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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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Pink fleece. Whoa there, pilgrim. Hold up. Pink.


What was the big "in" secret re flights from NYC to West Palm Beach? That all flight attendants talk about and the MoJo Fambly was not-so-subtly not-referring to?


Mika's simper has sorta been on low this week but the pretentious is pegged out. Is Joe tranq'd? He hasn't lost the talk-over but he sounds so conciliatory lately. I did like the "Did you know I was in Congress" followed by Mika chirping "Really?"

Mika clapped when she announced that Cackles is joining the view. Mika said she provided Nicole's shoes for the audition.


Joe said the democrat are being warhawks over isis & there must be internal polling showing a GOP wave. This is opposite to what Joe has been saying for weeks that there is no GOP wave.


Joe is cautious about the USA declaring war on isis. He said we need Jordan & Egypt to help out.


Harold Ford agreed with whatever Joe said.

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I am so looking forward to Whoopi taking a bite out of Cackles on a daily basis. Yes Mika, Cackles owes her job entirely to you as you let her borrow your "fuck me" heels for her interview...seriously? *Style* over substance seems to be Mika's mantra.

Can someone fill me in on the Elizabeth Warren discussion of Eric Cantor joining a Wall Street bank and some talk about Hillary? I only heard the commentary afterwards where it appeared as if Joe was chiding Warren for not being a straight shooter/talker about Hillary and her cozy relationship with Wall Street. Mika seemed to be agreeing with Joe.

If Joe want to improve his ratings he has to dump Harold Ford. The man opens his mouth and unintelligent dribble falls out. I can't follow him at all. Of course, it could be that I FF every time Harold opens up his mouth. The only thing Barnacle is contributing lately is a cut away shot to him smiling. I wish I had his gig.

I really love Ayman Mohyeldin and his reporting and commentary. He seems so practical in his discourse and I trust his analysis.

Yup, Joe does seem to be starting each show with his "extemporaneous" totally scripted editorial. You can tell he's reading the TelePrompter for most of it.

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If Joe want to improve his ratings he has to dump Harold Ford. The man opens his mouth and unintelligent dribble falls out.


Ford's the absolute worst, during a discussion of the minimum wage, he suggested two minimum wages:  one for heads of household, one for everybody else.  He made this suggestion with a straight face.  To think he nearly got a senate seat!!


I really love Ayman Mohyeldin and his reporting and commentary.


And on the other end of the spectrum is Mohyeldin!  Smart, engaged, eloquent with hands on experience, the one bright spot on today's MJ.


My dream panel would include Mohyeldin, Dreamy, Rattner, Jeremy Peters and Katty Kay.  Joe, Mika and Willie would have a day off.

Edited by sugarbaker design
  • Love 4

Awww sooky sooky now!


Former Virginia Governor McDonnell--GUILTY on 11 (count them!) charges of corruption according to my Washington Post alert.  Maureen--the quasi-adulteress and Jezebel who was vilified by her husband, "friends" and family--was found guilty on 8 corruption charges.  Apparently, the family broke down sobbing in the courtroom.


I am so glad that the jurors were smart enough to see through this appalling defense strategy that the governor's team used, and which Maureen willingly went along with.  There is no way he didn't know what was up.  Plus, during pretrial motions, they showed up in court together as a united couple, holding hands.


I'm sure that Joe will be full of piss and vinegar tomorrow and righteous anger.

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The clip of Mika staring down Joan Rivers doing her schtick made me so damned uncomfortable. No humor, no awareness. Of course now she's going to claim to be sad about the death. Just like she's devastated about those poor poor McDonnells. Joe was ready to explode, and Mika kept answering the questions posed to Joe about taking money while in office. Shut up! No one even asked you! Not that Joe could talk without being ragey, but why the hell was Mika all over that conversation?

(Why do I blow up my blood pressure at 6am again?)

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Mika was upset that Joan said she had the whole package. The tribute to Joan is over the top from Mika especially since Mika brags about hating popular culture.


Joe & Mika looked silly defending Gov McConnell.


Joe has a poor track record defending GOP Governors. He was BFF with the South Carolina Governor & kept raving about Bob for Jobs McConnell.


Joe & Mika have acted like the campaign managers for Gov Christie.

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WTF is wrong with the Producers of MTP? Joe and Luke regulars on the panel? Just when you think it can't get any worse. I actually like Chuck Todd but this is a disaster. Isn't it called Meet the PRESS? As far as I can tell neither Joe nor Luke have the resume for press credentials. They need to rename it Meet the Hacks. I'm surprised they don't add Ann Curry to the mix. This just makes me sick.

