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On 5/28/2017 at 2:44 PM, Maya said:

Why is GZ wearing a heavy zipped up black leather jacket during the summer grilling episode. 

We had an unusually cool and wet spring in the Northeast this year.  It was 52 degrees in the mid afternoon a couple of weeks ago!

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4 hours ago, SuzyLee said:

Marcela, in her huge, black sunglasses outside during Willie Geist's pizza segment . . . *sigh*  ?

What was up with that? She looked ridiculous! She did put them up on her head for the drink segment. BTW, that drink segment was the stupidest thing ever. This show is so freaking lucky to have such a cushy timeslot.

3 hours ago, bosawks said:

Isn't it a producers job to tell one of the talent that a pekingese has died on top of her head?

LOL! You are killing me! The Pekingese wig!!

Edited by Spunkygal
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Isn't it a producers job to tell one of the talent that a pekingese has died on top of her head?

Best Bad Wig joke EVER!!! 

If Sunny has a stylist the stylist clearly hates her.

And again, as usual, The Kitchen's idea of a father is a big hog who wants giant food and truckloads of it. Yuck.

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This episode was brought to us by Classico apparently.. 

the grilled salad and sausage and peppers looked delish 

poke cake, yawn. Pinterest 101

also, did GZ's eyebrows seem unusually dark? 

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GZ with the sausage and peppers. Throw some sweet and some spicy sausage on the grill. Throw some peppers on the grill.  Grill the bread. C'mon! I'm starting to get pissed off at the stupidity. Maybe he made some super duper secret sauce to put on the bread or something I forgot about.  He must cringe at the things they tell him to do. There was nothing unique about it.  I just don't understand why he wants to do this show. Doesn't he have a bunch of restaurants to tend to?

I agree about Marcela. I don't care for her but I do also learn from some of her recipes. That grilled salad looked delicious. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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Although Katie comes off to me as a little condescending and not very warm, her recipe is the only one I've tried (the fried chicken) out of all of the shows I've seen. So I give credit to her for motivating me to actually try a recipe even though she can be unnerving at times.

Edited by Helen0506
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Sunny: "Talking with my mouth full is one of the main things I get picked on for online."

Because pointing out viewers' negative (and completely valid) comments is a surefire way to maintain and build ratings, which leads to ad revenue, which keeps this increasingly absurd network afloat, which leads to you continuing to be paid lots of money for making bacon hot dogs on television.  Just saying, Sunny.

Edited by SuzyLee
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And the BLT hot dog  recipe is easily found on Pinterest

as is katies Bloody Mary ketchup..I cracked up when sunny was helping her make it and said 'why did I not think of this before?!'  Just use the search option on Pinterest!! Someone else already thought of it lol also thanks for the cheese on hot dog innovation

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1 hour ago, SuzyLee said:

Sunny: "Talking with my mouth full is one of the main things I get picked on for online."

Because pointing out viewers' negative (and completely valid) comments is a surefire way to maintain and build ratings, which leads to ad revenue, which keeps this increasingly absurd network afloat, which leads to you continuing to be paid lots of money for making bacon hot dogs on television.  Just saying, Sunny.

I really think I could overlook Sunny's LOUD voice and over the top demeanor if she didn't come across like a pig with her smacking and open mouth eating. So rude, so gross. And when she bit in the hot dog that Marcella prepared with the flavor bomb sauce, she started talking practically immediately. She didn't even have time for the flavor to hit her taste buds. 

I will never go to the trouble of grinding short ribs for a burger but it did look good. Luckily, about 3 minutes from my house we have an awesome family owned meat market and their burger meat is amazing. Perfect meat to fat ratio. 

ETA...if I floured any design on my lawn, my family and neighbors would put me in a strait jacket. What the what?!?!

Edited by Spunkygal
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53 minutes ago, Spunkygal said:

ETA...if I floured any design on my lawn, my family and neighbors would put me in a strait jacket. What the what?!?!

