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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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Joe is back on the verbal diarrhea train.  He is mad that Trump was interviewed on Fox News last night.  Joe says Trump keeps moving the Covid death toll.  

Joe claims that there is a reason for his repetitive talking points.  It is because Joe cares about the senior citizens who could die.

Does Joe remember when Joe himself claimed that 2 million would die from Covid-19?  Yet he is mad that someone else has a wrong guess about the death toll of Covid-19.

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Joe says that the president keeps stumbling and telling people to use bleach.  

Peter Baker of NY Times says that Trump's aides cannot stop him.  He talked about times when Barack Obama showed sadness over tragedies.

Mika is disgusted that Trump did an interview at the Lincoln Memorial.  

Joe said that encouraging reopening of states is hurting Trump in the polls.

Edited by nittanycougar
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The Washington Post has a story today that Trump is unsure how to attack Biden.  If he goes after Biden's age, he could alienate older voters. Heileman says that Obama and Clinton were able to define their opponent and win in 1996 and 2008.

Heileman says the race is slipping away from Trump because of coronavirus.

Mika reviewed her interview with Joe Biden.  They showed video of the interview on Friday, in which Biden denied any sexual assault.  The point of this seems to be for Mika to take a victory lap and congratulate herself.

Mika noted that Tara Reade canceled an interview this weekend.


Edited by nittanycougar
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Up early for a change and watched the 6:00 hour.  After awhile I just wanted Meeka to stop talking...voice is nails on a chalkboard.  I am not talking about raspiness from a cold or allergies.  I am talking about the shrillness, continuous reading of editorials and columns, and constant lecturing. AND  talking.  Joe, I am begging you.....break in with a When I Was in Congress story; lecture Trump and make everyone on the panel agree with you. Dear God why can’t she stop.

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2 minutes ago, Ladyrain said:

Joe and Meek-a are especially sensitive this morning, huh?   Me thinks they do protest too much.   

To be fair, if the president continued to spread a conspiracy theory about me having an affair with an intern and then murdering her, I'd be pretty salty too.

This show has become so weird. Joe speaking directly to the president (which, even weirder, the president occasionally responds to on twitter.) Joe offering "advice" to the president that Joe knows he won't take (in hopes of baiting a reaction). Mika's now regular 7:15 freakout segment. Joe repeating the Trump coronavirus response timeline at the top of every hour. Joe disappearing for longer and longer times. A meteorologist giving coronavirus projections during the weather report  etc.


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12 hours ago, xaxat said:

To be fair, if the president continued to spread a conspiracy theory about me having an affair with an intern and then murdering her, I'd be pretty salty too.

Trump tweeted that he used Joe and Mika and tossed them aside.

 I think Joe needs to stick to talking about his views on politics and stop the insult monologues. I think Joe invites insults by making everything personal.  Then he wants to sit there and act innocent and aggrieved. 

Editing to add that I think that the president's tweet about Joe was very nasty.  However, I am not shocked because the back and forth personal insults between Joe and Trump have been over the top since 2017. I don't know how Joe was before 2017 but he comes off angry all the time now.

Edited by nittanycougar
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3 hours ago, nittanycougar said:

Heileman says the race is slipping away from Trump because of coronavirus.

It’s cute Heileman still thinks we will have free and opens elections in November. That will be during the projected second wave (anticipated as worse than the first), and both parties have set precedent limiting voting access during the current primaries. 

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16 minutes ago, nittanycougar said:

Trump tweeted that he used Joe and Mika and tossed them aside.

 I think Joe needs to stick to talking about his views on politics and stop the insult monologues. I think Joe invites insults by making everything personal.  Then he wants to sit there and act innocent and aggrieved. 

I agree. It would be better for Joe to ignore Trump's insults. Joe should have also apologized for joking about killing his intern on Don Imus's show.


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1 hour ago, xaxat said:

o be fair, if the president continued to spread a conspiracy theory about me having an affair with an intern and then murdering her, I'd be pretty salty too.

No, I agree with you on that.   But if Joe would just ignore DT's tweets (easier said than done), it would take all the air out of them. 

And honestly, I didn't really listen to Mika's neverending monologue this morning, but what little I did hear sounded like perhaps she'd gotten blowback on twitter/FB after her Biden interview and she was in full blown defense mode.   Maybe that's not what she was talking about, but I'll go back and watch.

