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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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I couldn't bear to watch today when I heard CC would be a guest. Not worth risking a stroke.

What helped in watching the debate was being on twitter and seeing all the takedowns of the candidates.

I'm glad Carly is going to pull ahead because in reality she is horrendous. Let the GOP nominate her before they peel back the truth and the voters see who she really is..


I agree that  the whopper of the night was Jeb! having the balls to say W. kept us safe. Ummm sure Jeb!..... except for that one time.

  • Love 6

Any women out there thinking Carly is going to be your champion for health care, etc.  Here's a quote from her about the Planned Parenthood doctored videos.  


Fiorina piled on. "I dare Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to watch these tapes," she said. "Watch a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking, while someone says, 'We have to keep this alive to harvest its brain.'"

The scene Fiorina describes does not actually exist anywhere in the videos, as Vox points out, so it's unclear to what she is referring.


Full of shit, much Carly? 

  • Love 9

For me, the most infuriating moment of the night (other than Carly's blatant lying about the PP video) came with the candidates' condescending and sexist responses to the question about which woman should go on the $10 bill.


Let's review.


According to the candidates, to get on the $10 bill you should either be:


A wife (Chris Christie, Mike Huckabee)

A mother (Ben Carson)

A caregiver (Scott Walker, although I am sure Clara Barton was awesome)

A LITERAL saint (John Kasich)


Poor Rand Paul couldn't think of a second worthy woman to go on currency, so he went with Susan B Anthony who is already on the $1 coin.


And Jeb Bush couldn't think of a single worthy AMERICAN woman, so he voted for Margaret Thatcher.

  • Love 6

Despite having the right amount of complete awfulness they require and being a traitor to her gender, I don't believe the GOP trusts a woman, any woman, to be at the top of the ticket. If she ends up on it it'll probably be as a running mate.


And I bet all the liberals grumbling about Hillary will come crawling back to her fullstop if Fiorina emerges as a threat in the polls.

Edited by Ruby25
  • Love 3

New to this board, but, has anyone noticed that Mika has started to smirk more? Is she trying to "out smirk" Fiorina? Caught a few minutes of the Trump Fan Club (AKA Morning Joe) this morning, couldn't help but notice the slight change in her usual smug look. Thank you for the links to the real Fiorina background. I think it's horrendous that she doesn't clarify the fact that this was a stepchild,

and not a biological one, that died. And, why didn't at least one of those debate idiots point out that 911 happened under Bush's administration?? "Kept us safe"? Nothing like rewriting current History, and the audience actually applauded! Republicans simply change the facts to make themselves look good.


  • Love 5

New to this board, but, has anyone noticed that Mika has started to smirk more? Is she trying to "out smirk" Fiorina? Caught a few minutes of the Trump Fan Club (AKA Morning Joe) this morning, couldn't help but notice the slight change in her usual smug look. Thank you for the links to the real Fiorina background. I think it's horrendous that she doesn't clarify the fact that this was a stepchild,

and not a biological one, that died. And, why didn't at least one of those debate idiots point out that 911 happened under Bush's administration?? "Kept us safe"? Nothing like rewriting current History, and the audience actually applauded! Republicans simply change the facts to make themselves look good.


Welcome to our merry band!


I was thinking this morning, as I staggered into my living room and turned on Morning Trump, that this board is actually the only reason I keep watching this train wreck of a horror show. 

  • Love 8

I also watch for moments like Eugene Robinson pointing out that there were two topics brought up by the town hall question.  In fact, the actual question was about getting rid of muslims.  Which, if someone else said that, they'd be all over, as they should be.  But, no, Mika and Joe and your gaggle, let's concentrate on coaching Trump to be a better candidate by advising him to just be up front about his birtherism.  Personally, I won't believe him no matter what he says on that subject because it's obvious to me that he will say whatever suits his needs at the moment.


