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King Of Queens - General Discussion

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Not in any particular order, but after just talking about how much I enjoy KOQ, I just saw an episode that annoys me so much! lol. It's mostly cause it highlights how selfish and immature Doug could be. The episode was the one where they needed $12k to address mold in their house and they didn't have the money and Doug had to call his parents for it. It was funny when Arthur is in the kitchen with them when they were trying to figure out what to do and Arthur is in the way. Hey, at least he was willing to *anything* to help out the kids! 

Doug's Dad asking him for his "books" was hilarious. The look on Doug's face was hysterical. Although considering that Doug's parents seemed to be pretty frugal and paid attention to how they spent their money, they certainly didn't teach Doug anything about responsibility or being an adult. But we see that throughout the show, so it's not just related to how blase he is around money. 

What drove me crazy was when his Dad is going through their "books" (which only existed because Carrie actually bothered to keep track of anything) and then throws Carrie's closet open and tells Doug he needs to get her "under control". Umm....yeah, no. Carrie is an adult woman who works a full-time job and earned a decent amount. Doug's reaction annoyed me, but his Dad going through Carrie's things the way he did, made me so angry. It was patronizing and sexist. 

We know Carrie hates knockoffs (so do I, so I do not judge!) and she was dressing for her environment which makes sense. Doug wears the same uniform to work. I've worked in different work environments. One was in Manhattan and was a well-known company and people in that office dressed SO WELL. They weren't all in designer clothes but they certainly were very well put together. My current office is one notch shy of allowing people to wear sweats in the office! I still dress like it's my old office and they talk about me all the time! Those are the work clothes I have and I actually don't feel comfortable dressing so casually for work either. 

Anyway, back to the show! I liked how at the end Doug said to Carrie that next time she could just crumple the check and not rip it up! 

As with most shows, the finances are used as a convenient plot point when needed, so I take a lot of things with a grain of salt. I can definitely see Carrie and Doug not saving very much - I mean if it wasn't for Carrie, they wouldn't have any retirement savings at all and Doug was the type of guy who was lucky to have a solid union job. They did seem to spend without really caring and also mentioned having debt. They were pretty typical, so it was annoying for his Dad to get so self-righteous about their finances. A small part of me did understand where his dad was coming from as well though, just not the way he went about it or his conclusion as to what the "problem" was. They were a dual-income, no kid, except Arthur household (did Arthur have anything like Social Security?) so it was odd that they seemed to never have money when they needed it. If I was asked for $12,000 from a family member, I also would ask them "where are your books?"...

  • Love 2
On 5/10/2018 at 10:11 AM, msani19 said:

Not in any particular order, but after just talking about how much I enjoy KOQ, I just saw an episode that annoys me so much! lol. It's mostly cause it highlights how selfish and immature Doug could be. The episode was the one where they needed $12k to address mold in their house and they didn't have the money and Doug had to call his parents for it. It was funny when Arthur is in the kitchen with them when they were trying to figure out what to do and Arthur is in the way. Hey, at least he was willing to *anything* to help out the kids! 

Doug's Dad asking him for his "books" was hilarious. The look on Doug's face was hysterical. Although considering that Doug's parents seemed to be pretty frugal and paid attention to how they spent their money, they certainly didn't teach Doug anything about responsibility or being an adult. But we see that throughout the show, so it's not just related to how blase he is around money. 

What drove me crazy was when his Dad is going through their "books" (which only existed because Carrie actually bothered to keep track of anything) and then throws Carrie's closet open and tells Doug he needs to get her "under control". Umm....yeah, no. Carrie is an adult woman who works a full-time job and earned a decent amount. Doug's reaction annoyed me, but his Dad going through Carrie's things the way he did, made me so angry. It was patronizing and sexist. 

We know Carrie hates knockoffs (so do I, so I do not judge!) and she was dressing for her environment which makes sense. Doug wears the same uniform to work. I've worked in different work environments. One was in Manhattan and was a well-known company and people in that office dressed SO WELL. They weren't all in designer clothes but they certainly were very well put together. My current office is one notch shy of allowing people to wear sweats in the office! I still dress like it's my old office and they talk about me all the time! Those are the work clothes I have and I actually don't feel comfortable dressing so casually for work either. 

