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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

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Angry Joe is back & he exploded at Harold Ford Jr. Joe compared Bill Cosby to Bill Clinton. Joe said the problem is Hillary's Clinton treatment of Bill Clinton's sexual abused victims. Joe said her priority was to protect her political future. Harold pleaded with Joe to stop yelling at him. Harold Ford said Joe reminded him of Donald Trump's talking points. Joe blasted Harold & told him to stop using Hillary's talking points. Mika went to break and Joe was still shouting at Harold.  It's a noisy Monday on Morning Joe.


They started the show with Joe discussing his love of David Bowe who passed away.

  • Love 1

Angry Joe is back & he exploded at Harold Ford Jr. Joe compared Bill Cosby to Bill Clinton. Joe said the problem is Hillary's Clinton treatment of Bill Clinton's sexual abused victims. Joe said her priority was to protect her political future. Harold pleaded with Joe to stop yelling at him. Harold Ford said Joe reminded him of Donald Trump's talking points. Joe blasted Harold & told him to stop using Hillary's talking points. Mika went to break and Joe was still shouting at Harold.  It's a noisy Monday on Morning Joe.


I just couldn't believe what I was seeing/hearing this morning.


First of all, while sexual harassment in the workplace is a serious thing, it is NOT the equivalent of drugging and raping women, so the comparisons to Bill Cosby were way out of line.


Plus, are we REALLY going to have to listen to this shit?


Good for Harold Ford for showing a little backbone. Although after the commercial break he seemed like he'd backed down.

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I am not so far gone that I don't remember 2008. These two dum dums couldn't stop singing Hillary's praises and trying to piss of her supporters so that they wouldn't get  out the vote for Obama. I can't sit through Clinton = Cosby every day from now until November and beyond. I would love to see them say this to Pres. Clinton's face.


Joe needs an ass kicking. 

  • Love 5

I am not so far gone that I don't remember 2008. These two dum dums couldn't stop singing Hillary's praises and trying to piss of her supporters so that they wouldn't get  out the vote for Obama. I can't sit through Clinton = Cosby every day from now until November and beyond. I would love to see them say this to Pres. Clinton's face.


Joe needs an ass kicking. 


Exactly.  And I also remember in 2008 when Obama gave his acceptance speech and Scarborough and Mika desperately waxed poetic to stay on the correct side of the historic moment.  Even Buchanan was dragged out to act like it was something that made him feel good about and not go up in the attic and pull out his white sheet and remember the good old days.


I bet anything that when Hillary likely does the same both will pontificate how important it is that a woman was finally elected and go on and on for a day or so to make sure they were in the 'right'.  Before making everything her fault without a single historic precedence on the continuing horror that was the Cheney Bush foreign policy model.


In perfect world I would be voting for Elizabeth Warren Martin O'Malley ticket this November.  So in some sense Scarborough is right about Clinton's overall popularity.  But hand waving and magical thinking so hard that the idea of a Republican President from the current cast of mumblefucks is akin to the Emperor not only having no clothes but convincing the starving masses he is wearing edible underwear.


ETA spell check refuses to think I want to type Martin over Mark.

Edited by tenativelyyours
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I forgot to mention that Mark Halperin added fuel to Joe's anger when he backed him up on the Clinton sex scandals. Here's the transcript.




Here's the transcript of the fight between Joe & Harold Ford.




I have never seen Harold Ford fight back against Joe so strongly in all my year of watching the show.

Edited by oakville
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In perfect world I would be voting for Elizabeth Warren Martin O'Malley ticket this November.  So in some sense Scarborough is right about Clinton's overall popularity.  But hand waving and magical thinking so hard that the idea of a Republican President from the current cast of mumblefucks is akin to the Emperor not only having no clothes but convincing the starving masses he is wearing edible underwear


As an outside observer from the friendly country to the North, I am baffled why there are only 3 candidates for the Democratic Nomination for President yet the  GOP had about 15 candidates. Are the rules tougher to run for the Democratic nomination?


