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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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1 hour ago, stormy said:

Did trump show the Saudi's his electoral map?

Newsflash to Joe.  You can stop bashing President Obama.  He's (unfortunately) no longer president.

LOL!. I think it's pretty funny to watch Trump at all these fancy conferences with the Saudis. Swaying to the music with a sword sounds like fun. Why didn't Obama get invited to these parties? Andrea said that Obama didn't bother visiting Israel or Saudi Arabia till his second term & they didn't put on  a show for him like they did for President Trump.


I forgot to add in my recap that Joe forgot to apologize for being wrong on Bannon & Miller. Both were invited to the Saudi trip. Joe speculating that Kushner is under investigation is not good since Jared was Joe's best informant in the White House. Why does Joe burn so many bridges to Washington Insiders?

  • Love 1

I am really enjoying this odd schadenfreude regarding Trump's ridiculous, continual failures and Joe's ceaseless cheap shots, fair shots, funny shots, and pained grimaces as he observes the failure as well.  
Barnicle said that Trump is Chance the gardner, and Joe said no, he is Lloyd Christmas.  That is some funny stuff.  OFC Mika has no idea what they are talking about.
LOVE their reaction to that fucking ****** Wilbur Ross praising the lack of protests in Saudi Arabia.  Christ on a cracker, what is happening to our nation?

  • Love 7

Tuesday Recap. Joe is in the bunker. Mika looks like a raccoon with too much mascara. Mika started with her daily the "White House is in Chaos" theme but had to stop to discuss the terrorist attack in Manchester.

Katty had no clue where Manchester was . It's in Britain, Katty .She was happy that Muslim taxi drivers waived their fees to take injured concert goers to hospitals. What about non Muslim taxi drivers? Did they charge people? Katty acknowledged the large Muslim community in Manchester

Katty was upset that girls were killed. Katty's daughter wants to see Ariana Grande.

The latest info on Russia- White House is that Trump made calls to intelligence chiefs about the investigation asking them to stop it. It may be obstruction of justice.

The problem is no one knows what the crime is. Turley keeps reminding the panel that you have to have a grand jury sitting or some sort of criminal investigation in place to have an obstruction of justice charge.

Ratner thinks that Trump is used to being a businessman who calls people to get things done. That's not how it works in Washington.

The rest of the show was the usual Trump bashing. It's becoming ridiculous. Mika looks like she is going to collapse in tears over the latest Trump scandal.

Piercing Eyes Elise said Trump can't get any of his agenda through with all the Russia investigations

  • Love 2

Has no one realized that trumpgate has made Watergate look like chump change?  Or will they just chalk it up to his inexperience (translation, ignorance)?

Why no uproar over the Saudi's giving 100 million to Ivanka's foundation for women?  Isn't that pay-for-play which trump accused Hillary of? 

Edited by stormy
  • Love 9
5 minutes ago, stormy said:

Has no one realized that trumpgate has made Watergate look like chump change?  Or will they just chalk it up to his inexperienc (translation, ignorance)?

Why no uproar over the Saudi's giving 100 million to Ivanka's foundation for women?  Isn't that pay-for-play which trump accused Hillary of? 

It would be nice if the media could do some work on Trump's interests or dealing with Russian companies. It is widely known that the owner of Trump Hotel & Condos in Toronto was Russian and had some shady financing. The lawyer representing the condo owners committed suicide in Iran a few years ago.


The Saudi investment in Ivanka's foundation is very similar to what happened with the Clinton foundation

Edited by oakville

The Saudi investment in Ivanka's foundation is very similar to what happened with the Clinton foundation

But it's okey dokey now cos you know....


It would be nice if the media could do some work on Trump's interests or dealing with Russian companies. It is widely known that the owner of Trump Hotel & Condos in Toronto was Russian and had some shady financing. The lawyer representing the condo owners committed suicide in Iran a few years ago.

Rachel Maddow hits on these topics from time to time.  I have a feeling a lot of her shows get changed at the last minute because of all the 6 pm breaking news of late, but she has really been getting into the weeds on the Russian connections.

Edited by teddysmom
  • Love 2

Or will they just chalk it up to his inexperience (translation, ignorance)?

That's what I think it is.  But we will see.

