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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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Two weeks ago when Eric Cantor lost his Primary race to an extreme Tea Party member the entire MJ discussion centered on how this was a warning sign, sea change, rise of the Tea Party across America and the implications for other mainstream Republican races. Never mind that the total number of voters was only 65,000 in one Congressional District with a disengaged Eric Cantor, nope, this was the bell weather, the proof that America had fundamentally changed and the true grass root conservative candidate would always win.

I wonder what today's lesson will be after the Primary results are discussed and if this topic will supersede the "Bite Heard Round the World" at the World Cup? Will the Tea Party losses in Mississippi and Oaklahoma (with endorsements from Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin) tell the panel anything? I can't wait for the prognostication because Joe and his merry men (and I include Cackles in that group) have to twist everything into how this proves the President is feckless, the moderates are dead and the Conservative Republicans will take over the country.

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Seriously Morning Joe?  I try you once in the past 2 weeks, and you come out of commercial with the author of the insipid, commercial, vapid, simplistic, "Eat, Pray, Love."  Clip of the book as a movie with Julia Roberts starring.  Cut to Mika.  She coos and fawns... literally cooed, then tilted her head to the side and said, "awwww..."  I think she then began to introduce the author, because I clicked away.

They used to be better on off-political topics.

So I guess the new attack line against the Clintons is that they are "out of touch" now that they are rich.  I don't remember the Clinton's advice to borrow money from your parents if you want to go to college, or making a $10,000 bet at a debate, or whining about how they had to sell their stock to afford grad school.  It's not the simple fact of having money that makes people out of touch, it's the policies they support and the empathy (or lack of empathy) they have for people who are struggling financially.  Joe and his cronies are really desperate if this is the best argument they have against Hillary. 


Has anybody figured out why Mika hates  Hillary so much?  You could see the contempt oozing out of her while they were discussing the Clintons this morning.

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ShuFace88, I assume Mika hates Hillary because she wears pantsuits and sensible shoes...but honestly, I'd really like to know as well. Maybe her book sales exceed Mika's? I don't understand Mika's girl crush on Elizabeth Warren either. It seems to be a zero sum game and that she can't "love" one woman without hating the other woman. It's like her fixation with Christie. I'm assuming Christie flattered her and perhaps Hillary was dismissive with her (who wouldn't?).

Okay, the discussion on the Tea Party losses in the Primaries was much more sane than I expected. Even Steve Schmidt seemed pragmatic. I'm assuming it's because the mainstream Republicans that won can now pick off the Democratic opponents whereas the Tea Party candidates would probably lose in the general elections.

I'm wondering if Ted Cruz is licking his wounds this morning after the debacle in Oklahoma? I think his guy lost like by 23 points.

I may get kicked out of the I hate Joe Club but I liked his take on the Suarez bite incident. Suarez played this past season for his beloved Liverpool team but was sure to go to another team so Joe was actually--dare I say giddy--about him probably being banned (although banned for a few games doesn't seem like enough of a punishment).

Two weeks ago when Eric Cantor lost his Primary race to an extreme Tea Party member the entire MJ discussion centered on how this was a warning sign, sea change, rise of the Tea Party across America and the implications for other mainstream Republican races. Never mind that the total number of voters was only 65,000 in one Congressional District with a disengaged Eric Cantor, nope, this was the bell weather, the proof that America had fundamentally changed and the true grass root conservative candidate would always win.

I wonder what today's lesson will be after the Primary results are discussed and if this topic will supersede the "Bite Heard Round the World" at the World Cup? Will the Tea Party losses in Mississippi and Oaklahoma (with endorsements from Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin) tell the panel anything? I can't wait for the prognostication because Joe and his merry men (and I include Cackles in that group) have to twist everything into how this proves the President is feckless, the moderates are dead and the Conservative Republicans will take over the country.