I am surprised that Joe Biden or John Kerry or Elizabeth Warren decided not to run for the nomination. There must be many talented Democratic Senators or Governors who would be interested in running for President. If you think back to 2008, Obama was a long shot against Hillary but he wasn't afraid to run against her despite only being in the Senate for a few years.


Joe said today that based on the latest NBC polls, Hillary could lose Iowa & NH to Sanders. Joe said that there would pressure on Gore, Biden & Kerry to enter the race to save the Democrats from Sanders winning the nomination. That's strange. Hillary would still have 48 states left to campaign in after losing NH & Iowa.


Mika got upset at Joe & said that Sanders should be allowed to continue his campaign if he beats Hillary in the first two states. Sanders would be an acceptable nominee for her.


I feel bad for Mika. The last few days she has had to sit quietly while Joe yells at everyone who doesn't agree with him. Mika has even had to give up the last 30 minutes of the show that were devoted to her pet causes with female panelists.

In the 7 o clock hour, Jeff Greenfield who is a respected journalist who used to be on CNN said that Hillary opened the door to the attacks from Trump by saying that all survivors of sexual assault should be listened to & believed. Greenfield said that Clinton has not been exonerated from the serious allegations against him from those accusing him of sexual assault & harassment.  Greenfield said there has been a cultural shift now on matters of sexual assault. Greenfield said the younger  generation wouldn't tolerate Bill's behavior  & Hillary's attempts to enable Bill's behavior & assaulting the reputation of those accusing Bill Clinton.  Greenfield blamed the feminists in the 1990's who drove a Republican Bob Packwood out of the Congress for making clumsy passes at women while saying that Clinton's behavior was irrelevant. Greenfield said Hillary is lucky that Christopher Hitchens from Vanity Fair is dead because he used to attack the Clinton's  for their behavior.


Joe brought up Clinton's actions against Broderick & Kathryn Wiley. Mika sighed. Joe said the new rules on sexual assault would allow the cases to be reopened .

I don't know if it's going to lead to anything to bring up all this old stuff about Bill, but I agree that it might be true that that kind of behavior wouldn't be tolerated or given a pass today, especially from the left. Still, at the end of the day that stuff is targeting him, and Hillary's the one fighting for the nomination, so I don't think it will have much effect.

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So we're just a few minutes in and after the Roll Tide mania, Joe Biden is quoted.  He states that Hillary covers a lot issues but hasn't concentrated on income inequality as Bernie always has, but has now come around to it and has thoughtful policies to address it.  Joe then goes on to spew that she's flip flopped, no, that's not a flip flop Joe, that is a change of focus, Mika calls her inauthentic.  Jesus.  And then they misrepresent the polling, saying that Hillary is behind in IA and behind by a "large amount" in NH.  The chyron reads "Clinton is in serious trouble".  I'm a Bernie supporter, but here we go again, all of MSNBC is representing the polls that way.  And why the hell they have a GOP reporter commenting (Kristine Solstis) about this race is beyond my understanding.


Once again, Clinton hatred with my coffee.


eta: Joe triples down on the poll distortion in the third hour edit and declares Bernie ahead in IA.  Meecham and Robinson try to spank him about his 1968 comparisons to little affect.

Edited by NextIteration
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I happened to catch the very end of the show today where they do that 'what have we learned today' bit and all present guests left at the end of the show stand up and say their schpiel. 


Mika called upon Jon Meacham to say his. She called him 'Meacham'. I hate that. It's tough guy locker room talk - detached and void of acknowledging a person's....well, personhood. 


What the heck, Bresinzki ? It's so very Scarborough-ish.


(I know its misspelled her last name and I dont care to look it up.)

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Ah, I watched about 15 minutes of this show today, then tuned in to Roland Martin's news program which is just one hour. But I never turned back to this shit, I'm done. I just come in here to read to play back and chuckle at times. 


However, in other more interesting news, Ted Cruz's former professor Laurence Tribe, who also happened to have taught President Obama and the Chief Justice and implied that the Chief Justice and Obama were smarter/better students during his last appearance...I believe it was "at least as smart if not better"  when referring to the Obama and the Chief Justice...was on Lawrence O'Donnell again last night. I could listen to him talk about the constitution for hours, so interesting.  He also said that Cruz was picking and choosing when it comes to the constitution when it benefits him. He sounded very cautionary and down right scared that someone like Cruz could be in a position to put justices on the bench. 


