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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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They seem like nice guys but that is thrillingly unfunny. It doesn't endear them to the longtime audience to make videos yukking it up about the many characters they've played on this one show.

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4 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

That was Logan. And he doubled down on it when people called him out. He's an asshole.

He didn't just double down, he wrote an incredibly vile column stating that women who watch soaps get off on watching other women being raped and were only upset because it was happening to a hunky favorite. Logan should have been fired on the spot for that offensive bullshit. The fact that he's now posing as some sort of courageous truth-teller about "rape is rape" is disgusting.

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I eagerly await them using Jax as a scapegoat for the organ donor mystery. I'm sure he used his money and connections to get Joss some random kidney. Evil, evil Jax!

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3 minutes ago, jsbt said:

They seem like nice guys but that is thrillingly unfunny. It doesn't endear them to the longtime audience to make videos yukking it up about the many characters they've played on this one show.

I suspect they may know that, since it's only on ME's fanpage and not the GH twitter (unless the GH twitter did re-tweet it, I dunno, I saw it linked to elsewhere). Not that that means it was a good idea, but there may be some awareness there.

2 minutes ago, jsbt said:

I eagerly await them using Jax as a scapegoat for the organ donor mystery. I'm sure he used his money and connections to get Joss some random kidney. Evil, evil Jax!

He used that blood diamond money laying around. He's the one who actually pushed Nikolas off the window! For the diamonds! Also, for some reason, he is the reason why Morgan's bi-polar triggered itself all these years later.

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52 minutes ago, jsbt said:

I eagerly await them using Jax as a scapegoat for the organ donor mystery. I'm sure he used his money and connections to get Joss some random kidney. Evil, evil Jax!

It was Jerry, but Jax knew!  That makes him and Sonny the same, you hear me, THE SAME! #hate

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4 hours ago, jsbt said:

I have a feeling Frank only encourages Finola taking these long vacations because he just doesn't want to seriously write for Anna.

I think it's entirely Finola's initiative and design.  I do know that she bargained back in 2012 for a Tony Geary like contract in terms of ample time off every year. It's not surprising she's taking it now, with 3 kids under 18 who just finished their school years. My understanding is that ideally Finola would like to have other acting or directing projects to take time off for, but she also likes traveling with her family during the summer. They spent a month in Greece her first summer on contract. 

 But point well-taken about Frank not demonstrating that he wants them to seriously write for Anna. 

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1 hour ago, Francie said:

I think it's entirely Finola's initiative and design.

I think it is her design, but I think it also suits Frank's purposes. He is not interested in showcasing her with that kind of story.

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2 hours ago, yowsah1 said:

He didn't just double down, he wrote an incredibly vile column stating that women who watch soaps get off on watching other women being raped and were only upset because it was happening to a hunky favorite. Logan should have been fired on the spot for that offensive bullshit. The fact that he's now posing as some sort of courageous truth-teller about "rape is rape" is disgusting.

Didn't Carolyn Hinsey write something like this around this time too, essentially backing up a lot of what Logan said? I'm pretty sure she said that men couldn't be raped, and got her ass handed to her over it. 

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So Ingo is coming back?  I like IR so it'll be good to see him, even if only for a little while. 

And he's the only man that's ever had any chemistry with Laura Wright, IMO.  Which means that, yeah, Jax will likely get crapped on and abused.  Damn.

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I wonder how Jelly is going to celebrate National Gun Violence Awareness Month since that is their pet cause? Demonizing peaceful, law abiding gun owners who probably would have to jump through a million and one hoops to get a gun in New York? Monica doing another gun return, maybe connected to National Donut Day? 

Of course, it probably won't have anything to do with Monica  campaigning  to disarm, Sonny, a convicted murder of an unarmed man and known gangster, of his right to a gun in a "may issue" state.

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29 minutes ago, Ambrosefolly said:

I wonder how Jelly is going to celebrate National Gun Violence Awareness Month since that is their pet cause? Demonizing peaceful, law abiding gun owners who probably would have to jump through a million and one hoops to get a gun in New York? Monica doing another gun return, maybe connected to National Donut Day? 

Ugh. If they're so against guns, why are they writing for a show where a mobster it the hero/romantic lead? Riddle me that, Head Writers.

Edited by dubbel zout
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17 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Ugh. If they're so against guns, why are they writing for a show where a mobster it the hero/romantic lead? Riddle me that, Head Writers.

As Billy Warlock once said outright, "it's the money". 

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22 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Ugh. If they're so against guns, why are they writing for a show where a mobster it the hero/romantic lead? Riddle me that, Head Writers.

Because Sonny is a great father, a role model, and totally tough?  All those other people are haters and just obsessed with his awesome.   

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10 minutes ago, tvfanatic13 said:

So, now 3 are "taking time off"- Nick, Maxie, Anna. A defection? 

I really do think that Tyler Christopher and Kirsten Storms are taking time off for personal reasons.

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2 hours ago, tvfanatic13 said:

So, now 3 are "taking time off"- Nick, Maxie, Anna. A defection? 


2 hours ago, ulkis said:

I really do think that Tyler Christopher and Kirsten Storms are taking time off for personal reasons.