I enjoyed the !STAMINA! clip show. All those idiotic juvenille and classless things he and his surrogates said during the campaign are coming back to bite him in his junk food-eating ass.

I had a long conversation with a male friend during a car ride.  He is a biblical Christian and is in an all male Bible study, almost all of the men (mostly older) voted for Trump.  I asked him how they condoned his behavior and personality, both now and during the campaign and he said that they felt he would appoint less-liberal, (presumabbly by default, more Christian) people to cabinet and government posts, thus putting the country back on track, even though Trump himself acts in direct opposite of Christian behavior.  Just food for thought, if you are interested.

Edited by WhineandCheez
  • Love 3

Mika & Joe are now bragging that they warned Trump, Ivanka & Jared that Flynn should not be allowed in the White House job. They recommended Chris Christie.  This is absurd. Mika & Joe tried to convince viewers two months ago that Ivanka & Jared were the adults in the White House & that they were the ones who could get rid of the Evil Bannon & Miller. Joe stopped bashing Bannon & Miller.

Mika went on a rant about how everything with Trump is because of his personal interest.

That is the "pot calling the kettle black ". Mika & Joe are always trying to get "personal" with the people they cover.

  • Love 3

I had a long conversation with a male friend during a car ride.  He is a biblical Christian and is in an all male Bible study, almost all of the men (mostly older) voted for Trump.  I asked him how they condoned his behavior and personality, both now and during the campaign and he said that they felt he would appoint less-liberal, (presumabbly by default, more Christian) people to cabinet and government posts, thus putting the country back on track, even though Trump himself acts in direct opposite of Christian behavior.  Just food for thought, if you are interested.

This definitely plays out in what I've read recently that culture, not economics was what drove Trump voters.

They wanted America to be white, conservative and repressive. 

Hope Jesus can keep that coal mine and factory open for you. 

  • Love 8
On 5/22/2017 at 10:08 AM, teddysmom said:

I wouldn't even be so sure that Pence is being lied to.  I think Pence knows a whole lot more than he claims, he's just decided that his cover is he's being lied to.

All these stories coming out to the press about him being the guy that has no idea what's been going on are more than likely coming from his people, trying to establish that he's still pure as the driven snow.  Mike Pence is a conniving mother fucker, and he's a lot smarter than Trump, in that he knows when to keep his mouth shut. 

Honestly, the whole gang of Trump's are liars and committing and/or covering up treason.  Makes me sick.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, oakville said:

Tuesday Recap. Joe is in the bunker. Mika looks like a raccoon with too much mascara. Mika started with her daily the "White House is in Chaos" theme but had to stop to discuss the terrorist attack in Manchester.

Katty had no clue where Manchester was . It's in Britain, Katty .She was happy that Muslim taxi drivers waived their fees to take injured concert goers to hospitals. What about non Muslim taxi drivers? Did they charge people? Katty acknowledged the large Muslim community in Manchester

Katty was upset that girls were killed. Katty's daughter wants to see Ariana Grande.

The latest info on Russia- White House is that Trump made calls to intelligence chiefs about the investigation asking them to stop it. It may be obstruction of justice.

The problem is no one knows what the crime is. Turley keeps reminding the panel that you have to have a grand jury sitting or some sort of criminal investigation in place to have an obstruction of justice charge.

Ratner thinks that Trump is used to being a businessman who calls people to get things done. That's not how it works in Washington.

The rest of the show was the usual Trump bashing. It's becoming ridiculous. Mika looks like she is going to collapse in tears over the latest Trump scandal.

Piercing Eyes Elise said Trump can't get any of his agenda through with all the Russia investigations

What can they do but bash Trump?  He is a bafoon, who I believe is putting our country at risk with his cronies, stupid remarks, and being in bed with Russia!  GO JOE!!!


What can they do but bash Trump?  He is a bafoon, who I believe is putting our country at risk with his cronies, stupid remarks, and being in bed with Russia!  GO JOE!!!

The show has to get back to having serious conversations about politics. Mika & Joe daily freakouts over everything Trump are becoming tiresome to recap. Mika is practically hysterical from the moment she appears on the set. Her mascara was over the top today. Joe's hair in the bunker was a mess.

Mika & Joe are running out of people to insult. They are  childish bullies.

