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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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Wow.  A bit of piling on the "Left" this morning; Noah Rothman and Joe.  Because Medicare For All and taxing the uber rich is crazy talk.  Medicare is insolvent! Dems don't really want all that much money for border security! Dems will be in disarray! (according to Rothman)   Any mention of how tax cuts and constant military deployments have impacted the economy?  Plus the shut down.  But I guess this was long overdue from Show.  Granted, I didn't tune in til a little after 7; so maybe things were better in the first hour.  I can always just tune in at 8 and see what they talked about at 6. 

Great...now we are talking about Dr. B and the dinner and all things in the past.  

Mr. Kemper just wandered in asking what I wanted for breakfast.  My hero.  He glanced at the tv and said "Wow, Meeka fixed herself up for Joe" and then went on his way to the kitchen.  I entertain myself by watching Meeka's facial expressions while gazing at Joe while he goes on and on.  Sometimes adoring, sometimes with the quirky brow, sometimes brows together with her serious face. 

Wow.  A bit of piling on the "Left" this morning; Noah Rothman and Joe.  Because Medicare For All and taxing the uber rich is crazy talk.  Medicare is insolvent! Dems don't really want all that much money for border security! Dems will be in disarray! (according to Rothman)   Any mention of how tax cuts and constant military deployments have impacted the economy?  Plus the shut down.  But I guess this was long overdue from Show.  Granted, I didn't tune in til a little after 7; so maybe things were better in the first hour.  I can always just tune in at 8 and see what they talked about at 6. 

Great...now we are talking about Dr. B and the dinner and all things in the past.  

Mr. Kemper just wandered in asking what I wanted for breakfast.  My hero.  He glanced at the tv and said "Wow, Meeka fixed herself up for Joe" and then went on his way to the kitchen.  I entertain myself by watching Meeka's facial expressions while gazing at Joe while he goes on and on.  Sometimes adoring, sometimes with the quirky brow, sometimes brows together with her serious face. 

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The first hour was a show about nothing. And to reinforce that the second hour started out as more of the same.

I didn't hang around because I'm not interested in what the US/China relationship was 40 years ago do I didn't see the Madeline Albright interview.

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Schultz just said that Democrats are "far left" and want government backed free health care, free college, and government-assured jobs.  I hope that's not actually the case and is not actually the Dems' platform.  Willie is right, why doesn't he just join the Dems and change their platform?  His notion that he needs to reimagine government is a loser.   I don't like him.

Mika asked a good question, "How much does an 18 oz box of Cheerios cost?"  And he didn't answer.  But she's such a spineless idiot, she started giggling and didn't force him to answer because confrontation makes her uncomfortable.

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Howard Schultz is on MJ.  There were a couple of things that I did not understand.  What did he mean by Democrats wanting "free jobs" for people, which he objects too?  Also, he spoke about the VA having a $200 billion budget.  Did he approve of it, or think it was too high?

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Wednesday Recap. Mika & Joe are still in the studio!. Former show sponsor , Shultz will be on the show.

Mika looks great today with a blue sweater.

The panel is worried about Trump not having translators present at meeting with Putin.

Pelosi is more popular than Trump.

The public wants tax increases on people making more than 1 million.

The reporter from Boston said that Bloomberg could win 20-30% of Democrat voters in the primaries.

Joe wants someone to challenge Trump in 2020 for the GOP nomination.

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Howard Schultz: "Ronald Reagan always wore a jacket in the Oval Office."


Schultz did a lot of criticizing of Democratic policies, but offered none of his own. It was just variations of "I'm gonna be an independent and fix things." Sure, that will work.

Rothman was sure slinging a whole bunch of big words out there. 

I wonder if Joe is jealous of Anand Giridharadas' hair. I like him.

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Joe mocked the Medicare for all platform. Health Care is complicated . Joe said Medicare is insolvent.

Friend of the show, Jeff Flake will not challenge Trump.

Mika's brother was on the show. Madeleine Allbright was excited about the 1979 dinner.

Carter normalized relations with China

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I am confused. Allbright said that Huntsman who is the Ambassador to China is the former governor of Iowa. He was the Governor of Utah.

OOPs , Branstad is the former governor of Iowa who is the Ambassador to China.

Edited by oakville
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Joe was excited that all the GOP intelligence chiefs denounced Trump. They don't want a wall .

Mika & Joe went live at 8 24 am . Shultz likes decaf.

Shultz called Kamala Harris & Elizabeth Warren left wing. He said 42% are independent.

Shultz called Kamala Harris & Elizabeth Warren left wing. He said 42% are independent.

