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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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There was a good debate after 8:30 am with Anand, Al Sharpton & Kasie Hunt. Mika was upset that African Americans weren't supporting Bernie. Al said they trust Hillary because she was part of the Obama administration. Mika said that Bernie's policies were better for minorities. Joe mocked Hillary for advocating taking out Gaddafi.  Joe said Hillary was responsible for the mess in Libya.


Mika 's ending segment. Mika had cake with kiddies who were fighting cancer. Mika went nuts handing out cake slices.  Mika then grabbed the cake & started putting her fingers in the cake. Mika loves cake!


Joe thanked viewers for having patience with him.


Every year, Hillary Clinton is listed as the most admired woman in the world. Her favorables are always in positive territory when she's not campaigning for president and then immediately go down when she does. Do people just not want to see her in the ultimate position of power? Gee, I wonder why.


In all honesty, I think they will probably go up some when the primary process is over, Bernie endorses, and the DNC rolls around and we finally have the best weapon possible, which is Obama campaigning heavily for her. He's suddenly very popular again, and that will be a huge boon to the democratic candidate.


But for all Joe talking about Hillary's negatives being devastating, dude, what about Trump? His negative ratings are at 70%!!! That is NOT going to go down. He is losing every swing state and every general election poll by huge margins already.


He will lose the election in a massive landslide. If they let him have the nomination knowing this, they're putting the HOUSE at risk, which I didn't think was possible this year. In fact, my actual worry there is that Trump himself will end up dropping out rather than face a landslide loss and be humiliated, just because he's that much of a coward.

Edited by Ruby25
  • Love 7

I was listening to MJ the other day and Joe's impression of Chris Matthews interviewing him, while totally spot on, was kind of shitty. There's no doubt Matthews jabbers incessantly to the person he's interviewing, but Joe came off as a blowhard imitating him. He's just not the type to have it come off as friendly. It came off as mean-spirited. God, to be a fly on the wall when these  anchors all get together and gossip (sans Joe, of course - he seems like such an island unto himself).


I can't think of the last time Joe spoke highly of another anchor or was even invited onto one of their shows, with the exception of the time he and Mika pushed themselves onto Hardball because they happened to be in whatever town Matthews was also in. The other anchors constantly hop on each other's shows. Hell, even Barnicle and the other guy (whatever) pop up on other shows.

  • Love 2


There was a good debate after 8:30 am with Anand, Al Sharpton & Kasie Hunt. Mika was upset that African Americans weren't supporting Bernie. Al said they trust Hillary because she was part of the Obama administration. Mika said that Bernie's policies were better for minorities.

Bitch, like you give a shit about minorities. Don't presume to tell me which candidate is better for me. As if ALL minorities have the same problems. The system has NEVER screwed my dear Meeka. Wall Street paid for my education as my father worked on it for 40 plus years, so while they need to be cracked down upon, I'm no hypocrite and will not act like it's the devil. I wasn't rich, but grew up very comfortably, with no money worries.  Dumb heifer, ugh, blood boiling. 


It's funny Bernie and I are both Virgos, and we Virgos get on people's nerves because we can never let go of the small stuff, a lot of nit picking.  We like the details and practicality, all things that I feel are missing from Mr. Revolution Sanders' platform. He has good points but I'm not getting the details and I still think he wants to reach his hand into my pocket for the poor and I don't like it. Once again, the wealthy, which I am not, NEVER pay, it will be the middle class who pay the most. I didn't go to college for free, I had loans? So, NO, I'm for affordable college, not free. Now he wants not only two year but four year college to be free, he's crazy.  I believe I heard Hillary saying some dumb shit about two year being free and if I ever wanted her to prove she was a liar on something it's that. At any rate, until he starts being more specific at his rallies instead of trying to convince me of the  "EVIL" that is Hillary Clinton, he's a waste of time for this voter. I'm to the point that I turn the channel when he's on and I don't like having to do that, that shit was only supposed to be reserved for Republicans.


Keep trying to stop short of calling Hillary Clinton a flat out criminal and implying that her donations means that she is so in the pocket of Wall Street that she can't serve the people, keep it up.  There is no grey area in what he is insinuating in that she won't be able to govern and do anything for the people but sell them further down the river while rubbing her hands together in glee. Yeah, I got all A's in inference and drawing conclusions in grade school and beyond, LOL. 