Anyway, back to the show! I liked how at the end Doug said to Carrie that next time she could just crumple the check and not rip it up! 

As with most shows, the finances are used as a convenient plot point when needed, so I take a lot of things with a grain of salt. I can definitely see Carrie and Doug not saving very much - I mean if it wasn't for Carrie, they wouldn't have any retirement savings at all and Doug was the type of guy who was lucky to have a solid union job. They did seem to spend without really caring and also mentioned having debt. They were pretty typical, so it was annoying for his Dad to get so self-righteous about their finances. A small part of me did understand where his dad was coming from as well though, just not the way he went about it or his conclusion as to what the "problem" was. They were a dual-income, no kid, except Arthur household (did Arthur have anything like Social Security?) so it was odd that they seemed to never have money when they needed it. If I was asked for $12,000 from a family member, I also would ask them "where are your books?"...

You should look up "Arthur's Basement" on FB, it is a private group for lovers of KoQ.  No politics, no advertising, just people having fun.  

To piggyback off the mold episode - yes Doug was very immature and his Dad was very condescending towards Carrie.  I never understood how they were so broke, either.  Double income no kids, and I assume Arthur would get SS or something.  The other times I have not liked Dougie:  When he became a bartender and encouraged a guy who said he could not drink to "have just one."  Seriously?  Also - when he would not let Buster get the credit for making the block.  Doug just looked petty, not because Busterman was in a wheelchair, but because Doug looked petty trying to take the credit for a high school football move from long ago.

Also agree with poster from upthread about Doug "slut shaming" Carrie about sleeping with the brothers and the uncle.  First off his friends were all "That's not what I heard....."  Shut up alleged friends.

Loved Deacon - totally hot.  Wanted him to hook up with Holly while separated from Kelly.  

Loved the wedding scene where their microphones were on:  "I hope you enjoyed our little skit!!"

I liked Carrie "dating" the cop to get out of the ticket. 

  • Love 2
On 5/10/2018 at 11:11 AM, msani19 said:

Not in any particular order, but after just talking about how much I enjoy KOQ, I just saw an episode that annoys me so much! lol. It's mostly cause it highlights how selfish and immature Doug could be. The episode was the one where they needed $12k to address mold in their house and they didn't have the money and Doug had to call his parents for it. It was funny when Arthur is in the kitchen with them when they were trying to figure out what to do and Arthur is in the way. Hey, at least he was willing to *anything* to help out the kids! 

Doug's Dad asking him for his "books" was hilarious. The look on Doug's face was hysterical. Although considering that Doug's parents seemed to be pretty frugal and paid attention to how they spent their money, they certainly didn't teach Doug anything about responsibility or being an adult. But we see that throughout the show, so it's not just related to how blase he is around money. 

What drove me crazy was when his Dad is going through their "books" (which only existed because Carrie actually bothered to keep track of anything) and then throws Carrie's closet open and tells Doug he needs to get her "under control". Umm....yeah, no. Carrie is an adult woman who works a full-time job and earned a decent amount. Doug's reaction annoyed me, but his Dad going through Carrie's things the way he did, made me so angry. It was patronizing and sexist. 

We know Carrie hates knockoffs (so do I, so I do not judge!) and she was dressing for her environment which makes sense. Doug wears the same uniform to work. I've worked in different work environments. One was in Manhattan and was a well-known company and people in that office dressed SO WELL. They weren't all in designer clothes but they certainly were very well put together. My current office is one notch shy of allowing people to wear sweats in the office! I still dress like it's my old office and they talk about me all the time! Those are the work clothes I have and I actually don't feel comfortable dressing so casually for work either. 

On 5/11/2018 at 4:01 PM, Mrs. Hanson said:

You should look up "Arthur's Basement" on FB, it is a private group for lovers of KoQ.  No politics, no advertising, just people having fun.  

To piggyback off the mold episode - yes Doug was very immature and his Dad was very condescending towards Carrie.  I never understood how they were so broke, either.  Double income no kids, and I assume Arthur would get SS or something. 