I think so too. But the Machiavellian in me chooses to believe that they wanted to be out of Dodge before this summer's ratings hit all new lows. Which, considering just how bad last year's summer ratings were, would be quite a feat.

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18 hours ago, Francie said:


I think so too. But the Machiavellian in me chooses to believe that they wanted to be out of Dodge before this summer's ratings hit all new lows. Which, considering just how bad last year's summer ratings were, would be quite a feat.

That would be hilarious.   There's a Facebook group that claims they have inside info, which I highly doubt, as they literally ban and troll anyone who says a negative word about GH, CarSon, JaSam, the mob, Frank, etc.  They claim that TC is just taking his vacation, Frank will never get fired, Jelly will never get fired, and are hinting that BB cheated on KSt.  I don't believe a word of any of that.  The leader of the group is this middle aged housewife who claims to personally know many of the actors, including Mo.  I left that group and blocked everyone from it.  But I think I found the CarSon/mob loving fan base.   

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Kind of surprised no one has melted down over this article just yet. I've been having computer issues so I was only just able to get on. So many things wrong here. 1) The obvious: The Corinthos' should NEVER be referred to as a royal family or even the main prominent family of GH. That honor should go to one of the historical families or the Q's. I can't even wrap my brain around them being compared to the Horton's. Just UGH. 2) More evidence that MB is really kind of a dick. I've already heard from people that attended events of theirs that he was a jerk to Maura and Will in the beginning, apparently he's just an ass to anyone. I just don't know why he's so insecure that he can't act civil. What is he, 12 years old? 3) So, apparently we have TG to thank for all of this. Figures.


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56 minutes ago, tvgoddess said:

Kind of surprised no one has melted down over this article just yet. I've been having computer issues so I was only just able to get on. So many things wrong here. 1) The obvious: The Corinthos' should NEVER be referred to as a royal family or even the main prominent family of GH. That honor should go to one of the historical families or the Q's. I can't even wrap my brain around them being compared to the Horton's. Just UGH. 2) More evidence that MB is really kind of a dick. I've already heard from people that attended events of theirs that he was a jerk to Maura and Will in the beginning, apparently he's just an ass to anyone. I just don't know why he's so insecure that he can't act civil. What is he, 12 years old? 3) So, apparently we have TG to thank for all of this. Figures.


Ugh.  Luke killed his mother, father, and GH.   

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@tvgoddess, what did MB say? I can't bring myself to click.

He was also kind of a dick to Chad when he started too. He mostly just didn't talk to him at first cause he was so upset at Drew Garrett being fired.

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Basically what you just said, but he was also like that to Bryan and to Laura, according to them. Apparently he didn't have a problem with Dom though, because nothing was mentioned.

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7 minutes ago, tvgoddess said:

Basically what you just said, but he was also like that to Bryan and to Laura, according to them. Apparently he didn't have a problem with Dom though, because nothing was mentioned.

Weird that he was like that with Bryan

I think he did like Dom right away . . . probably because he was shorter than him lol. Seriously, he said that was his first thought, finally it's someone shorter than me or something like that.

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I wonder if he was/is a dick to Billy Miller.  I really hated his comments to Bryan Craig and Laura Wright.  He literally told them that he didn't want them cast and told BC that he didn't choose him.  Yet legions of MB fans and he would have everyone believe that he has no power.  But he says in the interview that he asked for a family and got it.  He actually answered a fan's question on the TK rumors the other day and then flamed the fan and encouraged his fans to do the same.  The dude is a dick.  A total dick.  

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He and his character are why I don't watch GH.  If TIIC had any brains at all, they would get rid of him and the awful Corinthos family and reorient this show away from the mob.  I will never understand why they don't rebuild the families that made this show great.  The remnants are still there so it wouldn't be difficult to do. 

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I would rage, if I could conjure up the energy. But, ehhhh.

Vanessa Marcil also said that MB was a bit less than kind when they were first paired together.  She said that he told her that she was pretty but couldn't act. When some interviewer told Maurice that she had relayed that he said, "I didn't say that. [pause] Well, maybe I did."

They did become friends and worked well together. And her acting did greatly improve.

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15 minutes ago, tvgoddess said:

Someone should tell him that his acting ain't so great either.

Dunno if someone has told him that yet, but when they showed a GH montage at the emmys years ago, Hogan Sheffer, headwriter of ATWT, at the time, who is a big man, said something like, that's their mobster? I shit out things bigger than him after breakfast" or something like that. I gotta look it up.

That said, I don't think MB is a total jackass.

ETA ah, this was it:

"ATWT Emmy award-winning head writer, Hogan Sheffer, the one with the bad toupee and the hilarious acceptance speeches, might’ve had one too many when he blurted out his inability to see the intimidation factor in GH’s height-challenged Sonny Corinthos. Words to the effect of, “I shit out something that size just this morning."


It's down towards the bottom.

Edited by ulkis
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So MB's been like this for a while, telling some viewers to kiss his ass? I'm sorry, I find nothing likeable about this man.


Understandably, 25-year GH veteran Geary is protective of the Luke/Laura legacy

Say what, now?

