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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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 It did appear as if Joe committed to playing every side of the Trump issue every 20 minutes.  Top of the hour, he said Trump is Andy Kaufmann pretending to Tony Clifton (an elaborate hoax for publicity) and doesn't believe Trump means one single word he's said this campaign

And when he said as Kauffman "I can't believe you guys fell for this", I yelled at the tv "Yes Joe that includes you and Blondie!! You two are the biggest marks of all because you were "advising"  this Grade A con artist.   You fell for it Hook, Line Sinker, and the whole goddam boat! "

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Mumbles said:

Not sure why the show is making Susan Collins into some big hero for coming out against Trump, given that Collins endorsed Maine governor Paul LePage, who in many ways is Trump times 10. Bottom line: Collins is a hack who does what's best for Collins, she's done the math and realized that coming out against Trump benefits her more than not. She's not up for reelection for four years. She may be scrounging for some token bipartisan pick in a Clinton cabinet.

Joe is so schizo on Trump. For the first twenty minutes he's a crazy old man. Then he's a secret liberal Democrat In disguise. And why all this concern and sympathy for the Trump children?  They're set for life.

I realized yesterday that had Trump had a clear path to victory and hadn't had these setbacks (including that horrifying convention) that Joe and his ilk would be leaping for joy at the prospect of a Trump candidacy.  Or, did I only imagine that Joe could barely contain himself when crowing, "I was right" that Trump prevailed over his GOP opponents?  It seems he is preemptively throwing "This is why Trump lost" explanations out there to see which one of them will stick.  Rachel Maddow, in fact, was the one who floated the conspiracy theory last year that Trump didn't really want to be president and that there was something suspicious about his phone call with President Clinton immediately before announcing he would run.  It's been Rachel's belief that Trump was only in this to increase the profile of his "brand" and that the campaign was one big scam to enrich Trump and his "fambly."  In fact, she did an excellent job of showing how much money the campaign reimbursed Trump's business entities, including one of his awful sons.  

It's been interesting watching both Joe and Meek-a working overtime to distance themselves after propping this narcissistic bully for months.  Perhaps Joe should save his sympathy for Reince Preibus, who must get ulcers daily, instead of the Trump Tator Tots.  As you said, Mumbles, they are set for life.  That includes the one whom Trump had no hand in raising, but waxed poetic about what a great dad he was.

  • Love 3

joe wears a jacket today but with a gingham shirt, no tie. Always has to present himself as a person so important he doesn't have to follow the dress code. Also jacket waaaay too small. He should have unbuttoned it when sitting.  Trying to look like he's going to dinner at a fancy club on Nantucket. With a jacket borrowed from Rattner. Speaking of Rattner he had enough of their shenanigans today!  Before he told them he couldn't speak while they are whispering he said "I'm being told to press on" while Joe was interrupting, crying about how much he pays in taxes. Such a jackass. 

  • Love 5

While watching them post-mortem Trump's candidacy this morning  (pre-mortem) it occurred to me that this is August with a whole lot of campaign ahead of them. Joe keeps crowing about how someone told someone that Romney was toast in September 2012 (I forget who told who, even tho Joe has told the story a few times now), and IIRC that campaign was down to the wire (Obama's competent and confident handling of the Hurricane Sandy aftermath sort of tipped it in his favor at the end. But Obama had a bad debate early on.) 

They are being very foolhardy. There are still about 3 months left. Anything could happen. Are they counting on all of us forgetting this? This is the Internet age. Nothing dies. 

And speaking of unprofessional, Willie was trying to introduce the author of the book they had on at the end, and Mika, Joe and Barnicle just kept talking over him - while the author was just sitting there. Rude.

  • Love 2

The rude cross-talking at the table this morning was perhaps the worst I can remember.  I think they believe it's flippant and fun and lighthearted, but it's rude (of course) and is a cacophony that puts the guest ill at ease, wastes time, and I can't understand anything.
I liked Joe's pink check shirt and linen navy blazer.  It's a good summer look.  I didn't notice the fit of the jacket.
It's interesting how some mornings he's not squinty/swollen at all.  Allergies?  Hangovers?  Hangovers.