  • Love 2

The show has to get back to having serious conversations about politics. Mika & Joe daily freakouts over everything Trump are becoming tiresome to recap. Mika is practically hysterical from the moment she appears on the set. Her mascara was over the top today. Joe's hair in the bunker was a mess.

And it sounds like old news when the crisis du jour has already been discussed almost ad nauseum the night before. 

Cover the Congressional races, or the GOP budget plan ( or lack thereof), school choice, etc. 

And for the love of God, stop with the matching outfits.  Are you two getting married, or adopting each other as siblings? Or both? 

  • Love 4
14 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

And it sounds like old news when the crisis du jour has already been discussed almost ad nauseum the night before. 

Cover the Congressional races, or the GOP budget plan ( or lack thereof), school choice, etc. 

And for the love of God, stop with the matching outfits.  Are you two getting married, or adopting each other as siblings? Or both? 

Agreed. It's getting ridiculous that they cover Trump's latest scandal on Monday is if no one else covered it during the weekend. Joe has spending a lot of time in the Bunker recently. I wonder why?

From what little I saw today, Joe can talk coherently about the goings-on in the Drumpf White House with quite a bit of seriousness.  However, I nearly burned my ear with my flatiron when he started touting Rex Tillerson(!) as if he's some kind of person with gravitas, who should have been in a position to keep Drumpf from self-destructing.  What utter bullshit!  Tillerson has no more experience than Drumpf does, and his diplomatic and foreign service (the operative word being, "service") credentials were non-existent before he was tapped to be Secretary of State.  Of course, he couldn't pass up the opportunity to throw shade at President Obama during his discussion with Andrea Mitchell.  

It was interesting hearing Mika acknowledging that neither of the Kushners (who shouldn't be there) have what it takes to keep Drumpf on the straight and narrow.  I was also pleasantly surprised when Joe discussed that horrific, punitive and shockingly cruel budget proposal.  

  • Love 6

Agreed. It's getting ridiculous that they cover Trump's latest scandal on Monday is if no one else covered it during the weekend

Yes, yesterday morning Mika started in on the WaPo and NYT stories from Friday afternoon and I thought, did you even turn on MSNBC this weekend, it's was covered from 8 am to 9 pm both days.   

I hate that I know that. I did take time off to watch The Keepers on Netflix. Because what's more depressing than Donald Trump?  A Catholic Church child sex abuse/murder documentary. 


 Of course, he couldn't pass up the opportunity to throw shade at President Obama during his discussion with Andrea Mitchell.  

I heard that too!  I thought, Great here we go again with the red line bullshit.   Congress wrote Obama a letter that there was no freaking way they would support the US going into Syria.   Why didn't Israel bomb Syria if it was so important to the hawks in Israel and their friends in the US? 

I even got a co worker who has been beating that drum for 3 years to admit it was Congress that shut it down, and Obama was tired of their shit. 

Edited by teddysmom
  • Love 3
5 hours ago, oakville said:

The latest info on Russia- White House is that Trump made calls to intelligence chiefs about the investigation asking them to stop it. It may be obstruction of justice.

The problem is no one knows what the crime is. Turley keeps reminding the panel that you have to have a grand jury sitting or some sort of criminal investigation in place to have an obstruction of justice charge.

Then Turley and the panel haven't been paying attention, because there IS a grand jury that subpoena'd records on Flynn, in Alexandria, Virginia.   I guess Turley has also forgotten the Mueller investigation which Rosenstein told the Senate and the House has been expanded to a criminal investigation?  What kind of pundits are they when they don't know basic facts?

CNN: http://www.cnn.com/2017/05/09/politics/grand-jury-fbi-russia/


Washington (CNN)Federal prosecutors have issued grand jury subpoenas to associates of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn seeking business records, as part of the ongoing probe of Russian meddling in last year's election, according to people familiar with the matter. CNN learned of the subpoenas hours before President Donald Trump fired FBI director James Comey.

The subpoenas represent the first sign of a significant escalation of activity in the FBI's broader investigation begun last July into possible ties between Trump campaign associates and Russia.

The subpoenas issued in recent weeks by the US Attorney's Office in Alexandria, Virginia, were received by associates who worked with Flynn on contracts after he was forced out as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2014, according to the people familiar with the investigation.