Yeah, he doesn't have to scare me, I've already posted how evil I find Cruz, like chilling just looking at his face. I've already said that he's scarier than Dump.


Dump is now quoting the professor, LOL. You  know, in his "efforts" to "help" Ted Cruz.





I have never seen Harold Ford fight back against Joe so strongly in all my year of watching the show.


Has he ever insinuated that Ford was a puppet? Because that's basically my perception and I think it was Ford's. I think I heard Ford mumble something to the effect of having a mind of his own and no one giving or telling him what to say. That's what set him off.

Edited by represent
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As an outside observer from the friendly country to the North, I am baffled why there are only 3 candidates for the Democratic Nomination for President yet the  GOP had about 15 candidates. Are the rules tougher to run for the Democratic nomination?


I am surprised that Joe Biden or John Kerry or Elizabeth Warren decided not to run for the nomination. There must be many talented Democratic Senators or Governors who would be interested in running for President. If you think back to 2008, Obama was a long shot against Hillary but he wasn't afraid to run against her despite only being in the Senate for a few years.

I'm an American and I'm as confused as you are as to why there weren't more Democratic contenders.  While I understood Biden's decision not to run (even though I was gutted when he didn't) I don't understand why Elizabeth Warren and some other Democrats didn't.  Maybe they bought into the "inevitability" story of Hillary winning the nomination?  I don't know.  All I can say is, no matter what happens, I give kudos to Bernie Sanders and Martin O'Malley for hanging in there.  


I forgot that Jim Webb was also in the mix until he dropped out.  

Edited by Ohwell
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I honestly think most of the name Democrats thought it was Hillary's "turn," especially after the last election in '08, and so they just got out of the way. They probably also thought she is still the best chance to win, although I don't think anyone anticipated what would happen with the Republicans this election cycle.


They also probably thought the electorate wanted Hillary to be the nominee, and this resistance from the left and younger liberals wouldn't happen again. I still think HIllary will win this time, but I just hope the liberals don't get upset and refuse to vote for her because she beat Bernie. He may well win IA or NH (or both), but I can't imagine him winning in places like SC or NV. Even Obama had a long, contentious fight to wrestle that nomination away from Hillary in '08- I don't see Bernie pulling that off. His support isn't as broad.


Plus, I don't think there would be much difference between a Clinton or Sanders administration. They're both saddled with a GOP congress no matter what happens (even if we take back the Senate). And Hillary will govern more to the left than she ever would have before, simply because the party itself has moved in that direction. She may not have the most dynamic personality, but I think she would be a perfectly competent, effective president. Sanders wouldn't be able to do any more than her (and I'm not convinced that he could really get elected anyway). Frankly, neither of them will be able to match Obama's actual achievements in office, no matter how much liberals grumble that he hasn't done enough. The reality is he's done a hell of a lot- he's going to be our most consequential president since LBJ and whatever Democrat follows him will be steering the success of his accomplishments. Immigration reform is maybe the one thing I can see the next Democratic president pulling together.

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I honestly think most of the name Democrats thought it was Hillary's "turn," especially after the last election in '08, and so they just got out of the way.


Yes, it could have been just that simple.  But if that was, indeed, their thinking, I can't help thinking that they've done a disservice to the American people.  I believe we deserved more candidates/points of view from which to select our nominee.

Edited by Ohwell

I honestly think most of the name Democrats thought it was Hillary's "turn," especially after the last election in '08, and so they just got out of the way.


I agree, and I think that the Democratic establishment decided very early - ergo the endorsement letter signed by all the female Democratic Senators so early on.  Elizabeth Warren signed onto the letter, but has not formalized her endorsement unlike all of her cohorts.


The concept of "turns" is generally a GOP one, they are known for falling in line and not falling in love, Democrats generally fall in love and are like herding cats.  It looks like they still do, despite the best laid plans. ;)  I support Bernie in the primary, but I will vote Democrat no matter what.  New polls are out since I linked this morning, and Bernie is leading in them both in IA and NH, I knew the trend lines looked bad for her, I just didn't like all of MSNBC misrepresenting them.