Loved them slamming CNN for going for Trump-induced ratings.  They love Trump so much they've allowed him to litterally phone it in more than any other candidate.  I mean, they personally know all of the candidates - as we are reminded ad nauseam - but he's clearly more valuable to them.


Yes, Mika has looked smugger by the day.  Unless she's worried that she has something on her face, which was my favorite moment the other morning.  Geez, get a grip.

Edited by melbaby


And I bet all the liberals grumbling about Hillary will come crawling back to her fullstop if Fiorina emerges as a threat in the polls.

What's some legislation with HRC's name on it? Or a deal she brokered as SoS? As senator of NY she stood with the police after they shot Amadou Diallo 41 times, don't think I'll be crawling to her...


This show is a disgrace. Does MSNBC even say Lean Forward anymore because THIS is not it.

Edited by ThomasAAnderson

I had to laugh at how long it took them to admit the Democratic CNN/ORC poll meant a lot more in terms of a Clinton "comeback" than they were first willing to admit.  I received the "breaking news" email from CNN about a half hour before they even brought it up, and CNN characterized it much more "glowingly" for Clinton than we got courtesy of Morning Joe.  I know y'all are shocked, lol.


eta:  I'm actually shocked that Chuck Todd wasn't there proclaiming it to be an outlier.  First thing on the Diaz Balart show was "strength" in the Clinton numbers.  The bias on MJ against Clinton is so bad, and they wonder why she has no interest in appearing on their show.


On another note, I had no idea that Heilman was so tall, and it was hilarious to see Joe quieted about Trump by Abdul-Jabbar.

Edited by NextIteration
  • Love 1

When Joe pondered if the Administration knows about the events described in this NYT story, about boys being raped by Afghanis on our base, I lost it.


Does he actually think anyone in the Administration would look the other way knowing young children are being raped?


And considering how he feels about the NYT, why isn't he questioning the veracity of this story?  It's not like they haven't been caught printing bullshit in the past, cough cough Judith Miller. 

When Joe pondered if the Administration knows about the events described in this NYT story, about boys being raped by Afghanis on our base, I lost it.


Does he actually think anyone in the Administration would look the other way knowing young children are being raped?


And considering how he feels about the NYT, why isn't he questioning the veracity of this story?  It's not like they haven't been caught printing bullshit in the past, cough cough Judith Miller. 


I haven't read the article yet, but I have to say that I'm not shocked about this, and think there is a strong possibility that it was known and nothing was done.  There was a special on Frontline about "The Dancing Boys" of the Taliban that covered this disgusting cultural phenomenon.  

I haven't read the article yet, but I have to say that I'm not shocked about this, and think there is a strong possibility that it was known and nothing was done.  There was a special on Frontline about "The Dancing Boys" of the Taliban that covered this disgusting cultural phenomenon.

I agree, although I guess one could argue how broadly you define "administration", but certainly the DoD and Intelligence services had to know. But this is part of realpolitik and I don't think a Dem or Repub admin would look at it differently, unfortunately.

The article is stomach turning.

  • Love 1

So, the The Taliban actually banned this heinous practice in 1996, but hey, we got in there and made sure it was reinstated so the Afghani pigs (sorry to insult pigs), could resume raping young boys. When, oh when, will the USA realize that certain cultures will never adapt to our Western ideals? What really worries me is how witnessing this digusting behavior will continue to haunt our troops long after they leave that rotten hell hole. Just reading the article is bad enough. I can't wait to hear

how the MJ clowns will blame Obama, even though this has been going on for hundreds of years in various parts of the Middle East. Oh, have they blamed the  Yellowstone Supervolcano on him yet? Or did I miss it???

  • Love 2

The bestest comment on yesterday's Times article:


How about stating we won't tolerate it? This is the British Commander-in-Chief's response @ 1850 to Hindu priests complaining about the ban of Sati, the burning alive of widows on the funeral pyre:


"Be it so. This burning of widows is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs."


Evidently political correctness was not of great importance in 1850.

  • Love 1

Mika & Joe turned down an interview with Hillary !




