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Small Talk: I Like Them All, I Just Can't Choose!


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To all of you, my friends, here -

   My mother passed away peacefully early yesterday morning just before 6.  There aren't words sufficient to thank you for your kind words and sentiments.  They have lifted me up.  It means more to me than you will ever know.

    I will be back when I can.

    To all in harm's way today and to all of you in pain -  my thoughts are with you and my prayers are for you.

I've been watching The Weather Channel through the overnight and this morning. 

In the overnight Mike was bracing himself next to a tree, getting wind burned, "I'm trying to not do a face plant".

Jim is fairing better this afternoon getting rained on in a parking lot. 

One gentleman was reporting from the beach. I didn't catch his name before he blew away. (j/k he didn't fall over that I saw) He was reporting how low the tide is. Conch shells that are usually under water are now exposed along the beach. He wasn't alone. He interviewed a young man out goofing around near the surf. No doubt he wanted to be on tv. He said he was staying at his parents place on the beach which is on the 3rd story. He thinks he's going to be okay. He said if things get really bad he's got a kayak with him. When the young man stepped away, weather guy said "this isn't the smart place to be right now." It was a light-hearted moment since the reporter is in the exact same place. 

Tried to get the windows cleaned and old storm windows brought down. Not easy as these windows are shot. I have to use a chunk of wood to hold them up. Well the chunck of wood let me down and down came the window on my right thumb. How that hurt, and being emotional anyway now with Joe, I bawled like I was going to have to be committed. Darker than pictured here, sure to be pretty black by tomorrow. Throbbing like a sonavagun.


15 hours ago, seahag said:

Who is this?  What a fool!

Kim Kardashian

10 hours ago, imisspuddy said:

To all of you, my friends, here -

   My mother passed away peacefully early yesterday morning just before 6.  There aren't words sufficient to thank you for your kind words and sentiments.  They have lifted me up.  It means more to me than you will ever know.

    I will be back when I can.

    To all in harm's way today and to all of you in pain -  my thoughts are with you and my prayers are for you.

Really sorry.  

imisspuddy, I'm so sorry your mother passed. But it sounds as if it was a peaceful passage. My mother had Alzheimer's and like your mom, she forgot how to chew and swallow food. She passed peacefully in her sleep.

1 hour ago, Cricket said:

Tried to get the windows cleaned and old storm windows brought down. Not easy as these windows are shot. I have to use a chunk of wood to hold them up. Well the chunck of wood let me down and down came the window on my right thumb. How that hurt, and being emotional anyway now with Joe, I bawled like I was going to have to be committed. Darker than pictured here, sure to be pretty black by tomorrow. Throbbing like a sonavagun.


Ouch! Take care and get that thing healed up soon.


Get well soon owl ouch card.jpg

On 9/8/2017 at 11:23 PM, imisspuddy said:

Thank you so much , Seahag!! 

Yes, Thumper. Thankfully, she is close by and I'm spending as much time as I can with her. Today I played her favorite music for her. Her opera and Elvis. She always called him her boyfriend. ;) She is sleeping mostly and slipping away, but I think somehow she knows. 

Thank you so much, Carpe!!

Of course, TT. She has had dementia for 10 years. I've taken care of her since my father and brother died 23 yrs ago. I moved her to a wonderful dementia facility 8 years ago where she had a rebirth of sorts. Sounds funny writing that! But the kids and I (they were very young then!) really got to enjoy her again.

Then 6 years ago after she broke her hip, I had to move her to a nursing home. The staff there have loved her dearly and been great with her.

They and the other residents who are able have been coming in to say goodbye.  They have told me how much they love her, always with tears in their eyes  

Her dementia has progressed to the point where she can't physically swallow any longer. 

Many years ago I got all her affairs in order. Her wishes were no extreme measures. I have taken no extreme measures. After my father died, i promised her I would never leave her alone. I have never left her alone. 

It has been the longest goodbye. 

Ladies, thank you.  I don't know if I've made any sense at all, but writing  all of this out has helped so much. 

Your caring and concern are overwhelming  

thank you  

You take good care.  Was so sorry to read that your mom has passed.  My sincere condolences for you and your family's loss.

Hugs to you!

Edited by lovemesomejoolery
On 8/2/2017 at 2:11 PM, TexasTiffany said:

You made me wonder what my state butterfly is... the Monarch.


I looked up Texas state symbols on wiki. There are some ridiculous sounding things listed. State fiber and fabric is cotton. State fiber? For real. The Texas state molecule is a buckyball. Why do we need a state molecule? State seashell is a lightning whelk. State stone is petrified palmwood. I'm so proud, not really. 

I might have the state snack later. Chips and salsa.

Boy, those Texas legislators sure have spent a lot of time officially naming state thingies - lol.

