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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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I sort of admire people like Hugh Hewitt.  He makes a probably handsome living doing and saying just whatever crazy things pop into his head.  He doesn't have to answer for it, he doesn't have to explain, he doesn't have to show his work, he just has to be divisive, angry, lay blame, and never waver.  I'm jealous of how openly cynical and dishonest he gets to be.  It must be so freeing and non-stressful.  He doesn't have to care about being cogent.  He just has to find energy and remember talking points, and that is the top end level of effort required.  He doesn't even have the de rigueur American flag lapel pin.

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So, Fiorina is precision perfect, Mika?  Why don't you just change your party to Republican and call it a day.  Fiorina has a group of 20 talking points that she applies to any question given, yes she delivers them strongly - but how hard is it to memorize that few lines?  She's also a fucking liar, has been proven to be lying again and again about Planned Parenthood and still spews out the same rehearsed lies.


Clinton on the other hand, is wonky as hell and can speak with precision on every.single.topic. without spewing nastily, and with clarity for all to understand.  But the MJ assignment is to malign her at every turn.


It's pretty astounding.

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Why are they screeching about Carly Fiorina's tone?  Jesus.  Did you hear what she actually said, her damn tone aside?  Her "5 points" on how she'd change the entire federal government was total, absolute nonsense.  Deranged.  Unhinged.  So divorced from reality that it's eye-rolling pandering to tea partiers.  She'd totally change the tax code, simple, right?  She'd dissolve all federal agencies and place all their responsibility on Congress, simple, right?  She'd hold all members of Congress accountable, like we don't already "elections?" and uh... it's not her job as President.   And she shrieked other vapid platitudes.
They aren't debating her supposed policies, they are debating her literal performance.  So despite the Republicans tears 2 weeks ago, it seems that debates are actually just a show, and they are discussing acting performances.  Such nonsense.  I guess the liberal media actually isn't behind ripping the "debate" out of these dog and pony shows.

My wife has been asking me dozens of questions about their track suits.  What the fuck?  Did they not pack?  They look ridiculous.  NASCAR commentators at the track dress more nicely.

Edited by Landsnark
  • Love 10

My pot connection dresses better and looks more professional than Joe does. Doncha know he swans around the set in that getup, all hip, slick and cool.

Mika dressed down today as well. It's not as bad when they are in morning town hall sessions.

Halperin said Rubio & Cruz got B+'s on the debate but everyone else got a B. Kasich got a B-. No one complained about the moderators.

Trump live!. & Trump's kids as well.

Mika asked Trump if he would have a cabinet with 50% female representation. Trump said he would pick cabinet members based on their skills but that he did employ women executives in his company.

Michael Steele said the primaries & caucuses until March 15, 2016 will have proportional representation, so everyone will get delegates.

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Fiorina has a degree in philosophy. 


I think it's just interesting that Rubio is so obviously pandering to his base by hating on university degrees and academia while saying something untrue about welders.  It's a ponderous comment, philosophically.  We all ought to aspire to a find short term, physically demanding solution until our strength, health, and financial needs change?  What if we want a new career, what then?  Vocational school in our 40s?

I think it reeks of icky social engineering and is a dog whistle to "his kind" to agree that "the other kind" need to find their roles and get out of the way. #AmericanValues can only mean blue collar work, and not philosophy, you see.  "His kind" hates students, philosophically, and loves "workers."

  • Love 1
We all ought to aspire to a find short term, physically demanding solution until our strength, health, and financial needs change?  What if we want a new career, what then?  Vocational school in our 40s?


Of course we still need to raise the retirement age to 70. Everyone should work until they're 70. Doesn't matter if the body has already broken down.

  • Love 3
I think it's just interesting that Rubio is so obviously pandering to his base by hating on university degrees and academia while saying something untrue about welders.  It's a ponderous comment, philosophically.  We all ought to aspire to a find short term, physically demanding solution until our strength, health, and financial needs change?  What if we want a new career, what then?  Vocational school in our 40s?

I think it reeks of icky social engineering and is a dog whistle to "his kind" to agree that "the other kind" need to find their roles and get out of the way. #AmericanValues can only mean blue collar work, and not philosophy, you see.  "His kind" hates students, philosophically, and loves "workers."


Not to mention manufacturing/blue collar jobs are drying up and disappearing entirely. Nothing like recommending a career path that is going to be even less certain ten years from now than it is today.

