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S12.E13: All Eyez On Me

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She's a haggard-looking widowed mother of three in her forties.


There is nothing wrong with Meredith enjoying sex again or dating, but let's not pretend that she's drop-dead-gorgeous and turning the heads of every man that sees her. Give her a new man, but be realistic about him.


Welp, if Meredith is too haggard to get a good looking man, god help the rest of us who are perhaps more "haggard" looking than Ellen...how could anyone other than a troll look at something less than that.


Maybe I'm forgetting, but has Meredith really turned every man's head that has seen her since Derek died?  Or, is it just a consensus that someone hot wouldn't go for her?


What would be realistic for Meredith?

Edited by pennben
  • Love 7

This is largely my issue too... There is nothing wrong with Meredith enjoying sex again or dating, but let's not pretend that she's drop-dead-gorgeous and turning the heads of every man that sees her. Give her a new man, but be realistic about him. 

Well Penny managed to bag someone like Callie, so clearly realistic is not of concern.


Although I could see why Meredith caught Dr. Thorpe's eye, he was impressed by her work.

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Welp, if Meredith is too haggard to get a good looking man, god help the rest of us who are perhaps more "haggard" looking than Ellen...how could anyone other than a troll look at something less than that.


Maybe I'm forgetting, but has Meredith really turned every man's head that has seen her since Derek died?  Or, is it just a consensus that someone hot wouldn't go for her?


What would be realistic for Meredith?


I wasn't referring to since Derek died... I've never thought of Meredith as particularly attractive. I never got what Derek, Finn or Mark Sloan (he was after her when he first met her) saw in her either. It might not be every man that sees her but she inevitably gets the hottest guy in the room and I don't think that that is realistic. 


It's not a based on looks thing either... Even if she was stunningly beautiful she still has an ugly personality IMO. 


I don't think that April is particularly beautiful, she's pretty but plain, yet I got what Jackson saw in her because she was warm and open and quirky. I don't like April but I get why her demeanour could draw in a super-hot man. 


I can see Meredith with an Owen or a Riggs type of man... Good looking and rugged but not pretty-boy "wow".

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I didn't have a lot of feelings one way or another about this episode.  But I was pleased to see Meredith make the decision to give out her number.  Derek is no longer on the show and she's been seen mourning for a significant period and, in show, it's been longer.


One thing that did annoy me was Jo "All this [indicating Jackson] is a flirt."  I think it was intended to be more of Shondaland's cutesy relationship/sexuality dialogue.  And admittedly, I'm getting less and less enchanted by it (see also my bitching about the "don't not want the ring" bullshit - sadly also given to Jo); but this struck me as particularly fucked up.  Male or female, I dislike the suggestion that being attractive and simply being polite is "a flirt."  Jackson wasn't doing anything that I would call flirting and the notion that merely being him is flirting is sort of creepy bullshit that sounds like an excuse a stalker would use for believing the victim had wanted him/her. That's not cool....


Oh, and one other thing .... Uhg, Maggie. I am one of the few who has always liked you, but shut the fuck up about your relationship status.  I know it's the sort of raison d'etre of this show to convinces us that doctors are just emotionally stunted, socially developmentally delayed idiots, but for fuck's sake. 


Otherwise, the episode was fine.

Edited by RachelKM
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Welp, if Meredith is too haggard to get a good looking man, god help the rest of us who are perhaps more "haggard" looking than Ellen...how could anyone other than a troll look at something less than that.


Maybe I'm forgetting, but has Meredith really turned every man's head that has seen her since Derek died?  Or, is it just a consensus that someone hot wouldn't go for her?


What would be realistic for Meredith?

Well, I'm speaking for my self and my opinion, so no consensus involved. Although my 70 y/o mother is where "haggard" (as in, why are they making Meredith look so haggard) came from. Where did I say a good looking man wouldn't be interested in her? Ellen is not haggard. Meredith is, and it must be deliberate. She looks exactly how I think a woman with three small children and extremely demanding career would look. She looks exausted and on auto-pilot.

