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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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MTP isn't usually about arguing and shouting over people, right?  It seems pretty civilized.


It could get brutal, but it was never a shouting match like this mess today.  Thank you Joe!  


On a side note, I watch MJ because there is really no alternative to getting so many points of view, as much as I hate Mika's preening and Joe's shouting no other morning show gathers the folks with clout, like this one does.  I just wish it were better.

Joe was gleeful over his MTP appearance which is odd. He said that Axelrod & Ifill are like Chief Wiggum "nothing to see here folks" in the Simpsons.


Joe said Ebola was a crisis.


Joe got mad at Ben Affleck for not knowing bout muslim extremism. Joe tried to goad Moyadin into denouncing muslim extremism.

Moyadin was upset about the crusades.


Joe wanted to know if muslim extremism is the biggest problem. There was a guy from the NY times who complained about global warming.


Mika has a new favourite baseball team, the Orioles She got a cap & said her daughter goes to John Hopkins.


Axelrod said Joe is sensitive. Mika said Axlrod is her friend. Mika changed into a navy blue top around 6:30 am.


Axelrod came on & Joe starting shouting about asking tough questions. Joe is mad at the world health organization.


Axelrod told  Joe to stop putting  words in my mouth.  Joe said stop taking cheap shots.


It's chaotic on the set. Luckily there is a new opening montage with pictures of Joe & Mika in various poses in NYC.


Joe likes Mustangs. Very strange opening montage.

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It could get brutal, but it was never a shouting match like this mess today.  Thank you Joe!  


On a side note, I watch MJ because there is really no alternative to getting so many points of view, as much as I hate Mika's preening and Joe's shouting no other morning show gathers the folks with clout, like this one does.  I just wish it were better.

I prefer New Day , to MJ.You don't see eating while delivering the news.Not professional on MJ.

I don't understand Joe's need to blame the U.S. For the World Health Organization (WHO) handling of the Ebola epidemic since WHO is an agency of the a United Nations. He also implied that the mishandling of the Dallas patient could also be linked to the CDC and by extension the WH. Boy,,Joe is just looking for controversy to expell all his hate and venom (I'm sure he blames the WH for Alabama's loss to Mississippi but has been noticeably silent on the subject...although he let everyone know he ordered a Royal's cap last week...Oh Joe, you are so insightful and I might add disloyal to the Red Soxs). Joe says why should the American people trust the government (bringing up the IRS, government shut down, Katrina etc., although he forgot BENGAZHI!) with the truth about this virus and how it was spread?

I hope Chuck Todd bans Joe from MTP. Joe just took over yesterday and shouted over everyone. All Chuck Todd could repeatedly say was "Come on guys". How about Chuck tells Joe to STFU? Joe tried again this morning to hang Axlerod out to dry with the same weak arguments that the CDC isn't being forthright with the American people (and by extension the WH isn't showing the right type of leadership). I'm not sure what the guests name is but he responded by saying Americans have a better chance of being shot in the head then coming down with Ebola (buh bye nameless guest). Joe went on to say that regular Americans want flights from West Africa banned from landing in the US. I wonder if this outbreak had started in Europe would Joe want all flights from England, France and Germany banned? I doubt it. Jeffrey Sachs was on and was wonderful. When Joe asked him if the WH was adequately engaged and Dr. Sach's response was YES that President Obama was significantly engaged and gave an impassioned speech at the UN about Ebola. Dr. Sachs said there are no systems in these countries but it's important not to break these countries (ahem, like banning flights to these countries?). Buh bye Dr. Sachs.

Mika seems focused on the Enterovirus 68 and wants answers to questions about it...of course she hasn't really formulated any questions but why isn't the CDC/WH doing more, ah, em ...stuff about it?

Joe started it all with a rant about Ben Afflick's comments on Bill Maher about Islam. Joe seemed to say that Ben didn't understand how dangerous radical Islam is and Joe went nuts decrying Afflick's comments (which seemed to be about religious freedom not supporting terrorism). Joe seemed to be losing his grip so he turned to Ayman Mohyeldin to support his position and Ayman destroyed Joe's argument (buh bye Ayman).

