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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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I think he cares most of the time, he's just shit at memorizing his lines.

MB's bipolar medication could have something to do with this and with the mumbling. And here is an epic fail on the part of the writers. MB is very open about his bipolar, how hard would it be to every so often throw in a line that points out that Sonny sometimes mumbles and has a hard time finding the right word because of his medication, but his mind is as sharp as every. Instead of trying to hide what we can all see, use what we can all see, to enhance the character and educate the public.

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It's weird but I find it harder to communicate when I'm not on my meds. Some of us bipolars have this wonderful affliction called psychomotor retardation which causes us to pause while speaking. It's like our mind knows what to say but our mouths don't follow. Sometimes we stammer, sometime we're silent but we're always frustrated when it happens. I tend to stop because I can't think of a word or I can think of the word but my mouth doesn't want to cooperate with my brain.


I do give MB credit for working with bipolar. I know I couldn't do it.

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Instead of trying to hide what we can all see, use what we can all see, to enhance the character and educate the public.

They've tried—and failed spectacularly. I have nothing but admiration for MB for making Sonny bipolar and getting the word out, but at this point, I don't think the way the show deals with it is doing anyone any favors. Sonny's bipolarism is basically a plot point, so that whenever something terrible happens to him he can go off his meds and be "dark."

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I can appreciate that. Perhaps more germane and more to the point is exactly what are the Backstage Shenanigans, that are moving the character of Sonny?  Between MB acting tics and the way the character is written Sonny has made no sense in a long long time. What is it that compels the writing staff to keep him front and center. I know that Sonny has fans, but given that,  would they not rather see their favorite written in such a way that there is meat on his bones?  What is it that keeps the writers turning out Sonny the way he is time after time. Ratings must play a part, but weren't rating higher back when Sonny was first introduced? Maybe if it is not time for Sonny to exit it is at least time for Sonny and maybe all of GH to return to its roots.

I don't have any proof, but I would think that maybe Maurice Bernad agreed to whatever changes the network made to get him to re-sign? It could be a paycut, and that doing so would guarantee Sonny being up front and center all the damn time. I don't know. I mean, it was because negotiations with Burton failed that he left, right?


Again, I'm assuming, so don't quote me. It's the only thing that makes sense to me.

I kind of understand the backstage stuff that goes into contract negotiations but I guess what I don't understand is why the writers, the actor and TPTB are so afraid to make Sonny...or many of the cast....more? More than they are, more than they have been. If the genre is dying than why the fear to push the envelope? I mean if I was the cruise director on the Titanic I'd at least open up the bar for drinks on the house. Why not go for broke. At this point you have nothing to lose, a slow death over time or a spectacular crash and burn that people will speak of for years.


With all due respect for the man, it is kind of like Old Man Bush jumping out of airplanes. Every time he makes it people are amazed that a man his age can pull it off, and if he'd died, than we would all stand around and talk about it for years.

Did anyone see the episode counts the last few months?


Because maybe it's just my imagination but it seemed as if MB wasn't on nearly as much as usual in July and he hasn't been on that much in Aug thus far.  


Of course that comes after it seemed as if he was on ever single day from Mar - Jun.  It seemed, to me, as if the second Robin exited Sonny's screentime went up exponentially.

See, I don't think MB threatened to walk. Ratings went up after Burton left, and that probably left MB with no negotiating room whatsoever. "We're fine with Jason, we're fine without you." They probably didn't offer anything horrifically insulting but I'm sure for the most part MB probably just took whatever they offered him.


Yeah, that's what I meant, but you said it better, @ulkis .

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We heard a lot of stories in the Guza/Frons/JFP era about MB and Burton throwing their weight around or at least making their feelings known, but I haven't heard a peep about Maurice since the regime change. My feeling is that he was shrewd - he saw the sea change coming and took care to position himself accordingly. He knows he's older, he's not as fierce as he used to be, he's not going to break into film or primetime now and that he has a good thing going, and he means to play ball and keep it. If that means less say in the future of Sonny, sometimes less story for Sonny, other actors taking prominence, it's fine with him where it wasn't for Steve Burton. Whatever you say, boss. I've never seen him not gushing about Frank or Ron in the press, not giving 110% to promotion, etc. And I think he actually is often working very hard onscreen, trying to earn his keep - it's just that his skills, IMO, are so atrophied, for whatever reasons we prefer, that a lot of his choices day to day can be either tired or laughable. But I think he gives it his all, good or bad or just plain silly, and I can't fault him for any of that.


I don't think Maurice controls much of anything at GH anymore. I do think that someone at ABC, at some point in 2013, some relatively new exec with a limited view of GH from the old regime, decided we weren't seeing enough of the old guard, namely Sonny. At which point we began getting a lot more awkward promos about how "Sonny is back!" I think the push for more Sonny of late, in off and on spurts, has come from the network and possibly from focus group results.


As for Frank, Frank Valentini has always directed. He still directs certain episodes himself, even when he was producing at both OLTL and GH - his name will be on them. Some actors have discussed FV coming down and shooting their big intros or whatever himself. He's big on being the director, and wearing both hats is something he feels he can do and do well. (I think it's debatable.)