Don't try to play me Bernie, from one fellow native, New Yorker to another, don't try it.


And for the record Sharpton, this African-American's admiration for Hillary Clinton doesn't have a damn thing to do with Obama. I have always liked her, way more than even her "better" half, Slick Willy.



Trump himself will end up dropping out rather than face a landslide loss and be humiliated, just because he's that much of a coward.


I still don't think he's truly trying to win. There's still a part of me that thinks he's working for our side. But I won't know for sure if/until the Republican party deny him the nomination and he goes through with running on a third party ticket, taking his supporters, the Klan and the Neo Nazis with him. They're going to go down loving him, so, he'll lose with their "love."  In either scenario he ends up the winner like Rachel said, his supporters will want him to break away if he doesn't get the nomination and the Dems. will thank him a year or two from now when they are sitting in the White House and he comes out and admits that, that was the plan all along while sitting up in the Trump Tower.


I like how he proved my point that he doesn't give a shit about the abortion issue. I think I posted that he didn't care one way or the other on another thread. He doesn't know anything about the positions on it and doesn't care to know. He cringes and doesn't want to know at all, as in, you, woman, you just go ahead take care of all that....I don't wanna know.

Then the Chris Matthew's interview...

Edited by represent
  • Love 5
I agree with Joe about having so many super delegates against Bernie is unfair.



Why is it unfair? The super delegates are free to choose whomever they want and they have chosen Hillary. It's very telling that the people who actually work with Bernie in Congress don't support him and virtually all of them are out on the hustings campaigning for Hillary telling everyone who will listen that Hillary would be a much better president than him.


Would the DNC consider changing the rules to make Super Delegates respect voters wishes in their states?



Bernie better hope that they don't because Hillary has won more states and gotten far more votes than Bernie has.


Joe said Hillary could be indicted over the email scandal.



Joe may have wet dreams hoping that will happen but as usual, he's talking out of his ass because the email situation is only a scandal in the Republican fantasies. Hillary isn't even under criminal investigation in spite of the right wing nut jobs trying their best to inundate the air waves with lies that she is.

  • Love 4

Bernie better hope that they don't because Hillary has won more states and gotten far more votes than Bernie has.

Also, it can very easily be argued that while Bernie's wins are rightfully gotten according to the rules they both agreed on (with the exception of the crazy stuff going down in Nevada this weekend), but the majority of those wins were in caucus states, where the outcome is only tangentially related to the actual will of the voters. If I were a super delegate from Alaska, for example, and someone tried to pressure me to support Bernie because he won there, I would probably say "cool, six hundred people at a meeting support him. But I represent the entire state (or state party apparatus)."


Also, if Hillary wins New York and California (which she has a good chance of), there is no manipulation of super delegate rules that would would allow Bernie a victory. Nothing. So whatever happens, he's got to win both of those states. The only people who talk about super delegates are people who are losing.

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Didn't candidate Obama win over candidate Hillary's superdelegates in 2008?  So why can't Bernie Sanders do it in 2016?  Not saying he can pull it off (probably can't) but he has just as much of a right to try.


I'm hearing talk from some Clinton supporters that they'd wish Bernie Sanders would just pull up his tent and go away right now so she can win the nomination without further fighting.  As if he doesn't have a right to keep trying to win.  These same people seem to forget that President Obama didn't clinch the nomination until June 3, 2008.  So I say to Bernie:  fight on until June--until the last dog dies, as Bill Clinton would say. 

Edited by Ohwell
  • Love 2

Candidate Obama flipped about 50 Clinton superdelegates.  Fun fact, Obama didn't hit the magic number and needed superdelegates to get him over the top for nomination.


The irony in Sanders plan to flip superdelegates is that he and his surrogates set up petitions against them in the first place.  Sanders is good that, do as I say and not as I do.

  • Love 3

Well, if you can't beat 'em, join em'?


Here's the problem with that.  Sanders has campaigned against a "rigged" political process, carping about super delegates all along, and using it as a cudgel against Clinton as being too establishment.  This "rigged" political process is one that he chose to join in by running as a Democrat, which anyone can recognize was a move to have more access (to the data) and not appear as a fringe candidate.  So, though he freely joined the Democratic Party process, since last fall all he has done is criticize the DNC and the "party establishment".