  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, Landsnark said:

The rude cross-talking at the table this morning was perhaps the worst I can remember.  I think they believe it's flippant and fun and lighthearted, but it's rude (of course) and is a cacophony that puts the guest ill at ease, wastes time, and I can't understand anything.
I liked Joe's pink check shirt and linen navy blazer.  It's a good summer look.  I didn't notice the fit of the jacket.
It's interesting how some mornings he's not squinty/swollen at all.  Allergies?  Hangovers?  Hangovers.

That and just the flippant remarks in general. They had that Republican Congressman from VA on and he said something about reality and Joe asked him something like "then what are you doing here?" 

The poor guy looked like " Yeah really, what the fuck am I doing here?" 

Oh, and that new promo? I saw it this morning.   BARF

  • Love 5

Not sure why the show is making Susan Collins into some big hero for coming out against Trump, given that Collins endorsed Maine governor Paul LePage, who in many ways is Trump times 10. Bottom line: Collins is a hack who does what's best for Collins, she's done the math and realized that coming out against Trump benefits her more than not. She's not up for reelection for four years. She may be scrounging for some token bipartisan pick in a Clinton cabinet.

Hamilton Nolan at Gawker called her an asshole. And she's being raked over the coals at Crooks & Liars. 

  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

Hamilton Nolan at Gawker called her an asshole. And she's being raked over the coals at Crooks & Liars. 


7 hours ago, Mumbles said:

Not sure why the show is making Susan Collins into some big hero for coming out against Trump, given that Collins endorsed Maine governor Paul LePage, who in many ways is Trump times 10. Bottom line: Collins is a hack who does what's best for Collins, she's done the math and realized that coming out against Trump benefits her more than not. She's not up for reelection for four years. She may be scrounging for some token bipartisan pick in a Clinton cabinet.

She's not faring too well in the comments section of today's New York Times article either about her "heroic" stance.  The sentiment is basically, that's all well and good, Ms. Collins, but where were you when Trump started his "birtherism" nonsense years ago?  Where, indeed?

That's why I continue to give the side eye to the hosts of this show because even in the midst of Trump's greatest hits, they looked the other way.  When they weren't doing that, they were minimizing Trump's foolery while going in on Secretary Clinton for every real and imagined offense.  I vaguely recall Joe and Meek-a wringing their hands and clutching their pearls over the Trump-Doesn't-Know-Who-David-Duke-Is lie, which was easily debunked.  Joe wrote one of his op-ed pieces in The Washington Post at that time and I foolishly thought they would take that opportunity to distance themselves for good.  However, they were back on the love train once that particular storm passed.  

  • Love 5

I loved how Joe & Mika thought they had the scoop of the year with that Stop Trump guy., Evan McWTF? 

Look up fool's errand in a dictionary, you'll see his picture.   He thinks he can get big donors? No one even knows who the fuck he is except House Republicans and his former co workers at Langley.   If he was even remotely viable, the internet would be blowing up about him.  The biggest thing today is Tom Hiddleston is on Instagram. 

I heard a Republican pundit, maybe it was Steele, I watch so much of this crap I can't keep it straight, say, "Republicans are torn because they don't want to vote for Trump but want to be able to tell their grandchildren they voted Republican".

Are you kidding me?  That's the criteria for this election?   What am I gonna tell the grand kids?  

Edited by teddysmom
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, teddysmom said:

I loved how Joe & Mika thought they had the scoop of the year with that Stop Trump guy., Evan McWTF? 

Look up fool's errand in a dictionary, you'll see his picture.   He thinks he can get big donors? No one even knows who the fuck he is except House Republicans and his former co workers at Langley.   If he was even remotely viable, the internet would be blowing up about him.  The biggest thing today is Tom Hiddleston is on Instagram. 

I heard a Republican pundit, maybe it was Steele, I watch so much of this crap I can't keep it straight, say, "Republicans are torn because they don't want to vote for Trump but want to be able to tell their grandchildren they voted Republican".