Agreed. Husband and I looked at each other and said, "WTF?"

Also, whoever the guest was, I loved her. I have no idea who she was, but I loved her. GZ (who I really do like) asked if you could use real whipped cream, she looked at him and said, "whose recipe is this?" Best moment of the show.

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7 hours ago, Spunkygal said:

ETA...if I floured any design on my lawn, my family and neighbors would put me in a strait jacket. What the what?!?!

Seriously.  The day I make time to create flour stars on my lawn before a get-together is the day I reevaluate my priorities and life from the ground up.  This show is turning the corner from silly to completely wackadoo.  

Edited by SuzyLee
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8 hours ago, Mammalou said:

And the BLT hot dog  recipe is easily found on Pinterest

as is katies Bloody Mary ketchup..I cracked up when sunny was helping her make it and said 'why did I not think of this before?!'  Just use the search option on Pinterest!!

Isn't this show basically Pinterest for the non-Pinterest person with occasionally something fancy from GZ? I'm not on Pinterest unlss I'm taken there in a Google search so most of this stuff is new to me.  Of course part of the reason I'm not in Pinterest is some of the "fun" things I saw on Pinterest were not things I would never do--similar to how I am about much of this show.  In Sunny's defense, in order to search for it on Pinterest, you do need to think of it.  That's one of the great things about the web.  I can think "I wonder if anyone has ever made....X" and I can seek out recipes for those who had.

I would never put stars on my lawn but *ducks* I kind of liked the idea.  I do wonder if it clumps when it rains, though.

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41 minutes ago, Irlandesa said:

Isn't this show basically Pinterest for the non-Pinterest person with occasionally something fancy from GZ? I'm not on Pinterest unlss I'm taken there in a Google search so most of this stuff is new to me.  Of course part of the reason I'm not in Pinterest is some of the "fun" things I saw on Pinterest were not things I would never do--similar to how I am about much of this show.  In Sunny's defense, in order to search for it on Pinterest, you do need to think of it.  That's one of the great things about the web.  I can think "I wonder if anyone has ever made....X" and I can seek out recipes for those who had.

I would never put stars on my lawn but *ducks* I kind of liked the idea.  I do wonder if it clumps when it rains, though.

I guess what I was trying to say is that sunny and Katie often pass recipes that are commonly found on other sites like Pinterest as their own creations when others have posted them prior 

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15 minutes of food. 45 minutes of crafts. That pretzel salad did nothing for me. I must remember to split some hot dogs and grill em', then melt cheese on the bun. Why haven't I ever thought of that? 

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That pretzel salad is something that I occasionally have had at potlucks in the midwest. Not quite exactly like what she did but very similar.  And I like it more than I think I should.  The pretzel part, especially, is extremely addicting. I don't like the jello part as much.

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I love this stupid show. I dvr all the episodes and I add many of their ideas into my rotation. Just last night, I made Katie's chicken with croutons AGAIN. But on to today's episode. 

When my son was smaller, I made bunny prints on my front lawn with flour and circle stencils every easter. He would run out to look for them first thing every year, and while I'm out on my lawn at 4am, I imagine him doing it for his kid someday. So there are definitely idiots like me out there who eat this shit up. Ps. Its not messy, it just becomes one with the soil in a day or so. 

I shall be macking on BLT hot dogs this afternoon. Even rewound and called my husband in to watch it. It definitely sounds pinterest-y, but pinterest wont let me look at anything on my phone without downloading the app and I refuse, so I feel like I'm getting the highlights this way.

@Irlandesa, I don't like the jello layer, either! I put mini chocolate chips in the cream cheese layer and top it all with a jar of salted caramel sundae sauce.

And finally, I feel a little bad for Sunny. I would hate to read mean comments about myself to the point where I became self conscious doing what makes me happy. Aside from that hot dog chomp (which, you're right you guys), I don't think we saw her eating anything else.

