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S02.E16: Trajectory

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He did help get a bunch of people off the bridge (about 200, supposedly) before Trajectory smacked him around (again) and finished off the bridge.  It took him a few seconds of chatting with the team before he actually did anything, granted, but it's not like he just stood there until the bridge collapsed.


Barry knew before he left STAR Labs that Trajectory was trying to destroy the bridge.


He speeds to the bridge and then stops and looks around. People are already running to get off the bridge.


He radios to Team Flash that the bridge is coming down, and Cisco tells him that there about 200 people on the bridge.


So he blows I would say at least 20 seconds before acting, which is like an eternity in Flash time.


When Iris and her boss had their conversation about the story he wanted to run, the office was full of other people and there was sunlight (or some really bright streetlights) streaming through multiple windows, which made me think it was the middle of the work day. The dialogue we heard was:


Then Iris picks up her coat and they leave to get coffee. I saw that the outside shot of Jitters looked dark outside, so either (1) this episode was supposed to take place before daylight savings time (2) they were working after dark to put the paper to bed or (3) production was lazy and accidentally used a shot of the Jitters exterior when it was dark. But my feeling is that regardless of how light or dark it was outside, they left work to get coffee to discuss a work issue which means it's not a date. And no matter how dark it is outside, it's presumptuous for a boss to assume that his employee is asking him on a date when she clearly states that she wants to discuss her work while drinking a beverage.

I think we are supposed to think that it's (2). The scene after Poor Man's JJJ and Iris leave is at Mercury Labs. The establishing shot makes it clear that it's night. We then go to STAR Labs. The establishing shot there makes it clear it's night. And the establishing shot for Jitters also has it at night.


I agree that PJJJ was presumptuous and mistaken and all that. I'm mainly just saying it's not crazy for him to have wrongly jumped to the conclusion he did. Especially when Iris essentially says she's open to them dating at the end, it's fair to think that he might have felt vibes from her.

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Don't have much to add, except to say what an utter snoozefest.


Totally knew who Trajectory was, when Caitlin mentioned Eliza(?) by name.  And pretty much predicted every one of her lines before she uttered them.


I...just don't have any words about the James Jameson (oops, wrong Universe!) cynical editor and his pontificating that Flash is, not a hero after all; just another thug/criminal.  And add me to the list of those who thought how stupid he was that Iris asking him to have coffee=asking her BOSS on a date. And that she was...intrigued by it the next day and it wasn't a deal breaker? WTF, Iris?


I'm glad they didn't drag out the team not figuring out that Jay was Zoom.  But yeah, there are too many Jays and I'm confused just reading the breakdown of just how many here on this board! I figured the Jay that Caitlin dosed up with V-9 is also Zoom, because he was "missing" didn't even know that Zoom was there, running around, while Star Labs was crashing around them. And showed up after, saying,  he didn't hear anything. Or something.  But then we see Zoom and V-9 Jay and Jay behind the Iron Mask, and I don't know what to think.


Except that I hate this story line.


Errr...other things happened?

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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More thoughts:

Another nitpick: when Barry was plummeting to his death, I thought he'd remember that he can rotate his arms really fast to "fly" like he did in the Christmas episode.


In addition to them saying "Law & Order", that whole scene with Joe, Caitlyn, and Eliza was very Law & Order-esque with the walk-and-talk questioning.


There just wasn't enough build-up and/or time spent with Jesse and her relationship with Harry for me to really care whether she left or not. How many people are in Opal City, now?


As noted, Central City has already encountered more than one evil speedster, so Iris' New Boss jumping straight to "Flash is bad now" was especially dumb. (Cat Grant on Supergirl knew enough to wait for all the info to come in; that's why she's the Queen of all media!)


For comic readers, the imagery of Trajectory disintegrating might not be new, but it was really freaky for my family members who were not expecting anything like that!


So was there an actual confession to killing Turtle on that watch? Because I still want to see Harry held accountable for that.

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More thoughts:

Another nitpick: when Barry was plummeting to his death, I thought he'd remember that he can rotate his arms really fast to "fly" like he did in the Christmas episode.


Or when he ran around the portal in the sky over Central City to close it.  Do the writers just forget this stuff ?

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Or when he ran around the portal in the sky over Central City to close it.  Do the writers just forget this stuff ?

He was using the floating debris to keep himself up there.  It's not as obvious in the premiere but the season finale had him bouncing around.  The rotating his arm thing might have worked to soften the fall, though.


That being said, they need to stop with these training exercises where failure equals catastrophic injury/death.  Based on the dialogue Cisco was the only one who considered bringing along the drones as a failsafe. You can't heal if you're dead, you know.  If you want to stop Zoom then use a cold gun, for heaven's sake. 

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Almost forgot . . . WTF was up with Barry breaking the case to get to Jay's helmet? Might have been less messy if he just opened it up.



Also, since they don't really know how "Vibing" works, maybe nobody else should touch the helmet before Cisco does?


His ridiculous screaming at the end was probably worse.


In tonight's performance, the part of Barry Allen will be played by Calculon.

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I agree the Scott character isn't even needed, but I'm assuming they just want him to be Iris's rebound before Barry. Sigh. The sooner that's over with the better.

But how cute was Iris though? CC is so great!

