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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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I wasn't trying to imply that you said Ron cares. I just personally don't think he does, that's all. I especially don't think he cares about what the audience loves or doesn't love. It's the reason he blocks the people he believes are "haters." He writes what he wants and then listens to those who say they love it, too. So when he decides how HE wants Dr. O to look, he'll do just what. And then he'll get those who love him to reaffirm those decisions. Just MO!

Edited by HeatLifer
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There was a Budig interview in SOD. Nothing too exciting, but she said that her friend Frank called her up and said he has the perfect role for her and does she want to "play for a bit." She then talked about her new baby and people she knows already at GH. I think she mentioned Fin, Ian, Billy, Kelly, JT, KSt.

Still no real info on character or story.

This article sums up a lot of the problems with this show and it's current stories. Some personal highlights:



I really feel sorry for the actors on GH.  TPTB are unable to write a show with any balance, so they bring on a new actor and/or character…proceed to saturate the episodes with the New Guy, putting them in nearly every scene, every story, and with every available actor…and then when it is apparent that actor or character somehow didn’t work (usually because of over-exposure,) that actor is summarily sacked, or at least severely back-burnered.  They also have this tendency to write the characters in the extreme, and then come up with the most ridiculous scenario to get them out whatever corner into which the character has been boxed.


Franco chewed scenery daily for more than a year, and his buddy Ava consumed whole episodes for eight or nine months.  Then they disappeared for weeks.


Roger Howarth never should have been brought in as the loathsome Franco, a character destined to fail because of all the baggage he brought with him.  Maura West was doing a phenomenal job as Ava, but the writers foolishly wrote her into a situation they are now desperately trying to find a way out of…Franco to the point where she’s about to vanish for a while (“presumed dead”) while TPTB retrench and try to fix their giant blunders.  Meanwhile Franco will hover in a drug-induced stupor for a while.




So Ryan Paevey needs to take note.  Getting Ron and Frank hot and bothered will only carry him for so long.  Detective Nathan West is an abject failure as a character because Paevey has the acting range of thumb tack, and it’s just a matter of time before TPTB find a new toy they want to play with.  I suspect it won’t be hard for them to find another man they can write to be shirtless on a daily basis, and Dante’s revolving door of work partners will continue.



There is a myriad of problems with this whole Fake Luke/Not Fake Luke business.  First, Julian was in witness protection where he supposedly met Fluke and built a relationship with him years ago. That was stated plainly.  So how could it have been Luke at the same time? Or are we supposed to forget whole pages of dialogue.


Luke had supposedly “killed” Helena during this time also. So how exactly did Luke come to be under her control?


How could she “program” Luke if their collaboration happened AFTER Fluke was supposed to have developed some working arrangement with Julian?


Why, when he was first rescued a year ago, did he clearly not know details of his own life?


When, how, and WHY was Faison roped into this whole arrangement?  Ditto for Jerry Jacks.  And Victor Cassadine.
I’m suppose to believe that the Cassadines are now this ALL POWERFUL SUPERHUMAN family who can bring back the dead, brainwash people, and now force a D.I.D. breakdown of some sort.  And Helena is able to accomplish all this while in suspended animation.  Because this appeared to start while Helena was supposed to be DEAD.  How then did she engineer this latest revenge?  The Fluke stuff started in February, Helena wasn’t revived until September.  So was Helena working on gaining mind control for years…if so, then why would she have poisoned Luke with polonium?  And if he had been under her control prior to that, he would not have shot her.
As much as I hated Guza, at least his writing mostly made sense (even if it was repetitive, and made mobsters into heroes.)  This version of GH makes no sense at all.  These writers come up with what they think is a brilliant concept, and then force the characters into whatever plot points goes along with their hare-brained scheme with no regard as to how to end the stories.  It becomes more and more convoluted as they attempt to throw out red herrings, never considering how those choices might affect the outcome. Then, when they tire of the game, they come up with a hasty ending expecting the audience to just forget all the “details” they’ve been fed during the previous months or years.



Apparently the mental institution has no guards, nurses, or doctors.  People stroll in and out at will.  And how many times will Heather be able to go on one of these little violent rampages.


Franco has killed without remorse…but he can’t manage to shoot Heather?  Even after previously stabbing her?




How about the revolving villains: Heather…Helena….Faison…Jerry…repeat.  And repeat. And repeat.  No one ever is punished, or stays behind bars.  Keep insulting the viewers.



Nikolas…get a backbone.  Get rid of Helena one way or another, because you know she won’t stop.




Ivy…is not a good actress.  How did she get cast?  It’s not like she’s Frank or Ron’s type…


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"I write scripts way too late! Yeah, I get all the stars! (Holds pic of Steve Burton, then throws it) But I can't make em stay! (Dances next to Billy Miller and Roger Howarth, who have their heads down and look very awkward ) No, I can't make em stay! But I keep groovin! (Dances with Spencer kid and MSt like really weird) Can't stop, won't stop! (Like pops and locks, as Michael Easton, TRi, Sean Blackmore, Jordan actress try to cover their faces) Cause the players gonna play, play, play! Yeah! (Nancy Lee Graham, Ryan Paevy dance with Ron) And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate! (Ron dances with Spencer.) Shake it off! "

That is Ron's Nurse's Ball.

