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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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2 minutes ago, neona said:

I'm still on break but I'm actually really happy to read on here that Alexi is back.

She wrote some dumb shit in on twitter in freakin *high school*. And yes, it was offensive, it was inexcusable, but she actually recognized that, took responsibility for it, and apologized without any ifs or buts. there's literally no reason why she shoulda been given the same treatment as the middle aged guys whipping out their penises in meetings and masturbating into plants. if we lose the ability to distinguish the nuances in these cases the whole endeavor just becomes pointless IMO

You say "middle-aged" like it is a bad thing.  lol  But I do get your point.

Seriously, I just cannot get worked up about this show and it's inhabitants.  I do wish, however, we would not be quite so ... I don't know the word I am trying to think of.. but sometimes the language we use on this Board puts me off a bit.  I know, I am old. I use the "F" word (I am a former rebellious Catholic-schooled girl) but I cringe when I see it in print.  I have no idea why.

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35 minutes ago, Kemper said:

I do wish, however, we would not be quite so ... I don't know the word I am trying to think of.. but sometimes the language we use on this Board puts me off a bit.  I know, I am old. I use the "F" word (I am a former rebellious Catholic-schooled girl) but I cringe when I see it in print.  I have no idea why.

this is easy to cure, tbh. At least once a day, stand in front of a mirror, and say out loud "I am a fucking badass, I am a fucking badass". bc you absolutely are, my friend, but also, i'm not gonna spend hours editing all my posts 🤪😇


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Sorry, but the "F" word bothers me a bit.  Maybe time for another Kemper break.  It is just me, so carry on.  It is not my place to tell anyone to edit their posts; and now I will probably get a warning for my "feels" (see? I am hip) so, sorry.  Do not mean to be judgmental.  

2 minutes ago, Kemper said:

Sorry, but the "F" word bothers me a bit.  Maybe time for another Kemper break.  It is just me, so carry on.  It is not my place to tell anyone to edit their posts; and now I will probably get a warning for my "feels" (see? I am hip) so, sorry.  Repeating the language does not help. Do not mean to be judgmental.   

I have no idea what just happened!  I tried to edit my post and now it looks really idiotic...I inserted a sentence but it posted twice.  On me; I am considering day drinking.  Oakville...gin and tonic tonight

Edited by Kemper
technically challenged
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Recap of Alexi's appearance on MJ.

Mika showed a clip of an  Teshora Jones, the first female African American Mayor of St Louis.

Alexi was introduced as a "writer & reporter" for KYV.com LOL!

There is a lot of sunshine in her kitchen, so she can barely be seen. Perhaps, she did it on purpose to show that she is glowing ?

Black Women will be a force in 2022. Mika said Alexi is part of cancel culture & forgiveness.

Alexi thanked Mika for giving her an opportunity to be on TV again.

Alexi said there will be many African American candidates in 2022.  Democrats want to elect more female African Americans.

Mika used the word dialectical. Mika said its OK to have regrets but also help minorities.

Willie is happy to have Alexi back. Willie said there are no black female Senators in the US Senate.

There is a 10 year pipeline of female African Americans that want to run for office.


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5 hours ago, oakville said:

I suspect Mika likes Alexi's ethical lapses over the past year which resulted in getting her new boyfriend fired from the Biden Administration.  Alexi failed to disclose her romantic relationship with Ducklo while she was on Morning Joe during the campaign. Alexi had to quit her job at Axios & ended up getting fired from Teen Vogue over her racist anti Asian tweets.



2 hours ago, plumbago blues said:

Didn't see the Alexi thing but the idea of promoting her again is distasteful to me. I wouldn't think Mika would accept her back d/t her ethical lapses hitting a little too close to home. But, again, the ratings...wouldn't she be in the demo they're after? Maybe that age group sees her in a different light than I do and would tune in to MJ to follow her?


49 minutes ago, neona said:

I'm still on break but I'm actually really happy to read on here that Alexi is back.