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I'm not paying attention to "blocks" but I think the third block was entirely dedicated to the SOTU and the Republican response by Nikki Haley.  Lots of criticism for Obama and the SOTU speech, massive praise for Haley and the response.  About as you'd expect.


Ryan had zero poker face last night, I hate it when I agree with Mika.


eta: didja see what they just did there regarding Iran and the unnerving firing of rockets at our aircraft carrier (which was outrageous), it's widely reported that it was 1500 yards, Joe says "1000 yards" and Cotton follows on with "a few hundred yards", Republicans just can't help themselves, they establish talking points and lie their arses off.

Edited by NextIteration
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So they didn't really review the SOTU?  Except to be wholly critical?  Seems legit.  "Political discussion show of record," indeed, Joe.

Definitely not partisan if you hear the President's speech and can not find one thing on which to comment positively.


They didn't observe how Haley was attacked by the radical right because she condemned Trump and the angry, ignorant rhetoric that buoys his poll ratings?

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So they didn't really review the SOTU?  Except to be wholly critical?  Seems legit.  "Political discussion show of record," indeed, Joe.

Definitely not partisan if you hear the President's speech and can not find one thing on which to comment positively.


They didn't observe how Haley was attacked by the radical right because she condemned Trump and the angry, ignorant rhetoric that buoys his poll ratings?


Joe's positive remark was that Obama's best SOTU was the one immediately after Newton/Sandy Hook.


They did talk about Haley's veiled condemnation of Trump and Cruz, but not in a negative way.  They addressed Coulter's response to "deport Haley" and something about Ingraham's tweet that wasn't quite as radical.

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Ah, I watched about 15 minutes of this show today, then tuned in to Roland Martin's news program which is just one hour. But I never turned back to this shit, I'm done. I just come in here to read to play back and chuckle at times. 


However, in other more interesting news, Ted Cruz's former professor Laurence Tribe, who also happened to have taught President Obama and the Chief Justice and implied that the Chief Justice and Obama were smarter/better students during his last appearance...I believe it was "at least as smart if not better"  when referring to the Obama and the Chief Justice...was on Lawrence O'Donnell again last night. I could listen to him talk about the constitution for hours, so interesting.  He also said that Cruz was picking and choosing when it comes to the constitution when it benefits him. He sounded very cautionary and down right scared that someone like Cruz could be in a position to put justices on the bench. 


Yeah, he doesn't have to scare me, I've already posted how evil I find Cruz, like chilling just looking at his face. I've already said that he's scarier than Dump.


Dump is now quoting the professor, LOL. You  know, in his "efforts" to "help" Ted Cruz.




Has he ever insinuated that Ford was a puppet? Because that's basically my perception and I think it was Ford's. I think I heard Ford mumble something to the effect of having a mind of his own and no one giving or telling him what to say. That's what set him off.

Harold Ford Jr. usually parrot's Joe's comments. Joe must have freaked out that Ford wasn't automatically agreeing with his views.

Joe was having a field day today mocking Obama over the way Iran treated the US Navy officers they captured. Joe said Obama has ruined the country's reputation as an honest broker between Shia & Sunnis.


Mika cringed when Joe made fun of how weak the USA looked against Iran.


Joe mocked Eugene Robinson who was happy that there was a balance between Sunnis & Shias.


Eugene & David were upset that Iran was still holing a Post journalist hostage. Joe said Iran was a responsible country by only burning down one Saudi embassy last month.


Jeb Bush came on . He was friendly & joked that he was taller than Rubio & didn't need Rubio's boots.


Nikki Haley got a good a review for her speech. Mika got mad at Ann Coulter for tweeting that Halley should be deported . You can't deport a US citizen.


Joe continued to bring up his idea that the GOP establishment will force Romney to run against Trump to unite the establishment against Trump. That's not realistic.