  • Love 7

I guess Mika drew the short straw because she was tasked with "questioning" The Donald about his latest statements. Batten the hatches and stand by for the spewing. She made a feeble attempt at "You aren't answering my question" but was flattened by his steamrolling. Does he ever take a breath? Everyone loves him, loves him! Admires him, admires him! His life is one long string of successes, successes! His poll numbers are a thing of beauty and a revelation to those who conduct polls! No one's ever seen anything like it! re a pledge to appoint women to his Cabinet she got "I don't like to make pledges," followed by the "50%" brush-off. He appears on this show because he is guaranteed obesiance and accolades. Anything less prompts a swift zinger, pfffftt, low blow, or insult. Mika fucked up by forgetting the guidelines for dealing with a narcissistic bully boy. Hey, Joe, your girl needs a refresher course.

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Mikka is on her own today. She is having trouble dealing with Halperin who is defending Ben Carson. Mika is very upset about Carson saying that the Chinese are involved in Syria. Capeheart was upset with Carson & said John Edwards was better prepared to be President in 2004. Mika said she was getting a lot of angry texts about Carson.


Joe couldn't be on the show today since he forgot to wash his jeans & fleece sweatshirt.


The panel laughed at Trump's idea to humanely deport 11m residents. People died when Eisenhower did that in the 1950's.

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Now let's not be ridiculous, as if Joe would pass up the opportunity to bloviate just because his sweatshirt was soiled.

Boy does Mika dislike Ben Carson or what?! I can't say that I disagree with the majority of her points, but how is it that she is so flustered by Dr. Carson's failings, but can not see the same problems with Trump? Trump's bullshit sounds a lot more confident than Carson's, but it still smells.

  • Love 6

Now let's not be ridiculous, as if Joe would pass up the opportunity to bloviate just because his sweatshirt was soiled.

Boy does Mika dislike Ben Carson or what?! I can't say that I disagree with the majority of her points, but how is it that she is so flustered by Dr. Carson's failings, but can not see the same problems with Trump? Trump's bullshit sounds a lot more confident than Carson's, but it still smells.

Ha! Joe probably has several pairs of jeans & old sweaters. It drives me nuts that everyone else on TV can wear suits or at least a blazer &  a pair of pants. Joe looks like a slob on his own show.


Trump is scary with his deportation plan. Who will join his "Deportation Force"? I can't see Border Services agents doing that. Wouldn't the courts stop that?  That would be chaos.


I love it when Mika is on her own. She tries to take charge & gets easily flustered . Halperin must have been trolling her by saying Dr Carson was a viable candidate.


Peggy Noonan was on her show to swoon about how the country has gone downhill since 2000. She said her book was great. Peggy said the GOP voters are rebelling against anyone with political experience. Carson & Trump have no experience.


I think it would be fun to have Cackles, Smirky, Crystal, Peggy & Joe on the show together to brag about how great things were when the GOP had the White House. The hot air could heat Rockefeller Centre for the winter.!

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After hearing the guest lineup, I guessed the show today was going to be an abuse the administration show. Sadly I was right. Joe is on a rant that the President is not engaged. I already changed he channel.   I wonder how much longer before they are talking boots on the ground and building a safe haven in Syria as if that would work.

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Joe is dressed in a navy suit & tie. Perhaps someone at MSNBC told him to dress up for important shows. Joe is very mad at Obama for saying ISIS was contained & couldn't attack the USA. Joe is pressuring Mika to criticize the President. Mika made faces 7 finally decided to say that Obama's comments were unfortunate. Mika said the optics were bad. Joe is mocking Hillary for saying that not all Muslims are terrorists. Joe said no one is against all muslims. Joe wants them to use the term Radical Islam. Barnicle said ISIS is already mad at the West so they won't be offended by the term of Radical Islam. Joe mocked Obama's spokesman Rhodes, who wants to train Syrian rebels.  Joe wants a strong military response to ISIS. Admiral Stravidis said they should partition Syria in 3. Kurds, Sunni & Alawaites each get a part of the country. Joe said Democrats are afraid to come on to discuss ISIS.

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Monday morning, 7:30 EST. Just turned the show on. Sound off. 


Well, well, well. Look who the guests are. I was waiting for them. In fact what took them so long since the Friday attacks. Weren't they on this past weekend's, "...MeetthePressFaceTheNationThisWeekChrisWallaceFox Show"...(see it's all one Sunday news show now). Junior and Pops. The we-want-more war dynamic duo. Cranky and Spanky. Batman and his heir, Robin. Mr. Burns and Smithers. Tweedle Irratible and Tweedle Irratible in training. The Bagdad-is-perfectly-safe, rug shoppers. 


McCain and Graham. 


Talk about optics. Apparently they are together in DC, so the remote interview has them sitting very close, side by side in one camera frame. Together today ! Shoulder to shoulder. Mano with manoboyo. No separate interviews for them! Now WE'RE REALLY  MAD AND WE'RE NOT KIDDING. It's DOUBLE the fear mongering whah whah Obama. They must have been together all weekend (I am really not making any gay jokes here), plotting, bitching, kvetching, ....