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Can someone fill me in on the Elizabeth Warren discussion of Eric Cantor joining a Wall Street bank and some talk about Hillary? I only heard the commentary afterwards where it appeared as if Joe was chiding Warren for not being a straight shooter/talker about Hillary and her cozy relationship with Wall Street. Mika seemed to be agreeing with Joe.

If Joe want to improve his ratings he has to dump Harold Ford. The man opens his mouth and unintelligent dribble falls out. I can't follow him at all. Of course, it could be that I FF every time Harold opens up his mouth. The only thing Barnacle is contributing lately is a cut away shot to him smiling. I wish I had his gig.

I really love Ayman Mohyeldin and his reporting and commentary. He seems so practical in his discourse and I trust his analysis.

Yup, Joe does seem to be starting each show with his "extemporaneous" totally scripted editorial. You can tell he's reading the TelePrompter for most of it.


Only saw about a minute of the E. Warren discussion but they showed a clip of an interview where Warren called out Cantor but pretty much gave HRC a pass, IIRC.


I'm sure Ford isn't going anywhere until his MSNBC contract expires.  I assume Ayman will return to the field.  Haven't seen any of Joe's monologues (no longer a viewer) - sounds as if I haven't missed anything!

Yes, no more Cackles on MJ, thank goodness.  I have watched the View when was on and she was not nearly as abrasive or mean-spirited as she is on MJ.  She definitely cackles less.


I don't watch the View, either so haven't seen her.  Was she on her best behavior as a View guest and cohost wannabe' ?  Sounds like she'll become more comfortable as a cohost and stop holding back -

WTF is wrong with the Producers of MTP? Joe and Luke regulars on the panel? Just when you think it can't get any worse. I actually like Chuck Todd but this is a disaster. Isn't it called Meet the PRESS? As far as I can tell neither Joe nor Luke have the resume for press credentials. They need to rename it Meet the Hacks. I'm surprised they don't add Ann Curry to the mix. This just makes me sick.


That's atrocious - not that I was watching Gregory ...  Isn't Ann's contract up?  Until then, tptb will continue working hard to keep her either off the air or well in the background.  Agree, sounds like Meet the Hacks or maybe Meet the (full of themselves) Pundits!


No MTP thread here on the forums???

Mini Recap Monday.

Willie is back.

Joe started his morning rant.

Joe's rant started by stating all the areas he disagreed with Obama on. Joe hated the stimulus, obamacare, t

tripling troops in Afghanistan. Joe says Obama is doing better now. Joe is happy that the Arab League supports action against ISIS.

Mika bragged about texting Chris Christie for his birthday.

The new polls show the GOP ahead in Arkansas & Kentucky.Obama has 31% suppost in those states. Joe said the red states are getting redder.

Joe was happy about the Olive garden all you can eat for 7 weeks for 100$.Mika aid she has never been to an Olive Garden.

The Atlanta Hawks are for sale because the owner made racist comments.He hates Hip Hop music.

Joe made fun of Thomas Friedman's article who said that ISIS would be afraid of good USA energy policy to start exporting oil.

The new panelist was Professor Dorry. They also brought back the lady who looks like a young Mika.

The loud NFL guy was on

My question after my 20 minutes of watching this morning is this - how do we go from all Obama does is "lead from behind" to "yay fun clap, he has the start of a coalition"?


The start of a coalition means there will be more military action in the Middle East. Nothing gets the Right more excited than the talk of war. 

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They also brought back the lady who looks like a young Mika.


Was that that simpering pundit who was yammering something about the supposed "upcoming challenges" with Obamacare?


I couldn't make sense of what she was saying. The story appears to be, "Everyone is working very hard to gear up for the re-enrollment period. There haven't been any ongoing issues with the website. But, you know, THERE MIGHT BE. Or maybe not. We don't know."

I am so outraged about the Ray Rice and Penn State situations that I hope MJ covers both in great depth. I think Goodell should be forced to resign. I'm not a big conspiracy theory person but it's clear to me that money making sports organizations don't care about violence against women and children. Well, they care but only in regards to the financial bottom line.

While the NFL maintains that they never saw the surveillance video from inside the elevator, just exactly what did they think happened when both Rice and his fiancé walked into the elevator and several floors later he is dragging her unconscious out of the elevator--horseplay, that she tripped, or passed out? No, they knew that there was a domestic violence situation hence the two game suspension and several weeks later a mea culpa (Goodell admitting he got it wrong) with an increase in the penalty to a first time offender getting a six game suspension. Now, only after TMZ shows the elevator footage, the Ravens release Rice and the NFL suspends him indefinitely because new information/evidence is brought forward. There was a cover-up or a willful disregard for the victims of domestic violence. The NFL certainly could have gotten the elevator tapes if they put even a half hearted attempt at it but they clearly did not want to know the details.

