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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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I'll take exception to the claim about soaps not being directing. There have been some very, very talented people behind the camera at soaps through the years, not just in the '70s, '80s or '90s - people with real flair and skill. Doing real work with angles, lighting, music, shadow, performance. There were many at GH in the last twenty years, many before that, and OLTL had some longtime talents like Jill Mitwell. I think there are plenty of point-and-shoot hacks, but there are also some real vets who made their bones on crazy shit like Dark Shadows, the Ice Princess, etc. GH also perfected the montage in the '90s and early 2000s.


It is true, though, that most of the press, including online, is just a by-proxy fuckfest. I'm not sure Michael Fairman has ever done anything else. And most of these kids or (or in the case of most online coverage) amateur writers think they'll have an in to ~follow their dreams~ if they keep giving suction to the latest fair-haired people - Ron is by far the latest and the biggest. I about died reading Jamey Giddens's latest impassioned paean to camp and the wisdom of GH this week; camp is so great, just like in his childhood with Alexis and Krystle in the '80s, almost thirty years ago, the daytime drama can't possibly have evolved. Look, I absolutely love camp and GH does some of it very well, but it's got to be on a scale between camp and grounded human drama, and GH is way too far into the red - we've hit purple. And coming from a dude who barely watched OLTL and whose favorite period in GH history appears to be the 2000s with Guza ascendant and Sonny/Carly/Jason and the supermob, I just find most of what he says culturally and intellectually bankrupt. And willfully so. But hey, if it gets his primetime soap bible read...

Edited by jsbt
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Michael Fairman interview with John J. York, in which Fairman AGAIN pushes the idea that Mac and Levi are related.  Knock that the fuck off right now!





Nothing Ron could do, re Levi's parentage, would surprise me.  If I had to guess, I would wager thag Levi is Mac & Lucy's kid.  Exactly when they hook-up and when Lucy was pregnant, if Ron and his team can find a time for Heather & Scotty to have had Freakco, he can find a time for this too.

I think the comments about soaps not being directing are references to today,not in years past. I remember Jill Mitwell as being one of the best OLTL directors I'd seen in a long time. and Gary Donatelli too. But today, soap directors don't really direct. This was really well illustrated in the Llanview in the Afternoon book when the actors talked about the block taping and fast pace of the show. Everything is done in one take. Screw it up or want another chance to play it differently? Not happening, or at least not on OLTL, I imagine it's much the same on GH, as there simply is no money for extra takes

I about died reading Jamey Giddens's latest impassioned paean to camp and the wisdom of GH this week; camp is so great, just like in his childhood with Alexis and Krystle in the '80s, almost thirty years ago, the daytime drama can't possibly have evolved. Look, I absolutely love camp and GH does some of it very well, but it's got to be on a scale between camp and grounded human drama, and GH is way too far into the red - we've hit purple. And coming from a dude who barely watched OLTL and whose favorite period in GH history appears to be the 2000s with Guza ascendant and Sonny/Carly/Jason and the supermob, I just find most of what he says culturally and intellectually bankrupt. And willfully so. But hey, if it gets his primetime soap bible read...


Oh lord yes, James Giddens' "Leave Ron Carlivati Alone!!!" screed was something alright.  I mean, I do agree with him (and with you) that there is a place for campy fun on these shows, that taking themselves too seriously would also be a mistake.  But there has to be a balance and it is way, way out of whack at the moment.  And you can't suddenly try and get us to take seriously characters that have previously been all camp (i.e. DID!Connie when suddenly we were supposed to view her as a real person with feelings when Trey died).  And you can't dismiss all criticism with, "Oh, lighten up, it's just camp!".

Edited by TeeVee329
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Curiously, my affiliate isn't listed on that "official" list; I wonder if other affiliates are making the move that weren't listed either.


Even more curious, a few days ago my affiliate announced GH was moving back to 3 starting Sep 8th, but according to my cableguide it is airing at 3 starting this coming Mon.  


What I am really interested to see is what happens when Obama pre-empts the 2 hour; do those east coast affiliates airing the show at 3 still air the regularly scheduled episode?  

TCh did at interview with Daytime Confidential and mentioned that the show will be dark for four months over the course of the next year.  It's amazing to me that the show now only tapes 2/3rds of the year.   I remember reading once that B&B only tapes five months a year.  


And I wonder how much more dark time they can add before it becomes unsustainable?   At a certain point, they simply won't be able to cut the budget anymore unless they want the actors to stand in front of a gray wall and it becomes like a play as opposed to a tv show.  

Clearly, I'm not in show business, but I know what production values are and this show's production values SUCK, as in non-existent. Just where is the money going? To the salaries? They've gutted just about everything to the sets, clothes, horrid make-up. How is it that the budget needs to be continually slashed and slashed? I'm just confused by it all.

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unless they want the actors to stand in front of a gray wall and it becomes like a play as opposed to a tv show.



We are basically at that point with all the gray painted walls.


Not to mention, at some point, I'd see it being a problem for quality, in that, if something is clearly not working for your audience, it's harder to switch gears when you're taping far ahead.



I thought they were still only about 3-4 wees ahead?


Clearly, I'm not in show business, but I know what production values are and this show's production values SUCK, as in non-existent. Just where is the money going? To the salaries? They've gutted just about everything to the sets, clothes, horrid make-up. How is it that the budget needs to be continually slashed and slashed? I'm just confused by it all.



I'd say the bloated cast. I'm still amazed at the quality of production on B&B (Nice sets, real location shots which appear to be frequent, etc).

TCh did at interview with Daytime Confidential and mentioned that the show will be dark for four months over the course of the next year.  It's amazing to me that the show now only tapes 2/3rds of the year. 