Robert Kelner, an attorney for Flynn, declined to comment. The US Attorney's Office in Alexandria, the Justice Department and the FBI also declined to comment.

Edited by izabella
  • Love 5
2 minutes ago, novhappy said:

I find it interesting that Joe is so appalled and horrified by the proposed Medicaid cuts. Isn't the only political stance Joe really holds that of cut the deficit, cut taxes? Hasn't  he been saying for years entitlements must be cut? I guess only he knows how to cut the "smartly" so they are not savage cuts?

Doesn't Joe have an autistic son?  If he's active in the community, he is well aware that many of the parents of autistic children need to rely on Medicaid for their care.

  • Love 2

Joe has a son with Asperger's. Not sure how active he is.

I think Ron Fournier has an autistic son too, and Joe has always said nice things about Fournier's commitment to his son and his advocacy for autistic children and their families.


Edited by Mumbles
Edited because I mistook Fournier for David Axelrod, who does a lot of work for folks with epilepsy, as his daughter is epileptic. Joe has been supportive of those efforts too.]
  • Love 2
2 hours ago, teddysmom said:

 I thought, Great here we go again with the red line bullshit.   Congress wrote Obama a letter that there was no freaking way they would support the US going into Syria.

I'll never understand this.  Obama wasn't allowed to use the U.S. military against Syria, so instead he forced Putin to handle the chemical weapons situation... and know what?  Syria didn't use chemical weapons again, until Trump became President.  Syria admitted they had stockpiles and know what?  They destroyed them.  Yep. 
I do not understand the mockery of the red line comment.  Syria didn't cross it.  Obama enforced it.

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, izabella said:

Doesn't Joe have an autistic son?  If he's active in the community, he is well aware that many of the parents of autistic children need to rely on Medicaid for their care.

Right he does. But I believe his stated position and that of his party and his wing of his party (fiscally conservative as he frequently reminds us) is for this country to succeed into the future is cut the deficit and taxes and the only path to doing this in a meaningful way is to cut entitlements. Of which Medicare is one of the biggest. 

So I would like him to address his horror at the cuts because I would really to know how he can be a fiscal conservative and also not want the Medicaid cuts. Cuz that would be a magic formula for sure! ( if he says send Medicaid back to the states for full funding uh we still pay state taxes too. And Joe loves to bitch and moan about his CT taxes.)

  • Love 4

Joe loves to bitch and moan about his CT taxes.)


Then fill the potholes in front of your house yourself, and get a big hose in case you have a fire, and hire a security guard cos the cops have you on a do not respond list. Also, home school your kids, and that red line in Syria you were so hot to trot about, well we're disbanding the military because you hate taxes and guess what pays for that? 

Edited by teddysmom
  • Love 11
7 hours ago, oakville said:

Mika & Joe are now bragging that they warned Trump, Ivanka & Jared that Flynn should not be allowed in the White House job. They recommended Chris Christie.  This is absurd. Mika & Joe tried to convince viewers two months ago that Ivanka & Jared were the adults in the White House & that they were the ones who could get rid of the Evil Bannon & Miller. Joe stopped bashing Bannon & Miller.

Mika went on a rant about how everything with Trump is because of his personal interest.

That is the "pot calling the kettle black ". Mika & Joe are always trying to get "personal" with the people they cover.

Perhaps these two fools should stick to discussing the news instead of trying to make themselves the news.  You would think that after the Christie-ass-kissing debacle that they would stop it.  This, only for them to turn right around and kiss Drumpf's rotund tush for months on end.  

Frankly, I'm getting whiplash from their hypocrisy.  One minute, Meek-a is waxing poetic about the non-existent virtues of those two poseurs, the Kushners.  As a matter of fact, it was a mere few weeks ago that she was going on about how their "influence" would right the ship of state.  Now, today, I'm hearing that the Kushners are merely moving the chairs around on the deck of the Titanic.  Exactly when did Joe and Meek-a make these recommendations about Flynn?  Crediting the Kushners with getting rid of the resident evil is laughable.  Aren't they basically two sides of the same corrupt coin--except they are supposedly more attractive?