She wrote some dumb shit in on twitter in freakin *high school*. And yes, it was offensive, it was inexcusable, but she actually recognized that, took responsibility for it, and apologized without any ifs or buts. there's literally no reason why she shoulda been given the same treatment as the middle aged guys whipping out their penises in meetings and masturbating into plants. if we lose the ability to distinguish the nuances in these cases the whole endeavor just becomes pointless IMO

Regarding Alexi, the hosts acted like they were welcoming back someone who had been a victim of...something. While the tweets may not have been on the level of the general festival of reprehensible behavior we've grown accustomed to, the one about her TA was pretty freaking bad, imo.

For me the larger issue is that we are inundated with people advising us of privilege, allyship and accountability who are making a pretty good living doing so. A tremendous amount of good can come from informed opinion and discussion, but I get a bit put off listening to folks who quite frankly don't seem to be qualified.

As for Ducklo, he didn't lose his job bc of Alexi but if this is the company she keeps I have even less interest in what she has to say:  https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/02/i-will-destroy-you-biden-aide-threatened-a-politico-reporter-pursuing-a-story-on-his-relationship


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1 hour ago, oakville said:

Alexi was introduced as a "writer & reporter" for KYV.com LOL!

Wow. Starting over at the bottom. I don't get the love for her and it's telling to learn that her soon-to-have-been co-workers at Teen Vogue voted her out. The key demo for advertising/ratings wasn't crazy for her so why would MJ invest in her? There are plenty of other eager young cub reporters out there. I find it interesting that she made the Forbes list of 30 under 30...Mama Mika is the champion of the over 50 crowd; but not too much older, of course...Mika has save up for when she hits 60, to lead THAT crusade.

Edited by plumbago blues
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17 minutes ago, chick binewski said:



Regarding Alexi, the hosts acted like they were welcoming back someone who had been a victim of...something. While the tweets may not have been on the level of the general festival of reprehensible behavior we've grown accustomed to, the one about her TA was pretty freaking bad, imo.

For me the larger issue is that we are inundated with people advising us of privilege, allyship and accountability who are making a pretty good living doing so. A tremendous amount of good can come from informed opinion and discussion, but I get a bit put off listening to folks who quite frankly don't seem to be qualified.

idk, my issue with the Alexi drama was that she was one of the ones who actually *was* qualified, whenever she was on MJ or Kasie everything she said was articulate, coherent, well-researched.... and then they ran her thru the wringer and fucked her over in a way that was totally disproportionate given her 1) age when this stuff happened 2) instant apology etc etc. If the general rule is gonna be that your moral/intellectual character is fixed irredeemably at age sixteen, then what even is the point of being alive, of learning new things, of trying to improve yourself?

If nothing else, it's really unfair to the ppl who've grown up with the internet and are kinda trapped by it vs the people who haven't, and who had absolute freedom to think and develop and evolve before their every thought was recorded. 

13 minutes ago, plumbago blues said:

Wow. Starting over at the bottom. I don't get the love for her and it's telling to learn that her soon-to-have-been co-workers at Teen Vogue voted her out. The key demo for advertising/ratings wasn't crazy for her so why would MJ invest in her? There are plenty of other eager young cub reporters out there. I find it interesting that she made the Forbes list of 30 under 30...Mama Mika is the champion of the over 50 crowd; but not too much older, of course...Mika has save up for when she hits 60, to lead THAT crusade.

I thought Mika would be trying to promote the young lady that co wrote her last book. 

I don't understand Alexi's judgement. It seems to me that it is very dumb for someone who is 27 years old that works as a "writer-reporter" to not have deleted her racist tweets before she graduated from college.

Many companies ask to see applicants social media posts before they are hired.

In addition, Alexi should have asked Axios to be removed from covering the Biden campaign once she became romantically involved with Duclos.

How did Alexi get hired by Axios ?



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15 minutes ago, neona said:

idk, my issue with the Alexi drama was that she was one of the ones who actually *was* qualified, whenever she was on MJ or Kasie everything she said was articulate, coherent, well-researched.... and then they ran her thru the wringer and fucked her over in a way that was totally disproportionate given her 1) age when this stuff happened 2) instant apology etc etc. If the general rule is gonna be that your moral/intellectual character is fixed irredeemably at age sixteen, then what even is the point of being alive, of learning new things, of trying to improve yourself?

If nothing else, it's really unfair to the ppl who've grown up with the internet and are kinda trapped by it vs the people who haven't, and who had absolute freedom to think and develop and evolve before their every thought was recorded. 

