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Season 12 Speculation and Spoilers

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There better be some decent looking guys this go around. Kaitlin had too many ugmos. JoJo probably will attract better looking men being sexy and financially secure and all. Even if she does look like A Khloe Kardashian/pug mash up IMO.

Come on show. Give us at least a half dozen lookers. I'm talking the guy from the LensCrafters commercial good looking, Not men like Shawn and JJ who looked like monkeys/shoes/Flintstone denizens.

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Reality Steve linked to a new In Touch article from the infamous Chad.  

And even though it could be partially or totally bogus, I have to agree with Steve when he says "My stance has always been the same on ex’s that talk to magazines: just because they are paid to give exposes like this, doesn’t mean it’s not true."


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The Twitterverse.  Oh, and Instagram.  And Snapchat.  And Facebook.  Maybe Tumblr. 


Because to these folks, those are actual places.  And if you're successful there, well then you MUST be successful everywhere!  I think JoJo's "Real Estate Developer" job title is basically what we used to call a "Spokesmodel" back in the days of "Star Search".  She'll be a figurehead, with her face on buses and billboards, while other people do the actual work.  She'll make the personal appearances and give an occasional motivational speech, I imagine.  To build that brand. 

Edited by leighdear
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Another sibling of a more famous person looking for their few minutes of fame (seems to occur more and more on reality shows LOL)

Various sources say that the brother of Aaron Rodgers is a "frontrunner" (apparently he quit his not too successful pro career to be on the show)




~~~~~~~~ Another possible spoiler....say it aint so ...but they may have sleazy Juan Pablo on standby in case they need more drama a la Nick?



~~~~~~~~~~~ there is some weird speculation about JoJo's ex...he has given bitter interview claiming she was with him since November but dropped him to play the Bachelorette


the weird speculation is that he might be a contestant?? Seems there is a "Chad" there with a different last name but he had been linked to JoJo on facebook till the show began filming

Oh her ex said the two had to sneak round cause they could not let on she had been dumped by Ben tll the finale



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Well, Reality Steve's column today had some info on a "Sex Show" group date that JoJo and some of her guys had.  Everybody had to relay a story, and based on what some of the guys supposedly told, there won't be much making it to air on that episode aside from the bleeps.  I'm no prude, but there was some pretty disgusting stuff in these supposedly true stories.  JoJo won't be looking too good either, if what she said is for real. 


Kaitlyn's slut-shaming after her season could look pretty tame compared to what could possibly be in store for JoJo.  Or it could all be made up crap for ratings.  Or somewhere in the middle.  


And like Steve, I felt like taking a shower after reading some of the stories those guys told.  

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They sell anal beads at Walmart?


Also, she should choose the guy who talked about going down on his ex girlfriend, if not for anything but his generosity.

Edited by dom16
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There goes my hope for pretty people in pretty places saying & doing pretty things.  I was fairly certain JoJo wasn't going to be bringing the class & elegance this season, but a little less skankiness right off the bat would have been nice.  


And I don't care how you bleep or edit, talking in public about your previous sexcapades is just tasteless to me.  

Edited by leighdear
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I can't even. This sounds worse than Kaitlyn's icky sex ed for tweens episode where she hee-hawed while the guys "taught" it. I am going to pass on the next season if this is the direction the show is going. Everyone has a first-time story, but we don't need to share them and I sure don't want to hear about them. Ick.

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Sorry I missed your comment, MsPh, I was away for a while. I won't go on RS's site because it makes my antivirus cry and I think he's an ass. But yes, Nemacolin Woodlands, and they're supposed to start filming sometime next week. They're finishing a major renovation of the grounds that are wrapping up the next few days. None of the other locations I've seen mentioned for the area (including Kennywood and the Palace Theater) are anywhere near the resort though- about 45 mins to an hour away. It's a beautiful resort and the mountains will be gorgeous soon when everything is green again.

Fallingwater is nearby though, as well as whitewater rafting, and Fort Necessity (a battlefield from the French and Indian War where George Washington was a colonel). Also, Mystic Rock, the fancier of the two golf courses at the resort, was on the PGA Tour for awhile in the 2000s.

Edited by Shibori
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There goes my hope for pretty people in pretty places saying & doing pretty things. I was fairly certain JoJo wasn't going to be bringing the class & elegance this season, but a little less skankiness right off the bat would have been nice.

And I don't care how you bleep or edit, talking in public about your previous sexcapades is just tasteless to me.

