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Small Talk: I Like Them All, I Just Can't Choose!


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4 hours ago, Cricket said:

I think BellaDonna did it

In 1985, I had a suspected ulcer & a need for a PAP.  Some highly recommended nearly-geriatric OB/GYN prescribed BELLADONNA pills, I kid you not.  They did nothing, and my stomach problems resolved nonetheless.

(Fucker also PATTED the back of my hand and gave me a prescription for Premarin, without explaining anything beyond his "there, there, dear" invocation.  He was summarily dismissed.  Quelle surprise.)

2 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:

In 1985, I had a suspected ulcer & a need for a PAP.  Some highly recommended nearly-geriatric OB/GYN prescribed BELLADONNA pills, I kid you not.  They did nothing, and my stomach problems resolved nonetheless.

They still use belladonna. "Belladonna is used to treat the rigidity, tremor, excessive salivation, and sweating caused by Parkinson's disease. Belladonna also is used to treat motion sickness, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramping associated with menstruation, and to reduce nighttime urination."

1 minute ago, ennui said:

They still use belladonna. "Belladonna is used to treat the rigidity, tremor, excessive salivation, and sweating caused by Parkinson's disease. Belladonna also is used to treat motion sickness, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramping associated with menstruation, and to reduce nighttime urination."

Yup, and I had NONE of those symptoms.  :-D

21 minutes ago, ennui said:

They still use belladonna. "Belladonna is used to treat the rigidity, tremor, excessive salivation, and sweating caused by Parkinson's disease. Belladonna also is used to treat motion sickness, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramping associated with menstruation, and to reduce nighttime urination."

Maybe I should get some

Happy for you, Booney! How nice!

2 hours ago, Booney said:

I have some happy news to share. Grandchild #3 was born this morning! My youngest stepdaughter had a baby boy at 5:37 this morning. He is the cutest little peanut! Mom, Dad and baby are all doing great and Mr. Booney and I are thrilled and blessed.

Congratulations, Booney! How exciting! I'm happy for you!

30 minutes ago, ennui said:

Tombstone. (The film.)


I'll go into the way back machine: The Big Valley. Last episode of first season - Last Train to the  Fair.  

Cricket - have you heard anything yet?? Worried about you. {{ }}

Booney - congratulations!!

Dang - completely forgot last episode of RHONY was on!!!

Edited by imisspuddy
It's sad that I know this, but I do!
On 8/9/2017 at 3:59 AM, Coffeecup said:

You know, these weed names sound like characters in a Victorian mystery novel. (With some slight spelling changes.)

The famous detective Harry Bittercress and his sidekick Dr. Spurge investigate the murder of the exotic Lady Malva Fastigiata, who was found deceased by her maid, Miss Purslane, on the lush grounds of her estate, Deadnettle Manor.  The cause of death appears to be some sort of vinegar poisoning. Whodunit? Was it Creeping Charlie, a sleazy fellow a history of stalking wealthy women, or was it the tough ex-con Burdock?

Love this, @Coffeecup.

I want to see it on Masterpiece Theatre's Mystery series with Colin Firth as Harry Bittercress.

@Booney, my warmest congratulations on the birth of your third grandchild.  Blessings to you all.

@Cricket, lots of challenges in your life right now but you are one tough woman, so hang in there.

On ‎8‎/‎9‎/‎2017 at 7:03 PM, Booney said:

I have some happy news to share. Grandchild #3 was born this morning! My youngest stepdaughter had a baby boy at 5:37 this morning. He is the cutest little peanut! Mom, Dad and baby are all doing great and Mr. Booney and I are thrilled and blessed.

Better late than never - great news about the new grandchild Booney!! You've had a great year, what with your wedding to Mr. Booney and now a new grandchild!  I'm very happy for you all.

Edited by zoemom

I watched this for the first time over a year ago - maybe two, and I'm pretty sure that I peed my pants laughing. (ymmv)  You all may have seen it already, forgive me if you have.  If you have had a manicure in the last 20 years, your experience may be similar.

*Disclaimer:  No offense intended to any race, religion, nationality, vocation, etc., etc.

Good morning.

Sorry for the delay, wanted to wait till Sat to catch up here. Okay... so I get the results back on Thursday and the only thing the nurse tells me at my doctor's office is that they could not "find anything" and they want me to go to a Ob/Gyn doctor next! WTF? Okay, I am relieved, but puzzled because I still have this pain and no explanation. No thoughts - cystitis? See a gastroenteritis specialist? head doctor?! I had the normal exam done down there in Feb nothing. Now they do another pelvic exam, nothing. So they send me for these tests which will cost me probably 1800.00 or more before it is all done, and you find nothing but you want me to go to an OB/Gyn? WHY?! Not happening. I am very disgusted with this practice at this point and considering going to a group my boss and his wife like, if they take my insurance. Since my insurance is probably going to change after the first of the year, no point in doing anything till then when I find out if this other practice takes whatever insurance I will have, at that time. Time to ramp up the googling searching. I have never been one to "imagine shit", and I am no hypochondriac. On the contrary, I usually wait too long to see if my body heals itself, thus the reason my Lyme Disease went to Stage two on me a couple years ago. I also read and watch stories of people who can go years before they find a doctor who can help them. So frustrating. the only good thing in  all this, I think, is they probably ruled out tumors on the repro parts. (least I hope so). This is the same practice in Feb who did my breast mammo and waited till the day before I left on vacation to tell me I had something suspicious that needed to be looked at when I got back. Have a happy vacay. They just informed Joe last week when he was supposed to have his first appointment with them since 2011, he had no current health insurance. What?!? They looked up MY name with his insurance in error... I WAS THE ONE dropped from his insurance in 2010/11 when his company found out I was capable of getting insurance through MY COMPANY! Dumbasses. So he missed that appointment because they would have charged it to us. They straightened it out and rescheduled but the woman told Joe that did not happen. He said he was not arguing with her, but that is exactly what happened. Logic toots. SO irritated with them. Now two mornings having my positional vertigo back. Seriously? At least I know why now, because Dr. Love quickly diagnosed that for me there last winter. I am going to start the exercises later today to correct it rather than go the 5 months like I did last year, waiting it out! God willing, I need to get to the gym again if I can get Joe somewhat on his feet, so to speak. I think a lot of all this is somehow tied to my never ending stress. And the update on Joe.... he has another blood clot found in one of his thighs, so they can still not take out the filter and that is time sensitive so nervous about that. All he can do is continue to take the Lovenox and hope it breaks down the clot. Chemo to resume in about 4 weeks, unless something comes up to stop that too. Lord Almighty, this is wearing. Thank God I can come here to unload. If I do around my daughter(s) I am over reacting, being negative etc... Ending on a positive note... (yes I can be positive sometimes) Kody is almost 22 lbs and his ears are almost up and he is a JOY. (other than his constant desire to grab your ankles with those sharp razor like baby teeth). Sorry for such a long post, and for taking so long to respond. Carry on! 

Here is Kody taken last night, 11 weeks old about 22 lbs.  he is going to be a smart one. already knows to sit, what COOKIE means, to go outside.... 

IMG_0391 (2).JPG

Another picture.. look at those paws! (I find if I first post to FB then I can save as a download and pick it up here without going through the cropping process and losing most of my picture. Don't ask me why, I have no techno answer!)


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