While I've always wondered why all the men fell at her feet, she used to have that twinkle in her eye and a little spring in her step, and a great sense of fun. And yes, I find it hard to believe that a younger hot guy was fiercely hitting on her. She was a sourpuss from the moment they arrived in that hospital. She also has a distinct "fuck off" vibe of late.

I never used the word troll. And many men would be realistic. I'm not sure how many men have been interested post-Derek,'but we were regaled in the same episode that another man is panting after her.

I would think it was just as ridiculous if a ragged Derek - widower with three young kids - had a pretty young thing persuing him after working in a contentious environment for a few hours.

And as pretty and friendly as Jackson is, I didn't buy the moron frantically flirting with him, either.


This show is sometimes really just a silly soap opera, not drama for a demanding viewer.

Sometimes???? If you want drama for a demanding viewer, you might have to start watching shows with an 8-episode season. Beyond that, the shows become soap operas, unless they're comedies. Then they become un-funny shows that press too hard for laughs.


I learned that I have been flirting all my adult life with men and women. Didn't realize by being straight-forward I was giving everyone the "come hither" look. Gotta cut back on that eye contact and directness.


I'm glad that the doctors didn't get into a car wreck on the way back from surgery.


For those who asked about the one leg: I guess they (and the patient) figured one leg was better than no legs. Or death.

  • Love 1


For those who asked about the one leg: I guess they (and the patient) figured one leg was better than no legs. Or death.


Of course, like Arizona hopefully realized by now, although there's some suspicion that her leg grew back eventually. 

But one leg in the middle of the body?! However, like with all such outlandish cases on the show, I believe/hope it's based on something that's actually happened and they didn't just pull it out of their asses. 

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Oh, I'm mostly playing, but since someone expressed an interest in Meredith on the show after Derek, there's been a bit of:  "think of the children", "haggard", "no way that guy would go for her" about her possibly hooking up with someone.  I'm not sure what my point is/was, just something that I was remarking on and thinking about.

Edited by pennben
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One thing that did annoy me was Jo "All this [indicating Jackson] is a flirt."  I think it was intended to be more of Shondaland's cutesy relationship/sexuality dialogue.  And admittedly, I'm getting less and less enchanted by it (see also my bitching about the "don't not want the ring" bullshit - sadly also given to Jo); but this struck me as particularly fucked up.  Male or female, I dislike the suggestion that being attractive and simply being polite is "a flirt."  Jackson wasn't doing anything that I would call flirting the notion that merely being him is flirting is sort of creepy bullshit that sound like an excuse a stalker would use for believing the victim had wanted him/her. That's not cool.....


I just saw it as friendly teasing between colleagues.  I agree that this show's dialogue can be atrocious, but it didn't bother me overmuch.  Of course, I was just partially glad that Jo wasn't talking about Alex for once and that she seemed to have some kind of friendly camaraderie with someone, anyone at this point.  I wonder if it had come from a more popular character if it would have gone over better.  And Jackson has also been known to use "all this" when it suits him, so I wouldn't think he was overly offended either.  

Edited by Deanie87
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This show has now been on for 12 years and there are a few who have been on for all 12 of those seasons. They've all aged. James Pickens is more gray, Justin is less boyish, and yeah...Ellen isn't playing the same waifish chick throwing back tequila shots and breaking random bar pick up's penises in her off hours. She's a working mom who has had a lot of shitty things happen to her. I think that she's got a permanent scowl and scrunch up forehead, now.

The first thing I thought, was that Hottie McArrogant looked a bit too young for Meredith. Riggs is more her wheelhouse.

But, boy, is Hottie McArrogant a pretty, pretty man.

Binge watching makes it more obvious that some characters have aged. Anytime you want, flip on Netflix and watch the good old days (seasons 1-2). And marvel that Chandra Wilson contradicts my entire argument and looks exactly the same.

Edited by ChicksDigScars
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I didn't liked this episode that much. As someone reminded, it was copy paste of Herman's out of box surgery with the only difference being Callie was great. A female surgeon, that too in ortho, doing some life altering survey was pleasure to watch because I am done with her repairing fumurs or placing screws.