Jay continues to bore me, and the convoluted mess with multiples isn't making it better. At this point I'm bitter they're doing Zoom/Hunter Zolomon so dirty.

I like Jesse but one confrontation after the next is just bad set up. Plant seeds, let it simmer, big confrontation then fall out.

Is Trajectory lost in the speedforce now?

Massively disagree. The wardrobe people are the only ones who do right by Candice. Everything she wore was gorgeous and stylish as hell.

Agreeeed! I wanted Iris' wardrobe so bad this ep. She looked fantastic! That last dress was everything.

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I also don't have much to add...I was bored to death.  I watched this and Sleepy Hollow late last night on DVR with my visiting sister. After watching SH first (which she used to watch and was glad she no longer did) when I started watching the Flash, half way through she asked said that it was just as bad as my last show! 


I was struggling to stay awake, and as the identity of the new speedster was no mystery at all.  The big "reveal" was overwrought and pointless,and unlike others I found nothing humerous, etc. about the club scene. 


Cisco continues to annoy me as does Caitlyn and Harry.  I am hanging on for Joe...and sometimes Iris and Barry (not together, but individually) and that thread is getting weak.  I have no idea what happened to the show this year.


I have zero interest in Zoom, Wally or Jesse. 

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I agree that PJJJ was presumptuous and mistaken and all that. I'm mainly just saying it's not crazy for him to have wrongly jumped to the conclusion he did. Especially when Iris essentially says she's open to them dating at the end, it's fair to think that he might have felt vibes from her.


Agree it wasn't crazy. IMO Iris acted very coy when she invited him to coffee. I thought she was flirting with him on purpose to distract him. It wasn't clear to me what she was up to -- and obviously she was uncomfortable with it -- but my guess was she was hoping to charm him into seeing things her way. I was wrong, but since I thought she was flirting it didn't surprise me when he did, too.

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And add me to the list of those who thought how stupid he was that Iris asking him to have coffee=asking her BOSS on a date. And that she was...intrigued by it the next day and it wasn't a deal breaker? WTF, Iris?


His reaction after she clarified that it wasn't a date was really irritating.  Their conversation, as much of it as I could pay attention to at least because I generally tune Iris out, was focused on the Flash and the boss's "everyone is evil at heart" attitude.  I got no flirtation vibes at all.  Then he dropped the "disliking Flash is a deal-breaker" comment and I said "wait, where did that come from?"


Worse, he then negged her.  "Oh, I completely misinterpreted this obvious business conversation with your boss as a date.  You should feel bad."  Worst, the negging worked and now she's interested.  So now she's going to date her boss, which is wildly inappropriate, and their inevitable breakup will damage her career. Ugh.

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Yeah. Iris saying (paraphrasing): "Umm...how about we get a cup of coffee..." so I can convince you Flash isn't the villain here? does not equal flirting to me.


I love Iris, but boy did I want to head slap her for going back and telling her BOSS that his hating Flash wasn't a deal-breaker. What the what, now?


I hate these fucking show runners. They can join the group that is Peterson and Souders, thankyouverymuch.


I think I'll just fantasize that Tom Welling IS the Superman in this universe. Hey! It's MY Fantasy, okay? I mean, all the prettiness!

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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So now she's going to date her boss, which is wildly inappropriate, and their inevitable breakup will damage her career. Ugh.


LOL I highly doubt this. More likely Zoom or some other evil meta kills him on their date and *off screen* Iris becomes the new editor. 

Edited by driedfruit
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So, what if taking the Velocity whatever made Jay have a split personality as well? And that both personalities physically split making one Zoom?

Yes this is what I was coming to say.

Just like Trajectory and her split personality, I think this is what happened to Jay. I think he kept taking the Velocity 6 or whatever before coming to Earth 1 and eventually Zoom split off from him and went on a rampage. And I think that the more Velocity 6 or 9 Zoom would take, he'd end up like Trajectory.

I don't know who the other guy in the mask is though... but Hunter Zolomon has to be involved somehow.

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[very obscure reference to follow]

Nostalgia Chick:  “Dr. Tease?  I thought Dark Nella killed you!”
Dr. Tease:  “Oh, silly, that wasn’t me!  That was my robot clone.”
NC:  “Umm… robot, or clone?”
Dr. Tease:  “Exactly!”

I fear the eventual explanation of Zoom and the multiple Jays will make about as much sense.

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So I loved this episode. I know Trajectory was essentially a plot device, but her transformation sequence really set a high standard, it was so intense. Anyway. I'm glad to see that Jesse Quick will be coming soon, if not this season then early in the next. We have so many indications that it will happen: the injection, the figuring out of the formula (in Flash Back), the need for independence and leaving to "spread her wings", even the Trajectory suit remaining at Star Labs (perhaps she will put in on? and alter it to her own fashion sense. although I really she doesn't, and adopts a costume that's a bit more like the comics, with the goggles and bodysuit etc). Can't wait: Violett Beane is so great for this! Don't know why nobody's made a Wikipedia page for her yet..but check her Twitter: https://twitter.com/violettbeane

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Trajectory's costume was better than Jesse's costume in the comics. And if her hair is uncovered, I'd love to see them give her a gold lightning bolt hairpin at the back-- one that can be used as a tool or weapon in a pinch.

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