Now, after having his surrogates create all kinds of petitions against the DNC, he wants to manipulate things within the established process that he's been railing against.  Which is it?  The other day, he also chose to continue his court case against the DNC for their taking away his access to the data for a day, after one of his teams breached Clinton data.

  • Love 5

Candidate Obama flipped about 50 Clinton superdelegates.  Fun fact, Obama didn't hit the magic number and needed superdelegates to get him over the top for nomination.


The irony in Sanders plan to flip superdelegates is that he and his surrogates set up petitions against them in the first place.  Sanders is good that, do as I say and not as I do.

Obama was also helped by the DNC stripping some states like Florida & Michigan of half their delegates for having their primaries earlier than usual. Hillary won those states.


If Bernie ends up getting more elected delegates than Hillary, then the Super Delegates will have a hard time explaining why they are going to overturn the election results.

Edited by oakville

Why is it unfair? The super delegates are free to choose whomever they want and they have chosen Hillary. It's very telling that the people who actually work with Bernie in Congress don't support him and virtually all of them are out on the hustings campaigning for Hillary telling everyone who will listen that Hillary would be a much better president than him.



Bernie better hope that they don't because Hillary has won more states and gotten far more votes than Bernie has.



Joe may have wet dreams hoping that will happen but as usual, he's talking out of his ass because the email situation is only a scandal in the Republican fantasies. Hillary isn't even under criminal investigation in spite of the right wing nut jobs trying their best to inundate the air waves with lies that she is.

I am surprised how many  Super Delegates the Democrats have compared to the GOP.  Hilary has the advantage ( 469-31)  but she will need Bernie's supporters to help her win the election. The Super Delegates should keep a low profile until the primaries are over.

I am surprised how many  Super Delegates the Democrats have compared to the GOP.  Hilary has the advantage ( 469-31)  but she will need Bernie's supporters to help her win the election. The Super Delegates should keep a low profile until the primaries are over.


Why?  It's the process that the Democrats have, they've had it since 1984.  


Neither Clinton nor Sanders superdelegates stay low profile, they are generally seen as endorsements and surrogates.

  • Love 3

Why?  It's the process that the Democrats have, they've had it since 1984.  


Neither Clinton nor Sanders superdelegates stay low profile, they are generally seen as endorsements and surrogates.


IIRC the Democratic Party had to have Superdelegates to protect the party in case of insurgent candidates like Gary Hart, Eugene McCarthy, etc. If Hilary's Superdelegate lead in 2008 had stayed firm, Obama's supporters & the media would have freaked out. I don't recall the media being so quick to report Hillary's Super Delegate lead during the initial primaries.


I don't like how some media outlets including Morning Joe count lump in the SuperDelegates with the Elected Delegates. It makes it look like Hillary has a huge lead when in fact she doesn't. Furthermore, the Super Delegates can switch sides just like they did in 2008.

Why?  It's the process that the Democrats have, they've had it since 1984.  


Neither Clinton nor Sanders superdelegates stay low profile, they are generally seen as endorsements and surrogates.


IIRC the Democratic Party had to have Superdelegates to protect the party in case of insurgent candidates like Gary Hart, Eugene McCarthy, etc. If Hilary's Superdelegate lead in 2008 had stayed firm, Obama's supporters & the media would have freaked out. I don't recall the media being so quick to report Hillary's Super Delegate lead during the initial primaries.


I don't like how some media outlets including Morning Joe count lump in the SuperDelegates with the Elected Delegates. It makes it look like Hillary has a huge lead when in fact she doesn't. Furthermore, the Super Delegates can switch sides just like they did in 2008.

Why?  It's the process that the Democrats have, they've had it since 1984.  


Neither Clinton nor Sanders superdelegates stay low profile, they are generally seen as endorsements and surrogates.


IIRC the Democratic Party had to have Superdelegates to protect the party in case of insurgent candidates like Gary Hart, Eugene McCarthy, etc. If Hilary's Superdelegate lead in 2008 had stayed firm, Obama's supporters & the media would have freaked out. I don't recall the media being so quick to report Hillary's Super Delegate lead during the initial primaries.