And while we are at it the Atlantic City prosecutor should be fired for not pursuing jail time for Rice (a fucking diversion program with his record expunged after completing some bullshit training program£). By the way the Atlantic City PD charged BOTH Rice and his wife now with the exact same crime (and supposedly they had the elevator tapes). People wonder why women don't go to the police in cases of domestic violence? The victim is the mother of his child and my worry is that she is in even more danger now that Rice has lost his job and income. This is exactly why victims don't have to press charges anymore because it puts them at great risk for intimidation and beatings. The police, prosecutor and the NFL failed her. Goodell needs to go, and go now.

The NCAA also gets an "award" for reducing the sanctions against Penn State. Oh, boo hoo, the current administration, students, and players were not involved with the Jerry Sandusky crimes. The NCAA knew this would happen two years ago. The whole point was to send a strong message to all collegiate athletic departments not to cover up known or suspected child molestation. What the hell kind of message is the NCAA sending now? Once the uproar has died down we'll let you back in so as not to let you face economic hardships? I can't even imagine what the victims must be feeling now...Go Penn State...win one for the Gipper? This isn't instant replay with the NCAA overturning a bad call on the field--this was criminal behavior with a punishment handed down. I'm sorry but there should not be time off for good behavior.

Both of these situations show how insensitive money making sports organizations are and that they don't give a shit about women or children.

  • Love 7

Very well said, stafford. All summer long, well, I guess beginning in the spring, I've been thinking that this feels like the 60s. One lousy damn thing after another, week in, week out, and all within just a few months. It really is getting to be too much. I will be staying up 'til 4am here so I can see what the MoJos and guests have to say about these two latest messes.

Edited by suomi
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Wow Bill Rhoden from the NYT is in my head. He said exactly what I was trying to say about both the Rice and Penn State debacle. In fact the panel (Bill, Joe and Willie and to some extent Mika on the NFL...more on her below) were very strident about how the NFL (Goodell) had to have known what happened in the elevator but are totally clueless and misogynistic. In fact Willie mentioned that the Raven's only deleted a May 23rd tweet yesterday from the wife apologizing for her role in the "incident". Christ on a cracker are all the owners, management, and the NFL so tone deaf? It's just appalling to me that in 2014 people still blame the victim *cough*Ferguson*cough*...so I guess it's not that surprising.

Mika, true to form, did not disappoint me about her views on poor Penn State. She knows kids who are suffering because of the NCAA sanctions and that these poor kids and administrators had nothing to do with the scandal. Just exactly how are they "suffering"? Again, I loved Bill Rhoden who said the mistake was to not give Penn the "death penalty" when this happened. Don't get me wrong I felt really sorry for the players and students when this all broke but Mika, college has to be more then a Saturday football game and going to a bowl game. The choice for students was to transfer or select another university to attend. The sanctions were meant to damage Penn State. I can only imagine the letter writing campaign from the alumni to the NCAA. As Bill Rhoden pointed out the two stories (Penn and Rice) are linked as to how major sports organizations views on women are so bad.

Update: Mika let everyone know that Goodell lives in her town and is a great guy and a great Dad...WTF does that have to do with how stupidly he has handled the Rice case and apparently he DOESN'T know the value of women?

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Again, I loved Bill Rhoden who said the mistake was to not give Penn the "death penalty" when this happened. Don't get me wrong I felt really sorry for the players and students when this all broke but Mika, college has to be more then a Saturday football game and going to a bowl game. The choice for students was to transfer or select another university to attend. The sanctions were meant to damage Penn State.


Mika's rant on that was so annoying. "Oh, these students all WORK HARD! They have FUNDRAISERS! They help the COMMUNITY!" My question was, "Why do they need a football team to do any of that?"

Edited by Eliot
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I think Goodell should be forced to resign. I'm not a big conspiracy theory person but it's clear to me that money making sports organizations don't care about violence against women and children. Well, they care but only in regards to the financial bottom line.


It is all about the OPTICS. My favorite word.


Poor kids not having football on campus? Back in my day, at my University we voted NOT to add a football team (we didn't have one at the time) and we still don't. The financials didn't justify it. We have a great engineering, law and medical program instead. And a couple of Nobel prize winners. Go Anteaters!

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A restaurant in Baltimore is trading free pizzas for Ray Rice Ravens jerseys, and donating $2.70 to a local domestic violence organization for each jersey redeemed.


Suggestions for what to do with all the Ray Rice jerseys we collect, since there are only so many we can use for toilet paper? Let us know!