Loved Meredith Callie scene, glad penny couldn't damage their friendship much.

Penny ugh? Really, she was right there when Meredith took Jo's long treating patient and gave it to her to operate. And Stephanie attended Ben's marriage herself, he did not married her to score surgeries. The only two residents to score cool surgery are Penny, who's blessed by Meredith and Stephanie who is blessed by Amelia.

I believe by 'allll this' Jo & Callie referred to the moon eyes Jackson always pull and not the fact that he's insanely attractive. Also he wasn't offended, he was feeling shy like a school girl. And at thend when she told Meredith that he knows what flirting looks like, that sums that he knew what he was doing.

Loved the April, Arizona stuff. The only friendship in gsmh universe that isn't overstepping. I love that even Arizona hasn't gotten much material in 12B, it's always quality worthy and great fun to watch.

Maggie and Deluca are getting on my nervers with their press release dominance with the lack of fan following they have. At least give them original material.

Average episode in all.

Edited by beautifulGA

I thought the leg in the middle was brilliant.  It makes sense that there was going to be tremendous stress on one side of the hip mechanism and nothing less than a strong, healthy sacrum would hold up.  (The top of my femur rotates too far in the socket, so I'm sensitive to the mess caused by uneven hip use.)


No telling how much all the reproductive and elimination organs would have to be shuffled around, but as far as hopping about and relying on crutches--that sounded like a good tradeoff for a man who wanted more than two years to watch his baby grow up.


I have to go google and see if this is really "a thing."


P.S>Good job, sound editor, with that righteous crunch when they broke off the cadaver leg.  You made me gasp out loud.

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Oh, I'm mostly playing, but since someone expressed an interest in Meredith on the show after Derek, there's been a bit of:  "think of the children", "haggard", "no way that guy would go for her" about her possibly hooking up with someone.  I'm not sure what my point is/was, just something that I was remarking on and thinking about.


To be fair, I've been saying since Season 1 that I didn't think a Derek type man would be that head-over-heels for a Meredith type woman. 

And for me it's always been more about her personality than her looks that made it unrealistic. 


As a single mother myself I'm all for Meredith having a man just to have a bit of fun with, and I definitely don't agree with the poster who said she shouldn't be having sex because of the kids; I just don't buy that a PYT like Will Thorpe would be interested in someone that cold and mean, unless she was a young supermodel type. 

I caught something that might clear up why the leg was put in the middle of the guy's body.  I'm no doctor and know little about bones and stuff but during the computer simulation at the beginning, where Callie was showing the Dream Team the cancer in the bones, it showed the one hip being removed and what looked like the bottom piece of spine.  If I saw correctly, I think that piece of spine was the bone that held the hips in place.  If that part of bone is gone, they would have to set the remaining leg somehow.  If it were just the hip being removed, there wouldn't be any need to set the other leg.

It SHOULD be ridiculous that these adult characters are about as mature as the high school cheerleaders in the ER but at this point, I've come to expect it.


First we have Maggie and Deluca disagreeing about whether to keep their relationship a secret. Didn't the hospital create some sort of policy where employees had to notify the administration if they were dating? I remember that being some sort of issue with Jackson and April because they were going to have to declare it or quit dating or something and instead they announced that they had been secretly married for however long.


I also hated Maggie's assumption that Deluca wanting to be open about their relationship meant they had to hold hands in the hallway. First of all, that's just unprofessional at work (although to be fair, when have any of these people ever been concerned about being professional at work?). But secondly, why does she have to reduce "people know we're seeing each other" to "we must hold hands at work"? It's not middle school, Maggie.