Hahahahaha, what the fuck? Is this DAYS?


The last time I heard about a major cut was sometime last year, I think - they were cutting the show to OLTL/AMC Online levels. Those shows looked better than GH, but they were smaller and I think had a lot less overhead, reusing the same sets and space, etc. (they also went somewhat overbudget and ultimately paid almost no one, but hey). If they've cut it again, and I imagine they have, I have no idea what they would cut it down to. What's scary is that FV and RC seem determined to do the exact same show with 50-60 active cast.

Edited by jsbt

B&B does have nicer sets, but I think those location shoots are largely possible because of how insanely popular the show is overseas.  I think some areas are basically subsidizing those shoots as tourism ads.  


B&B also uses the show owner's home (& possibly yacht?) as at least one of their sets.  But IA, that international popularity definitely helps.

The budget, at least use to be, tied via a complicated formula to ad-rates.  Theoretically,  if ratings are up then ad-rates should increase and so should the budget.  


This is part of why I'm having a hard time believing that Billy Miller is coming as NuJason.   As an Emmy award winner and popular actor, he can probably negotiate for a relatively large pay rate, and I just don't think the show can afford another 'name' unless some people are concurrently fired.


I think they should have just cast that guy who played the Crichton-Clarke employee a couple weeks ago.  He looked similar enough to SBu, he had chemistry with KMo and he could emote.  Plus, he would probably be cheap.  


All this said, given that we know the major league vets have taken pay cuts and aren't making what they use to, I wonder what paltry pay the newbies including RP, VA, and ZG are being paid?  Especially if they are working, at most, only 2/3rds of the year, I wouldn't be surprised if the newbies are only getting scale.

Edited by Tiger

The race with YnR to hire "name" soap actors will bankrupt the show if they are not careful. On the other hand, relatively speaking the show must either be making money or at least breaking even as Disney has not stepped in to replace it yet.


Cutting the cast seems to be the best bet for saving money, though every one not just Frank and Ron would need to accept that some characters are going to disappear and that we are all going to lose characters we love: While Kiki and some other low hanging fruit could disappear so could some vets and we would all need to live with that.


In the fantasy in my head: Ron and Frank have seen what went wrong with PP and AMC and OLTL and have been building up the GH cast to begin the web series for GH before the TV cancellation. That BTW would be the way to market GH as a successful on line soap: Use Disney's new connection to Netflix and spin off a bunch of characters to the on line show: Split the cast in half take 25 to 30 to on line and leave 25 to 30 on the show. Cross over for big events like weddings and funerals but other wise treat it like the old PC and GH.


Take the half of the cast that could be "gritter" and more "adult": Ava, Morgan, The SERIAL KILLER (except make him a real Serial Killer again a la Dexter), Nathan, Patrick, Sam, one of the Q's maybe Ned and with him Olivia. Have a few cross over people Anna, Scott, Felecia as the powers that be in town and see what can be done.


ADDED THOUGHT:  This is what Guiding Light did in transition from Radio to TV: The two shows ran at the same time for several years. GH could be at the advance of this next movement: If TIIC could just see the light 

Edited by Fylaki
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This is part of why I'm having a hard time believing that Billy Miller is coming as NuJason.   As an Emmy award winner and popular actor, he can probably negotiate for a relatively large pay rate, and I just don't think the show can afford another 'name' unless some people are concurrently fired.



If they genuinely wanted BM, and who knows what's in FrankenRon's head these days, what they'd be smart to do is focus on the issue that is said to have pushed him out at Y&R - give him time off to do outside projects.  For someone looking to break into prime time/movies, the ideal "day job" would be one that helps them keep some level of income coming in while they're free to take on other roles when they come up. Between pre-taping and studio "dark" time, they should be able to keep him regularly involved on the canvas while still allowing him to pursue other work. 

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Cutting the cast seems to be the best bet for saving money, though every one not just Frank and Ron would need to accept that some characters are going to disappear and that we are all going to lose characters we love


The cast is so bloated, whether actors are contract or recurring. Finish up some stories and send people off with love and respect. It won't be that hard, given that everyone is in a bubble anyway. It's not as if losing, say, Lucy/Kevin/Bobbie/Scott will impact any other stories.

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I would be all for them taping fewer shows per year ... if I thought the quality of the storytelling would improve drastically. But I really don't see that happening.

I also don't understand why the cast is so large. How is that possible when the budget is repeatedly slashed? Unless the lesser shown people get paid peanuts and wasting our time with Milo and Spencer and the other kiddies makes it worth it somehow because the major players are super expensive? How much $$ was wasted on Richard Simmons coming back to be annoying last year? Or even Jack Wagner, since it seems very little, story wise, came from Frisco visiting town?

Going after big name soap stars is so stupid, as well. GH used to be so good at finding unknown talent and creating mesmerizing characters. Now they can't seem to do either.

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There was a small "scene stealer" interview with Kelly Thiebaud (Britt) in last week's TV Guide.  I'll try and post it if it shows up on the web site, but here's a quick, cute quote:


"[referring to both Britt and past roles] I'm always creating chaos or leaping into bed with somebody's man," she says.  "I'm nothing like this in real life, I swear!"
Edited by TeeVee329

Just saw this BI on the Daytime Confidential Web site:


I’m hearing a very popular, flame-haired, former East Coast soap siren is secretly taping at one of the four West Coast sudsers. I guess that makes this her third life to live?



The only person who fits this description IMO is Melissa Archer. The question is which West Coast soap? I can't think of any role she could fill on GH but then I'm pretty sure Ron really likes her. Thoughts?

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