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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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6 minutes ago, millennium said:

I think even he perceived that he was OTT because he tried to rationalize it as "Whenever we see members of either side doing something wrong, it's our job to call it out.  Today it's the left wing of the Democratic party, but remember we also called out the Republicans after Charlottesville" or some mealy-mouthed statement like that.

Joe is as batshit as Evangelicals who are protecting Israel, not out of any great love of Jews, but because the establishment of political boundaries of Israel, and Trump designating Jerusalem as  the site of our Embassy,  means the beginning of end times, and they need Israel in one piece so when the Rapture starts, they can all get over there and float up to Heaven. 

Funny how Bernie Sanders, a Jew, has been defending her all along. She hasn't said one word about Jews or Israelis, she's talking about the treatment of Palestinians, which is abhorrent, and the corruption of Congress to always side with Israel, no matter what, due in large part to the amount of money they get from members of AIPAC.  I know Joe's been busy, maybe someone on staff can point out that Netanyahu is being indicted on corruption charges by the Israeli AG. 

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5 minutes ago, millennium said:
54 minutes ago, Sader87 said:

How many times did Fmr. Rep. Schock mention he was on the covah of 'Men's Health?' I lost count aftah 4....

I'm sure it was all the buzz in waiting rooms across America.

I seriously thought he was forced to resign for all this decorating scam.  He and Kinzinger were really representing Illinois today.  

Schock: I blew hundreds of thousands of dollars to turn my office into Mary Crawley's bedroom

Kinzinger: I think refugees should fuck off. 

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10 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

I know Joe's been busy, maybe someone on staff can point out that Netanyahu is being indicted on corruption charges by the Israeli AG. 

I think he tried to compartmentalize the Netanyahu thing today, a la "you can be angry about Netanyahu but that doesn't mean you should be anti-Israel or anti-Semitic."

I suspect I will not be Raptured.

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8 minutes ago, millennium said:

I think he tried to compartmentalize the Netanyahu thing today, a la "you can be angry about Netanyahu but that doesn't mean you should be anti-Israel or anti-Semitic."

Gosh, if do the google on Joe Scarborough AIPAC looky what comes up. 

Joe got into trouble for bad mouthing....wait for it....ISRAEL. 


In the interview later Thursday, Scarborough, a contributor at POLITICO, said his concern about Palestinian civilian deaths has “been building for some time.” With each such death, he said, “Israel not only weakens their standing across the world, they strengthen the standing of Hamas inside Palestinian territories.”

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29 minutes ago, oakville said:

Donny said Pelosi has to get Omar & AOC in line or Trump will be re elected.

Donny should stay in his lane. Two representatives in Congress don't decide a Presidential election.  Esp since A LOT of people agree with both of them. Re the Green New Deal AND Israel/Palestine. 

Mika is in Detroit. My sister lives in Ann Arbor, asked me if she should go to the event. I told her if she had $600 to throw away to give it to me.  Her response: "I wouldn't pay $6 to see her".   Mika is tackling all these issues? Mika couldn't pour piss out of a boot if the directions were on the heel.  What women's issue does she tackle?   Self promotion isn't a woman's issue, Mika. 

59 minutes ago, oakville said:

Joe is very condescending to her.

Who isn't Joe condescending to? 

I think Putin got to the judge, in order to keep Manafort quiet.  He was a little too vocal from the get go about Mueller. 

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I sense the days of Joe blaming Trump and his enablers for the current state we are in are waning somewhat.  The show, discussion and guests are taking a bit of a different turn.  Lots of subliminal messaging on a couple of the more outspoken Dems.  Mr. Kemper listened to most of the show today; I didn't hear him muttering or cursing so I guess Joe was not ranting as much as usual.  It appears that Willie is doing most of the heavy lifting.

Meeka "on assignment" for Women's Day?  Is she no longer under contract to MSNBC?  I would love to her her job and hours (other than having to get up practically in the middle of the night.  But I could adapt.

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I can't find one thing online about Mika's "Tackle The Issues" event in Detroit, Joe. Are you sure she didn't just sleep in?   She must not be tackling very many issues there.  I did find a site where KYV is begging for sponsors.   #sad 

Go to Flint and help them raise money and force the state gov't to get the water situation fixed. That would help thousands of women.   Will Smith's son, is working on it, Mika.  Maybe you can drag yourself away from bra shopping and do something worthwhile.  Since you couldn't come to work today. 

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6 hours ago, teddysmom said:

Mika is in Detroit. My sister lives in Ann Arbor, asked me if she should go to the event. I told her if she had $600 to throw away to give it to me.  Her response: "I wouldn't pay $6 to see her".   Mika is tackling all these issues? Mika couldn't pour piss out of a boot if the directions were on the heel.  What women's issue does she tackle?   Self promotion isn't a woman's issue, Mika. 

I can't believe any serious event would include her.  She must have agreed to bring the snacks or something.  During the last presidential campaign I happened to stumble across a Ted Cruz event not far from my home.  A friend asked me if I was going to go take a look as normally that would be catnip to me but I told her nah as it would mean I would have to put pants on and I just wasn't feeling it.

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30 minutes ago, Chloesmom said:

I can't believe any serious event would include her.  She must have agreed to bring the snacks or something.  During the last presidential campaign I happened to stumble across a Ted Cruz event not far from my home.  A friend asked me if I was going to go take a look as normally that would be catnip to me but I told her nah as it would mean I would have to put pants on and I just wasn't feeling it.

I finally found it on her KYV FB page, she was making women stand up and speak in front of a crowd.  She did one of her selfie behind the scenes whisper videos that speaking in public terrifies her, but she got a woman in KYV to ask for a raise.