It's ironic that PBS aired its Freedom Summer documentary last night (which was excellent!) on the 50th anniversary of the effort to register Black voters in Mississippi.  How ironic that some of McDaniel's supporters are squawking about voter fraud and policing the polls (i.e., intimidating Black voters) because they can't accept what happened in last night's primary in Mississippi.  It would be nice if Joe & Co. could explore why people were wiling to risk death, financial reprisals and being shunned socially 50 years ago for the right to vote and helping others to do so.  Yet, only a small fraction of the electorate now thinks it's even worthwhile to vote.  Dare I suggest that they discuss the irony of Freedom Summer 50 years ago and the current GOP's attempts to suppress voters in at least 24 states?  


If anything, this panel (including Cackles) should have figured out years ago that anything Sarah Palin touches and endorses turns to absolute shit.  Why anyone continues to seek this woman's endorsement or commentary is a mystery to me.  

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I've totally lost my patience with these dummies. And with Willie and Dreamy both on vacation, there's no one to balance out the two divas (Harold and Donnie sure don't cut it).

Mika and her women's issues are going to make me slam my head into a wall. And no one needs that at 6am. I still say Hilary tried to get Dr. Z in bed! Hey, maybe he's Chelsea's real father (the current gossip going around is about her paternity)!

Mika in her soccer scarf will be insufferable tomorrow. At least Joe really cares.

Edited by EmeraldGirl
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Has anybody figured out why Mika hates  Hillary so much?


I think it's just because she loves Elizabeth Warren so much, and she sees Hillary as "competition" to her.  I know it doesn't make a whole lot of sense (ie, she could like Hillary too...just less?) but you know, this is Mika.

And no one needs that at 6am.


I can vouch for the fact that this is all a little more bearable at 3am, because you're so tired you can't see straight and you kind of wonder if you're hallucinating the more ridiculous stuff.

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During discussion of current Mississippi politics/the Black vote Joe shared that he received more Black votes than anyone before or since.


A mention of an article in the current issue of The Atlantic re the genius that was Lennon/McCartney inspired Joe to tell us that he was a songwriter. He re-created a graphic that he sketched for his mother many moons ago, with Lawyer at one end and Artist at the other. He explained to his mother (and us) that the closer one gets to one label the further one drifts from the other.


My take from not only these ^ but various prior anecdotes is that Joe has more varied human experience than anyone, ever. He is a national treasure.
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Wes Moore (US Army veteran/paratrooper/author and IAVA board member) said there is no viable US military solution for what is going on in the ME. He said the Iraqis should figure it out because it's their country.

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I'm a 4am watcher so I apologize if I paraphrased something incorrectly.

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A mention of an article in the current issue of The Atlantic re the genius that was Lennon/McCartney inspired Joe to tell us that he was a songwriter. He re-created a graphic that he sketched for his mother many moons ago, with Lawyer at one end and Artist at the other. He explained to his mother (and us) that the closer one gets to one label the further one drifts from the other.


So, Joe invented the infographic?

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Not surprisingly, Joe stuck around to interview Ed Gillespie, the former RNC chair now running for Senate in Virginia. If he had been a Democrat, Joe probably would've left it to Mika and took a bathroom break.


Anyway, Gillespie said Virginians should vote for him rather than re-elect Mark Warner because he is an independent voice for Virginia. Whereupon, he launches into spouting the whole Republican party line, while basically accusing Warner of being Obama's handmaiden. Seriously, do these people listen to themselves at all?

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So today, Joe is so, so sad over all the hyperbolic rants from the Tea Party over Cochran's win, and shocked that it might reveal actual racism. (Shocked!)  And then....to prove that Irony is truly dead in today's political discourse, he has the nerve to say "I hate whiners."


He's kidding with this shit, right?  What the heck did he think the tea partiers meant when they marched around with racist signs and shrieked, "We want our country back!" immediately after President Obama's first election?  Wouldn't the natural follow-up question have been, "Back from what?"  Yeah, Joe...keep right on being supremely disingenuous!  Surely, he's heard this president referred to as the "food stamp president," "not a real American like us," "lazy," and as having a "Muslim outlook," and other race-baiting slurs.  Come on, Joe--can't you for once be real with your shit and not insult our intelligence?