I liked Alexi when she was on Morning Joe during the campaign. However, she should have disclosed that she was romantically involved with a key member of the Biden campaign while she was on the show.

I agree with you that people that grew up prior to the internet age are able to get away with many things that would have destroyed their careers if they had been posted on social media.

MSNBC continues to allow Chuck Todd to get away with not disclosing his wife's business relationship with Senator Bernie Sanders & him renting one of his properties to Senator Amy Klobuchar before he interviews them.

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I'm watching Biden right now, and he said, if you're fully vaxxed (14 days after BOTH shots) you no longer need to wear a mask... 

So why did Joe need to go on and on about this the past two weeks?? He couldn't wait JUST TWO WEEKS for the CDC to develop and determine the right timing for the right public health message? Why did he have to go on tee-vee for two weeks and pontificate and criticize and undermine public confidence in the CDC, in a time of disastrous general skepticism of public health authorities....with no actual reason why the Scarborough Timeline was better than the CDC timeline? why the fuck was two weeks so vital to him he thought it was a-okay to muddle the waters and create confusion

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1 hour ago, neona said:

I'm watching Biden right now, and he said, if you're fully vaxxed (14 days after BOTH shots) you no longer need to wear a mask... 

So why did Joe need to go on and on about this the past two weeks?? He couldn't wait JUST TWO WEEKS for the CDC to develop and determine the right timing for the right public health message? Why did he have to go on tee-vee for two weeks and pontificate and criticize and undermine public confidence in the CDC, in a time of disastrous general skepticism of public health authorities....with no actual reason why the Scarborough Timeline was better than the CDC timeline? why the fuck was two weeks so vital to him he thought it was a-okay to muddle the waters and create confusion

Joe considers himself to be one of the most medically astute political pundits in the country. In past years, Joe said he had watched of ER, MASH & had seen the movies Outbreak & Contagion.  He claimed to be very familiar with how to deal with pandemics.

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1 hour ago, neona said:

If the general rule is gonna be that your moral/intellectual character is fixed irredeemably at age sixteen, then what even is the point of being alive, of learning new things, of trying to improve yourself?

That's a question to take to Bret Kavanaugh's interrogators. Digging into high school yearbooks for coarse words was quite unbelievable.  I guess it depends on which side the victim is on.

I'm baffled by her quick re-entry into the media world when so many others' careers are ruined for good, or for a good long time, for less than the racist remarks and ethical lapses attributed to her. Done with this subject but yet another reason to dislike this show.

I agree with you Kemper. We are accustomed to civil discourse and learned to make our argu ments/points without using crude lanuage. Talking is one thing; in print it can be offensive. Anything goes today and it makes me sad.

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42 minutes ago, plumbago blues said:

I'm baffled by her quick re-entry into the media world when so many others' careers are ruined for good, or for a good long time, for less than the racist remarks and ethical lapses attributed to her. Done with this subject but yet another reason to dislike this show.


Mika & Joe were opposed to MSNBC's decision to cut ties with Patrick Buchanan. He was replaced by Mike Barnicle.

They tried to bring back Mark Halperin but the network overruled them.

Mika signed a letter with others at MSNBC supporting Tom Brokaw after he was accused of sexually harassing other network employees.

Mika demanded that Hachette publishing fire Harvey Weinstein before she would allow her books to be published by them. Hachette agreed with Mika's demands.

I have noticed that Morning Joe does have more African American guests on the show in the past year, so adding Alexi as a new contributor may be part of the strategy.


I forgot that Alexi was on MJ during the ... campaign?  When the news came out about the Teen Vogue (really, who invented that? Sweet Jesus) flap, I saw her name and picture and thought she looked familiar.  Now I know why.

I think MJ is looking for younger eyeballs so Meeka promoting Alexi is no surprise.  Is it just me who thinks we are getting more KYV and the mature, successful  women stuff lately?  Then again, maybe it just happens to be on when I periodically check-in.  Either way...well played, Meeka.  

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14 hours ago, oakville said:

Morning Joe's Tuesday's ratings ( 114/150 ) stay below 1 million total viewers

Is this why Joe wore his Morning Joe zip-up sweater over his shirt and tie? As a name tag so random viewers clicking by would see who he was and stick around? A ploy to gain new watchers? If not, just turn up the thermostat, Joe-Joe; you look ridiculous.