I wonder how Joe will react to Scott Walker dropping out of the race? I never like Walker.


Rubio was doing better in the polls. Trump was down.


Mika getting excited over Carly reminds me of when she was excited about Sarah Palin in 2008.


Joe was fighting Ratner this morning over Carly's record.

The panel was upset about the sexual abuse of young boys on US military bases in Afghanistan.


They want Obama to denounce it & reinstate the US officer who was fired for complaining about the rapes.


The panel brought up the old clips from 2008 when Hillary said she wasn't sure about Obama being a Christian.


Halperin spoke about Hillary's aides in 2008 circulating pictures of Obama in Muslim clothing & heavy drug use. Hillary started the rumors about Obama being a Muslim.


Joe said Hillary should stop lecturing people about Muslims given her attacks on Obama in 2008.

Edited by oakville

Spare me the outrage against Obama on the Dancing Boys - let's not pretend that this hasn't been going on since the beginning (under Bush as well).  To my way of thinking, this whole panel looks ignorant and flat footed for being unaware of this practice and being shocked "that this went on at American bases".  I hate to seem insensitive, but these motherfuckers have been raping the women and men (their peers and subordinates in arms) in their midst and getting away with it since the beginning of time and we rarely see any outrage.


Fourner continues to be despicable.

  • Love 7

Halperin spoke about Hillary's aides in 2008 circulating pictures of Obama in Muslim clothing & heavy drug use. Hillary started the rumors about Obama being a Muslim.


Hillary didn't start the rumors about Obama being a Muslim. That was all on the right wing nut jobs and Palin was a perfect vehicle to carry their vitriol and lies and slimy Halperin was more than happy to "report" their garbage. Hillary didn't cover herself with glory during that campaign but to suggest that she started it is just more right wing crap.

  • Love 4

Of course not, I just don't understand the context of it, since it's not generally been intellectually introduced. 


I post the transcripts from whatever site covered the show. Newsbusters & Mediaite are the only two that I know of that post transcripts of the shows.


I doubt Mika & Joe will be invited to Hillary's inauguration if they keep bringing her email scandals.

  • Love 1

So I watched a segment titled 'Birther-in-Chief' on Hardball tonight. CM and his panel were saying that Trump cutting ties with FauxNews won't last, because FN is his only megaphone for rallying his base and FN is the only place that broadcasts just about daily phone calls/interviews with him which rally his base. And I thought WTF? Is CM unaware of Morning Joe's megaphone?

  • Love 3

So I watched a segment titled 'Birther-in-Chief' on Hardball tonight. CM and his panel were saying that Trump cutting ties with FauxNews won't last, because FN is his only megaphone for rallying his base and FN is the only place that broadcasts just about daily phone calls/interviews with him which rally his base. And I thought WTF? Is CM unaware of Morning Joe's megaphone?


Chris Hayes went after Trump about accusing Hillary of being the one that started the Birther rumors as well.


And Lawrence said that Trump will be on MJ this morning.

Edited by NextIteration

Mika was off today. Donny Deutsche was on the panel. His mom supports Trump. Joe said people came up to him to tell him that they like Trump.


Trump attacked Fox News for saying that Fiorina cut off his b*lls.


Trump still leads in the polls but Rubio, Fiorina is gaining ground.

Trump will be on Morning Joe today.


Hillary denies being the one who started the birther movement.


Reggie Love, Obama's aide said that Hillary's campaign was sending out the Obama is a muslim campaign.

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They may have momentariy run out of gas about the e-mail issue, so now it's Haillary Clinton's fault that the birther movement started? Trump is given endless time to blather on, and no one challenges his refusal to talk about his birther past.  I often check the program out but rarely last more than 15 minutes. This show is shameless.

Here is Chris Hayes' piece from 2007 about the origination of Obama as a Muslim story.


Here is the All In piece from last night discussing the origins of "birtherism".


It's a shame that Scarborough is being allowed to report the exact opposite of the truth in the mornings.  I don't understand how one cable channel can make such different editorial choices.