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1 hour ago, madfortv said:

What did he mean by Democrats wanting "free jobs" for people,

This is the guy who can only sell his coffee when you put enough sugar and whipped cream in it you can't taste how burnt it is.  

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2 hours ago, madfortv said:

What did he mean by Democrats wanting "free jobs" for people,

This is the guy who can only sell his coffee when you put enough sugar and whipped cream in it you can't taste how burnt it is.  

Edited by teddysmom
Don't know why this posted so many times.
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41 minutes ago, oakville said:

He wants the people responsible to go to jail.

He should talk to  Congress, they wouldn't give the Justice Dept the money or manpower it needed to investigate, the banks had 10 lawyers for every one in Justice. And the activity didn't meet the criteria for criminal behavior.  Nice try Joe.  Thanks for playing, "I have no idea what I'm talking about". 

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2 hours ago, oakville said:

Shultz loves America.

He sounds like he's writing 20 slogans for a pitch on Mad Men. 

I love America. Bring Americans together.  Let's work together.  America is great.    

"I don't want to hypothesize about what I would do as President, voting for me is  like going to Starbucks, give them the $10 and hope your order turns out okay and is what you wanted". 

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I don' know what to complain about first.  Oh, yes...I do.  Meeka's question to the Starbucks guy about how much cereal is.  Really?  This is the best you can come up with.  I will admit that asking a rich, entitled, privileged guy something very basic is a good idea.  The best question ( just my opinion) to ask would have been "how much do you pay for your health care" ... or "What would you do about "failing" Medicare"...well, you get the drift.  But the Cheerios question sounds like something Joe thought up and told her to ask; after all, it did get a mention on Mediaite and will probably get picked up by other outlets.  Actually, I don't know how much a box of Cheerios cost; we are a granola and raisin bran family.  And I could not tell you off the top of my head how much they cost; I could get in the ball park.  Does that make us elite?  Or old?

Second.  The exchange between Noah Rothman and Anan G (is his hair flatter than it used to be?) - which, sadly, I only  heard the last minute or two of.  It sounded like Anan was nicely pushing back against Rothman.  I actually called Mr. Kemper in (he had been wistfully cleaning his golf clubs) and told him that I thought N Rothman may be getting his posterior handed to him.  Then  again, I only saw a minute or two.  But their exchange was enough for Joe to ask them both back on the show tomorrow; Joe told Rothman that "you have a book to shill" or some such.  Both seemed to agree.  Sadly, I won't see most of the show in the morning.  Hopefully everyone will recap (especially Oakville).

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1 minute ago, Kemper said:

I don' know what to complain about first.  Oh, yes...I do.  Meeka's question to the Starbucks guy about how much cereal is.  Really?  This is the best you can come up with.  I will admit that asking a rich, entitled, privileged guy something very basic is a good idea.  The best question ( just my opinion) to ask would have been "how much do you pay for your health care" ... or "What would you do about "failing" Medicare"...well, you get the drift.  But the Cheerios question sounds like something Joe thought up and told her to ask; after all, it did get a mention on Mediaite and will probably get picked up by other outlets.  Actually, I don't know how much a box of Cheerios cost; we are a granola and raisin bran family.  And I could not tell you off the top of my head how much they cost; I could get in the ball park.  Does that make us elite?  Or old?

Second.  The exchange between Noah Rothman and Anan G (is his hair flatter than it used to be?) - which, sadly, I only  heard the last minute or two of.  It sounded like Anan was nicely pushing back against Rothman.  I actually called Mr. Kemper in (he had been wistfully cleaning his golf clubs) and told him that I thought N Rothman may be getting his posterior handed to him.  Then  again, I only saw a minute or two.  But their exchange was enough for Joe to ask them both back on the show tomorrow; Joe told Rothman that "you have a book to shill" or some such.  Both seemed to agree.  Sadly, I won't see most of the show in the morning.  Hopefully everyone will recap (especially Oakville).

The cost of Cheerios is a classic "gotcha" question for politicians.

Joe's hair is now higher than Anan !

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1 hour ago, Kemper said:

I don' know what to complain about first.  Oh, yes...I do.  Meeka's question to the Starbucks guy about how much cereal is.  Really?  This is the best you can come up with.  I will admit that asking a rich, entitled, privileged guy something very basic is a good idea.  The best question ( just my opinion) to ask would have been "how much do you pay for your health care" ... or "What would you do about "failing" Medicare"...well, you get the drift.  But the Cheerios question sounds like something Joe thought up and told her to ask; after all, it did get a mention on Mediaite and will probably get picked up by other outlets.  Actually, I don't know how much a box of Cheerios cost; we are a granola and raisin bran family.  And I could not tell you off the top of my head how much they cost; I could get in the ball park.  Does that make us elite?  Or old?