I don't like how some media outlets including Morning Joe count lump in the SuperDelegates with the Elected Delegates. It makes it look like Hillary has a huge lead when in fact she doesn't. Furthermore, the Super Delegates can switch sides just like they did in 2008.

Why?  It's the process that the Democrats have, they've had it since 1984.  


Neither Clinton nor Sanders superdelegates stay low profile, they are generally seen as endorsements and surrogates.


IIRC the Democratic Party had to have Superdelegates to protect the party in case of insurgent candidates like Gary Hart, Eugene McCarthy, etc. If Hilary's Superdelegate lead in 2008 had stayed firm, Obama's supporters & the media would have freaked out. I don't recall the media being so quick to report Hillary's Super Delegate lead during the initial primaries.


I don't like how some media outlets including Morning Joe count lump in the SuperDelegates with the Elected Delegates. It makes it look like Hillary has a huge lead when in fact she doesn't. Furthermore, the Super Delegates can switch sides just like they did in 2008.

  • Love 1

I don't like how some media outlets including Morning Joe count lump in the SuperDelegates with the Elected Delegates. It makes it look like Hillary has a huge lead when in fact she doesn't. Furthermore, the Super Delegates can switch sides just like they did in 2008.


Personally?  I don't understand the reason why the media is lumping them in this cycle.  An argument could be a few ways - that it points up the undemocratic nature of them, or that it is to make Clinton appear further ahead.  It would be neat if the media would disclose why they are handling them this way for the first time ever, wouldn't?


Hillary has a huge lead in pledged delegates, a bigger lead than Obama ever had over her, she's ahead by 2.3m in votes as well.


Of course the superdelegates can switch.  It's instructive to realize that only about 50 did in 2008, though.  Once Hillary went on the floor of the convention and dramatically ended the roll call proclaiming Obama as nominee by acclamation - superdelegates didn't matter any more.

  • Love 1

Didn't candidate Obama win over candidate Hillary's superdelegates in 2008?  So why can't Bernie Sanders do it in 2016?  Not saying he can pull it off (probably can't) but he has just as much of a right to try.



Obama won superdelegates in his own right in 2008. That is an oft-disproved canard that he took them from Hillary. He was courting those superdelegates when he first declared in 2007. The huge endorsement from the Kennedy's came in January, long before April after half the country had already voted. It wasn't until he had fairly and squarely won the nomination that all the rest of the superdelegates unanimously endorsed him.



I'm hearing talk from some Clinton supporters that they'd wish Bernie Sanders would just pull up his tent and go away right now so she can win the nomination without further fighting.  As if he doesn't have a right to keep trying to win.  These same people seem to forget that President Obama didn't clinch the nomination until June 3, 2008.  So I say to Bernie:  fight on until June--until the last dog dies, as Bill Clinton would say.


None of Hillary's people are all saying Bernie should pack his tent and go home. He has every right to run and spend people's money and pay his campaign manager $800,000 a month for as long as he wants but they are unhappy at how negative Bernie has gone. Hypocritical Bernie who bragged at the beginning of his campaign that he'd never run a negative ad against anyone and now has his operatives on full blast all over the media trashing Hillary Clinton. They are concerned that his constant assault against her integrity will hurt the Democratic Party in the general.


This constant comparison of Bernie to Obama is such a false equivalency. The difference is that Obama was always, always a stalwart Democrat who worked hard for the party ever since he first got involved in politics, quite unlike Sanders who just joined the party six months ago so that he could, as he himself admitted, take full advantage of the media and the resources of the DNC. After Obama gave that famous speech at the 2004 convention, he travelled the country stumping for down ballot Democrats and both he and Hillary have worked hard through the years getting out the vote. She is raising millions and millions of dollars in this election cycle for Democratic slates across the nation while Bernie is doing nothing. He is only concerned about himself and that is one of the main reasons Hillary has the political establishment behind her and ergo, the vast majority of the superdelegates. So sure, fight on Bernie, but fight for the good of the Democratic Party because it is critical that they defeat the Republicans in the fall.

  • Love 10

Obama was also helped by the DNC stripping some states like Florida & Michigan of half their delegates for having their primaries earlier than usual. Hillary won those states.