I completely agree. From the sound of it looks like we may have a Kaitlyn repeat. In spite of all her quirks and awkward communication, I have a feeling the producers will end up regretting not going with Caila. Edited by yorklee2
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In spite of all her quirks and awkward communication, I have a feeling the producers will end up regretting not going with Caila


But the producers are the ones who plan the dates. If they want a classy season, they should plan classy dates. I still don't believe that story though. I don't think ABC would allow that sort of thing in their 8pm time slot.

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Well I will watch...cause I am originally from Pittsburgh LOL

"Yinz better stay classy" LOL

A famous old joke in Pittsburgh accent/dialect is "Kennywood Park is Open" - that's what u say when a guy's fly is down ha ha

I wonder how many guys will be opening their "Kennywood Parks" for Jo Jo?


And while I might enjoy both of the "ette's locations (being that my Grandparents were from Ireland and that my childhood was in the "Burgh")

I have to be objective - not a hell of a lot of tourists in Pittsburgh...and neither place gives us the great sexy beach, sunshine bathing suit

hot tub kind of locations that Beh was treated  to - LOL

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The date was public and there are other audience members who have verified the "storytelling" on social media.  It was hosted by comedienne Jenna Brister from The Improv in Los Angeles and involved 12 of the guys.  The stories weren't just things Reality Steve made up. 

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Kaitlyn's slut-shaming after her season could look pretty tame compared to what could possibly be in store for JoJo.  Or it could all be made up crap for ratings.  Or somewhere in the middle.

I would say somewhere in the middle is probably accurate. Rarely are they as bad or as good as the editing monkeys want us to believe.

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I'll have to go take an ice cream break or something when they show the scene at Kennywood. Closest I ever came to dying a messy and painful death LOL ...


Took my daughter there en route to visiting relatives in Ohio and we went on the "oldest" (read: ricketiest) roller coaster in the country. The individual cars only had old-school belt straps rather than the aerodynamic bars that hold you in. Because it was summer and everyone who worked there was like 16 years old and busy flirting with co-workers, when we got into our little car, they didn't bother to check that I guess the person in the car before us must have weighed about 300 pounds and the strap was stuck and basically we took off completely unanchored despite my screaming for someone to please strap us in.


For the next however long it took, I basically threw my unstrapped-in body across my unstrapped-in 9-year-old daughter like a mother bear and prayed we wouldn't fall out of that f&%*ker. 


That was the end of her plan to ride all the rides that day. We played skeeball for the rest of the evening. After I scrounged up a valium.

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Quick RS update:

- They're currently filming episode 6 in Buenos Aires. (Yay for the return of international scenic porn!) Episode 5 was Uruguay, and apparently they're going to Thailand at some point as well.

- There's 8 guys left, and I'm sure no one will be shocked to hear that Jordan Rodgers is one of them. It was probably in his contract that he makes at least final 4 so they can pimp him as the next Bachelor.

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Quick RS update:

- They're currently filming episode 6 in Buenos Aires. (Yay for the return of international scenic porn!) Episode 5 was Uruguay, and apparently they're going to Thailand at some point as well.

- There's 8 guys left, and I'm sure no one will be shocked to hear that Jordan Rodgers is one of them. It was probably in his contract that he makes at least final 4 so they can pimp him as the next Bachelor.


And RS has a new update today where he says that JoJo has clearly been into Jordan from early on and everyone can see it.   Be interesting to see if he ends up being Final 1 or if the producers will prod JoJo into another direction to save Jordan's chance at being the next lead.  Or maybe Jordan will leave early like Ali did to save his leading role.  

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And RS has a new update today where he says that JoJo has clearly been into Jordan from early on and everyone can see it.   Be interesting to see if he ends up being Final 1 or if the producers will prod JoJo into another direction to save Jordan's chance at being the next lead.  Or maybe Jordan will leave early like Ali did to save his leading role.

Man, producers must be kicking themselves right now! First they missed out on Josh, now they're probably going to miss out on Jordan, aka Upgraded Josh, too. Maybe next season's cast should just be entirely comprised of the less famous brothers of NFL players? At least that way they'll finally be able to achieve their dream of having a Professional Former Sportsman™ as their Bachelor.

Personally, I hope Jordan goes out in a blaze of glory a la Brooks.

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Following RS over the next couple of weeks is going to be really good as there are a couple of outcomes that I would love to see:


1. Jordan pulls a Brooks and leaves at final 2/3 and becomes the next Bachelor

2. Jordan gets "dumped" by JoJo who is reading from a Fleiss approved script at final 2/3 and becomes the next Bachelor


I just want Jordan to be the next Bachelor, even if he's the biggest tool EVER as the possibilities of 25+ ladies trying to win his season would be epic cause you know they all think that being with Jordan will lead to them becoming best friends FOREVER with Olivia Munn.  Or whoever Aaron Rodgers is dating now.