They showed clips of Chelsea Clinton attacking Senator Sanders. She said Sanders wants to dismantle Obamacare & Medicare. That's silly. Bernie wants to have a single payer system like Canada to replace Obamacare. The Canadian system would reduce administrative costs. 


Chuck Todd said that women & the youth are not supporting Hillary as much as was expected. Sanders leads 2-1 among voters under 45.

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Joe Scarborough ✔ @JoeNBC
Hey Iran, you have exactly 300 days left to push a US president around. Enjoy it while you can. After that, there will be hell to pay.
6:12 PM - 12 Jan 2016


Scarboroughs tweet. Tough guy, eh?


The entire GOP lost their collective minds yesterday when the 10 soldiers were returned safely, and without incident, .....with a phonecall and diplomacy. They all ache to use the US military might at the drop of a ..... When you have the biggest hammer to them, everything looks like a nail. This is the prime reason never, ever to vote Republican. Imagine what a Trump, or Cruz or any of them would do in a small incident like this. 


There is something quite adolescent about Scarb's need to tweet about this. Yeah, Joe, when you gonna send young Joey there to fight your Don Quixote imaginary battles to prove your stunted manhood.

Edited by Bossa Nova
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Joe blasted Obama for the Iran hostage crisis.

Why?  How?  What did Joe say?

Was he referring to the issue where the sailors were detained and released, or, is he blaming him for what happened in 1979?

Did Machine Gun Joe blast Putin for Turkey having shot down a Russian fighter jet?  Hmm... no, he didn't.

Edited by Landsnark
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He did refer to it as a hostage crisis.  Now, I find it really fishy what happened, but the Revolutionary Guard reports to the Ayatollah, so they are always more brutal and radical, so I'm never surprised by their strong-arm tactics.  That said, the sailors were held overnight as opposed to a couple weeks with the incident with the British sailors almost a decade ago.


It would kill Joe (and any GOPer) to admit, that all of the negotiations for the Nuclear Arms Deal have opened up diplomatic channels to quickly resolve these things.  He was up in arms about the sailors being shown kneeling with their hands behind their heads and the apology that has no context being shown on Iranian State television - which in spirit is a violation of the Geneva Convention.


I really hope that Clinton does not call in to the show tomorrow, it smells desperate.  And I am shocked, SHOCKED that The Nation endorsed Sanders (NOT!).

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From what I heard on NPR the soldiers were detained and the situation investigated. John Kerry called or texted the PM ( or whoever) and within hours the soldiers were released. Done and done. The quick release was attributed to the ongoing negotiations on the Iran deal and the fact that the Iranians are anticipating the lifting of sanctions. This is what positive foreign relations looks like!!!!!!!


Did I hear them say Hillary will be on tomorrow from Iowa? They don't deserve it but I can't wait for her to put them in their place.


eta. Nextiteration, great minds think alike.

Edited by Maire
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I really hope that Clinton does not call in to the show tomorrow, it smells desperate.  And I am shocked, SHOCKED that The Nation endorsed Sanders (NOT!).

Really? When you say Nation, do you mean Farrakhan's Nation of Isam?  


Because once again, I could only watch five minutes, and watched Roland Martin's news program instead, so I missed this.  


Was this reported? If it was, I'm not surprised. Decades ago, it would have surprised me, but not now.

Edited by represent


Did I hear them say Hillary will be on tomorrow from Iowa? They don't deserve it but I can't wait for her to put them in their place.

She don't need to call in there for nothing other than to tell Joe and his puppets to fuck off, which I know she can do so eloquently.


But she should call on over to the Roland Martin show, where shit isn't repeated at nauseum, and no one constantly sounds like they just can't stand her very being and are out to get her. I mean, you can't reason with that kind of disdain.


You can't tell who Martin supports with his reporting.  He has no crushes, blushing and shit like some fangirl like Joe.


No, no, no.  Katrina vanden Heuvel, managing editor of The Nation Magazine was on and announced that for only the third time in the magazine's history, they have endorsed a candidate in the primary.

OK, thanks, I don't follow this publication, don't know its history, so this didn't register for me. 