By the end of the show Joe's meds seemed to have kicked in as he was calmer or heaven forbid, every argument Joe had was successfully shot down by the panelists and he just gave up.

Sidebar: May I just say I think the way the Dallas patient has been treated has been awful. The local Prosecutor implying that he is considering pressing charges against him for lying on a form (that he hadn't been in contact with anyone sick) is outrageous. For all we know he helped a pregnant woman into a cab. He did correctly inform the hospital that he was recently in Africa but the doctors blew it (and tried to blame the nurses). Thank goodness his relative called the CDC but even then the local health officials didn't act for a week to remove the furniture and belongings of a man they knew had Ebola. So let's prosecute a critically ill man for all the health officials screw ups? It sounds like this poor man might not recover and I hope the family sues the hospital and health systems that ignored an African American. I swear this hospital should be in Ferguson, MO.

Edited by stafford
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I don't understand Joe's need to blame the U.S. For the World Health Organization (WHO) handling of the Ebola epidemic since WHO is an agency of the a United Nations. He also implied that the mishandling of the Dallas patient could also be linked to the CDC and by extension the WH. Boy,,Joe is just looking for controversy to expell all his hate and venom (I'm sure he blames the WH for Alabama's loss to Mississippi but has been noticeably silent on the subject...although he let everyone know he ordered a Royal's cap last week...Oh Joe, you are so insightful and I might add disloyal to the Red Soxs). Joe says why should the American people trust the government (bringing up the IRS, government shut down, Katrina etc., although he forgot BENGAZHI!) with the|

truth about this virus and how it was spread?

I hope Chuck Todd bans Joe from MTP. Joe just took over yesterday and shouted over everyone. All Chuck Todd could repeatedly say was "Come on guys". How about Chuck tells Joe to STFU? Joe tried again this morning to hang Axlerod out to dry with the same weak arguments that the CDC isn't being forthright with the American people (and by extension the WH isn't showing the right type of leadership). I'm not sure what the guests name is but he responded by saying Americans have a better chance of being shot in the head then coming down with Ebola (buh bye nameless guest). Joe went on to say that regular Americans want flights from West Africa banned from landing in the US. I wonder if this outbreak had started in Europe would Joe want all flights from England, France and Germany banned? I doubt it. Jeffrey Sachs was on and was wonderful. When Joe asked him if the WH was adequately engaged and Dr. Sach's response was YES that President Obama was significantly engaged and gave an impassioned speech at the UN about Ebola. Dr. Sachs said there are no systems in these countries but it's important not to break these countries (ahem, like banning flights to these countries?). Buh bye Dr. Sachs.

Mika seems focused on the Enterovirus 68 and wants answers to questions about it...of course she hasn't really formulated any questions but why isn't the CDC/WH doing more, ah, em ...stuff about it?

Joe started it all with a rant about Ben Afflick's comments on Bill Maher about Islam. Joe seemed to say that Ben didn't understand how dangerous radical Islam is and Joe went nuts decrying Afflick's comments (which seemed to be about religious freedom not supporting terrorism). Joe seemed to be losing his grip so he turned to Ayman Mohyeldin to support his position and Ayman destroyed Joe's argument (buh bye Ayman).

By the end of the show Joe's meds seemed to have kicked in as he was calmer or heaven forbid, every argument Joe had was successfully shot down by the panelists and he just gave up.

Sidebar: May I just say I think the way the Dallas patient has been treated has been awful. The local Prosecutor implying that he is considering pressing charges against him for lying on a form (that he hadn't been in contact with anyone sick) is outrageous. For all we know he helped a pregnant woman into a cab. He did correctly inform the hospital that he was recently in Africa but the doctors blew it (and tried to blame the nurses). Thank goodness his relative called the CDC but even then the local health officials didn't act for a week to remove the furniture and belongings of a man they knew had Ebola. So let's prosecute a critically ill man for all the health officials screw ups? It sounds like this poor man might not recover and I hope the family sues the hospital and health systems that ignored an African American. I swear this hospital should be in Ferguson, MO.

Apparently, this hospital has a history of turning away uninsured patients. If only the Texas GOP would have accepted Obamacare then the patient would likely have had insurance/Medicaid.