In contrast, then we had Amelia getting all excited about going on a date with Owen. Wow, what a concept! And as two adults, this has been an option the entire time you two have been fucking yet neither of you chose to do it until now? The one interesting thing she brought up was making out without having sex. It's one of those things that happens in relationships once you've had sex. Before you have sex with each other, you can make out all you want. After you have sex with each other, making out usually leads to sex. Not that there's anything wrong with having sex, but it does bring up the idea that making out is a means to an end. I still remember Sharon telling Angela on My So-Called Life, "After [the first time we had sex], having sex was like expected because you can't go back. It kind of stopped mattering if I wanted to." For the record, I am not saying that Amelia and Owen are in any way pressuring each other to have sex because it's obvious that they both want to. It's just interesting to note that making out used to be the last stop and then it becomes a station on the way to the new last stop.


As for Deluca, I don't think there's anything wrong with not wanting to sneak around and feel like you're somebody's dirty secret. I was really glad when Alex told Maggie that she was acting like a dumb high school kid because someone needed to and obviously Amelia was too busy daydreaming about having a chocolate malted with Owen at the diner after the sock hop to do it.


When the cheerleader was begging Maggie and Stephanie not to tell the cheer captain that she's sick because she didn't want to get kicked off the squad, I just rolled my eyes. I realize that no one at Seattle Grace Death gives a rat's ass about HIPAA but technically none of the doctors could legally tell the other cheerleaders about her heart condition.


When the dream team (seriously?) came out of surgery and then Bailey got a bunch of texts and said she had to go, I was like wait, didn't they call come together on a rented bus? Don't they all need to go back to Seattle Grace together? And how much does the hospital spend on those matching jackets they wear on field trips like this?


To be honest, whenever a resident gets in trouble for doing something, I ask myself, "But is this worse than cutting LVAD wires?" The answer is always no.

You always crack me up.  Cool summary. On point as always.


I find it nonsensical, the whole dream team scenario.


With the logistics of it all, how did Bailey get back? Did she get a taxi?

Edited by NathanRiggsfan


I wasn't referring to since Derek died... I've never thought of Meredith as particularly attractive. I never got what Derek, Finn or Mark Sloan (he was after her when he first met her) saw in her either. It might not be every man that sees her but she inevitably gets the hottest guy in the room and I don't think that that is realistic.

Mark would have slept with any female at that point.

Mark would have slept with any female at that point.

I just thought of Sloan's crush on Erica Hahn. No matter how many times she laughed in his face, he still wanted her. She had bigger balls than most of the men.

I wish they hadn't fucked up her character so much. I mean, talk about your sudden and shitty write offs.

Edited by ChicksDigScars

I need to see more single Arizona. Can we get an Arizona centered storyline or episode? I've hated Arizona until this season but she is so much better without Callie.

Please, no Meredith dating. I didn't like it the last time and I'm sure I'll hate it even more this time around.

I actually don't hate the idea of Penny, but gosh that actress is so damn boring. She always looks concerned. She has no other faces. She doesn't deliver lines well. I'm very aware that she's trying to be this character, it doesn't look natural at all.

I think we may be on the way to an interesting storyline for Jo. A storyline that goes by the name of MerLex. I think the writers are setting us up for it.

  • Love 1

I just loved that last scene with Meredith going back and getting his number.  The smiles from Jackson and Callie were just so wonderful.  They were happy for Meredith.


Looking forward to what the writers have cooked up for Meredith dating.  This should be so much fun.  Love the new Army doctor.  


Meredith is so deserving of a wonderful guy.  I never liked Derek.  Always thought he was verbally abusive to Meredith.  I think Ellis summed Derek up perfectly that he just wanted someone to admire him and did not care what damage he would do to Meredith.


Loved the balance in this episode.  This reminds me of the first few seasons where they had up to four patients and the characters where balanced between them.  With a large cast of 16, they can have four characters per patient.  I think the fans would not be so upset when their favs are sidelined as they are now.


The dream team was riveting to watch unlike the other story lines.  The hour just flew by for me.  


Callie and Meredith are always so great together.  Would love to see more of them together.  I also like Jackson and Bailey with Meredith.  This group, along with the new Army doc, was great.  Also love sassy Meredith.