And it's such a stupid "gotcha" question, so it's no surprise to me that Meeka would ask it.  I remember when George H.W. Bush got asked the question about how much a half gallon (or quart, or whatever it was) of milk cost and, of course, he didn't know.  I didn't know either.  I didn't vote for him for other reasons, but I thought he was unfairly slammed.   

Somebody on the panel should ask Meeka how much a six pack of Charmin toilet paper costs. 

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17 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

Somebody on the panel should ask Meeka how much a six pack of Charmin toilet paper costs. 

You know she makes Joe do all the grocery shopping. She knows HER value, not the the value of food, paper products, etc. 

Edited by teddysmom
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Noah Rothman wrote a book!.

7 AM:  I don't EVER AGAIN want to hear the 3 words "Noah", "Rothman" and "Provocative" strung together.  EVER!  And not at 7 AM in the bath, especially.


Mika's look today was 1968 French Catholic Parochial School Girl.  Not the Britney Spears version, who would let guys get to 3rd/4th base.....

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I hate if I am sounding overly critical of Meeka; looking  back at my posts, I sound like a horrible mean girl.  By the way...can anyone think of what we called "mean girls" back in the 50's-60's? Bitches?  

This is in regard to my "Cheerios" criticism.  Yes, it was a good idea to call Starbucks guy (I refuse to name him; I also cannot always remember his name) on something that people can relate to. But he had just trashed Medicare for all; he thinks Dems want free everything.  I can't help but think that if another female reporter had the chance this morning that Meeka had - to respond in real time to an interview with a presidential hopeful...there would have been a better, smarter, more relevant question than Cheerios.  Even I would have thought to question him about his insurance after his medicare comments.  And why not bring up his $$$ when he was criticizing Elizabeth Warren's proposal for higher taxes on millionaires.  Did Joe ask this?  

These two just want a morning show to preen and stay relevant.  I honestly dread the Meeka this next year or so what with all the women running and her pushing her KYV constantly.

Edited by Kemper
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I hate if I am sounding overly critical of Meeka

....and that is why we love you!

Howard Starbucks sounded vaguely familiar.  "This country is not working. (check)  I am a smart,  successful businessman with no governmental experience. (check) I can fix this country." (check)  This is all ringing a bell but I can't put my finger on where I've heard this before...

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I think I found what "free jobs" means.  It may be a reference to government-assured jobs.

17 minutes ago, WhineandCheez said:

Howard Starbucks sounded vaguely familiar.  "This country is not working. (check)  I am a smart,  successful businessman with no governmental experience. (check) I can fix this country." (check)  This is all ringing a bell but I can't put my finger on where I've heard this before...

My husband said the same thing.  I was hoping someone would ask him how he would fix the country and work together with the two parties running the Senate and House but no one asked that question.  I don't expect him to get far, but then, what do I know as I thought the same thing about some other candidate a couple years ago.

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36 minutes ago, Kemper said:

But he had just trashed Medicare for all; he thinks Dems want free everything

Howard, Medicare for all wouldn't be free, it would be paid for thru taxes withheld from paycheck.   As far as retirees, Medicare Part A is free, Part B is not. And there is a copay of 10%.  MFA would be less expensive because the pool would be much larger. 

Medicare is actually run quite well, based on the experience I had when my father was ill. 

It sounds like Howard is trying to do what Bloomberg is doing, scare everyone by stating we're going down the path to Venezuela. Venezuela's downfall was authoritarianism, and corruption.  

Edited by teddysmom
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14 hours ago, madfortv said:

I don't expect him to get far, but then, what do I know as I thought the same thing about some other candidate a couple years ago.

And just like three years ago, Joe and the rest of the media are giving this guy hours and hours of free air time to blather away about stuff he knows nothing about. And other than the one quick clip of Kamala Harris' comment about Medicare, all the Dem candidates and their plans and policies are getting zip, zilch, nada.

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Wednesday Recap. Joe is now ranting about Putin. They have to let 1991 go and rejoin the world community.

Today's theme is that all the intelligence official are right & Trump is wrong.

Stavridis & Haas are happy that the officials are testifying against Trump.

Joe bragged that he was on The Armed Services Committee. The generals were always honest with Joe. Joe knew that 1 star generals wanted to get promoted to 2 star generals

Joe said his show is on Armed Forces radio and is very popular.

Joe was worried about Russia in 1991.