As a woman who loves fashion and knows how much things cost, I have no trouble believing that they were broke. Doug's father was right, there were thousands of dollars worth of clothes, shoes and accessories in that closet. Carrie took care of the money, and it was shown that she spent indiscriminately on high-end fashion. I loved that Doug's dad recognized the name of those Charles David boots and knew how much they cost! 

There's no reason Carrie couldn't have shopped at stores like TJ Maxx/Marshall's or other discount type stores and gotten some nice clothes much cheaper. And this is coming from someone who spent a lot of money on full-price fashion back in the day - I got myself in about 20 grand worth of debt in a few short years, and that's with shopping at stores like Macy's, The Limited and Nine West - imagine the damage I could've done if I went to places like Saks or designer boutiques!

Edited by Gothish520
  • Love 4

What I love about KoQ is that it is irreverent, and at times, it pushes the line of what we know to be moral and/or PC, but it's FUNNY. I feel like I have permission to laugh. 

The Carrie overspends episode and the comment Joe made about keeping his woman under control was funny because it's just what an older gen guy would say, plus knowing that Carrie usually keeps Doug "under control" added to it. We know Carrie! No one can keep her constrained! 

The Doug lying to get Carrie to sleep with him--of course, that's immoral! TBH, I think that's something that people do when they're young sometimes. My now husband told me he was enrolling in school. He knew I didn't wanna be with a guy who didn't go to college. I know so many women who consider some things there partners do/did as deal breakers, then next thing you know, they fall in love and get married. I guess that's why I got the episode.  

Also, the "reformed slut" thing...let's just say I totally got that part too. 

  • Love 3
On 1/22/2015 at 9:06 PM, Mmazeo said:

Arthur takes over as Senior center director

"Pudding salesman huh. I want you to find out everything you can about this pudding salesman. What he likes, what he doesn't like. If he takes a crap I wanna know about it"

Followed up with,

"I don't want some price cooked up in the smoke-filled back rooms of your pudding cartel!"

Watch the re-runs and see if you notice that some of the greatest quotes from Arthur come after you think the scene is over, but he gets one more line in that makes you laugh out loud.  Here's an example:

Carrie and Doug are meeting with a contractor and really need him to move them to the top of his list.  During the discussions, Arthur comes into the room.

Contractor:  Oh, he is your father?  How nice!  In my country we cherich our parents.

Carrie:  Yup!  He's my father

Doug:  And we cherish him

Contractor:  Hello, Father.  They treat you well?

Arthur (seeing that Doug and Carrie need him right now):  Oh, yes.  They even give me a generous allowance of $20 per week.  (Holds his hand out to Doug).

Doug gives Arthur a twenty dollar bill

Arthur (always pushing his advantgage):  Also, Douglas.  I think you forgot last week's allowance.

Doug gives Arthur another twenty dollar bill.

Contractor:  We can start Monday.

So you think the scene is over until Arthur throws in one last line--

"Take me to the boat show or I'm blowing the lid off this whole deal!"

Edited by TheLastKidPicked
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On 10/18/2018 at 4:22 PM, LadyKenobi said:

The other day TV Land showed the episode in which Doug is jealous of Deacon's new friend and dreams about being in an African-American church choir. I hadn't remembered this episode much, and was cracking up because they were singing the theme song from "The Jeffersons," which I now realize was probably because that the extent of Doug's exposure to gospel music.

Well, they DID move up, to the east side!!!  

The B&B where they listen to Deacon and Kelly enjoy the fruits of their marriage is great too - lots of great lines.  I work with kids grade K-5 and when one has a problem with their shoelaces I always say:  "Knot in your shoelace?" like Carrie and laugh.  The kids are like, what?

On 6/24/2018 at 11:25 AM, zenme said:

We know Carrie! No one can keep her constrained! 


Still pissed that TBS royally fucked me by getting rid of Married…with Children and replacing it with Everybody Loves Raymond/KOQ reruns in the mornings.


Was watching some of the earlier eppys and by god, Doug could be a complete ass at times! 

In Season One where he found out that Carrie had slept with a groom that was a friend of theirs.  He was a straight up dick to Carrie and I would have told him to fuck himself, as who I slept with before him shouldn’t matter.