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"I write scripts way too late! Yeah, I get all the stars! (Holds pic of Steve Burton, then throws it) But I can't make em stay! (Dances next to Billy Miller and Roger Howarth, who have their heads down and look very awkward ) No, I can't make em stay! But I keep groovin! (Dances with Spencer kid and MSt like really weird) Can't stop, won't stop! (Like pops and locks, as Michael Easton, TRi, Sean Blackmore, Jordan actress try to cover their faces) Cause the players gonna play, play, play! Yeah! (Nancy Lee Graham, Ryan Paevy dance with Ron) And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate! (Ron dances with Spencer.) Shake it off! "

That is Ron's Nurse's Ball.

Why, why, why did you give MoRon this idea? Hopefully they can't afford the song.

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Why, why, why did you give MoRon this idea? Hopefully they can't afford the song.

You want moar?!

"I never miss a beat! (Close up on Spencer punching the camera with Emma and Joss as "ring girls") I'm lighting on my feet! (Bryan Craig and NuKiki dancing) Cause I write your favorite tv show with your favorite stars (Maurice and Laura dancing and laughing while Jason Thomson is there so he won't get fined) I know just what you want! (TG smiling evily, tearing papers and throwing them) You get it everyday! (CD and Leslie Charleson smiling, then Maurice and Spencer get in the way of the camera ) Cause the players gonna play play and the haters gonna hate hate hate! (Spencer pushes Cam) Shake it off! (Cast dances around Spencer) Yeah, shake it off!

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Emmy's will air on TV.

The Daytime Emmy Awards are back where they belong—on television! After last year's low-rent debacle on the Internet, the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences has struck a deal with the newly rebranded cable channel Pop (formerly TV Guide Network) to air the 42nd Annual Daytime Emmy Awards. The date: Sunday, April 26 (8 p.m. ET/5p.m. PT).



I think at this point, it's because the soaps are seen as so irrelevant that none of them care to air it anymore (and NBC stopped airing them first, quite a few years before ABC and CBS finally gave up, because they got so few nominations that it just looked embarrassing to let them air it, even BEFORE Days was their only soap left). Hell, even SOAPNET turned it down one year, I think in 2009, when it finally aired on the CW. When a network that is supposedly ENTIRELY DEDICATED TO AIRING SOAPS refuses to air their Emmy ceremony, you KNOW you're in trouble. 

Edited by UYI
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Is there any reason why the Daytime Emmy's don't air on ABC, NBC, or CBS? 


Susan Lucci winning the Emmy after so many nominations signaled the beginning of the end of the Daytime Emmys, because no one had to tune in anymore to see if she would win or lose again. Add in the soaps dying left and right and it's just almost a participation award now with so few nominees.


And every time the networks have aired it since the 2000s, the ratings were terrible.

So, in the past day, both LW and KeMo have sent out "I love you Ron and Frank!!" tweets. Just very interesting asskissing happening from the ladies who are already on-screen the most. I can only assume this means we'll see them even more.

Maybe they are nervous about their status and screen time with MSt onset and RB arriving. They have to know how fickle /ADHD Crapitini are.

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I think LW and KMo know who butters their bread, and that for better or worse 'Cartini' are firmly and securely entrenched at GH & ABC.

And I can't criticize them, or anyone else who publicly sucks up to their boss(es). Daytime is now a very small pool with a large of big fish that are either smaller meals or not eating at all. Budgets are continuing to shrink, and I'd bet within the next year and a half we'll be down to just three soaps. Laura, Kelly, and anyone with any sort of sense knows they can be replaced at anytime with someone cheaper.

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Or maybe they've heard of the impending firing of those hacks and are showing fake support.

I love living in my head.

I may need to apply your head cannon. I just can't with this show lately.

Grrpants09, Sri didn't want to write for a Daytime shoe. Sometimes about the day to day. I still wish NS II had been placed on DVD.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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Maybe they are nervous about their status and screen time with MSt onset and RB arriving. They have to know how fickle /ADHD Crapitini are.

Haha. Possibly? I just think it means they know what it takes to keep themselves in the forefront. Ron and Frank are obviously the types who write stories for and hire their friends. It's how all business, especially in entertainment works, you know?

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Sri didn't want to write for a Daytime shoe. Sometimes about the day to day. I still wish NS II had been placed on DVD.

This made me ponder/ I wonder if Daytime Soaps should not take a page from Comic Books. As the Graphic Novel has taken over the industry has moved more and more towards the idea that a writer can come in and write a story  and then move on. The editor hold what little continuity is left. DC is with its Convergence storyline about to revamp its entire line along this way. Now some writers stay for long stretches (like say Bendis on Avengers) others come in write a story and go.


Maybe a pool of writers could do this on a Soap. So maybe Sri wants to write another Scorpio Story, he comes in and does that, using Mac, Felecia, Anna, Robin and Patrick he crafts one. Meanwhile Guza (I know its an example bear with me) writes a mob story for Sonny, Ric and Jason and Sam, maybe some body wants to do a medical story they can do that. Ron can write for Franco, Geary could even have done the Fluke Story (I can't help but think it would have been better if he did) With the vast majority of GH's large cast in recurring and block taping, all that would be needed is a continuity editor to keep things rolling. Don't like what is on the screen? Don't want to watch Sonny and Carly? Wait for it in a week or two they will cycle out, or better in a day or two since the block taping could be used to blocks weeks of story and then edit in transitional pieces so each story could be updated at least a little once a week, as opposed to the vanished from screen crap we deal with now

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