Or, maybe Joe wasn't paying attention to the "birther" movement, as well as some mainstream GOP lawmakers who have been seeking to delegitimize President Obama since 2008 and the results of the 2008 and 2012 elections.  Perhaps Joe didn't know about the GOP impeachment "playbook" or the strategy dinner at the Caucus Room Restaurant in D.C. the night of President Obama's first inauguration, which was attended by Rep. Paul Ryan, former Speaker Newt Gingrich, Senator Mitch McConnell and other GOP notables who decided that night that their first priority was to make President Obama a one-term president.  That was their first priority over fixing an economy that was in free fall (thanks to their economic policies) or ending two wars where the tab is still running.

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We've heard Joe's musical talent when he wrote that dumb patriotic country song for 9/11. How you spend your life obsessed with Lennon and McCartney and come up with that is beyond me.

Mika is probably still trying to figure out what a Beatle is.

Heilemann has been a pretty decent contributor to CNN's The Sixties series. I'm sort of surprised that it hasn't been mentioned at all.

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So, the panel discussed the Hobby Lobby case and came up with the solution that if you don't like it, get another job. Really? I want management to tell the entire panel to wear chicken suits for a week.  If they don't like it, they can get another job.


Almost the next topic was about Facebook manipulating your emotions. They didn't like it and thought it was unethical. Seriously, if they don't like it, don't use Facebook. 


The panel loved how the soccer players celebrate the goals and commented that you don't see that in the NFL. That's because every time a player comes up with something unique, it gets banned and a 15 yard penalty is assessed.  Check out how controlled it is at the college level. The players can't take off their helmet while on the field.

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Dagny, I thought the same thing when Donnie shrugged and said the solution was for people to get another job. I couldn't believe it. Talk about Hillary being out of touch these idiots think that full time minimum wage jobs are just there for the taking. I mean the sugarcane workers should have just left the fields for a better job (oh yeah, they were locked in at night and were forced to buy food from the company store that ate up all their wages and made them indentured slaves).

I wonder if vasectomies or Viagra are also banned by the Hobby Lobby too? Yup let's let businesses legislate our morality so we women can sit at home with our sister wives and do craft projects. Are they against stem cell procedures too? Where does it stop?

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No, they weren't. In fact they made a specific note of saying this does not apply to other things like blood transfusions (Jehovah's witnesses object to those), vaccines, etc.


This kind of thing puts me in a blind rage. There cannot be a Republican in the White House as long as these old, out of touch jerks on the Supreme Court inhabit those seats. I knew they would ride Obama's two terms out but I don't see how at least one of them doesn't go in the next eight years after that, they're too old. It's infuriating.

Edited by ruby24
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One person (trying to remain neutral) said that there is scientific confusion on abortifacients.  No there isn't, only if you are scientifically illiterate and chose your own facts.


No more Bushies. Can we go more than a decade without a Bush? Please?


GM payout and recalls - has it dawned on anyone else that once a woman was put in charge, she had to clean up the mess the other guy ignored while he got his bonuses and she is getting paid less.


Nicole Wallace doesn't recognize the difference between okra and jalapeno peppers when put in context. Who puts okra on individually prepared nachos? 

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So, the panel discussed the Hobby Lobby case and came up with the solution that if you don't like it, get another job. Really? I want management to tell the entire panel to wear chicken suits for a week.  If they don't like it, they can get another job.



I've read variations of this same canard elsewhere.  Surely, these fools who live inside of a bubble of wealth and privilege, are aware that people choose jobs for various reasons and that one can't always simply leave a job when they feel like it.  Most of us don't have golden parachutes that will tide us over until something better comes along.  This decision by the 5 cardinals--um, I mean, the 5 conservative Supreme Court justices is chilling.  The last time I checked, the decision to use birth control--whether to prevent pregnancy, control excessive bleeding or to regulate one's cycles--is a decision between a woman and her doctor.  I won't even touch on the hypocrisy of Hobby Lobby getting a lot of the cheap junk they sell from China--a country that mandates abortions and forced birth control.


Mika just admitted that she had the lowest SATs and terrible grades when she was searching for colleges.