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What bothers me the most about Sunny is her talking with food in her mouth. She does it every single time. I know they're supposed to taste the food and then comment. Perhaps once someone takes a bite of food, the others can talk about the recipe or what drink would go well with that particular kind of food while the taster has a chance to chew and swallow? Also it would give the taster time to actually TASTE the food before they rave about it, as they always, always do. We've finally broken our 8 year old grandson of talking with food in his mouth. It seems like Sunny should have learned that lesson a long time ago. 

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The two things that bug me about Sunny are her noisy and rude eating and how LOUD she and Jeff are. She screams all the time. Also, I do think she is a pretty lady (and have said so before), but her stylist does her no favors. I can't think of any woman (Marcella, Katie Lee, Lucy Lu, Eva Longoria, Michelle Obama, Serena Williams, to name a few) who are all attractive who would look good in the lipstick and eye shadow shades that Sunny wears.  Not to mention wigs that look like dead dogs on her head. That frustrates me that Sunny lets those outrageous choices detract from her beauty. 

I think Sunny is a good cook, but her external presentation and manners kill it for me. If anyone interprets my comments about her as mean, then I'm sorry but that's not the intention. If she'd listen to critics on the Internet and stop smacking as soon as she takes a bite, I could be a real fan of hers. She obviously is aware of the comments. Her mom needs to give her an earful of table manners.

Once in a blue moon this show gives me a good recipe. I couldn't care less about the crafts. This is on FN and is called The Kitchen, not "The Chew Lite." Yay for viewers who love it and get tons of food and crafty ideas but for me, this show could use more polish.

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I like this show. I would make very little of the food, none of the crafts, have never been on Pinterest, but enjoy it as background chatter while I'm cooking. Sunny is loud, annoying and the wigs and makeup are silly. The rest are alright for me. Jeff I like, he is like many men I know when they are loose and hanging around with a beer.  The are all very confident and smooth and give me a sense of their long experience with food. ( I can't say Food Authority, I just can't).  

I seems like a fun show for beginning homemakers and young parents. I am neither but yet I still don't mind it!

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4 hours ago, Gam2 said:

What bothers me the most about Sunny is her talking with food in her mouth. She does it every single time. I know they're supposed to taste the food and then comment. Perhaps once someone takes a bite of food, the others can talk about the recipe or what drink would go well with that particular kind of food while the taster has a chance to chew and swallow? Also it would give the taster time to actually TASTE the food before they rave about it, as they always, always do. We've finally broken our 8 year old grandson of talking with food in his mouth. It seems like Sunny should have learned that lesson a long time ago. 

I don't understand why they don't take smaller bites. They all take enormous bites then need to speak immediately. It doesn't make sense. 

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22 minutes ago, Maya said:

I don't understand why they don't take smaller bites. They all take enormous bites then need to speak immediately. It doesn't make sense

That's practical sometimes.  But other times they seem to be making the most humongous sandwich or something with fifty million layers in it and they have to get every layer to taste. 

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7 hours ago, butterbody said:

@Irlandesa Just last night, I made Katie's chicken with croutons AGAIN.


I guess that means you liked it!  I'm glad to hear that.  I always feel that when I say something is good and someone else makes it, they're going to hate it.  And then blame me.  It really is a simple and delicious way to roast a chicken.  I need to make it again, too.

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On 7/2/2017 at 11:58 AM, bichonblitz said:

15 minutes of food. 45 minutes of crafts. That pretzel salad did nothing for me. I must remember to split some hot dogs and grill em', then melt cheese on the bun. Why haven't I ever thought of that? 

To be fair the segment with the hot dog was more than that. The type of bun to use so it can be cooked like a grilled cheese. Use a grill pan on the grill. They were unrealistically enthusiastic but for new grillers and partners it seemed fair. 