Hillary didn't win those two states. There was no contested primary in either of them because they broke the rules and any sham results from them weren't included in the vote tabulations. Obama's name wasn't even on the ballot in Michigan. After the primary campaign was decided and Obama had won they reached the half-delegate compromise to allow them to have a voice at the convention.



If Bernie ends up getting more elected delegates than Hillary, then the Super Delegates will have a hard time explaining why they are going to overturn the election results.


Bernie won't end up getting more elected delegates. You've been listening to too much Morning Joe and his fevered fantasies. The Democrats allocate their delegates proportionally and Hillary has such a big lead that even if Bernie won every upcoming primary by a 60-40 margin, he still wouldn't gain enough delegates to overcome her margin because she'd still be adding 40% of each of the state's delegates to her total. 20% of the total left outstanding isn't enough to pull ahead.

  • Love 1
The Democrats allocate their delegates proportionally and Hillary has such a big lead that even if Bernie won every upcoming primary by a 60-40 margin, he still wouldn't gain enough delegates to overcome her margin because she'd still be adding 40% of each of the state's delegates to her total. 20% of the total left outstanding isn't enough to pull ahead.


Then why are pundits (other than those on MJ, by the way) saying that Bernie needs to win about 58% of the remaining delegates to win? 


Also, I have talked personally to some Hillary supporters who want him to "get out of the way."


Obama won superdelegates in his own right in 2008.


I know he did, and I didn't say he didn't.  I said that he won over some of Hillary's delegates.


Anyway, I said I wasn't going to get into a political argument if it wasn't directly related to MJ. so I'll end it right here.

  • Love 1

Then why are pundits (other than those on MJ, by the way) saying that Bernie needs to win about 58% of the remaining delegates to win? 



58% 60% Ain't gonna happen. Such a big deal is being made out of him winning three caucuses. What isn't talked about is that Hillary won a big state, Arizona, that same day and that she wiped him out in five primaries the week before. Unfortunately for Bernie, there are only two more caucus states left and no more Vermonts.



Also, I have talked personally to some Hillary supporters who want him to "get out of the way."


Sure, but 'some' Hillary supporters aren't Hillary's campaign people. Supporters of every candidate say some wild and crazy things. I'm more concerned when it's the campaign operatives and surrogates themselves and Weaver and Devine, and Sarandon and Cornell West and Killer Mike and Ben Jealous and Nina Turner have been saying some pretty hair raising things on Bernie's behalf. It's the shit they stir, which is repeated endlessly by Joe and Mika, which has the Clinton supporters saying they wish Bernie would rein them in for the good of the Democratic Party.

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Personally?  I don't understand the reason why the media is lumping them in this cycle.  An argument could be a few ways - that it points up the undemocratic nature of them, or that it is to make Clinton appear further ahead.  It would be neat if the media would disclose why they are handling them this way for the first time ever, wouldn't?


Hillary has a huge lead in pledged delegates, a bigger lead than Obama ever had over her, she's ahead by 2.3m in votes as well.


Of course the superdelegates can switch.  It's instructive to realize that only about 50 did in 2008, though.  Once Hillary went on the floor of the convention and dramatically ended the roll call proclaiming Obama as nominee by acclamation - superdelegates didn't matter any more.

I would like MSNBC to explain why they are obsessed with trying portray the race between Clinton & Sanders as virtually over. Are they afraid that Bernie will impose higher taxes on broadcasting corporations?


Hillary already has a pledged delegate lead which is logical to report on. The popular vote lead is misleading because Bernie has won many caucus states where fewer votes are reported. It would be much fairer if all states had primaries. Not everyone can make it to a caucus. Hillary's wins in Southern states which usually vote for the GOP are not helpful in the election.


Obama had a lead in pledged delegates, so it made sense that Hillary's super delegates would rally to Obama to ensure that the Super delegates didn't overturn Obama's win in elected delegates.


I think Morning Joe has mentioned Hillary's vulnerabilities more than other shows. Bernie' campaign has done much better than expected.