And can't forget the very last episode in which he wanted to divorce Carrie because she kept the Manhattan apartment.  Good for Kelly for reminding Carrie of all the immature shit he put her through during their marriage.

  • Love 3

Now that I'm watching again on TBS in the mornings, I am finding that Arthur could be hysterical.

Flame Resistant was on today and Carrie was being such a bitch!  She didn't like spending time with her mother-in-law but couldn't take it when Janet started spending time with Doug's ex Margy.  Now, I  would have been jealous but for me if I don't know then I don't get upset.  Janet should have told Carrie that while she considers her a daughter, she doesn't get to dictate who she can talk to.

On 5/11/2018 at 4:01 PM, Mrs. Hanson said:

Loved Deacon - totally hot.  Wanted him to hook up with Holly while separated from Kelly.  

Omg meeeeeeeeeeeeeee tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!  That's such a disappointment, that the show never made it happen!  I think that the actor who plays Holly is so, so talented.  I believed everything from her.

By the way, as a point of interest, the actor who plays Kelly is on two shows this year, "The Fix" (cancelled after one season) and "Big Little Lies" (now in season 2).

The actor who plays Deacon was on this sitcom "Happy Together", but it was cancelled after one season.

On 1/28/2019 at 8:33 AM, Vixenstud said:

Now that I'm watching again on TBS in the mornings, I am finding that Arthur could be hysterical.

Flame Resistant was on today and Carrie was being such a bitch!  She didn't like spending time with her mother-in-law but couldn't take it when Janet started spending time with Doug's ex Margy.  Now, I  would have been jealous but for me if I don't know then I don't get upset.  Janet should have told Carrie that while she considers her a daughter, she doesn't get to dictate who she can talk to.

I hear you but here is where Margy and Janet were wrong:  Janet is a guest in Carrie's house.  She invites Margy over, then they leave to go shopping?  That is straight up rude.  They get together and should include Carrie.  If my mom in law came to visit (which she is, actually, in a few weeks) and she invited Mr. Hanson's ex over then leaves with her?  I would be hurt, too.  I can decline to go but I would expect to be invited.  That will never happen, btw as there is no love lost between my hubby and his ex's.  MIL is not friends with any of them either.

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Here is where Margy and Janet were wrong:  Janet is a guest in Carrie's house.  She invites Margy over, then they leave to go shopping?  That is straight up rude. 

For me, Carrie got what she wanted....she didn't want to spend time with Janet, preferring to go to the gym and she got her wish; yes, maybe Janet should have asked if she wanted to go along but her plans were already made so I didn't see the big deal.

Heh, perhaps that's why I'm not married!

  • Love 2

Flame Resistant aired last night on TVLand.  I suppose there is blame all around in terms of Janet being inconsiderate and Carrie being hypocritical, but fortunately the ep was funny as always.

Carrie (picks a modern, typical cocktail dress off the rack): How about this one?

Janet (deadpans after pregnant pause):  Are you posing for Playboy?

Danny's 80's style electronic house version of "Margy" was a hoot as well.

  • LOL 1

I apologize if this seems off topic but it does affect my enjoyment of old sitcoms like KoQ (and TAAHM), both of which I have viewed for the very first time through the reruns on TVLand.  They're both very funny shows and I'm glad that TVL airs them so many times a day and generally in broadcast order.  With TVL and a reliable DVR, I can view virtually the entire episode list of a long-running series in  a few weeks to months.  Except. . .(and I have tried to google this topic to find an appropriate on line response or article and have always come up short). . .

Why does TVLand always skip any holiday themed episodes in their rotation???!!!!  It is so freakin annoying!  KOQ and that other series have rotated from pilot to finale several times since I began watching, and there remains a couple of episodes of each season that I have never seen.  I assume that the channel saves these episodes for holiday-themed marathons at the appropriate calendar dates, but it still is not guaranteed that these episodes will all air at that time.  Besides, there is no reason they can't include the holiday eps in the proper original broadcast chronology and also rebroadcast these episodes out of order when holiday time comes.  It's not like anyone is going to refuse to watch them over the holidays because they've already seen them.  They've already seen all of them!  They're RERUNS!  Honestly, the corporate decision makes absolutely no sense to me and only creates irritation in viewers like myself.  If anyone has any insight into the practice, I remain absolutely baffled. If only I ran a TV channel, things would be different. . .