  • Love 4

What I don't understand is why the analysts and media watch dogs who are on in the late afternoon and after Chris Matthews don't analyze and scrutinize Morning Joe's mudslinging and yellow journalism.  It would make for CRAZY ratings as MSNBC would seem to turn on itself.  It would boost both MJ's ratings and also the late evening bloc's ratings.

Chris and Rachel must have been told not to.  Only explanation.  Scarborough is such a soft, easy target for them to skewer.

  • Love 4

Today's show was mostly dedicated to the Pope's visit to America. Joe was in Chicago . They showed pictures of Mika meeting Pope John Paul 2. Mika's mom told the pope she was in favor of abortion.


Everyone likes the new pope.


I found it funny that Joe said he grew up as a Southern Baptist but went to Catholic school. Joe told the panel about the experiences in Catholic school. Why would a Baptist go to a Catholic school.?


No matter what the topic is, Joe has a personal story from his youth that shows he knew what was going on.


I can't wait for stories about Joe growing up on a Kibbutz in Israel or Joe spending a summer in Syria while he was a teenager.


The daily Trump phone calls are becoming boring. Joe was right to tell Trump to stop attacking pundits & news personalities.

  • Love 6

Morning Joe's star panelist gets called out for his NY times article blasting Carly. Perhaps the NY Times was unaware that he was supporting Hillary?  I hope Mika & Joe give him a chance to respond to this article the next time he is on the show. He does good work on the show with his charts. 



Apologies in advance if this has been mentioned; I scanned previous posts, didn't see anything. But...where has Mika been lately? Vacation? She and Dr. Z in Rome with the Pope? Staging a walk-out over her 'worth'? I just can't take her simpering and eye-rolling and tsk-tsking while Joe bloviates and all the other panelists have actual discourse. She's not even a very good backup singer to the main act. How she gets (almost) equal billing - and presumably pay, based on her "knowing her worth" - is a complete mystery. I was just thinking: if she was not the co-host of this mess but merely a guest panelist, how much exactly would she contribute to any discussion? How often would she be invited back on, based on that? She is, in my humble opinion, the luckiest person in television news to have landed this gig. ~ And it's only 6:30 a.m. so maybe she'll just roll in late this morning and my initial questions will be moot.

Edited by Ladyrain
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I often don't understand Mika's "vacation schedules".  I figured she was off last week from Wednesday on because she had one of her stupid "know your value" rip-off seminars in Chicago on Wednesday.  Why neither her nor Joe are there today is a mystery.


It's more pleasant for their absence, of course.


eta:  I stand corrected, the seminar was on Friday, not Wednesday.

Edited by NextIteration
  • Love 1

I may have answered my own question, upon seeing a video clip at the end of MJ.  Yes indeed, Mika was onstage at one of her 'Know Your Value' events.  Accompanied by her co-hort.  If she's supposedly so "worthwhile", why does she need that windbag up there by her side?  To boost the ratings?  To calm her nerves?  Fill in the blank . . . .    Also, when there are two hosts of a tv show, why do they have to take time off together?  Makes no sense; plus I'm in a distint minority (of one probably) who thinks that Mika does a much better job when she hosts MJ alone; Joe just pummels what little self-confidence she may have when he's sitting beside her, ranting and raving and constantly putting her down.  That's why I think it's the height of irony that she promotes herself as an icon of womens' self esteem.  And dragging that beady-eyed jackass around on her tour seems to negate the notion of women as powerful figures all on their own.  Okay.  Done ranting now.

  • Love 8

Don't get me wrong...I think women founding and growing their own businesses is a great, great thing. But it seems like Mika is sending a message that the only way for a woman to get ahead is to found her own spinning studio or work as a freelance writer.


How about supporting the growth of women who want to succeed in (traditional) corporate America? How about giving $10,000 to a woman who wants to get an MBA and lead a Fortune 500 company someday?

  • Love 3
Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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