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Thank you, Stafford, for your thoughtiful paragraph about the Dallas patient...and no you are not alone, I thought the same thing.  I admit I don't know all the details, but I was very uncomfortable reading about how they were treated, and thought it was odd at the same time someone (an NBC photographer?) with Ebola was being *flown home* to the US.  Like, how does that make sense?!  I hope that family is actually being treated better than they appear to be, and are somehow being compensated if they miss work d/t all this upheaval that's going on.

Never watch MTP and only saw a few min here and there of MJ yesterday so am just speculating here ...


If Joe was gleeful about starting a shouting match, taking over MTP and then continuing it on MJ, does he believe it'll goose the ratings of both programs???


Seems to me he's trying anything and everything, kinda' throwing the proverbial spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks WRT ratings.


Joe must desperately want to be seen as the savior of stodgy, 3/4 place MTP.  Agree, wth was Chuck Todd thinking, agreeing to include Joe on his panel.  Please, spare me ...


And, if I have to hear Mika purr even once again, "I l-o-v-e the Red Sox".  She knows squat about baseball and only loves sitting in the owner's box, having her *** kissed.


Sounds as if tptb told her she's now on Thomas' team and is an O's fan.  Anyone else believe (as I do) that we're supposed to get caught up in the lover's spat as Joe supports KC?  Again, spare me ...

Edited by BearCat49
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Mika & Joe were dressed in matching green sweaters. Joe felt awkward so he walked off the set to change into a navy blue blazer. There are new polls!. Allyson Grimes is leading Mitch Mcconnell. Democrats are doing better than expected. Joe said Obama was oblivious a month ago to the beheadings. Now that Obama is paying

attention, Joe said they are doing better. The new panelist said the Democratic Senatorial candidates are distancing themselves from Obama so they are not losing anti Obama voters.

It seems to me that Joe & Mika should invite the candidates onto the show to see what is going on in those races rather than just commenting on random polls without analyzing any issues in those states.

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So why are there so few folks around the table these days - this morning at the top of the show it was just Joe, Mika, Willie and that professor Dorian somebody at the start of the show.  Do they not have a budget anymore? Or are the folks in their "stable" no longer willing to associate themselves with this train wreck?

Heillman,and Halprein, are hosting their own talk show on Bloomberg, Romney, was on yesterday.Others analysts 'left the clowns'.. MJ,rating are behind New Day.

Edited by fgoldberg
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Jenkait, I think the Dallas patient is not a US citizen but was visiting relatives (I think I got that wrong thinking he was African American) but nevertheless it reminds me of the line in Hotel Rwanda where the UN Peacekeeper tells the hotel manager that no help is coming because Rwandan's were not considered the "N"word by the US but something infinitely worse...African's and no one cared.

Well people care now but it seems to land on keeping them out of the US. Joe made a big deal out of the NYT editorial that rejected stopping flights from West Africa because that would further deplete the number of aid workers willing to go to Africa to help. Joe dismissed this argument because anyone with a US Passport would be allowed back in (on what...a chartered NBC private jet?). He then did the Mika dance stating he wasn't advocating stopping flights but there needs to be (wait for it) a conversation. He said that if his child got Ebola then he would do everything in his power to get to the USA and of course the WHO is a disgrace. Mika reported that Dr. Nancy was feeling fine along with the 21 other NBC staff that are in isolation back in the US. They also reported that the Dallas patient is receiving the experimental drug (I assume before he's deported or put in jail).

Switching subjects but is it just me that doesn't trust any of the polls for the November elections? A Kentucky poll showed Mitch McConnell (I think it was called the Bluegrass Poll) behind. I'm not sure but I think Chris Matthews said that is a robo call poll and he thinks it's an outlier. Most of the polls have been wrong the past election cycles for the primaries but MJ trots them all out as if they are the gospel. I read recently that even 538 is having difficulty putting together accurate polling data. I repeat that I believe Karl Rove has figured out a way to manipulate polling data to scare the bejesus out of his constituency so they get out the vote. Hell, I'm sure he still believes Romney won in 2012. I guess anyone with a computer and phone can do their own polling--forget accuracy. I'm inclined to believe the NBC/Wall Street Journal and Quinnipiac polls but not much beyond that.