  • Love 1


This constant comparison of Bernie to Obama is such a false equivalency. The difference is that Obama was always, always a stalwart Democrat who worked hard for the party ever since he first got involved in politics, quite unlike Sanders who just joined the party six months ago so that he could, as he himself admitted, take full advantage of the media and the resources of the DNC. After Obama gave that famous speech at the 2004 convention, he travelled the country stumping for down ballot Democrats and both he and Hillary have worked hard through the years getting out the vote. She is raising millions and millions of dollars in this election cycle for Democratic slates across the nation while Bernie is doing nothing. He is only concerned about himself and that is one of the main reasons Hillary has the political establishment behind her and ergo, the vast majority of the superdelegates. So sure, fight on Bernie, but fight for the good of the Democratic Party because it is critical that they defeat the Republicans in the fall.

That's right they both play the game and Bernie doesn't and that's fine, but there are consequences. I don't know if I would say Bernie is for himself, I do believe he is for the people but no way in hell do I not think his chest isn't out being  a man of his age, leading a revolution comprised of close to 90% of of youth vote. His movement is huge and no way do I think he doesn't have any ego Ms. Bull Durham. I cracked up when she said that shit in response to whether Bernie would support Hillary. Please, was that to imply that Hillary's ego would get in her way of supporting her opponent should he win the nomination? Cause we saw that it didn't in 2008.


But I love they way "they" try to act like Obama isn't exactly like Hillary also says Ms. Bull Durham.  Yes he is, they are cut from the same cloth. He won the nomination, she campaigned her ass off for him, in return he gave her the opportunity to have official experience in foreign policy on the world stage as his Secretary of State, that was the deal. I say it's a fine deal in the world of politics by two people whether truly friendly or not, are playing for the same team and clearly understand the big picture and the bottom line in their world.

Edited by represent
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Did Joe not get the memo that the Media Ass Kissing of Donald Trump has stopped?   Joe you are not going to be part of the Trump Administration because THERE ISN'T GOING TO BE ONE!!!  


Also, stop embarrassing yourself by saying Jebra Bush would have been Best Prez Ever.  Jebra Bush couldn't lead a Brownie Troop let alone the most powerful country in the world. His administration would be just like his brother's, except this time it would be a shadow government run by his mother instead of Cheney. 

  • Love 3

Trump Supporter Hot Mic Meeka casting aspersions at the integrity of George Stephanopoulos based on nothing (clearly there won't be a debate on GMA) shows such  breathtakingly lack of self awareness it's hilarious,


Mika said that George gave 75K to the Clinton Foundation in exchange for access to her . I do recall George acknowledging to viewers that he failed to disclose his donations to their foundation when he interviewed her. He also worked for Bill Clinton.  He also disclosed his love for Hillary in his memoirs! . I know the network had to remove him as a moderator for an earlier debate between Hillary & Bernie because he would not be seen as impartial.


Joe got mad at other members of the media who are making fun of Trump Supporters. Joe is still wearing fleece. The soccer guys are back so I had to fast forward that segment.

Mika & Joe were making fun of Ted Cruz this morning. Joe was working on his Cruz impersonation. Joe defended his brother & Nicole Wallace's parents for supporting Trump. Joe said they don't agree with some of his behaviour.


Mika was upset that Hillary relies on big fundraisers vs Bernie who raises money in small amounts.


Vanderhei said Hillary & Trump have very unfavourable ratings.


Halperin thins that Trump's slogan will be Incompetent Hillary but Hillary will retaliate by focusing on the victims from Trump's shady business deals.

Meeka of course was salaciously licking her lips about tRump going after Hillary on Bill's sexual shenanigans.


This coming from the woman who sits next to a twice divorced sexist who treats her like nothing but window dressing, whom she has been rumored to be sleeping with for several years, and who was also accused of having something to do with the death of a young woman who worked for him. 


Pot, meet the kettle. 

  • Love 9

Any body watch this morning when they interviewed Hillary?  I was asleep and missed it.


Just a little bit of steamrolling from each.  Meeka tried to steamroll her about the youth that are voting for Sanders and how was she going to win them over should she be the nominee - Joe tried to steamroll her about Sanders' awful New York Daily News interview and whether it was disqualifying for a POTUS candidate.

  • Love 1
Instead she simply stated the obvious, that Bernie lacked the details to back up his plans.


I have a very close friend who has been a Bernie supporter since last summer. I'm going to see him tomorrow and want to ask him to explain to me why he & his husband (who was a Hillary supporter previously) why they are supporting Bernie. Not to be snarky, I really want to know what they see in him as a President. 