Are you kidding me?  That's the criteria for this election?   What am I gonna tell the grand kids?  

There are times when I wish these people would stop talking.  Or, at the very least, think before they open their mouths.  If telling one's grandchildren he/she voted Republican is what is keeping the party's members "torn," then it sure doesn't say much for them.  What about the party's much ballyhooed platform?  Or, are Joe, Steele, et al. distancing themselves from that too?


28 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

What were they saying about a pivot?   Or intervention?    Or maybe Article 730 of NY State Judicial code? 

Should be interesting to have Secret Service investigate threats made to one Presidential candidate by the other. 


It sure didn't take long.  Cue Trump and his defenders claiming that he was merely "joking" and that once again "libruls" have latched onto one more thing to complain about.  He has already preemptively claimed that if he doesn't win, it's because the election was rigged.  This, in response to voter suppression laws being struck down in several states.  So, even if Clinton wins by a decisive margin, Trump's true believers, including some media hacks (looking at you, Joe), will squawk.  The squawking will range from throwing subtle shade, to foaming at the mouth, to picking up a weapon.  

  • Love 4
13 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

It's been Rachel's belief that Trump was only in this to increase the profile of his "brand" and that the campaign was one big scam to enrich Trump and his "fambly."  In fact, she did an excellent job of showing how much money the campaign reimbursed Trump's business entities, including one of his awful sons.  


The president essentially said the same thing at the WH Correspondent's dinner.

Although I understood what Joe meant when he told Mika her diatribe "meant nothing" (bc she's a democrat and it would be more impactful coming from Joe bc he's a Republican), his delivery was painful and demeaning. Glad Mika stood her ground. The entire exchange made me feel awkward and like I was glimpsing a lovers' fight best left private - not something I want mixed in with my morning news programs.

  • Love 4
21 minutes ago, QQQQ said:

Although I understood what Joe meant when he told Mika her diatribe "meant nothing" (bc she's a democrat and it would be more impactful coming from Joe bc he's a Republican), his delivery was painful and demeaning. Glad Mika stood her ground. The entire exchange made me feel awkward and like I was glimpsing a lovers' fight best left private - not something I want mixed in with my morning news programs.

His tone and demeanor was very belittling. As if her opinion didn't matter. 


She seems much more relaxed now that he's on his 'conference call'. 


Steve King is reprehensible. Michael Brown is a cop killer? Since when? Fuck you Steve King! Fuck you so much. I'm off to watch happy shit. He's ruined my day. ????

Edited by Queena
  • Love 5

Mika is back to dressing in her sleeveless dresses with a scarf. This is progress. Joe looks ridiculous in a navy blue sweater.

Mika & Joe are getting very emotional about Trump's latest comments about the second amendment.

Joe is crowing about his article in the Washington post. Through all those Trump scandals, Joe & Mika continued to support & interview Trump. They treated him like a friend. Joe & Mika must apologize to their viewers for their behavior over the past year.

Today, they brought on Ron Fournier to discuss the new Clinton foundation emails. It turns out that the Clinton foundation donors were able to get meetings with the US Ambassador to Lebanon. Fournier said President Clinton's speaking fee doubled when Hillary became Secretary of State. Jennifer Granholdm came on the show to defend Hillary. The good news what that it was Hillary's staffers that arranged the meeting. There was no emails from Hillary authorizing these meetings. Halerin said this is how the Clinton's got rich over the past 15 years.


Willie said the GOP is sad that they can't take advantage of the Clinton scandals. Barnicle said trump isn't even running a campaign.

  • Love 1

Here's a transcript of some Morning Joe shows from January-June.


Steve King got into a fight with Mika & Joe over their support of Trump earlier this year. Joe got furious & said that he always opposed Trump. Really? Joe's support for Bush & Kasich was very muted. They never had hostile interviews with Trump during the primaries. Steve King said that Hillary shouldn't have Black Lives Matter at her rallies because some of them support cop killers. Steve King lashed out at Mika for supporting Black Lives Matter.