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On a positive note, I enjoyed the segment with Kasie Hunt in Arkansas. She interviewed Mark Pryr & produced a story on what is happening in Arkansas. Pryor botched the interview & Mika & Joe were laughing at his poor anwers, but nevertheless it' more interesting to watch than Joe pontificating on a poll number which could be wrong.

Joe mocked Bill Clinton' use of the Arkansas lyrics. He said it was Elvis in Vegas.

I think Morning Joe should go on the road & do shows from each of the key senate races & have both candidates appear & do an in depth analysis of what is happening in each state.

Morning Joe should stop the kangaroo fighting clips & Mika being an Orioles fan or Joe being a Royals fan. That is ridiculous.

The show will do better ratings wise when it goes back to covering politics with good guests.

I think they should have more segments with Kasie Hunt as a roving field reporter.

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Joe went on a rant today. He said the USA should use overwhelming force against ISIS. ISIS is gaining control of Kobani. Joe is mad at Turkey for not helping out.

Joe defended the police for smashing the car windows in Indiana. Mika sympathized with the screaming kids. Joe said they should have followed police orders to open the door.

Joe wanted cameras on the police officer.

I think Morning Joe should go on the road & do shows from each of the key senate races & have both candidates appear & do an in depth analysis of what is happening in each state.


This would be more useful than the dreck we are seeing.  Also, they have desperately started a new ad campaign for the show on MSNBC, I caught it last night on of all things, Lawrence's last word which I ended up watching sort of by accident.  Does anyone really watch that show?  I mean would anyone see an ad there that would make them say, wow, now I wanna watch Morning Joe because I never have?  Does MSNBC not realize how self-referential they are?

Edited by NextIteration

I thought Joe and Barnacle completely ignored the very real fear (which the driver told the 911 operator) about African Americans getting shot by the police. I'm sure they were scared out of their minds that the passenger would exit the car and be shot for some trumped up reason. As it was the police used the excuse that they couldn't see his hands which led to shattering the car window and him being tasered after thirteen minutes.

With as little information we have I found it outrageous that Joe and Barnacle would say the problem could have been solved if the passenger just got out of the car and that they would side with the police (guiltily by being black?). Has the last few months (well really years) taught them nothing?

Man I can't watch Leon Pannetta. Does he really think his book is helpful? Team of rivals...more like a team of backstabbers.

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With as little information we have I found it outrageous that Joe and Barnacle would say the problem could have been solved if the passenger just got out of the car and that they would side with the police (guiltily by being black?). Has the last few months (well really years) taught them nothing?



Barnacle has become increasingly more ignorant about issues concerning class, race and poverty.  He's such an asset for a morning news show!  :)

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Has anybody else noticed Mika's big wardrobe change? Now she's in comfy looking long sleeve tops and yoga pants every day. What's up with that?


If I were Mika I'd wear yoga pants and ratty old shirts and maybe bunny slippers, come in with bedhead, and try to out-slob Joe, just for kicks.


Stafford, thanks for the clarification re: the Ebola patient.  I think I was also bothered by how his family was treated.  I mean, I realize they would need to be quarantined and Ebola is a serious threat, but...I dunno.  I admit I don't know the whole story, I just felt uncomfortable with what I saw...especially as they were specifically *bringing home* a patient with Ebola at the same time!


As for Chuck Todd kicking Joe off MTP...would he even have the power to do that?  It's his show, but I imagine network bigwigs are in charge of that.  What they are thinking though, I don't know!

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"As for Chuck Todd kicking Joe off MTP...would he even have the power to do that? It's his show, but I imagine network bigwigs are in charge of that. What they are thinking though, I don't know"

I think it's embarrassing that NBC leaked the news that Jon Stewart was their first choice for Meet The Press. Chuck Todd & the rest of the NBC News journalists must be mortified at the thought that they can be replaced by a comedian.

Today's show was weird with Joe in an undisclosed studio & doing a commercial for Spotify in Brooklyn. What was the point of that segment? I suppose it was nice of the company to let Joe show off his musical talents with his guitar.

What's next? Sing along with Joe & Mika?