Now watch JoJo hang on to Jordan for all she's worth!!!

Edited by CindyBee
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I imagine that Jordan could probably get a much hotter, smarter and richer version of JoJo if he tried a little harder.  Her parents may have money, but she's just a small fish in a very large pond stocked with much prettier and much more expensive fish.  She's cute and seems nice, but I just don't see anything dynamic or special about her.  She looks like, sounds like and acts like a million other girls.  On Ben's season, most of the time I couldn't tell her from Becca and Amanda.


I hope that at least in the beginning there are a few guys that don't look exactly like the 8 guys that seem to look exactly like each other in the latest photos. Seriously, were they having a sale on tall dark guys with stubble somewhere? 

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Fleiss just tweeted out "Not sure all the guys are here for the right reason.  JoJo is very smart. She'll make good decisions."


Me:  Duh, of course the scruffy 8 aren't there for the right reasons.  Anyone with half a brain could tell that from looking at the fan photos from Argentina that you cast some real winners.     But that's ok as long as they bring the drama and make the ladies of paradise go crazy, I'm happy.

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RS posted some more guys, including one gem who dumped his girlfriend of 4 years in January once the final casting weekend came around. He also didn't even tell her that he was going on the show, so she found out from other people after he'd already left. What a charmer. And he's in the F8, so JoJo sure knows how to pick 'em.

The Wells guy is cute, though.

Edited by dom16
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Agree that Wells is really cute.   And hopefully will end up on a beach in Mexico in a few months--if he doesn't make final 2.


I guess Fleiss tweet about guys being there for the wrong reasons was a heads up on ole "I'll dump my girlfriend of four years to go on this stupid show" Robby.   Going to be very, very fun to watch how he is edited.   Fleiss needs to be brutal in the edit and I have a feeling he will be!


So the scruffy 8 in Argentina are:











With Jordan as the front runner, Robby as the "wrong reason" guy and Wells as my potential summer TV boyfriend.  Sounds good so far!

Edited by CindyBee
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If Robby gets the "Olivia" edit, it sounds like it will definitely be deserved.  His hair and porn-stache already mark him as a douche bag in my view, so I guess the backstory helps complete the picture.   It would be fun to see JoJo find out about the ex and have her go ballistic on him, the way Emily did when Kalon called her daughter "baggage".  Good times.  

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I tend to love seasons where everyone seems half in the bag from the very start.


I think someone used their DSM as a shopping tool, "I'll take one of these and one of these and three of these....."

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RS has a new blog up this morning.


One of the ? from the scruffy 8 from Argentina that had the first hometown yesterday has been revealed, some guy from Colorado named Chase.


Hometown #2 will be in Florida tomorrow with Robby and his flip-flops.   Wonder if his ex will attempt to crash!?!?


Jordan's hometown will be in California with the Rogers family but no Olivia/Aaron as Jordan and his family don't get along with them.   Lovely. 


He doesn't know yet who the 4th guy is so stay tune for that.  Hopefully its a decent lead contestant as the pickings are slim if Jordan does indeed end up final 1.

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I am feeling extremely apathetic about this whole thing with JoJo.  I don't really care for her, none of the guys we've seen so far really appeal to me, none of the places they've gone so far sound interesting and I hate the stunt-casting of Mr. football-wannabe celeb.  Maybe because so little info is escaping through the media, my give-a-damn about the whole show is busted.   I have to keep reminding myself to check Steve's site, and that hasn't ever happened before.  

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Jordan's hometown will be in California with the Rogers family but no Olivia/Aaron as Jordan and his family don't get along with them. Lovely. 


Aaron's a smart guy, he probably couldn't care less about appearing on a show that he knows is 99% fake. He's got better things to be doing in Green Bay anyways. But as a Packer fan, I'll be interested to see what the Rodgers family is like.

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I am feeling extremely apathetic about this whole thing with JoJo.  I don't really care for her, none of the guys we've seen so far really appeal to me, none of the places they've gone so far sound interesting and I hate the stunt-casting of Mr. football-wannabe celeb.  Maybe because so little info is escaping through the media, my give-a-damn about the whole show is busted.   I have to keep reminding myself to check Steve's site, and that hasn't ever happened before.  



I think this pre-season is suffering from too much Jordan Rodgers since its looking like he's the one from the time he got out of the limo.   I know this show is fake, fake, fake but the fact that he's been touted as being on BEFORE filming even begun makes it even more so. 