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My computer insists on writing in italics.  Sorry!  :)

I don't watch this show faithfully, but once in a while I tune in.  I could gladly be rid of Katie Lee and Jeff Mauro.  I think they're both lightweights who feel lucky to be on the air.  Katie seems to be putting on an act, and Jeff is happy only when his jokes are appreciated.  I like Marcella a lot and think she can really cook.  Sunny is loud and ridiculous, but something makes me like her.  I liked GZ when he was a judge on "Chopped," but I'm not sure about him in a comedic sense.  He's a little weird for me when he forces himself to be funny.

I didn't even know that Pinterest had a cooking section.  I'm always in the homemade cards section.  I'll have to check it out.

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Yeah, I really dislike manufactured "zaniness". Some people are genuine goofballs but not every joking aside has to be met with gales of hysterical laughter. Not every taste of food will inspire eye-rolling orgasmic response. Calm does not have to equal boring.

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On 7/2/2017 at 4:42 PM, Gam2 said:

What bothers me the most about Sunny is her talking with food in her mouth. She does it every single time. I know they're supposed to taste the food and then comment. Perhaps once someone takes a bite of food, the others can talk about the recipe or what drink would go well with that particular kind of food while the taster has a chance to chew and swallow? Also it would give the taster time to actually TASTE the food before they rave about it, as they always, always do.

What bugs me (and not only on this show) is that the rave is almost always just stating that it's delicious, followed by a listing of the ingredients.  To this list I always respond, "Yes, I know.  I watched her make it." 

Not that I have a better suggestion because really, what can you say other than it's delicious, but it still grates.

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"If you look up 'cafloutis,'" as Sunny suggested today, you won't find anything.  (Except maybe "kaflooey.")  'Cause it's clafoutis.

I loved the pretzel salad lady, too.  She's welcome back.  Even on a permanent basis.  That's how you audition--just by being your funny, self-deprecating self.

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Has anyone ever tried Jeff's tip of misting meat on the grill? That looked interesting. 

I don't understand the point of having a guest on who knows nothing about cooking, but I'll just go with it. 

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On 7/8/2017 at 10:27 PM, Maya said:

I don't understand the point of having a guest on who knows nothing about cooking, but I'll just go with it. 

Lol, I was scratching my head at that! I guess they are going through desperate measures to entertain us... they did something similar to  Susan Lucci  when she was a guest , except she knows how to cook, but they wouldn't let her!  Is it that difficult to just fill an hour with good recipes? You have 5 regular hosts and you still need a guest and some silly crafts? 

I will say this about Katie Lee, years ago she was on Oprah promoting a book, and made one of her meatloaf recipes . I still use it to this day, it's fabulous.  She was married to then husband Billy Joel. For some reason she convinced him to come on Oprah with her and the guy couldn't look more bored and indifferent if he tried. The marriage must have already been in trouble by then.  Even Oprah looked uncomfortable.  Poor Katie. 

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4 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Lol, I was scratching my head at that! I guess they are going through desperate measures to entertain us... they did something similar to  Susan Lucci  when she was a guest , except she knows how to cook, but they wouldn't let her!  Is it that difficult to just fill an hour with good recipes? You have 5 regular hosts and you still need a guest and some silly crafts? 

I will say this about Katie Lee, years ago she was on Oprah promoting a book, and made one of her meatloaf recipes . I still use it to this day, it's fabulous.  She was married to then husband Billy Joel. For some reason she convinced him to come on Oprah with her and the guy couldn't look more bored and indifferent if he tried. The marriage must have already been in trouble by then.  Even Oprah looked uncomfortable.  Poor Katie. 

I totally remember that show! Look, Katie seems like a lovely person.  That being said if she hadn't have been married to who she was married to, I don't think she would have made it as an on-air personality on her own.  She certainly would not have made it on Oprah without him.. her voice quality is on the irritating side.. her recipes which I'm sure are tasty are nothing incredibly innovative or creative.. I doubt she would make it far on The Next Food Network Star. I think she is very lucky 

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OMG.....Jeff's latest Subway commercial.  I....I just can't.   What the hell?  Jeff's bad enough, then you add in the sandwich woman with the Brady Bunch-era kitchen dishtowel wrapped around her head and the weirdos who think they're extras in a live performance of the Village People's Macho Man and it's just....sumthin.  When did they add crack as a topping option at Subway.

