what kind of career TG might have had not playing Luke, there's no way to know.

With GF, sure she had a few TV movies after Laura, and a few guest spots here and there. But IMO neither of them had a stellar career outside of GH. If GF had such an on fire career after GH, she would not have been hawking her overpriced home furnishings and doing diet program commercials.

I think GF is better, again, as I said, at playing the PR. She knows better than to look ungrateful. TG is almost sixteen years older, far more world weary, and just doesn't care anymore. And while I may not agree with him being as open and honest as he has  been, I'd rather he be open and honest than fake and phoney about it.

  • Love 1

And I think it wouldn't matter how he said it, most of the same people taking issues with him would have found some other reason, if not that.

There is no easy way to say you are tired of the viewers of a show expecting you to stay with the same actress as a couple and that you are never allowed to act opposite anyone else romantically. And while you may not be one of them, trust me, there are plenty out there who feel exactly that way.

ETA that I realize the problems most have with TG are the fact that he's being disrespectful and maybe even rude to the fans, and that it isn't necessarily about Luke and Tracy or Luke and Anna or any other woman Luke has been with. But I do think that is a huge part of the issue. That he was supposed to "fight" for LnL or that he was supposed to fight for Genie.

I don't think he's responsible for doing either. Yes, I know he fought for Jane and Lunacy, and that's what is eating a lot of people. And I get that, but again, it just feeds into my theory that it's really all about Tony should never be "about" anyone else other than Luke and Laura or GF. And that's really frustrating to me, so I can imagine how frustrating it is to him.


I don't begrudge TG his mixed feelings about Luke and GH

Edited by IWantCandy71
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I think GF is better, again, as I said, at playing the PR. She knows better than to look ungrateful. TG is almost sixteen years older, far more world weary, and just doesn't care anymore. And while I may not agree with him being as open and honest as he has  been, I'd rather he be open and honest than fake and phoney about it.



If you watch GF in her Lifetime Portrait show she was very open and brutally honest about her GH experience. She was much more honest in her early years but started the cat-and-mouse back and forth attitude as she got older. ABC and public pressure must have been enormous restraining factors. I suspect she wanted the Cassadine Stefan/Laura romance but wouldn't PR it in public. Geary stayed loyal to L&L until after the Stefan/Laura romance. An unhappy accident, SNL (the importantce of which GH ignores), rape revisited and a older Laura with "homebody" needs started the crack in the L&L wall. They could have continued on with these fascinating storylines but instead retreated to cartoon Luke James Bond antics which ruined whatever credibility L&L still had. L&L was over and never recovered. We got a few sprinkles here and there, but Geary danced towards a Luke makeover because he was bored and frustrated.


I thought GF was an excellent teen actress who got boring as she aged. Sad but true. However, she did fantastic work in GH Lucky's death. The Note was not bad at all. In fact, I was surprised at her mature delivery. I'm not as interested in AG but early L&L was brilliant. I felt his best work was after Laura first disappeared when he got his first emmy. Maybe it was his tall gangly frame or his overzealous ego. He should have been doing Gary Oldman roles.


Despite the reservations most of us have had with L&L, there's no doubt its important in Television history, especially early L&L. GF has understood that importance and learned to respect L&L fans and what they loved about the storyline. For this I respect her. Geary's ego has gotten beyond L&L and he'd drag it through the mud if he could. For that I do not respect him.

Edited by aA0009
  • Love 3
That he was supposed to "fight" for LnL or that he was supposed to fight for Genie.

I don't think he's responsible for doing either.


I don't think he was responsible for that, either. There are going to be people who think Luke should never look at another woman, and there's nothing anyone can do about that. But I think you can acknowledge that in a respectful way and at the same time say that Luke wants to be happy, and that happiness can't be with Laura. I think if Laura hadn't been written as a wig on a stick, it would have been easier for Luke to move on. She could have her own life and Luke could have his. It also would have been better if Laura hadn't returned engaged to Scott. She's as much a victim of the past as Luke is.


TG didn't help things by talking about how he would have done things better. That's just smug, and no one likes smug.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 3

If you watch GF in her Lifetime Portrait show she was very open and brutally honest about her GH experience. She was much more honest in her early years but started the cat-and-mouse back and forth attitude as she got older. ABC and public pressure must have been enormous restraining factors. I suspect she wanted the Cassadine Stefan/Laura romance but wouldn't PR it in public. Geary stayed loyal to L&L until after the Stefan/Laura romance. An unhappy accident, SNL (the importantce of which GH ignores), rape revisited and a older Laura with "homebody" needs started the crack in the L&L wall. They could have continued on with these fascinating storylines but instead retreated to cartoon Luke James Bond antics which ruined whatever credibility L&L still had. L&L was over and never recovered. We got a few sprinkles here and there, but Geary danced towards a Luke makeover because he was bored and frustrated.


I thought GF was an excellent teen actress who got boring as she aged. Sad but true. However, she did fantastic work in GH Lucky's death. The Note was not bad at all. In fact, I was surprised at her mature delivery. I'm not as interested in AG but early L&L was brilliant. I felt his best work was after Laura first disappeared when he got his first emmy. Maybe it was his tall gangly frame or his overzealous ego. He should have been doing Gary Oldman roles.


Despite the reservations most of us have had with L&L, there's no doubt its important in Television history, especially early L&L. GF has understood that importance and learned to respect L&L fans and what they loved about the storyline. For this I respect her. Geary's ego has gotten beyond L&L and he'd drag it through the mud if he could. For that I do not respect him.

I agree with most of this, especially that GF did really well as teen Laura. .


TG didn't help things by talking about how he would have done things better. That's just smug, and no one likes smug.



No, they don't, you're right about that.

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