There was a lot in Jeff Giles's oral history of OLTL about the loss of virtually all rehearsal time for the show, and how Frank was a part of it - not because I think he doesn't care about rehearsal or anything, but because, especially at OLTL and certainly at GH over the last couple years, the view is that the money is no longer there to sustain much of it while also keeping the show at the financial redline demanded of a soap by the network. Many actors have said that Frank will still take time out for another take, for working with the actors if they can, but ABC has eliminated a lot of the rehearsal time over the last 10-14 years. They can't train young or new people as well as they used to, and they can't develop motivation the way they used to, and the block taping of actors or sets vs. continuity and story is, IMO, while somewhat necessary also somewhat out of control. So it seems as though Frank's job is to perpetually keep that cost-effective engine running, and that his style as both director and producer - a very hands-on producer who is always on the floor - is the George Lucas school of things: "Faster, bigger, broader, more intense." The new OLTL last summer did bring back more rehearsal time, which helped, and they shot relatively in sequence due to the nature of their production facilities, but they also were borrowing from Peter to pay Paul and went bankrupt.

Edited by jsbt
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And so it begins...


well, we don't have to worry about Patrick and Sabrina, even though Theresa's coming back...but really? Patdouche hasn't divorced Robin yet, but according to Soap Opera Digest, Patrick and Sam are the next best thing that has to happen! Make your choice! they're taking a poll!


How about they all suck like a Hoover and I'm glad I no longer am watching this shit. Or is that too long as an answer? The only positive I have is, Sobby and Patrick are over. The trouble is, the setup for another new dalliance for Patrick has turned him into an asshole. And not just an asshole (from what I have read here, to be perfectly clear) but a stupid asshole.


And that's just...annoying.

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I vote Patrick and Sam.
My final set of photos are done from the GHFCW. These are from Karaoke Night with Sean Blakemore, Parry Shen, Ryan Carnes, Marc Anthony Samuel, Vinessa Antoine, Sonya Eddy, Chad Duell, and Kristen Alderson and it was way more fun than I expected. Set here.
I also have a few video snippets from the event, and you can see those all on my Youtube page here. 

Edited by TheGourmez
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Honestly I like all the possible pairings.



Jennifer6973, I do too!  Maybe, I'm coming down with something but really considering all the crappy pairings they've done over the past 2 years, I'd take any of the above.


All have some chemistry & are decent actors & don't make horrible awkward faces during scenes. My standards are low. GH has broken me. 

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Carrying over a discussion from the Episode forum:

While soaps are, fundamentally, adult shows, It would be disingenuous for the showrunners to claim they don't have to care at all about what kids might see, for a couple of reasons:

1. They have an entire story right now revolving around 9 year olds!

2. They know, or should know, that a lot of fans are still fans because the started watching after school at some point, or started watching with their moms or older siblings. If I hadn't become enthralled with the pretty ex-spies and glamorous doctors after school in the late 80s, I wouldn't be caring about this show at all now!

3. All soaps try to get the tweens and teens on board during the summer - it's just a known fact. (Not sure why GH is focusing on third graders this summer, instead, but summer teen stories is the usual trend!)

I think the show has moved to far into the camp area to not be an attraction to kids. The whole Spencer plot line is going to make a little kid look and watch and that could lead to them over hearing things they are not suppose to.  Years ago the TEEN story lines were used to lure younger viewers into the show but using smaller kids is just not cool.


As to the unrepentance of Sonny and Jason and the like this has also been a problem for a long time, the difference is that the show rarely shows Sonny doing anything overtly awful. We know as viewers that when Sonny shot AJ he was shooting an innocent man, but a kid glancing at the TV while playing would only see a man shooting another man who was strangling a woman, so clearly he is a good guy.....

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I actually had a friend watch GH due to my commentary and she immediately pointed Sonny out as a creeper with bags under his eyes. So, I don't see how kids could see a man clearly begging for his life and being shot as okay.

Then again, what parent would have their kid watching GH when there's a plethora of children's programming abound? I personally think it's for the moms to be like oh it's family oriented. Then, they get suckered in and realize it's not.

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I don't think TPTB are trying to hoodwink viewers into thinking soaps are family oriented. I think they believe their bread and butter demographic thinks stories about children are cute. And with all the playacting that goes on with kids about getting married, etc., I don't think they're necessarily barking up the young tree or destroying young minds. Personally, I don't find precocious appealing and that's why I'm not into the Spencer/Cam/Emma/Joss scenes.



From what ive heard, certain actors such as JT, KMc, NLG, WdV, DZ, ER, and FN will run lines together in their dressing rooms and work out the kinks of a scene beforehand of their own initiative.   


Parry Shen mentioned running lines with Ryan Carnes and Marc Anthony Samuel during the GHFCW Karaoke event too.

Michael Fairman interview with Marc Samuels (Felix), in which the #1 Sabrina Fan once again scolds viewers who don't like Felix and/or Sabrina.




Sabrina and Felix often time gets some hardcore fan bashing from GH fans.  How do you feel about the negative heat given to the characters?


MARC: Whenever you are in a public forum, you are going to get the gamut of opinions and people are going to be saying, “We want to see more of them!” Or, “We DON’T want to see anymore of them!”  All you can do is do your job, and we happily do it.

He's bizarre. Kiki also gets bashed and he never brings it up every time.


As far as I'm concerned, Michael Fairman is just a (VERY slightly) connected fan with a blog, not a reporter for daytime. Then again, objective critique died for soaps in the late '80s/early '90s. Then it devolved into ingratiating themselves to the networks, which is why the mags went to crap and circulation died off.

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