I was pretty impressed with the MoJo coverage of and comments about both RR and Penn State. And then Mika showed her true colors and her, um, true Value(s).

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I would a million times over listen to Joe's new little daily opening rants (this week in the same dark sweater) than have him turn to Mika for her viewpoint. Even IF she has a point, it always gets lost in her histrionic bumblings. She can't spit out a whole sentence without sighing, stuttering, going in too many directions, and asking if it's just her, etc., blah blah. And they really can't get a woman out there on the panel to talk about domestic violence? It's Harold Ford. Grr.

Doesn't it feel like they can't get guests anymore? Summer is over, and it's still just Willie and one other guy at 6am. That table used to be more full, with several more on remote.

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Suomi, I've heard the Super Bowl domestic violence statistic many times before. For some reason that stat irritates me. It's as if it's a warning to women to be "good" on that Sunday or watch out. The incidents of domestic violence are EVERYDAY and can't be neatly explained away because it's Super Bowl Sunday.

While I'm on my irritation scale the quote that the NFL failed "women" in how they handled the Rice assault is also too neat of a package response. No, the NFL failed the country. This isn't just a women's issue. It's a crime and a felony. Where is the outrage for the police that charged them both with assault and the prosecutor that offered a diversion program? The statistics of men being "cured" by therapy is shockingly low. I'm not saying don't try and get help but that second, third and fourth incidents of domestic violence come faster after the first incident

Mika's advice to that "poor" couple is to become spokespersons against domestic violence and stop complaining about the media.

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Sugar baker Design, thanks for the article debunking the "easy" answer or urban myth about violence and Super Bowl Sunday. I'm sure the people touting this myth are trying very hard to find a hook to discuss domestic violence and what better hook then the Super Bowl where the networks are desperate to fill 100 hours of pre-game programming? As I mentioned earlier that statistic always bugged me.

I do wish MJ would focus on the battered wife syndrome. My heart goes out to Mrs. Rice who is trapped in a terrible situation. Does anyone else think that they married so Rice's punishment would be less severe? She looks horrible, her expression is flat and her eyes are dull. Battered women are at greatest risk when they leave the abuser and people who say if some man hit me I'd leave in a NY minute don't understand how emotionally and physically battered these women are.

This subject is of particular interest to me as a group of women (including myself) started the first domestic assault shelter in my city 38 years ago. The first ten years of the shelter we spent with almost nightly bomb scares with the police department insisting the shelter had to be evacuated or we would be fined or jailed. Here's the thing the abusers/husbands/boyfriends would line up in the parking lot each night to see if their spouse was there and to try and "talk" to their wives. We finally got a new police chief that understood the situation and stopped the mandatory evacuation (of course at any given time 25 percent of the women sheltered were wives of police officers). The new police chief and new prosecutor joined our board of directors and things changed for the better. They rooted out most of the abusers from the police force and changed the laws so the wife did not have to file charges and that the police offers who made the call were required to file charges. Nevertheless everyday abused women die at the hands of abusers.

Okay, I'll stop now. Thanks for letting me vent.

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They cited a stat this morning that I had not heard before: the highest incidence of domestic violence in the US happens on Super Bowl Sunday.


That's actually an urban legend. I can't believe they were citing it.


Stafford, thank you for the work you did in your community.


Mika has been infuriating me lately with her feeble attempts to "see both sides" of an issue. Her suggestion that the Rices become spokespersons for domestic violence prevention is both insulting and laughable. Janay Rice has ONE obligation, as far as I am concerned, and that is to survive and ensure that her children survive.


This is not a "tragedy for a family," Mika. It is a fucking crime and Ray Rice should be in jail.

Edited by Eliot
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I just can't watch MJ anymore, but always read your comments. I'm weighing in on the Rice story as a survivor of domestic violence. She has a hard road ahead to overcome this situation. She was out cold and what bothers me is that none of the people by the elevator called 911!? What were they waiting for, for Rice to throw her over his shoulder and tromp off? This just shows the massive indifference people have to domestic violence. I was lucky I lived in Chicago. That state prosecutes the batterer and doesn't rely on the victim to bring charges. This needs to happen nationally. Thanks for letting me get this off my chest.

Edited by Rhetorica
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Q: Was Dick Cheney right? - NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!


Dealing with ISIL will not be easy. Sure, we can bomb a country that we are not at war at (Syria) and who don't want us flying over their country. It will be just like Afghanistan and Pakistan. They will just run across the border. Fun. Another 10 years of blood and Trillions of Defense dollars.


"Can't behead an American without a price."  Lots of stuff happen inside our borders done by our own citizens. It's just not put on the internet.

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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