Those two enabled DT during the last campaign by having him on every day (seemed like it as least), yucking it up with him, free publicity, thinking he didn't have a chance in hell of winning, so what was the harm, yada yada yada.   And now look where we are.   If they're not careful, they may aid and abet again, by different means.  I just think they need to calm down, take a step back, and make sure that they're accomplishing what they intend and not the polar opposite.  

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2 hours ago, Kemper said:

Up early for a change and watched the 6:00 hour.  After awhile I just wanted Meeka to stop talking...voice is nails on a chalkboard.  I am not talking about raspiness from a cold or allergies.  I am talking about the shrillness, continuous reading of editorials and columns, and constant lecturing. AND  talking.  Joe, I am begging you.....break in with a When I Was in Congress story; lecture Trump and make everyone on the panel agree with you. Dear God why can’t she stop.

I texted Sis the same thing!! It's like nails on a chalkboard!! 

I turned it on and was like I cannot believe TPTB don't tell her just to stfu.  She can't even read headlines from a newspaper or blog without sounding like a lunatic. 

People face far more terrifying situations than sitting in their basements reading a teleprompter without acting like Mika. Soldiers in combat, firemen, police, health care workers. All just do their jobs. But Shreeka has learned the only way people pay attention to her is if she has this hang dog look on her face and sounds hysterical. 

And I don't like using that word because it's used when women are angry to minimize us, but JFC that's what she is.  I get angry and loud when I'm passionate about something, but I'm not reading news stories on a tv show.  She's not even forceful, she's just whiny. 

Over the weekend Twitter was still not having her bullshit. 

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4 minutes ago, Ladyrain said:

Maybe that's not what she was talking about, but I'll go back and watch.

It would have been nice if she'd done her homework last week, the majority of that information was available before Friday. 

She is in total defense mode. Friday afternoon Nicole was defending her.  It's such bullshit.  I'm sorry but everything I've read about Tara Reade, the story has never made sense.  It changes every time someone finds something else out. 


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6 hours ago, teddysmom said:

It would have been nice if she'd done her homework last week, the majority of that information was available before Friday. 

She is in total defense mode. Friday afternoon Nicole was defending her.  It's such bullshit.  I'm sorry but everything I've read about Tara Reade, the story has never made sense.  It changes every time someone finds something else out. 


This isn’t meant as a politically-tinged question, so I hope it doesn’t come off that way. But I wonder why Mika made such a big shift from not believing Ford (or even wanting to discuss Ford’s allegations) to, a few months later, dying on the proverbial hill to believe Reade. All while still keeping up her IG photos of Biden hugging on her deceased friend’s daughter. It’s such odd behavior that I can’t make much sense of.

Edited by XOQueens
Grammar...Rona brain
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24 minutes ago, XOQueens said:

It’s such odd behavior that I can’t make much sense of.

That's Mika in a nutshell. 


26 minutes ago, XOQueens said:

All while still keeping up her IG photos of Biden hugging on her deceased friend’s daughter.


Sometimes it does seem to be a little bit of the "methinks thou protests too much" with both of them.  

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1 hour ago, XOQueens said:

This isn’t meant as a politically-tinged question, so I hope it doesn’t come off that way. But I wonder why Mika made such a big shift from not believing Ford (or even wanting to discuss Ford’s allegations) to, a few months later, dying on the proverbial hill to believe Reed. All while still keeping up her IG photos of Biden hugging on her deceased friend’s daughter. It’s such odd behavior that I can’t make much sense of.

She also had the nerve, on Twitter, to state that she would grill Trump the same way as Biden if given a chance.  Twitter was not having it and reminded her that she did have that chance in 2015 and 2016 and was a sycophant instead.

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5 minutes ago, izabella said:

She also had the nerve, on Twitter, to state that she would grill Trump the same way as Biden if given a chance.  Twitter was not having it and reminded her that she did have that chance in 2015 and 2016 and was a sycophant instead.

Mika & Joe get very upset when they are challenged on their past actions.

Can you imagine Joe trying to console Mika after she read the critical comments on social media about her interview with VP Biden ?

It's surprising that MSNBC has not spent more money erasing any video evidence of Mika & Joe's close relationship with President Trump.

Joe's reputation as the Nostradamus of cable news is at risk .

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28 minutes ago, oakville said:

Can you imagine Joe trying to console Mika after she read the critical comments on social media about her interview with VP Biden?