 The good news what that it was Hillary's staffers that arranged the meeting

Hmm, some "good" news, huh. Hillary Clinton doesn't seem the type to let her aides and staffers go off the reservation. And I'm not sure the voters will make the distinction. Mika didn't seem to be. The panel was right, had Trump not made his dumb joke he could be focusing on this.



His tone and demeanor was very belittling. As if her opinion didn't matter. 


She seems much more relaxed now that he's on his 'conference call'. 


Steve King is reprehensible. Michael Brown is a cop killer? Since when? Fuck you Steve King! Fuck you so much. I'm off to watch happy shit. He's ruined my day.


I think Joe doesn't like Mika getting all the glory last week.  

I think you mean Peter King, if you're referring to this morning, he's the Rep from NY.  Not that Steve King isn't reprehensible. He's the one from Iowa.

  • Love 3

A reporter from the Washington Examiner explained this morning that in order for Trump to win, he would have to win all the states that Romney won plus an additional 60 electoral votes.

It must be hard to be Halperin because he immediately went into some throwing spaghetti against the wall theory how Trump can still win this.

And everyone on this show, stop with the he needs to stay on script line.

There is no script for running for president or for being president.  What part of that do you not understand??

  • Love 5

I tuned in to see some asshole screech about Hillary's emails as if they are paper files she had squirreled away and just now relented and delivered by hand to the authorities.  He was certain the emails prove liar benghazi killary hitlery transcripts emails speaking fees.  I couldn't so I switched the channels and did something and switched back to see that minuscule mind from NY Peter King say "Yeah, it's not something a real candidate would say (regarding Trump's plea for an assassination), but the real issue is that clinton is against cops because Black Lives Matter was on the stage of the DNC convention."  So i began bleeding from my eyes and turned it off before blood pressure popped my head off of my shoulders.

It is good to know that Trump's outrageous comment about the 2nd Amendment is outraging people and energizing them against Trump. 

Edited by Landsnark
  • Love 10
8 hours ago, Padma said:

Here's a preview for tomorrow morning. Apparently, today's comments in Wilmington finally pushed Joe off the fence (but will he stay there?): https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-partisan/wp/2016/08/09/the-gop-must-dump-trump/?hpid=hp_no-name_opinion-card-d%3Ahomepage%2Fstory

I read the op-ed piece in my hometown paper this morning.  It's interesting that at the start of that piece, Joe actually listed some of--not all--of Trump's atrocities.  At the risk of sounding like a broken record, this leads me to ask yet again:  What in the bloody hell took Joe and Meek-a so long to recognize what so many others did?  

Joe also seems to be missing the real dynamic here:  The primary voters who put Trump over the top.  That genie has been let out the bottle and it will be difficult to put it back in.  If Joe is going to lecture the GOP, he is 40-plus years too late.  Southern Strategy; welfare queens; lazy young bucks; Willie Horton; Senator McCain's alleged out-of-wedlock Black daughter; voter suppression laws; nearly 8 years of obstruction and deliberately seeking ways to delegitimize a democratically elected president; purging the party of moderates, etc.  Trump didn't just pop up yesterday, Joe.  Your party created him and happily opened the door by inviting him to your CPAC conferences and by propping him as someone whose opinion actually mattered.  It's like the parents who lecture and punish their kid for drinking and drugging while the parent enabled the behavior and put the conditions in place where the behavior flourishes.

  • Love 15

Today, they brought on Ron Fournier to discuss the new Clinton foundation emails. It turns out that the Clinton foundation donors were able to get meetings with the US Ambassador to Lebanon. Fournier said President Clinton's speaking fee doubled when Hillary became Secretary of State. Jennifer Granholdm came on the show to defend Hillary. The good news what that it was Hillary's staffers that arranged the meeting. There was no emails from Hillary authorizing these meetings. Halerin said this is how the Clinton's got rich over the past 15 years.