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"As for Chuck Todd kicking Joe off MTP...would he even have the power to do that? It's his show, but I imagine network bigwigs are in charge of that. What they are thinking though, I don't know"

I think it's embarrassing that NBC leaked the news that Jon Stewart was their first choice for Meet The Press. Chuck Todd & the rest of the NBC News journalists must be mortified at the thought that they can be replaced by a comedian.

Today's show was weird with Joe in an undisclosed studio & doing a commercial for Spotify in Brooklyn. What was the point of that segment? I suppose it was nice of the company to let Joe show off his musical talents with his guitar.

What's next? Sing along with Joe & Mika?


Wow about Jon Stewart.


I know that Joe was vying for the position as well not that I watch much or care anymore about any of the network Sunday morning news shows anymore since they are generally so unbalanced and allow talking points to go unchecked, for some reason seeing MTP fall apart gives me joy.  I think it goes back to Russert in the Scooter Libby mess, and allowing Cheney on there to scare the shit out of the American people with so many lies.

  • Love 5

Wow about Jon Stewart.


I know that Joe was vying for the position as well not that I watch much or care anymore about any of the network Sunday morning news shows anymore since they are generally so unbalanced and allow talking points to go unchecked, for some reason seeing MTP fall apart gives me joy.  I think it goes back to Russert in the Scooter Libby mess, and allowing Cheney on there to scare the shit out of the American people with so many lies.


I completely agree. It infuriates me to hear/read people bemoaning the decline in quality at MTP and about how "Tim Russert must be turning over in his grave!"


I met him once and he was a nice man. But he was also a gullible shill for the Bush administration. He didn't do his journalistic due diligence around Cheney's Iraq claims and that was just an egregious error on his part.

  • Love 5

Wow about Jon Stewart.


I know that Joe was vying for the position as well not that I watch much or care anymore about any of the network Sunday morning news shows anymore since they are generally so unbalanced and allow talking points to go unchecked, for some reason seeing MTP fall apart gives me joy.  I think it goes back to Russert in the Scooter Libby mess, and allowing Cheney on there to scare the shit out of the American people with so many lies.

i will watch 'face the nation', once in a while.

Mika was on Hardball Friday night to give her views on that Microsoft guy who said women shouldn't ask for raises.  She talked about her book.  Tweety treated her as if she was some kind of expert. She mentioned that she was at the White House earlier for a conference on women's wages.  Who the hell is she???

Mika,is Joe's DOORMAT.He has no respect for her.

Mika was on Hardball Friday night to give her views on that Microsoft guy who said women shouldn't ask for raises.  She talked about her book.  Tweety treated her as if she was some kind of expert. She mentioned that she was at the White House earlier for a conference on women's wages.  Who the hell is she???


Zbig's daughter.  He was a huge supporter of Obama in the early going of the primaries.

Morning Joe on a holiday? Red Fleece Joe & Mika were together today. Mika wore a nice dress. Willie was dressed in a suit. Joe likes the KC Royals. Heileman was there.

Joe asked Willie for an NFL update . Joe is boycotting watching NFL games.

Joe is upset at the CDC over the second Ebola case. He thinks its easier to get EBOLA than what the CDC says.

Joe is mad at Turkey for letting ISIS is gain ground in Anbar Province, & Kobani. Joe said ISIS is getting close to bagdad.

Joe said the generals want ground troops but Obama is reluctant to send them there.

Joe is mad at Karzai in Afghanistan.

Joe is mad at Malicki in Iraq for treating Sunnis poorly , so they are supporting Isis because they are afraid of the Shia armies.

Joe was excited about the polls that show Hillary in a tight race in Iowa. Romney leads Hillary but she is beating Bush & Christie.

I noticed that Mika & Joe don't talk about Christie & Jeb Bush as much anymore.

Mika was upset that Bill Clinton gets a pass for his behavior with females.

Heileman said that Bill & Hillary are taking over the democratic party.

Joe said Obama doesn't like most people & politics.

Joe said Bush liked people but not politics.

Joe said Clinton likes politics & people.

Joe is mad at the washington post for predicting a 95% chance that the GOP controls the senate.