Well, she is the Fredo of the Brzezinsky family.

"That ain’t the way I wanted it! I can handle things. I’m smart. Not like everybody says, like dumb. I’m smart and I want respect!"


Edited by suomi
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3 hours ago, izabella said:

She also had the nerve, on Twitter, to state that she would grill Trump the same way as Biden if given a chance.  Twitter was not having it and reminded her that she did have that chance in 2015 and 2016 and was a sycophant instead.

Yes!  Yes!   A thousand times Yes!

I can't swear it didn't happen, but I was watching every morning back then during the last campaign, and I sure don't remember such a skewering.   What I do remember is laughing, joking, party time on DT's regular phone calls to the show.   He was getting free publicity and they were getting ratings.   Joe and Mika weren't going to ruffle those feathers.   Guess they feel  emboldened now, though for the life of me I can't figure out why.   I think they may have shot themselves in the foot with that Biden interrogation.   Since it aired I've found myself switching to CNN more and more, because.......well.......just because.


Edited by Ladyrain
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I wonder if a new Honcho will demand they do the show in New York...you know, where everyone else works.  I am sure Joe and Meeka will balk; thinking that the network would never let them go; they are too important!  We'll see...to me, the show originating in their house, in another state, has stopped working, if it ever really did.  

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Someone -- please initiate the uninitiated:   How will Andy Lack's departure affect our intrepid duo?   Are Meeks /Joey friends or foe of his?   Are they now on surer footing or shakier ground?   And is that why Meek-a went after Joe Biden with all verbal guns blazing, to prove that she's a serious journalist to be reckoned with?    If so, she failed miserably.

If Lack's leaving puts JoMika in an uncomfortable spot, then this show might be worth watching for awhile.   And if they're forced to return to the NY studio, I bet they'd threaten to quit.  Boo hoo.

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Joe and Mika are doing their best impression of Face the Nation.  Joe is doing a lot of the same talking points, but he is acting serious, reading prepared material, and not laughing.

Joe and Mika attempted to interpret the IMHE model from the University of Washington regarding projected Covid-19 deaths.  The best part was when Mika tried to explain one of the IMHE graphs.

Katty Kay said we are on the precipice. 

Joe said that Trump keeps revising the death count from Covid-19.  Joe probably doesn't realize that the IMHE revises the model on a daily basis.

Joe again mentioned that the president recommended hydroxychloriquine and told us to drink disinfectant.  But Joe said it in a quiet way.

Joe said that he cares about the seniors and our loved ones.

Edited by nittanycougar
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Joe suggested that people where he grew up are in the south are idiots and cannot deal with Covid-19. 

They are really trying to be a Washington show. When they broke for commercial they played the NBC election night music and showed the Lincoln Memorial.

 Morning Joe is so dignified.

Edited by nittanycougar
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It's time to get new writers.  Repeating the same old news everyday is lulling me to sleep.

Hey! Where's Rick Wilson or any of the other members of the Lincoln Project?

No, we are lucky that they can get book David Ignatius and Katty Kay. 

Well, thanks at least for Donnie this morning in some crazy get up talking about COVID deaths. It positively coo coo.


Edited by tres bien
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5 minutes ago, Kemper said:

I read yesterday (either Mediaite or Huffington Post) where Fox and Friends ...is that the one with Steve Doooocey?...beat MJ in the ratings.  Don't they always?  Why would that be news?  Thank God David Ignatius is no longer sitting in front of that dreadful orange-ish painting.

Yes, Fox and Friends is usually number one.  CNN New Day is normally in third place. 

Morning Joe came within 1000 viewers of Fox and Friends with the Biden interview on Friday.  I guess that is considered a disappointment because that was the biggest TV news event on Friday and they still didn't win the slot.

The new NBC chief will try to improve ratings in order to increase ad revenue.

Edited by nittanycougar
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8 hours ago, Ladyrain said:

Someone -- please initiate the uninitiated:   How will Andy Lack's departure affect our intrepid duo?   Are Meeks /Joey friends or foe of his?  

Joe is allegedly very close to Lack, and he helped Lack get more conservatives on the network. Joe is also allegedly very close to Noah Oppenheim, who was slated for Lack’s position when he retired but was tossed aside yesterday as the network cleaned house. 

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1 hour ago, nittanycougar said:

Yes, Fox and Friends is usually number one.  CNN New Day is normally in third place. 