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I remember that Sheffer quote. Classic.

That being said, I see nothing terribly objectionable about Maurice as interviewed there. And I used to look for ways to be offended by his bullshit. Today he's a much older man and he's mostly just doing the job and trying to put away for his kids and retirement. In the article he goes out of his way to say he was wrong about the actors in question, he's temperamental, etc etc. Nothing too different from what you hear from a lot of old soap vets.

We're not dealing with someone like Geary or Eric Braeden who are either combative or actively aggressive against their own life's work. Maurice is too tired and too lazy (IMO) for that. The show and the network are the problem with Sonny, Sonny is a big problem with GH, but Maurice is no longer really driving much of Sonny IMO. He's coasting in the role they gave him years ago, and everybody's just lazily comfortable writing and producing the Sonny Show. As I've said many times, Sonny stopped being my major going concern with this show quite some time ago. When Roger Howarth and so many others are still around I have much bigger fish to fry than one tired old middle-aged man who Bob Guza started taking strips off years back. Guza started marginalizing Sonny, RC continued it for a while. It can be done again and it can be done easily.

Edited by jsbt
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On June 3, 2016 at 7:00 PM, ulkis said:

looking up clips of Bree Williamson out of curiosity . . . am I going nuts or does she look like Kristen Alderson here?


Watching BW on Haven made me forget how much I loathed Tess ...and Bess and Wes and the 16 year  old that Ford raped

Edited by Oracle42
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18 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

Watching BW on Haven made me forget how much I loathed Tess ...and Bess and Wes and the 16 year  old that Ford raped

IKR! I loved BW on Haven. And I liked her sometimes on OLTL, too, but she's just not good at that whole vixen thing that she so desperately wants to play. It's like KA wanting to play an ingenue even though she sucks at it and is better at being a quirky/bad-ish girl.

I hate MB I don't care. He's a dick. He's basically a harmless dick at this point since he no longer has actual pull because he's too old and he can't act anymore, but he's still a dick.

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10 hours ago, Francie said:

I would rage, if I could conjure up the energy. But, ehhhh.

That's where I'm at. I'm more fascinated by the show's bad decisions than enraged.

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Scanning through MB's Twitter feed, I have to wonder if he doesn't genuinely dislike CD.  It seems like he enjoys doing that passive-aggressive "I'm just kidding" picking on Chad thing.  He'll say things like "Morgan and Dante, my two sons!" in response to a picture of CD, DZ, and BC.  Just looking over the past day or so, I found a couple instances of that, and, judging from some of the fan responses, it sounds like he does it regularly (none of them were calling him out for it, more like "oh, haha, he's always joking with Chad like this!"), which seems kind of passive-aggressive to me.  

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Nah, I think they like each other a lot. I've seen Chad rib Maurice too, and they hang out outside of work a lot. I could be wrong, but I don't think Chad would be around him if he thought MB didn't like him. 

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Makes me suspect that it's true that the real reason she abruptly left was what was rumored - Uncle Frank cut her off or cut her out after years of showcasing her, possibly over a contract thing, and she was allowed to exit giving her own official reason ("pursuing other things"). Between that and some of the stuff she and Chad have knocked back and forth she does seem salty. But who knows, she and Frank could still be BFF and I could be full of it.

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On 6/3/2016 at 3:53 PM, ulkis said:

As Billy Warlock once said outright, "it's the money". 


With everything that happened to his AJ, that certainly had to be the only thing keeping him there by the time he left.

22 hours ago, tvgoddess said:

Heh, not surprising.

Apparently, according to Fairman, the "royal" distinction comes from NATAS.


Shows how often NATAS has been paying attention. 

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57 minutes ago, jsbt said:

Makes me suspect that it's true that the real reason she abruptly left was what was rumored - Uncle Frank cut her off or cut her out after years of showcasing her, possibly over a contract thing, and she was allowed to exit giving her own official reason ("pursuing other things"). Between that and some of the stuff she and Chad have knocked back and forth she does seem salty. But who knows, she and Frank could still be BFF and I could be full of it.

I feel like she left GH with no hard feelings, but later she became less starry-eyed* about the whole thing. But that's about 95% conjecture on my part. I don't even think it's necessarily a dig at FV or Chad, but maybe just one at what seems to be a tense work environment in general. I feel like it's one of those things where she didn't even realize how much she wasn't that much in to it until she got back to the East Coast. 

*no pun intended.

I saw some speculation that her "working on it" may be her working on a deal to get her back on GH, but I doubt it. I definitely wouldn't rule it out though, not after Dr Michael Easton part 2.

Edited by ulkis
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17 hours ago, Francie said:

I would rage, if I could conjure up the energy. But, ehhhh.

Vanessa Marcil also said that MB was a bit less than kind when they were first paired together.  She said that he told her that she was pretty but couldn't act. When some interviewer told Maurice that she had relayed that he said, "I didn't say that. [pause] Well, maybe I did."

They did become friends and worked well together. And her acting did greatly improve.


The quote Vanessa used in her Lifetime Intimate Portrait was, "You're cute, but you suck."

But according to her, it motivated her. Which...I guess that works for some people. 

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