He said its too son to know who will win. He mocked Nate Silver as well which is strange because Nate was right about Obama winning in 2012.

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Mika was on Hardball Friday night to give her views on that Microsoft guy who said women shouldn't ask for raises.  She talked about her book.  Tweety treated her as if she was some kind of expert. She mentioned that she was at the White House earlier for a conference on women's wages.  Who the hell is she???


Sounds like HB probably needed a fill-in guest so Mika was the MSNBC personality they could grab.  And, yes, she'll always use the Zbig connection.

I completely agree. It infuriates me to hear/read people bemoaning the decline in quality at MTP and about how "Tim Russert must be turning over in his grave!"


I met him once and he was a nice man. But he was also a gullible shill for the Bush administration. He didn't do his journalistic due diligence around Cheney's Iraq claims and that was just an egregious error on his part.


I never understood why Tim was considered such a rock star.  Ok, he did have the #1 Sun am show for many years but their ratings and total viewer tallies were probably declining together with the rest of them.

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"As for Chuck Todd kicking Joe off MTP...would he even have the power to do that? It's his show, but I imagine network bigwigs are in charge of that. What they are thinking though, I don't know"

I think it's embarrassing that NBC leaked the news that Jon Stewart was their first choice for Meet The Press. Chuck Todd & the rest of the NBC News journalists must be mortified at the thought that they can be replaced by a comedian.


I don't know about Chuck removing Joe but I didn't understood why he asked him on the panel in the first place.  Chuck appears on MJ almost every morning.  Was anyone surprised at Joe's attempts to commandeer MTP?  Seemed completely predictable, to me and I gave up on MJ years ago.  As host, although he probably doesn't have the final authority over those decisions, IMHO he must have some say WRT who he works with on air.


Seems awfully sad that the NBC brass' first choice for their serious, flagship news program was apparently a comedian who admittedly calls his program the fake or faux news (or something along those lines, lol).

I was catching up with Friday's show on my DVR. There was a fashion segment with Mika interviewing Andre Leon Talley. Mika complained that her kids liked him but ignored all the the celebrities who were at his fashion show. Mika said her kids were bored by Kate Upton 7 Whoopi Goldberg.

The segment was OK until Joe showed up as a model in his blue fleece top & maroon pajama pants trying to fall down on the stage.

It's weird. How does he expect anyone to take him seriously on Meet The Press when he wears pajama pants to his own show.?

At the end of the show they announced that Jon Tower who has worked on Morning Joe & Scarboro Country with Joe for 10 years will be leaving the show for CBS this morning.

Joe said he looks forward to working with Jon in the near future.

I wonder if Joe will leave for CBS?

Is it just me or is MJ putting the Ebola story on the back burner given the revelation yesterday (or maybe it was Sunday) that the NBC crew reporting from Africa and brought back to the US and put on voluntary quarantine are now under mandatory quarantine? Inside Edition reported last night that Dr. Nancy was spotted waiting in her car while a gentleman passenger ran into a restaurant to pick up a take-out order. The only NBC reporting I've heard is that "some" members of the crew broke the voluntary quarantine. If it's true that Dr. Nancy broke the quarantine then she should be fired or jailed. How is anyone going to take her advice if she can't follow a 21 day quarantine? It's outrageous that she doesn't think the rules apply to her.

And while I'm at it I hate how the news media and the NIH/CDC blames the nurses for breaking protocol and becoming infected. I believe the NIH or CDC Director walked back his criticism of the Dallas nurse saying they really don't know what happened. I've gotten to the point where I don't believe how they say Ebola is transmitted.

Maybe MJ will cover the NBC crew story later in the show but I have to believe if it was a CNN, ABC, FOX or CBS crew that it would be a lead story. The arrogance of Dr. Nancy is unbelievable.

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Mini Recap.

The first clips were of the Grimes McConnell debate. Grimes refused to say if she voted for Obama. MCconnel said he voted for Romney. Joe said that it was stupid for her not to declare that she voted for Obama.

The Vatican is now more supportive of gay marriage & civil unions. Barnicle said the Pope is opening windows.

Joe said everybody is a sinner & starting talking about being a Baptist.

Joe stunned the panel by saying that everybody knows that Chris Christie can't win in 2016. Mika was upset & said she would make Joe walk it back.