No shit, Mika.  No shit.



Landsnark, sometimes the jokes just write themselves!  LOL!


Nicole Wallace doesn't recognize the difference between okra and jalapeno peppers when put in context. Who puts okra on individually prepared nachos?




Someone who "vetted" Sarah Palin to be one heart attack away from the presidency, only to tearfully confess that she didn't vote at all because she just couldn't bring herself to do so.

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It was actually a relief not to have Joe or Mika on set this morning when they were discussing the SCOTUS decision in favor of Hobby Lobby and a privately held CORPORATION that can pick and choose what a woman can use as birth control. Poor wittle Cackles had no back up as she described this as a religious freedom issue not a war on women. The entire panel (Mike, Donnie, Willie, and Thomas) seemed dismayed by the ruling but Cackles was quick to point out that Hobby Lobby allowed for 16 other types of birth control (abstenance...rhythm perhaps) and only objected to two types they considered to be objectionable). There was a rather uncomfortable discussion between Thomas and Cackles about the Hobby Lobby allowing Viagra coverage where Thomas had to explain to Cackles the hypocracy of picking and choosing what women can use and what men want and it all involves procreation.

Donnie saw this as a win for the Democrats to bring home how ultra conservatives (Repubs) are but Cackles thinks the American public will view this with relief for protecting religious freedom (she's crazy). I think it's a big LOSS for a woman's right to choose and how dare they give religious rights to a corporation. I'm just stunned.

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I won't even touch on the hypocrisy of Hobby Lobby getting a lot of the cheap junk they sell from China--a country that mandates abortions and forced birth control.


Or the fact that their company-sponsored 401K plan holds stock in NUMEROUS companies that manufacture and sell the very contraceptives and devices they so "sincerely" oppose.

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Why would BC be considered more important as a deeply held belief that can override federal law and not objecting to blood transfusions as a deeply held belief.  There are quite a few instances where people have risked jail to prevent medical care. If they owned businesses and held those beliefs, why are those less important than BC? Same logic as a war memorial cross not being a religious symbol, but honoring the Jewish dead.


Why would BC be considered more important as a deeply held belief that can override federal law and not objecting to blood transfusions as a deeply held belief.


Because all five of the majority justices are Catholic and not Jehovah's Witnesses or Christian Scientists.  So much for the state not favoring one religion over another. 


I hope Hillary uses this issue to hammer home the point that we need her appointing new Supreme Court Justices and not Marco Rubio or Scott Walker or Rand Paul.


I really liked Ari Melber's point that this case is really about capitalism.  He said that no employee gains anything from this ruling.  The only people who benefit are the companies owners who can now exempt themselves from the law.

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Because all five of the majority justices are Catholic and not Jehovah's Witnesses or Christian Scientists.  So much for the state not favoring one religion over another. 


I hope Hillary uses this issue to hammer home the point that we need her appointing new Supreme Court Justices and not Marco Rubio or Scott Walker or Rand Paul.



We've come a long way from when then-candidate John F. Kennedy had to reassure the American public that he would not allow his religion to dictate his duties in office.


I agree about Hillary, but actually prefer that she hammers home the point that voters need to not sit at home and turn out in November 2014 to vote.  No matter who the candidate is in 2016, this president desperately needs a congress he can work with, especially the Senate.  The last thing I want is seeing the last two years of his term bogged down by attempts to impeach (oh, "sue") him in the House.  That includes those close gubernatorial races where Democratic candidates have their GOP candidates on the rope and are pulling ahead of them in the polls.  After what happened with the gubernatorial race in Virginia (which was a lot closer than people predicted), no one can afford to sit the 2014 midterms out.  I say let 2016 take care of itself.

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Mini Recap.


Mika & Joe are off. Willie is home alone. Cackles, Donnie & Barnicle on set.


the supreme court decision about Hobby Lobby was discussed. Hobby is exempt from providing the 20  forms of birth control options for their employees. They provide 16 & object to 4 options.


cackle said religious liberty applies despite what the New England Media says.