Edited by autumnhermit
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I don't think that Meredith was all that great to Derek, either. She admitted it herself, the more available he became after Addison, the more she pulled away. When he wanted to build a dream house with her, she just wanted to be "friends with benefits" and have casual sex. It was only when he gave up on her and tried to date, that she wanted him back for a relationship. She was HORRIBLE during the whole Washington DC job thing. Even when he quit to stay with her and the kids, she acted like "don't do me any favors, pal." I'd say that she was verbally abusive to HIM during that debacle. He dove into icy waters and saved her from drowning. She torpedoed his Alzheimer's trial. She constantly put him second to Cristina, even kicking him out of bed when Cristina had a personal crisis. She told him it was "so over," in front of a church full of people, the one time I yelled " Go Mama Burke," when Mama called her out on the selfishness of it all.

As far as Meredith and Derek, I'd say that Derek put up with A LOT of crap to stay with Meredith. Neither one was perfect, but Mere was a lot more high maintenance than Derek was.

  • Love 4

I need to see more single Arizona. Can we get an Arizona centered storyline or episode? I've hated Arizona until this season but she is so much better without Callie.

Please, no Meredith dating. I didn't like it the last time and I'm sure I'll hate it even more this time around.

I actually don't hate the idea of Penny, but gosh that actress is so damn boring. She always looks concerned. She has no other faces. She doesn't deliver lines well. I'm very aware that she's trying to be this character, it doesn't look natural at all.

I think we may be on the way to an interesting storyline for Jo. A storyline that goes by the name of MerLex. I think the writers are setting us up for it.

I too have always had a deep dislike for Arizona... too much "sunshine and rainbows" for my liking. But this season, she has grown on me big time. Maybe because I only have so much room for hatred in my heart, and right now, it's ALL geared at Penny. OMG. What a dud. She is just to dull for my liking. And i usually route for the underdog but she has not made that possible. At. All.

I also do NOT want to see Meredith dating. Possibly biased but I'm a HUGE Mer-Der fan and I think they were it for each other. I don't see Meredith actually wanting to move on from that, and I'm even less convinced that she's interested in Alex. Please don't make them go there!


I don't think that Meredith was all that great to Derek, either. She admitted it herself, the more available he became after Addison, the more she pulled away. When he wanted to build a dream house with her, she just wanted to be "friends with benefits" and have casual sex. It was only when he gave up on her and tried to date, that she wanted him back for a relationship. She was HORRIBLE during the whole Washington DC job thing. Even when he quit to stay with her and the kids, she acted like "don't do me any favors, pal." I'd say that she was verbally abusive to HIM during that debacle. He dove into icy waters and saved her from drowning. She torpedoed his Alzheimer's trial. She constantly put him second to Cristina, even kicking him out of bed when Cristina had a personal crisis. She told him it was "so over," in front of a church full of people, the one time I yelled " Go Mama Burke," when Mama called her out on the selfishness of it all.

As far as Meredith and Derek, I'd say that Derek put up with A LOT of crap to stay with Meredith. Neither one was perfect, but Mere was a lot more high maintenance than Derek was.

All of the things you stated there is why I think they were perfect for each other. He did his fair share of sh*t too and they understood each other and balanced each other out. I loved them together because it wasn't a perfect relationship, but it was real.

I feel that the writers failed us medically yet again with their failure to explain the logic of putting dude's leg back on in the middle. Thank you to those who follow the appropriate twitter and/or have the knowledge to explain it themselves and shared that knowledge with the rest of us (sorry I didn't note the specific posters). It does sound like it makes sense, but watching the episode gave me no clue what possible benefit that could have. Which would have been nice, so I could have just watched the episode without just being all "But whyyyyyyyyy?" every time they were on that story.

I bet everybody loved high school in the fifties.

Great line.

I wish they'd stop trying to put Penny with fun characters in order to make her likeable. She drains every scene.

Who's the new intern with Ben? I'm nearly positive he was in Blindspot.

Meredith is rude to Jo again. Shock. Also the camaraderie between her and Penny is so fake.

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