Topic:  Carrie Heffernan would totally go off on any TV exec who treated one of her favorite shows this way.  Discuss!

On 6/26/2019 at 3:15 PM, sd dude said:

I apologize if this seems off topic but it does affect my enjoyment of old sitcoms like KoQ (and TAAHM), both of which I have viewed for the very first time through the reruns on TVLand.  They're both very funny shows and I'm glad that TVL airs them so many times a day and generally in broadcast order.  With TVL and a reliable DVR, I can view virtually the entire episode list of a long-running series in  a few weeks to months.  Except. . .(and I have tried to google this topic to find an appropriate on line response or article and have always come up short). . .

Why does TVLand always skip any holiday themed episodes in their rotation???!!!!  It is so freakin annoying!  KOQ and that other series have rotated from pilot to finale several times since I began watching, and there remains a couple of episodes of each season that I have never seen.  I assume that the channel saves these episodes for holiday-themed marathons at the appropriate calendar dates, but it still is not guaranteed that these episodes will all air at that time.  Besides, there is no reason they can't include the holiday eps in the proper original broadcast chronology and also rebroadcast these episodes out of order when holiday time comes.  It's not like anyone is going to refuse to watch them over the holidays because they've already seen them.  They've already seen all of them!  They're RERUNS!  Honestly, the corporate decision makes absolutely no sense to me and only creates irritation in viewers like myself.  If anyone has any insight into the practice, I remain absolutely baffled. If only I ran a TV channel, things would be different. . .

Topic:  Carrie Heffernan would totally go off on any TV exec who treated one of her favorite shows this way.  Discuss!

You may notice that if you watch reruns on different networks, some networks show more episodes than others.  For example, TVLand shows fewer episodes of "Everybody Loves Raymond" in their rotation than TBS does.  I wondered about it because I watched ELR when it originally aired and knew there were more episodes than TVLand was showing and it felt like I kept seeing the same episodes over and over.  I've since read that networks or stations buy packages of reruns from syndicators, so the way the episodes are packaged may vary.  For example, a package might only have the top 20 highest rated episodes of a show.  

Edited by readheaded

Fair enough.  Or I could simply borrow the missing episodes from Netflix as I do continue to subscribe to their DVD.com service so its already paid for.  But TBH, even more frustrating then the fact that there are a few episodes of these TVLand mainstays that I never get to see is the mystery of WHY it and similar channels have this "no holiday episodes" policy in the first place.  I just don't understand it from a business model perspective.  It's kind of made me a little bit crazy that no one else seems to know the reason either.

  • Love 1

I loved this show too.  It's been years since I've watched it though, since I don't have a TV anymore and I don't think it's on any of my streaming services. I think my favorite episode is the one where Deacon and Kelly give Doug and Carrie that painting.  Call me crazy, but I was thinking the whole time that Doug and Carrie should be grateful all Deacon and Kelly gave them was that fugly painting after the minstrel show art they gave Deacon and Kelly however many episodes back; then to see the show actually loop back there. Hilarious. And I loved Doug and Carrie's defense of the figurines. "We bought them in Harlem!"

I also remember the time Carrie babysat Deacon and Kelly's kids.  She tried helping one of them (Kirby, I guess), with his homework and somehow found herself needing to explain how his ancestors came to America. 

I'll also randomly think of the time Doug explained the meaning of 'ironic' to Arthur (and I think his friends) by telling a joke about something that happened at work.  The situation was actually textbook classic definition of irony and whoever was listening to it was like, 'Umm, nope.  Don't think you're making any sense there pal." (paraphrase). I just loved it because I swear, it was one of the only times since middle school that I have actually heard someone use the term 'ironic' correctly.  (No Greg, your mechanic's t-shirt with the name "Bob" written on it is not ironic.  It's just stupid.)