If anything, Joe and Meek-a continue to behave like a couple of bitter suitors, who got roundly rejected by the popular guy and can't seem to get over it or past it.  So, they have to wear their feelings on their sleeves and act out their bitterness on the public stage.  And, color me shocked when I heard the name, "Chris Christie," cross their lips.  It's as if they refuse to acknowledge that Christie has his own ethics issues in New Jersey.  

  • Love 5

I have hated their toadying and sycophantic cheerleading for the Kushner's for months. But in their defense we all know a lot more about the goings-on at the White House in the past month. I would rather have people change their minds and admit it, than get stubborn and dig their heels in. 

Of course if in a few months this all blows over and we start hearing them coo about the wonderful Jared and Ivanka, then f them.

  • Love 2

Joe vs Turley transcript.


Here are the excerpts from the May 23 exchange:

6:30 AM

MIKA BRZEZINSKI: Joe, I'd like to now go back to the meltdown that is Washington, D.C. At this point, given the new revelations about more people that the president pressured or appeared to have pressured to try and back off the Russia investigation, I'm so interested in your view as to what's happened and to these latest revelations about Coates and Rogers and the wording that was used in the memos of the conversations the president had with them because Jonathan Turley, and you can maybe go to him, is still asking what is being obstructed here, what the questions are and to me it seems like the answers are in those words.

JOE SCARBOROUGH: Well, certainly we can expect the former FBI director and now the man investigating this case, Bob Mueller, to put meat on those bones, to see exactly why Donald Trump was so afraid, is so afraid of this Trump-Russia investigation moving forward. Mika, the first thing you're seeing here is a president of the United States putting everybody that works for him in an untenable position. Think about this. He's told the FBI director in this investigation don't look into Michael Flynn anymore, stop it, give me a loyalty oath. And if you're the FBI director and you are told to end an investigation that involves the president of the United States, you have to write it down, and you have to report it to other people, the same with what he did with the head of the NSA, DNI.

They're put in a position where they've been asked to kill an investigation that is looking into possible criminal misconduct by the president of the United States and they are in as untenable position as White House staffers who are in a meeting with the Russian foreign minister and the Russian ambassador when the president of the United States brags that the pressure is off, guys, I've killed the investigation, Comey was a nut job, he wouldn't stop. So, I'm no longer under investigation by extension. We are no longer under investigation. So whether you work for Donald Trump in the White House, whether you are the DNI -- whether you're the head of the NSA, whether you are the head of the FBI, Donald Trump is asking you to engage in a conspiracy to stop an investigation, to end an investigation, to kill an investigation into possible illegal actions by him and members of his administration, people who are close to him.

[6:35:00 - 6:37:45] 

SCARBOROUGH: Jonathan Turley, this is chapter 2 of this story. Chapter 1 was a series of Trump campaign officials and White House officials lying about their contacts with Russians. We're probably up to half a dozen Trump members who actually could have told the truth and it would have been just fine for the attorney general to say, yes, I had several meetings with Russian officials or for Mike Flynn to say, yes, I was on the telephone with the Russian ambassador. I can go down the list. So let me ask you does a prosecutor have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt an underlying crime to prove obstruction of justice?

JONATHAN TURLEY: Well, obviously not if it's the prosecution of an article of impeachment. That doesn't have to be a crime. But, in terms of bringing an actual indictment, it usually is tied to that type of on-going proceeding. We may create some new law here. But, the problem is, this question of what was Trump trying to do here? He could either be Captain Queeg or he could be John Gotti. We don't really know. But, right now he looks very Queeg-like, you know, he looks like someone dispatching people to look for strawberries. That's something you don't normally indict for. I'm not even sure what the crime of collusion is.

On the criminal code there's not a collusion with the Russians crime. That doesn't mean there's not a crime here. We need to articulate what was the underlying crime. I've said from the beginning the place to look is probably in the aftermath of these allegations, with people like Flynn charging him with false statements with regard to his contacts is usually the thing that ends up getting people in trouble in the beltway. Apparently, according to the reports, he said he didn't have significant contact with foreign nationals when he had dinner next to Vladimir Putin. When I filled out my sf-86 for clearance renewal, I was detailing academics I met from other countries. I think I probably would have mentioned dinner with Vladimir Putin. Those type of things can result in crimes, but that's still a bit removed from the president and I think what we end up with is very disturbing patterns here. He is, it seems, trying to derail this investigation. But if we need to tie it to a crime, it's going to have to be a little more concrete than he colluded.