But that's ok, the gang will be heading to Mexico in a few weeks and that's when the fun really begins for me!

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I agree about BIP, Cindy.   But sadly, I doubt we're going to get a pre-filming gift like we got last year with that reservation book page with all of the names of the initial cast.  That was as lucky a get as Nick's idiotic airplane phone call blowing up Andi's ending.  


I'm more curious about all the older contestants that may be coming from earlier seasons.

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Okay so to sum it up for now.  





Bold are confirmed F4.  The last HTD is in Texas on Saturday.  Either Katy (James) or Burnet (Luke).  

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According to Reality Steve's Twitter, Luke is the #4 guy and his hometown started yesterday in Texas and Jordan's is beginning tomorrow.  I'm assuming in California, as that's where his parents are.  


And Steve also says:

RealitySteve ‏@RealitySteve  18h18 hours ago

And oh yeah, this season is all sorts of f***ed up.
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Edited by leighdear
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So we have:


Jordan, wannabe sportscaster

Luke, wannabe singer/songwriter

Robby, part time model and flip flop wearer who didn't bother breaking up with his girlfriend in person

Chase, pharmaceutical sales guy


Can't wait to find out what Steve means by the season being all f**cked up.    That makes me happy as I love a good train wreck!

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So we have:


Jordan, wannabe sportscaster

Luke, wannabe singer/songwriter

Robby, part time model and flip flop wearer who didn't bother breaking up with his girlfriend in person

Chase, pharmaceutical sales guy


Can't wait to find out what Steve means by the season being all f**cked up.    That makes me happy as I love a good train wreck!



I agree!   We got a good love story with Ben and Lauren, now it is time for a change.  I don't think Jojo is all that serious so that is a perfect set up for a' fucked up mess.'  Bring it on.  I hope RS rarely sees something good; he is known for drawing conclusions that vary from viewers.  

Edited by wings707
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Man, producers must be kicking themselves right now! First they missed out on Josh, now they're probably going to miss out on Jordan, aka Upgraded Josh, too. Maybe next season's cast should just be entirely comprised of the less famous brothers of NFL players? At least that way they'll finally be able to achieve their dream of having a Professional Former Sportsman™ as their Bachelor.


Jesse Palmer doesn't count?


I am also looking forward to a train wreck this season, followed soon after by a skank fest on BiP!

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Regarding what's "fucked up" about this season, I wonder if there's already some sort of plan in place between Jordan and the producers for him to take himself out at F3, thus ensuring Brooks/Des levels of drama for JoJo and the Bachelor gig for himself? That would definitely be messed up if everyone except for JoJo knows he's stringing her along and is going to eliminate himself.

Edited by dom16
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I certainly wouldn't put it past the showrunners to orchestrate the entire final 4 to suit their own needs, but something Reality Steve mentioned at the end of his column today is intriguing: 


Absolutely I think JoJo will be engaged at the end of this thing because why wouldn’t she be? We’ve had a proposal at the end of 15 of the last 16 seasons (Juan Pablo being the only one who didn’t), so this will no different. But who does the proposing should be very interesting. 

Who does the proposing?  Maybe JoJo asks one of the final 2 instead of taking the chance that the one she wants won't ask.  Interesting. 

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Overnights and the final rose ceremony are in Thailand, which is a bit of a letdown since I'm pretty sure they had the FRC in Thailand a couple of seasons ago too (Juan Pablo's season? Sean's? They all run together for me).

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Phuket, Thailand is gorgeous.  I vacationed there several times back in the 90's.  But for Final Rose Ceremony purposes, they could have done any tropical locale, or even decorated the pool area of the L.A. mansion.  It doesn't really make any difference at that point, as long as it's a pretty backdrop to the fake emotion.  

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On 4/27/2016 at 10:48 AM, leighdear said:

I certainly wouldn't put it past the showrunners to orchestrate the entire final 4 to suit their own needs, but something Reality Steve mentioned at the end of his column today is intriguing: 

Who does the proposing?  Maybe JoJo asks one of the final 2 instead of taking the chance that the one she wants won't ask.  Interesting. 

 I think RS meant which man will be F1. 

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So the final rose ceremony should be soon, maybe tomorrow.    Hard to say exactly since they are over in Thailand with a big time difference. 

Looking at the most recent preview clip, the season seems like it will have some good drama to entertain us all and some good possibilities for guys to mix things up in Mexico in a few weeks.  Will keep an eye out on Reality Steve's site today to see if he releases any news based on the preview.

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