 I hate to tell Jeff, but he's less Sandwich King and more Sandwich Jester.  

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On Monday, July 10, 2017 at 0:53 PM, Mammalou said:

I doubt she would make it far on The Next Food Network Star. I think she is very lucky 


A lot of current and former on air talent wouldn't make it far on the show. Emeril first season or two of Essence was beyond painful.

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Today's show was....wow, just wow. The decibel level was UP there by all of them, but especially Sunny. If I were ever at a cookout with her, I would make sure to move out of the way the second the food was served. She is so enthuastic about everything. Yes, I realize she is a co-host and that's her job, but goodness! Not every burger is an orgasmic experience. I thought she would smoke a cigarette after eating the 4-slice cheese burger with the "lacy" edges. She looked so satisfied.

Note to Marcella: I saw the butter in the burger meat idea from Martha ages ago. But Martha explained that if you have a lean grind and decide to make burgers, add one little pat of butter in the middle and form the burger around it. I have done that and it does make a difference. But never would I mix in as much butter as Marcella did. That is overkill, as in, call your cardiologist immediately. 

No way would I make a tuna burger or the chorizo/sausage burgers. I am a purist and think that is sacrilege but there's even ostrich burgers now, so whatever floats your boat.

i felt sorry for Aaron. One of them stated that they keep up with him via social media. No mention of a show, book, etc. So I guess this yet another Next Food Network Star flameout. GZ's face during that segment was so strained as he struggled to look interested.

i was FF'ing through commercials and stopped to watch Jeff's Subway commercial. Yikes! I guess they had to make it OTT since he is.

My hate watching of this show is an all time high. I need to back away for my own good. 

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Ditto, Spunkygal. I think I watch this show for the agony and snark value. The yelling today was even worse than usual. It's like they think we can't hear them unless they're at max volume. That four cheese burger that Jeff made was just awful. I love me some cheese but that was just ridiculous and Sunny's orgasmic response to it was embarassing to watch. I thought all of the burgers were too big to eat. I always cut my burger in half, squish it down and take small bites. And then take the other half home for lunch the next day. Just me, I guess. 

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On 7/10/2017 at 3:53 PM, Mammalou said:

I totally remember that show! Look, Katie seems like a lovely person.  That being said if she hadn't have been married to who she was married to, I don't think she would have made it as an on-air personality on her own.  She certainly would not have made it on Oprah without him.. her voice quality is on the irritating side.. her recipes which I'm sure are tasty are nothing incredibly innovative or creative.. I doubt she would make it far on The Next Food Network Star. I think she is very lucky 

I think it's probably true that being married to a big star gave her opportunities she wouldn't have had otherwise.  But she also did beat all her fellow hosts (except Zakarian, who was a judge) when they competed head-to-head on Chopped.  So who knows?  It certainly surprised the hell out of me.

2 hours ago, Gam2 said:

 I thought all of the burgers were too big to eat.

And in the case of the one Zakarian made, also too raw to eat.  Or at least that's how it looked on my TV.  The chance you take when you insist on cutting open a burger, I guess.  They may earn their salaries just tasting some of the stuff they're forced to taste.  I think I'd've been looking for the spit bucket on that one.

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With all the comments about Sunny and the way she eats I was wondering if anyone else saw her attempt to call out someone who called her out? She stated she had ullcerative colitis and had to eat like that. Now I've known a few people with UC that never had to eat like that but that's just me.

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8 hours ago, thebigboot said:

With all the comments about Sunny and the way she eats I was wondering if anyone else saw her attempt to call out someone who called her out? She stated she had ullcerative colitis and had to eat like that. Now I've known a few people with UC that never had to eat like that but that's just me.

I call BS on that. My husband has UC, thankfully treatable with meds, and never heard any thing of the sort. She certainly didn't eat that way when she had her own cooking show.

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