Stavridis did not like Chavez & his half baked socialism.

Maduro was a bus driver. he should not be running the country.

He doe not recommend military action against Maduro.

Mika made several snide remarks about Trump.

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The other big issue was the poor NFL referees. Goodell took too long to discuss the play. The Saints should be in the Super Bowl. Mika said Gosh!.

Joe wants more people in the booth. Joe doesn't want every play reviewed. The NFL should listen to Joe.

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Leibovich said Roger Goodell is lame. The rating are up . The game is popular.

Jacqueline from the Washington Post is a new panelist.

Trump blames Paul Ryan for not getting  the wall.

Joe said he told Paul Ryan not to endorse Trump in 2016. Joe said Trump is a bully.

Everyone should listen to Joe:)

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Mika really needs to dial back on her off screen interjections. Um. . wow. . .unreal. . . Sometimes she sounds like she's having sex.

I really want to punch Noah Rothman now. I love the "What the hell are you talking about?" look on Tiffany Cross' face. 

Holy crap! Joe's making sense talking about race? And yet he still manages to take a shot at Hilary Clinton.

That actually went a lot better than I thought it would.

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How did Mika introduce the Noah Rothman segment, "We at Morning Joe don't shy away from controversy?"  She said that, and then his smug face was on camera, and I was like, "Nah" and changed the channel.  The whole thing seemed so contrived and staged.

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Mika really needs to dial back on her off screen interjections. Um. . wow. . .unreal. . . Sometimes she sounds like she's having sex.

Oh God I hate that she does that constantly.  It's worse when you don't watch and just listen like I do.


OAKVILLE--can you do a recap of what Noah Rothman's book is about, because I can never abide listening to him.



The other big issue was the poor NFL referees. Goodell took too long to discuss the play

Whoever was talking was saying something about Goodell making 200 million, and then they add something like, "So do you two."  HEE.

Edited by WhineandCheez
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There are almost 10 people ready to tear Noah Rothman apart. Noah is mad at the activist class.

Joe said EuGene Robinson warned his sons about interacting with the police.

Joe said he didn't need lesons on dealing with the police.

Anan i in a separate studio to avoid a physical clash.

Noah said that Anan did not read his book.

Noah does not like Title 9 on college campuses.

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Joe said he had an advantage of being 6 ft 4 in interviews.

Joe glared at police officers when he was pulled over. Joe aid he couldn't do that if he was black.

Joe bragged about his knowledge of sports when dealing at interviews. The bosses liked him because he was an expert at discussing sports.

Joe blasted Hillary Clinton's campaign in 2016. They did not know how to discuss race.

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6 minutes ago, oakville said:

Joe said he had an advantage of being 6 ft 4 in interviews.

Joe glared at police officers when he was pulled over. Joe aid he couldn't do that if he was black.

Joe bragged about his knowledge of sports when dealing at interviews. The bosses liked him because he was an expert at discussing sports.

Joe blasted Hillary Clinton's campaign in 2016. They did not know how to discuss race.

I can't tell you how happy I am that I didn't watch 5 seconds of this mess. 

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1 hour ago, Landsnark said:

How did Mika introduce the Noah Rothman segment, "We at Morning Joe don't shy away from controversy?"  She said that, and then his smug face was on camera, and I was like, "Nah" and changed the channel.  The whole thing seemed so contrived and staged.

I don't think they counted on Tiffany Cross.   She was intent on sticking a pin in Rothman's inflated ego.   Scarborough soon jumped in to keep her at bay.

Did anyone notice Scarborough was talking over Mika in the very first moments of the show, drowning out whatever it was she was trying to say?

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Did they mention why they've been in studio for 3 days in a row?  Did our campaign of shame actually work? 

Taking the content of the conversations out of the equation re Joe & blergh Noah Rothman, the show must at least flow better. 

After this week, they'll probably have to take a month off.  

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32 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

Did they mention why they've been in studio for 3 days in a row?  Did our campaign of shame actually work? 

Taking the content of the conversations out of the equation re Joe & blergh Noah Rothman, the show must at least flow better. 

After this week, they'll probably have to take a month off.  

I am surprised they stayed today, but I guess they wanted more time to try and sell Noah Rothman's book. He only got 5 minutes yesterday.

Mika is consistent at helping guests sell books.

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1 hour ago, millennium said:

Did anyone notice Scarborough was talking over Mika in the very first moments of the show, drowning out whatever it was she was trying to say?

Money must make up for being treated like shit , unless Hubby wants to tout your father's political career.  Even then she doesn't get to talk, Joe explains Baby Mika's role in shaping diplomacy. 

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