We in NJ share the square dance with you as the state dance - why that's our dance, I have absolutely no idea. The only time I ever danced it was in high school gym class.

We don't even have a state song. Periodically someone will get some action going to get "Born To Run" named as it, but the stick-in-the-muds in Trenton usually quash it.

We do have a state cryptid, though, the Jersey Devil. ?


Wow, thought this was interesting. Who knew? No wonder I like working dogs and yogurt so much LOL. State bird is a favorite, Blue Bird and our state butterfly is the Red Spotted Purple or White Admiral Butterfly. That's a mouthful.

9 hours ago, TexasTiffany said:





Thumb has stopped throbbing so just aching. I have the two front double hung windows to wash in the livingroom so going to tackle that now.. let us hope I don't have a matched set of thumbs! Took the day off from work, hang out with Joe. We had a terrible emotional day yesterday. He is going to try to return to work tomorrow, keep his mind off of this horrible disease. I hope it is good for him. Me, I am taking my frustrations out on some trees... they are going to get some severe trimmings. I will try not to channel McTool though... at least I hope the cuts are even and symmetrical.

After our mutual melt downs yesterday, we went out on a boat ride on Lake George compliments of younger daughter's thoughtfulness for the free passes. I awoke this morning with the realization that I have to let my oldest daughter go. She causes me too much pain to continue down this path. Grateful for Joe, Kody, Michelle and my brothers and their families... as well as my family here. Because Kody is now certified as a service dog, he was allowed on the boat. Everyone loved him and he was perfectly behaved. Surprised me a little since he is only 3 months old, and it was a 2.5 hr trip.



3 hours ago, Cricket said:

Thumb has stopped throbbing so just aching. I have the two front double hung windows to wash in the livingroom so going to tackle that now.. let us hope I don't have a matched set of thumbs! Took the day off from work, hang out with Joe. We had a terrible emotional day yesterday. He is going to try to return to work tomorrow, keep his mind off of this horrible disease. I hope it is good for him. Me, I am taking my frustrations out on some trees... they are going to get some severe trimmings. I will try not to channel McTool though... at least I hope the cuts are even and symmetrical.

This is for you, Cricket - one foot in front of the other, one day at a time.  It's all we can do!  You are stronger than you think you are, I promise you! 



Edited by lovemesomejoolery
1 hour ago, Cricket said:

You're good!

I try.....

I am a big believer in positive affirmation, although I am not always able to practice it, especially with something like you are going through.  All you really can do is what I said, take it one day at a time.  If you stumble, it's o.k.  What's important is that you pick yourself up again.  And I see you do that time after time, when many of us would retreat.

Hang in there!

16 minutes ago, lovemesomejoolery said:

I try.....

I am a big believer in positive affirmation, although I am not always able to practice it, especially with something like you are going through.  All you really can do is what I said, take it one day at a time.  If you stumble, it's o.k.  What's important is that you pick yourself up again.  And I see you do that time after time, when many of us would retreat.

Hang in there!

This is so very true, Cricket.  Hugs to you and Joe ❤️

@Cricket - Great picture of your two fellas!  I had forgotten how GS puppies are all ears at that age.  They are a couple of cuties - both of them!  ;-)

@imisspuddy - I am so sorry for your pain at the loss of your mother.  I am glad her suffering is over, but I know you still have a ways to go.  Much affection to you and your family.

On 9/10/2017 at 10:43 AM, imisspuddy said:

To all of you, my friends, here -

   My mother passed away peacefully early yesterday morning just before 6.  There aren't words sufficient to thank you for your kind words and sentiments.  They have lifted me up.  It means more to me than you will ever know.

    I will be back when I can.

    To all in harm's way today and to all of you in pain -  my thoughts are with you and my prayers are for you.

My arms are around you at this time.

8 hours ago, seahag said:

Well, the good news is that my pneumonia is not back.  The bad news is that I have a terrible bronchial infection.  Got an inhaler and some big drugs.  Hope to be feeling better by next week.

Do you have a nebulizer? I do and when I am very congested it works more efficiently than an inhaler. Also prednisone via pills help to bring down the inflammation so the meds can work more efficiently

2 hours ago, Cricket said:

Joe just got out of his MRI for his brain scan to check for cancer. Praying it is a good result.

Praying for those here trying to heal from painful losses.

Wouldn't be wonderful if someday, somehow, we were all able to meet together for a Ladies Lunch and give one another a big group hug?

Prayers for you and Joe at this very moment. ?

5 hours ago, Cricket said:

Joe just got out of his MRI for his brain scan to check for cancer. Praying it is a good result.

Praying for those here trying to heal from painful losses.

Wouldn't be wonderful if someday, somehow, we were all able to meet together for a Ladies Lunch and give one another a big group hug?

Please let us know the results. 

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