Morning Joe came within 1000 viewers of Fox and Friends with the Biden interview on Friday.  I guess that is considered a disappointment because that was the biggest TV news event on Friday and they still didn't win the slot.

The new NBC chief will try to improve ratings in order to increase ad revenue.

It seems, to me, that CNN and MSNBC pretty much have the same type of viewers. So they're splitting a demographic.

Combining the two would give a larger viewership than FOX?

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It's obvious from the faux gravitas this morning that Shreeks and Douche are shitting their pants over Lack being shown the door. Considering what kind of a person Andy Lack is, I'm surprised Miss Know Your Value would want to associate with him. 

Oh, that's right she's a hypocrite who only cares about herself. 

She was all over Twitter last night, defending "her husband". It was hilarious.


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I normally like Mike Lupica; remembering fondly when he was on The Sports Reporters.  But.  At the end of his spiel this morning he starting talking about someone who I cannot remember...a woman.  At the end he told Meeka that "she (the woman) knows her value"...and then Meeka cooed and did a toned down squeal. I have to wonder if any of the other female hosts/reporters/guests on the network squeal and Twitter about their husbands. 

Both my kids want me to open a Twitter account; they have volunteered to "help" me.  I told them I would only open an account if they didn't know about it or know who I was.   opinions.   

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You can have a twitter account with a user name they don't know, but your profile will have your name  but you could put a fake name I guess.  I have a photo of Buddy as my profile and I have absolutely no information about myself other than dog lover etc. 

You don't have to tweet or have followers, but it gives you access to twitter. You don't have to follow Mika, (I don't) you can just do a search for her and her tweets come up. 

Lots of times I rage tweet at her then delete it (or not) It's quite satisfying. 

Instructions so you can do it yourself.  It's easy.  



Edited by teddysmom
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8 hours ago, XOQueens said:

Joe is allegedly very close to Lack, and he helped Lack get more conservatives on the network. Joe is also allegedly very close to Noah Oppenheim, who was slated for Lack’s position when he retired but was tossed aside yesterday as the network cleaned house. 

Thank you so much for that information.    Joe and Meeks are maybe shaking in their boots a little bit??   

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15 hours ago, nittanycougar said:

Joe suggested that people where he grew up are in the south are idiots and cannot deal with Covid-19. 

They are really trying to be a Washington show. When they broke for commercial they played the NBC election night music and showed the Lincoln Memorial.

 Morning Joe is so dignified.

I haven’t been watching much, but, came by here to see how things were going in light of Trump’s recent request for a probe. However, maybe, I should check it out more. Joe’s comment about the south not dealing with covid is spot on.  At least, in my community. 

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18 hours ago, tres bien said:

Joe loves to tout his history chops.  He compares the US death toll reaching more than the number of people killed in the Battle of Britain. I don't know what he's talking about it's so obscure to me.

It would have been more useful to compare the death toll to the number of people in a football or baseball stadium, something people can easily imagine.

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The death toll from Covid-19 is more than 70,000.  Joe says the virus is getting worse across the country.

Joe says the past week was a 9/11, Afghanistan War and Iraq War combined.  Joe seems disappointed that the last week was not equal to Vietnam.

Joe said that the president is not mentally well.  Joe's opinion is apparently based on his own expertise as a psychiatric practitioner as well as his experience living with Mika. 

S.E. Cupp wrote a story in NY Daily News saying the president is not well. Joe is excited about her psychiatric opinion as a journalist.

Joe claims to be mad that the president tweeted about him. Come on. Joe loves that spotlight.  Seems like he and Mika get off on it.


Edited by nittanycougar
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Mika says NY is trending downward, but Dallas is trending upward.  

Mika is mad that hair salons opened in Texas.  Mika, we don't all have a personal stylist to visit our house like you.

Honestly if I could get a haircut here in Wash DC I would wear a mask, do a temperature screen, and take my best chance.  But, alas, I cannot.

There is no doubt that NYC is the epicenter of Covid-19 in this country, which has been confirmed by Joe's friend Gov. Cuomo in his daily briefing.

Not sure why Joe and Mika want to act like the midwest has a worse problem than NYC.  Crowding and proximity are major factors and NYC is way more crowded than Dallas or Omaha.  People in Dallas and Omaha don't live in dense high rises, and they use public transit much less.

Edited by nittanycougar
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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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