BRZEZINSKI: Jonathan Turley, thank you very much.

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

From what little I saw today, Joe can talk coherently about the goings-on in the Drumpf White House with quite a bit of seriousness.  However, I nearly burned my ear with my flatiron when he started touting Rex Tillerson(!) as if he's some kind of person with gravitas, who should have been in a position to keep Drumpf from self-destructing.  What utter bullshit!  Tillerson has no more experience than Drumpf does, and his diplomatic and foreign service (the operative word being, "service") credentials were non-existent before he was tapped to be Secretary of State.  Of course, he couldn't pass up the opportunity to throw shade at President Obama during his discussion with Andrea Mitchell.  

It was interesting hearing Mika acknowledging that neither of the Kushners (who shouldn't be there) have what it takes to keep Drumpf on the straight and narrow.  I was also pleasantly surprised when Joe discussed that horrific, punitive and shockingly cruel budget proposal.  

Mika & Joe have no credibility . They were on team Trump till he got the nomination. Trump didn't pivot to the degree that they wanted. They demanded Trump get out of the race. They rejoined team Trump at 6 am on November 9th after the election. Joe was upset that Trump did not appoint Richard Haas or Mitt Romney to the Secretary of State job.

Mika must be suffering amnesia because she was a strong supporter of Ivanka & Jared as the saviors who could control President Trump. She even introduced the legendary Dina Powell to Ivanka who gave her the back up job to McMastar.


Now Mika & Joe are trashing Ivanka & Jared.

Joe's new line is that NY developers have no business in Washington.. LOL!


As for the budget issues. Joe has been demanding cuts to social security & medicare for years. He was ranting on a daily basis from 2011 onwards that the programs were going to go bankrupt.


When Obama raised taxes to 39.6% from Bush's 35%, joe went ondaily rants about small business plumbers being squeezed by the socialist Obama.

Joe likes to rant at everything.

7 hours ago, teddysmom said:

Yes, yesterday morning Mika started in on the WaPo and NYT stories from Friday afternoon and I thought, did you even turn on MSNBC this weekend, it's was covered from 8 am to 9 pm both days.   

I hate that I know that. I did take time off to watch The Keepers on Netflix. Because what's more depressing than Donald Trump?  A Catholic Church child sex abuse/murder documentary. 

I heard that too!  I thought, Great here we go again with the red line bullshit.   Congress wrote Obama a letter that there was no freaking way they would support the US going into Syria.   Why didn't Israel bomb Syria if it was so important to the hawks in Israel and their friends in the US? 

I even got a co worker who has been beating that drum for 3 years to admit it was Congress that shut it down, and Obama was tired of their shit. 

Wouldn't Obama have the right to bomb Syria without Congress's approval?

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, novhappy said:

I find it interesting that Joe is so appalled and horrified by the proposed Medicaid cuts. Isn't the only political stance Joe really holds that of cut the deficit, cut taxes? Hasn't  he been saying for years entitlements must be cut? I guess only he knows how to cut the "smartly" so they are not savage cuts?

Joe supports cuts that don't affect him personally.

2 hours ago, Mumbles said:

I have hated their toadying and sycophantic cheerleading for the Kushner's for months. But in their defense we all know a lot more about the goings-on at the White House in the past month. I would rather have people change their minds and admit it, than get stubborn and dig their heels in. 

Of course if in a few months this all blows over and we start hearing them coo about the wonderful Jared and Ivanka, then f them.

The problem is that no serious pundit would believe that Jared & Ivanka would be able to run the White House with no experience. Ivanka can't control her dad.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

Perhaps these two fools should stick to discussing the news instead of trying to make themselves the news.  You would think that after the Christie-ass-kissing debacle that they would stop it.  This, only for them to turn right around and kiss Drumpf's rotund tush for months on end.  

Frankly, I'm getting whiplash from their hypocrisy.  One minute, Meek-a is waxing poetic about the non-existent virtues of those two poseurs, the Kushners.  As a matter of fact, it was a mere few weeks ago that she was going on about how their "influence" would right the ship of state.  Now, today, I'm hearing that the Kushners are merely moving the chairs around on the deck of the Titanic.  Exactly when did Joe and Meek-a make these recommendations about Flynn?  Crediting the Kushners with getting rid of the resident evil is laughable.  Aren't they basically two sides of the same corrupt coin--except they are supposedly more attractive?