It would kill Joe (and any GOPer) to admit, that all of the negotiations for the Nuclear Arms Deal have opened up diplomatic channels to quickly resolve these things.  He was up in arms about the sailors being shown kneeling with their hands behind their heads and the apology that has no context being shown on Iranian State television - which in spirit is a violation of the Geneva Convention.



I admit, that something seemed off about the whole thing, but they gave them something to eat, I know I saw that on the tape and they let them go. And no way would any of that have happened without the channels of communication being opened via the deal.

Edited by represent
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Joe's tweet is incredibly immature.  My god, what a blowhard partisan.  He's got the Trump fever and it's affecting his behavior.  He's the host of a supposedly impartial morning political chat show, and he's hell bent on turning it into a Trump-like schoolyard.

Has he taken to social media to walk back his comment?

I presume he means in 300 days his sons will volunteer to lead the invasion of Iran, right?


Is his behavior because he wanted Chuck Todd's gig on Sunday mornings, and so now to punish NBC he's going to misbehave?  Imagine if Chris Hayes or Rachel or Chris Matthews had Tweeted something equivalent?  Joe's eyes would bleed and he'd use his show to bully them into an apology and use this as "proof" to illustrate how all liberals are something or other.

Politics and political media have gone completely insane.  You now earn your bone fides by shrieking the most offensive, aggressive thoughts you can invent. 

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Mika & Joe were excited to be back at Java Joe's in Iowa. The show has been there since 2008. They showed clips of Buchanan, Tim Russert. Mika looked completely different. Joe said Trump dominated the debate. Halperin gave him an A- which is the highest grade. Trump said his past critics are being much more positive about him. The establishment supports Trump more than Cruz.

They have Trump on live right now sitting with them in the cafe' in the 7 am hour for a full half hour.  


Trump, trump trump 24-7. Everywhere.  


All this free media he is getting. Mindlblowing.


As an aside; why is Willie Geist there on location with them in Iowa. Why is he on this show at all except maybe to sub when someone is on vacation. Then he is on the Today show. He must always be on an elevator in Rockefeller Center or walking across the street there. I don't get his role or job description. He is like white bread filler. Or maybe breadcrumbs on what should be a meatier meatball. Or what should be a better crabcake that has too much filler and not enough jumbo lump crabmeat. 


Okay enough with my food analogies. I am hungry now. 

Edited by Bossa Nova
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HAWRIBLY.  Is that a word?


Sure Joe, use Tavis Smiley against Obama and for Trump.


Can someone help me get my eyes back in their sockets?  I think they've permanently rolled to the back of my head.


People have been living paycheck to paycheck since the first recession under Bush Jr, the master of shitty job creation.

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perhaps I don't understand the rules, but how can Trump get so much free air time? I thought there was an "equal time" rule for Presidential candidates?

Trump lives in a cozy, interdependent symbiosis with the media he whips his moronic followers into a frenzy over.

Last night on Chris Matthew's show, a tall thin journo explained to a guffawing Matthews that this journo will be at Trump events and watch Trump insult him and "the media" and journalists and journalism and work the crowd into a heated, angry frenzy.  Then as the reporter leaves these events his phone will ring, and it will be Donald Trump saying nicely, "Hey, so what'd you think?  How'd I do?  Pretty good, right?  So, hey, where are you going now?  Going home?  Need a ride?  I will give you a lift on the plane."

Matthews thought this was hilarious. I think it's cynical and ugly, and it makes me curious about the mental capacity of the average American... who is told by politicians via media that politicians and "the media" are out to get you andbelieves it.

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HAWRIBLY.  Is that a word?


Sure Joe, use Tavis Smiley against Obama and for Trump.


Can someone help me get my eyes back in their sockets?  I think they've permanently rolled to the back of my head.


People have been living paycheck to paycheck since the first recession under Bush Jr, the master of shitty job creation.