Joe said Jeb Bush is doing poorly in the polls .

Joe said he thinks Romney will run in 2016. Halperin agreed. Halerin said his research shows that Romney will probably run. Mika & Joe said they poke to people at cocktail parties to get their information.

Joe was stuned that Mark Cotton is not ahead by 10 points in Arkansas.

Joe aid republicans aren't popular .

Eugene said Democrats are more disliked than republicans now, so even if they take back the senate it will be based on low turnout.

Mika was happy that kids couldn't bring cupcakes to school in Kentucky.

Eugene said the war against ISIS isn't working. No shock or awe. Eugene said they shouldn't spot them Kobane or Anbar province.

Halperin said if ISIS takes over Baghdad it would hurt Democrats in the mid terms.

No mention of Dr Nancy breaking the quarantine on NBC yet.

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I wonder if Joe will leave for CBS?



If Joe leaves for CBS, *I* leave CBS. I was just watching the CBS show this morning and it was delightfully mature. Gail wasn't there today and Jane Pauley was sitting in with Charlie Rose and Norah O'Donnell.


On the other hand, at least the network's call letters fit Joe to a "T."  Joe = See BS.

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Is it just me or is MJ putting the Ebola story on the back burner given the revelation yesterday (or maybe it was Sunday) that the NBC crew reporting from Africa and brought back to the US and put on voluntary quarantine are now under mandatory quarantine? Inside Edition reported last night that Dr. Nancy was spotted waiting in her car while a gentleman passenger ran into a restaurant to pick up a take-out order. The only NBC reporting I've heard is that "some" members of the crew broke the voluntary quarantine. If it's true that Dr. Nancy broke the quarantine then she should be fired or jailed. How is anyone going to take her advice if she can't follow a 21 day quarantine? It's outrageous that she doesn't think the rules apply to her.

And while I'm at it I hate how the news media and the NIH/CDC blames the nurses for breaking protocol and becoming infected. I believe the NIH or CDC Director walked back his criticism of the Dallas nurse saying they really don't know what happened. I've gotten to the point where I don't believe how they say Ebola is transmitted.

Maybe MJ will cover the NBC crew story later in the show but I have to believe if it was a CNN, ABC, FOX or CBS crew that it would be a lead story. The arrogance of Dr. Nancy is unbelievable.


This story was all over social media yesterday.  I don't know if The Today Show covered it or not.  In addition to being fined or jailed, Dr. Nancy should lose her license to practice medicine.  "First, do not harm..."  Remember that, Dr. Nancy?


She's such an arrogant ass and this is exactly how epidemics spread.  She and that crew chose to go into the thick of things to report on the Ebola outbreak and it astounds me that their quarantine was voluntary.  It should have been mandatory in the first place.  It should also be noted that one of the nurses unions disseminated a message as early as 3 weeks ago indicating that they were concerned that because they are on the front lines, that hospitals were not prepared to deal with this outbreak.  There has also been some growing alarm about the number of public hospitals that have closed in some of the so-called red states that refused to accept the Medicaid expansion and whether those states would be able to deal with an epidemic.  I'm surprised that no one has noted that thanks to GOP obstruction of virtually every cabinet post nominee that President Obama has made, we don't have a Surgeon General at this crucial time.  That's why we've been seeing and hearing so much from the CDC director.


And, speaking of red states, I remember Governor Perry floating the idea of Texas seceding from the Union after President Obama's second election.  Now may be a good time to revisit that proposition!

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The first clips were of the Grimes McConnell debate. Grimes refused to say if she voted for Obama. MCconnel said he voted for Romney. Joe said that it was stupid for her not to declare that she voted for Obama.


This is the type of shit that drives me totally batty about the Democrats.  Their cowardly, chickenshit political calculation in distancing themselves from President Obama resonates with the very voters they hope to rely on.  Yet, they have no problem whatsoever flooding people's email in-boxes with incessant requests for donations.  I would love it if there was a way I could reply by stating, "Would be happy to donate if you guys grew a FUCKING BACKBONE and supported this president!"



Joe stunned the panel by saying that everybody knows that Chris Christie can't win in 2016. Mika was upset & said she would make Joe walk it back.