Also, there's Arthur's rant to the contractors about screwing up the good deal they had in the Soviet Union. "It was a workers' paradise!"

I never thought Carrie was too mean. I kind of loved everything about her.  The Brooklyn accent, the selfishness, the criticisms towards Doug. I don't need my protagonists to be good people all of the time, especially in a sitcom.  I just need them to be funny, and a lot of time her selfishness (as well as Doug's) was funny.  I mean, the show wasn't condoning what they did.  I think it made it perfectly clear that we were not to live our lives the way they did on the show.  Just think about the episode where they tried to donate money to that school's library, but then got upset because the amount they got credit for on the plaque was less than they gave.  Remember how that turned out?

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, piccadilly83 said:

I loved this show too.  It's been years since I've watched it though, since I don't have a TV anymore and I don't think it's on any of my streaming services. I think my favorite episode is the one where Deacon and Kelly give Doug and Carrie that painting.  Call me crazy, but I was thinking the whole time that Doug and Carrie should be grateful all Deacon and Kelly gave them was that fugly painting after the minstrel show art they gave Deacon and Kelly however many episodes back; then to see the show actually loop back there. Hilarious. And I loved Doug and Carrie's defense of the figurines. "We bought them in Harlem!"

I always laugh to the point of tears with that episode!

I also like when they had the mold guys over and they were taking so long. Once they were finished, Doug had Carrie "speak to them"! So funny. 

  • Love 2

I have a huge number of episodes saved on my DVR and I like to watch them before I go to bed. I like the humor and I find it mostly good-natured. Some of the episodes are truly hysterical.

I can't recall which episode it is, but one moment did shock me. I think Doug appears to be rather out of shape, but in this episode, he jumps from a standing position to touch both his toes. I was amazed he could do that at his weight. 

Anyone recall which episode this was?  He was in the garage when he did it.

A google search reveals this is called a "toe touch" in cheer leading. Doug's version lacks the arm movements of the cheer leader, but he is agile enough to touch both his toes after jumping from a standing position.

  • Love 1
On 5/11/2018 at 4:01 PM, Mrs. Hanson said:

You should look up "Arthur's Basement" on FB, it is a private group for lovers of KoQ.  No politics, no advertising, just people having fun.  

To piggyback off the mold episode - yes Doug was very immature and his Dad was very condescending towards Carrie.  I never understood how they were so broke, either.  Double income no kids, and I assume Arthur would get SS or something.  The other times I have not liked Dougie:  When he became a bartender and encouraged a guy who said he could not drink to "have just one."  Seriously?  Also - when he would not let Buster get the credit for making the block.  Doug just looked petty, not because Busterman was in a wheelchair, but because Doug looked petty trying to take the credit for a high school football move from long ago.

Also agree with poster from upthread about Doug "slut shaming" Carrie about sleeping with the brothers and the uncle.  First off his friends were all "That's not what I heard....."  Shut up alleged friends.

Loved Deacon - totally hot.  Wanted him to hook up with Holly while separated from Kelly.  

Loved the wedding scene where their microphones were on:  "I hope you enjoyed our little skit!!"

I liked Carrie "dating" the cop to get out of the ticket. 

Doug's parents should be really ticked off with Arthur because he suckered them into paying for Doug & Carrie's wedding.

Sometimes certain episodes contradicted each other, but like most everyone else we let it slide.

There were a lot of relatives along with husbands and wives of the cast that were showing up on many episodes. Now none of them were going to win Emmys for their performances, but they did provide valuable support.

  • Love 1
16 minutes ago, ChristmasJones said:

I have a huge number of episodes saved on my DVR and I like to watch them before I go to bed. I like the humor and I find it mostly good-natured. Some of the episodes are truly hysterical.

I can't recall which episode it is, but one moment did shock me. I think Doug appears to be rather out of shape, but in this episode, he jumps from a standing position to touch both his toes. I was amazed he could do that at his weight. 

Anyone recall which episode this was?  He was in the garage when he did it.

A google search reveals this is called a "toe touch" in cheer leading. Doug's version lacks the arm movements of the cheer leader, but he is agile enough to touch both his toes after jumping from a standing position.