If anything, Joe and Meek-a continue to behave like a couple of bitter suitors, who got roundly rejected by the popular guy and can't seem to get over it or past it.  So, they have to wear their feelings on their sleeves and act out their bitterness on the public stage.  And, color me shocked when I heard the name, "Chris Christie," cross their lips.  It's as if they refuse to acknowledge that Christie has his own ethics issues in New Jersey.  

If anything, Joe and Meek-a continue to behave like a couple of bitter suitors, who got roundly rejected by the popular guy and can't seem to get over it or past it.  So, they have to wear their feelings on their sleeves and act out their bitterness on the public stage.  And, color me shocked when I heard the name, "Chris Christie," cross their lips.  It's as if they refuse to acknowledge that Christie has his own ethics issues in New Jersey.  


2 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

Perhaps these two fools should stick to discussing the news instead of trying to make themselves the news.  You would think that after the Christie-ass-kissing debacle that they would stop it.  This, only for them to turn right around and kiss Drumpf's rotund tush for months on end.  

Frankly, I'm getting whiplash from their hypocrisy.  One minute, Meek-a is waxing poetic about the non-existent virtues of those two poseurs, the Kushners.  As a matter of fact, it was a mere few weeks ago that she was going on about how their "influence" would right the ship of state.  Now, today, I'm hearing that the Kushners are merely moving the chairs around on the deck of the Titanic.  Exactly when did Joe and Meek-a make these recommendations about Flynn?  Crediting the Kushners with getting rid of the resident evil is laughable.  Aren't they basically two sides of the same corrupt coin--except they are supposedly more attractive?

If anything, Joe and Meek-a continue to behave like a couple of bitter suitors, who got roundly rejected by the popular guy and can't seem to get over it or past it.  So, they have to wear their feelings on their sleeves and act out their bitterness on the public stage.  And, color me shocked when I heard the name, "Chris Christie," cross their lips.  It's as if they refuse to acknowledge that Christie has his own ethics issues in New Jersey.  

Agreed. The show is becoming very hard to watch because Mika & Joe are very bitter about not being given exclusive access to Trump. The new excuse of Mika is that Jared hated Christie because he successfully prosecuted his dad. A few months ago, the ethics convictions of Christie's staff in Bridgegate were the excuse for not giving Christie a job in the Trump administration.


Didn't Joe float Christie as a replacement for Reince Pribus last week?

  • Love 1

Wednesday Recap. Joe is in NY. Mika is in Washington. Matching dark sweaters.

Joe began by complaining about Trey Gowdy not wearing enough powdered makeup when questioning Brennan.

Mika thought Joe was complaining about her lack of makeup & made a frowny face. Mika was relieved that Joe said she looked great! Mika then smiled.

Everyone laughed at Gowdy trying to get Brennan to admit that Trump campaign was colluding with the Russians. he wouldn't & could only discuss contact with them.

Everyone including Vander Hei said the GOP is losing in the polls and can't get anything done in Congress.

They briefly discussed the terrorist attack in Manchester & the possibility that this was organized by Al Queda is Libya. More people were arrested. Mika was not interested in this story and wanted to focus on Flynn blowing up in meetings.

It took 7 minutes for Mika to describe the White House being in Chaos & Trump was out of control.

The panel made fun of Trump's lawyer.

Katty" Is Manchester in Britain?" Kay didn't say much other than parroting Joe.

Most of the panelists just repeat whatever Joe says using slightly different words.

Joe called Trump Mr Magoo.

I suppose someone could keep track of the clever insults that Joe hurls at President Trump every day.

Joe was reminded that he called Obama's first budget a Steaming Pile of Garbage!.

No one on the panel brought up the fact that no President gets his budget package approved without any changes.

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Even with her somewhat phony  and dramatic delivery, I did like Mika's awareness that the man in the White House is showing no patriotism and ability to rise to the position of POTUS.  She is the daughter of a highly respected foreign affairs expert so a little something must have rubbed off on her.