I clicked off after watching Mika clumsily ask a simple question of Dr. Fauci re: the mask situation. It doesn't have to be this hard.

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21 minutes ago, candall said:

I  had to put down the thing I was working on so I could stalk across the room and turn off Joe's long ridiculous rambling monologue about hamburgers for breakfast.  I need a new morning show.

Why yes, yes we probably do. 🤓 But then where could we laugh and vent. Lately I think a lot of us are in and out.

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7 hours ago, plumbago blues said:

Is this why Joe wore his Morning Joe zip-up sweater over his shirt and tie? As a name tag so random viewers clicking by would see who he was and stick around? A ploy to gain new watchers? If not, just turn up the thermostat, Joe-Joe; you look ridiculous.

I clicked off after watching Mika clumsily ask a simple question of Dr. Fauci re: the mask situation. It doesn't have to be this hard.

I couldn't stop laughing at Joe wearing a fleece top this morning over a tie. Joe should get the AC fixed if he has to wear a fleece top in May.

He was mumbling when Mika started the show.

Joe said he was right about not having to wear masks when you have been been fully vaccinated and are indoors.

Joe mocked Democrat & the CDC for taking so long to come to the same decision.

Mika said he would wear a mask if she was on a plane. Joe agreed with her.

Joe said the Red Sox asked him to stop attending games in person, because they always lose when he is at Fenway.

There was a good discussion with Admiral Stavridis about the Colonial Pipeline hack , the fighting in Israel.

Stavridis said that Hamas & Netanyahu want the fighting to continue. Netanyahu can finally get majority support in the Knesset because Israelis will support retaliating against Hamas.

 Martin Fletcher reappeared on the show. Jordan may support Palestinians.

Martin said young people are joining mobs & Arab Israelis & Jews are fighting each other in Israel.

Joe mocked people that don't support the Abraham Accords peace between Israel & Palestinians. Joe apologized for calling them the Benjamin accords.

Joe could have acquired Mika's struggle with reading the Teleprompter.

Mika said "wow" a few times & asked Stavridis to stay for another segment.

Joe is opposed to cyberattacks on US pipelines. There are gasoline shortages in Florida.

Mika said she sent her housekeeper to get gas for her SUV. Mika complained that her housekeeper had to wait for an hour in line to get gas.

Mika asked Dr Fauci about breakthrough cases of Covid. Fauci said only a few thousand got infected after being vaccinated.

Joe abandoned the set during the Dr Fauci interview.






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On 5/13/2021 at 3:47 PM, neona said:

If the general rule is gonna be that your moral/intellectual character is fixed irredeemably at age sixteen, then what even is the point of being alive, of learning new things, of trying to improve yourself?

If nothing else, it's really unfair to the ppl who've grown up with the internet and are kinda trapped by it vs the people who haven't, and who had absolute freedom to think and develop and evolve before their every thought was recorded. 

I am in complete agreement re youth and past internet misdeeds. And I don't want to see anyone permanently crucified for offenses that can be reflected on through growth & understanding. But I am also fed up with watching people who are positioned with a bit of cachet & earning power being given a redemption arc or a hero's welcome when they've earned neither.

(The pickle up my butt isn't really about Alexi - I am just exhausted from the narrative of extremes. I feel like we've turned into a nation of football fans - our side or theirs. We've forgotten about decency, experience and expertise and it's killing us.)

On 5/13/2021 at 4:15 PM, neona said:

Why did he have to go on tee-vee for two weeks and pontificate and criticize and undermine public confidence in the CDC, in a time of disastrous general skepticism of public health authorities....with no actual reason why the Scarborough Timeline was better than the CDC timeline? why the fuck was two weeks so vital to him he thought it was a-okay to muddle the waters and create confusion

And now we have the addendum of "DeSantis was ahead of the science." WTF? I find the 'OMGWTFBBQ who are all the freaks still wearing masks' pronouncements kind of offensive when I'm reading posts on reddit from local grocery stores. 1. Again, you're not considered fully vaccinated immediately after your 2nd shot. 2.  Anyone can SAY they're vaccinated. The folks who have to deal with hundreds of strangers every day during their minimum wage jobs do not have the authority to require proof.