This debate is weird to me. Why can the company decide what type of birth control their employees can use?


More troops are going to Iraq to protect the US embassy & the airport. The ISIS group have fighters with European 7 American passports so they could come back & attack targets in America & Europe. 


The ISIS rebels have $2billion.. They stole 400 million from a bank in Mosul. They can pay fighters & offer good benefit plans compared to other terrorist groups.


Mike Allen said Liz & Dick Cheney are trying to rebuild roots in the GOP party after her disastrous campaign for Senate in Wyoming.

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Arejay, there is a dedicated MSNBC thread but no one ever posts there. Well, at least, not often. It is rather difficult to find, which is probably why there's not much traffic there,sadly. At the bottom of all the alphabetized shows there is "Misc. TV", and under that is a sub-topic, "Everything else TV". (Not to be confused with plain Everythjng Else, which is different.) Click on Everything Else TV and scroll down....forever. You have to "load more" several times. Once you work your way through all that you will see "MSNBC: The Good, Bad and the Ugly". It is insane how hard it is to find that topic.

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The group talked about the companies that have relocated overseas to take advantage of tax breaks.  Donnie then mentioned that the companies have a responsibility to their shareholders to maximize profit.  That has only been the case for the past 40 or 50 years. Before that is was for the common good. Which one works better for the everyday person?

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What Bizarro World did I wake up in?


Joe was bad mouthing Chris Christie and defending President Obama's foreign policy re: Russia.  And even went so far as to say that the President's comments about foreign policy, that taking it slow and hitting singles and doubles, instead of grand slams, sometimes is the better strategy.   Also, Joe Biden's idea to divide Iraq into three separate regions, ruled by Kurds, Sunnis and Shiites, might not be such a bad idea. 


Could Mika's hair get any whiter?  She looks awful. 

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Also, Joe Biden's idea to divide Iraq into three separate regions, ruled by Kurds, Sunnis and Shiites, might not be such a bad idea.


Like it was before TPTB divvied up the ME during WWI. Which was done without considering the eventual blowback; victors are like that. One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.




Can someone please explain to me why the media is giving Sarah Palin any play and her outrageous calls to impeach the President? Way Too Early ran her Facebook video which is a shameless self promoting effort to what...be on The View? Why does anything she says warrant any press? I think it's well established that she is an idiot. Her "record" on supporting Tea Party candidates is almost a sure bet that candidate will loose yet the media plays it up. It's like an interview with Ann Coulter or Kim Kardashian--only done to stir the pot.

What John Boehner's promise to sue the President isn't getting enough traction so let's impeach him? How can these people live with themselves as they grub around for the lowest common denominator voter? How can the press give it any air time? And to be very clear I do believe that this is another racist attempt to de-legitimize an African American president. Jesus Christ, if George W. Bush wasn't impeached for lying to us about WMD's and sending us to WAR what are the charges against this President...he has a Republican Party that vowed to oppose everything he did and put this country on lock down?

I've gotten to the point where I hate the media as much as the right wing nut jobs because they give a prominate voice to the blow hearts that would rather the United States fail every damn day than govern and solve problems.

Man I woke up in a bad mood when I flip on the TV and there is Sarah Palin spewing garbage and the media is treating it as an actual news story.

Edited by stafford
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Jesus Christ, if George W. Bush wasn't impeached for lying to us about WMD's and sending us to WAR what are the charges against this President...he has a Republican Party that vowed to oppose everything he did and put this country on lock down?


That was what I was yelling at my TV this morning.


To Barnicle's credit, he at least placed the blame where it belongs when he said, "Thank you, John McCain, for unleashing...THIS...on America."

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Man I woke up in a bad mood when I flip on the TV and there is Sarah Palin spewing garbage and the media is treating it as an actual news story.


Did you watch Rachel last night?  She did a story on the echo chamber of the right wing and how mainstream media is so slow to dispute or point out the hypocrisy of the bullshit they spew 24-7. 