Mika is such a dumb bitch.  Period.

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Dr Nancy has acknowledged that some people on her team violated the quarantine.


"This is the type of shit that drives me totally batty about the Democrats. Their cowardly, chickenshit political calculation in distancing themselves from President Obama resonates with the very voters they hope to rely on. Yet, they have no problem whatsoever flooding people's email in-boxes with incessant requests for donations"

Very good point. Gries refusal to endorse Obama will cost her votes with loyal democrats. She won't get GOP votes so she looks silly.

It's pretty dumb for Mika & Joe to admit that they get all their research info about Romney & Christie from cocktail parties that they attend, because it makes them look shallow.

On a positive note, they had a good interview with an author at the end of the show who was in Afghanistan.

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Dr. Nancy is a piece of work. From what I've read she was in the back seat of her car with another "team" member while another member of the quarantine crew ran in to pick up the take out order. Her fake apology was that she was sorry that people got upset...not that they violated quarantine. She took no personal responsibility referring only to "some" members of the team violated the voluntary quarantine. NBC should be ashamed for reporting and reading her statement. It's clear that the CDC isn't exactly sure how this virus is slipping past their protocols but Dr. Nancy thinks it's fine to reassure the public that they have no symptoms so everything is FINE.

I feel very sorry for the restaurant workers and patrons that will be filled with fear (right or wrong) and I've gotta believe that business will suffer since the name and location of the restaurant is being widely reported.

NBC fire her ass!

On another note I wish I knew how to cut and paste a photo into this reply. I paused my TV to get a closer look at the yellow sports car picture in the opening credits of MJ. Joe is leaning on the hood of the car while Mika is doing her best sex kitten pose behind and back of Joe with her arm over her head and breasts pushed out. I swear she was channeling Bridget Bardot. What is wrong with her and the producers? Does she really think that she's that sexy and that's going to make her more credible?

I can only imagine the panic Joe and Mika must be in over the dismal ratings. It would be ironic if Joe went to CBS given Mika's history of being fired by CBS. Well it would be ironic if any network hired either of them given their poor showing.

Joe acknowledging that Christie doesn't have a chance for the nomination did make me chuckle (Mika's faux outrage was a nice touch too).

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- did they mention that McConnell said he earned his money the old fashioned way, he inherited it (not made it while a Senator).


Or that McConnell said he wanted to keep Kynect because it's just a web site but he'd repeal Obamacare tree and root? Lying idiot. Kynect IS Obamacare in Kentucky. Why isn't the press jumping all over that?

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Dr. Nancy is a piece of work. From what I've read she was in the back seat of her car with another "team" member while another member of the quarantine crew ran in to pick up the take out order. Her fake apology was that she was sorry that people got upset...not that they violated quarantine. She took no personal responsibility referring only to "some" members of the team violated the voluntary quarantine. NBC should be ashamed for reporting and reading her statement. It's clear that the CDC isn't exactly sure how this virus is slipping past their protocols but Dr. Nancy thinks it's fine to reassure the public that they have no symptoms so everything is FINE.

I feel very sorry for the restaurant workers and patrons that will be filled with fear (right or wrong) and I've gotta believe that business will suffer since the name and location of the restaurant is being widely reported.

NBC fire her ass!

Very good points. Dr. Nancy should know better than to violate the quarantine. Why couldn't she stay at home & wait for her soup?

More bad news for Msnbc. According to one report they may cancel Ronan Farrow's afternoon show next month. The ratings aren't much higher than Morning Joe.

Will Morning Joe survive till the 2016 elections?

I am very disappointed that they haven't done any serious analysis of the midterms except for sending Casy Hunt out on one field trip.

Politics is the show' specialty. Joe acts as if he has no clue what's going in various races.

We have to ask you tough questions Joe, why aren't you mentioning Dr. Nancy while you are foaming at the mouth regarding ebola?


Ronan Farrow's show is unwatchable, even when he has great guests and inspiring topics, he's just bad, bad, bad.  Back to the State department for the prodigy, he's awful in this venue.


I miss Savannah Guthrie in this venue.

Edited by NextIteration
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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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