So, are these more stolen emails from Wikileaks via the Russians who seemed to be in cahoots with the Trump campaign (Roger Stone) in order to take down Hillary because she actually opposes them on policy/security issues ... plus, the added issue of Julian Assange trying to protect his a$$ from the Swedes who are after him on rape charges and Hillary certainly won't protect him. Yes, they all have an ax to grind with Hillary which has nothing to do with staffers arranging a meeting with the U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon which led to ... what exactly? 

As for Hillary's speaking fees doubling after she had been Secretary of State, well, I don't know that they did double and even if they did ... ah, duh? Why wouldn't her speaking fees go up after being a former Secretary of State? I'm sure men, who have held important positions, are paid quite well to speak to groups and have increases in what groups are willing to pay after holding such jobs.

I didn't see more than a half hour of the show but what I actually wanted to bring up was Joe's utter rudeness to his guests after inviting them on to speak and then continuously doing a sophomoric imitation of Keith Olbermann over them to the point that no one else could get a word in edgewise. Reminds me of what I hate about Chris Matthews, who will have people on, "ask them a question," and then proceed to talk over them and constantly interrupt, basically answering his own questions. There are times when he has a guest on who literally can get only one sentence out of their mouth. So, Joe was like that with his stupid Olbermann impression. And frankly, Joe, the one who should've been fired from MSNBC was YOU not Olbermann. 

  • Love 11

These emails have nothing to do with Assange, Stone, Wikileaks. They were lawfully acquired via a FOIA request to the State Department. They were from her private server and were produced by her to State in response to the FOIA response, as FOIA covers all official, government-related communications, whether via a ".gov" email or via a non-".gov" email.

  • Love 3

I thought it said they were Clinton Foundation emails, not State Dept. emails -- and we've been hearing brags by Wikileaks about emails they've gotten illegally from more than just the DNC via the Russians.

But, thanks! Knowing they're State Dept. emails makes me even less "suspicious" of the activity regarding setting up meetings, if I even were to be. 

3 hours ago, Queena said:

Steve King is reprehensible. Michael Brown is a cop killer? Since when? Fuck you Steve King! Fuck you so much. I'm off to watch happy shit. He's ruined my day. ????

Thanks for taking one for the team. I can't watch King (I initially typed "Kink", heh). I FF through him.

Paul Ryan - profile in courage right there.

  • Love 1
53 minutes ago, Nidratime said:

So, are these more stolen emails from Wikileaks via the Russians who seemed to be in cahoots with the Trump campaign (Roger Stone) in order to take down Hillary because she actually opposes them on policy/security issues ... plus, the added issue of Julian Assange trying to protect his a$$ from the Swedes who are after him on rape charges and Hillary certainly won't protect him. Yes, they all have an ax to grind with Hillary which has nothing to do with staffers arranging a meeting with the U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon which led to ... what exactly? 

As for Hillary's speaking fees doubling after she had been Secretary of State, well, I don't know that they did double and even if they did ... ah, duh? Why wouldn't her speaking fees go up after being a former Secretary of State? I'm sure men, who have held important positions, are paid quite well to speak to groups and have increases in what groups are willing to pay after holding such jobs.

I didn't see more than a half hour of the show but what I actually wanted to bring up was Joe's utter rudeness to his guests after inviting them on to speak and then continuously doing a sophomoric imitation of Keith Olbermann over them to the point that no one else could get a word in edgewise. Reminds me of what I hate about Chris Matthews, who will have people on, "ask them a question," and then proceed to talk over them and constantly interrupt, basically answering his own questions. There are times when he has a guest on who literally can get only one sentence out of their mouth. So, Joe was like that with his stupid Olbermann impression. And frankly, Joe, the one who should've been fired from MSNBC was YOU not Olbermann. 

It was Bill Clinton's speaking fees that doubled while Hillary was SOS. I assume that Hillary can't charge for speeches while she has a government job. Joe compared Trump to Keith Olberman. He said Olberman was an intemperate misfit .

I wonder if Katy Tur, who was dating Keith Olberman for 4 years will get upset at Joe.

Mika put her head down while Joe was doing his imitation. Mika put on a pink sweater for the last half hour of the show. It was interesting that they did not replay the fight during the 8 am hour between Mika & Joe which occurred between 6:18 am-6:22 am.