Was it the one he was cheer leading during a pep rally? It was the one with Burt Reynolds as a guest

  • Love 1
On 9/12/2019 at 8:45 AM, piccadilly83 said:

I also remember the time Carrie babysat Deacon and Kelly's kids.  She tried helping one of them (Kirby, I guess), with his homework and somehow found herself needing to explain how his ancestors came to America. 

Remember when Doug scared one of them to death about some Lobsterman and didn't have to babysit? Carrie was so happy with Doug, they also got a cruise (or Bahama vacation?) at a cheap price

  • LOL 2
  • Love 1
On 9/12/2019 at 8:45 AM, piccadilly83 said:

I never thought Carrie was too mean. I kind of loved everything about her.  The Brooklyn accent, the selfishness, the criticisms towards Doug. I don't need my protagonists to be good people all of the time, especially in a sitcom.  I just need them to be funny, and a lot of time her selfishness (as well as Doug's) was funny.  I mean, the show wasn't condoning what they did.  I think it made it perfectly clear that we were not to live our lives the way they did on the show.  Just think about the episode where they tried to donate money to that school's library, but then got upset because the amount they got credit for on the plaque was less than they gave.  Remember how that turned out?

I always thought it was Doug that was more selfish. He was always trying to manipulate Carrie or hide a lot of things for her. But it was always funny the way they did things.

On 9/12/2019 at 1:18 PM, VCRTracking said:

One of my favorite moments is from the episode where Jon Favreau plays Doug's "enemy" from middle school. Doug telling her he supports her in everything she hates "I hate what you hate" and wanting the same courtesy from her!

There were other episodes that kind of contradicted this, but I don't think many cared. It was still funny, the way they did it.

  • Love 1
On 9/13/2019 at 12:13 PM, libgirl2 said:

With the news of Eddie Money passing away, I was remembering the episode where Doug and Deacon had all that money and hired him to sing for them. 

That was like a family affair episode. Kevin's wife (masseuse) Leah's sister(masseuse), Jerry's daughter (waitress) appeared.

On 9/17/2019 at 1:39 PM, VCRTracking said:

My favorite kitchen moment of them is Doug with a single tear as he looks at Arthur eating cereal, after Carrie just told their lawyer that if she ever died Arthur would still live with Doug!

My favorite was where Doug and Deacon were eating at a restaurant and Doug was going to fight the waitress in the parking lot.

Edited by dttruman
  • Love 3

OK, just tonight I decided to watch an episode called King Pong. Its one of my favorites. It features  Rachel Dratch as Spence's girlfriend. She is working in a bowling alley as a waitress and Spence accuses her of "pushing" her "plumpies" together to get tips. She corrects him and says "that's the lean and squeeze..... if you were in the industry you'd understand."  Sooo funny!

Anyway, Doug jumps up to touch both his toes TWICE in this episode!  He makes it look so easy! Can ayone here do that?

  • Love 3
On 9/22/2019 at 7:01 AM, Snow Apple said:

Kevin is quite nimble. I'll never forget his pole dance.

"You're an angel...you're an angel..."

On 9/21/2019 at 10:45 PM, ChristmasJones said:

OK, just tonight I decided to watch an episode called King Pong. Its one of my favorites. It features  Rachel Dratch as Spence's girlfriend. She is working in a bowling alley as a waitress and Spence accuses her of "pushing" her "plumpies" together to get tips. She corrects him and says "that's the lean and squeeze..... if you were in the industry you'd understand."  Sooo funny!

I love her first appearance where Doug tries to hit on her to make her feel better because the previous shoe rental girl was hot but instead she gets creeped out. "I was doing her a favor. It was a MERCY FLIRT!"

Edited by VCRTracking
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49 minutes ago, VCRTracking said:

I love her first appearance where Doug tries to hit on her to make her feel better because the previous shoe rental girl was hot but instead she gets creeped out. "I was doing her a favor. It was a MERCY FLIRT!"

He just wouldn't give up. She got her brother to pretend to be her boyfriend. Then she later saw Doug "harassing" Carrie.