Edited by Bossa Nova
  • Love 9

To think that I live in a world where anyone cares what Donald Trump thinks about international terrorism is mind boggling. His bluster this morning would have been laughable if it wasn't so important.


Joe and Mika's intentional stupidity is offensive. I heard the President's interview in which he said Isis was "contained." He was referencing their geographic region of influence in the Mideast, not their activity.

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The crisis has lessened since Joe  dressed down to a navy blue sweater. Joe was very upset with Obama's speech yesterday. Obama refuses to put ground troops in Syria & considers the Paris attack to be a setback. Joe said Obama was passive. Eugene wrote that Obama's tone was all wrong. Obama was very annoyed that people criticized his views on ISIS. Barnicle said there needs to be more than a bombing campaign. Halperin said even Democrats would be disappointed with him. Roger Cohen called Obama shameful.

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I don't see Joe lining up his precious kids to fight for the cause in Syria.


Just coming to say the same thing.  All these people who want a "strategy" which is code for ground forces, have your kids join the military RIGHT FUCKING NOW.


Oh, and be ready for them to not have the equipment they need, AGAIN, because thanks to your asshole Tea Party pals in Congress, Defense spending has been cut.  We have neither the troops or the ordnance or the will of the American people to send 20,000 troops into Syria.


But you all sit in your nice warm studios and spout off about shit you don't know anything about.  Because that really helps.  You don't even take the fucking time to find out what we are doing on a daily basis in Syria and Iraq.   


Remember how even when we were fighting in Iraq under Bush, there were still terrorist attacks in London, Madrid, etc.   But I guess W gets a pass on that, huh?

  • Love 15

While Joe sees the President's speech yesterday as "peevish, petulant and passive", I see a President who is sober, rational and calm. I don't need the President making fire and brimstone speeches. I need the President we saw yesterday who is sitting nose to nose with Putin trying to find common ground and partners in the fight against ISIS.  Let's face it.  Is there anything the President could say or do that would meet with one iota of approval from the Republicans?



So, the chorus for 'boots on the ground' is sounding a lot like it did after 9/11, led by the neo-cons with the media as their complicit partners, and none of them can figure out that their damned boots was what got the U.S. into the crisis that now exists????? Lord help us all.


Exactly!  I understand that the people of France want to bomb ISIS back to the stone age. That is a perfectly normal reaction to what happened in Paris. However, we need to remember the lessons of 9/11 and the Iraq War.  Putting 50,000 troops on the ground is not effective when you are dealing with small terror cells that can move from country to country and do much of their communicating on the dark web.


If the people of France are disappointed with President Obama, they are free to draft all of their young people and send them to Syria to fight.  I for one am happy that President Obama is staying focused on long term strategies instead of starting another ground war.


Huckabee is bloviating again about why Obama can't say "Islamic terrorism".  Don't these people realize there are over a billion Muslims in this world and we need the moderate Muslims to help us defeat ISIS. It's not that we are worried about offending the terrorists, it's that we don't want to offend moderate Muslims who may be inclined to help us.

  • Love 13

I wrote a long post about how much I appreciate Obama's sober maturity... but what's the point?  If Obama had been warlike and hysterical in his remarks, Joe would find fault.  If Obama had been warlike weeks ago, Joe would find fault.  If Obama soberly reflects the actual conditions of this situation like a statesman who is not trying to further inflame matters, Joe would find fault.  If Obama had been bombing, droning, aiding the Kurds, negotiating with Syria/Russia, working with Iraq, sending 50 special forces advisors over to Syria for the past weeks/years, Joe would find fault.  Obama has done what he's done w/out any buy-in from Congress, and only criticism, and Joe finds fault.


I was also going to suggest Joe's sons volunteer to go stem the tide of "Islamic Terrorism."

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You'd think we as a society would have learned from the mass beej the media performed on the Bush II adminstration leading up to the Iraq invasion, but today's show indicates that we have not.

I saw Obama's remarks yesterday and didn't think one thing or another about them. After listening to these asses rant and foam at the mouth that they weren't passionate and angry enough for their liking, I grew to admire him greatly for maintaining a rational, cool tone. There is a particular irony of his calling out those who would want to exploit the tragedy for political points without offering any solutions for combatting a stateless movement fueled by the anger and hate of mostly young people - given that this is exactly what these dolts were doing this morning.

If there is another war, I volunteer to drive the young Barnicles and Scarboroughs and Mika's kids to the closest recruitment center. Somehow I think my services will be declined.

The only mainstream media that has reported on the state of emergency in France - which allows the police to enter any home with no warrant, to break up assemblies and to keep people off the streets - is the BBC. Hollande wants to extend this for three months. Yet these idiots admire the French response?