I wasn't sure I heard this right.  But I was rather stunned since one of the biggest elements of the financial crash in 2008 which had started to snowball well into the early years of the decade was people living beyond their means.  I.e. living from paycheck to paycheck.  And those were the people Republicans tried to tout as being firmly middle class.  For people below the poverty level that is the first synonym in the thesaurus for "paycheck to paycheck".  Thanks to the housing bubble it dragged even more people down.  Funny how the statistic in terms of the tick upwards in job growth, security and pay thanks to Obama gets ignored for Trump's outright lying hyperbole.  "The US is the worst it has ever been".  Does this man ever actually say anything that means something?  Certainly not when Scarborough and Halperin are there carefully combing the huge Orange Ape for fleas. 

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Re Hillary. 1. I'm mad because they are using unflattering pics of her for the voiceover. Come on. 2. Bringing up her prior loss and making it all about Mika. Mika sounds stupid and her "message" question was a word salad. 3. "I'd vote for you" huh? When did Mika say that?

There is no winning here and I wish she hadn't done it. This will be turned against her in the next segment.

And that nasty Carly Fiorina. Your venom is showing. Thank god someone called her on mentioning the Clintons marriage. That backfired.

Edited by Maire
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I'm a little shocked and pleasantly surprised that they allowed Hillary to basically filibuster them with her complete vision.  I think that is where she shines against Sanders, - he becomes overly focused on the Banks, Wall Street and income inequality to the detriment of a much broader vision.


They owed Hillary that much though after the months of bashing.

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I'm a little shocked and pleasantly surprised that they allowed Hillary to basically filibuster them with her complete vision.  I think that is where she shines against Sanders, - he becomes overly focused on the Banks, Wall Street and income inequality to the detriment of a much broader vision.


They owed Hillary that much though after the months of bashing.



Considering how President Obama has pretty much given MJ a wave of the hand most of his entire time in office, I think someone might have told that Angry set of Slits that maybe pissing off the one person who stands the greatest change today of being the next President is not the best idea,  If he wants to actually have the person who knows what is going on in the White House come on his show once and a while.   Not have to invent imaginary people in high places to pretend to having an inside political track.  When it is clear even his own party doesn't talk to him outside of wanting a camera and a few minutes to polish the public image.

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I can't believe I missed Hillary on Morning Joe.  I guess subconsciously I didn't really think she'd really do it.  How was she?

There really isn't another candidate running who would be nearly as good a President as Hillary.  Sanders is new, and people seem to like that.. and that is a phenomenally stupid reason to vote for someone.  He doesn't present with any gravitas.  He's a self described Socialist ideologue, which will engender less bi-partisan support than Obama is getting.  The reason Sanders isn't being steamrolled into a fruit rollup by the right wing media machine is because they hope he's the candidate, and it's not worth their time to go off-message from Benghazi, Bill's weiner, pant suits, and emails to hit him.

I hope the left wing don't let the "money is bad, banks are bad" hippies lead the party by the nose further to the left.  Let's keep Trump/Cruz/Rubio out of office.

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I can't believe I missed Hillary on Morning Joe.  I guess subconsciously I didn't really think she'd really do it.  How was she?


I didn't know she was going to be on.  I saw them at the coffee shop and then Human Self Tanning Disaster showed up and I turned it off.   Hillary was on Rachel last night. It was a pretty good interview.  She went off on Gov Snyder of Michigan, refusing federal assistance for Flint. And then I saw this morning Snyder finally acquiesced.  


Hillary stated that Bernie yells about her taking contributions from Wall Street, but forgets that the President did as well, and it didn't stop him from trying to put new laws into place.  


People get upset about there not being more people held personally responsible, but forget that there were policies in place to protect employees of brokerage firms and banks.  And you can't prosecute people for breaking laws that didn't exist until Dodd/Frank was signed into law. 


Every time someone asks Bernie about foreign policy all he says is "The 1% have to pay!! Equity for all".  If there is equity everywhere, things will work themselves out, according to Bernie. So he's like Trump thinking he's just going to make all these other countries change hundreds of years of how they treat their citizens. 


I wonder if Joe's lips get chapped kissing Trump's ass so much.  And does Trump pull his pants down or does he make Joe do it thru his Donald Trump Designer Suits. 


Why doesn't anyone force Trump to state a policy other than "I'll fix it".  That's not a policy.  How will you fix it?   He acts like he's answering a nagging wife asking him to put up shelves. 

  • Love 6
Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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