FYI,  I have asked for raises w/o blowing $600 a pop on this bullshit seminar. 

In closing, says Mika, to all you ladies out there! Have some gal pals over, drink wine, and stand on a box and talk to each other and tell your story (this one time, at band camp.....) . 

Edited by teddysmom
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2 hours ago, teddysmom said:

In closing, says Mika, to all you ladies out there! Have some gal pals over, drink wine, and stand on a box and talk to each other and tell your story (this one time, at band camp.....) . 

And I literally just snorted my Coors Light all over my laptop with the band camp reference . . . stand on a box, what the hell is the matter with her?

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Mika & Joe are in Florida. Joe is ranting about anti-semitic tropes. Joe said the GOP is worse than Democrats for anti semitic tropes.

Mika supports Joe's position. She laughed along with Joe during his rant.

It's a low energy panel today.

Joe admitted that he said stupid thing ahen he was in Congress.

Joe is mad at AOC for attacking FDR as a racist.

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3 hours ago, Kemper said:

Turned on the show at 8:30.  Did I hear correctly?  Was Joe quoting Jesus and scripture?

That was just odd. Like what? My first thought was this isn’t even a political news show anymore at all. This is just two people free associating, babbling about themselves. Then I thought is this part of his plan to run for office he’s now evidencing his bona fides to the evangelicals? Both could be true!  Then I thought perhaps he heard these biblical passages at this mother’s funeral and they stuck in his head- which brings us back to point one. 

Also his recitation of the passages was stumbling and passionless. It was Mika- worthy oratory!

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Old Country Preacher is hands down my least favorite of Joey's many personas. He goes cringe-worthy hillbilly when he does Old Country Lawyer, while the others A) try to ignore him, B) failing that, try not to encourage him, C) try to find a neutral spot to focus their gaze. I do get the impression that the panel and I share the same opinion of his sermons. I won't be the least bit surprised if one morning he starts speaking in tongues while doing OCP, and when he is finished Mika will say "Wow. Just wow."

Edited by suomi
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11 hours ago, stormy said:

I don't think the panel was awake today the hour I watched.

Joe's still harping about when he was in Congress a quarter of a century ago.

We turn on Morning Joe about 6 to wake us up (or get us up). Even with bombast, he's energizing. Today dragged and just about put me back to sleep. Everybody was low energy. 

12 hours ago, stormy said:

I don't think the panel was awake today the hour I watched.

Joe's still harping about when he was in Congress a quarter of a century ago.

I find it depressing to watch this show. I realize that Joe has had a tough time dealing with his mom. I think Mika's mom needs more care as well. Why don't they take time off for 6 months and let someone else with more energy do the show. ?

The show is so lazy that Ratner was doing aviation analysis & discussing democratic fundraising strategies etc.

I used to be so excited to watch this show 10 years ago.

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10 hours ago, abbyzenn said:

Joe certainly knows how to beat a dead horse.  What was the purpose of reshowing the interview with the Colorado governor?  I think Joe will be doing his best to ensure a Trump victory in 2020.

Joe wrote a column in the Washington Post encouraging Hickenlooper to run for President. Joe is worried that the Democrats will nominate a "radical socialist" for President. Joe would be willing to support a centrist Democrat.

10 hours ago, novhappy said:

That was just odd. Like what? My first thought was this isn’t even a political news show anymore at all. This is just two people free associating, babbling about themselves. Then I thought is this part of his plan to run for office he’s now evidencing his bona fides to the evangelicals? Both could be true!  Then I thought perhaps he heard these biblical passages at this mother’s funeral and they stuck in his head- which brings us back to point one. 

Also his recitation of the passages was stumbling and passionless. It was Mika- worthy oratory!

Joe used to brag at how popular he was with Evangelicals . I think he does have some knowledge of the bible.

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2 minutes ago, oakville said:

Katty Kay said that moderate democrats won in 2018.

Katty's correct on the numbers.    Which is why I am puzzled how the election of a comparative handful of upstarts is being regarded as a mandate for the Democratic Party (other than by the drumbeat of Morning Joe and other agenda-driven media that yes, this is the case) .   

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9 hours ago, oakville said:

Joe wrote a column in the Washington Post encouraging Hickenlooper to run for President. Joe is worried that the Democrats will nominate a "radical socialist" for President. Joe would be willing to support a centrist Democrat.

You've hit on the heart of what is so annoying about Joe (and all the other ex- or Never-Trumpers). He no longer has a home in the Republican party, but rather than go full-on independent he's decided he must now co-opt the Dems and bend them to his will.

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7 hours ago, Sader87 said:

How could Mika nevah have seen 'Wayne's World?' Not that it is a cinematic masterpiece but the gaps in her cultural awareness are continually stunning.

It's her move.  "How cute is it that I'm ignorant of low brow culture?  Maybe I'll get Joe to show me.  That was funny.  Funny.  It was funny, right?"

Mika just said, "She literally is pulling all the chips off the table," as she hyperventilates about Pelosi.  Mika doesn't understand words.   "Literally" used as a descriptor of a metaphor, "pulling all the chips off..." is profoundly dense and sounds wrong.
That segment was just all kinds of unprofessional, banal, and awful.  Ugh.  Why does Mika think we care what her opinion is of Pelosi?  Also, why does Mika gloss over her own calls for impeachment and all the bright new Social Media Socialist's?

Edited by Landsnark
I don't write well
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Listening to Joe, Mika and all of the panelists offering the Democrats advice on what they should do, one would think that Hilary Clinton got stomped by Trump both in the popular vote and electoral college and the Democrats should rebuild the party from the ground up. Preferably with some white, moderate dude. 

In reality she handily won the popular vote and the electoral college difference was less than 100k votes in a handful of states.

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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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