After the horrible result of Iraq invasion, I would hope the media would be circumspect and skeptical about any future possible military action. So much for that. War may be fun for these idiots to watch from their anchor desks, but it ain't too fun for those in it.

  • Love 10
If there is another war, I volunteer to drive the young Barnicles and Scarboroughs and Mika's kids to the closest recruitment center. Somehow I think my services will be declined.


I just tweeted at Joe asking him if he was going to drive his sons to the recruitment office. 


Imagine what it would be like Joe, visiting Joey at Walter Reed as he is fitted with two prosthetics on the legs that were blown off by an IED.  Or calling his mother to tell her her son is dead, because of bone head policies like the one your claim would work.


Oh that's right, putting your money, or your own kids' lives, where your mouth is has never been your strong suit. 

  • Love 11


If there is another war, I volunteer to drive the young Barnicles and Scarboroughs and Mika's kids to the closest recruitment center. Somehow I think my services will be declined.


I am sure these three along with all of the Republicans running for president will gladly volunteer to pay double their taxes in order to pay for the war and the care of returning veterans.  They bitch and moan constantly about the debt but fail to remember that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are major reasons why the debt is so high.

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The only mainstream media that has reported on the state of emergency in France - which allows the police to enter any home with no warrant, to break up assemblies and to keep people off the streets - is the BBC. Hollande wants to extend this for three months. Yet these idiots admire the French response?


In all fairness, this info wan running on the MSNBC news scroll all day yesterday.

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I saw the recent Medal of Honor winner Captain Groberg on Colbert. What a remarkable man and true hero. I think the President was thinking of him and his compatriots when he gave his speech at the G-20.

I will be glad when his term is up but only because he won't have to listen to this crap anymore. The President deserves a long vacation.

  • Love 13

Here's the transcript of Mika's argument with John King.




In Canada, the new government is planning to bring in 25,000 Syrian refugees by the end of the year. Refugees can be sponsored by groups or individuals. I wonder if the US government will have a similar program.


Perhaps church groups could sponsor the refugees?

None of this would have happened if we hadn't gone into Iraq in the first place. As evil as Saddam Hussein was, he's also the one who kept these terrorist groups from rising up over there.

It was a Pandora's box. George W should have listened to his dad!. I wonder if President Obama will be forced to put ground troops in Syria if there are any god forbid, terrorist attacks by ISIS in the USA.

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I turned on the TV. It was already on MSNBC. I only lasted a couple of minutes today.  As there is more talk about putting troops on the ground, I have had the same thoughts about the money needed to support the war and the veterans on their return. Will the Republicans increase the military budget as part of the overall budget or try to fund this under the table again? 


On MJ they often complain about the Veteran's Adminisitration most recently after Hillary commented that there are problems but we should not privitize. Here is one data point. My Dad is getting wonderful care.  In fact for this one location, I remember when the care improved dramatically. It was about a year into Obama's administration because I gently teased my Dad who had voted Republican the previous year. The care prior to the change was poor. People were rude and there were long delays.

  • Love 6

Joe continues to criticize Obama today for his comments about the GOP candidates. Ignatieus tried to defend Obama, but joe wouldn't let up. He played clips of Obama mocking the GOP for not being able to handle Syrian widows & orphans & debate moderators.

Joe made fun of John Kerry for saying anyone can shoot up a restaurant. Joe said Kerry tried to justify the attacks on Charlie Hebdo because they were publishing cartoons of the muslim Prophet.


Mika said she was right about the vetting of Syrian refugees. Mika said they ask them detailed questions & give them a health check. Unfortunately there are no databases available from Syria.

I listened to Obama insult the GOP for being actual cowards and too delicate, and then Ignatius agreed, and Joe exploded.  Turned the channel.  After the segment where President Obama mourns the state of pearl-clutching among those who'd be Commander in Chief from the party of war, Mika turned to Joe with the smuggest smile and coy glance.  Joe rolled his eyes and threw it to Ignatius.


I don't think Joe believes anything he says, I've decided.  This is all just posturing and bellowing in order to score points among conservatives, the Twittersphere, and to drive ratings.  He's entertainment, not substance.  (Good mantra, btw, when he's in Super Bloviate mode.)

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re the bellowing and blustering: someone posted an article a couple weeks ago which at the end mentioned Joe's presidential aspirations. "Say it ain't so, Joe" takes on new meaning! Everything I see and hear from him makes sense after reading that article. Posturing, indeed. But it will never get off the ground because someone will ask about the death of Lori Klausutis and he will be carted away while snapping, foaming and snarling. Buh bye, White House (or any elective office).


(My elderly father received wonderful care from the VA for many years before he died, altho filing paperwork with them and waiting for responses is FUBAR. As in: it took 18 months for a pension to be approved let alone received, and we're still waiting for his grave marker over a year after his death.)

  • Love 2
Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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