She even talked about how Boehner is practically tripping over himself trying to keep the "impeach Obama" crowd happy, making noises about suing the President, etc. just until the elections this fall.  It's just red meat for the lunatics, in their attempt to keep the House and re-take the Senate. 


Boehner knows starting impeachment proceedings is not going to help the GOP at all, couple that with the SCOTUS decisions on voting rights, Hobby Lobby, etc., and the Dems could hold the Senate and gain in the House.


You have to hand it to Republicans, they shoot themselves in both feet and just keep reloading. 

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Eliot, I agree that it was refreshing to hear Barnacle blame McCain. I only wish Cackles was there to put a different spin on it...who am I kidding? I absolutely hate hearing her rationalizations why this President is soooo bad for the country.

teddysmom, I'm sorry I missed Rachel's segment on the utter bullshit the Republicans are spewing. I'm glad someone is taking notice.

I also don't understand why the President not visiting the border is such a cause célèbre but frankly I don't see why he doesn't just visit the border? I realize it's a mess and a terrible situation but it is NOT Katrina but you are right teddysmom that the Repubs keep reloading no matter what the facts are. I thought the President asking for $3.5 billion for this issue is brilliant and will stick the Repubs in a no win situation. Does anyone really think the Republican base gives a shit about these children (well except for the Bush's)? Poor Jeb, stating that the parents are performing an act of love threw him under the bus (with Sarah Palin driving it).

And while I'm ranting I was so surprised yesterday when Joe called out Christie for not meeting with the Sandy Hook parents. Of course Mika was torn between her two dads...should she love Joe or Christie? I wanted to transcribe her intros this week because they are so terrible. She babbles on (often contradicting herself) while trying to be "fair" but can't seem to hold an opinion or thought. She is insufferable.

Okay rant over!

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I was so surprised yesterday when Joe called out Christie for not meeting with the Sandy Hook parents. Of course Mika was torn between her two dads...should she love Joe or Christie? I wanted to transcribe her intros this week because they are so terrible. She babbles on (often contradicting herself) while trying to be "fair" but can't seem to hold an opinion or thought. She is insufferable.


I will give Joe credit on this one. He was truly shaken by what happened at Sandy Hook and has been consistent and vocal in his opinion that something needs to be done. Of course, I disagree with him strongly on what that "something" should be, but I'm glad to see he is not being all weaselly about this the way Mika is.

I will give Joe credit on this one. He was truly shaken by what happened at Sandy Hook and has been consistent and vocal in his opinion that something needs to be done. Of course, I disagree with him strongly on what that "something" should be, but I'm glad to see he is not being all weaselly about this the way Mika is.


I was absolutely shocked that Joe called Christie out on this.  I guess he realized that 2016 Presidential run for Christie is dunzo. 

That was what I was yelling at my TV this morning.


To Barnicle's credit, he at least placed the blame where it belongs when he said, "Thank you, John McCain, for unleashing...THIS...on America."


Sarah Palin is what happens when the men supposedly vetting her for Senator McCain are thinking with the heads below their waists instead of the ones above their shoulders.


It's been apparent for years that this bitch is bitter, along with McCain, for losing the 2008 election.  Her obsessive need to attack President and Michelle Obama speaks volumes.  And, she takes no ownership whatsoever for whipping up the ignorant nut fringe, one of whom saw nothing wrong with waiving a confederate flag in front of a White House currently occupied by a Black family.


I've yet to understand why the media listens to anything this increasingly haggard failed governor has to say.  Given that this idiot didn't know what the vice president's purpose is in the Senate, I would bet dollars to donuts she doesn't know the role of the Senate in impeachment proceedings either.  

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And while I'm ranting I was so surprised yesterday when Joe called out Christie for not meeting with the Sandy Hook parents. Of course Mika was torn between her two dads...should she love Joe or Christie? I wanted to transcribe her intros this week because they are so terrible. She babbles on (often contradicting herself) while trying to be "fair" but can't seem to hold an opinion or thought. She is insufferable.


Does anyone want to hazard a guess as to whether Joe and Mika were proud or embarrassed the other morning when they both announced/admitted that neither of them scored anywhere near 1000 on the SAT, much lower of course? I wonder what Joe's LSAT score was.