9 hours ago, plumbago blues said:

Is this why Joe wore his Morning Joe zip-up sweater over his shirt and tie? As a name tag so random viewers clicking by would see who he was and stick around? A ploy to gain new watchers? If not, just turn up the thermostat, Joe-Joe; you look ridiculous.

I clicked off after watching Mika clumsily ask a simple question of Dr. Fauci re: the mask situation. It doesn't have to be this hard.


1 hour ago, oakville said:

I couldn't stop laughing at Joe wearing a fleece top this morning over a tie. Joe should get the AC fixed if he has to wear a fleece top in May.

He was mumbling when Mika started the show.


Joe abandoned the set during the Dr Fauci interview.

I need to find a job where I make $8 mil, come to work in a sweatshirt and ditch the important appointments of the day. And act like I wasn't responsible for promoting the greatest pox in this country's history.

Apologies if my rant is much - I switched to Stoli Lime tonight. Also, Joe was remiss in mentioning White Castle has finally come to Florida. 

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Joe has that zip-top thing on again today...sweater? Active Men's Wear?  Maybe new viewers are not quite sure who he is so he has his "monogram" front and center.  

Kasie Hunt always looks so polished; and here comes Eddie Glaude, Jr.  Jonathan LeMire is asking him the questions.  I was only half-listening so I am not sure exactly what LeMire's question was; but Eddie said someone or something (either Trump or The Republican Party)  "has the charisma of white bread" .... lol  Now this kind of thing is why it is worthwhile to tune in periodically.  Sadly, Joe started opinionating and then Richard Haas came on.  Back to polls and hand-wringing.  Joe just reverently whispered that "he is a Conservative" and now Meeka is thanking everyone SO much.

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Packing for a trip so missed out on a really lively, sometimes snarky, conversation regarding a a whistle-blower in Florida about something DeSantis has done.  One guest was British and deliberately charming; the other was maybe an attorney or some such. I enjoyed both.  According to Joe, this whistle-blower (female) is maybe shady; both guests strongly disagreed. With each other. Joe agreed with the Brit.  At the end, the attorney made a remark about the scarf the Brit had on.  Shade!  I so wish I had seen this from the beginning and paid attention.

Oakville...please tell me you will recap this particular discussion!  I have not done it justice.

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Why is he doubling down on that pullover? Are they selling them online?

That National Review guy seemed a bit sketch. And Joe got a little loud going after his neighbor Aronberg considering Joe had minutes earlier claimed the story had disappeared! 

Also on Joe's list - anyone voluntarily wearing a mask. He's still using the line 'people wearing masks the size of Massachusetts' and I still don't know why he thinks it's clever. 

FYI Mika is not a Sex Pistols fan. 

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23 minutes ago, Kemper said:

Packing for a trip so missed out on a really lively, sometimes snarky, conversation regarding a a whistle-blower in Florida about something DeSantis has done.  One guest was British and deliberately charming; the other was maybe an attorney or some such. I enjoyed both.  According to Joe, this whistle-blower (female) is maybe shady; both guests strongly disagreed. With each other. Joe agreed with the Brit.  At the end, the attorney made a remark about the scarf the Brit had on.  Shade!  I so wish I had seen this from the beginning and paid attention.

Oakville...please tell me you will recap this particular discussion!  I have not done it justice.

OK, I will watch the show later today & recap it.

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I only saw the part about the UFO's and (I guess) the author of the New Yorker article. Seemed an odd subject for the top of the/my 6am hour. It was early and kind of "blah-blah" to me but I sure wasn't surprised that Katty got to do the questioning...somehow I wasn't surprised that Mika's role in space mysteries was just to thank the guest SO much.

Again with the MJ branded sweater, huh? Maybe he's trying to justify his clothing allowance $$$...either to show how well he used it or how much he needs it...like all I have to wear is this swag pullover and I need more $ for real clothes. Who knows. Just ridiculous either way. Maybe he wears it around town as advertising.

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is it just me or are the monday shows always very gloomy and depressing? there's this kind of weird visual irony when they are yelling at everyone to go out and live their lives, from their poky lil basement, heh. 