The discussed Omar Matteen's dad showing up at Hillary's rally in Orlando& getting into the camera range . Hillary's campaign was unaware of how he got into the rally & got a premium seat. They showed a clip of Trump attacking Hillary & she didn't disavow Omar's dad who is a Democrat supportter until later in the evening. Hillary is opposed to the terrorist attack in Orlando.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, stormy said:

A reporter from the Washington Examiner explained this morning that in order for Trump to win, he would have to win all the states that Romney won plus an additional 60 electoral votes.

It must be hard to be Halperin because he immediately went into some throwing spaghetti against the wall theory how Trump can still win this.

And everyone on this show, stop with the he needs to stay on script line.

There is no script for running for president or for being president.  What part of that do you not understand??

Sheesh!  They sound as if they're talking about a Manchurian Candidate.  Except, Trump is no Raymond Shaw with a hateful, near-incestuous mother in his ear and a deck of cards.

It's been rather amusing watching the rogue's gallery of advisers trying to keep Trump on script.  Gingrich, Guliani and the thoroughly emasculated Christie, along with others, have their hands full.  Don't they get it by now that nobody tells Trump what to do?  Even during that weak endorsement of Ryan, etc., Trump looked as if he had just swallowed strychnine mixed with castor oil.  It was only a matter of time before he showed his true colors by going "off script" again.

Okay, here's a dumb question.  Has there been any discussion by the panel about Trump's proposed economic plan?  Or, are they too busy doing tit-for-tat scandal stories on the two candidates?

  • Love 4

The repeated calls on this show for Trump to "stay on script" symbolize what is terrible about professional politics and the hacky reporters that cover it. Don't we want authentic candidates who speak candidly and truthfully, so that we can ascertain their true character? What if Trump *had* stayed on script all these months and lulled people into believing that he was just a moderate businessman who wanted to be president? Isn't it better for our democracy that he IS letting it all hang out as it were? 

Trump is a nightmare to the political consultants and hacks that these guys pal around with. The best thing I can say about him is that he's not some prepackaged robot who's been focus-grouped to death. 

ETA - here's a link to the fight 


You can tell Joe realizes he misspoke by saying it meant nothing coming from her. I do get his point - she admitted she's voting for Hillary, so why should the GOP care what she thinks? But it did come out hurtful and I can see why she's pissed. Yikes. I feel bad for her. She looks like she's barely keeping it together. Many of us have been in a similar situation and it sucks.

Edited by Mumbles
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Mumbles said:

The repeated calls on this show for Trump to "stay on script" symbolize what is terrible about professional politics and the hacky reporters that cover it. Don't we want authentic candidates who speak candidly and truthfully, so that we can ascertain their true character? What if Trump *had* stayed on script all these months and lulled people into believing that he was just a moderate businessman who wanted to be president? Isn't it better for our democracy that he IS letting it all hang out as it were? 

Trump is a nightmare to the political consultants and hacks that these guys pal around with. The best thing I can say about him is that he's not some prepackaged robot who's been focus-grouped to death. 

ETA - here's a link to the fight 


You can tell Joe realizes he misspoke by saying it meant nothing coming from her. I do get his point - she admitted she's voting for Hillary, so why should the GOP care what she thinks? But it did come out hurtful and I can see why she's pissed. Yikes. I feel bad for her. She looks like she's barely keeping it together. Many of us have been in a similar situation and it sucks.

I think Mika & Joe's romantic relationship will end sadly in the next few years. Joe has exploded at Mika several times over the past few years. How much more can she take.


Also, i want to know why they haven't showed Mika receiving a truck from Barnicle yet.

  • Love 1

During the tiff I wish Mika had said: That's right I'm a democrat and if the Republicans want to win the White House or their individual seats in the house or the senate they need  Democrats to vote for them. So that is why is should mean a lot to them. Your parties disregard of other ideas and any form of compromise while mainstreaming hatred has led us to this point. So thank you Joe for illustrating that so clearly. 