Doug thought she was plain and Spence thought she was grateful to have a boyfriend, but she ended up having quite a few fellas interested in her. She even left a hot guy at the alter.

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59 minutes ago, VCRTracking said:

I love her first appearance where Doug tries to hit on her to make her feel better because the previous shoe rental girl was hot but instead she gets creeped out. "I was doing her a favor. It was a MERCY FLIRT!"

Remember her reaction, when she saw Doug wanting a kiss from Carrie? She didn't want to, because she had been felt up all day by that Senior partner's kid (4year old I think?).?

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On 9/20/2019 at 9:18 PM, dttruman said:

Remember when Doug scared one of them to death about some Lobsterman and didn't have to babysit? Carrie was so happy with Doug, they also got a cruise (or Bahama vacation?) at a cheap price

How about when they were battling with Deacon and Kelly about babysitting the kids/Arthur? OMG, I laughed hysterically at Deacon saying his son looked like Liza Minelli! 

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5 hours ago, Snow Apple said:

Another one I like is when Doug took a picture of his....befront....at a wedding and let Danny take the fall. Carrie was going to make him tell the truth and apologize until she saw the picture. Lol 

That's the one where his "U know what" was wearing that little hat! Even his mother was mesmerized by it. And Arthur Spooner was going to do a person by person search to find the guilty.

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5 hours ago, libgirl2 said:

I laughed hysterically at Deacon saying his son looked like Liza Minelli! 

Poor Deacon, that was when one of his kids was starting to play with dolls and and unfortunately starting to develop a feminine side.

5 hours ago, libgirl2 said:

And it was Spencer. 

Yes, Doug was finally a victim of a joke played by Spence and then Doug said that in 30 seconds  he was going to make Spence a victim.

Edited by dttruman
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You guys have brought back some good memories. I can’t believe how long this show has been off the air.

This is probably a stupid question but could Doug and Carrie afford the type place they live in? I know New York is expensive. Deacon and Kelly lived in an apartment but they had kids which meant more expenses and Kelly stayed at home.

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2 hours ago, qtpye said:

You guys have brought back some good memories. I can’t believe how long this show has been off the air.

This is probably a stupid question but could Doug and Carrie afford the type place they live in? I know New York is expensive. Deacon and Kelly lived in an apartment but they had kids which meant more expenses and Kelly stayed at home.

Pretty much everyone on TV lives in a home way above their means. 

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I will never not love this scene in "Domestic Disturbance" when Doug hires Spence's mom(Ann Meara, Jerry Stiller's real life wife) because he doesn't like Inez, the maid Carrie hired:

(Arthur comes downstairs to his room in the basement and sees Veronica cleaning)

VERONICA: Oh, hey, Arthur.

ARTHUR: So now you're stalking me. I'd call the authorities if I didn't have an outstanding warrant in New Hampshire.

VERONICA: Relax. Doug hired me to help around the house. See? I'm washing out his work clothes.

ARTHUR: Oh. So am I to understand you're the maid?


ARTHUR: Oh. Then as master of the house, I'll leave you to your duties. (walks up the stairs, watches her bent over as she's cleaning and then stops) Hm.

VERONICA: What is it?

ARTHUR: It's just this sudden change in circumstances. I must admit I'm finding it rather titillating.


ARTHUR: Perhaps it's the taboo of class distinction or the allure or your stern yet body-hugging uniform. But I'm seeing you in a whole new light.

VERONICA: Look, Arthur, I was hired to work here. Now, any personal relationship between us would be totally inappropriate!

ARTHUR: You know just what to say to get me going!(Arthur and Veronica suddenly embrace and fall to the floor)

Edited by VCRTracking
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3 hours ago, qtpye said:

You guys have brought back some good memories. I can’t believe how long this show has been off the air.

This is probably a stupid question but could Doug and Carrie afford the type place they live in? I know New York is expensive. Deacon and Kelly lived in an apartment but they had kids which meant more expenses and Kelly stayed at home.

It was easy to get a mortgage at the time. Maybe their parents helped with the down payment. The monthly payments are probably the same as rent.

What bugged me was the episode that stated they had ten years left on their mortgage and they went to refinance to add more years. That's just putting money down the drain.

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