But Joe's boo hooing that trump's not with his wife is a laugh.  Robert Costa did dismiss that and focused in the fact that he just isn't life of the rich and famous he's been used to for 70 years.

  • Love 2

Thursday Recap. Joe is in the Bunker. Everyone else is in NY. Barnicle wore a bad tie. Mika was Awol.

I missed her daily the "White House is in chaos" quote.

The panel is furious that the GOP candidate Gianforte body slammed a reporter . This is wrong.

Joe blamed Trump for creating this climate where serious journalists are treated poorly by Trump. Joe was mad that Mika was insulted by Trump . This was a travesty.

Comey was duped by fake Russian documents who wrote that Lynch would not pursue charges against Hillary.

Comey & everyone else are now Russian Dupes.

Halperin said this is not helpful for Comey & cannot be used to justify his actions last year.

Sessions met with Russians and lied.

Joe blasted Trump for being a life long democrat!

Joe said the GOP was duped by Russians & Trump who is a Democratic Russian dupe.

Cackles will be on the show.

  • Love 2

Everyone loves Cackles. ! It's the hit new show that everyone is talking about!

Cackles, Pierced Eyes Jordan & Pouffy Haired Joe are the Holy Trinity of the Disgruntled GOP establishment .


They won't be happy until the GOP is removed from power at all levels.

Joe's discussion of the CBO Health care numbers did not explain that the GOP plan no longer forces people to buy insurance , so they are no longer covered. The savings from reducing Medicaid will be used to cut taxes on the wealthy.

  • Love 1
42 minutes ago, oakville said:

Everyone loves Cackles. ! It's the hit new show that everyone is talking about!

Cackles, Pierced Eyes Jordan & Pouffy Haired Joe are the Holy Trinity of the Disgruntled GOP establishment .

When I read posts with so many nicknames they make me laugh so hard. I feel guilty because they are being used in regards to discussing serious topics.  It's hard to take Joe seriously though when his poof keeps getting bigger and bigger like it's home to some animals needing shade for the Summer. ?

Edited by Jaded
  • Love 7

I haven't seen Nicolle since she left The View.. I never cease to be amazed at how intelligent she really is-- she sure hid it well sitting next to Whoopi Goldberg-- but I was further surprised at the vitriol she was casting at her own party this morning. It seems like the bubble brained Conservative blonde women on Fox are being replaced by  more critically thinking moderates on MSBC. I welcome the evolution.

Edited by Qoass
  • Love 4

Joe blamed Trump for creating this climate where serious journalists are treated poorly by Trump. 

Even a broken clock is right 2x a day--Joe is correct.  Also true is that this candidate needs anger management classes IF he decides to continue in public office, where he will be challenged by reporters and even moreso, constituents, daily.   He is winning anyway because 70% of the early votes are in already and, this is frickin' Montana.

Good, abundant hair on an older man is an asset that cannot be overvalued!  My BF is older than Joe and his hair is great--I always tell him he is 10% personality and 90% hair.

21 minutes ago, Qoass said:

I haven't seen Nicolle since she left The View.. I never cease to be amazed at how intelligent she really is-- she sure hid it well sitting next to Whoopi Goldberg-- but I was further surprised at the vitriol she was casting at her own party this morning. It seems like the bubble brained Conservative blonde women on Fox are being replaced by  more critically thinking moderates on MSBC. I welcome the evolution.

Cackles wasn't critical of Trump when it counted. During Trumpalooza fest on Morning Joe she cooed that her parents were big Trump supporters. She never challenged Trump directly. Pierced eyes Jordan isn't afraid to contradict Joe. 

  • Love 3

Cackles wasn't critical of Trump when it counted. During Trumpalooza fest on Morning Joe she cooed that her parents were big Trump supporters. She never challenged Trump directly. Pierced eyes Jordan isn't afraid to contradict Joe. 


I respectfully disagree with this. She wasn't cooing about her parents being Trump supporters. She was horrified and embarrassed.

Edited by Eliot
  • Love 6

I was surprised to see Nicole. I wonder if she agreed to appear because Mika wasn't there. I believe this is the first time she's been on after Mika yelled at her. 

It does appear that the insanity in the White House & Congress is causing conservatives to speak out and moderate their views. 

If Gianforte gets elected, and he thought what happened last night was bad, wait til he runs up against the press in DC.  

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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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