  • Love 8


During the tiff I wish Mika had said: That's right I'm a democrat and if the Republicans want to win the White House or their individual seats in the house or the senate they need  Democrats to vote for them. So that is why is should mean a lot to them. Your parties disregard of other ideas and any form of compromise while mainstreaming hatred has led us to this point. So thank you Joe for illustrating that so clearly. I just watched the video of Joe/Mika spat.


Nailed it!!    

I don't have much hope for the lovebirds after this past week.  Mika finally grew a pair while he was gone and Joey don't likey.  He wants his women to be subservient syncopants.  

 I would love it if the next time he started that shit with her, she would just get up and walk off the set.  The chances of that happening are about the same as monkeys flying out of my butt, but there's always hope she'll wake up and realize that as much of a dipshit as she is, she can do way better than Squinty Misogynist. 

  • Love 2

Mika finally grew a pair while he was gone and Joey don't likey. 

That's the point though, she grew a pair while he was gone.  Now that he's back, she's back to her normal self.

25 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

He wants his women to be subservient syncopants.  

And that's why they'll be together forever.

25 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

she can do way better than Squinty Misogynist. 

She may not be squinty, but she's just as much as a misogynist as he is.

  • Love 2

I would love it if the next time he started that shit with her, she would just get up and walk off the set. 

She has shown signs of being this feisty in the past. She did it when she just read the news and was given a Paris Hilton story to read. She ripped it up.

She's far from perfect - I have my issues with the Vanity Fair photo, and her "rich white woman" view of feminism, but I am puzzled by the degree of vitriol directed toward her.

She's well-educated, and while she indeed probably got in the door from her connections, she worked her way up as a producer, writer, etc. She just wasn't given a puff on-air job like Russert or the Bushes or Chelsea.

Misogyny is the holistic hatred of women. I am at a loss as to how she is a misogynist. Expressing doubts about Hillary Clinton doesn't make you a misogynist.

And the email hack indicated she has a bit of a spine - she refused to meet with Wasserman-Schultz on her criticisms of the DnC's favoritism of the Clinton campaign - criticisms which turned out to be correct.

And she certainly didn't back down today when Joe made that comment.

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, Mumbles said:

They did something the Friday after the RNC and I think it was a toy truck.

Not that it matters but it was the the friday after the DNC. Faked me out to the extent that I thought there was a real FJ "downstairs" or wherever. 

I had started thinking better of Mika's new ability to speak her mind. Especially after so many years of playing Joe's sycophant. Now I'm doubtful. Oh to be a fly on the wall when they're home. 

  • Love 2
12 hours ago, teddysmom said:

I think Joe doesn't like Mika getting all the glory last week.  

I think you mean Peter King, if you're referring to this morning, he's the Rep from NY.  Not that Steve King isn't reprehensible. He's the one from Iowa.

Thank you. I meant Peter, although Steve 'only White people invent stuff' King is much, much, worse. 

  • Love 3

Bob Woodward is out of his fucking mind.  What a fucking loon.  He just said that Trump is bad, but the other side is just as bad.  Because some NYT author said that "Trump's children should be ashamed."  Woodward said that's proof that "the other side is just as unhinged."  Well, the columnist isn't "the other side," he's a columnist, not a political spokesperson, Bob.  Trump's children are fucking adults in their 30s and are his fucking CAMPAIGN MANAGERS.  Woodward's idiocy was only to be surpassed by Barnicle who agreed that mentioning Trump's children was inappropriate and the equivalent of "Obama is the founder of ISIS."
Great show, guys.  Well done.  Responsibly well thought through. 
Woodward is 20 years past his spoiled date.

Edited by Landsnark
  • Love 18

Mika made reference to yesterday's fight just before the first commercial break, saying something like, who cares if it comes from me, I'm just a little Democrat. I wonder if that's why Joe isn't there.

Woodward and Bernstein were a great team but for the past 20 years Woodward has made a career just toadying up to people of power ans letting them tell their side of the story through him. His books on the Bush administration were wastes of good paper. There is an argument to be made that both sides of this electoral race are terrible, but he's not making one that makes sense.

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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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