The UFO story was awesome! I wish the aliens would take joe with them, then he can regale them with his in-depth knowledge of Earth and All Earthly Subjects. although they'd probably tire of him, dump him back in Florida, and never again return to earth. 

Mika was being super patient with joe's ramblings, I was cracking up when at one point she was like, both things can be true at once, ie it's possible that *both* the whistleblower and De Santis are shady at the same time! And you could almost see Joe's head explode, i think that kind of thinking just makes his brain short-circuit.

Although to his credit, I thought I was gonna have to break out the stunningly superficial Dr B gif re the Gaza situation, but Joe was actually almost being nuanced. yeah, I know, grading on a curve, but still. the sweater situation is weird, but the glasses are back! I like them, they make his face look kinder.

at least one good thing about Mondays is that we usually get Roger!! and Katty was there. I wonder where High-lemann is, he doesn't seem the type to take vacations?

1 hour ago, neona said:

Mika was being super patient with joe's ramblings, I was cracking up when at one point she was like, both things can be true at once, ie it's possible that *both* the whistleblower and De Santis are shady at the same time! And you could almost see Joe's head explode, i think that kind of thinking just makes his brain short-circuit.

Although I do a considerable amount of eye-rolling at Mika's delivery sometimes, I really appreciated that almost Anne Sullivan-like handling of Joe. In my head that's how she speaks to him when trying to get him to order something on a fine dining menu.

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Monday Recap.

Joe i wearing a fleece top with the Morning Joe logo. Mika is wearing a black top.

Katty is wearing  brown velour jacket with a large Gold globe i the background.

David Ignatius is awake with a large bookcase of books.

Lemire looks tired.

Joe said he was a simple country lawyer who wanted the Trump administration to follow the science.

Joe wants everyone to follow the science.

Joe made fun of people wearing large masks outside. Mika likes wearing masks.

Joe is mad at people who called him a Luddite on twitter for wearing a mask on airplanes.

Joe wants kids to being vaccinated.

Joe mispronounced Dr Scott Gotlieb's name.

Joe said science evolves. He is using a weird accent.

Joe said he was right that more people having vaccines would create herd immunity.




Lemire said the White House was caught off guard by the CDC mask mandates new policies.

Biden is happy with the new mask policies.

Lemire's hair is getting puffier like his idol Joe.



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Mika said the fighting in Gaza is still going on.


Joe is surprised that media coverage has not been more pro Israel.

Joe said there is a political crisis because Hamas & Netanyahu are winning politically.

Joe is repeating hi talking point from last week.

David said there may be a ceasefire soon but Israel wants to get rid of Hamas tunnels.

David said Gaza is a sad place to visit.


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Joe said he has been pro Israeli for his whole life. Joe supports military aid to Israel.

Joe said Israel should stop bombing kids.

Joe is mad at Netanyahu. He is winning politically but killing people.

David said Israelis don't like getting bombed.


David said moderates are losing on both sides.

Trump was too pro Israel.

Joe said Palestinians were evicted.

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Joe said the Palestinian authority is corrupt. Joe called rocket attacks a war crime.

Mika read the NY Times article from Thomas Friedman. He compared it to the January 6th mob.


Katty was allowed to speak at 6 19 am after Joe's two minute question/rant.

Katty agreed with Joe. Katty said Bibi can stay in power until the war is over.

Moderate Arabs & Jews would topple the Bibi coalition.




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Joe told Lemire that Hamas was hiding in the AP building.

Joe told Israel to not blow through Hamas shields.

Mika made a sad face.

Joe said Arabs have been hostile to Israel since 1948.

Joe's rant is going on way too long.

Joe said Biden has leverage against Israel.

Joe wants a ceasefire now !!!.

Jonathan Swan came to report Trump's war with the generals.

Swan  said Trump wanted to remove troops from Germany.

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Mika stumbled over the TelePrompter. She said today was the deadline to fine your tax return. She then correctly said it was the deadline to file your tax return.

Mika said there is a billion in unclaimed refunds.

Mika discussed a business deal with Warner media & Discovery.

Mika botched the pronounciation of HGTV network and called it HDTV.

This is silly. Mika works for a cable tv network & should be familiar with HGTV.


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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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