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today's mini recap.


Mika was haapy that she actually watched a show that was nominated for an emmy. it was called Orange is black.

Mika said her daughter Carly who is an intern on morning joe was rude to her.


Halperin & Joe were upset that Obama wouldn't negotiate with Congress.


Mika said Congress shouldn't sue the President.


capreheart was on & said Obama is frustrated with the GOP.


Julie Pace said Obama gives the same partisan speech whether he is at a democratic fundraiser or not.


The panel said Obama likes to get away from Washington.


Joe said Clinton negotiated with the GOP when he was in Congress.


Joe said the President should go on vacation.

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Whoa...Mika was actually making sense today and standing up to Joe!  He was blathering on again about how the President doesn't work with the other side and has a "tone" when talking about Republicans.  Mika jumped right in and said "what is he supposed to do when they are suing him?!"  Jonathan Capehart was also making lots of sense and challenging Joe on the whole "both sides are at fault" nonsense.  Unfortunately, Joe will probably not allow him to be on the show ever again.


Joe compared the President to Ronald Reagan who he said negotiated with the other side.  Yes, Joe, he did and that led to certain tax increases and closing loopholes.  He also had Tip O'Neill as the Speaker of the House who was light years more competent than John Boehner. 


I for one am overjoyed that the President is finally fighting back against this illogical, whiny, do-nothing Congress.

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Oakville, truer words were never written. For the life of me I don't know how Joe expects the President to find "common ground" with the House Republicans when they refuse every and all offers. Joe didn't like the comedy bits speech made by the President (hello, kettle calling the pot) and the fact that he called out the Repubs on their BS (my words not his). I'm sure if the President went back to Congress and had a more civil tone everything would be hunky dory (snark).

I've been doing some thinking about Congresses failure to do their job with this President in office and I think the hidden cause is that there are no more (or limited) earmarks. I know earmarks are considered unsavory but how the hell do you think Presidents Johnson, Kennedy, Nixon, Clinton and Bush One got the other party to vote for a bill? They held up a favorite public works project or put it on the table in exchange for a vote. A Congressperson was judged back home on how many tax dollars they brought back to their district. Now the only negotiating power the President or Speaker has is to appeal to their sense of duty (and that doesn't get you re-elected). Were their abuses...yes, but I believe they were a small percentage of the earmarks. You can't negotiate if you have nothing to offer in exchange. I'd sure like to know how many earmarks Congressman Joe brought home during his tenure. Does anyone actually believe that the Voting Rights Bill or the Fair Housing Act would have passed without promises made for earmarks (or Johnson's threats to destroy them)? I remember in years past when my congressman would come home on recess and announce a new project in the community (a public swimming pool, new waste water treatment plant, new railroad crossing signals, etc). Now all they come home with is condemnation of the other party and the country sits around waiting for another bridge to collapse. Harry Reed and John Boehner cannot offer their delegation anything for a vote and therefor have no real power.

I had to laugh during the segment on the book "Executive Presence" (dressing and talking for success for women). Mika was wearing a long sleeve top (someone obviously clued her in on the topic) so she could knowingly nod her approval and utter disgust with FLIP FLOPS...like wearing a $1,000 pair of Fuck Me heels in a tight sleeveless sheath laying across a table with her leg up in the air gives her gravitas? Please. The author of the book acknowledged that casual Fridays are the bane of women because if they dress like men (kakhis and a golf shirt) they are asked to do menial tasks on that day.

And what's up with Mika calling out her daughter (the Intern) for throwing stuff at her mother this morning (at least I thought I heard Mika saying that)? I guess Mika is projecting the public humiliation her father uses on her. I feel so sorry for Mika's daughters. Yup a good public scolding always works with your kids. So I guess "knowing your worth" allows her to chastise her daughter on TV. I'm not saying that her daughter acted appropriately (I'm sure she didn't) but maybe, just maybe her daughter should find another intership...you know, one where Mommy doesn't get to hand you a job and then bitch about you on national TV.

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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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