If that NYDN interview didn't open some people's eyes to his lack of details and thinking out his ideas, I don't know what does.  He has ideas that are great in theory, but it's like me going around saying "I want to marry George Clooney and be a millionaire!"  Wow that would be awesome but how's that going to happen?   It's a great idea but in theory, not very likely. 


Government can help with the cost of college with tax credits maybe? But you cannot force colleges to give away free tuition, and you can't shut down JP Morgan Chase, or Goldman Sachs.  A very large percentage of the working population has 401Ks tied to the stock market and he's going around saying it's all based on fraud.  


President Obama's interview with Marc Maron is a fantastic explanation of how the government and economy of America is like a huge aircraft carrier that has to be turned slowly, while everyone wants change to happen like they're a row boat.   You cannot change something this huge over night.   We are making great strides, not as fast as we'd like in some areas, but change is happening. 

Edited by teddysmom
  • Love 6

And to your point, once again, I'd really like to know if Bernie's 401K is being hidden under his mattress. I'd be impressed if he could claim that none of his money is being housed on

"Fraud" Street. He continues to talk about Wall Street as if he isn't a player. As if he is truly like the people who literally have no retirement savings and therefore truly have nothing on Wall Street. He's the fraud, while Wall Street has been pretty straight from the start, its ONLY priority is the all mighty dollar. Come join us if you can, but at your own risk.

And no way in hell is Sanders not a member, even if he isn't a platinum gold, card carrying member.

Edited by represent
  • Love 1

I'd love it if someone would do a story on the problems Sanders' campaign is having with his FEC filings for campaign contributions. It may be all legitimately just people not knowing how to fill out a form, but I'm thinking since he's been in office for 30 years he knows how to run a campaign and collect contributions and report them. 


He's not getting $5 bills in an envelope from your grandmother and jars of pennies from kids, like he tries to get everyone to believe. 

  • Love 3

And what was with Mika's I'm so sad and frustrated about yesterday's results attitude to open the show this morning?


Meeka was foolishly predicting that Clinton had a chance to surprise people about the WI result.  Ultimate fail - and and she looked like an idiot cleaving to that supposition, it went against the polls and Nate Silver.

Mika & Joe get called out for supporting Trump.



Joe is ridiculous. He said that Trump was growing as a candidate because he issued a press release attacking Cruz instead of having a press conference to denounce Cruz. Trump is acting like a buffoon with his press releases.


Joe's theory that the GOP could nominate Romney or Ryan on a 3rd ballot is crazy.


In Canada, we have a history of leadership conventions for our major political parties. The leader on the first ballot can lose but it's usually 2 or 3 other candidates that form a coalition to knock off the first ballot leader.


I can't see the GOP appointing Romney or Ryan.

Please, please, please can we just snark on Joe and Meeekaah?  And not on the particular candidates?  For instance, what was Meeekaah wearing yesterday?  It was a black dress or some such with what looked like a fleece jacket two sizes too big on over it?  And dear God---they were on the better part of the day.  I weep.


All of my recaps mention Joe wearing Fleece. It's very annoying. I don't see any other cable tv talk show hosts wearing fleece on their shows. It looks ridiculous. Why does Joe only wear suits if he is in in secret studio or if they have an important guest on the show?


Mika dresses well but lately she has been wearing a blanket  over her dress. Willie dresses fine.

Joe is wearing a suit today! Mika has a navy blue sleeveless dress. Joe is upset that the media is reporting on Trump's poor results in Wisconsin. Joe said Trump will do much better in New York. Mika said Ivanka looked great introducing Trump at a rally after having a baby. Katty Kay said that Trump cannot win a general election with white males. Mika & Joe were excited that people reported on Hillary's interview on the show yesterday. They were arguing about whether or not Hillary & Bernie is qualified to be President,

  • Love 3

Mika & Joe were excited that people reported on Hillary's interview on the show yesterday


They are excited because they caused a problem in the campaign with Joe's steamrolling question yesterday.  I think it's incredibly messed up.  "Journalists" are supposed to report the news, not create it.


Oh Meeka "vulgar people come in different shapes and sizes."  Did Meeka's husband cheat on her too, is that why she despises Hillary?

Edited by NextIteration
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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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